Riddles about things. Among spoons I am a colonel and they call me Among spoons I am a colonel and

Riddles about dishes

I puff, I puff
I don't want to get hot anymore.
The lid rattled loudly.
“Drink tea, the water has boiled!”

Boil - steam comes out
And whistles and blazes with heat,
The lid rattles, knocks.
- Hey, take me off! - shouts.

On fire grumbling grumbling
Then I sneeze
And I give off steam.

On the head of a button
A sieve in the nose
One hand
Yes, it's on the back.

On the stove is the chief pan.
Thick, long-nosed…

How to start
Need some tea
Brew faster.

He has a big belly
Not a hippo at all.
He raised his trunk-nose,
But, however, not an elephant.
And he puffs through his nose
On the stove like a locomotive.

Though he turned up his nose,
But this is not serious at all.
He is not proud of anyone
Whoever wants to drink will be convinced.

Carries water
To please the owner;
Lives with him
Until it falls.

unapproachable in appearance
Standing akimbo,
And inside, look
Treat inside!

sugar bowl

I keep hot
I keep cold
I am an oven and a refrigerator
I will replace you on the trip.

If I am empty
I don't forget about myself
But when I bring food
I will not pass by the mouth.

I feed everyone with pleasure,
And she's homeless.

On my plate
The boat is sailing.
A bowl of food
I send it to my mouth.

What tool can you slurp cabbage soup with?

longtail horse
She brought us sweet porridge.
A horse is waiting at the gate -
Open your mouth wide.

Who is she?
Kashi will scoop up
And put it in your mouth.

new crockery,
And all in holes.

She gets deep.
She is petty.
However, it is not a river.

I was born in the earth
Hardened in fire.

Made for liquid
and it doesn't hold liquid.

Kettle's girlfriend
Has two ears
Cooks porridge, soup for Yulia.
And her name is...


If well sharpened,
Everything is easy, he cuts very -
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.

The whole top of the head is in small holes -
Bitter-bitter in bowls.


Among the spoons I am a colonel.
And they call me...


Bought brand new
so round
swing in the hands
and it's all holes.

Tell me what to call her:
All holes in her teeth,
But beets, radishes, horseradish, carrots
She rubs deftly.

Rigid, perforated,
Prickly, clumsy.
What will they put on her back?
She will devour everything at once.

The pig is lying - The back is punctured.

It is round, but not a ball,
Copper is not a coin
It burns with scarlet heat,
They warm the water.
He is a master of making tea,
The teapot remembered for nothing!
After all, his name is for centuries


At the nosed at Foka
Constantly hands to the sides.
Foka boils water
And shines like a mirror.

The fat man is worth
akimbo barrel,
Hissing and boiling
He tells everyone to drink tea.

Boyar portly
To all the people
Releases water.

A fire burns in the middle of the water
Water doesn't flood it.

    I am a helpful bastard.
    I am happy to serve everyone.
    I am silent as an idol.
    And then I sing songs.


    The pig is running
    Ripped back.


    Say the magic words
    Swipe the subject just barely:
    Flowers will bloom instantly
    Between the snowdrifts here and there.
    And you can conjure rain
    There are five cakes at once.
    And lemonade and sweets...
    You name that subject!

    (Magic wand)

    Near different girlfriends,
    But they are similar to each other.
    They all sit next to each other
    And just one toy.


    Two twins, two brothers
    They sit on top of the nose.

    There will be delicious food
    With a golden crust
    If you are using...

    (with a frying pan!)

    Didn't look out the window
    There was only one Antoshka,
    Looked out the window -
    There is a second Antoshka!
    What is this window
    Where was Antoshka looking?


    This thing is functional:
    She can sweep.
    Well, you can (it's not a secret!)
    Fly on it under the clouds.
    Brand "Nimbus" thing happens,
    Everyone plays Quidditch on it.

    Roof from under the roof
    Out in the rain.

    I have legs, but I don't walk
    With a back, but I do not lie,
    You sit down - I'm not sitting.

    Even though she doesn't look very good.
    And a little like a hedgehog,
    Loves very much before I go to bed,
    Dance on my teeth for a minute.


    You knock on the wall -
    And I'll jump back.
    Throw on the ground -
    And I'll jump.
    I'm flying from palm to palm
    I don't want to lie still.

