South American cacao tree plant. Chocolate tree: description, where it grows and interesting facts. Collection, fermentation and drying of cocoa beans, making chocolate - video

Chocolate trees are plants almost as mythical as their fruits. And, perhaps, it is the association with a favorite delicacy that makes indoor cocoa such an exclusive part of any plant lovers collection. Cocoa trees are one of the most difficult indoor crops to grow in pots. They look original, but not so exotic, they cause a lot of trouble with care. And the conditions they need can rather be called greenhouses. However, the cacao plant is gaining popularity, bursting into the rankings of the best indoor fruit-bearing crops along with pomegranate and coffee.

Chocolate tree in the room - features of growing cocoa. © US Capitol

Chocolate room miracle - what is it?

The plant, whose fruits give the world a favorite delicacy - chocolate, belongs to one of the most valuable fruit-bearing crops on the planet. cocoa, chocolate tree, or cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) is a tropical plant, represented in culture by more than 30 varieties and countless varieties that differ in taste and aromatic qualities. This plant comes from the hot and humid forests of the Amazon, which is still widely cultivated in South America today.

Representatives of the genus Theobroma(Theobroma) used to be assigned to the Sterculiaceae family, but modern classifications have long since changed this confusion and enrolled cocoa in a much more similar plant community - Malvaceae (Malvaceae).

In nature, chocolate trees are not the largest of the tropical giants, but easily recognizable and powerful evergreens. With a trunk width of 15 to 30 cm, cocoa trees rise to a height of 8 m; in a room format, cocoa is similar in size to citrus fruits - it completely depends on the formation. It may not grow above 50-90 cm, or it may become a true giant.

The rhizome is quite compact and shallow, although the presence of a taproot requires more careful handling of the plant during transplantation. The bark is brown-brown, on young branches it is green, the color changes unevenly. Indoor cocoa has prepared many surprises, surprising with its beauty crowns of large and spectacular leaves. Thanks to whorled branching and spreading, the silhouette of cocoa trees looks massive and impressive.

Reaching a length of 30 cm with a width of only up to 15, lanceolate-oval, leathery cocoa leaves drooping, resembling tissues with their light roughness, they stand out against the background of any other plants both in the natural environment and in room culture. The leaves develop unusually, 3-4 leaves bloom at the same time, the plant seems to be renewed in jerks or flashes with intervals between the release of new leaves from 3 to 12 weeks.

The color of the greens of cocoa trees is classic, medium green, rich cold tone on the upper side and lighter on the lower side. The reverse side of the leaves is matte, but the upper side is glossy, their surface is wrinkled-relief. Young leaves are light yellow or pink, gradually recolor and become more rigid. The leaves are attached to thin and short petioles.

The cocoa blossom is very original. In small bunches, and in indoor cocoa - more often one at a time, small, about 1.5 cm in diameter, flowers sessile on short pedicels with beige-yellow petals and pink, saturated-colored sepals bloom on the shoots and trunk. The shape of the flower is very original, somewhat reminiscent of garden aquilegia due to the complicated structure.

The unpleasant aroma of cocoa is a kind of compensation for much more appetizing fruits. The repulsive smell of chocolate trees attract pollinating insects in nature, indoor cocoa requires cross-pollination for fruiting. Plants are able to bloom from the second year, but they begin to bear fruit only at the age of 4-x-5 years. In rooms, they rarely bear fruit, only in ideal conditions.

Cocoa fruits are oval, elongated, ribbed berries of yellow or reddish color, hiding a colorless juicy pulp under a rough and thick skin. Seeds - those same cocoa beans - are arranged in two rows. Up to 50 seeds ripen in one fruit. The fruits ripen from 6 to 12 months, slowly and gradually. When overripe, seeds can germinate in fruits. Seeds after extraction need a week of fermentation and thorough drying.

Cocoa trees are one of the most difficult fruiting plant species to grow and maintain. © organically

Conditions for growing indoor cocoa

Cocoa trees are one of the most difficult fruiting plant species to grow and maintain. It is an amazingly delicate and capricious crop, sensitive to pollution and changing conditions, which largely explains not only the ever-increasing prices of cocoa beans, but also the critical situation with the preservation of plantations in a changing climate.

Chocolate trees completely inherit their character of a capricious sissy even in room culture. This plant is not for everyone, because for cocoa trees you need to create very specific conditions. For cocoa in a pot format, you need to recreate difficult conditions - secluded lighting and very high humidity.

Chocolate trees are more suitable for growing in greenhouses or warm winter gardens, flower collections of tropical plants than for ordinary living rooms. It is not easy to grow them as a houseplant, but it is possible with careful control of lighting, temperature and humidity.

Lighting and placement

In nature, cocoa is used to growing in the lower tier of the multi-layered tropical jungle, in twilight, diffused, soft lighting. In a room format, chocolate trees change their habits a little, developing poorly in strong shade, but they still cannot stand direct sunlight. Due to their shade tolerance, they do not require seasonal changes in lighting.

Cocoa trees thrive on the sills of east windows. Partially south-oriented windows are also suitable for them, on which plants are placed with protection from direct sun. Cocoa trees can be introduced into the interior only where there are panoramic or southern windows, and even then not too far from the window.

Temperature and ventilation

Cocoa trees are extremely heat-loving tropical plants. They die when the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius, at 15-16 degrees, problems begin and visible disturbances in their development. To grow a cocoa tree, you need to create really stable warm conditions for it. Ideally, the air temperature should remain at the level of + 24 ... + 25 ° С degrees all year round. Too extreme heat, indicators above 28 degrees, the tree does not like, but a fall below 23 degrees begins to affect its leaves. The same temperatures are maintained all year round.

Cocoa does not tolerate drafts, sudden changes in temperature, proximity to heating appliances. It is better not to move plants and not to shift often. Cocoa trees cannot stand outdoors.

The unpleasant aroma of cocoa is a kind of compensation for much more appetizing fruits. © MUCC

Cocoa care at home

Cocoa is capricious and demanding to care for. He needs attention, careful procedures and gentle handling. The most difficult thing to care for is maintaining a very high humidity.

Watering and humidity

Despite the fact that in the Amazonian forests cocoa grows with partial flooding and tolerates damp conditions, in room culture it is extremely sensitive to waterlogging and stagnant water. It is necessary to water cocoa very carefully, making sure that no water remains in the trays, and the substrate partially, in the upper 2–3 cm, dries out between these procedures. In winter, even at absolutely stable temperatures, watering is reduced for cocoa, increasing the interval between waterings by 1-2 days after the top layer of the substrate has dried and reducing the amount of water.

Soft, warm water is used for cocoa trees. Its temperature should exceed the air temperature in the room.

High air humidity, from 70% and above, is a condition without which the plant cannot be grown. Chocolate trees cannot tolerate dry air and wither quickly in normal indoor environments. When growing this crop, it is worth considering all possible comprehensive measures to create high humidity - from spraying to installing humidifiers.

