We buy birch sap from the population. How to sell rye bread, birch sap and fermented baked milk to the British? Let's talk about those who succeeded. Container for storage and transportation of juice

Thirty-five-year-old graduate of the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of St. Petersburg University, Alexei Gribin, has been collecting birch sap since childhood on a summer cottage of 35 acres in the village of Voeykovo in the Leningrad region. Four years ago, he bought a bottle of birch sap in one of the cafes. He did not like the taste: "Water with sugar and citric acid, not birch sap."

It was then that the indignant Gribin decided to produce birch sap not only for his own use, but also for sale: people need to know what a real birch drink is. In 2013, the entrepreneur resigned from the position of chief specialist in the committee for energy and engineering support of the administration of St. Petersburg and created the 7 birches company. And last year, he started brewing maple syrup under the 6 Maples brand.

Investments new business required minimal. Gribin bought 60 five-liter cans of water for several thousand rubles, poured water out of them (it was convenient to collect juice in them) and another 30,000 rubles. spent on organizing a festival of birch sap in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region. The technology was elementary - Gribin hung five-liter bottles on trunks in his dacha (he has 70 birches) and in the forest next door. Later, he expanded the grove to almost 400 trunks, having agreed with the Geophysical Laboratory located nearby. A. I. Voeikova. “In America, juice is harvested right in the parks,” says Gribin.

If in 2013 the revenue of 7 Birches amounted to only a few tens of thousands of rubles, then in 2015 it increased 10 times to 600,000 rubles. The product turned out to be quite in demand, says Gribin. And the net profit margin is about 30%. Last year, Gribin collected 10 tons of juice, and this year he plans to collect four times as much - if he finds the right number of trees: on average, 3 liters of juice can be collected from one tree per day.

Dropper and ultraviolet

Gribin makes a hole in the bark of a tree, inserts a disposable medical dropper into it, then attaches a sterile medical tube to it. Several of these tubes, going at an angle from different trunks, are connected into one larger one, the juice flows into the canister. Then the entrepreneur cleans the collected liquid with a special ultraviolet lamp and freezes it in a freezer (Gribin has previously frozen mushroom berries for his own use in large quantities). Freezing is considered to be the optimal processing method in terms of costs and preservation of useful properties, says Anatoly Gavrilyuk, CEO of Absolute Nature Group of Companies (“Live Juices”). Other options are sterilization or pasteurization at a temperature of 70-80 ° C, followed by the manufacture of a concentrate.

Juice of the fatherland

According to the Union of Producers of Non-Alcoholic Drinks and Mineral Waters, the capacity of the soft drinks market in 2015 amounted to 6 billion liters. However, birch sap, according to Anatoly Gavrilyuk from Absolute Nature, accounts for less than 1%.

The service life of the juice pipeline is short - about three weeks, then you have to change the tubes for new sterile ones. Gribin spied the idea of ​​such a system on the Internet from Canadian and American farmers.

There are only 3-4 producers of birch sap in Russia, estimates Mikhail Chetvertakov, general director of Dobrye Vody company (which has been producing birch sap since 1998). And a company with a sales volume of birch drink of 1 million rubles. per year is considered a major producer, say Gavrilyuk and Chetvertakov.

In the Soviet Union, birch sap was produced in large quantities and was inexpensive, and because of this, the consumer still considers this drink to be second-rate, comments Anatoly Gavrilyuk, CEO of Absolute Nature Group (“Live Juices”). But abroad, birch sap is considered a fashionable organic product and is not cheap, the expert says. For example, a 250 ml bottle of juice on Amazon.com costs about 830 rubles in terms of rubles. And 0.5 liters of birch sap "7 birches" costs 100 rubles.

festival channel

The main sales channel is mass events and festivals. An active political life helped Gribin to establish supplies. He ran in municipal elections twice as a self-nominated candidate. Both attempts ended in failure, but Gribin managed to get acquainted with the governor of the Leningrad region Alexander Drozdenko. And when, in the spring of 2014, Gribin decided to organize the first birch sap festival on the territory of the Geophysical Laboratory. A. I. Voeikov, he turned for support to Drozdenko and the head of the administration of the Vsevolozhsk district, Vladimir Drachev. And they supported him - as the initiator of an interesting cultural and patriotic event. Gribin built his own branded juice pipeline and poured juice from a tree into plastic cups for approaching festival guests. All Gribin's expenses (about 30,000 rubles) paid off through sales. Gribin expects that more than 1,000 people will come to the festival this year.

