Wine made from apple juice and chokeberry. How to make wine from chokeberry at home. Video recipe for making original wine from chokeberry and apples

Rowan has long been famous for its healing properties. This fruit tree is distributed throughout central Russia. Jams, preserves and tinctures are prepared from mountain ash.

Rowan wine has many useful qualities for humans. It stimulates digestion, boosts immunity, and helps fight depression. To prepare a drink, it is better to collect rowan berries after the first frost.

Classic rowan wine recipe

This slightly tart drink is good as an aperitif before meals. Wine made with your own hands from natural products will benefit your body.


  • mountain ash without twigs -10 kg .;
  • water - 4 liters;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • raisins - 150 gr.


  1. If you picked the berries before frost, you can put them in the freezer for several hours. This will increase the sugar content of the red rowan and remove the bitterness from the future wine.
  2. Look through all the berries, remove green and spoiled fruits, pour boiling water over them. When the water has cooled, drain and repeat the procedure again. This will rid the berries of excess tannins.
  3. Grind the berries in a meat grinder with a fine mesh, or crush it with a wooden pusher.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the resulting berry mass through gauze folded in several layers.
  5. Transfer the pulp to a suitable saucepan and add enough hot water, but not boiling water.
  6. Let the solution cool and infuse for several hours.
  7. Add rowan juice, half of the sugar as per the recipe, and unwashed grapes or raisins to the pan.
  8. Infuse the solution in the dark for at least three days. Stir with a wooden stick every day.
  9. When you see foam on the surface and feel a sour smell, the suspension must be filtered, the rest of the sugar added, and poured into a glass vessel for further fermentation.
  10. There must be enough space in the glass container, as the solution will foam.
  11. Close the bottle with a water seal or just a rubber glove with a small hole, and leave it in the dark for a few weeks.
  12. When the liquid becomes lighter, and the gas stops separating through the hydraulic seal, the wine should be poured into a clean bottle, trying not to shake the sediment formed at the bottom.
  13. Taste the resulting drink, and add sugar syrup or alcohol to taste.
  14. Leave the young wine to mature for several months, then strain and bottle. Fill them to the very neck, and tightly cork. It is better to store in a cold room.


  • mountain ash without twigs -10 kg .;
  • water - 10 liters;
  • sugar - 3.5 kg;
  • yeast - 20 gr.


  1. Sort the berries, and chop them in any way convenient for you.
  2. Squeeze out the juice, and send the cake to a saucepan.
  3. Add ½ total water and granulated sugar. Dilute the yeast with warm water and send it to the wort.
  4. After 3-4 days, strain the must and add the berry juice that was stored in the refrigerator and another kilo of sugar.
  5. Leave to ferment, corked with a hydraulic seal or rubber glove in a warm room for 3-4 weeks.
  6. Strain, avoiding shaking the sediment.
  7. Taste, and if necessary, add more granulated sugar. Pour into bottles up to the neck. Send for storage in a cold room.

Delicious amber-colored dessert wine is quite easy to prepare, and it can be stored for at least two years.

Rowan wine with apple juice

Sweet fruity notes of apples and a tart, bitter taste of mountain ash give a very balanced and pleasant taste to an alcoholic drink.


  • rowan - 4 kg .;
  • water - 6 liters;
  • freshly squeezed apple juice - 4 liters;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • raisins - 100 gr.


  1. Sort the berries and pour boiling water over them. After cooling, repeat the procedure.
  2. Crush the rowan with a wooden crush, or crank it in a meat grinder.
  3. In a saucepan, heat the water to about 30 degrees and fill it with chopped berries, half of the total sugar and raisins.
  4. Add apple juice, stir well, and place in a suitable place, covered with a clean cloth.
  5. After the appearance of foam, about the third day, filter into a container for fermentation, and add granulated sugar, which is required by the recipe.
  6. Close with a hydraulic seal and place in a darkened room for fermentation for 1-1.5 months.
  7. Young wine must be filtered into a clean container and left to mature for a couple of months.
  8. When the process is fully completed, carefully pour the finished wine, trying not to touch the sediment.
  9. Pour into bottles with airtight corks and send to the cellar for another 2-3 weeks.


  • chokeberry - 10 kg;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • raisins - 100 gr.


