Delicious salad of crab sticks and corn. Crab stick salad with corn: many options. How to make crab salad in layers

Crab sticks go very well with canned corn, so these two ingredients are quite common in the same salad. And it is not surprising that these salads are always tasty and popular. In order to refresh the salad of crab sticks and corn, I added fresh cucumbers. In principle, this is a classic crab salad, and if you haven’t cooked it yet, urgently fill in the gap :)

Prepare crab sticks, canned corn, fresh cucumbers, chicken eggs, mayonnaise and salt.

Boil chicken eggs, cool and peel. Cut the crab sticks into thin slices. Leave two sticks for decoration.

Add fresh cucumbers (small cubes) to the crab sticks. Depending on the size of the cucumbers, you will need 1 or 2 pieces.

Then add canned corn to the salad bowl (drain the liquid from the jar completely).

And add chicken eggs (small cubes) to the salad bowl.

Season the salad with mayonnaise, salt a little and mix.

Salad of crab sticks and corn is ready. Transfer it in a slide to a salad bowl for serving, decorate in a circle with thin circles of crab sticks. Everything - salad can be served!

Enjoy your meal!!!

step by step recipe with photo

The most demanded after the New Year's Olivier salad, crab stick salad is confidently leading among the other dishes on the festive table. Not to say that it is a dish with a century of history, because we became aware of it quite recently, but we have long remembered its taste! Delicate, airy and very juicy salad of crab sticks does not take long to prepare, but perfectly saturates the body. It can be served not only as an aperitif, but also as an independent dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The only minus of the salad is its calorie content, because it is created using mayonnaise.


  • 250 g crab sticks
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 6 boiled chicken eggs
  • 1 can of canned corn (I eat 200 ml)
  • 4-5 art. l. mayonnaise
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste


1. Defrost crab sticks or crab meat by moving it from the freezer to the refrigerator in the evening. If you did not have time to do this and the product is still frozen, then simply pour boiling water over it for 10-15 minutes, placing it in a deep container. Then we clean the sticks from cellophane wrappers and cut into large rings, pouring the cut into a deep bowl.

2. Peel the boiled chicken eggs, rinse in water and cut into the same large cubes. If you have not had time to boil the eggs yet, then dip them in boiling water for 15 minutes, and then cool them sharply in ice water for about 5-10 minutes.

3. Add to the bowl to the rest of the ingredients, draining the entire marinade from it first.

4. Grate hard cheese on a fine grater directly into the container. Many people prefer to cook the dish without it, but it is the cheese that adds a light, airy, creamy note to the salad.

Classic crab stick salad appeared on our holiday tables about twenty years ago and over the years has become one of the most popular salads in almost any home. Many people prefer to cook crab salad instead of the usual Olivier salad or herring under a fur coat.

The classic recipe for such a salad is well known to everyone. Usually this salad is prepared from crab sticks, boiled chicken eggs, canned corn, rice. But a lot of recipes have appeared in which other ingredients are added to crab salad that make this appetizer even tastier.

Crab stick salad has a huge number of advantages over other types of snacks. First, it has a very original taste. There are very few people who don't like him. Secondly, this salad is quick and easy to prepare. Each housewife without any problems will be able to prepare a classic salad of crab sticks and serve it on the table, delighting their relatives and guests. And, thirdly, the products that will be required to prepare crab salad are relatively not very expensive. Therefore, the preparation of such a salad can afford every family. It should also be added that, despite its satiety, this salad cannot be called high-calorie, so it is perfect for those who follow their figure and do not want to gain extra pounds.

I would like to add that a salad of crab sticks is a real find for any housewife. Indeed, sometimes you do not expect the arrival of guests at all and you need to cook something tasty in a hurry. Crab salad will be the most suitable solution to such a problem.

How to cook classic crab stick salad - 15 varieties

This type of snack, like crab salad, is very popular and quick to prepare. In order to make crab salad with corn, you only need half an hour. The indicated amount of products is calculated for the preparation of a salad for 6 servings.