At another festival “Oh yes! Food!" in June 2015, on Elagin Island, Gribin earned 110,000 rubles in two days, having paid a participation fee of 40,000 rubles. According to Gribin, the benefit of fairs and festivals is that the sale of products from personal subsidiary plots is not taxed and does not require the use of cash registers. True, it is necessary to provide documents on quality. Gribin has them: birch sap has passed laboratory tests and received the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor (a copy is available from Vedomosti).

Canadian chef and Russian syrup

In 2015, Gribin began experimenting with other natural products - birch and maple syrups. According to Gribin, it was unprofitable to cook maple syrup three years ago: it was cheaper to buy from Canadian and American producers. But the devaluation of the ruble gave the entrepreneur a chance. He borrowed recipes from colleagues from Canada and the USA. At first, he cooked syrups on a stove from juice collected in the same grove, but this was ineffective, Gribin admits. Now he uses a custom-made juicer. To obtain 1 liter of maple syrup, you need 40–70 liters of juice, and for 1 liter of birch syrup, 60–150 liters. Now Gribin can process up to 1000 liters of juice per day.

According to the entrepreneur, in the summer of 2015, at the food festival, Alexander Belkovich, the brand chef of the Ginza Project restaurant holding, contacted the entrepreneur. Now Gribin is negotiating with Ginza about regular deliveries and hopes to be in time for Shrovetide. A Ginza spokesman confirmed the talks. This year, the entrepreneur also plans to sell 100 liters of maple syrup at farmers' markets.

Now 150 g of syrup "6 maples" costs 300 rubles. - 1.5-2 times lower than the imported product, says Gribin. And the other day, says Gribin, the chef of the restaurant at the Grand Hotel Europe, Canadian Ian Minnis, became interested in maple syrup. The hotel representative confirmed the planned meeting between Minnis and Gribin. Almost all of Gribin's revenue comes from retail, but he expects to increase the share of restaurants. But first, Gribin will have to certify the products.

Too few trees

Last summer, Gribin traveled to the first international conference of birch sap and syrup producers in New York State. And there he came up with the idea to supply products to the foreign market. Back in the summer, the Slovak smoothie producer Acaimania wanted to buy a batch of juice, but the entrepreneur did not have enough. Birch sap is also used in the production of cosmetics, but manufacturers need a certificate of organic origin for Gribin's products. “The problem is that in Russia so far there are no such standards at all. I even applied to Opora Rossii,” he says.

This year, Gribin hopes to receive European quality certificates, and now he is registering his business as a peasant farm. He wants to rent a forest in the Leningrad region, but it is expensive and eats up profits, the farmer says. According to government decree No. 310 of May 22, 2007 “On the rates of payment for a unit of forest resources and the rates of payment for a unit of area of ​​a federally owned forest plot”, he will be forced to pay a fee of 10 rubles per liter of birch sap. in the Leningrad region. “If I cannot defeat the system and change this rule, then I will go to work in another region,” says Gribin. The growth prospects for an entrepreneur in Russia are limited. To become a major producer, you need large stocks of raw materials, i.e. trees, says Gavrilyuk.

Birch juice loved by many people in our country. It is very useful for the body, as it contains the substances it needs, and even in a balanced amount. By drinking birch sap, you can easily improve your health and, most importantly, satisfy the need for vitamins.

It seems that every inhabitant of Russia has tried birch sap. Previously, back in Soviet times, it was made by forestries. Now, it is not often possible to meet a company that produces birch sap. It is much more profitable to produce carbonated water or alcohol.

But Birch juice excellently cleanses the blood, it is drunk for the prevention of oncology, in the postoperative period, it improves the condition of patients with arthritis and rheumatism, and also removes heavy metals from the body.

That's why birch sap harvesting and its further sale is a great way to earn money, especially if you revive the knowledge of its benefits and positive qualities in people's memory.

The best option for a novice entrepreneur is to establish contacts with enterprises that are engaged in logging, with hunters, farms, and so on.

You will also need to purchase vehicles with high cross-country ability. Even if you just collect the juice yourself, you can make decent money - you can get up to 10 liters from one tree per day. And if you take a swing and create an entire enterprise for the preparation and sale of birch sap, then the income will be very, very high. Prices for natural juices are high now, so the idea is promising.