  1. Sort the chokeberry, and unwashed, chop, using a blender. Add 1/2 granulated sugar and water.
  2. Cover with cheesecloth and leave in a warm place for about a week. The mixture must be stirred periodically.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the fermented mixture, and add the second half of the sugar and water to the remaining cake.
  4. Pour the juice into a clean bottle and install a water seal or glove.
  5. After a few days, squeeze the juice from the second batch of wort and add to the first part of the juice.
  6. After about a week, drain the suspension into a clean container, being careful not to touch the sediment, and leave to further ferment in a cool room.
  7. Repeat the procedure until the complete cessation of the release of gas bubbles.
  8. Pour into bottles and leave the wine to mature for several months.

The wine made from chokeberry has a rich ruby ​​color and a pleasant light bitterness.


  • chokeberry -5 kg ​​.;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.;
  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • cinnamon - 5 gr.


  1. In an enamel bowl, carefully mash the berries, add granulated sugar and ground cinnamon.
  2. Cover with a clean, thin cloth and leave in a warm place until the mixture ferments.
  3. Stir the suspension several times a day. The process will take one week.
  4. Squeeze the juice through a suitable filter. Pour into a glass container with a hydraulic seal for fermentation.
  5. When the gas stops escaping, carefully pour into a clean container without touching the sediment.
  6. Add vodka and bottle with airtight corks.
  7. The wine will fully mature in six months and will look like a viscous liquor.

This drink is easy to make - treat your relatives and friends, and they will appreciate the dessert wine.

It is easy to make rowan wine at home, and if you follow all the proportions and fermentation stages, you will get an amazing fragrant and healthy drink for the holidays for the whole family.

Homemade chokeberry wine can be a tasty and healthy medicine if consumed in moderation. After all, chokeberry (chokeberry) is famous for its beneficial qualities: it lowers blood pressure, strengthens the immune system and makes blood vessels stronger.

There is a secret in this berry. Once you try it, you will never forget this taste!

Tricks in making rowan wine

Before you make wine from chokeberry, you should arm yourself with some tricks. So the products and labor spent will bring maximum benefit, and the resulting product will become a table decoration, and possibly a pleasant medicine.

Tip: in order for chokeberry wine to become a medicine, it must be consumed 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day before meals (this is approximately 75 g). In large quantities, wine will become an alcoholic drink.

When making wine from black mountain ash, it should be noted that the drink is thick, and young wine always has a tart taste. To remove it, use a few tricks:

  1. Berries are picked after they have been frozen on the branches.
  2. Young wine is aged for at least 3 months.
  3. Other ingredients are added to the drink to mask the taste.

To make wine from chokeberry of the usual consistency, you can use two methods: pasteurization of berries or fermentation.

Required accessories

Before starting wine production, stock up on the following devices:

simple recipes

These classic recipes allow you to make homemade chokeberry wine even if you haven’t had to do this before. You just need to follow the description and do everything according to the instructions.

Wine with fermentation

This wine is slightly tart and must be aged. It can be served to guests no earlier than 6 months after the start of the process.

For him required:

  • 7.5 kg - berries;
  • 3 kg - sugar;
  • 75 g - raisins;
  • 1.5 l - water.

The wine is slightly tart

To make wine from chokeberry, it is advisable to take spring or well water and do not boil

But! Rowan berries and raisins are not washed. Since yeast cultures live on them. For the same reason, berries are not picked immediately after rain. It will not be possible to make wine from mountain ash without yeast and sugar.

The collected berries need to be well kneaded, for this you can use your hands and do not use any additional devices. The main thing is that the berries should be well mashed.

To the prescribed amount of prepared berries, add 2/3 sugar and 2/3 warm water. Stir everything until the sugar dissolves and cover with cheesecloth. The fermentation process of chokeberry takes longer than other berries. This will take at least a week and a room with a stable temperature of 22-25 C. Do not forget to stir the mixture 2 times a day.

Tip: if fermentation has not occurred after 5 days, add a little wine or dry yeast for baking to the mixture (at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters of liquid). In autumn, you can put a handful of raspberries.

When a cap of foam and berries forms over the liquid, proceed to the next step.

We need to drain the wort (liquid) through a colander, but we should not squeeze the cake very carefully. We will set it aside for now, and place the resulting wort in a fermentation vessel (we fill no more than half) and close it with a shutter.

Put it in a fermenter, with a constant temperature (22-25 C) and out of direct sunlight.