  • Crab sticks - 200 g
  • Canned corn - 140 g
  • Raw rice - 1 tablespoon
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Half a bunch of greenery


  1. Rice must be boiled in salt water. Add about a glass of water. After that, the rice should be thrown back on a sieve and left to cool.
  2. Boil the eggs for about 7-10 minutes until they are hard boiled.
  3. Finely chop crab sticks.
  4. After the boiled eggs have cooled, you need to finely chop them.
  5. Cut greens.
  6. Take the canned corn out of the jar and pat dry.
  7. All of the above ingredients must be mixed and well greased with mayonnaise.
  8. When the salad is ready, you need to sprinkle it with herbs for decoration.

This salad is very quick and easy to prepare. Crab sticks go well with many foods, so you can always add different ingredients.


  • Crab sticks - 240 g
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pieces
  • Hard cheese - 150 g
  • Mayonnaise


  1. Crab sticks and cheese should be cut into small cubes.
  2. Hard-boiled eggs should be finely chopped.
  3. After that, you need to add canned corn.
  4. Mix all these products and season with mayonnaise.

Enjoy your meal!

This salad is sure to please those who love layered salads.

I bring to your attention a salad of crab sticks, which is very similar to the well-known Mimosa salad. Only in it I use this time not fish, but crab sticks. This ingredient gives this salad originality.


  • Crab sticks - 200 g
  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Carrots - 4 pcs.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 250 g


Potatoes should be boiled in their skins. After it cools down, peel it and grate it on a fine grater.

Boil carrots, cool, grate on a fine grater.

Hard boil eggs. Separate the yolks from the whites. Then the protein must be grated.

Crab sticks should be finely chopped.

Then you can start laying out the ingredients in layers in the following sequence:

  1. 1 layer - crab sticks, which must be greased with mayonnaise on top;
  2. 2 layer - potatoes and mayonnaise;
  3. 3 layer - egg whites;
  4. 4 layer - crab sticks;
  5. 5 layer - potatoes with mayonnaise;
  6. 6 layer - carrots. (It is best to cover with carrots not only the top layer of the salad, but also the sides. This will make the salad not only tasty, but also beautiful.)
  7. 7 layer - sprinkle the salad with grated egg yolks.

After that, you need to put the salad in the refrigerator for about 1 hour so that it is well soaked.

This salad will be a great appetizer if you need to cook something very tasty in a hurry. The preparation of the "Red Sea" will take only 10-15 minutes.

The suggested amount of ingredients is suitable for two servings. If you need to make more salad, follow these proportions.


  • Crab sticks - 300 g
  • Fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces
  • Cheese - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt and mayonnaise - to taste


  1. The hard cheese that you chose for the salad should be grated on a coarse grater.
  2. Washed fresh tomatoes should be cut into strips.
  3. Crab sticks cut into medium-sized rings.
  4. Peel the garlic cloves and finely chop.
  5. Mix all these products, salt and season with mayonnaise.

Salad "Red Sea" with crab sticks is ready.

This salad is delicious and very light. It will appeal to all those who follow their figure.


  • Crab sticks - 250 g
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces
  • Half a can of canned corn
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • Greenery
  • Salt pepper
  • Mayonnaise


  1. Finely chop the crab sticks and herbs.
  2. Boiled eggs cut into cubes.
  3. Then add canned corn.
  4. Cut fresh cucumber into cubes.
  5. Add salt and pepper, then season all the mixed ingredients with mayonnaise.

This type of crab salad is perfect for a festive table and will appeal to all guests.


  • Crab sticks - 240 g
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces
  • Hard cheese - 300 g
  • Croutons - 100 g
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Half a lemon
  • Mayonnaise


  1. Cut crab sticks.
  2. Chicken eggs that were previously hard-boiled, peel and cut into cubes.
  3. Grate hard cheese.
  4. Peel the garlic cloves and crush in the garlic press.
  5. Add a pack of crackers.
  6. Mix all the products and pour over the lemon juice, then season all the ingredients with mayonnaise.

This type of crab salad is a little different from the classic one. You will be able to pleasantly surprise your guests by serving the “Nizhenka” salad on the table.


  • Crab sticks - 150 g
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Processed cheese - 1 pack
  • Apple - 1 piece
  • Mayonnaise


  1. Hard boil eggs. After they have cooled, separate the protein and yolk from each other. We rub the yolk on a fine grater, and cut the protein into cubes.
  2. The salad will be flaky. We lay out the protein in the first layer.
  3. After that, we rub the melted cheese and put it on the protein.
  4. Next, chop the onion. Can be cut into rings or cubes as desired. Then you need to put the onion on the melted cheese.
  5. Grease it all with mayonnaise.
  6. After that, lay out a layer of diced crab sticks.
  7. After that we rub the apple.