    They sat on the nose
    looked at the world,
    They held on to their ears.

    Among the spoons I am a colonel.
    And they call me...


    Kettle's girlfriend
    Has two ears
    Cooks porridge, soup for Yulia.
    And her name is...


    Where the sponge will not master,
    Do not wash, do not wash,
    I take on the task of:
    Heels, elbows with soap rub,
    And I wipe my knees
    I don't forget anything.


    Lots of neighbors
    Everyone lives nearby
    And they never see each other.

    She puffs up her sides
    Your four corners
    And you, as the night falls,
    It will still draw you in.


    Soup, salad, mashed potatoes, meatballs
    Always served in ... (Plate)
    And for tea and yogurt
    Give it up buddy...

    Wizards all use it.

    Five boys
    Five closets.
    Dispersed boys
    In dark closets.
    Every boy
    Into your closet.

    (Fingers and gloves)

    I'm sitting on top
    I don't know who.

    I have two horses, two horses.
    They carry me on the water.

    (skates, ice)

    I am any girl
    I'll cover my hair
    I'll cover the boy too
    Short haircuts.
    I am protection from the sun
    That's what it was made for.

    Thick, long-nosed…

    I ride it
    Until evening time.
    But my lazy horse
    Carries only from the mountain.
    And always on the hill
    I walk myself
    And my horse
    I lead by the rope.

    Two braids, two sisters,
    From sheep's yarn,
    How to walk - so put on,
    So that five and five do not freeze.


    The whole universe lives in it,
    And it's an ordinary thing.


    There are ears near the body, but no head.


    Strokes everything it touches
    And if you touch it, it bites.

    Even though we have four legs,
    We are not mice and not cats,
    Although we all have backs,
    We are not sheep or pigs,
    We are not horses, even on us
    You sit down many times.

    Two bellies, four ears.


    The track says - two embroidered ends:
    "Wash a little
    Wash the ink off your face!
    Otherwise, you'll get me dirty in half a day."


    I know how to jump and roll, And if they leave, I'll fly. Laughing faces all around: Everyone is happy about the round ...

    Seal firmly with glue
    And they sent it to me right away.
    I won't pity him
    I'll get it and put it up.


    Not a human,
    And he's talking.

    Two birch horses
    They carry me through the snow.
    These red horses
    And they are called...

    In order not to freeze
    five guys
    knitted in the oven
    They are sitting.


    Admire, look -
    North Pole inside!
    There sparkles snow and ice,
    Winter lives there.
    Forever us this winter
    Brought from the store.


    Fall - jump
    Hit - do not cry.

    your ponytail
    I held in my hand
    You flew
    I ran.


    Unapproachable, lonely
    On a steep, high cliff,
    A gloomy lump in appearance
    He is by the lake.
    Through the ancient loopholes
    Looks into the surface of the lake.

    With a tail, but you can't lift it by the tail

    I'm spinning, I'm spinning
    And I'm not lazy
    Spin around all day long.

    Not boots, not boots
    But they are also worn by legs.
    We run in them in winter:
    Go to school in the morning, home in the afternoon.

    (Felt boots)

    A new vessel, but all in holes.

    Dove is white
    flew into the hut,
    What in the world I saw
    She told about everything.

    They go for water - they sing sonorous songs,
    And they go back - tears are shed.

    I walk in the rain and in the heat,
    My character is like this.

    Four legs, but not a beast.
    There are feathers, but not a bird. What is this?

    (Bed and pillow)

    On one finger
    bucket upside down.


    It stands like a pillar, burns with fire, no heat, no steam, no coals.

    Downhill - a horse, uphill - a piece of wood.

    On the road I walked
    Found two roads
    Went to both.

    At little Katyusha
    Sat on the crown
    Not a moth, not a bird -
    Holds two pigtails.

    Hanging on the ears, not earrings.


    When it is needed, it is thrown away. When not needed, they pick it up.

    You enter through one door and exit through three
    You think you're out, but you're actually in.


    I work in the locker room
    I keep my coat on weight.


    You turn - a wedge,
    Unfold - damn it.

    What will get the back of your head with your teeth?


    Made from boards
    And put on a belt
    And this dish keeps
    Summer harvested from the garden.