To make the wine tasty, it needs to be fermented at a constant temperature (22-25 C)

Now we return to the cake, add the sugar remaining from the recipe and the rest of the water to it, it should be warm (30–35 C). Cover again with gauze and place where the must used to be.

The cake should start fermenting again. We stand it for another week, and then we filter it again.

The resulting mixture is added to the bottle with the wort. To do this, carefully remove the shutter, pour the mixture into it and stir. If you used a glove as a shutter, then it must be replaced with a new one, and the factory shutter can only be washed.

The bottle with the wort and the shutter is placed in the fermenter and waiting for the end of fermentation, it should take at least 45 days. When the gas ceases to be released (the glove falls off), the shutter is removed and the resulting young wine is carefully decanted into a 3-liter container. To do this, use a narrow tube, do not tilt the bottle.

If you need to add sugar or increase the strength, do it now.

Then close the lid and put in the cold for 2-3 days, during which time a sediment will appear at the bottom again. It's being dumped again.

Now you can bottle, cork tightly and put on exposure.

Aging for 3–6 months will remove bitterness and enhance the taste of mountain ash

If you drink wine young, it will be bitter. Exposure (3-6 months) will remove bitterness and enhance the taste of mountain ash.

Liquor with vodka

This is a very simple recipe for chokeberry wine, it allows you to get a quickly delicious drink and in just a day. Another advantage is its ease of preparation. This liqueur will always turn out.


To begin with, the berries are sorted and washed, then put in a saucepan and put on fire. When they boil, reduce the heat and cook for about 30 minutes. Then put in a cool place for 12 hours, then wipe through a sieve.

Then sugar is added to the mixture of water and juice, put on fire again and boiled again for half an hour. After they put spices, let it boil, pour vodka and remove it. Now you need to let the liquor cool to room temperature with the lid tightly closed.

The cooled liquor is again filtered through a sieve, now it can be bottled and peeled.

This drink does not require aging, it can be consumed immediately after spilling.

Tip: The liqueur can be made sweeter or less sweet. It depends on your wishes. Just taste the juice while boiling and add as much sugar as you see fit.

Complex recipes

A complex recipe for blackberry wine will make the drink more original and refined, but it will require some skill and, most importantly, patience. After all, it will take a long time to prepare such a wine.

with cherry leaf

In fact, this recipe for homemade chokeberry wine is not that complicated, and there is some craftiness in it. The taste of the wine will be combined, with hints of cherry, although it is difficult to add it at the end of autumn, because the cherry season has already ended. There is no cherry here, only a cherry leaf.


  • Cherry leaf - 100 pcs.;
  • Berries of black mountain ash - 1.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 cup (250 g);
  • Water - 1 cup (250 ml);
  • Raisins - 50 g.

Cherry leaves are washed and dried, the berries are sorted out, spoiled and dry are thrown away, then knead well.

To prepare this wine from chokeberry at home, all the ingredients are further mixed in a wide-mouthed dish, covered with gauze and put on fermentation. When the foam actively rises (after 7 days), filter. You can only remove the noise and foam with a colander.

The resulting mixture is poured into a clean container with a narrow neck and a shutter is placed on it.

The vessel is sent to the fermenter for a month and a half. Then you can remove the shutter and try the wine, if it is sharp, then it is closed with a new shutter and kept for another 10-15 days.

After decanting from the sediment and, if desired, fortify with vodka. But this can not be done, however, the exposure, in this case, must be at least 3 months.

With lemon peel

Blackberry wine is especially delicious at home with the addition of lemon zest.

For such a recipe you will need:

  • Rowan - 3 kg;
  • Lemons - 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • Water - 1 l.

First, they take prepared berries (they need to be crushed well), ½ sugar and water, and everything is mixed. Cover with cotton cloth and leave for a week to ferment in heat.

After a week, the lemons are thoroughly washed with a brush, and the zest is removed from them (you can simply rub the whole fruits on a fine grater).

Then the pulp is drained from the must, and the zest, the remaining sugar are added to it and again put in heat for a week.

Tip: Dried zest and orange zest will also work for this recipe.

After the second week, the wort is filtered a second time through several layers of gauze and a water seal is installed. They send him to the ferry.

After about 30 days, young wine will be ready. It needs to be strained and bottled.

Exposure for at least 2 months at temperatures up to +14.