In advance, you must find ways to market products. You can sell juice through retail chains, restaurants, cafes and so on.

You should pay maximum attention to the process of processing and storing the finished juice. After all, even if it is stored at temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius, the shelf life is no more than 5 days.

Therefore, if you want to keep it for a longer amount of time, then you need to freeze it. So you can win up to three more months. After that, the juice is often processed into wine or kvass. Thus, you can sell finished products all year round.

Pay attention to the place birch sap preparations. After all, factors such as the proximity of large factories, highways, railways, can adversely affect the quality of products.

In general, birch is considered a symbol of Russia, because this plant, known to every inhabitant of Russia, is widespread from the forest-steppe zone in the south of the country to the forest-tundra in the north and from the seas of the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. And who among us has not tried birch sap? It seems that there are no such people. But this is not entirely true. If in Soviet times many forestry enterprises harvested birch sap, in our time such harvesting has practically vanished. But birch sap perfectly cleanses the blood and liver; the condition of patients with rheumatism and arthritis improves when it is taken. Even for the prevention of cancer, birch sap and chaga infusion are used. Doctors, in addition, often recommend that patients undergo a course of birch sap therapy in the postoperative period. Birch sap has also proved to be excellent as a means of facilitating the removal of heavy metals from the body.

Thus, the idea comes down not even to something new, but simply to the restoration of a long-known topic - harvesting birch sap. And this business can be developed in various starting conditions. Of course, the best option would be to establish contacts with enterprises and entrepreneurs involved in logging, farms, hunters, etc. Moreover, it is also desirable to have off-road vehicles. With such an organization and material support, it is possible to significantly increase the harvesting season, moving from south to north. Instead of 2-4 weeks, you can increase this period to 2-2.5 months. Naturally, having only a backpack and a container, it is impossible to provide such a scope. But even in this case, you can make good money on birch sap, because the average daily output of juice from one tree is from 5 to 10 liters. And you yourself know very well the prices for natural juices. The largest volumes of juice harvesting can be provided in places where deforestation is planned.

It is advisable to agree on the sale of juice during the period of its preparation in advance. Marketing can be carried out through a distribution network and through a system of cafes, restaurants, etc. Particular attention should be paid to the storage and processing of juice. At temperatures up to 5 degrees Celsius, the juice is stored for 3-5 days. If you need to store longer, you can freeze it. Freezing provides storage for up to 2-3 months. Further, this juice can be processed into kvass and wine, both regular and sparkling, which is sometimes called "champagne".

Given all of the above, one can only wonder why "champagne" from Swedish birch sap began to be quoted on the international market. Is the money received for this wonderful product superfluous for us? Look at its price. A bottle with a volume of 0.75 liters costs 327 Swedish kronor, which in terms of gives approximately (depending on the exchange rate) 1300 rubles. Moreover, here we are talking about the sale of only one final product. But in Russian sources there are many recipes for making both champagne and simple wine from birch sap. And that's not counting kvass. The appearance of these recipes cannot be considered an accidental phenomenon. The fact is that the harvesting of this juice takes a very short time. And, as already noted, birch sap contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals needed by our body. Therefore, for the possibility of a longer use of juice, it should be processed (we have already touched on the topic of juice storage). But everyone knows that any preservatives destroy a significant part of the vitamins. Therefore, it is not surprising that the people have long had ways to preserve this natural source of health. Fully processed juice can already be stored for more than one year, which ensures year-round sales of products.

Of particular note are the factors that negatively affect this business. Although these are self-evident, it should be noted that the harvesting of juice should be carried out in environmentally friendly places. Such places are even near large cities. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that the place of harvesting should be located upstream of the rivers from the city. Rivers also control the direction of movement of groundwater. Therefore, this criterion is sufficient to eliminate the possibility of falling into the waste collection zone of the city. It is also necessary to avoid harvesting in the places of work of enterprises of the chemical, oil-producing and oil-refining industries. And, of course, harvesting juice near highways and railways is also not recommended. But in such places, plants, most often, are oppressed. As we can see, it is quite simple to determine the places where birch sap is harvested. Storage and processing technologies are well described on the Internet, so I do not dwell on the details in more detail. We have enough natural wealth not to worry about various crises, we just need to competently approach what we have.

