Frozen aspic of fish. Jellied fish recipes. Jellied fish royal recipe

Do you want to know how tasty and easy it is to cook fish aspic? Then you can read useful information on this topic right now.

It is easier to cook, there are no such sharp bones as in the preparation of fish aspic.

Such a jelly on the festive table looks beautiful (a masterpiece with your own hands), mysterious and you always want to taste it.

Jellied fish zander with gelatin

Meet a delicious and simple recipe for jellied zander pieces with gelatin.

Preparing a recipe

  1. We have a medium sized zander. We clean the fish from scales and entrails. We cut off all the fins near the abdomen with scissors and cut out the gills.

2. We cut off the fins along the ridge of the fish.

3. Cut off the head and tail of the fish.

4. Cut the fish into pieces as in the photo.

5. Pike perch should be cut into such pieces with pieces 2-3 cm thick.

6. Now we need to prepare the broth. Pour water into the pan and put the head, tail, onion, bay leaves, black peppercorns, salt.

7. As soon as the water in the pan boils, put other pieces of fish and cook for 20 minutes.

8. To clarify the broth, we need the protein of two eggs. Separate the protein from the yolk and beat it a little.

As a tip: Clarified transparent jelly is called lanspig. To get such a jelly, you need to mix dissolved gelatin with chilled broth (2 proteins and 1 glass of broth).

9. We take out the cooked fish in a plate.

10. And pour the whipped proteins into the broth and stir. Slightly boil the broth with proteins.

12. Pour the cooled broth into a jug, add gelatin and stir. We leave it to swell.

13. We begin to collect the dish. The filling should be beautiful. We separate the fish meat from the bones and put it on a dish, add cut quail eggs, add boiled shrimp, cut olives and black olives into rings. Along the edge of the dish (in a circle) lay the lemon half rings. Add parsley leaves.

14. Then carefully pour the broth with gelatin, first onto a spoon, and then over all parts of the plate.

15. The recipe is finished. We remove the New Year's jellied meat in the refrigerator for setting.

Aspic (jellied) from fish (carp) "Gift of Neptune" with gelatin


  • 2 kg carp
  • 3 sweet green peppers
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of gelatin
  • 1/4 egg
  • 1 bulb
  • Paprika and salt - to taste

Cooking method

  1. Cut the fish into fillets with skin without bones.
  2. Carefully remove the core and cut into portions.
  3. From the waste, cook a strong broth by adding onion, paprika, salt.
  4. Then put the pieces of fish in the broth and cook until tender.
  5. Carefully remove the fillet, strain the broth, add gelatin to it. Stir.
  6. Put the pieces on a dish, pour over the prepared jelly and let it cool.
  7. Garnish with chopped green peppers, tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs (or as pictured) before serving.

You can decorate carp aspic in different ways as your imagination allows.

Jelly fish without gelatin - recipe with stuffed carp pieces

Meet a delicious and original recipe for stuffed fish aspic. If one of the readers made it or tried it at a party, respond, I would like to know your opinion. I consider this recipe a masterpiece in the art of aspic dishes.


  • Carp - 3 - 3.5 kg (2 pcs.)
  • Onion - 3 pcs.

  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Milk 200 ml
  • Baton - crumb
  • Parsley, bay leaf, black peppercorns, allspice, cloves, cumin, fish seasoning, garlic, sugar, salt


  1. We cut the fish: First, we clean it from scales and mucus, rinse with cold water. Then we cut the abdomen from the head to the anus and clean it from the insides. Remove black films inside the abdomen. We remove the gills from the head.

If carelessness was made during gutting and bile spilled, the fish should be washed immediately, and the place where the bile got into should be rubbed with salt and thoroughly washed again.

2. The cut fish should be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel.

3. We cut off the heads and tails from carps and put them separately on a plate.

4. On another plate, put carp carcasses cut into pieces.

5. Our next goal is to separate the skin from the meat and remove it. We take a piece with a tail, stick a knife and move it around the circumference of the piece, thereby cutting off the skin from the meat piece.

6. We pull off the entire skin of the fish from the tail.

7. Then we cut off the bone with a knife.

8. We are left with a fish tail with skin, but inside is empty.

9. We do the same with other pieces of fish - we cut off the skin from the meat piece.

11. Bones from pieces without meat, put in a plate with heads and tails.

12. In front of you is a plate with the skin separated from the meat pieces of fish.

13. Look, the skin is not completely naked, there are also meat areas on it - this is also good and so be it.

14. At the bottom of an empty pan, we put the heads, tails and bones with the cut off meat. Add heads of peeled onions, carrots, bay leaf and all spices.

15. Fill with water, add a little salt and cook for 30 minutes, after boiling. Then we will get the fish, and strain the broth through a sieve with gauze, we really need it.

Cooking minced meat in aspic

16. Cut out the crumb from a piece of loaf and crumble it into a plate.

17. Fill the loaf crumbs with milk.

18. Knead a little with a fork and set aside to swell.

19. Chop the parsley sprigs with a knife, as in the photo.

20. Rub the carrots on a coarse grater and put in a dish.

21. Using a meat grinder, grind fish meat and onions evenly.

22. We create minced meat for stuffing from the following components: grated carrots, minced fish, 2 raw eggs, onions, swollen loaf pulp, seasoning for fish, chopped parsley, a little garlic, a pinch of sugar, salt. We mix everything thoroughly.