When grown in tropical collections, the plant is content with a common humectant along with other tropical plants. If cocoa is the only moisture-loving plant in the collection, then for it, instead of a special device, you can try to create high humidity with home analogues - trays with wet moss, indoor fountains, bowls of water, frequent spraying. When spraying, you need to choose small sprayers and avoid strong wetting of the leaves, carrying out this procedure at a certain distance from the plant and from a height.

Flowering chocolate tree. © Anne Elliott

Top dressing and fertilizer composition

Even indoor cocoa trees prefer organic rather than mineral fertilizers. They can be combined and interleaved. When choosing complex preparations, preference should be given to fertilizers with a high nitrogen content - preparations for decorative leafy plants.

For cocoa, the frequency of feeding is 1 time in 2-3 weeks for mineral fertilizers and 1 time per month for organic fertilizers. Fertilizer is applied all year round, reducing the frequency in winter by half. For young plants, you can alternate liquid foliar dressings.

Trimming and shaping

Without formation, cocoa will not retain either the compactness or the beauty of the foliage. There is nothing difficult in pruning a plant: if desired, starting from a young age and a height of 30 cm, the tops of the shoots can be shortened in cocoa to create a certain silhouette and thicken the crown. Usually, the tops of the plant are pinched or pruned from 1/3 to ½ of the most actively growing and elongated shoots.

Regardless of age, shape and size, for any chocolate trees, cutting of dry, damaged, weak, thin, unproductive branches that are too thick is mandatory.

For this plant, pruning is carried out in early spring.

Transplant and substrate

Cocoa has a tap root, but does not form a very deep root system. The plant must be grown in containers with a shallow depth or diameter and height equal to each other. Cocoa prefers containers made from natural materials. The diameter of the container is increased by a few centimeters for young plants and by 2 sizes for adults.

The frequency of transplantation depends on the intensity of the development of the root system. Cocoa is transferred into new containers only when the roots completely braid the earthen ball.

For chocolate trees, you need to carefully select the soil. A slightly acidic reaction within the pH range of 5.8 to 6.0 is ideal. The structure of the soil should be well-drained, light, nutritious.

When transplanting a plant, only loose soil can be removed. Avoiding contact with the roots, cocoa is transferred into new containers.

Diseases, pests and problems in cultivation

Cocoa can suffer from spider mites and scale insects, but more often the difficulties are associated with improper care. With signs of mold on the leaves, depression, pest damage, the fight is immediately carried out with the help of insecticides and fungicides.

Rooted cuttings of indoor cocoa. © Dallis Church

Propagation of indoor cocoa

Indoor cacao is often advertised as being easy to grow from seed. But in fact, the seed method of reproduction is far from the most optimal. The seeds of the plant are sown immediately after collection or at least for 2 weeks after ripening. They lose their germination very quickly even when stored in the cold.

Sowing is carried out in a universal loose substrate or inert soil. For cocoa, medium-sized individual pots are used, and not sowing in common boxes. The seeds are deepened by 2-3 cm, following the strictly vertical arrangement of the seeds with the wide end down. The soil is watered after sowing, further maintaining a stable light moisture of the substrate. For seed germination, it is not heat that is needed, but a temperature of 23 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Lighting matters only after germination: seedlings are moved to bright but diffused lighting, air humidity is increased, or plants are placed in a greenhouse. Young shoots of cocoa develop very quickly, in a couple of months they reach a height of 30 cm and produce up to 8 leaves. It is during this period that they are transferred to larger pots and begin to form. Plants require very strict adherence to the rules of care.

A simpler and more productive method of reproduction is cuttings. In cocoa, semi-woody shoots are used, partially retaining their green color, but with completely green leaves. The length of the cuttings is up to 15-20 cm. Only 3-4 leaves are left on them. Treatment with growth stimulants accelerates rooting.

Plant cuttings in a moistened light substrate or inert soil, in large general containers. At very high humidity, rooting should take place at temperatures from 26 to 30 degrees Celsius. Shelter from the cuttings is removed gradually, the plants are watered carefully. Cocoa is transferred to individual containers only after the formation of a strong root system, several months after the appearance of signs of rooting. The older the plant, the more cuttings can be cut from it, starting with no more than 3 cuttings for 1-3 year old cocoa trees.

Occasionally, plants are also propagated by leaf cuttings, which are cut, leaving 5 mm of shoot above and below the kidney. The cuttings are fixed on miniature sticks, buried with the lower cut into the soil and rooted in the same way as ordinary apical cuttings. The conditions of detention are similar, but rooting takes twice as long.

Whether it's a hot cocoa drink or delicate, melt-in-your-mouth pralines, a chocolate gift is always appropriate for all occasions: birthday, Christmas or Easter. For many centuries, this sweet temptation has been a special gift that brings joy to both parties: the one that gives it, and the one that receives it. The preparation of chocolate from cocoa beans is based on the recipes of South American natives.

History of cocoa

The first to taste the unusual fruit of the chocolate tree (Theobroma cacao) were the Olmecs, the first civilized people of Central America, who lived on the southern coast of the Gulf of Mexico from 1500 BC to 400 AD. Later, several centuries later, the ancient Mayans and Aztecs from South America were also partial to cocoa. Just like the Olmecs, they prepared a kind of sweet drink “chocoatl” from the fruits of the cocoa tree, which means “bitter water”, diluting crushed cocoa beans in hot water and adding vanilla with cayenne pepper. The Indians drank the bitter drink cold, being convinced that it was a source of strength and wisdom.

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans

Cocoa beans were a symbol of wealth and power. Only the elite could afford a drink made from cocoa beans. They valued cocoa beans so highly that they used them as money. So, for example, a slave could be bought for 100 beans.

From South America to Europe

The cocoa tree grows in the equatorial regions of America and West Africa. Constant heat and high air and soil humidity are the main prerequisites for the good growth of the chocolate tree. In total, there are more than 20 species of trees from the genus Theobroma (Theobroma), belonging to the Sterculia family. But only one species is used to make chocolate - Theobroma cacao. The name "Theobroma" was given to it by the famous Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, which translates as "food of the gods". From "Theobroma" comes the name of the alkaloid theobromine, very similar to caffeine. Theobromine is found in cocoa beans and has a stimulating effect, it awakens feelings of joy, improves mood and sharpens the senses.

The young fruits of the chocolate tree are green, then, as they ripen, they turn red-orange.

The first European to taste the divine chocolate drink was Christopher Columbus. During the next expedition across the ocean, the Indians, having warmly welcomed the guests, treated them to a foamy drink. Columbus liked the taste very much. As it turned out later, the drink was made from the fruits of the chocolate tree, which was found everywhere here. Returning to Spain, Columbus brought a few cocoa beans to the king's court, but then no one paid any attention to them.