With apple juice

Making wine from chokeberry with apple juice has received well-deserved praise. Cooking it is quite simple, and the wine always turns out delicious and different every time (due to different varieties of apples).

Apple juice will serve as a good fermentation stimulator, and chokeberry will be an excellent sorbent. Homemade rowan wine will be transparent and strong.

For chokeberry wine, this simple recipe will require:

  • Rowan black - 1 kg;
  • Apple juice - 6 l;
  • Sugar - 1.6 kg;

The berries should be well kneaded and poured into apple juice, sugar is also added here, everything is well stirred and placed in a bowl with a large neck.

The dishes are placed in heat, previously covered with a cloth or gauze in several layers.

The process of active fermentation will begin in 4-5 days.

Then the wort, without straining, must be poured into a vessel with a narrow neck and closed with a water seal, placed in a warm room.

The fermentation process will be active and will last from 3 weeks to 1.5 months. When the glove falls off and the liquid becomes light, the wine is ready.

Now it needs to be drained and tightly closed. Exposure time from 2 months.

Tip: before making wine, check the acidity of apple juice, it should be sweet and sour.

The strength of the wine prepared according to this recipe is up to 18 C.

  • It is better to store chokeberry wines in cool (up to + 14) and darkened rooms. Wines that have not been fortified with alcohol have a short shelf life - from 6 months to 2 years; fortified drinks can be stored much longer.
  • Bottles with rinds should be placed horizontally, while wines with tight plastic caps should be placed vertically.
  • If a precipitate appears during storage, it is carefully drained before use. If there is too much sediment, the wine must be drained into a clean dish.

When aronia is harvested for wine

Aronia is a shrub that grows in gardens, summer cottages or just in the yard. By the end of summer, berries begin to ripen. They can remain on the branches until spring. When can the berries be considered ripe, and is it time to pick them?

Harvest time is determined by the type of harvest. You can eat fresh chokeberry already at the end of August, but to make a wine drink you will have to wait until the end of September - the beginning of October. After the first frost, the berry will become softer and not so tart, more juice will stand out. Just don't expect cooler temperatures. Frozen fruits are not suitable for making an alcoholic drink due to a decrease in fermentation activity.

It is more convenient to collect mountain ash not by individual berries, but by cutting off whole inflorescences. To make a drink, they are not removed, but used together with berries. The harvested crop is immediately processed.

Now directly the recipes themselves, how to make wine.

Aronia wine with raisins, no yeast

Homemade chokeberry wine prepared according to this simple recipe turns out to be tasty and fragrant. Preparing pretty quickly. The recipe is suitable for processing a small amount of raw materials, using a three-liter jar as a container.

We will need:

  • 700 g of chokeberry;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 0.5 l of purified water.

Reference! Raisins are used in a simple recipe with seeds.

How to make wine:

  1. We knead the sorted, unwashed mountain ash well with our hands, without missing a single berry. We transfer to a three-liter bottle.
  2. There we add unwashed raisins, one and a half glasses of sugar, warm water. We make a small incision in the nylon cover with a knife. We close the filled jar with it. We put it in a dark, warm place.
  3. The fermentation process will begin. The resulting carbon dioxide will escape through the hole made in the lid. Every day, the wort container must be shaken to mix the contents.
  4. After a week, we open the bottle, pour in the same amount of sugar as the first time, mix it, put it in its original place for further fermentation.
  5. A week later, the procedure with sugar should be repeated.
  6. After a month, as the wine was put, pour out the rest of the sugar. Let it stand until all the thick settles to the bottom, and the drink is transparent.

We strain the finished drink from chokeberry, pour it into bottles. We store homemade wine in the refrigerator or on the loggia. This is without a basement.

How to make chokeberry wine at home: a simple recipe with water


  • 5 kilograms of berries;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 grams of unwashed raisins.

Important! Each berry must be crushed.