Stuffing the fish skin

23. We stuff the fish skin with cooked minced meat. Before you is a voluminous piece of stuffed tail.

24. Stuff the rest of the skin of the carp, forming voluminous pieces.

25. Press the stuffed piece with your fingers to make it firmer and more accurate.

26. This is what stuffed skin looks like. Outwardly, it looks like sliced ​​​​pieces of ordinary fish.

27. Put the stuffed pieces on the bottom of the pan and pour strained broth.

28. Pour the broth so that it covers the fish and cook for 30 minutes. If you still have broth, do not pour it into the sink, but pour it onto a plate, it will thicken and you can eat it with pleasure, even without fish.

29. 30 minutes have passed, turn off the fire, take out the pieces of fish, put them in different plates and see the minced meat has not fallen out, as it should be.

We form aspic

30. Put the slices of carrots to the pieces of fish and pour the broth from the pan. We are waiting for the broth to cool and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

31. After solidification, cut the jelly into beautiful pieces and form a festive dish.

We put a dish with stuffed pieces of carp without gelatin on the table and wait for a reaction from the guests.

Jellied perch with shrimp and gelatin - video

Decorating the dish with shrimp and lemon slices is very simple and entertaining. Try it!

Kholodets (jellied) "Goldfish" from red fish


  • 1 kg of any red fish
  • 400 g fish trimmings
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bulb
  • Bay leaf, black peppercorns, herbs, 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 sachet crushed gelatin
  • 2 egg whites
  • capers or cucumber for garnish

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, put all the ingredients: red fish with trimmings, carrots, unpeeled onion, all spices and cook for 30 minutes. The contents of the pan should be reduced by 1/4.
  2. Take the fish out of the broth and cut into small pieces.
  3. Strain the remaining broth through a fine sieve.
  4. Cut carrots into slices.
  5. Take gelatin and soak for a few minutes in cold water.
  6. Whip the whites into a thick foam.
  7. Put the broth on gas and bring to a boil, add gelatin and whipped proteins to it. Bring the broth back to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Then strain through cheesecloth.
  8. Put a piece of fish into the prepared molds, garnish with carrot slices, cucumber slices or capers (or as in the photo), herbs and pour clear broth from a spoon in two or three doses to fix the decorations.
  9. Then again fill all the molds with an even layer of broth and refrigerate to set.

The dish is ready and it can be put on the festive table.

Jellied cod "Kingdom of Poseidon"


  • 1 kg cod
  • Boiled vegetables, boiled eggs, lemon, herbs - for decoration

Cooking method

When cleaning fish, it will not slip out of your hands if you rub your fingers with salt.

  1. Boil the cleaned fish and make strong jelly from the broth.
  2. Take a large shallow saucepan and fill it with crushed ice.
  3. Place tall glasses or glasses in a saucepan. These will be the shapes for the fish.
  4. Pour jelly into them little by little, laying various boiled vegetables on the walls, previously cut into pieces of various shapes. Put fish pieces in the middle

Let the aspic stand for 2 hours to set, and then put it on a large dish, turning it over.

Jellied fish fillet (hake, pollock, saffron cod)


  • 1 kg fish fillet (hake, pollock, navaga)
  • 50 g gelatin
  • 2 cans of mayonnaise
  • 20 g lemon juice
  • Parsley roots, celery, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 6 bay leaves, vegetables for decoration, greens

Cooking method

  1. Clean the fish. Wash the waste, but do not throw it away.
  2. Pour the waste with cold water, put the parsley, roots, onion, carrot and bring to a boil over high heat. When it boils, reduce the gas and cook for another 1 hour.
  3. Put the pieces of fish into the hot broth and cook for some more time. As soon as the fish is ready, remove it from the pan, and strain the broth through a sieve and let cool. There should be about 1 liter of broth left.
  4. Put the gelatin in the broth for 30 - 40 minutes, then heat, stirring constantly, but do not bring to a boil. Now the broth needs to be clarified. Now carefully read the rules for making transparent jelly for jellied fish:

For clarification, pour vinegar or lemon juice into the hot broth. For a delay, take the fish juice obtained during thawing, and 2 raw eggs, mix it all well and dilute with five of the same parts of cold broth.

Put the hot broth back on a small fire and pour the guy into it in a thin stream. Bring to a boil and once it boils, reduce heat to low. After 15 - 20 minutes, the guy will settle to the bottom. Take the broth and strain through a napkin. Hot jelly is ready.

Pour off some hot and clear jelly for further decoration.

5. Cool the finished fish, remove all bones and cut into pieces.

6. When the jelly has cooled, add mayonnaise to it and mix well. Leave some jelly for decoration. Put the pieces of fish in a large dish, decorate as desired and distribute the jelly. Let the dish harden a little in the cold and pour the jelly with mayonnaise left for decoration on top.

7. Now that everything is ready, you can start decorating. For this, fresh or pickled cucumbers, boiled carrots or potatoes, bell peppers or peas, tomatoes, olives, radishes, eggs, lemon, greens are suitable.

8. In the clear jelly you reserved for garnish, soak the vegetable slices and spread them over the surface. Then carefully fill the dish with the remaining jelly and let it completely harden.