Foreigners are wary of Russian products. They don’t eat buckwheat, they don’t understand herring under a fur coat, they don’t even try to cook borscht. Yes, at one time the world enthusiastically accepted vodka, but that was already in the 16th century! Since then, there have been no examples of such a successful expansion of Russian food and drinks. How did the immigrants from Eastern Europe manage to teach modern London to drink ryazhenka, buy Borodino bread and order birch sap on the Internet? ZIMA talked to three entrepreneurs about how to enter the English market with a Russian product.

What to sell

If you ask Russian entrepreneurs who moved to the UK what prompted them to start producing Russian food here, many will answer: they missed the taste familiar from childhood, but they could not find an analogue. So in England, in particular, the production of fermented baked milk appeared - the company was the first to launch it. Bio-tiful Dairy. Its head, Natasha Bowes, had 15 years of experience at KPMG and Barclays in Moscow, Dublin and London and had been drinking kefir since childhood. Having moved to England, she could only find Polish kefir here, which did not suit her taste at all. After drawing up a business plan and doing research, Bowes realized that there was practically no competition in the British market for fermented milk products.

The first customers of Bio-tiful Dairy were Russian-speaking visitors to Harrods and Whole Foods. This was inevitable, although from the very beginning the product was not positioned as “Russian”, so as not to limit the scale of the business. However, in 2014, Bio-tiful Dairy signed an agreement with Ocado and Riverford Organic, marking the end of the pilot phase of the project and the start of "real work," according to Bowes. Since then, Russian-speaking buyers have been in the minority. Today, Bio-tiful kefir is available in Sainsbury's, Co-op and Whole Foods chain stores.

Bowes believes that when positioning a product, it is important to rely on its fundamental qualities, and not on Russian roots. In the case of fermented baked milk and kefir, three factors turned out to be fundamental: health benefits, pleasant taste and convenient packaging. “Now the main trends all over the world are health and convenience. The demand for organic products in light and convenient packaging is growing very fast. At the same time, it is clear that no matter how useful and beautifully packaged a product is, it will not be successful if it does not taste good,” Bowes is convinced. Can not argue.

A similar foundation was laid in the basis of her product by Anna Skopets, who founded the company TreeVitalise, which produces birch sap. The drink turned out to be so unusual and incomprehensible to the British that it took a lot of effort before consumers, retailers and distributors understood what they were offered. To do this, TreeVitalise arranged free tastings in stores and at exhibitions, carefully thought out packaging and built a pricing policy, realizing that there would be no quick return on investment.

“In England, the very concept of “products from the forest” is missing,” says Skopets. - To convince people to try our juice, we had to draw an analogy with maple syrup, which is essentially the same tree sap, only concentrated. With just 10 calories per bottle and tons of beneficial micronutrients, birch sap is a good substitute for sugary juices and coconut water. It perfectly quenches thirst, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, flushes out toxins, stimulates the liver and kidneys. And at the same time it has a light and fresh taste. Today, two years after starting the TreeVitalise business, the company's products can be found in TK Maxx, Selfridges, HomeSense and Holland & Barrett stores in the UK and Ireland.

How to set up production

Birch sap for TreeVitalise is collected and bottled in the Carpathians. The need for imports is explained by the fact that early spring in Eastern Europe is more turbulent. The land oversaturated with melt water feeds birch trees, and each tree produces about five liters of sap per day, while in England, where the climate is milder, it would take several days to collect the same volume, and it would be difficult to keep the juice fresh - it starts very quickly. to roam. In addition, it turns out that only a certain type of tree is suitable for the production of good birch sap - silver birch, the most common in Russia, the Carpathian region, the Baltic states and Scandinavian countries. After collection, the juice is packaged in glass containers - plastic is not good, the bacteria in it multiply faster. “This has almost become a problem with UK distributors who prefer plastic for safety reasons,” says Anna Skopets. “I had to convince and persuade.”

Bio-tiful Dairy buys sourdough from Russia and produces kefir and fermented baked milk from British milk on a farm in West Sussex. Any food production is associated with marketing risks due to the short shelf life of the product: it is necessary that everything is in order with refrigerators along the entire chain from the source of raw materials to the store, so the logistics and distribution process is expensive and difficult.

“It was difficult to work with distributors, because in England they don't do sales, only logistics. They have a lot of products in the catalog and you have to first sell the idea to distributors, then sell the product to each store individually, then convince the consumer to buy the product. Often the latter is the easiest to convince,” Anna Skopets admits.