    I have which year
    the hedgehog lives in the room.
    If the floor is waxed
    He will rub it to a shine.

    (floor polisher)

    This eye is a special eye.
    He quickly looks at you
    And will be born
    The most accurate portrait of you.


    Goes down - breaks the road, goes up - builds.

    (Doggy zipper on jacket)

    Among the spoons I am a colonel.
    And they call me...


    Kettle's girlfriend
    Has two ears
    Cooks porridge, soup for Yulia.
    And her name is...


    Where the sponge will not master,
    Do not wash, do not wash,
    I take on the task of:
    Heels, elbows with soap rub,
    And I wipe my knees
    I don't forget anything.


    Lots of neighbors
    Everyone lives nearby
    And they never see each other.

    She puffs up her sides
    Your four corners
    And you, as the night falls,
    It will still draw you in.


    Soup, salad, mashed potatoes, meatballs
    Always served in ... (Plate)
    And for tea and yogurt
    Give it up buddy...

    For predictions, this subject is indispensable.
    Wizards all use it.
    It's round and transparent like glass
    It is quite easy to see the future in it.

    Five boys
    Five closets.
    Dispersed boys
    In dark closets.
    Every boy
    Into your closet.

    (Fingers and gloves)

    I'm sitting on top
    I don't know who.

    I have two horses, two horses.
    They carry me on the water.
    And the water is as hard as stone!

    (skates, ice)

    I am any girl
    I'll cover my hair
    I'll cover the boy too
    Short haircuts.
    I am protection from the sun
    That's what it was made for.

    On the stove - pots chief.
    Thick, long-nosed…

    I ride it
    Until evening time.
    But my lazy horse
    Carries only from the mountain.
    And always on the hill
    I walk myself
    And my horse
    I lead by the rope.

    We stood all summer, waiting for winter.
    They waited for the time - they rushed from the mountain.

    Two braids, two sisters,
    From sheep's yarn,
    How to walk - so put on,
    So that five and five do not freeze.


    The whole universe lives in it,
    And it's an ordinary thing.


    Kuzma is knotted, it is impossible to untie.

    There are ears near the body, but no head.


    Strokes everything it touches
    And if you touch it, it bites.

    Even though we have four legs,
    We are not mice and not cats,
    Although we all have backs,
    We are not sheep or pigs,
    We are not horses, even on us
    You sit down many times.

    Two bellies, four ears.


    He swing and bed
    It's good to lie on it
    Is he in the garden or in the forest
    Shows on weight.

    Duck in the sea, tail on the fence.

    Who comes, who goes
    Everyone leads her by the hand.

    Who made me does not say. Who does not know me, accepts. And who knows, they won't let you into the yard.

    (Fake coin)

    Khokotun Egor took up the cleaning,
    I went dancing around the room,
    Looked around - a clean floor.

    There is a fat woman -
    wooden belly,
    Iron belt.

    Along the edges are two sharp sticks,
    In the middle is what
    What all the guys will exclaim
    Kohl suddenly hear it.


    Lots of teeth, but nothing to eat.


    What is it with Galochka?
    thread on a stick,
    Wand in hand
    And a thread in the river.

    sheet of paper in the morning
    They bring us to the apartment,
    On one such sheet
    a lot of news.

    I held your tail in my hand,
    You flew, I ran.


    What is a judge without a tongue?

    He rides on someone else's back, but carries a load on his own.

    On the squares of the board
    The kings brought down the regiments.
    No for battle with regiments
    No bullets, no bayonets.


    I have guys
    Two silver horses
    I drive both at the same time.
    What kind of horses do I have?

    They love the young man very much, but they beat him, beat him endlessly.

    A small head sits on the finger.
    Hundreds of eyes looking in all directions.


    In the belly - a bath, in the nose - a sieve, on the head - the navel. One hand, and that one on the back. What is this?

    Four blue suns
    Grandma's in the kitchen
    Four blue suns
    They burned and faded.
    Shchi is ripe, pancakes hiss.
    Until tomorrow the sun is not needed.

    (Gas stove)

    Under the roof - four legs,
    Under the roof - soup and spoons.

    They beat him with a hand and a stick -
    Nobody feels sorry for him.
    Why are they beating the poor guy?
    And for the fact that he is inflated.