Jellied fish "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"


  • 160 g sturgeon
  • Lemon
  • Carrot
  • 130 g finished jelly
  • Greens and sauce - horseradish

Preparing a recipe

  1. Boil the fish fillet, cool and cut into pieces.
  2. On a baking sheet or in a large shallow dish, pour a thin layer of jelly and let set. Lay the pieces of fish on top of it so that there are small gaps between them.
  3. Garnish with herbs, carrots, lemon. Strengthen with hardened jelly. Carefully pour in the remaining jelly so that its layer is a little less than 1 cm thick.
  4. When the dish is completely frozen, put it out of the pan and cut into small portions, grabbing pieces of fish.

Serve aspic on a platter with or without a vegetable side dish. Serve horseradish sauce separately.

How to cook fish jelly from silver carp - video

The article is over and I would very much like you to like it and as a result of your culinary activities, not just appetizing aspics, aspics and jellies, but creative masterpieces appeared on the festive table.

Jellied fish is a tasty and, when properly cooked, healthy dish that is usually served on the festive table. You can cook from any kind of fish. There are several important rules that you should definitely follow when cooking in order to get delicious jellied fish:

  • remove all the bones from the fish;
  • use for jellied fish, the meat of which keeps its shape after processing (pike, mackerel, pink salmon, salmon fish, pelengas);
  • broth for aspic is not cooked from a whole fish, but only from parts: head, fins, tail and spine.

There are many recipes for jellied fish. Below are 4 recipes that are easy to prepare, following the recipe.

Classic jellied fish recipe

The most popular and simple recipe for making fish aspic has been around for many years.


  • one and a half liters of water;
  • 500 g of fish;
  • small bulb;
  • medium carrot;
  • a bag of gelatin for 25 or 30 g.

Required seasonings:

  • greenery;
  • salt;
  • 3 sticks of cloves;
  • Bay leaf;
  • sweet pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the fish thoroughly under running water.
  2. Separate the fish fillet from the spine and bones. Pay attention to the bones, take out everything, even small bones. Cut the meat into even and thick pieces, put in the refrigerator for a while.
  3. Remove the fins from the head and remove the gills, wash thoroughly.
  4. Pour water over the backbone, head, belly and other parts of the fish, except for the fillet. Add peeled carrots and onions. Boil for 30 minutes over low heat. Do not forget to remove the resulting foam from the broth.
  5. When the broth is cooked, take out all the fish parts from it.
  6. Salt the broth, add spices and bay leaf. Gently place the fish fillets into the pot with the broth. Simmer over low heat until the meat is tender, usually about 10 minutes.
  7. Pull out, using a slotted spoon, the finished fillet from the broth and place in a bowl for serving aspic on the table.
  8. Strain the finished broth so that there are no small parts, seeds and sediment left in it. During the cooking process, approximately 1 liter of pure broth is obtained. Be sure to test the liquid for salt. If the fish for the dish is chosen correctly, the aspic is fragrant and transparent.
  9. Aspic is prepared from fish with gelatin, because the broth, even the richest, will not harden on its own. Dilute gelatin until completely dissolved in 100 grams of hot water. Add the resulting liquid to the broth, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
  10. Pour the pieces of fish, onions, carrots, greens beautifully laid in the dishes with broth and put in the refrigerator to harden.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 kg. fish;
  • 250 g of champignons;
  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 70 g spinach;
  • ½ teaspoon curry seasoning;
  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • salt.


  1. Fill the cleaned fish with water 3 cm from the bottom of the pan and cook for 49 minutes.
  2. Make mashed potatoes with spinach. Do not drain the water, you will still need it if there is not enough fish broth.
  3. Sliced ​​champignons fry in vegetable oil.
  4. Pour gelatin 60 ml. water and leave to swell for about 30 minutes. Then warm up and mix with fish broth. Add curry and salt.
  5. Clean the fish fillet from the bones, put it in a mold, pour in the broth and refrigerate.

Jellied fish royal recipe

This type of jellied fish is not particularly difficult and is easy to prepare, and it is called royal because red caviar and salmon or trout are used in cooking.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 430 g salmon or trout fillet;
  • 120 g red caviar;
  • 1.8 liters of water;
    100 g canned peas;
  • fresh parsley;
  • a bag of gelatin;
  • bay leaf;
  • salt.


  1. Remove bones from fish and place in water. Boil until the water boils, remove the foam, salt and add the bay leaf. The fish is cooked for no more than 25 minutes.
  2. Remove the cooked meat from the broth and thinly slice.
  3. Dissolve gelatin in hot water and add to warm broth.
  4. At the bottom of the form, beautifully lay out the pieces of fillet and peas, then pour the broth.
  5. Add caviar to the broth cooled to room temperature, laying it out beautifully in a mold. Put in refrigerator.
  6. When the fish has cooled, add the mushrooms to it and pour a little broth over it. Pour the mashed potatoes on top and pour over the remaining liquid. Place in refrigerator to chill.
  7. Put the finished aspic on a dish and decorate with herbs.

How to cook delicious fish fillet. What kind of fish to use for it. Do you need gelatin? Recipes for jellied fish and options for decorating it.

Fish aspic is a classic appetizer on the New Year's table. Depending on the abilities of the hostess in cooking, her imagination, this dish may resemble a French restaurant or the muck mentioned in The Irony of Fate.

There are several secrets to cooking really tasty and presentable fish in aspic. It would not hurt them to know if it is planned to serve this appetizer on the festive table.

