Muffins with chicken and cheese. Muffins with chicken and cheese Chicken cupcakes

So, if with all my travel and exams I shamefully missed a mono-lunch with my favorite rice, then I still have time for citrus fruits x)
So I go to Zoryana for “Citrus” mono-lunches with another variation of chicken and I’m still not tired of cupcakes, which seem to be coffee at first glance, but, in fact, without orange it would be a completely different story.. .
So, for lunch we have:

Chicken with lemon and honey. Recipe from Gordon Ramsay.

For 4 servings:

  • 1 large chicken, divided into 8-10 pieces(I have chicken thighs)

  • sea ​​salt and black pepper

  • 3-4 tbsp. olive oil

  • 1 head of garlic, halved horizontally

  • a few sprigs of thyme

  • some sherry vinegar(I didn’t have one, I used balsamic)

  • 2 tbsp. dark soy sauce

  • 3 tbsp. honey

  • 1 lemon, thinly sliced

  • bunch of parsley, chopped(did not have)

  1. Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Heat a large frying pan high, add olive oil and fry the chicken with the thyme and garlic, 2-3 minutes on each side, until golden brown. Add a little vinegar and let it evaporate by half. Drizzle in soy sauce and honey and shake pan to combine ingredients.

  2. Add hot water to the pan and add lemon slices. Boil the liquid to a syrup - this will take about 10 minutes. By this time the chicken will have time to cook through.

  3. Transfer the chicken to a platter and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serve with mashed potatoes and green beans or steamed snow peas.

I chopped some savoy cabbage and stewed it a little in the same sauce. It turned out great.

I've had Borgias coffee in my head for a long time - this is coffee with chocolate, cream and orange zest... Thinking about this coffee, I took the recipe for coffee cupcakes and slightly altered them in my own way. It turned out like this:

For cupcakes:

  • 175 g softened butter

  • 175 g sugar

  • 3 large eggs

  • 175 g whole grain rye flour

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 2 tbsp. instant coffee (actually the original was 2 tsp, but someone misread it)

  • 2 tbsp. milk

  • 65 g walnuts

  • pinch of cardamom

  • juice of 1.5 oranges and zest of 1 orange

  • 75 g chopped dark chocolate

  1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.

  2. Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating the mixture after each egg.

  3. Mix flour and baking powder, stir into egg-butter mixture.

  4. Dissolve 2 tbsp. instant coffee in 2 tbsp. hot milk, add to the dough. Add coarsely chopped nuts and chocolate, orange juice, cardamom and zest.

  5. Divide the dough into the molds and bake for 15-20 minutes.

For cream:

  • 250 g cream cheese

  • 20 g softened butter

  • 2 tbsp. powdered sugar

  • zest of 1 orange

  • 2 tbsp. orange juice

  1. Mix all ingredients and beat with a blender.

  2. Decorate the cupcakes.

I also sprinkled them with grilled crumbs on top.
Yes, I still can't get neat cream caps, but I'm working on it x)
Very tasty muffins, the combination of coffee, orange, chocolate and cardamom is harmonious in itself, and cream cheese with orange juice and zest completely replaced the cream with which the Borgia coffee that inspired me is served.

Appetizing, neat, small-sized baked goods can be called differently: cupcakes, muffins, cupcakes, but the essence does not change. All these products are baked in small cups made of paper, metal or silicone and seem to look the same. But, in fact, there are differences in the preparation of the dough, because the homeland of cupcakes, muffins and muffins is not the same. The dough for muffins should be airy, so the finished muffins almost always have a porous structure. Muffins are not as fluffy as cupcakes, and besides, they come in both sweet and savory varieties.

Cupcakes are sweet pastries, which are often decorated on top with a “cap” of delicious cream or bright, delicious mastic. Cupcakes and muffins are usually served without additional decorations.

In America and Great Britain, cupcake is a frequent guest on the table. This is a good way to please children on their holidays, because bright, beautiful cupcakes look like sweets from a fairy tale. You can make several types of cupcakes to choose from: cottage cheese, carrots, chocolate dough, using a wide variety of fillings.