The famous contemporary of Columbus, the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes, also tasted the divine drink Xocolatl. When he first entered the land of the Aztecs in 1519, he was mistaken for a god. The Aztecs treated the guest to their bitter drink, from which the stranger was delighted. Returning from Mexico to Spain, Cortes brought with him several bags of cocoa beans. Heading to the Spanish king, he took with him a box of selected beans and a recipe for making a drink. Soon chocolate became the obligatory drink of the Spanish aristocrats and very quickly gained favor throughout Europe.


To date, the chocolate tree is cultivated in Central and South America, on the territory of the Ivory Coast and in other countries of West Africa, as well as in South Asia, for example, in Indonesia, where the air temperature never drops below +180C and fluctuates within +300C . The annual rainfall in these countries exceeds 2000 milliliters, and the air humidity is over 70%. These are favorable conditions for the normal growth of the plant. The same conditions are necessary for growing a chocolate tree indoors.

The chocolate tree can be grown indoors or in a conservatory

cocoa tree as a houseplant

In room conditions or in greenhouses, the cocoa tree is relatively easy to cultivate. The plant propagates by seeds and cuttings. If you are lucky enough to bring cocoa tree seeds from your vacation, you need to plant them in the ground as soon as possible. Since the seeds have the ability to germinate quickly, they can be planted at any time of the year. Before the seeds are deepened into the ground by 1 cm, they need to lie down for one day in tepid water. The plant needs loose, permeable soil. To avoid stagnant moisture in the pot, pour sand under a layer of humus with peat. Place the pot with the planted seed in a bright place without direct sunlight. At high humidity and a constant temperature in the room within + 250C, the seeds germinate in 2 weeks. Growing up, the cocoa tree reaches a height of 1.5 to 3 m, but often remains much smaller, as it grows very slowly. He needs partial shade, because in natural conditions it grows under the crowns of large trees. The young leaves of the chocolate tree are red-orange in color, gradually they become dark green in color and become shiny. The white and reddish small flowers of the plant are interesting and remarkable. On small pedicels, one by one or in bunches, they sit directly on the trunk of a tree. At home, the not very pleasant smell of flowers attracts pollinating insects. And in room conditions, artificial pollination is necessary to obtain fruits.

The flowers and fruits of the cocoa tree grow directly on the trunk.

After some time, yellow, orange or purple fruits the size of an apple are formed on the trunk and branches of the tree. It must be remembered that the chocolate tree does not like drafts and dry air from central heating batteries, so it is better to put a humidifier near the plant. And do not overdo it with moistening the leaves. Mold can form on leaves that are too wet. The plant should be watered with slightly warm water (min. 200C) that does not contain lime. Roots should be constantly slightly moistened. But do not be too zealous, as stagnant moisture harms the roots. In winter, watering should be reduced. In winter, the tree also needs additional artificial lighting. And from March to September, once a month, you should feed the chocolate tree with organic fertilizers.

Usually, under natural conditions, the fruits of the chocolate tree reach the size of rugby balls and grow up to 15-30 cm in length. In room conditions, if artificial pollination has occurred, the fruits, of course, will not be able to reach such sizes. From the beginning of flowering to the ripening of cocoa fruits, it takes exactly 5 to 6 months, depending on the location of the plant. At home, the chocolate tree blooms and bears fruit continuously.

Processing of cocoa beans

Cocoa beans - professionally called cocoa seeds - are inside the fruit and are covered with white juicy pulp, the so-called pulp.

Sliced ​​fruit with pulp-covered seeds

Before the beans are made into cocoa powder or chocolate, they must go through a process of fermentation and drying in the sun so that the pulp can be separated from the beans, prevent them from sprouting, and enhance their flavor. Then the cocoa beans are roasted over a fire, the shell is removed from them and crushed.

chocolate production

The production of chocolate is slightly different from the production of cocoa powder. Turning crushed cocoa beans into chocolate is a secret field in chocolate production. Various components are added to liquid cocoa mass: sugar, milk powder, flavors and cocoa butter. All this is mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then the chocolate mass is subjected to conching - intensive kneading at high temperatures, as a result of which excess moisture evaporates and excessive bitterness is forced out. Next, the chocolate mass goes through the tempering stage - the chocolate is heated and cooled several times until the cocoa butter passes into the most stable form. After tempering, the chocolate is poured into various molds.

Fruits, beans, cocoa powder and leaves of the chocolate tree

The ideal temperature for storing chocolate is from +130C to +180C. At higher temperatures, fat comes to the surface and the chocolate turns white. White coating on chocolate is not dangerous for health, but it looks unattractive and tasteless. The shelf life of chocolate without additives is 6 months.

Translation: Lesya Vasko
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garden center "Your garden"


Nutritionists have recently been talking about the need to add raw cocoa beans to the diet. They have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, increasing immunity.

But cocoa beans sold in stores are subjected to heat treatment, and lose a large share of their beneficial properties. To get the maximum benefit from this product, you can grow them yourself.

Conditions for growing cocoa beans

The chocolate tree grows in countries with a humid and warm climate, so it needs special conditions. That is why it does not tolerate temperatures above +28 degrees and below +20 ° C and sunlight. The soil should be loose and fertile. You need to water the chocolate tree daily and plentifully.

Cocoa seeds are planted 1-2 weeks after ripening, as they quickly lose their germination. For landing we need:

  • waterproof soil;
  • pollination sticks;
  • grains of cocoa beans;
  • humidifier;
  • pot for house plants;
  • organic fertilizers;
  • warm water.

A grain of cocoa for a day should be placed in a container with warm water. Take a pot, fill it with earth and carefully loosen it. The next day, make a hole in the ground one centimeter deep, moisten it and lower the grain there. Cover with soil and level. The plant must be protected from drafts, sunlight, proximity to hot batteries. Install a humidifier next to the plant. The temperature in the room should be constant from 25 ° C above zero.

Approximately 2 weeks after planting, the first sprout will appear. Time will pass, and the red-orange leaves of the plant will change color and become dark green. Flowers bloom white or reddish. It's time to pollinate the chocolate tree. Transfer the pollen from the stamens to the pistil using special sticks.

Water the chocolate tree with warm water. Do not over-moisten the soil. The roots of cocoa beans should not be moistened too much. High humidity will lead to the death of the root system. Feed the chocolate tree with organic fertilizer once a month and spray with special solutions that protect it from fungal and viral infections.

Do not over-moisten the cocoa leaves. This can lead to the formation of mold and the death of the plant. To avoid stagnant water before planting, pour small pebbles or sand on the bottom of the pot. Happy harvest.

Botanical name: Cocoa or Chocolate tree (Theobroma cacao) is a representative of the genus Theobroma, family Malvaceae.

Homeland of cocoa: Central and South America.

Lighting: penumbra.

The soil: nourishing, drained.