What kind of fish is aspic made from?

A semblance of a dish, which is now called aspic fish, appeared on the tables of peasants a very, very long time ago. Then, when it was necessary to feed a large peasant family for cheap and practically out of nothing, they began to cook jellies from fish and meat.

  1. It turns out that if you cook these products (meat with bones, fish with fins and scales), the broth begins to thicken and, when cooled, turns into a jelly-like mass
  2. The broth was cooked not only from fish. Vegetables and herbs were also added there.
  3. Boiled fish and vegetables were crushed, so-called croshenina was obtained. She was added to the studen
    I must say that this dish did not look very beautiful - it was grayish-green, cloudy. The taste of the jelly was also specific.
  4. Everything changed dramatically in the 18th century, when French cuisine came into fashion. And the French already at that time knew how to cook beautiful, tasty and expensive aspic, which only nobles and merchants could afford to feast on.
    The cloudy rich broth, which spoiled the presentability of the aspic, was replaced by lanspic. Lanspic was prepared from fish and vegetables, then additionally thickened with gelatin, clarified with the help of special braces, for example, egg white, tinted with turmeric, etc. The aspic turned out amber and transparent
  5. Fish and vegetables were no longer chopped up. They were carefully cut, laid out for viewing the most beautiful and mouth-watering pieces.
  6. Aspic in French cuisine must be decorated before serving

IMPORTANT: Today, the hostess has an alternative - to whip up a worker-peasant jelly in a hurry, which, obviously, not everyone dares to try, or spend time and make some effort to please loved ones with a real delicacy

Cut fish jelly cooked in a slow cooker.

The first and one of the most important questions in the preparation of fish aspic is what, in fact, it can be prepared from. Traditionally in Russia, valuable varieties of fish were taken for this dish. The jelly was prepared from river fish. Today, almost everything is flooded:

  1. River fish - trout, perch, carp, sterlet, pike, bream, pike perch, podust, sturgeon
  2. Marine fish - pink salmon, pollock, perch, salmon, mackerel, trout
  3. seafood

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to prepare aspic from fresh fish or one that has undergone dry freezing. If there is a lot of water in it, during long-term cooking, the carcass will simply crumble.

VIDEO: Jellied fish

How to cook broth for fish aspic?

Preparing the right broth for jellied fish is not so easy. You need to know certain subtleties. For example:

  1. Fish for broth can be boiled whole or chopped
  2. In order not to need to use additional thickeners (gelatin), the head, tail of the fish and its parts with fins need to be boiled for about 2 hours
  3. If you plan to use gelatin, the cooking time is reduced to 1 hour
  4. Together with fish, onions, carrots, peppercorns and bay leaves are boiled. It's better to put them in a gauze bag
    Sometimes broth for aspic from fish heads and tails is cooked separately from the fillet. Then he will be prettier
  5. The broth is cooked under the lid, but if it seems too weak, for a while it can be boiled without it.

IMPORTANT: Aspic broth is always brewed from only one type of fish. If the dish is layered, for example, from several types of fish and seafood, a broth from one ingredient is used, the rest are boiled separately

After boiling the broth, it is sometimes necessary to clarify it. For this use:

  1. A raw egg. It is thoroughly washed and carefully broken. We need whipped protein and chopped shells. They are mixed and poured into a boiling broth. After two to three minutes, the base for the aspic is filtered through a cloth or several layers of gauze. It becomes transparent
  2. Fish caviar. It is ground and added to the broth that has cooled to 50 degrees. Next, bring the broth to a boil and boil for about 10 minutes, then strain

IMPORTANT: If the base for aspic fish seems too colorless or grayish, you can tint it with spinach juice or turmeric

How to decorate jellied fish?

When it comes to fish aspic, the taste and appearance of the dish are equally important. The options for decorating it are endless. The main thing is to have a fantasy.

  1. Moulds. You can serve aspic in a dish or take it out. It can be a standard oval dish, round muffin tins, small dessert tins, creamers, even egg shells.
  2. Seafood. With fish in aspic, you can present squid tentacles, shrimps, mussel meat, caviar
  3. Vegetables. These are green peas, carrots, capers and gherkins, bell peppers, tomatoes, black olives and olives.
  4. Berries and fruits. I give the original sourness to the aspic red currant, cranberry, lemon and grapefruit
  5. Greens any

IMPORTANT: Carrots for jellied fish can simply be cut into circles. But it will turn out very beautiful if the cutting is curly

A jellied fish in the shape of ... fish.


RECIPE: Aspic of fish heads

From the minimum amount of inexpensive ingredients, you can create a real masterpiece! For such an aspic, you can take the head of a silver carp, since it is quite large. In this part of the carcass, which many housewives consider a side, there is a lot of edible and healthy, for example, omega three fatty acid.

Needed: head of a fish (silver carp), onion - 1 pc., carrots - 1 pc., bay leaf, peas, salt; eggs green peas, greens for decoration.

