The time of frying herring in a pan. Fried herring: cooking recipes. Vietnamese fried herring

Herring is one of the most common types of fish, which is usually eaten in salted or pickled form. But few people know that such an Atlantic yummy can be subjected to heat treatment, after which the dish will become tender, juicy and very appetizing. Frying herring is easy, because it lends itself well to cleaning, has a small amount of bones and cooks quickly enough. The meat of this representative of fish is valued for its rich chemical composition, useful for the human body, as well as its high fat content, which, during the baking process, gives it softness and unique taste. Acting according to the tips for preparing herring snacks, you can fry a real homemade delicacy with a pleasant aroma.


Don herring is considered one of the fattest representatives of its kind, and therefore gained popularity. Experienced housewives are also advised to purchase Danube fish, which has proven itself well. These species are characterized by an extensive composition of trace elements, large sizes, a small number of seeds and a delicate fillet structure.

Advice! When choosing herring, you can give preference to both a fresh carcass and a frozen version.

But you should pay attention to:

  • the condition of the eyes, which should be without any films and opacities;
  • evenness of the shape of the fish;
  • elasticity or loose state of the fillet;
  • lack of mucus on the skin of the herring;
  • moisture and shine, indicating freshness and short shelf life;
  • the presence of uncharacteristic spots that may indicate poor quality of the product;
  • smell, since a good carcass smells like an ordinary fishy aroma, without unpleasant notes.

Frozen herring, before frying, should be thawed at room temperature or on a refrigerator shelf. Then, like fresh, it must be carefully gutted and washed in water. Then we cut off the fins, tail and head, and with the help of a deep longitudinal incision on the back, we remove the ridge along with large bones. The separated fillet can be cut into five pieces or simply leave two flat halves and fry them completely. It is not necessary to remove the skin unless the recipe calls for it.

Before baking, herring can be marinated with seasonings and spices, as well as sprinkled with lemon juice, which prevents the meat from disintegrating during frying and perfectly neutralizes the specific smell.

in pieces

Delicious fish can be obtained not only when using fresh raw materials, but even when cooking already salted herring.

For such an unusual but simple recipe, you will need:

  • 0.8 kg of pickled or salted fish;
  • 40 gr. sifted wheat flour;
  • 80 gr. breadcrumbs;
  • 60 gr. sunflower oil;
  • 2 chicken eggs.

Carcasses are completely cut, cleaned and washed, and most importantly cut into small portions. Roll each slice of fish in flour, dip in beaten eggs, and then in crushed crackers. Fry salted herring should be in a frying pan with the lid open over moderate heat. It is recommended to bring this dish to full readiness in the oven at 180 degrees.

Some recipes for preparing fish that have already passed the salting stages require a long soak of the pieces in milk or water (about eight hours). Then they are thoroughly washed and only then they begin to fry.


Herring appetizer "in Vietnamese" has a spicy taste and unique aroma. The recipe really matches the name with its origin, so by preparing such a delicacy dish from simple herring, you can surprise even the most fastidious gourmets.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 medium fresh or frozen carcasses;
  • 1 small head of onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 3 art. l. soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp chopped chili and ginger.

We cut the prepared herring into fillet plastics and wipe it with a mixture of squeezed garlic, chopped onion, spices and sauce. We leave the fish meat in the marinade for a quarter of an hour so that the fibers can absorb all the ingredients well. We grease the pan with vegetable oil and heat it well, otherwise the product will stick to the bottom. We spread the spicy fillet pieces and cook until golden brown on both sides, reducing the flame to medium. Herring fried in this way goes well with mashed potatoes and vegetables. It is recommended to serve the dish hot, pouring with soy sauce and garnishing with pickled ginger.


To simply and tasty fry herring fillet, just take:

  • 1 large fresh fish;
  • 100 gr. wheat flour;
  • 1 medium lemon;
  • ground black pepper;
  • table salt;
  • sunflower oil for frying.

We properly prepare the carcass for baking by gutting, cleaning and thinning. It is not necessary to make portioned pieces, just cut the fish into two whole layers. Salt the herring and pour over lemon juice, leaving the product to brew for thirty minutes. At this time, we prepare a mixture of grated lemon zest, sifted flour and spices. Dip the marinated plastics of the fillet with a paper towel and roll on each side in the resulting mass. Put the pieces of fish in a hot frying pan with sunflower oil and fry for three minutes on both sides until a crispy golden crust forms. "Vegetable pillow" will be one of the best side dishes for this dish.

In a slow cooker

You can fry a delicious herring not only in a pan, but also in a slow cooker. Before the process, the fillet can be dipped in batter or simply rubbed with salt and pepper. Then lay out slices of fish in one layer and cook for fifteen minutes on both sides.

In addition, you can bake herring cutlets in a slow cooker. To prepare them, you should turn the meat into minced meat, add onion passed through a meat grinder and bread soaked in water to it. Next, squeeze the garlic into the mixture, pour the raw egg, mix everything thoroughly and form cutlets.

Advice! They should be fried according to the same principle as fish pieces, but it is better to serve with sauce or special gravy.

Preparing a healthy and appetizing herring dish is quite simple and very fast. Such fish is very tender, fatty and contains few bones. Many recipes will tell you how to diversify the taste, add spice to the appetizer or just get rid of the specific smell. Herring is combined with a large number of side dishes, and is also a product with a low price category.