    Come on, guys, who can guess:
    Are two fur coats enough for ten brothers?


    Bent over the river
    Their deal is this:
    The river will exchange it
    Perch on a worm.

    A warm wave splashes
    Under the wave of whiteness.
    Guess, remember
    What kind of sea is in the room?


    Very fast two horses
    They carry me through the snow
    Through the meadow to the birch,
    Pull two strips.

    In our house under the window
    There is a hot accordion:
    She doesn’t sing or play - she heats the house.

    (heating battery)

    They speak in Moscow, but we hear it.

    I'll sit under my arm and tell you what to do:
    Either I'll put you to bed, or I'll let you walk.


    Blue house at the gate.
    Guess who lives in it.

    The door is narrow under the roof -
    Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,
    Not for the spring tenant,
    Talking starling.

    News is flying in through this door
    They spend half an hour together.
    The news does not stay for a long time -
    Flying in all directions!


    There are no clouds on the horizon
    But an umbrella opened up in the sky.
    In a few minutes
    Got down...


    In linen country
    On the river sheet
    The steamboat is sailing
    Back, then forward
    And behind him such a smooth surface,
    Not a wrinkle to be seen.

    The house is a glass bubble
    And the light lives in it.
    He sleeps during the day, but when he wakes up,
    It will ignite with a bright flame.

    small, round,
    And you can't catch it by the tail.

    On the wall, in plain sight,
    Gathers the news together
    And then its residents
    They will fly in all directions.


    She has her whole soul wide open,
    And even though there are buttons - not a shirt,
    Not a turkey, but inflates,
    And not a bird, but flooded.

Plates and other objects surround us from early childhood. Riddles about dishes help kids develop logical thinking, introduce them to household items, and their correct use. Children are often interested in the origin of dishes. For example, in Ancient Rus' all utensils were made of wood. And only later bowls began to be made of copper. Although it is now proven that copper utensils are unhealthy. Dishes often act as heroes of folk tales. She can speak, feel, she is credited with magical qualities. Remember how in the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief" the dishes were offended by the hostess and left the house? Riddles about dishes are quite easy to guess, they instill in children a desire to help their mothers in the kitchen, learn to take care of things.

It is round, but not a ball,
Copper is not a coin
It burns with scarlet heat,
They warm the water.
He is a master of making tea,
The teapot remembered for nothing!
After all, his name is for centuries
People ... (Samovar!)

Among the spoons I am a colonel.
And my name is ... Ladle!

Soup, salad, mashed potatoes, meatballs
Always served in ... (Plate)

And for tea and yogurt
Substitute, my friend, ... (Cup)

On the stove - pots chief.
Fat, long-nosed ... (Teapot)

A boat floats on my plate.
I send a boat with food into my mouth.

Kettle's girlfriend
Has two ears
Cooks porridge, soup for Yulia.
And her name is ... (Pan)

There will be delicious food
With a golden crust
If you are using...
That's right, a frying pan!

We don’t eat ourselves, but we feed people (spoons)

She is friends with the cook
Porridge will cook us for dinner
Her mother Julia loves her.
What is her name? (Pot)

I eat table soup for lunch,
I try tea dessert
Give me some more
Where is my big...
/spoon/ ?

On one wide leg
She has 4 horns
But she is not a saw at all,
For cutlets and meat...

Be careful, look
Take it in your hand
You don't always understand
How to cut your hand...

The nose puffs and breathes steam,
The hot bock exudes steam,
And inside the drink is an herbalist,
He is my mother's favorite...

It's hot on the stove
Hides deliciousness under the lid,
Mom cooks porridge in it,
Two handles, one...

Like a damn round she
I ate porridge all the way to the bottom,
I see Sevka's smile,
He lives at the bottom...

Steep and tall
Oh, now I'm getting drunk on juice,
Deliciousness is not a lie
Empty my...

Everyone likes her very much
Beauty on a platter
With one hand, cutie

And pancakes, and scrambled eggs,
And potatoes for lunch
And pancakes - wow!
Burns everything...

The fat man is worth
akimbo barrel,
Hissing and boiling
He tells everyone to drink tea.

From me thin dishes
Pale white and loud
Burned since ancient times.
I am called...