  1. The head of the silver carp is washed. The gills must be removed, as they give the broth bitterness. If the head is large, it can be divided into two halves
  2. The head is placed in cold water so that it is covered by 2-3 cm
  3. Wash and clean onions and carrots. They, along with a bay leaf and a few peppercorns, are placed in a gauze bag on a string (then it will be easier to remove from the broth)
  4. The bag is lowered into the water to the head and begin to cook over low heat.
  5. When the broth boils, the foam is removed from it.
  6. When the foam stops forming, cover the pan with a lid.
  7. Boil the head for an hour and a half
  8. It is recommended to add salt to the broth in 3-4 stages
  9. When the base for the aspic cools slightly, I remove the fish and a bag of vegetables from it, then filter it, lighten and tint if necessary
  10. Pitted meat is selected from the head, cut into beautiful pieces and laid out in forms (one large or several portions)
  11. Fill the fish with broth, decorate the aspic with chopped carrots, peas, hard-boiled chicken eggs, herbs
  12. The dish freezes in the refrigerator from 3 hours

RECIPE: Fish aspic without gelatin

Jellied pike perch, cooked without the addition of gelatin, is so tender that it literally melts in your mouth.

You need: pike perch - 1 kg, onions and carrots - 1 each, celery root - a piece of 6-8 cm, peppercorns, bay leaf, cloves; for decoration - quail eggs - 6 pcs., green onions, herbs, olives, cranberries or red currants.

  1. The carcass of pike perch should be cleaned and cut - remove the insides, gills and eyes
  2. The head, tail and parts with fins are separated from the carcass. They are poured with 1.5 liters of water, a classic set of vegetables is added
  3. The jelly is cooked from these parts for about 2 hours. All the foam must be removed, and the prepared broth should be salted to taste.
  4. At this time, the fillet is being prepared. It can be boiled for 15 minutes or baked in foil. Cut the pike perch fillet so that the pieces are even and neat
  5. The boiled broth is filtered through cheesecloth folded four times.
  6. To make the dish beautiful, it can be presented in several stages. At the first, a small amount of broth is poured into a mold, sent to the refrigerator to harden. On a frozen layer of jelly, lay out pieces of pikeperch fillet, quail eggs cut in half or slices, halves or slices of olives, red berries, greens. After pour it all with the remaining broth and send to cool

IMPORTANT: So that the boiled fish does not fall apart, before slicing and sending it to the aspic, it should be kept for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator

VIDEO: Bay fish CARP

STEP-BY-STEP RECIPE: fish aspic with gelatin

Bay fish, such as bream, will be more elastic and dense if gelatin is added to it. In addition, then the cooking time of the broth is significantly reduced.

Jellied fish with gelatin.

You need: fish - 1 kg, gelatin - 2 tbsp. spoons, vegetables for aspic; vegetables, eggs and herbs to decorate the dish.

  1. Fish according to the scheme is washed, cleaned and cut
  2. The broth is cooked from the thickening properties of its parts and vegetables.
  3. Gelatin is diluted according to the instructions and left to swell
  4. Fish fillets are cooked separately for 20 minutes
  5. When the tail and head of the fish are boiled for 45-60 minutes, the broth is turned off. Cooled, it is filtered
  6. The broth is put back on the stove. Add swollen gelatin to it. The broth is only brought to a boil, but not boiled.
  7. Boiled fish pieces and products chosen for decoration are carefully poured with gelatin broth, put the dish in the refrigerator for a couple of hours

RECIPE: Aspic from silver carp river fish

Silver carp is a low-fat river fish that is high in protein and vitamins. Aspic from it will turn out not only tasty, but also useful.

Jellied from river silver carp fish.

Needed: carcass of silver carp, vegetables for broth, gelatin; greens and other products to decorate the dish.

  1. Silver carp is washed, cleaned and gutted
  2. For the broth, they take the head, tail, parts with fins, for the most aspic - fillet about 300-400 g. The rest of the fillet can be used for frying, baking, fish cakes
  3. The broth is boiled for 45 minutes, cooled as standard, filtered, clarified
  4. Fillets are boiled separately for 30 minutes
  5. Dilute gelatin. When it swells, dissolve it in the cooled and reheated broth
  6. Fillet pieces and products for decor are poured with broth. Allow the fish jelly to harden in the refrigerator

VIDEO: Aspic of trout with shrimps

RECIPE: Red fish aspic

Red fish is considered the healthiest delicacy. Any variety of it is suitable for aspic, for example, chum salmon, trout or salmon.

You need: salmon - 1 kg, vegetables for the broth; squid tentacles, shrimps, quail eggs, peas, red berries for decoration.

  1. Salmon broth is boiled for 20 minutes. It is necessary to remove and cut the fish, and thicken the broth with gelatin
  2. Separately cooked shrimp, squid tentacles, vegetables, herbs and pieces of salmon are laid out in a mold, poured with broth. However, the decor of the jellied red fish can be anything, more on that later

RECIPE: Jellied salted fish

Anyone who believes that salted herring is eaten only with potatoes, or they make a "Fur Coat" out of it, are greatly mistaken. For a change, you can make aspic from this fish.

Needed: salted herring - 1 pc., fish broth (or meat) - 0.5 l, vegetables, herbs, eggs, berries, lemon for decoration.

  1. Obviously, the broth for jellied herring is cooked separately from any other fish, chicken or tongue. Gelatin is used as a thickener. Since the herring itself is very salty, the broth for pouring it is not salted.
  2. The herring is cleaned, the bones are removed from it, and the fillet is cut into neat small pieces (those who do not know how can buy already cut fish)
  3. Boil carrots for decoration for 5 minutes
  4. Eggs are also boiled separately
  5. Lemon cut into quarters
  6. Present the dish and cool it to a jelly-like consistency

IMPORTANT: Lemon is more needed in aspic herring for beauty and to add sourness to the dish. You can either eat it or leave it neatly on a plate.