Step by step recipe:

  1. We release the collected mountain ash from rotten, dry, sour fruits. We crush the unwashed berry, knead it with our hands or with a wooden pusher. The whole process must take place in an enamel bowl. Pour half of the intended sugar into the resulting mass, stir until all the crystals are dissolved. Add raisins, mix again.
  2. We cover the container with gauze, put it in heat for up to a week. The optimum temperature is considered to be from 19 to 24 degrees. Already in the first day there are signs of fermentation. In order to avoid the appearance of mold, the fermented mass must be mixed from top to bottom several times a day.
  3. After separating and surfacing the pulp, it must be collected from the surface and squeezed out. Transfer the cake to another bowl, strain the juice through a sieve.
  4. Pour the cake with the rest of the sugar, mix with warm water, cover with a lid. We keep it warm for several days, not forgetting to stir the wort, as in the first time.
  5. Pour the strained juice into a bottle. This recipe is with a glove. We put on a rubber medical glove, pierce a small hole with a needle to let air and gases out. We put the glass container in a warm place.
  6. After the end of fermentation, we strain the secondary juice through a sieve. We do not squeeze the pulp, but simply throw it away. In pursuit of quantity, you can spoil the quality.
  7. Now we need to mix two juices: primary and secondary. To do this, remove the glove from the bottle with the first juice, pour out the second juice. To mix the contents of the bottles, shake gently. Put on the glove again, set for a slow fermentation.
  8. This process takes up to one and a half months. If the glove has fallen off, hanging like a rag, then the fermentation is over. A thick sediment formed at the bottom. The young rowan drink became lighter.
  9. Drain it from the sediment into another container, taste it. If you added sugar, you need to put on a glove and stand for another week. We close the finished drink with a lid, but not hermetically, we take it out to the basement.

Wine from chokeberry will fully ripen in six months. By then, the taste will have improved. During this time, you will have to drain the wine drink from the sediment through a straw several times. Fully ripened drink is poured into bottles.

This alcohol in the basement can be stored for up to five years. The fortress can reach 12 degrees.

Reference! Aronia lowers blood pressure, therefore, in small quantities, wine will not only not harm hypertensive patients, but will even be useful.

You already know the recipe for making chokeberry wine at home. And now I’ll talk a little about blended wines. To make the taste of a wine drink more harmonious, various fruits are added to it. In this case, it's apples.

Wine from apples and chokeberry "Fragrant Paradise"

It is necessary to prepare:

  • 2 kilograms of mountain ash;
  • 1 kilogram of apples;
  • 2.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 4.5 liters of water.

How to make wine:

  1. Cut the washed apples into small pieces, remove the seeds.
  2. We put apples and chokeberry in layers in a volumetric bottle, pour a third of sugar.
  3. Pour water, the bottle should not be completely filled, you need to leave room for fermentation. Cover with gauze.
  4. We leave the container warm for 7 days. Throughout the time you need to mix the mixture.
  5. On the eighth day, add 1 kilogram of sugar.
  6. We also stir the wine product daily for the next week. By the end of the second week, pour out the remaining sugar, stir well.
  7. We make a small hole in the nylon cover, insert a rubber tube. Its base is coated with plasticine. We close the wine product with such a lid, insert the other end of the tube into a glass of water. We leave the drink warm for a month.
  8. After it stops fermenting, it must be drained into a clean jar. We close the lid and send it to the cellar for three months, to ripen.

After three months, we filter again.

Pear-Apple Wine with Aronia "Dark Mix"

In this simple homemade chokeberry and apple wine recipe, I also add pears. They add sweetness to the drink.


  • Sugar - 2.8 kg;
  • Apples - 650 g;
  • Pears - 600 g;
  • Chokeberry - 2.2 kg.


  1. We remove the seed box from pears and apples, cut into small pieces. We crush the berries with our hands. We mix the resulting raw materials, pouring 900 g of sugar. We put everything in a glass bottle, fill it with warm water for two-thirds of the volume of the container.
  2. The container is warm. Every day, be sure to mix its contents. After a week, add the same amount of sugar, and the rest in another week.
  3. After that, we install a water seal, or put on a medical rubber glove. We are waiting for the end of fermentation. We remove the finished drink from the sediment with a straw.

Pour into bottles, transfer to a cool place for 2-3 months to ripen.

Black rowan wine with cherry leaves and vodka

This simple recipe with vodka is prepared very quickly.

  • 1 glass of chokeberry;
  • 100 grams of cherry leaves;
  • 500 milliliters of vodka;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid.

We separate the chokeberry from the twigs, wash it, put it in a saucepan. We wash the leaves with running water and send to the berry. Pour the ingredients with water, cook for fifteen minutes. Let the resulting broth cool, strain. Pour sugar, citric acid. Boil for twenty minutes, not letting it boil too much.