Watering: abundant.

Maximum tree height: 15 m.

Average life expectancy: over 100 years.

Landing: seeds, cuttings.

Description of the cocoa plant: the fruits of the beans and their photos

The cocoa tree belongs to the species of evergreens. It is a tall tree, reaching 10-15 m.

The trunk is straight, up to 30 cm in diameter. The bark is brown, the wood is yellowish. The crown is wide-spread, densely leafy, with numerous branches. Branching is whorled.

The leaves are large, rounded or oblong-elliptical, thin, entire, arranged alternately, 6-30 cm long, 3-15 cm wide. Dark green above, shiny, dull below, light green. Attached to a thin, short petiole.

The flowers are small or medium in size, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, pinkish-white or red-pink, with short pedicels, collected in bunches. Located on the bark of the internodes of bare trunks and large branches. This type of flowering is called "caulifloria" and is inherent in rainforest plants. The flowers emit an unpleasant odor that attracts dung flies and cocoa pollinating butterflies.

The fruit is large, oval-elongated, 10-30 cm long, outwardly resembles a lemon or melon, but has longitudinal deep furrows. The shell is dense, wrinkled, leathery, red, orange or yellow. The pulp is a pink or white pulp containing 5 seed columns. The taste is sweet and sour, viscous. Each column of pulp contains from 3 to 12 seeds. One fruit can contain from 15 to 60 seeds. The seeds are oval, brown or reddish, 2-2.5 cm long. They consist of a dense shell, two large cotyledons and an embryo. The seeds of the chocolate tree are called cocoa beans. One tree produces up to 120 fruits and 4 kg of seeds per year.

Cocoa flowering begins in the second year of life, fruiting - for 4-5 years. The duration of fruiting is 20-25 years. Peak fruiting at the age of 10-35 years. After 35 years, the number of fruits decreases every year.

Photos of the cocoa tree are presented in the gallery below.

How cocoa trees grow

Wild species of this plant are found in the tropical forests of South and Central America, Mexico. The tree settles in lowland and multi-tiered forests. Among the small forests, it grows in groves, forms continuous thickets. Countries where cocoa trees grow have a warm, humid climate, typical of the tropics.

This culture is quite whimsical to growing conditions. Grows and develops in a warm climate. It does not tolerate temperatures above +28°C and below +20°C, as well as direct sunlight, therefore it does not grow on hills. Prefers loose, fertile soil covered with last year's foliage. Needs daily, abundant watering. It is these greenhouse conditions created by nature for plants of humid, tropical forests.

Conditions for growing cocoa beans: how to plant

The cocoa plant is propagated by seeds and cuttings. Since the seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, they are planted 1-2 weeks after ripening. Seeds are taken from a ripened fruit and sown in a small container with a diameter of about 7 cm in a soil mixture consisting of turf, leafy soil and sand. Seeds are deepened into the soil by 2 cm with a narrow end up. A container with seedlings is stored indoors at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. The soil is regularly moistened. Emerging shoots are irrigated with water at room temperature.

You can grow cocoa at home in another way. Before planting cocoa beans, it is necessary to prepare the seeds of this plant and the soil mixture. For planting, a medium-sized pot with loose, fertilized soil is suitable. Cocoa grains are placed in warm water for a day. A day later, a depression is made in the soil, 2-3 cm deep, which is then filled with water. Grain is placed in the hole and sprinkled with earth on top. The pot is placed in a warm, lighted place. In hot weather, regular watering is carried out. Under the right conditions for growing cocoa, in 14-20 days the first sprout will appear, which will eventually turn into a full-fledged chocolate tree. Since this tropical plant is demanding on air and soil moisture, artificial irrigation is created when growing cocoa beans.

For planting this crop, you can use cuttings, which are cut in the spring from well-developed, semi-lignified shoots. Cuttings should be 15-20 cm long with 3-4 leaves. From the cuttings of vertical shoots, single-stemmed trees develop, from lateral shoots - bushy.

When growing a tropical tree, it is necessary to ensure the absence of drafts and direct sunlight, to create an optimal air temperature (20 - 30 ° C). At temperatures below 10 ° C, growth will stop, the plant will die. When planting, it should be remembered that the chocolate cocoa tree does not tolerate extreme heat, so trees with a wide, flat-round crown that creates shade are planted on neighboring plantations.

From March to September, once a month, the plant is fed with organic fertilizers, in the summer, during the period of active growth, with mineral fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen. Spraying with special solutions will prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Despite the fact that the chocolate tree is moisture-loving, its leaves should not be over-moistened, otherwise mold may develop on them. Stagnation of moisture negatively affects the root system of cocoa, therefore, when planting, drainage is done: sand or small stones are poured into the bottom of the pot.

Varieties of cocoa and their photos

To date, there are 2 main types of cocoa beans: Criollo and Forastero.

Criollo beans have a neutral, light brown color and a nutty flavor.

Forastero beans dark brown, with a strong aroma and slight bitterness. Beans of the second type are the most common, because they have increased resistance to harsh climatic conditions.

According to the place of growth, cocoa beans are divided into African, American and Asian. The name of cocoa beans, as a rule, coincides with the place where they are cultivated.

So, for example, among African varieties of cocoa, there are:

Among American varieties, the most popular varieties are:

Cocoa has been a favorite drink of many people since childhood. It gives a peculiar taste to sweets, pastries, various confectionery delights. This product is the result of processing chocolate tree seeds, which will be discussed later.

Description of the appearance of the plant

First of all, let's talk about what a cocoa tree looks like. It belongs to the evergreen genus Theobroma from the Malvaceae family. Adult specimens are characterized by a straight, rather thin trunk, not exceeding 30 cm in girth, with an average of 10 meters in height. The crown consists of many branches, densely leafy and widely procumbent. The color of the bark is brown, and the wood is yellowish. The leaf of the plant is large, rounded or elliptical in shape. Fastened with a short petiole. It has a glossy dark green surface on top and a matte, lighter shade of green underneath. Leaf sizes reach 15 cm in width and 30 cm in length, arranged alternately on the branches. The life cycle of a plant can exceed a hundred years. Fruits several times a year.

Flowering and fruiting

According to the type of flowering, the cocoa bean tree (you see the photo in the article) belongs to the so-called caulifloria. Flowers at the same time are located on the bark of large branches and trunks in large numbers. Collected in bunches or located separately, they are attached with short pedicels. The size of the flowers in diameter is up to 15 mm, the color is reddish-pink, white with a pink tint. The flowers are pollinated by butterflies, insects, and dung flies. They are attracted by an unpleasant floral smell. During the year, 30-40 thousand flowers appear on the bark of a tree, of which only 250-400 receive the ovary. Flowers appear from the second year of life, and the fruits are tied for 4-5 years. The tree does not have a clearly defined flowering period. With the exception of the period of heavy rains, it blooms and bears fruit continuously. Active fruiting lasts 20-25 years. The largest collections of fruits are obtained at the age of 10-35, then the size of the crops gradually decreases.

tree fruits

Outwardly, the fruits of the cocoa tree resemble, in their elongated oval shape, a torpedo melon or lemon, only larger in size and with deep grooves along the body. Individual specimens weigh 0.5 kg each and have a length of 30 cm. The peel is dense, it feels like skin to the touch. From the inside, they are a fruit with a pulp of five seed columns and a pleasant sweet and sour pink or white flesh. Each such column includes 3-12 seeds. The fruit ripens for a long time, from six months to a year. Harvesting one crop yields up to two hundred fruits per tree.

