Herring with potatoes in the oven. Herring with potatoes Appetizer potatoes with herring

    You can prepare many different dishes from herring, but it is also very tasty with potatoes and onions, it is a very popular and simple dish, and also very satisfying, it is prepared very, very simply, and disappears from the plate instantly...


  • Lightly salted herring (3 pcs.)
  • Potatoes (9-12 pcs.)
  • Onions (3 pcs.)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Lemon (1 pc.)
  • Vinegar (to taste)
  • Greenery

***Products serve approximately three servings

How to cook herring with potatoes and onions, step by step recipe with photos

1. Wash and let the potatoes boil in their jackets, cook until tender, then drain and place under cold water to cool faster (if you want, you can peel them and cook them in the usual way).

3. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings.

4. Peel potatoes in their jackets.

5. Cut the lemon into slices.

6. Now beautifully place the chopped fillet of one herring on a flat plate on one edge, decorate with onion half rings, if you like, pour a little vinegar or lemon juice (1 tsp).

On the other edge of the plate we put three lemon rings and put 3-4 peeled potatoes in their jackets or just boiled potatoes, pour a little vegetable oil, decorate with herbs, you can sprinkle with chopped green onions and serve.

7. You can also serve herring with mashed potatoes.

8. You can also lay it all out in layers and let it sit until it soaks in. Place in a deep plate (I make it for home, for myself in a container, it’s more convenient) a layer of boiled potatoes, cut into slices, then a layer of onion in half rings, pieces of herring on top and the rest of the onion on top of the herring and sprinkle with herbs.

Next, you need to pour plenty of vegetable oil, if you like, add vinegar to taste (1-1.5 tsp). Place in the refrigerator and let it brew for a couple of hours. By the way, when we marinate herring in vinegar, the small remaining bones soften and are less noticeable.

Here are some more interesting options:

*** Sandwich snack. Grease black bread with mayonnaise, put a few slices of boiled potatoes, a little onion and pieces of herring on top, decorate with herbs:

*** We put a long feather of green onion, a tall slice of potato on the onion, a piece of herring on it, a ring of onion on top of the herring and tie each feather of the onion on top of a knot, put the resulting snack-knot on a plate and so on with each knot:

Previously, I only ate salted herring, the most traditional option. But at the market, starting in May, we sell fresh Don herring, which is caught in the Don. Many people buy it and salt it at home, they also fry and bake it. So I decided to try it and realized that it was very tasty!

It is very tasty fried with dill; the main thing is not to skimp on it, but generously sprinkle it on the almost finished herring while still in the frying pan. It is no less good baked; I bake it along with potatoes, which I cut into pieces and sprinkle with herbs. And since I like a golden brown crust, before baking I only lightly fry it, and then finish it in the oven together with the potatoes.

When the Don herring season begins, I buy it for future use and freeze it so that it can be prepared at any time of the year. I think that Atlantic herring can be prepared in the same way if you buy it fresh. In any case, I advise you to try this dish. Oven-baked herring with potatoes is an inexpensive dish, so you can cook it often if you like fish.

So, let's prepare potatoes, herring, and spices for our dish.

Since my herring is frozen, I defrost it, after which it must be gutted, the gills removed, rinsed under running water and dried. If there is caviar, we leave it too.

Salt and pepper the herring and caviar. Also sprinkle with dried thyme, just a little.

Wash the potato tubers and cut them into four pieces. When the potatoes are young, they can be cooked with the skins on. Place the potatoes in a baking dish, add salt and pepper, also sprinkle them with thyme and sprinkle with vegetable oil. Place the pan in the oven and bake the potatoes until half cooked.

As I said above, before baking I fry the fish only lightly - until a barely golden crust appears - in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. I also fry the caviar; you shouldn’t bake it, otherwise it will become dry.

Then cut the lemon into thin slices.

Place the herring carcasses in the mold with the potatoes and place lemon slices on top.

Bake the herring and potatoes in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, until the fish and potatoes are completely cooked.

Take the herring and potatoes out of the oven and transfer to a plate. Our Don herring is smaller in size than the Atlantic one, so we safely take one fish for one serving. Serve piping hot, fresh vegetables are a must! Bon appetit!

From this delicious lightly salted fish you can prepare a lot of different dishes, including the simplest, so to speak, popular ones. One of these dishes - potatoes with onions and herring - is probably the favorite and most popular dish in the USSR, and then in the post-Soviet space. You can call it both an appetizer and a salad, besides, it is very filling and extremely easy to prepare. And it disappears from the plates instantly, be it a festive or everyday table.

Potatoes with onions and herring: the simplest recipe

So, all we need is: half a kilo of potatoes, a couple of onions and a herring - one large or two small. In addition, you can use fresh dill, parsley, green onions as a decoration for the dish. Also, potatoes with onions and herring will require a drop of vegetable oil (it is better to take not refined, but fragrant). Here, in fact, are all the ingredients for this super-simple dish.

How to cook

Note: if desired, whole tubers can be replaced with mashed potatoes prepared with sour cream. It works great as a side dish.

Herring salad with potatoes and onions

You can also create an original and simple salad with the same ingredients. It is used as a cold snack with strong drinks. To prepare it, we take 4-5 potatoes, a couple of onions, two medium-sized lightly salted herrings (barrel), vegetable oil (the best option would be cold-pressed, market, sunflower or olive), salt and ground black pepper - on the tip of a knife. To decorate the salad we use green onions and dill sprigs. By the way, if you wish, you can add pickled mushrooms - say, honey mushrooms. Delicious!

Let's cook simply!

  1. We prepare the herring as in the previous recipe, making fillets from it. Cut the fish into medium sized cubes.
  2. Wash the potatoes, peel and boil until tender (time depends on the variety). Cool and cut into cubes.
  3. We clean and cut the onion: either finely or in half rings - as you like.
  4. If necessary, add a couple of spoons of pickled honey mushrooms.
  5. In one bowl, mix all the ingredients, adding a little vegetable oil.
  6. Decorate the salad with fresh chopped herbs and let it sit at the bottom of the refrigerator for a while. After an hour you can serve it. Bon appetit everyone!