RECIPE WITH PHOTO: canned fish aspic

Canned fish in aspic, such as sardines, is considered an economy class dish. You don’t need to spend a lot to prepare it .. Unfortunately, you can’t call such a fish jelly beautiful or festive: canned fish falls apart a lot.

Fish jelly with beetroot juice.

You can completely fill the fish with tinted broth, then the jelly will turn out white, pinkish or reddish, or you can make a puff dish.

Jellied stuffed fish

Stuffed jellied fish (pike or carp, for example) is a dish within a dish that will have to be tinkered with. But the result will be worth it - it will simply be swept away from the festive table. You can fill the whole fish or its pieces.

Needed: carp - 1 kg, onion - 2 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., peppercorns, bay leaf, toast - 2 pcs., egg - 1 pc.

  1. Fish are cleaned and sorted
  2. Bouillon is made from the head and tail
  3. The rest of the carcass is cut into rings
  4. Carefully remove the pulp from them
  5. Onions are peeled, finely chopped and sautéed
  6. Toast soaked in warm water
  7. In a blender, grind and combine the fish fillet, soaked toast, onion and egg. The resulting mass is salted and peppered
  8. Minced fill the pieces of fish, bake them in the oven for about an hour
  9. I put the finished and cooled pieces of fish into a mold, add products for decoration, pour the cooled broth mixed with gelatin
  10. Such aspic is in the refrigerator overnight

Jellied fish in a slow cooker

You can also prepare the broth - the basis for aspic fish in a slow cooker. To do this, the head, tail and parts of the carcass with fins:

  • the first 15 minutes are cooked in the "Soup" mode
  • the next 2 hours are cooked in the "Extinguishing" mode

VIDEO: Jellied fish in a multicooker pressure cooker

Today we will prepare a wonderful snack that everyone likes without exception. Everyone will cope with the preparation of aspic from fish, so you should not worry. The only negative is that you have to wait until everything is well frozen in the refrigerator. But trust me, it's worth it!

To prepare the aspic, you will need fish broth. You can use ready-made or weld it. In it, boil the peeled slices of fish with vegetables. Then strain everything and put it in the form. Pour the broth on top and put it all in the refrigerator until morning.

Fish aspic with gelatin

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

According to this recipe, the dish turns out to be very bright and quite satisfying. If this is what you have been looking for, save it now!

How to cook:

Tip: if you use regular chicken eggs, they need to be cut into rings.

Aspic with red fish

Even more daring! A lot of vegetables and spices, and as a result - an unforgettable result!

It will take 50 minutes to cook.

One serving has 20 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fish thoroughly and peel off the scales, cut off the skin.
  2. Next, open the belly and gut all the insides.
  3. Wash the inside of the carcass and cut the fish into two fillets.
  4. Remove the bones and wash again in cold water.
  5. Place the fillet in a saucepan and cover with water.
  6. Peel the carrots and add to the fish.
  7. Peel the onion and place it in a pot of water as well.
  8. Peel the celery root and place whole on the fish.
  9. Add bay leaves, allspice and black peas.
  10. Remove to stove and let boil.
  11. During this time, pour gelatin with water and let it swell.
  12. Boil the broth for about half an hour, then remove from heat.
  13. Take out the fish and all other components, cool.
  14. Disassemble the fillets into fibers, cut the carrots into rings, celery into cubes.
  15. Strain the broth and mix with gelatin.
  16. Wash the stalk of celery and cut into rings.
  17. Chop the dill and put it in a mold along with carrots and chopped celery root and stalk.
  18. Place the fish pieces on top and pour the broth over everything.
  19. Put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Tip: To keep the aspic fresh, use mint instead of dill.

How to cook in a slow cooker

The multicooker is good because it will definitely look after the contents, and nothing will definitely go bad. That is why we advise you to cook aspic in it, if possible. So you can take a nap while dinner is being prepared.

It will take 3 hours to cook.

One serving has 36 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the head of the catfish and, if large, cut it in half.
  2. Place in a multicooker.
  3. Peel and wash carrots and onions, put in a bowl.
  4. Pour spices, allspice, bay leaves, salt, red pepper.
  5. Pour in water and cook everything in soup mode for a quarter of an hour.
  6. When the time has passed, turn on the extinguishing mode for two hours.
  7. After that, cool the broth, strain and return it already in a “pure” form to the bowl.
  8. Clean the fish and cut into cubes, put in the broth.
  9. In soup mode, cook for another twenty minutes.
  10. Then get the fish and disassemble into fibers.
  11. Chop the parsley, after washing it.
  12. Cut the carrots into rings too.
  13. Put it in a mold along with parsley and fish.
  14. Pour in broth and refrigerate until set.

Tip: If you are worried that the dish will not harden, use gelatin.

Fish aspic without gelatin

Do not believe it, but even without gelatin, you can get a tasty and proper aspic of fish. It will take less than an hour to cook and wait all night, but the effort is worth the result.

It will take 45 minutes to cook.