What do cocoa beans look like?

The seeds of the fruit are cocoa beans. Seed in a dense shell, oval in shape with two cotyledons, with an embryo inside, in red or brown color shades, 20-25 mm long.

Places of growth

Where does the cocoa tree grow? Its homeland is the tropics of the South American continent and Central America with a humid warm climate. Wild species of cocoa trees are still found there today. The plant is demanding on environmental conditions:

  • The optimum temperature regime is 20-28 degrees Celsius.
  • Partial shade without sources of direct sunlight.
  • Loose and fertile land.
  • Daily need for abundant moisture.

How it breeds

The cocoa tree is propagated by seeds, and under artificial conditions, cuttings are also used. Seeds are able to germinate for a short time, so sowing is done one to two weeks after they are fully ripe. The soil for planting is prepared from sand, soddy soil and leaf humus. A small container is filled with it, fresh seeds are placed there, deepening them by 2 cm. Germination is carried out at + 20-degree air temperature and regular moistening. Seedlings are irrigated with warm water.

Cuttings 15-20 cm in size with several leaves are cut in spring. For propagation purposes, semi-lignified shoots are used. The stalk from a vertical shoot grows into a single-stemmed plant. Lateral shoots give life to bushy plants.

Grow a chocolate tree at home

Cocoa tree at home is grown in another way:

  • Prepare a loose soil mixture with the addition of fertilizers.
  • Pour it into a container for planting.
  • Bean seeds are soaked in warm water for a day.
  • Make holes in the soil 2-3 cm deep and pour water into each.
  • A grain is poked into the prepared recesses, sprinkled with soil.
  • The container is left in a warm, lit place.
  • Don't forget about regular watering.

If everything is done correctly, sprouts will appear after 2-3 weeks. When transplanting a seedling to a permanent place at the bottom of the pot, drainage is made from sand or other suitable material. The roots of a moisture-loving plant cannot stand stagnant water. For the full existence of the chocolate tree, you need:

  • ambient temperature 20-30 degrees Celsius and sufficient humidity;
  • partial shade, lack of drafts;
  • fertilizing with organic fertilizers monthly from March to September;
  • in the summer months, top dressing with mineral fertilizers with a predominant nitrogen content is added to organic ones;
  • periodic treatment with special compounds for the prevention of fungal diseases.

The leaves of the chocolate tree can become moldy when waterlogged.

Types and varieties of cocoa trees

Criollo and Forastero are the main cultivated types of chocolate trees currently:

  • Criollo is characterized by a nutty flavor and a light brown color. Grows in Mexico and Central America. A high-yielding species, but it has one drawback: the cocoa tree (photo below) is highly susceptible to diseases and capricious in relation to weather disasters. The beans of this type of chocolate tree make up only 10% of the cocoa market. The produced chocolate has a delicate aroma and slightly bitter taste.
  • Forastero seeds are dark brown in color, slightly bitter in taste and exude a strong aroma. The species ranks first in world cocoa production. Gives 80% of the market supply of raw materials. It is popular for its high yield and growth rate of trees of this species. Cultivated in Africa, South and Central America. The taste of the finished product is characterized by characteristic bitterness and light acidity.
  • The Trinitario variety was bred artificially by crossing the two above species. A cocoa tree is grown (the photo is presented to your attention below) in Asian countries, Central and South America. The taste of the finished product from this type of beans is characterized by pleasant bitterness and exquisite aroma.
  • It should be said about a rare species called National. Grown in South America, the beans have a persistent unique flavor.

Depending on the place of growth, Asian, American and African beans are distinguished. They differ in quality, taste and aroma. The name is obtained from the territorial affiliation of their landings:

  • African varieties represent Cameroon, Ghana, Angola.
  • American varieties are Bahia, Grenada, Cuba, Ecuador.
  • Asian varieties - Ceylon, Java.

Collection of fruits of the chocolate tree

The process of collecting cocoa fruits is carried out using manual labor. Ripe fruits growing from below are cut off with a sharp knife, and those that are inaccessible to manual removal from the branch are knocked off with sticks. The processing of the harvested crop also takes place manually: seeds are removed from the crushed fruit shells, placed on banana leaves and covered with them from above. Then, within 5-7 days, they go through a period of fermentation (fermentation), acquire the aroma, their inherent delicate taste. Bitterness and acid disappear. Beans are dried naturally in the sun or in ovens. The drying process lasts 7-10 days with daily stirring. The weight loss in this case is half of the original mass. Ready-made raw materials are sent for processing, packed in special jute bags. Beans can be stored in them for several years.

The benefits of fruits, seeds and their use, contraindications

The fruit pulp of the chocolate tree is used as a raw material for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. Waste is used as feed for livestock. The most valuable part is seeds (beans) - raw materials for obtaining cocoa butter, chocolate, cocoa powder in food production. Cocoa butter is included in individual medicines, and is also used in cosmetology. The microelements, organic acids, minerals, fats, vitamins which are a part are useful to health. Cocoa drink tones and quickly saturates the body, it is especially useful for manual workers, athletes for quick recovery. Chocolate is good for blood vessels and the heart, it has antioxidant properties.

It is undesirable to use cocoa for pregnant women because of the ability to prevent the absorption of calcium. And also be aware of the 0.2% caffeine found in beans.

From the history of the popularity of cocoa beans

Cocoa beans were brought to the countries of the Old World in the 16th century, after the discovery and conquest of the American continent. The Spaniards were the first to notice what value the Indians saw in the seeds of this plant. The cocoa tree was considered sacred by them, having a divine origin. The value of the fruits was so great that they were exchanged for slaves. Spain was the first among European countries to try this product and for more than a century did not allow it to be exported outside its borders.

For a long time, Europeans prepared only a drink from them - hot chocolate. This pleasure was afforded only by wealthy people. The first hard chocolate bar was created by a Swiss confectioner in 1819. But first, Swiss chefs came up with a technology for processing seeds with oil extraction and subsequent powder production. Today, products containing chocolate tree seeds are available to most people, this is one of the most sought-after ingredients in confectionery treats.

Everyone loves chocolate. Bitter and milky, white and black. Everyone knows that it is made from cocoa. But not everyone knows where cocoa beans grow. And is it possible to grow a chocolate tree here, in Russia?