After the drink is ready, it must be cooled and filtered. Pour into a glass container, add vodka and leave to infuse until morning.

Wine with cherry leaves and chokeberry is ready.

Wine with water and vodka

It is necessary to prepare:

  • 2.5 kilograms of mountain ash;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • A glass of vodka.


  1. In a large enameled container, knead the unwashed berry. Pour 250 grams of sugar, mix until the sugar melts. We cover the container with a lid and put it in heat for a week. Within a day, the fermentation process will begin. Bubbles will appear on the surface, a sour aroma will be felt. From now on, we begin to mix the mass twice a day for six days.
  2. On the seventh day, the pulp should rise with a hat over the juice. We remove it with a slotted spoon, squeeze the juice with a press. We filter the juice. Pour into a bottle, install a water seal.
  3. We put the cake in a bowl, pour 250 grams of sugar. Add water, mix. We cover with a lid. We put in a warm room. Stir the wort daily for five days. Then we strain the second juice through a fine sieve and add it to the bottle with the first juice. Install the water seal back. Now our drink will ferment for almost a month and a half.
  4. After sediment forms at the bottom of the jar and bubbles stop coming out, the drink will become less cloudy. This is a sign that the wine drink has stopped playing.
  5. We need to carefully decant it, without disturbing the sediment, pour it into clean jars. For strength, add vodka, and if the wine is not sweet enough, you can add sugar.

We close the finished nylon lids, lower it into the basement. It will mature for five months. Over time, sediment will appear at the bottom.

With the help of a straw, we decant the wine into bottles.

Recipe with yeast

To make wine from chokeberry with yeast, we need to take:

  • 6 kilograms of chokeberry;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 30 grams of yeast;
  • 3 kilos of sugar.

How to put wine:

  1. We clean the rowan from twigs, remove rotten berries. Then we turn it into a pulp. To do this, you can use a meat grinder.
  2. We put the scrolled chokeberry in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. We will have about four liters of juice. We put it in the refrigerator.
  3. Pour hot water into the resulting cake, leave the liquid for ten minutes. Strain the water through a fine sieve.
  4. The second time we fill the pulp with water, wait twenty minutes, filter. Pour the resulting two infusions into the juice, mix well.
  5. In diluted juice, we should get ten liters of it, pour 1.5 kilograms of sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves. Then add yeast and mix again.
  6. Pour the wort into a bottle, put on a glove with pierced fingers on the neck. We leave in a warm room for fermentation.
  7. We divide another 1.5 kilograms of sugar into three parts. After seven days, add one part of the sugar. The next portion is added after six days.
  8. The remaining sugar is sent to the wine product in a week. Now the drink will play for two weeks. Perhaps it will happen sooner. As soon as the sediment appears, we need to strain the wine through cheesecloth. This must be done carefully, without lifting the sediment up.
  9. Pour wine into pre-prepared jars, close with nylon lids. We go down to the basement. After 14 days, a precipitate forms in it, it must be filtered. The wine will have to be drained every 2 weeks until it becomes clear.

Choose for yourself a simple recipe for homemade chokeberry wine to your taste: with vodka or yeast, use a recipe with a glove or water seal. But be sure to prepare this drink.

I advise you to learn more about making blackberry wine by watching the video recipe:

In this article, we will offer you some classic and unusual options for making homemade chokeberry wine.

Chokeberry is used both as an ornamental shrub and as a medicinal plant. Its fruits are not distinguished by great sweetness, since they have only up to 10% fructose and glucose. But, nevertheless, a very tasty, slightly tart wine is obtained from chokeberry.

By the way, this berry does not lose its properties even after fermentation, so the drink will give a complete list of useful substances. And you can easily make homemade wine from chokeberry yourself.

Aronia wine: a simple recipe

There are many recipes for chokeberry wine. And each of them has its own subtleties or some "secret ingredients". But the basic technology for making wine itself is almost the same. Therefore, we want to bring to your attention the simplest and most understandable recipe in order to study the algorithm of actions itself.

  • Often a juicer or juicer is required to make wine. You don't need any equipment for this recipe. But the following ingredients will be needed:
    • chokeberry berries themselves - 1 liter jar (this is within 650-700g);
    • sugar - 1 kg;
    • water, in fact.
  • The output should be 2 liters of homemade wine. You can change the number of components to your liking. But for the trial version, this volume is enough.