I puff, I puff
I don't want to get hot anymore.
The lid rattled loudly.
“Drink tea, the water has boiled!”

Carries water
To please the owner;
Lives with him
Until it falls.

unapproachable in appearance
Standing akimbo,
And inside, look
Treat inside!
sugar bowl

I keep hot
I keep cold
I am an oven and a refrigerator
I will replace you on the trip.

If I am empty
I don't forget about myself
But when I bring food
I will not pass by the mouth.

new crockery,
And all in holes.

On the head of a button
A sieve in the nose
One hand
Yes, it's on the back.

Boil - steam comes out
And whistles and blazes with heat,
The lid rattles, knocks.
- Hey, take me off! - shouts.

Boyar portly
To all the people
Releases water.

On fire grumbling grumbling
Then I sneeze
And I give off steam.

She gets deep.
She is petty.
However, it is not a river.

I was born in the earth
Hardened in fire.

A fire burns in the middle of the water
Water doesn't flood it.

Made for liquid
and it doesn't hold liquid.

Kettle's girlfriend
Has two ears
Cooks porridge, soup for Yulia.
And her name is...

I feed everyone with pleasure,
And she's homeless.

On the stove is the chief pan.
Thick, long-nosed…

How to start
Need some tea
Brew faster.

He has a big belly
Not a hippo at all.
He raised his trunk-nose,
But, however, not an elephant.
And he puffs through his nose
On the stove like a locomotive.

Though he turned up his nose,
But this is not serious at all.
He is not proud of anyone
Whoever wants to drink will be convinced.

On my plate
The boat is sailing.
A bowl of food
I send it to my mouth.

What tool can you slurp cabbage soup with?

longtail horse
She brought us sweet porridge.
A horse is waiting at the gate -
Open your mouth wide.

Who is she?
Kashi will scoop up
And put it in your mouth.

If well sharpened,
Everything is easy, he cuts very -
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.

The whole top of the head is in small holes -
Bitter-bitter in bowls.

Among the spoons I am a colonel.
And they call me...

New vessel
all in holes.

Bought brand new
so round
swing in the hands
and it's all holes.

Tell me what to call her:
All holes in her teeth,
But beets, radishes, horseradish, carrots
She rubs deftly.

Rigid, perforated,
Prickly, clumsy.
What will they put on her back?
She will devour everything at once.

Sivka is lying - his back is punctured.

At the nosed at Foka
Constantly hands to the sides.
Foka boils water
And shines like a mirror.

Physical minutes


Yes yes yes dirty dishes

Doo-doo-doo I will wash the dishes

Do-do-do here's a big dish

Yes, yes, yes, the dishes are washed


In the kitchen, she is always honored, she fries and bakes.

Do not cook food for us without a kitchen ... (pans).

For us, it is necessary, because we eat food from it.

Deep and shallow call her ... (plate).

Granny cooks soup for us in it,

On the table is ... (pan).

On the stove is a pot chief.

Fat, long-nosed ... (teapot).

The fat man is worth
akimbo barrel,
Hissing and boiling
He tells everyone to drink tea.

From me thin dishes
Pale white and loud
Burned since ancient times.
I am called...

I puff, I puff
I don't want to get hot anymore.
The lid rattled loudly.
“Drink tea, the water has boiled!”

Carries water
To please the owner;
Lives with him
Until it falls.

unapproachable in appearance
Standing akimbo,
And inside, look
Treat inside!
sugar bowl

I keep hot
I keep cold
I am an oven and a refrigerator
I will replace you on the trip.

Kettle's girlfriend
Has two ears
Cooks porridge, soup for Yulia.
And her name is...

I feed everyone with pleasure,
And she's homeless.

On the stove - pots chief.
Thick, long-nosed…

How to start
Need some tea
Brew faster.
longtail horse
She brought us sweet porridge.
A horse is waiting at the gate -
Open your mouth wide.

Who is she?
Kashi will scoop up
And put it in your mouth.

If well sharpened,
Everything is easy, he cuts very -
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.

The whole top of the head is in small holes -
Bitter-bitter in bowls.

Among the spoons I am a colonel.
And they call me...

Rigid, perforated,
Prickly, clumsy.
What will they put on her back?
She will devour everything at once.

If I am empty
I don't forget about myself
But when I bring food
I will not pass by the mouth.

new crockery,
And all in holes.