Fried herring in a pan - crispy on the outside, but tender and nutritious inside. An uncomplicated and unpretentious dish impresses with its unexpectedly amazing mild taste, and the soy sauce and spice marinade adds extra savory and sophisticated notes to the finished dish and eliminates the characteristic fishy smell. For cooking, you can use both fresh and frozen herring - this will not affect the taste at all. The only condition is the obligatory complete defrosting of the fish, otherwise you will end up with pickled pieces. Herring is rich in vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids, besides, the calorie content in fried form is low, so the dish is ideal for people on a diet. Be sure to save yourself her detailed recipe with step-by-step photos. I think you'll like this one too.

- herring - 2 pcs.,
- garlic - 3 teeth,
- soy sauce - 5 tablespoons,
- salt - to taste,
- black ground and allspice - a pinch each,
- wheat flour - a small amount for breading,
- little sunflower - for roasting.

How to cook with a photo step by step

We wash the herring under running water, cut it from below - along from head to tail and clean out all the insides, including black films, cut off the head. Wash the cleaned fish again, cut along the ridge, carefully remove the spine first from the tail; then, lifting the herring up by the bone, remove the fillet.

Peel 3 garlic cloves and press through a press into a small bowl. Add soy sauce, spices according to the recipe and salt.

Marinate the cleaned fish in the resulting marinade for several minutes.

Pour oil into a frying pan and heat over medium heat.

Pour wheat flour on a flat dish, roll the fish and carefully place it in the pan.

Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Serve with a side dish of mashed potatoes, season with finely chopped green feathers of young onions, a slice of lemon or lime. Serve as an appetizer for your holiday table.

Fried herring has long been a favorite fish dish in my family. We can eat herring in any form: salted, pickled, baked. Stuffed and even fried. By the way, a fried herring in a pan is cooked in just a few minutes, most of the time it will take cleaning the herring and cutting it into fillets. But the recipe with a photo will help you cook the fish correctly and tasty.

Required products:
- 350 grams of freshly frozen herring,
- some salt
- 1.5 tsp. l. mustard,
- 2 tables. l. flour for breading,
- vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe with photo step by step:

First of all, we take out the herring from the freezer, defrost it, but only by half, so it will be more convenient to cut and clean the fish. We separate the fillet, backbone, bones, head and tail, discard. Remains clean fillet. We do not remove the skin from the herring so that the fish retains its ideal shape during the frying process. If there is caviar, then it can also be left to fry with fish in a pan. Herring fillet can be cut into both large and smaller pieces. It depends on your preference.

On one side of the herring, coat the fillet with mustard (it is better to coat the side where the fillet and pulp are), lightly salt to make the fish tasty. We put not a lot of mustard, so as not to overdo it. And who likes spicy dishes, you can add red ground pepper. We leave the herring to lie down a bit and marinate. Literally 15 minutes.

We roll each piece of fillet in wheat flour so that the herring comes out ruddy after frying, and also has a crispy crust.

Fry the herring in vegetable oil on both sides. The herring is fried quickly, about 3-4 minutes on each side.

Fried herring can be served both hot and cold. Bon Appetite!
And this is how it's prepared

And who said that fried herring is the height of culinary bad taste? Fried herring is no worse than other fried fish, and maybe even better! The smell has absolutely any fish, but maybe a little less pronounced.

Herring is not a bony, fatty and delicate fish, so it makes sense to learn how to cook it deliciously, namely, fry it.

Herring, just fried, of course, is very tasty on its own, but if you add some seasonings to it, you get a completely incomparable dish! You should definitely expand your list of herring dishes with this new Vietnamese Herring recipe.

Ingredients for fried herring:

  • Fresh or frozen herring - 4 pieces,
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons,
  • Salt - to taste
  • flour for breading,
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking fried herring.

We wash the herring, cut off the head, fins, tail and gut.

We try to clean off the black film inside the abdomen as thoroughly as possible. Wash the fish well, cut the fillets from the bones.

Squeeze the garlic through a press. We put the herring fillet in the dishes, we also send garlic, salt and soy sauce there.

We coat the herring fillet well with this mixture. Leave in this form for impregnation for half an hour.

Then we put the pan on the stove, pour in quite a bit of oil for frying. The fact is that fried herring is a dish that does not require a lot of oil to cook. She herself gives it (oil) to the pan, as it is very greasy.

Dip the herring in flour and place in a pan.

The herring is fried very quickly, the garlic does not have time to burn, as one might think. We fry on both sides. Serve with light side dishes - boiled vegetables, for example, just do not cook from potatoes)))

We have an erroneous stereotype that herring can only be salted, in extreme cases - pickled. Unfortunately, few people have come across fried herring, and this is a real delicacy. Somewhere I read that herring is one of the most useful fish. And the taste of fried herring is distinguished by extraordinary tenderness, mild taste. Prepares instantly. I strongly advise you to go to the store, buy fresh herring, choose fatter) and fry it. And keep in mind that herring has a wonderful property - the absence of a fishy smell when frying! Fresh herring can be fried with all sorts of additives, I will show two recipes from Norwegian cuisine, each of them deserves a kind word.

To prepare fried herring you will need:

first recipe:

herring - 1 pc.;

butter - 20 g;

grain mustard - 3 tbsp. l.;

sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.;

olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;

grain mustard for serving) - 1 tbsp. l.;

salt with spices - 1 tbsp. l.

second recipe:

herring - 1 pc.;

tomatoes - 2 pcs.;

dill - 30 g;

vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;

butter - 20 g;

salt - to taste.

The first recipe for fried herring

Put the finished fried herring on a plate, place a little grain mustard next to it. You can start eating!

The second recipe for fried herring

Fry the herring on each side for 1-2 minutes and our herring with tomatoes is ready. Transfer the fried fish to a plate. Next to attach fried tomatoes with dill.

Bon appetit!