Smoked chicken crab sticks. Salad with smoked chicken, crab sticks and olives. Cooking secrets. Ingredients

Published: 01/29/2016
Posted by: FairyDawn
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

There are salads that can be prepared from a minimum amount of ingredients, and the taste will be so great that you will want to cook such a dish again and again. Moreover, if you are soon planning a small family celebration, then a salad with smoked chicken and crab sticks is simply impossible not to include in the holiday menu. Light, satisfying, with a bright taste, with a beautiful presentation - this is just a godsend for such an event.
Such a dish can be made in the form of either a large or small diameter, then we serve it personally to each guest at the table. An interesting presentation already arouses genuine interest in the dish, and everyone will be delighted with its taste.
The main ingredient of the salad is smoked chicken, it is this aroma that makes the dish so tasty. Because boiled eggs and crab sticks only highlight the spicy smell of the fire. To maintain the balance of spices, we tinker with the sauce a little.
You can make homemade delicious mayonnaise from chicken yolk, lemon juice, mustard and olive oil. And then we will have a thick, fluffy and very tasty sauce, to which you can add any spices for taste. If you decide to buy mayonnaise in a store, then take a sauce with a neutral taste, such as “Delicacy”. And at home, add soy sauce and garlic through a press, and you can also add finely chopped herbs. And we will coat the layers of our salad with this wonderful sauce.
Recipe is for 1 serving


- smoked chicken - 100 g,
- table chicken eggs - 1 pc.,
- crab sticks - 5 pcs.,
- fresh garlic - 1 clove,
- soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.,
- “Delicacy” mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.,
- pitted olives - 7 pcs.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

Grind the smoked chicken meat into cubes.
Boil hard-boiled chicken eggs for 7-8 minutes. Cool, peel and finely chop with a knife.
We clean the surimi sticks from the packaging film, and then finely chop them.
Squeeze the garlic into the prepared mayonnaise through a garlic press and add soy sauce.

To get such a beautiful look for our salad, you can use a special metal mold with a diameter of 10 cm to lay it out. If you don’t have one, you can prepare it yourself from an unnecessary plastic bottle. Well, there is another option: we throw out a cup of cling film or foil and put the salad in it in layers, coating with sauce and lightly tamping each layer.
The first layer will be eggs.

Then the crab sticks.

At the end we add chicken meat. Spread each layer with sauce.

Place the salad in the refrigerator to soak for an hour.
Then turn the salad bowl over and carefully remove the film or foil.
Place olives on top and decorate with herbs.

For a festive feast, we recommend preparing a beautiful and satisfying

Crab sticks perfectly complement the taste of the salad and can be combined with various components. To diversify your holiday table, serve a delicious salad with crab sticks and smoked chicken; it turns out hearty and tender. The rich taste of smoked chicken is complemented by seafood, and cucumber and tomato add a fresh touch. The original combination of ingredients allows you to prepare a very unusual dish that everyone will love.

It is worth noting that for cooking it is preferable to use small cherry tomatoes; they are easy to cut into neat slices. The appetizer acquires a piquant taste due to the use of hard cheese; if desired, you can add several types of cheese, the taste of the salad will be much more interesting and multifaceted. Cook delicious food with us, delight your guests and loved ones with a new, unusual dish.


  • cherry tomatoes – 7 pcs.;
  • crab sticks (chilled) – 160 g;
  • mayonnaise – 110 g;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese (“Russian”) – 110 g;
  • smoked chicken breast – 320 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt, herbs - to your own taste.


First you need to prepare the crab sticks. Peel them from the film, then cut them into small cubes. Place in a deep bowl.

Advice: It is best to use chilled seafood for salad; they are more aromatic and much tastier than defrosted ones.

Grind the hard cheese using a coarse grater and add to the chopped crab sticks.

Cut the cucumber into small cubes, about the same as the sticks. If its skin is thick enough, you should cut it off first.

You will need to chop the smoked breast in the same way as the cucumbers, add it to the rest of the ingredients.

Rinse the tomatoes, dry lightly with a towel, and then cut into several pieces. For this dish, it is preferable to use dense fruits so that they do not release too much juice.

Chop the greens (onions, dill or parsley), put them in a bowl, this component will add bright colors.

Pre-boil chicken eggs, peel, then cut into cubes or chop using a special device. Now all that remains is to add salt and a little mayonnaise.

On a note: Instead of mayonnaise, mayonnaise sauce or a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream can be used.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Crab salad with smoked chicken is ready to serve.

Transfer the prepared appetizer to a salad bowl and decorate it as you wish, for example, with cherry tomato slices. Bon appetit!

