Dumplings with potatoes. Dumplings with potatoes according to my grandmother's recipe Dumplings with potatoes and onions

I can safely call this recipe for dumplings with potatoes our family recipe. Because I have never eaten such dumplings anywhere, and have never heard of such dumplings from anyone else). And these are not dumplings, but dumplings. Because the difference between dumplings and dumplings is that in dumplings the filling is already pre-prepared. It can already be consumed as food on its own. And the dumplings also contain meat, and in my case the potatoes are raw, not boiled.
First of all, mix the dumpling dough. I make the dough for dumplings with potatoes a little less tight than for meat dumplings. You need to add eggs, water and salt to the flour. This time I also added a little vegetable oil, because I recently heard that it gives greater elasticity to the dough.

Knead the dough and let it rest. After resting, the dough will become softer, this must be taken into account when kneading.

At this time, prepare minced potatoes and onions. Peel the onions and potatoes. Onions should be about half the amount of potatoes, maybe a little more, but not less. I have small onions, so I took 6 pieces.

Next you need to chop the onions and potatoes. My mom does this using a meat grinder with a juicer attachment. This is how you get minced potatoes, already squeezed out of excess juice. I made it in a blender. First I chopped the onion quite finely, and then the potatoes.

Then I mixed everything and squeezed out the juice with my hands. The result was minced potatoes without moisture. The squeezed juice turned out to be a glass, or maybe a little more. We don't need this juice. Let's forget about him). Now salt and pepper the minced meat.

Let's start sculpting. Everything is the same as with meat dumplings. First, just like for regular dumplings, roll out the dough and cut into circles using a glass.

Place minced potatoes in the center of each circle and form a dumpling.

We fasten the ends properly. It turns out to be such an ordinary dumpling.

We leave it in this form. I don’t know why, but it so happened that we don’t put a braid on dumplings with potatoes.
From this quantity of products I got 44 dumplings.

These dumplings cannot be frozen. They are boiled all at once. These dumplings are boiled similarly to meat dumplings. They just float up faster, and after they float up, they cook for about 7 minutes.

When boiled, they keep well for up to 24 hours. And these dumplings are good both warm and cold. I find them especially good cold).

Serve the dumplings in portions and the rest on a common platter. Serve the dumplings with sunflower oil (preferably unrefined) or melted butter in small bowls. It's a matter of taste. The eating procedure is as follows. We take the dumpling on a fork, dip it in oil and eat it). You can also lightly salt the oil (if suddenly the dumplings are slightly under-salted, this happens to me).

Very tasty and unusual dumplings are ready. The remaining, now cooled dumplings can be lightly poured with vegetable oil and covered with another plate or lid. If they don’t have time to eat them in the next few hours, then we put them in the refrigerator. When we deliver it, we don’t heat it. They just need to sit at room temperature for a while. Or you can eat it straight from the refrigerator. And I’ll note at the end that these dumplings with potatoes taste completely different from dumplings with potatoes.

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

Approximate cost per serving: 25 rub.

Homemade dumplings will never compare to store-bought ones. Today we want to offer you an unusual recipe - instead of a simple minced meat filling, try making a meat and potato filling. The dumplings will turn out even more tasty and satisfying.

We will form these meat and potato dumplings in a metal dumpling maker - it’s much faster this way. But if you have not yet had time to acquire this useful device, then you can make these dumplings in the classic way - by cutting out circles from the rolled out dough, putting the filling and molding them as in the first photo (see above). And you can watch another, very quick way to make dumplings in the video at the end of the article.

The recipe for these homemade dumplings comes with step-by-step cooking photos, so you're sure to get the perfect dish.

Number of servings: about 10.

Cooking time: 2 hours.

Ingredients for meat and potato dumplings:

Minced meat – 500 grams;
onion – 5 medium sized heads;
egg - 1 piece;
water – 300 ml;
potatoes - 1 large tuber;
flour – 800 grams;
vegetable oil.

The process of preparing homemade dumplings stuffed with minced meat and potatoes:

1) Scroll the onions and potatoes into the minced meat. You can use any meat for minced meat; in this case, we used the classic version - beef and pork in a 1:1 ratio.

2) Salt the minced meat to taste (just don’t try it - it’s not safe for your health).

3) Mix everything well. Our meat and potato filling is ready.

Making the dough for dumplings:

In order to prepare the dough for dumplings, you will need a deep bowl or saucepan. In it, combine the egg, butter (2 tablespoons) and water, whisk everything.

Then knead the dough, gradually adding flour in small portions.

We begin to form dumplings in a metal mold

Sprinkle the mold for making dumplings with flour.

Cover with a layer of dough and place the filling in the formed dimples.

Next, roll out another layer, slightly larger than the previous one, and cover the dumpling maker with it. Sprinkle the top with flour and roll out with a rolling pin until the outline of each dumpling becomes visible.

Place the finished dumplings on a baking sheet or cutting board, and freeze any excess.

You need to cook the dumplings in a large amount of boiling water with salt. In time - only about 15 minutes, after ascent - 5 minutes. For flavor, you can add bay leaves and black or allspice peas to the broth.

Homemade dumplings according to this recipe are very tasty and aromatic, and most importantly - satisfying. Bon appetit!

Olga Kamasheva prepared dumplings stuffed with meat and potatoes.

And finally, I want to invite you to watch a very quick method of making dumplings without any special devices. Watch the video:

I also looked on the Internet and found a couple of similar recipes, but basically all the recipes were that you need to put already boiled potatoes in such dumplings, but I remember very well that Grandmother put raw potatoes in the filling.