The word "cocoa" comes from the Aztec kakahuatl, and cocoa trees are cultivated in the special climatic conditions of the tropics of Africa, America and Oceania, which are located between the 20th parallel of the northern and southern latitudes. In the wild, they almost never grow.

Description of the chocolate tree

The evergreen cocoa tree Theobroma Cacao (theobroma from ancient Greek - the food of the gods) is very capricious and demanding on the climate. Does not tolerate air temperatures below +21°C and above +28°C, low humidity and direct sunlight. Therefore, on cultivated plantations, coconut palms, avocados, banana, mango, rubber and native trees are planted to shade it. They protect from wind and sun and limit the growth of cocoa trees to 6 meters to facilitate fruit picking. After all, a chocolate tree can reach a height of 9 and even 15 meters.

Photo 2. Fruits on a chocolate tree.

Its trunk is straight, the crown is wide and dense. The wood has a yellowish color, and the bark is brown. The leaves are large, thin, oblong-elliptical in shape, reach 40 cm in length (almost a newspaper page), and 15 cm in width. The leaves easily capture the light penetrating through the lush foliage of other, higher plantations. It blooms with small, bizarre pinkish-white flowers that grow in bunches directly from the bark and large branches (photo 1). But they have a very unpleasant smell, so they are pollinated not by bees, but by wood lice.

After 4 months, the fruits ripen. They resemble an elongated ribbed (thanks to 10 longitudinal grooves) “melon”, reaching a length of 30 cm (photo 2). Each of them can produce from 30 to 50 beans, tightened into a leathery dense shell, which, depending on the variety, has a red, orange or yellow-green color. Another feature of the unique tree is that flowering and fruit ripening occur simultaneously on it.

Harvesting is carried out only manually with the help of machetes and special knives mounted on long poles. Then the fruits are cut into 2 (4) parts and the seeds are manually removed (photo 3). For fermentation of fruits, they are dried. To do this, use special pallets, closed boxes or just banana leaves. Drying time can vary from 2 to 9 days and take place in the sun or in the shade, depending on the purpose of further use. Seeds have a pleasant smell, brown-violet color and oily taste.

Photo 3. Cut the fruit of the chocolate tree.

Cocoa trees begin to bear fruit from 5-6 years old, and the first collection, although small, is considered the highest quality. And high yields are given by trees older than 12 years. The fruiting period with proper care is from 30 to 80 years.

The tree flowers and bears fruit all year round. There are 2 harvests per year: at the end of the rainy season and before it begins.

The chocolate tree is also whimsical to the soil on which it is cultivated. For it to grow and bear fruit, the soil must be loose, fertile and covered with last year's foliage. Watering is required daily, plentiful.

Culture is subject to many diseases. As you can see, the cultivation of cocoa beans is hard and exhausting work.

When taste and color matter

The largest cocoa producer in the world market is Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), followed by Indonesia, followed by Ghana, Nigeria, and Brazil.

On the world map (photo 4), the areas where cocoa trees are grown are highlighted in red. The technology of cultivation and production of semi-finished cocoa products varies from supplier to supplier. In America, there are large plantations where cocoa beans grow, while in Africa, small companies are engaged in their production.

Photo 4. Areas for growing cocoa trees.

Beans and cocoa raw materials (grated, powder and butter) are supplied to various countries of the world. The aroma, taste and color of cocoa beans are directly influenced by their places of growth, the culture of harvesting and the technologies used for their processing. The key factor is the region of origin. Cocoa from Côte d'Ivoire has a traditional aroma and a sweet taste, in which there is a slight sourness. It pairs well with dairy products. And cocoa liquor from beans grown in Ghana is aggressively sour, turning into a bitter note when properly conched. This is the best option for the production of dark and bitter chocolate masses. Brazilian cocoa liquor has a nutty flavor with hints of mocha and grillage. And the same product from Ecuador and the Dominican Republic has a tart taste reminiscent of raisins. The Madagascar product has a tart-spicy, caramel flavor.

The color of Ghanaian and Cameroonian cocoa powder has a reddish tint, Indonesian cocoa powder is gray-beige, and Côte d'Ivoire is brown-gray. An experienced cocoa specialist can immediately determine where the cocoa beans were grown. By the way, the names of the varieties of beans correspond to the names of the regions where they grow: “Cameroon”, “Ghana”, “Brazil”, etc.

In its pure form, varietal products are used infrequently. When creating various taste solutions and in order to expand the organoleptic palette, blends are widely used, which combine noble, more expensive varieties and consumer varieties that are accessible to most citizens.

Overseas guest

The Spaniards brought cocoa beans to Europe. And they themselves learned about this unique product when they conquered Latin America, the birthplace of cocoa, in the 16th century. Only in the 17th century did Europeans begin to prepare a delicious, fragrant drink and solid chocolate, which is very similar to today's. As cocoa spread throughout Europe, plantations for its cultivation began to increase in European colonies, where slave labor was used. Thus, chocolate trees began to be cultivated in African countries, Indonesia.

Unsurpassed taste was distinguished by chocolate from the French, Swiss and British. Russian chocolate at the beginning of the last century was one of the best. And cocoa fell in love in our country, they began to drink it, diluted with milk or cream. Then tea and coffee took the palm from the cocoa drink, but chocolate, as it was, remained a favorite treat for both children and adults.

That's just in our temperate climate, chocolate trees do not grow. But they can be grown (and they are successfully doing this) in winter gardens, greenhouses with maintaining the optimum temperature for their growth at 21-28 ° C. Exotic trees are propagated by seeds and cuttings. These are mainly high-quality varieties Criollo and Forastero Criollo, which have a special aroma. Selectively, on the basis of these two varieties, a third was created - Trinitario, which was especially fond of Russian fans of exotic plants.

The land of Central and South America is recognized as the birthplace of the chocolate tree. Now wild-growing cocoa (chocolate tree), belonging to the Sterkuliev family, is almost never found. The plant has become domesticated since the development of South American lands by the Spaniards. It is cultivated on plantations.

Theobroma is an ancient Greek meaning "food of the gods". It truly lives up to its name. Delicacies derived from cocoa beans have a divine taste. Chocolate, be it a hot drink, hard bar, candy, paste or cream, is a constant delight in every person.

cocoa growing area

In the regions where the chocolate tree grows, special natural and climatic conditions prevail. It is mainly cultivated in the tropics, stretching across America, Africa and Oceania. African states are the main suppliers of cocoa beans. They supply up to 70% of this product to the world market.

Ghana is recognized as the largest supplier. In the capital of this country - Accra - the largest African market has been built, where cocoa beans are sold. The harvest of chocolate beans in (Côte d'Ivoire) reaches 30% of the total amount produced in the world. Indonesia is also considered a major market player.