Important: Berries are not washed! Otherwise, you will wash away the "basis" of all wine - yeast bacteria. Without them there will be no fermentation. Also keep in mind that these same bacteria die from high temperatures.

  • Therefore, unwashed berries are placed in a jar. They must first be sorted out from leaves and other debris. If desired, you can knead the berries a little with your hands so that they let the juice flow.
  • In our case, there will be a three-liter container. By the way, keep in mind that the container for the fermentation of berries should be either made of glass, or stainless steel, or with an enamel coating. There should also be no chips or damage.

No less important: It is strictly forbidden to take plastic, aluminum, and copper containers for making wine. This list is supplemented by containers with iron and galvanized coating. This will not only spoil the taste of the wine, but also make it dangerous. After all, in the process of oxidation, harmful substances are released.

  • After pouring the berries into a jar, cover everything with sugar. At this stage, the berries will require no more than 300 g.
    Fill everything with water to 2/3 of the volume. Note that it does not need to be boiled! And, moreover, you can not pour berries with hot water. This will also cause the yeast bacteria to die. Ideally, you need to take well water. Just warm it naturally to room temperature.
    • There is another trick that will improve fermentation - this is raisins. Unwashed berries are thrown along with fresh rowan. For this proportion, 100 g of raisins will be enough.
  • Now you need to close the jar so that oxygen does not penetrate into it. And this is the main enemy of wine. Along with oxygen, “bad” microorganisms can also leak out, which will cause the wine to turn sour or mold to form on it.
  • But carbon dioxide also needs to be removed. Otherwise, an explosion may occur. Therefore, use any water seal. They are commercially produced or homemade.

  • The most affordable option is a medical glove. It needs to be pierced with a needle in 1-2 places, put on a jar and securely fixed. By the way, it will also be a certain indicator that fermentation is taking place in the jar. After approximately 12 hours, the glove will inflate slightly.

  • The must must be placed in a dark place. Leave the jar for a week, stirring the contents occasionally. But do not remove the cap or glove. Just shake the bottle.
  • After 7 days, you need to add more sugar, also in the amount of 300 g. After a week, repeat the procedure. Then leave the wine to ferment for a whole month.
  • After a month of fermentation, add another 100 g of sugar and leave to ferment a little. When the berries sink to the bottom, they need to be removed. And leave the wine to “reach” for two weeks.
  • If the bubbles have stopped forming, then this indicates the completion of the fermentation process. The glove will also tell you - it will begin to deflate.
  • By then, a precipitate should have formed. And it is very important at this moment to “remove” the wine from him. If this is not done or the procedure is performed poorly, then the fermented yeast will begin to decompose in the finished wine. And this will spoil its taste and aroma.
  • Recall that the drain tube must not be lowered to the very bottom, but at a distance of 3 cm from the sediment.

  • The finished wine is poured into glass containers and closed with lids. But again, not too tight. Young wine tends to ferment a little more. Therefore, the accumulated carbon dioxide can burst the bottle.
  • Such a wine will have a rich color and a slightly tart taste. It can be consumed after 3 months. But do not forget, the longer the wine stands, the more aromatic and tastier it becomes.

Note: The wine may have a new precipitate. Therefore, it is recommended to pour wine every 1-2 months. This will improve its flavor and keep it from turning brown.

Aronia wine: a classic recipe

Chokeberry grows not only in the garden, but also in the wild. By the way, you can make wine with any kind. Just keep in mind that wild berries are more acidic and tart, so more sugar will be needed. And a small but important recommendation - pick berries after frost. Otherwise, a bitter aftertaste may occur in the wine.

  • You will need:
    • aronia chokeberry (it is also mountain ash) - 12 kg;
    • sugar - 7 glasses (the wine will turn out semi-sweet, with a slight sourness);
    • well water - 1 l.
  • Do not wash the berries, but carefully sort out various debris, rotten and damaged berries. Choose dishes according to the above recommendations. For this dosage, you will need a large stainless steel pan.

  • Berries must be crushed in any way. Use a mortar, crusher, meat grinder or blender. Consider your volume, with a large number of berries, such methods will take a lot of time. You can crush the berries with your hands or even become real French winemakers by crushing them with your feet. True, dark spots will remain from the chokeberry on the skin.

Note: Traces of aronia or other dark berries can be washed off with lemon juice or other acidic berries. For example, red rowan or currant. It is enough just to rub them in your hands until the juice starts up.