One serving has 69 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the parsley root and set aside, do the same with celery.
  2. Wash and peel the carrots, cut into rings.
  3. Clean the fish from scales, skin and bones.
  4. Check for bones, wash and cut into slices.
  5. Put the head and tail in a saucepan and cover with water.
  6. Remove to stove and bring to a boil.
  7. After that, remove the head and tail, add salt and pepper.
  8. Put celery root and parsley, bay leaves.
  9. Put the slices of the cleaned fillet there.
  10. Remove to the stove and after fifteen minutes add the carrots.
  11. Take the same amount of time to cook.
  12. During this time, peel, cool and cut into rings.
  13. When time passes, turn off the broth, get everything out of it, strain.
  14. Set the meat aside, roots and bay leaves can be thrown away.
  15. Put carrots, egg rings, fish and greens into the form.
  16. Pour the broth over the top and refrigerate until completely set.

Tip: For brightness, you can use corn or sweet peppers.

You can add a variety of ingredients to the filling that you like. It can be canned peas or beans, capers, corn, mushrooms, sweet peppers (but also boil them until soft in the broth), etc.

If you want a bright fill, use the necessary spices for this: turmeric, paprika, saffron, and the like. You can also use vegetable juice.

It is not only tasty, but also healthy! Be sure to try it, especially since we have an incredibly fast cooking option. Each of you will definitely cope with it.

Elena 11/11/2018 12 2.2k.

If you cook fish aspic according to the recipes presented in this article, then you definitely won’t hear the catchphrase from the movie “Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath” addressed to your dish. Simple and delicious recipes with step-by-step descriptions will help you cook it so that it becomes one of the best snacks on the New Year's table, no worse.

Did you know that aspic, although it is considered a dish of French origin, our Russian jelly, known for a long time, became the idea for its preparation.

Such food was usually fed to the servants. The remnants of food from the master's table were crushed, boiled in broth and exposed to the cold.

A French chef who worked in Russia, looking at the jelly, decided to cook a similar dish. It is clear that for its preparation he did not use the leftovers of food, but large pieces of sterlet, pike, decorating them with pieces of vegetables and pouring clear broth. Jellied liked it so much that since then it has been invariably present at festive feasts.

What is the best fish for aspic

Before proceeding to the study of cooking methods, we will find out which fish is better to cook this dish from.

  • One of the frequently asked questions is which fish is better to take, frozen or fresh. You can, of course, cook from frozen, but if you want to get a dish with a rich taste and aroma, then give preference to a fresh or chilled product. It is better to buy a carcass with a head, so it is easier to determine how fresh the product is in front of you.

Gills are the surest indicator of freshness and should be red. Gray and black gills indicate that the fish was caught long ago.

  • The main rule when preparing this dish is that it should not contain bones. Therefore, it is better to use a larger fish, it is easier to select bones from it. If it is very large, then it is not necessary to let the whole carcass into aspic, some can be set aside for cooking other dishes.

Thinking about which part of the carcass to use for aspic, give preference to the one that is closer to the head, it has fewer bones.

  • Perhaps one of the main issues is the type of fish. By trial and error, the culinary experts came to the conclusion that pike, pike perch, perch, carp, carp, silver carp, sturgeon, sterlet, hake, pollock, cod, salmon, trout, salmon, and chum salmon showed themselves best.

If you wish, you can cook this appetizer with any fish, but from the above representatives you get a really tasty aspic. They also differ from other types in that they have more collagen, which acts as a thickener.

Although the classic preparation of the dish is a clear broth with gelatin, more or less depends on the type of fish.

A variant is also possible without gelatin, but then those parts of the fish in which there is more collagen are necessarily used for the broth - the head, fins, tail, skin and even scales.

Fish aspic - 2 step by step recipes with zander gelatin

White pike perch meat has a delicate, pleasant taste. It contains a large amount of easily digestible protein, practically no fat and carbohydrates, so nutritionists recommend including this product in the menu of those who monitor their weight.


  • pikeperch fillet - 500 gr.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • celery - 40 gr.
  • gelatin - 30 gr.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • spice for fish - 1 tbsp. l.
  • red peppercorns
  • parsley root - 1 pc.
  • greens, lemon - for decoration
  • salt to taste
  • water - 1.5 liters

How to cook:

  1. First you need to cook vegetable broth. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire. As soon as it boils, put the prepared mixture of spices, bay leaf, parsley root, a few peas of red pepper, chopped garlic into the water. Also add an unpeeled onion and chopped carrots to give a golden color and taste. Salt and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Soak gelatin in advance: pour dry gelatin into a bowl and pour half a glass of boiled water at room temperature.
  3. Cut the prepared zander fillet without bones and scales into portioned pieces, put in a boiling broth, leave to cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Take out the pieces of fish and carrots, let cool. Strain the broth through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  5. Measure out 1 liter of broth and put the swollen gelatin into the hot one, stir so that it dissolves completely. You can put it on the stove, but it is important that the broth does not boil.
  6. Pour a little broth with gelatin into the dishes for aspic, let it grab a little. Cut celery into half rings. Put the rings of carrots and celery, then put the pike perch with the skin up to the vegetables.
  7. Pour in the remaining broth. Garnish with lemon slices, dill sprigs and red peppercorns. Allow to cool, then put the aspic from the pike perch in the refrigerator for complete solidification.

When working with gelatin, it is necessary, first of all, to read the instructions on the package, since gelatin is different and, accordingly, it needs a different amount of water and soaking time.

In the video, see another recipe for aspic pike perch, it is interesting for its beautiful, festive design.