Despite the intricate appearance of cupcakes, they are not difficult to prepare. Cupcake molds can be made of paper, silicone or metal. You can bake in the oven or in a slow cooker (except metal ones). The dough can be made with the addition of cinnamon or vanilla. The first option is more preferable for New Year's baking.

step by step photo recipe


  • Wheat flour – 1 cup,
  • Granulated sugar – 1 glass,
  • Butter – 100 g,
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.,
  • Milk – 100 ml,
  • Baking powder – 1 sachet (0.5 tsp soda),
  • Vanilla, cinnamon - to taste,
  • Cocoa.

Cooking process:

Cupcake batter can be compared to sponge cake batter, but with some differences. Unlike the second option, here you first need to beat the butter and sugar, and only then mix in the rest of the ingredients. In the biscuit dough, the first step is to beat chicken eggs with sugar.

Let the butter melt until it becomes soft, then add sugar and grind everything to a paste. Now add chicken eggs, ground cinnamon and vanilla, mix everything.

In a separate bowl, combine the sifted wheat flour and baking powder (baking soda) and mix, then combine with the egg and butter paste. Add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder, and then pour in the milk in a thin stream. During this, do not stop stirring the dough until it becomes a completely homogeneous consistency.

Fill the prepared molds 2/3 full with chocolate dough, place them on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven. If you overdo it with the dough in the molds, you risk getting “runaway” cupcakes, which will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Bake the cupcakes in a regular oven for 15-20 minutes.

If the oven is electric, it may take a little longer. Baking time may also increase if your ramekins are slightly larger than standard. We check the readiness of the baked goods using the traditional method - by piercing them with a toothpick. If it is dry, the cupcakes are ready.

Decorate the top of the baked goods with any thick cream. The photo shows a “wet meringue” cream made from whipped egg whites.

Protein cream recipe:

200 g sugar, 4 raw proteins, Citric acid - a pinch.

The egg whites are beaten with granulated sugar until they form a stable foam (several minutes), then the cup with the contents is placed in a water bath. Whip the cream in a water bath for about 10 minutes. Then the cream is removed and beaten a little again to cool.

You can use food coloring if desired.

We decorate the cupcakes using a pastry syringe or an envelope using nozzles.

Cupcake recipes with simple step-by-step photo instructions

45 minutes

316 kcal

4.74/5 (53)

Cupcakes- sweet and soft cakes decorated with delicate cream. This is the perfect addition to tea or coffee.

I learned how to make my own vanilla cupcakes at home a long time ago. My friend taught me this. I like that the ingredients needed are the simplest, those that can always be found in the kitchen or at the nearest store. And the process is quite fast.

So that you can make cupcakes for your family, I will share with you a classic recipe with step-by-step photos for preparing this dessert at home.

  • Inventory and kitchen appliances: mixer, deep bowls, cupcake molds (paper or silicone).

Required Products



How to make cupcakes at home: step-by-step recipe

Before making delicious homemade cupcakes, I recommend taking the butter out of the refrigerator, cutting it into small pieces and leaving it at room temperature for two hours. During this time it warms up and becomes softer.

The largest cupcake was made in the city of Washington. He weighed a little more than 555 kg. 250 kg of cream was needed for decoration.

  1. First of all, mix soft butter, sugar and vanilla sugar in a deep bowl. The most convenient way to do this is with a mixer, which needs to be set to high speed.

  2. Then, add two eggs alternately into the finished fluffy mixture.

  3. In this case, you need to constantly continue to thoroughly whisk all the ingredients.

  4. In a separate deep bowl we will mix dry ingredients. Pour flour, baking powder and salt into it. Stir until the ingredients are evenly combined.

  5. Then he will fold the dry ingredients into the liquid ones. Add half of the dry ingredients to the egg-cream mixture and mix thoroughly using a mixer set to low speed.
  6. Next, pour in 50 ml of milk and stir until smooth.

  7. Add the remaining half of the dry ingredients.
  8. The cupcake batter is ready! It should turn out tender, creamy, similar in consistency to thick sour cream.
  9. For baking, I usually use a metal mold for 12 servings; I additionally place special purchased paper molds in the cells. I also sometimes use small silicone cupcake molds. You can choose the option that is more accessible and convenient for you to use.
  10. Place our dough into baking pans.