I advise you to choose an apple of sour rather than sweet varieties. It is this sourness that will give the salad a very unusual taste.

Sprinkle the salad with grated yolks.

This crab salad has an excellent and unusual taste. It will become an irreplaceable dish on the table.


  • Crab sticks - 240 g
  • Fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Salt pepper
  • Green onion, parsley


  1. Cut hard-boiled eggs into small cubes.
  2. Cut fresh cucumbers into strips or small cubes.
  3. Chop the green onion.
  4. Grate the cheese.
  5. Crab sticks cut into large pieces.
  6. Mix all ingredients, salt and pepper.
  7. Then mix everything with mayonnaise.

Any housewife can make this salad in a matter of minutes and serve it on the table.


  • Crab sticks - 1 pack
  • Crackers - 40-50 g
  • Chinese cabbage - 300 g
  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Fresh cucumber - for garnish


  1. Crab sticks should be cut into small cubes.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. Add a pack of white bread crumbs.
  4. Cut Chinese cabbage into strips.
  5. Mix all products, salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise.

Salad ready!

To make this salad look more festive. I propose to decorate it with fresh cucumbers. A large cucumber can be cut into large rings, which must be laid out along the edges of the dish. Then pour a salad of crab sticks inside the dish.

This salad will be very popular with those who love crab sticks, but want to try something new.


  • Crab sticks - 200 g
  • Champignons - 400 g
  • Boiled chicken eggs - 3 pieces
  • Fresh cucumber - 2 pieces
  • Mayonnaise
  • Parsley
  • Onion - 1 piece


  1. First you need to clean and wash the mushrooms. Then fry them with onions.
  2. While the mushrooms are cooling, you need to cut the eggs and cucumbers into small cubes, and the crab sticks into strips.
  3. Salt and mix all products, add mayonnaise.
  4. Decorate the salad with parsley on top.

Bon appetit!

This salad is very tasty and does not take much time to prepare. Try to cook it yourself and you will be delighted.


  • Crab sticks - 200 g
  • Smoked chicken thigh - 1 piece
  • Croutons - 1 pack
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise


  1. Crab sticks and chicken ham should be cut into cubes.
  2. Then add corn, draining it from water, and croutons.
  3. Mix all products with mayonnaise and refrigerate for 15-20 minutes.

Such a culinary dish will look great on your holiday table.


  • Crab sticks - 500 g
  • Eggs - 5 pieces
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Cucumber - 1 piece
  • Mayonnaise
  • Shrimps - 10-15 pieces


  1. Boiled chicken eggs cut into cubes, crab sticks too.
  2. After that, the products are mixed with canned corn.
  3. Then add the diced cucumbers.
  4. Mix all products, grease with mayonnaise.
  5. Decorate this delicious salad with shrimp.

Bon appetit!

This crab salad will be very tasty and light. You will definitely enjoy this unusual appetizer.


  • Crab sticks - 1 pack
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pieces
  • half a cucumber
  • big tomato
  • Mayonnaise
  • grated cheese


This salad will be layered, so it is better to choose a convenient mold for it.

We will lay out the products in layers:

  1. 1 layer - crab sticks, diced, with mayonnaise
  2. 2 layer - cubes of fresh cucumber
  3. 3 layer - boiled egg cubes with mayonnaise
  4. 4 layer - tomatoes, diced

Then we decorate the salad with grated cheese on top.

Crab salad with pineapple is very popular nowadays. We propose to make such a layered salad.


  • Crab sticks - 400 g
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pieces
  • Canned pineapples - 1 can
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise
  • Cheese - 100 g


We rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

Then grate the eggs.

Cut the pineapple and crab sticks into small cubes.

We lay out the products in a detachable form in layers:

  1. egg;
  2. pineapples;
  3. crab sticks;
  4. corn.

Each layer should be well saturated with mayonnaise.

This recipe is exactly the one we are all used to, because this is how this appetizer was prepared at the time when crab sticks appeared on store shelves.


  • Crab sticks - 250 g
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Boiled rice (a quarter cup of dry rice)
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pieces
  • Green onions - 1 bunch
  • Parsley
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece
  • Mayonnaise


All of these ingredients should be finely chopped.