On the head of a button
A sieve in the nose
One hand
Yes, it's on the back.

Boil - steam comes out,
And whistles and blazes with heat,
The lid rattles, knocks.
- Hey, take me off! - screams.

Boyar portly
To all the people
Releases water.

On fire grumbling grumbling
Then I sneeze
And I give off steam.

She gets deep.
She is petty.
However, it is not a river.

I was born in the earth
Hardened in fire.

A fire burns in the middle of the water
Water doesn't flood it.

Made for liquid
and it doesn't hold liquid.

He has a big belly
Not a hippo at all.
He raised his trunk-nose,
But, however, not an elephant.
And he puffs through his nose
On the stove like a locomotive.
Though he turned up his nose,
But this is not serious at all.
He is not proud of anyone
Anyone who wants to drink will be convinced.

On my plate
The boat is sailing.
A bowl of food
I send it to my mouth.

What tool can you slurp cabbage soup with?
New vessel
all in holes.

Bought brand new
so round
swing in the hands
and it's all holes.

Tell me what to call her:
All holes in her teeth,
But beets, radishes, horseradish, carrots
She rubs deftly.

finger games


One two three four,

We washed the dishes

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle

We washed the dishes

We just broke a cup

The bucket also fell apart

The nose of the teapot broke off, We bend our fingers again.

We broke the spoon a little.

So we helped mom.


The girl Irinka put things in order.

Show thumb.

The girl Irinka said to the doll:

“Napkins should be in a napkin holder,

The oil must be in the oiler.

Bread should be in the breadbasket,

What about salt? Well, of course, in the salt shaker!

Alternately connect big finger With the rest beginning suggestive.


Our Antoshka washes the dishes.

Washes a fork, a cup, a spoon.

I washed the saucer and glass,


And closed the faucet.

Poems about dishes

Mom has a lot of dishes in the kitchen:

Buckets and shovels hang on the walls.

Fragrant and tasty for dinner lies.

And the tureen is already on the table.

If it's clean on the shelf.

This - spoon,
This is a cup.
In a cup - buckwheat.
The spoon has been in the cup -
Buckwheat porridge is gone!

D. Zlochevsky

spoke fork spoon:
I have four legs.
I can eat meatballs
Fish, meat and omelets.

T. Vishnyakova

good-natured aunt pot
He says: "How I love you all!"
I'll make fragrant porridge
And Antosha, and Lisa, and Masha!
Wash your hands! Who needs manna porridge?
Just before playing again
To our sweet and affectionate mother
Don't forget to say "thank you!"


And we have spoon
A little magical.
On a plate is food.
Will not leave a trace!
Click our spoon -
Pick up all the porridge!

L. Razumova

I am a little friend
with dining room spoon.
I just open my mouth
A spoon with porridge comes in,
Plop! To my tongue
Cheeks together smack-smack-smack!
Everyone is happy: me, my mouth
And my chubby belly!

V. Prokhorenko

crashed plate
to the shards.
I will collect them
Maybe glue.
Only how much
Do I need glue?
Whole bottle?
Or a full wagon?
I'm collecting
cymbal parts,
And I repeat:
It's for happiness.

T. Naumova

To put a barrier to microbes,
wash the dishes, of course, it is necessary.
To not eat like a pig from a trough,
Before shine, the dishes should be washed.
Recall more about "Fedorino grief":
Wash the dishes and there's nothing to argue



Physical minutes


Here is a large glass teapot.

Very important as a boss.

Here are porcelain cups,

Very big, poor things.

Here are porcelain saucers,

Just knock - they will break.

Here are the silver spoons

Head on a thin stem.

Here is the plastic tray.

He brought us dishes.

Children puffed up their tummy

one hand was placed on the belt, the other was bent.

Sat down, put one hand on the belt.

They spin around, “drawing” a circle with their hands.

They stretched, clasped their hands over their heads.

Lie down, stretch out.

N. Nishcheva



Yes yes yes dirty dishes

Doo-doo-doo I will wash the dishes

Do-do-do here's a big dish

Yes, yes, yes, the dishes are washed


In the kitchen, she is always honored, she fries and bakes.

Do not cook food for us without a kitchen ... (pans).

For us, it is necessary, because we eat food from it.