Fish aspic - a simple and tasty salmon recipe

If you like fatter fish, cook cold salmon. This fish is a holiday in itself, and the aspic from it, decorated with bright vegetables, turns out to be doubly festive.

What to prepare products:

  • fresh salmon - 2 kg (head, spine, fish pieces)
  • quail eggs - 12 pcs.
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • green peas - 50 gr.
  • gelatin for 2 liters of liquid
  • black peppercorns
  • greenery
  • lemon
  • handful of pomegranate seeds

Step by step description:

  1. Put the fish, carrots, onions, bay leaf and peppercorns in a saucepan. Pour cold water, put to boil.
  2. When boiling, remove the foam, salt, cover and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. While the fish is cooking, pour gelatin with water and leave to soak.
  3. Carefully remove the cooked fish from the pan. After it has cooled, divide each piece into 2 parts and carefully remove the bones.
  4. Strain the broth, let stand for a while. Fat will rise to the top, if there is a desire, then part of the fat can be removed with a paper towel.
  5. Add the swollen gelatin to the hot broth, stir until completely dissolved.
  6. Pour a little broth into the bottom of the mold, lay out the pieces of fish nicely so that they look in one direction. Decorate the dish with quail eggs. Some of them can be cut in half, some can be put whole. Put the pieces of carrots, peas and pomegranate seeds.
  7. Pour in broth, let cool, then refrigerate.
  8. Before serving, take a dish that is suitable in size, lay out the aspic, turning the form over. Garnish with herb sprigs and lemon slices.

If the aspic does not come out of the mold by itself, he needs help. It is enough to hold the form for a few seconds in hot water, then turn it over onto the prepared dish. The main thing is to make sure that hot water does not get into the jelly itself.

Aspic recipe without gelatin from silver carp heads

As mentioned above, you can cook cold fish without gelatin, using certain parts of it. This recipe uses the head of a large silver carp, its fins, spine and tail.

Large fish - a guarantee that the aspic will seize without gelatin.


  • parts of a 5 kg silver carp - head, spine, fins, tail
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • black peppercorns
  • salt, garlic to taste
  • greenery for decoration

How to cook:

The taste of aspic directly depends on how much water it is cooked in. The more fish and less water, the brighter the taste of the dish.

Video recipe on how to make aspic without gelatin from small fish

It turns out that not only large individuals are suitable for aspic, knowing the cooking technology, you can make this dish from small fish. See the video for a detailed recipe.

Pike aspic (chopped fish recipe)

This recipe is interesting because it is made from minced meat. It’s not scary to give such aspic even to children, the bone will definitely not come across here. The only difficulty is that you need to remove the skin from the pike. But, as the craftsmen say, "the eyes are afraid, the hands are doing."

Required products:

  • pike - 2-3 kg.
  • white bread - 2 slices
  • milk - 1 glass
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • peppercorns - 7 pcs.
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste

Cooking method:

A clear broth is an indicator of the quality of the aspic. If the result is a cloudy broth, it can be clarified with a quickdraw. To do this, beat the protein of one egg until a strong foam, put in the broth, mix and boil. Collect the resulting protein "flakes" with a slotted spoon, and strain the broth through gauze folded in several layers.

Delicious festive aspic fish with shrimp

This is really a festive dish, it is made in portions with the addition of shrimp. Its beauty is that the broth is cooked from different types of fish with the addition of the same shrimp, which makes the broth rich and tasty. Real New Year's jellied.

What products to prepare:

  • pike perch fillet - 1 kg.
  • perch fillet - 300 gr.
  • cod fillet - 200 gr.
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • leek (white part) - 10 cm
  • shrimp - 200 gr.
  • gelatin - 115 gr.
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves
  • dill, parsley
  • salt pepper
  • water - 1.5 liters

Step by step recipe:

  1. The secret of a delicious aspic is in the right broth. In a dry frying pan, lightly fry the onion, cut in half and carrots. This will give the broth a pleasant aroma and color.
  2. Cut the leek lengthwise and in half, put in a pot of water, which was previously placed on the stove. We also put baked onions, carrots, dill and parsley sprigs, peppercorns, bay leaf.
  3. The broth should be strong, rich, so it is prepared from assorted fish. Cut it into arbitrary pieces and put to the vegetables.
  4. Shrimps are added to improve the taste. In the process of boiling the broth, remove the foam, salt and cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
  5. From the finished broth you need to remove all the contents. For aspic, only pike perch is used. It must be cut into portioned pieces and simmered in boiling broth for literally one minute.
  6. Take out the fish, strain the broth and let it cool down a bit. Pour gelatin with cold water, after 10-15 minutes combine with broth.
  7. Peel the shrimp, cut the lemon into thin circles and cut them into 4 parts. Finely chop the carrots.
  8. Put lemon slices, 2-3 shrimp, parsley leaf into silicone portion molds, pour a thin layer of jelly and refrigerate for 10 minutes.
  9. Remove the molds from the refrigerator, put a piece of pike perch, pour the broth. Put it in the fridge and it will be ready in an hour.
  10. Before serving, lay out the lettuce leaves on a dish, put a portioned snack on them.

The New Year is coming soon and an appetizer prepared according to one of the recipes will not only be a table decoration. It will become the dish about which everyone will say: “What a joy, your aspic fish!”

Bon appetit!