The UK food industry has a well-established start-up support system, which allows you not only to find investors, but also get valuable advice on scaling and promoting your business.

Nadezhda Genchas, the founder of the Karaway bakery, whose clients include Harrods, Selfridges, Whole Foods, prestigious restaurants The Delaunay, Fischer’s, Le Gavroche, as well as the London office of Gazprom, agrees with this. Having set a modest goal for its business 12 years ago to feed people from the CIS with delicious rye bread, today Genchas has won recognition not only from the general public, but also from experts: its products have been awarded the stars of the national Great Taste Awards competition, and Lithuanian Scalded Rye bread Lithuanian custard bread with cumin , which is baked on dried bulrush leaves, has been named one of the UK's Top 50 Foods. “Chefs and buyers are very conservative and afraid to change something, we have to break the ice,” says Genchas. - It is much easier with the end user. Customers evaluate the product instantly for taste and quality and immediately decide whether to take or not to take. And retailers want it to be cheaper, simpler and hassle-free. Therefore, in August, after a break, our store will reopen at Westfield Stratford Shopping Center, where all our products will be collected - not only bread, but also muffins, cookies and cakes.

Natural rye bread Karaway produces in London. It is made by hand on grandfather's sourdoughs by natural fermentation, the dough matures for several days and bakes for more than an hour, unlike ordinary bread, which is baked in a store in 20 minutes from quick mixes. This is reflected in the price: Karaway bread is several times more expensive than store-bought loaves. But, according to Genchas, there is a stable demand for products: “There are only 10-15 artisanal bakeries in London. And most produce mainly wheat bread, rye bread is very expensive, and the choice is small. For them, rye bread is an additional assortment, for us, on the contrary, it is the main one.”

Where to get money

The production and sale of Russian food in England does not bring quick returns. So, in addition to solving other problems, entrepreneurs have to look for an answer to the question of where to get money from.

For the first three and a half years, Natasha Bowes financed Bio-tiful Dairy with her own funds (she does not disclose the amount spent). Last year, Natasha took part in the iconic business and start-up program Dragons' Den, which has been airing on BBC Two for many years. There she received an offer from British businessmen to sell 45% of the company for£ 250 thousand, but, much to the surprise of both the "dragons" and the audience, she refused. But six months later, she attracted investments into the company on the terms that she considered right for herself.

Anna Skopets also started a business on her own, then attracted multi-stage investments. To find investors, she advises actively making acquaintances in your field of business, going to consulting forums and meetings with famous entrepreneurs. The UK food industry has a well-established start-up support system, which allows you not only to find investors, but also get valuable advice on scaling and promoting your business. In particular, for those who, like her, intend to turn food into a business, Skopets advises to pay attention to startup accelerators Cinnamon Bridge and Bread and Butter.

How to get to the shops

This is perhaps the main question. “You can promote your product in the media as much as you like, but if people cannot find it on the shelf of the nearest store, then it’s all in vain,” says Natasha Bowes.

She admits that at the beginning she had no idea how competitive the UK food industry would be. At the initial stage, it is quite possible to succeed. Difficulties begin further when you need to get on the shelves of chain stores and somehow stand out from the huge variety of products that appear on the market every day: “This is an industry where 97% of the market is concentrated in the hands of four or five large chains, and it is almost impossible to break through. People say that 500 new offers a day are pouring into the e-mail of the Waitrose buyer. Huge stream. And the buyers who make decisions about your product niche in these stores are very conservative.”

There is no definite answer to the question of what exactly needs to be done in order to be guaranteed to break into large supermarkets. “We ourselves don’t know what worked, which of our team’s tireless efforts led to Bio-tiful Dairy kefir and fermented baked milk, in particular, on the shelves at Sainsbury’s. We were talking to one part of the industry, and the offer to deliver the product came from another. Yes, they communicated with each other, but this clearly did not happen directly, - argues Bowes and adds: - One thing is for sure: in our field it is very important to be able to build business relationships with people at every level, from employees and customers to suppliers and regulators . In England it is impossible not to be a pleasant person. So, if we learn to add English politeness and courtesy to our natural qualities, this combination can create a very winning combination.

The sap comes out of the tree almost sterile. In the future, various microorganisms from the air enter it.

From getting wild yeast and bacteria, the juice quickly begins to ferment. Often, even the next day, the juice already acquires a cloudy hue. Therefore, in addition to complying with the requirements for the cleanliness of dishes for collecting juice, maintaining cleanliness when working with it, it is also necessary to quickly implement it.