Deep and shallow call her ... (plate).

Granny cooks soup for us in it,

On the table is ... (pan).

On the stove is a pot chief.

Fat, long-nosed ... (teapot).

The fat man is worth
akimbo barrel,
Hissing and boiling
He tells everyone to drink tea.

From me thin dishes
Pale white and loud
Burned since ancient times.
I am called...

I puff, I puff
I don't want to get hot anymore.
The lid rattled loudly.
“Drink tea, the water has boiled!”

Carries water
To please the owner;
Lives with him
Until it falls.

unapproachable in appearance
Standing akimbo,
And inside, look
Treat inside!
sugar bowl

I keep hot
I keep cold
I am an oven and a refrigerator
I will replace you on the trip.

Kettle's girlfriend
Has two ears
Cooks porridge, soup for Yulia.
And her name is...

I feed everyone with pleasure,
And she's homeless.

On the stove - pots chief.
Thick, long-nosed…

How to start
Need some tea
Brew faster.
longtail horse
She brought us sweet porridge.
A horse is waiting at the gate -
Open your mouth wide.

Who is she?
Kashi will scoop up
And put it in your mouth.

If well sharpened,
Everything is easy, he cuts very -
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.

The whole top of the head is in small holes -
Bitter-bitter in bowls.

Among the spoons I am a colonel.
And they call me...

Rigid, perforated,
Prickly, clumsy.
What will they put on her back?
She will devour everything at once.

If I am empty
I don't forget about myself
But when I bring food
I will not pass by the mouth.

new crockery,
And all in holes.

On the head of a button
A sieve in the nose
One hand
Yes, it's on the back.

Boil - steam comes out,
And whistles and blazes with heat,
The lid rattles, knocks.
- Hey, take me off! - screams.

Boyar portly
To all the people
Releases water.

On fire grumbling grumbling
Then I sneeze
And I give off steam.

She gets deep.
She is petty.
However, it is not a river.

I was born in the earth
Hardened in fire.

A fire burns in the middle of the water
Water doesn't flood it.

Made for liquid
and it doesn't hold liquid.

He has a big belly
Not a hippo at all.
He raised his trunk-nose,
But, however, not an elephant.
And he puffs through his nose
On the stove like a locomotive.
Though he turned up his nose,
But this is not serious at all.
He is not proud of anyone
Anyone who wants to drink will be convinced.

On my plate
The boat is sailing.
A bowl of food
I send it to my mouth.

What tool can you slurp cabbage soup with?
New vessel
all in holes.

Bought brand new
so round
swing in the hands
and it's all holes.

Tell me what to call her:
All holes in her teeth,
But beets, radishes, horseradish, carrots
She rubs deftly.

finger games


One two three four,Rhythmic punches and clap alternately.

We washed the dishesOne palm slides over the other

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle. We bend the fingers one at a time for each name of the dish.

We washed the dishesOne palm slides over the other.

We just broke a cup

The bucket also fell apart

The nose of the teapot broke off,We bend our fingers again.

We broke the spoon a little.

So we helped mom.Rhythmic punches and clap alternately.


The girl Irinka put things in order.

Show thumb.

The girl Irinka said to the doll:

“Napkins should be in a napkin holder,

The oil must be in the oiler.

Bread should be in the breadbasket,

What about salt? Well, of course, in the salt shaker!

Alternately connect the thumb with the rest, starting with the index finger.


Our Antoshka washes the dishes.

Rubbing their palms together

Washes a fork, a cup, a spoon.

I washed the saucer and glass,

Unbend fingers from the cam, starting with the little finger.

And closed the faucet.

Perform a simulated movement.

Poems about dishes

Mom has a lot of dishes in the kitchen:
Here is a kettle, a ladle, a coffee pot and a dish,
Pots by height are on the shelves,
Buckets and shovels hang on the walls.

Table service prepared for dinner,
And the teapot sits beautifully on the shelf.
And in the breadbasket there is bread under a beautiful napkin
Fragrant and tasty for dinner lies.

Salt is poured into a painted salt shaker,
The oil is carefully put into the oiler,
All vegetables are cut into a salad bowl,
And the tureen is already on the table.

In the dishes, food is stored and cooked,
Housewives wash and dry dishes.
And, as from Fedora, she will not run away,
If it's clean on the shelf.