A lot of fruits are harvested from chocolate trees in Bali, where the combination of mountain climate and fertile volcanic soils is ideal for growing cocoa. Cocoa seeds are brought from Nigeria, Brazil, Cameroon, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Malaysia and Colombia.

growing conditions for cocoa

It is difficult to find a tree more whimsical than cocoa. It requires special living conditions. An incredible sissy - a chocolate tree - can develop and bear fruit only in multi-tiered tropical forests. The plant settles in the lower tier of the forest. Where shade and dampness do not disappear, and the temperature regime is kept at levels from + 24 to + 28 0 С.

It loves places with fertile, loose soils covered with fallen leaves, where it rains incessantly and there are no winds. Such growing conditions can only be created by a canopy that forms in multi-tiered tropical rainforests.

For example, in the Amazon basin, with the onset of the rainy season, when the tributaries of the river, overflowing their banks, turn the lowlands into endless lakes a meter deep, each chocolate tree stands practically in water for many weeks. However, under such conditions, the plants do not rot, but, on the contrary, continue to develop.

Growing a chocolate tree on plantations

The capricious chocolate tree is demanding on the temperature regime. It is not at all capable of development if the temperature does not rise above 21 0 C. The optimal temperature for its growth is 40 0 ​​C. And at the same time, direct sunlight is harmful to it.

Therefore, in order to ensure the normal growth of trees, they are planted in mixed plantings. Cocoa thrives among avocados, bananas, mangoes, coconuts, and rubber trees. Whimsical trees, easily exposed to many diseases, need constant care and careful care. They are harvested by hand only.

Description of the chocolate tree

On average, the height of straight-stemmed evergreen trees is 6 meters. However, it costs nothing for some specimens to grow up to 9 and even 15 meters. The trunks of plants (up to 30 cm in girth with yellowish wood) are covered with brown bark and crowned with wide branched dense crowns.

Trees that can live in the shade of plantings flooded with rain have giant oblong-elliptical leaves. The size of thin, entire, alternate evergreen leaves, seated on short petioles, is comparable to the size of a newspaper page. They are about 40 cm long and about 15 cm wide.

Thanks to chocolate, it captures the crumbs of light that barely oozes through the lush greenery of plants endowed with greater height. The growth of giant foliage is not characterized by gradualness (leaves do not bloom one after another). It is characterized by undulating development. Either the leaves of the word freeze for several weeks and even months and do not grow at all, then suddenly there is an extraordinary surge in their development - several pieces bloom at the same time.

Fruiting is observed all year round. The first flowering and the formation of fruits is observed at the 5-6th year of the plant's life. The fruiting period lasts for 30-80 years. The chocolate tree bears fruit twice a year. Gives abundant harvests after 12 years of life.

The tufts, formed by small pinkish-white flowers, break right through the bark covering the trunks and large branches. Pollinate inflorescences that exude a disgusting smell, midges-lice. Brown and yellow fruits, similar in shape to a small elongated ribbed melon, hang from the trunks. Their surface is indented with ten grooves.

chocolate tree seeds

They need 4 months to mature. Due to such a long ripening, they are always humiliated with both flowers and fruits. In fruits 30 cm long, 5-20 cm in diameter and weighing 200-600 g, 30-50 cocoa beans are hidden. The beans are tightened with a dense leathery shell of yellow, red or orange tones. Each almond-shaped seed is 2-2.5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide.

Longitudinal rows of beans are surrounded by juicy sweet pulp, which is revered as a delicacy by squirrels and monkeys. They suck out the watery pulp, throwing away what is valuable to humans - the beans used as raw materials for the production of cocoa and chocolate.

Collection of cocoa fruits

Since the chocolate tree is quite tall, not only machetes are used to harvest the fruits, but also knives attached to long poles. The removed fruits are cut into 2-4 shares. The beans, extracted from the pulp by hand, are laid out for drying on banana leaves, pallets or in closed boxes.

When seeds are dried in the sun, cocoa produces a bittersweet taste with tart notes, which is less valuable. Therefore, preference is given to closed drying of beans. The fermentation period takes from 2 to 9 days. During the drying process, the size of the seeds decreases.

Seed processing

Cocoa beans of brown-violet shades have an oily taste and a pleasant aroma. Seeds, sorted, peeled, roasted and freed from parchment shells, are crushed and sifted through a sieve to obtain high-quality cocoa powder.

Parchment shells are used as fertilizer, and the powder is accepted for further processing by any tree, or rather, its raw materials obtained from seeds - an excellent basis for many delicacies.

From the fried crumbs, ground into a thick stretchy mass, bitter chocolate is obtained by cooling. Enriching the resulting mixture with sugar, vanilla, milk powder and other additives, various chocolates are obtained.

Cocoa butter is obtained from roasted fruits subjected to pressing. The crumb left after pressing is ground into cocoa powder. Thus, the chocolate tree gives humanity two valuable products. The confectionery uses both powder and oil to produce all sorts of chocolate treats. Oil, moreover, is widely used in the production of perfumes, cosmetics and pharmacological agents.

The benefits of cocoa

Cocoa is not just a tasty treat, it has healing properties. Its composition is based on proteins, fiber, gum, alkaloids, theobromine, fat, starch and coloring matter. Thanks to theobromine, which has a tonic effect, cocoa has been used in medicine. With its help, successfully suppress diseases of the throat and lungs.

Delicacy and pharmacological preparations from cocoa restore strength and soothe. They normalize cardiac activity. They are used in the prevention of myocardial infarction, stroke and cancer. Cocoa butter cure hemorrhoids.

Have you ever met a person who has not tried chocolate or cocoa? We are all familiar from childhood with the taste of these wonderful delicacies. But not many people know what a cocoa chocolate tree looks like, where it grows and how chocolate is obtained from it.

Facts about the biology of the cocoa tree

  1. Cocoa tree, or chocolate tree, modern botanists refer to the genus Theobroma of the Malvaceae family. The scientific name of the tree "Theobroma" (Theobroma cacao) was coined by Carl Linnaeus. Translated from ancient Greek, it means "food of the gods."
  2. Theobroma cocoa is an evergreen tree up to 12-15 meters high. The leaves are very large, dark green, shiny, up to 30 cm long. On the trunk and large branches, bunches of small pinkish flowers with short pedicels are formed. Fruits grow from them, as if growing right on the trunk. This type of fruiting is called caulifloria. The flowers of the chocolate tree are not pollinated by bees, but by small midges.
  3. The fruits of the chocolate tree in appearance resemble a pointed melon with longitudinal grooves, they reach a length of 30 cm and can weigh up to 0.5 kg. Fruit ripening lasts from six months to a year, and from just one tree a year you can get up to 200 fruits. Inside the fruit contains a pink, sour-sweet pulp. Under the pulp of the fruit there are 5 seed columns containing up to 50 seeds of a tree - cocoa beans. From these seeds, the most valuable products are obtained - cocoa powder, cocoa butter and their derivative - chocolate.