Juice storage

For local short-term storage of juice, simple cellars and cellars are usually used. It is possible to pre-arrange simple pits, then filled with snow and covered with a canopy.

As a rule, the collected juice from the harvesting point should be taken out for sale daily or immediately processed. At a temperature of 3-5 °, birch sap can be stored for two to three days without noticeable changes.

Container for storage and transportation of juice

Various types of containers are suitable for storing and transporting birch sap, from barrels to bottles. Barrels are used in various capacities and from different tree species. Usually the capacity of barrels is from 50 to 250 liters. Lime barrels are best, but oak, beech, aspen and other hardwood barrels are also suitable. The main requirements for barrels are reduced to their full serviceability. In addition, the barrels must not impair the quality of the juice, that is, they must not impart foreign odors and flavors to it or change its color. This is achieved by proper processing and washing of barrels, which will be discussed below.

Very convenient for transporting birch sap are glass bottles of various capacities, usually used for acids. Bottle capacity 15-20 liters. As a rule, the bottles are sealed in wooden cages.

Metal milk cans or flasks are also used to transport juice. They are round or square. Their capacity is 30-50 liters.

The container must be prepared in a timely manner and in sufficient quantity, since its absence can disrupt the entire preparation of birch sap.

Washing and cleaning containers

Glass bottles and cans should not be contaminated, should not have sediments stuck to the bottom and walls.

Milk cans are washed with a soda solution to remove possible sediments of fatty particles, rinsed with boiling water and dried. Glass bottles are also washed with soda solution.

Barrels should be "filled" and not "dry" barrels, fully serviceable and with a full number of hoops. Wooden hoops are allowed, but doubled. On chimes, it is still desirable to have at least one iron hoop.

All new barrels must be well leached. This is achieved either by soaking them and changing the water after 1-3 days (or more often - depending on the purity of the barrel) or by steaming them again. Barrels from kerosene, soap, drying oil, oils, fish, as well as from any other odorous materials and chemicals should not be allowed under birch sap.

Before use, barrels must be well repaired, thoroughly washed, steamed and disinfected.

It is more expedient to process barrels with uncorked bottoms. First, the barrel is washed with hot water using brushes, washcloths, etc., then steamed. For steaming, barrels are poured into a quarter of their capacity with boiling boiling water and covered with tarpaulin, matting, etc., so that the steam does not leave the barrel. For better steaming and washing, soda or lye is added to the water when washing.

Moldy barrels should never be immediately washed with boiling water. They must first be washed with brushes with cold or slightly warm water, and only then steamed with the addition of either soda ash (at the rate of 50 g per bucket of water), or lye, or some other alkali.

For better disinfection of barrels and other types of containers, they can be fumigated with sulfur or treated with a bleach solution. When fumigating, approximately 5 g of sulfur is burned per 1 liter of container capacity. For the convenience of burning, the so-called "sulphates" are prepared, that is, strips of paper dipped into molten sulfur. For disinfection with bleach, a solution with a concentration (content) of 200 mg of active chlorine per liter of water is used. Commercially available bleach contains about 300-1250 g of active chlorine per 1 kg, so 0.7-0.8 g of bleach can be taken per 1 liter of water.

Labeling and transportation of juice

After processing, the container should be checked for serviceability and cleanliness, the absence of foreign smell, rinsed with clean water. Before filling the container with juice, it is weighed and the weight is marked on the container. In addition, the type of container, its serial number and weight are recorded in the production journal.

Barrels are stoppered with wooden stoppers or bushings, lined with clean burlap or linen. Marking on barrels is done by hand or through a stencil. Glass bottles are also stoppered with wooden stoppers lined with clean linen. In addition, the cork and neck are closed with some material and tied with a string, to the end of which a tag is attached, i.e. a wooden board or cardboard with markings. The end of the string should be sealed.

As a result of marking, each package unit must be marked with:

  1. name of the enterprise harvesting birch sap
  2. number or name of the procurement point
  3. product name (i.e. birch sap)
  4. date of harvesting juice
  5. current number, according to the entry in the production log
  6. the amount of birch sap, and for verification upon acceptance and delivery, it is desirable to indicate the gross, tare and net weight
  7. quality certificate number
  8. assembler number

Transportation of birch sap is subject to the general conditions of carriage for perishable products.

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