Cooking tips

  • Instead of smoked chicken, you can use boiled meat, the dish will also turn out very tasty.
  • To make the snack lower in calories, use natural yogurt instead of mayonnaise.
  • If you don’t have fresh herbs on hand, you can use frozen ones; this will not affect the taste of the dish in any way.
  • If you wish, you can add not only hard cheese to the salad; a salad with processed cheese turns out very tasty.
  • Instead of chicken eggs, you can also use quail eggs; to prepare this dish you will need 5 pieces.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Have you tried combining chicken and fish products together? I bring to your attention a very tasty and elegant salad with chicken and crab sticks; a recipe with photos will help you prepare it without difficulty.
So that preparing a salad with crab sticks and chicken does not take you much time, divide it into two stages. Prepare some salad ingredients ahead of time. Boil or fry chicken fillet in a frying pan. Also boil the potatoes in their skins, or better yet bake them in foil, this will make this vegetable tastier.
It is important that the crab sticks used in the salad are of high quality. If you come across chilled crab sticks in the store, choose them. These sticks are much tastier than frozen ones, and very juicy.
Cooking time: 25 minutes.

- chicken fillet 350 g,
- crab sticks 200 g,
- potatoes 100 g,
- carrots 70 g,
- chicken eggs 2 pcs.,
- sour cucumbers 2 pcs.,
- bell pepper 1 pc.,
- mayonnaise (sour cream) 120 g,
- a bunch of lettuce leaves,
- dill,
- parsley,
- green onions.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

Cook chicken fillet in salted water. Until cutting into salad, it is necessary to keep the meat in the broth so that it does not dry out. Chop the fillet into small cubes.

Remove the protective film from the crab sticks and cut them into cubes.

Peel the potatoes and carrots and cut them the same way as all the other ingredients.

The cucumbers for this salad can be sour or pickled, or even fresh. Chop cucumbers and chicken eggs. Use bell pepper as desired. Instead of fresh pepper, roasted pepper is perfect. The salad turns out very tasty with

Place all salad ingredients in one bowl. You can season this dish with mayonnaise or sour cream. Use salt and ground pepper to your taste. Soy sauce can be added instead of salt.

Stir the salad and add finely chopped herbs (dill or parsley with green onions).

Leave the salad with crab sticks and chicken for 1 hour to soak. Serve the finished dish in one deep salad bowl, or in portions using a cooking ring. No less tasty is the salad with

A successful salad is tasty, light, appetizing and not the most difficult to prepare. And if the components are accessible and inexpensive, that’s absolutely ideal! Salad with crab sticks, chicken and corn without a shadow of a doubt can be classified in this category. This salad can be quickly assembled for dinner and served spectacularly on a holiday table. The base is crab sticks and their traditional accompaniments: canned corn and a couple of boiled eggs. A juicy fresh cucumber will add lightness and freshness to the crab salad. Original taste and nutritional value - boiled chicken fillet. The dressing is also traditional - mayonnaise. The salad is prepared very quickly and simply, but it turns out perfectly light, nutritious and tasty.

Salad products can be taken in arbitrary quantities, depending on your taste. The ingredients indicate approximate basic proportions, so that those who are trying to prepare such a salad for the first time will find it easier to navigate.


  • crab sticks – 200 g;
  • chicken (fillet) – 200 g;
  • fresh cucumber – 150 g;
  • canned corn – 1 tbsp.;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • salt (for cooking chicken) – 1 tsp;
  • mayonnaise - for salad dressing;
  • greens (dill, parsley) - optional and to taste.


In order to distribute the time spent on preparing the salad as rationally as possible, it is better to start with chicken and eggs - products that require heat treatment. Wash the eggs with a brush and soda, rinse the chicken. Place the food in cold salted water (you can do it together, you can do it in separate saucepans, depending on your preference) and boil until tender. Boil hard-boiled eggs for 7-10 minutes, chicken for 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of the fillet. We measure the cooking time after the water boils.

While the chicken and eggs are boiling, let's prepare the rest of the salad ingredients. Remove the liquid from the corn by placing it in a sieve.

Wash the cucumber, dry it and cut it into cubes about 5 mm in size. Cucumber will give the salad the freshness and lightness it needs. If (for some reason) you don’t particularly like the combination of cucumber with such ingredients, you can replace it with herbs - parsley, dill, onion (2-3 sprigs will be enough), or finely chopped Chinese cabbage (150 grams).

Let the finished chicken fillet cool slightly, dry it and also cut into cubes. It will be problematic to cut chicken fillet finely, so it is better to cut it larger. Plus, this way the chicken will be more noticeable in the salad.

Dip the boiled eggs into cold water for 10 minutes, then peel them, dry them and chop them into medium-sized pieces.

Now that all the ingredients of the salad are ready, mix them together in a deep bowl and season with a small amount of mayonnaise - literally 3-4 tbsp. l. will be sufficient. A salad dressed with mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. If you don’t plan to eat the entire portion at once, it is better to dress the salad with mayonnaise in portions - one at a time according to the number of eaters. Again, if you wish, you can season the salad with sour cream, but in this case it is always better to season it immediately before serving.

Stir the salad and you're done! You can serve! Salad with chicken fillet, crab sticks and corn is light, tasty and nutritious. Ideal both as a dish for every day and as a holiday dish.