Where does cocoa grow?

Wild cocoa trees are found in the tropical jungle of South America - the birthplace of orchids, rubber plants, ceiba and melon trees. Now the chocolate tree has been cultivated, plants are cultivated in the tropical zone of the whole world: on plantations in South America, Africa, Indonesia and Oceania.

Most of the cocoa beans on the world market are produced in African countries. The largest suppliers of cocoa are Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesia, Colombia, and Brazil. Cocoa is grown in the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Bali - wherever the humid tropical climate allows.

Cultivation of cocoa trees

The chocolate tree is capricious and laborious to care for. To grow it, you need a constant temperature of at least 20 degrees, diffused sunlight and high humidity. Such conditions in nature exist in equatorial tropical forests.

Cacao trees are most often planted in massifs of hevea, coconut or banana palms, shading them from the scorching tropical sun. On plantations, the height of trees is limited to 6 meters to facilitate harvesting.

The evergreen cocoa tree blooms and bears fruit all year round. In 5-6 years, it blooms and bears the first fruits. The tree bears fruit for 30-80 years. Harvesting is usually done twice a year, at the end of the rainy season and before it begins.

Is it possible to grow a house tree?

It is difficult to grow a cocoa tree indoors; it needs a warm greenhouse or conservatory. But if you are lucky enough to get fresh miracle tree seeds, you can try to germinate them in the room. To do this, you need a mini-greenhouse with a temperature of 20 degrees, loose permeable soil and constant moisture. The beans are soaked for a day in warm water, planted to a depth of 2 cm. The container with the seeds is placed in a warm, well-lit place. Seedlings appear after 2-3 weeks.

Another way to get a cocoa tree is propagation by cuttings. Cuttings are cut in the spring. For reproduction, semi-lignified shoots 15-20 cm long with several leaves are taken. Planted in a substrate made up of soddy soil, sand and leaf humus, good drainage is made in the container. Fertilize from May to September. The plant is afraid of waterlogging, drafts and sunburn, it grows only at a temperature of 20-30 degrees.

Varieties of cocoa tree

Several varieties of chocolate tree have been bred, differing in taste and aroma of fruits, and cultivation characteristics.

  • Forastero- the most common variety of cocoa, occupies up to 80% of world production. This variety gives a high and regular yield, grows quite quickly. Cocoa of this variety is characterized by a characteristic bitterness with a sour tint. Grown in Africa, Central and South America.
  • Criollo- a rarer variety growing in Mexico and Central America. In the world market, the share of this variety is no more than 10%. It is difficult to grow, as it is highly susceptible to disease. Chocolate from this variety is distinguished by a delicate aroma and exquisite low bitterness with a nutty flavor.
  • Trinitario- a variety bred from crossing "Criollo" and "Forastero". Inherited the best qualities from both varieties: pleasant taste and increased disease resistance. Grown in Central, South America and Asia.
  • National- South American cocoa. Beans have a specific taste and aroma. Cacao of this variety is very rare, due to its susceptibility to diseases and a small area of ​​growth.

Collection and processing of cocoa beans

The collection and processing of cocoa beans is a very laborious process. Harvested only by hand, using special sharp machete knives. The collected fruits are immediately sent for processing. They are cut into several pieces and laid out for fermentation between banana leaves for 5-7 days. During fermentation, cocoa beans acquire their characteristic color and aroma.

Then the cocoa seeds are sent to dry. Traditionally, cocoa beans are laid out and dried, stirring daily, in the sun, sometimes in drying ovens. After drying, cocoa beans lose up to half their mass. They are packed in jute bags and sent to processing factories in various countries.

During processing, oil is pressed from roasted cocoa beans with a hydraulic press, and the squeezes are used to obtain cocoa powder. To obtain 1 kg of grated cocoa, it is necessary to process about 40 cocoa fruits, approximately 1200 beans.

Interesting facts about the history of chocolate

  1. Mankind has been drinking cocoa for over 3500 years.
  2. Although the chocolate tree is native to the Amazon, it was first cultivated by the Indians of Central America. Archaeological finds show that the Olmec people in the 18th century BC were familiar with a drink made from the fruits of the cocoa tree.
  3. The word "cocoa" is derived from the Aztec name for the drink kakahuatl (chocolatl).
  4. The Mayans considered cocoa to be a sacred gift of the gods and used the drink for ritual purposes, for example, at wedding ceremonies.
  5. Drinking cocoa among the Aztecs was the privilege of the priests and the highest nobility. Cocoa fruits, along with the pulp, were ground, seasoned with maize, vanilla, salt and hot pepper, and fermented until foam was formed. The fruits of the tree were valuable as local money - for example, for 100 cocoa fruits you could buy a slave.
  6. Christopher Columbus was the first European to be honored to taste a drink made from cocoa fruits. However, it was not Columbus who brought cocoa to Europe, but Cortes, the Spanish conqueror of Mexico. In 1519, cocoa appeared in Spain. The Spaniards did not allow cocoa to be exported from their country, and only after 100 years did cocoa enter Europe.
  7. Chocolate in different periods of history was called completely different products:
  • In the XVI century. it was a cold, bitter drink made from grated cocoa beans. The Spanish aristocracy added precious spices to it - vanilla and cinnamon.
  • Since the 17th century Europeans learned how to brew hot chocolate and add sugar and milk to it. At the court of Louis XIV, chocolate drink was considered an effective aphrodisiac.
  • In 1828, the technology of extracting cocoa butter and obtaining cocoa powder was invented in Holland. A drink made from cocoa powder has become cheaper and more affordable for different segments of the population.
  • In the second half of the 19th century, chocolate began to be called a solid product based on cocoa butter. Bar chocolate was invented in its modern form.

About the benefits and harms of cocoa

  • Cocoa is deservedly popular as a tonic and nutritious drink. It contains caffeine and various minerals, fats, vitamins A, B, E, folic acid. Cocoa is an excellent antioxidant that protects the body from the effects of free radicals, strengthens blood vessels and the heart.
  • Cocoa butter is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. It prevents skin aging; various creams, suppositories, ointments are prepared on its basis.
  • In the world, a drink made from unroasted cocoa beans is gaining popularity. It is believed that it quickly replenishes strength in athletes during physical exertion.
  • Cheap varieties of chocolate contain substitutes for expensive cocoa butter - coconut and palm oils.
  • Who does not benefit from cocoa products:
  1. pregnant women - cocoa prevents the absorption of calcium;
  2. babies - due to the content of caffeine;
  3. diabetics should not get carried away with cocoa and chocolate - they contain a lot of sugar.

So, we got acquainted with a real miracle of nature - a cocoa tree. While enjoying the products of the chocolate miracle tree, one should not forget about only one thing - the sense of proportion!