After all, if the potatoes are already pre-cooked, then these are no longer dumplings, but rather dumplings with potatoes. Dumplings in which we put raw potatoes are no less tasty than with meat, I remember my grandfather liked them even more than with meat, so they can be eaten cold, they are also very tasty.


We will need:

For the test.

Three hundred grams of flour.
Two chicken eggs.
Seventy milliliters of water.
One teaspoon of vegetable oil.
Salt to taste.

For filling.

Seven, eight medium potatoes.
Five, six medium onions.
Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking process:

First of all, you need to knead the elastic dough; vegetable oil will give it elasticity.

Pour the flour into a large bowl, beat in the eggs, pour out the water, add vegetable oil, add a pinch of salt and knead the dough well.

Next, prepare the filling. Peel the potatoes, wash them, repeat the same procedure with the onions. There are two options here: the first option is to pass everything through a meat grinder, the second option is to grate all the vegetables, like potato pancakes. You can also use modern devices, such as a blender.

Then salt and pepper the prepared minced vegetables to taste and mix well. Then we take the minced meat with our hands and squeeze it well from the juice, potato and onion, so that we get almost dry minced meat. You can pour out the juice; we won’t need it.

Boil in boiling water the same way, just let the floating dumplings boil for about seven or eight minutes.

Moreover, such dumplings need to be boiled all at once, and not stored in the refrigerator as usual, then if you don’t eat everything, you can put it in the refrigerator and store it for about one day.

My Grandfather loved to dip these dumplings in salted vegetable oil, and we ate them both warm and cold.

The next recipe is called by many as potato dumplings, if you didn’t like the first recipe, then you can cook it according to this one. But I honestly admit that the first one tastes much better to me.

POTATO DUMPLINGS (method No. 2).

We will need:

To prepare the dough.

500 gr. premium flour,
1 egg,
One teaspoon of salt.

For filling.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking process:

Preparing minced potatoes is very simple: cook the puree (in milk and water), add finely chopped onion, salt and ground black pepper. Mix everything well and let the minced meat “simmer” (about 10 minutes).

Knead the dough, roll it out into a thin layer and cut out “circles”. Circles can be made with the most ordinary glass. Place minced potatoes (about half a teaspoon) in each circle.

So, to prepare the minced meat for dumplings, cut the pork into medium-sized pieces. This will make it convenient to grind them in a meat grinder.

Using “equipment” for grinding products (meat grinder), we “turn” pork into minced meat.

The next component for the filling is potato tubers. They should first be washed and then peeled.

We also grind the potatoes in a meat grinder. After spinning all the potatoes, squeeze out all the liquid from them (use cheesecloth, for example).

Add the rolled ingredients for minced meat.

If desired, you can add a little pepper to the filling.

Chopped green onion would also be helpful.

Mix all the ingredients for the filling.

Roll out the dumpling dough into a thin layer (for convenience, it is better to divide the dough into 2-3 pieces).

Using a glass, cut out circles.

Thanks to this method, all the dumpling dough circles are smooth and neat.

When the circles are ready, place minced pork and potatoes on them (in the center).

Pinch the edges of the dough circle to form a dumpling. Boil the finished dumplings in water, which should be salted.

Bon appetit!

Greetings, dear friends! I dedicate today's recipe to all connoisseurs of real homemade dumplings with potatoes. It’s no secret that in supermarkets and markets it’s a fantasy to buy delicious dumplings with potatoes, so I prepare dumplings with potatoes at home, especially since my little daughter simply adores them and happily helps me in the kitchen.

I won’t promise you that making delicious dumplings with potatoes is easy, but I will be happy to share the secrets of how to prepare the dough for dumplings with potatoes, and also tell you how to prepare the filling for dumplings with potatoes and onions.

My grandmother taught me how to cook dumplings and dumplings, and despite her advanced age, she still prepares delicious dumplings for us when we come to visit her. My recipe for dumplings with potatoes contains an egg, so if you want to make lean dumplings with potatoes, just omit this ingredient.


dough for dumplings with potatoes:

  • 3 cups flour + 100 gr.
  • 1 glass of water*
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil

filling for dumplings with potatoes:

  • 1 kg. potatoes*
  • 1 onion
  • 3-4 tbsp. vegetable oil for frying

* indicated quantity of unpeeled potatoes

* glass 200 ml.

How to cook dumplings with potatoes:

We start preparing dumplings with the filling. We peel the potato tubers, cut them into 4-6 parts, place them in a saucepan, and fill them with boiling water (about 1.5 liters). You can add cold water, but boiling water will cook the potatoes faster. Place the potatoes on the stove, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium and cook until tender. At the end, don’t forget to salt the potatoes.

To make the filling for dumplings with potatoes juicy, I always add fried onions. It is the fried onions that give dumplings with potatoes a unique homemade taste. By the way, another very tasty filling option for dumplings is potatoes + sauerkraut, but this is for the future.

Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, stirring constantly.

Drain all the water from the boiled potatoes. The fact is that we need the most dry filling for dumplings so that the dumplings don’t float in the refrigerator. If desired, you can add a piece of butter.

Puree the potatoes using a potato masher or blender.

Add the fried onions, but not all of them - you need to leave a little onion for serving.

The filling for dumplings with potatoes is ready. All we have to do is mix and cool the filling to room temperature.

Prepare the dough for dumplings with potatoes:

If the dumplings float in the refrigerator, it means either it’s time to change the flour, or the dough did not receive enough flour during the rolling process. Proper dumplings in the refrigerator do not float in boiling water while waiting for their finest hour. With the freezer, everything is also not easy: it happens that the dumplings crack. This means only one thing - the dough is poorly kneaded.

Dumplings with potatoes according to my grandmother's recipe

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