This is a spoon
This is a cup.
In a cup - buckwheat.
The spoon has been in the cup -
Buckwheat porridge is gone!

D. Zlochevsky

The fork spoke to the spoon:
I have four legs.
I can eat meatballs
Fish, meat and omelets.

T. Vishnyakova

Good-natured aunt pan
He says: "How I love you all!"
I'll make fragrant porridge
And Antosha, and Lisa, and Masha!
Wash your hands! Who needs manna porridge?
Just before playing again
To our sweet and affectionate mother
Don't forget to say "thank you!"


And we have a spoon
A little magical.
On a plate is food.
Will not leave a trace!
Click our spoon -
Pick up all the porridge!

L. Razumova

I am a little friend
With a tablespoon.
I just open my mouth
A spoon with porridge comes in,
Plop! To my tongue
Cheeks together smack-smack-smack!
Everyone is happy: me, my mouth
And my chubby belly!

V. Prokhorenko

broken plate
to the shards.
I will collect them
Maybe glue.
Only how much
Do I need glue?
Whole bottle?
Or a full wagon?
I'm collecting
cymbal parts,
And I repeat:
It's for happiness.

T. Naumova

To put a barrier to microbes,
Wash the dishes, of course.
To not eat like a pig from a trough,
Before shine, the dishes should be washed.
Recall more about "Fedorino grief":
Wash the dishes and there's nothing to argue

Answer from Darya scherbakova[guru]
3 women decided to buy a teapot that costs $30 and chipped in $10 each. Then the manager found out that the teapot cost $25, he received $5 from the cash register and decided to give it to the women.
But how do you divide 5 by 3.
Therefore, he gave each woman 1 dollar (3 in total), and took 2 for himself. So, each woman received back 1 dollar. That is, instead of 10 spent 9 dollars. How much did the teapot cost the women?... That's right, 9x3 = 27 dollars. To them we add 2 dollars, which the manager put in his pocket.
It turns out 29.
Question: where is the thirtieth dollar??? ?
Answer: First, forget about the number ten, it deliberately distracts.
in reality the kettle costs 25, the ladies paid 27 of which 2 went to the manager.
And there was no 30th dollar.
It is round, but not a ball,
Copper is not a coin
It burns with scarlet heat,
They warm the water.
He is a master of making tea,
The teapot remembered for nothing!
After all, his name is for centuries
People ... Samovar!
Among the spoons I am a colonel.
And my name is ... Ladle!
Soup, salad, mashed potatoes, meatballs
Always served in ... (Plate)
And for tea and yogurt
Substitute, my friend, ... (Cup)
On the stove - pots chief.
Fat, long-nosed ... (Teapot)
A boat floats on my plate.
I send a boat with food into my mouth.
Kettle's girlfriend
Has two ears
Cooks porridge, soup for Yulia.
And her name is ... (Pan)
There will be delicious food
With a golden crust
If you are using...
That's right, a frying pan!
I puff, puff, puff,
I don't want to get hot anymore.
The lid rattled loudly.
"Drink tea, the water has boiled!"

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with similar questions and answers to your question: Please help! question inside...

Answer from Alafira[guru]
1. riddles about a samovar, for example, like this
My heart friend
The chairman of the tea trust.
All family in the evening
He treats with tea.
He is a tough guy,
Easily swallows chips.
Although not large in stature,
And puffs like a steam engine.
there is something similar here that might come in handy

Answer from Infected Mushroom[guru]
Well, let them tell you what they know about hibiscus tea, in which countries it grows (well, like African, Egypt, Sudan), what is another name (Sudanese rose), where it is supplied to Russia. About the beneficial properties of this tea (well, look it up on the Internet, talk for a long time).
You can also ask a question about yellow tea, but I myself can’t say anything about it :-), also look on the Internet

Answer from Karlygash[guru]
What color is tea? - White, yellow, green, orange, red, black.
What can you drink tea with? - with milk, lemon, jam, cream, etc.
What kind of water is poured into the brewing of black tea and green tea? - Steep boiling water, hot water.

Answer from Evgeny Moiseev[active]
Talk about the history of tea, about what it is better to drink it with, about the benefits and harms of this drink. Can you copy the link from me?