  11. For one cupcake, about one tablespoon of batter is enough. Be aware that the form should be no more than three-quarters full. After all, the dough will still rise, and if there is too much of it, it will simply leak out of the molds and the cupcakes will no longer turn out as beautiful and neat as we would like.

  12. Place the molds with the dough in the oven for 20 minutes and bake at 170 degrees. After this time, check the readiness of the baked goods using wooden stick. Pierce the cupcake with it. If the baked goods are ready, you will take out the stick dry. If there is still sticky dough on the skewer, put the cupcakes in the oven to bake for a few more minutes.
  13. Take the finished cupcakes out of the oven, let them cool for a couple of minutes, and then remove them to a wire rack or other surface and leave them to cool completely.

Watch your oven. If the tops of your cupcakes crack while baking, lower the baking temperature a little next time.

We will decorate the completely cooled baked goods with cream.

How to beautifully decorate and serve cupcakes

Cupcakes differ from ordinary cakes and cupcakes in that they are decorated cream cap. There are many recipes for such creams, but I will share with you my favorite recipe for protein-butter cream, which holds its shape perfectly and is great for decorating cupcakes.

  1. To prepare the cream, first take the eggs and very carefully separate the whites from the yolks.

  2. Place the whites in a heatproof bowl, add sugar and place the mixture in a water bath. Make sure that the bowl does not touch the surface of the water. Turn on the stove to medium heat.

  3. Take a mixer and beat the egg white mixture at the lowest speed for about 8-10 minutes.

  4. We need to heat the proteins to a temperature of about 60 degrees. In this case, the sugar should be completely dissolved, and the mixture should be whipped to sharp peaks.

    The mixer whisks and dishes where we add the ingredients for preparing the cream must initially be dry and fat-free. Otherwise, our proteins will not get together.

  5. Now remove the protein mixture from the water bath, transfer it to another cold bowl or mixer bowl and continue to beat everything thoroughly until the whites have cooled completely.
  6. Next, we begin adding butter to the whites. Make sure that the oil is at the same temperature as the whites themselves. This is necessary so that our cream does not clump and separate. Add oil in small portions, literally a teaspoon at a time. Before adding the next portion, the previous one must be completely combined with the cream.

  7. When finished, add vanilla extract or any other flavoring to the mixture. For example, you can add liqueur.

  8. Whisk the cream thoroughly. At the finish we should get a fluffy, tender, but at the same time quite dense consistency. The cream is ready! If you wish, you can color all or part of the cream using any gel coloring to make your cupcakes even more beautiful and add an original touch.

  9. We put the cream in a pastry bag, since it will be more convenient to decorate our cupcakes using a special nozzle. I usually use the open star attachment.

  10. You can additionally decorate the cupcakes to suit your taste. Place a few berries on top: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants, etc. You can also sprinkle the cream with chocolate or coconut shavings and even chopped nuts.

Use only fresh ingredients to make cupcakes. Flour must be of the highest quality.

If the dough can still be kneaded by hand, then it is impossible to prepare a high-quality stable cream without a mixer, so make sure that you have such a miracle of technology at hand.

When preparing the cream, follow the temperature recommendations provided. If you think that you can make a mistake when determining the temperature “by eye”, but you plan to cook cupcakes and other baked goods often, purchase a special one to help you. kitchen thermometer, which will become your faithful and reliable assistant in the kitchen for a long time.

In America, cupcake lovers opened an ATM in 2012, or, as it was called, a “cupcake machine,” where they could buy this delicious pastry at any time of the day.

Video recipe for making cupcakes

I recommend watching this video recipe for making vanilla cupcakes. The consistency of the dough at all stages of cooking is clearly demonstrated here, which will greatly help the housewife who decided to make such a dessert for the first time. The video also shows an interesting form of decorating cupcakes. Part of the cream turns pink, and part remains white. As a result, you can easily get two-color caps on your cupcakes, which looks incredibly beautiful and original.

Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

I hope you will easily and happily prepare cupcakes at home using this recipe and delight yourself and your loved ones with this delicacy. Tell us, what other cupcake batter recipes do you know? What is your favorite cream to decorate your baked goods with?