Recipe: Deep-fried fish. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value. About methods of preparing fish fillets in batter Deep-fried fish step-by-step preparation

Many types of fish have a fairly dry structure, and in order to prevent them from completely drying out during cooking, the technology of frying in batter is used. At its core, batter is the shell in which fish is cooked. It protects the product from contact with the frying pan and hot oil, and also gives the dish additional juiciness.

When thinking about how to prepare fish batter, you may come across various recipes for such dishes.

Depending on the cooking method and type of fish, batter can be divided into several types:

  • classic recipe prepared using dough technology;
  • crispy batter for deep frying;
  • airy batter with mineral water or soda.

Basic simple batter recipe

The classic batter recipe is basic and has the most frequent use. This type of cooking is used for frying fish in a frying pan.

Fish batter is a fairly simple recipe that any housewife can handle.

In order to prepare it you will need the following products:

  • flour 250 g;
  • egg 2 pieces;
  • salt 1 pinch;
  • spices to choose from;
  • some water.

First you need to beat the eggs very well until foam forms. Then add flour in small portions and mix well to prevent the formation of lumps. If the resulting mixture is quite thick, then you need to pour water into it. Salt and spices are added to the batter at the end. The result should be a creamy, homogeneous mass.

Pieces of fish are dipped in this mixture and immediately placed in a hot frying pan. The consistency of a properly prepared batter should not be too liquid and should cover the fish well.

Deep-fried fish batter

Before you prepare a crispy batter for deep-fried fish, you need to stock up on special ingredients. In addition to flour, eggs and spices, this recipe will require breadcrumbs or small breakfast cereals.

The technology for preparing this recipe is as follows. Mix flour with beaten eggs as in the basic recipe until smooth, add salt and spices to taste. Since the fish will be fried in hot oil, the consistency of the mixture should be a little thicker.

Separately, you need to prepare breadcrumbs or crushed unsweetened breakfast cereals. After the pieces of fish are dipped in batter, they need to be rolled in breadcrumbs and immediately lowered into oil. Due to the breading, the shell will become crispy and aesthetically beautiful.

You can add turmeric to the batter along with spices; it will color the product bright yellow and the dish will look beautiful on the table.

Air batter with mineral water

There is another type of batter used in cooking. This is an airy batter that resembles a soft bun. When finished, the product increases significantly in size due to air bubbles. This recipe is often used by housewives and is the most preferred, since it is not difficult to make an airy batter for fish. An important ingredient in this recipe is mineral water or a pinch of soda added during preparation of the mixture.

There are many batter recipes in the culinary world. Having studied the basic rules for preparing such mixtures, you can invent your own variations. For example, prepare a batter for fish with mayonnaise or cheese, add herbs or vegetables to the recipe.

The main thing is to follow the rule of compatibility of ingredients when cooking and not be afraid to experiment with products to create new original dishes.

The most suitable fillet for deep-frying is white, boneless sea fish, which has a sponge-like consistency. Deep-fried fish absorbs a large amount of oil and becomes soft and rich. Therefore, for frying, choose types of fish that are low in fat. These are pollock, navaga, hake. Types of red fish are also suitable - char, pink salmon, salmon.

In deep frying, fish is fried in two ways: in flour and in batter. Without these components, the skin will quickly burn, and the back part will remain half-baked.

Before frying, the fish should be lightly marinated. This will add additional softness, lightness and airiness to the dish.

Preparing the marinade

To marinate 1 kg of fish fillet you will need:

  • a glass of vegetable oil;
  • half a glass of table vinegar (preferably grape vinegar);
  • one teaspoon of dry fish spice mixture;
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Mix all the ingredients, dip the fish fillet into the mixture for 30 - 40 minutes. To more fully saturate the spices, pierce the fillet pieces with a fork in several places.

While the fish is marinating, prepare the batter.

Preparing the batter

To prepare fish batter according to the classic recipe you will need:

  • 1 chicken egg,
  • 1 cup wheat flour,
  • half a glass of milk,
  • a little sour cream or mayonnaise,
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Whisk the egg in a bowl, add salt and pepper. Add flour and stir everything until smooth. The consistency should be thick, then lumps will not form. Leave for 10 - 15 minutes so that the gluten contained in the flour disperses - the batter will be more airy and elastic.

Dilute with milk, two tablespoons of low-fat sour cream or mayonnaise. The finished batter is similar in appearance to pancake batter.

Flour for frying

For some diners, fish in batter resembles pies. For them and those who are on a diet, fry part of the fish in a thin layer of flour.

Prepare flour dusting according to this recipe:

  • 1.5 - 2 cups flour;
  • one teaspoon of dry fish spices;
  • ground black pepper, salt to taste.

In a bowl, mix flour with spices, salt and pepper. Place the fish fillet in a deep bowl, add the resulting mixture, cover with a lid and shake.

The fish is ready for deep frying. You should not salt and pepper the fish fillet in this version.

Deep frying fish

For deep frying, it is better to use refined vegetable oil, as it does not oxidize at high temperatures and does not harm human health.

Use a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron. It is very convenient to put a container of a suitable round shape into them, with a mesh bottom and on a long handle - when removing the fried pieces with this large “slotted spoon”, you will allow excess oil to drain through the holes in the bottom.

Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan and heat it well. The batter will help you check the readiness of the deep fryer: drop it into the oil - the deep fryer should sizzle slightly and cover a drop of dough with bubbles.

If the deep-frying temperature has reached a suitable state, we begin to lower the pieces of fish into it, after dipping them in the batter.

To ensure that the fish pieces are evenly coated with batter, take a deep bowl, place them in it and pour the batter on top. Turn the battered fish pieces over without disturbing their integrity. When removing with a fork, allow excess batter to drip off and place in preheated deep fryer to fry.

Deep-fry the fish for about 2 minutes on each side until golden brown.


Place deep-fried fish on a tray covered with napkins to drain excess fat.

Line the bottom of a large oval dish with clean, washed lettuce leaves. Place deep-fried fish in the middle and garnish with thinly sliced ​​lemon slices and herbs.

Boiled rice, mashed potatoes or boiled green beans are suitable as a side dish.

Deep-fried fish retains its flavor and the fillet turns out tender!

Fried fish has almost become an everyday occurrence. Yes, it is tasty and healthy, but a dish that is often prepared ceases to be desirable. How can you turn an ordinary dish into something new? The simplest thing is to change the processing method. Deep-fried hake, as an example.

A simple homemade deep-fried fish recipe step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 2 hours. Contains only 86 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 hours
  • Calorie Amount: 86 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 6 servings
  • Complexity: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Hot dishes

Ingredients for six servings

  • Hake 1.5 kg
  • Milk 1 cup. (200 ml)
  • Lemons 1 pc.
  • Chicken eggs 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour 50 gr
  • Corn oil 0.5 ml
  • Salt to taste

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Frozen hake fillet, cut into six servings. Place portioned pieces in cold water with the addition of a tablespoon of salt (without a slide) until completely defrosted. Thawed fish must be removed from excess water. To do this, dry the fillet with a napkin. Then put it in a bowl of milk for half an hour. After this, dry the fish again. Beat the eggs until foamy. Dip the fillet pieces in flour and then dip in beaten eggs. This culinary dish must be prepared in deep fat. To do this, pour corn oil into a deep frying pan in such an amount that it hides the fish steak dipped in it. Fry the fish until golden brown in moderately boiling oil. This food is served to the table without waiting for it to cool down. For added aesthetics, garnish with lemon slices.