After that, they must be mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise.

Today it is difficult to establish who came up with the recipe for salad with crab sticks. This probably happened in the homeland of crab sticks - in Japan. Although, the classic crab salad includes corn, which is not as popular in Japan as it is in our country. Crab salad, more precisely, a salad with crab meat, the dish is not very democratic. Crab meat salad certainly has an amazing taste, but it will cost you a pretty penny. Nevertheless, sometimes you want to please yourself or even guests with some real delicacy, and in such a situation, crab salad will come in handy. The crab salad recipe, among other things, is usually low in calories. Of course, a lot depends on other ingredients, for example, crab salad with rice - the recipe is more high-calorie. You can name dozens of answers to the question of how to cook crab salad or how to make crab salad. Of course, they will be the most diverse recipes for crab salads. Basically, any crab salad recipe can use crab sticks instead of crab meat. Crab stick salad - a recipe available to everyone. Not surprisingly, crab stick salad recipes are much more popular. So be sure to make a salad with crab sticks, the recipe is not at all complicated, taking little time. Crab stick salad recipes refer to seafood salads. However, the composition of crab salad, for example, salad with crab chips, crab salad with rice, crab salad with cabbage recipe, will no longer resemble a classic seafood salad.

Let's move on to how to cook crab salad. Classic crab stick salad consists of crab sticks, canned corn and peas, boiled eggs, mayonnaise and spices. How to make crab salad? Crab sticks, corn, peas, boiled eggs, mixed with mayonnaise. Salt and black pepper are added to the crab salad to taste. In addition, the recipe for salad crab sticks with rice can also be called a classic. Using all these ingredients, you can also prepare a puff salad with crab sticks. Puff crab salad is more time consuming. But the crab stick salad recipe may also contain other ingredients. There is a salad with crab sticks with mushrooms, crab salad with cabbage, sunflower salad with crab sticks, crab salad with cheese. You can also use fresh salad, crab sticks, tomatoes. A delicious salad with crab sticks can be prepared using fresh cucumbers, this is the so-called. crab salad with cucumber. Well, crab salad with corn and a recipe for crab salad with corn is already a classic. You can also come up with your own author's crab salad, it is better to choose the ingredients depending on whether they will be combined with crab meat. Send us your crab stick salad, or salads with crab sticks, with or without a photo, the main thing is that the recipe should be with soul.

The long-awaited birthday or other family holiday has come and you didn’t have time to prepare enough dishes for the festive table? No problem! On this page you will find recipes for the simplest delicious salads that you can whip up at home. Surely all the guests who are about to arrive in time for the feast will appreciate the crab salad, the recipe of which is very simple and does not take much time to prepare. Ingredients can be easily purchased at a nearby store, which must be cut, combined, seasoned and mixed well.

Not required to use for crab salad crab meat. Although in many exotic countries this product is often added to a salad, in our country crab sticks are traditionally used for cooking. The classic salad recipe includes ingredients such as crab sticks, canned corn, mayonnaise, boiled eggs and salt.

But the popularity of this dish during the holidays is so high that many housewives constantly add new ingredients to the recipe, change the recipe a little, and therefore there are a lot of cooking options for this popular salad. From this material you will learn how to cook crab salads with corn, cabbage, rice, cucumber, potatoes, cheese and other ingredients. A huge advantage of crab sticks is that a variety of products are perfectly combined with them - an invaluable quality for making delicious salads.

What products are crab sticks made of? As a rule, this product is made from white fish meat - horse mackerel, hake, pollock, haddock. Fish meat makes up about 50 percent of all the ingredients of the sticks (egg white, starch, sugar, butter, flavors, preservatives). However, the calorie content of this product is very low - about 85 kcal per 100 grams. If you are on a diet, we advise you to prepare a salad of crab sticks, seaweed and garden greens. Below you will find a recipe for a dish with crab sticks, cucumber and seaweed for women who are losing weight on a diet.



Very tasty crab salad. Photo-recipe: a classic way of cooking with corn and a boiled egg.


Photo salad recipe. Crab salad with corn and onions.


We whip up a crab salad with cabbage and rice according to the recipe with a photo.


The simplest recipe. Cooking crab salad with rice and herbs.


How to whip up a crab salad with cucumber and corn.