  • Adjust the amount of sugar as you wish. If you want to get dry wine, then sugar is excluded altogether. But do not forget that this berry itself is sour. Sugar is also necessary for the fermentation process. For sweet wine, of course, almost twice as much sugar is added.
  • At the first stage, use 6 glasses. Mix the crushed berries with sugar well, cover with gauze or a light cloth. Then send the dishes to a dark but warm place. Do not forget to mix the contents well 1-2 times a day so that mold does not form. On average, the first stage will take you 1.5-2 weeks.
  • Now you need to select the pulp, which will rise to the top along with the fermentation foam. By the way, when you lower your hand into the contents, the foam will rise more actively. Remove the pulp with a slotted spoon or strain the must with a colander. If small particles cannot be removed, they will eventually precipitate, and you can remove them. Don't throw away the pulp!

  • Now the filtered juice needs to be poured into a bottle (a five-liter container should be enough). But keep in mind - for fermentation, you need a place so that carbon dioxide has a place to stand out. Therefore, fill it only half the total volume.
  • Close with a water seal or use a medical glove. Most importantly, make sure that oxygen does not get inside. And poison the juice to ferment at a temperature of 18-25°C.
  • Now you need to pour the remaining glass of sugar into the pulp and add cold water. Again put it in a dark place for fermentation, covered with gauze. Remember to stir once a day. This step will take you 7-10 days.
  • Then re-filter the resulting juice, squeeze the pulp. From the first juice, remove the resulting foam and pour in the second juice. Mix well and plug the water seal or put the glove back on.
  • You can use the pulp one more time. To do this, do the same with her. After the third fermentation, the cake is discarded. Juice is also added to the bottle.
  • Fermentation of wine from chokeberry takes 25-50 days. A glove in this matter can tell the exact time. If it is blown away, then it's time to start filtering.
  • By the way, during this period you can take the first sample. No, it is not yet suitable for consumption, because the wine is too young. At this stage, you can adjust the acidity. But do not overdo it, young wine is more acidic in itself. Over time, it will be saturated with a spicy taste and aroma.
  • If for you the wine turned out to be too sour, then add sugar. But don't just throw it in a jar. Take a handful of sugar and tie in several layers of cheesecloth or light cloth. Lower this bag into the bottle, after tying it to a thread, and wait for it to dissolve. Just do not forget to put on a water seal for this period.

  • A thin tube is used to filter wine. Make sure she doesn't touch the sediment!

Note: The thinner and longer the jet, the more valuable the wine will turn out, since it will be better enriched with oxygen.

  • Once the wine is bottled in clean storage jars, seal it with lids and store in a cool place (a cellar or cellar would be ideal). The wine will still ferment for 3-6 months, so do not clog them too tightly.
  • Please note that during this period the wine will need to be filtered every 1.5-2 months. After all, the precipitate will still fall out. But at the end you get a light and rich wine!

Frozen chokeberry wine recipe

You need to collect rowan after the first slight frosts, it is then that its flavor notes will be revealed. And you can make wine from frozen berries at any time of the year or at your convenience.

  • The following components are needed:
    • frozen chokeberry juice - 3 l;
    • sugar - 2.5-3 kg;
    • raisins - 200-300 g;
    • water - 3 l.
  • Berries should be thawed at room temperature. Then you squeeze the juice out of them.
  • Dilute it with water and add sugar to the liquid. Pour into three-liter jars or a bottle of the appropriate size (do not forget that the wort is poured into only 2/3 of the container).
  • Add unwashed raisins and close the lid with a water seal. The wine must ferment. This will be signaled by the foam that will rise to the top, and bubbles will also begin to form.
  • When the wine brightens, it can be poured into another container. Do this carefully so as not to touch the sediment. Close everything with a lid and send to a cool place. For another 1-3 months, young wine will reach.

Unusual chokeberry wine at home: recipes

Rowan usually densely covers the tree and very rarely does not bear fruit. Therefore, the harvest every year from such a useful tree is more than enough. But blackberry is not very suitable for compotes and jams. Although the berry is useful for both small and adults. Recall that it increases blood pressure, normalizes sugar levels and cleanses the blood of cholesterol, and also improves immunity and saturates the body with vitamins B, P and C.

Blackberry wine recipe with cinnamon

It turns out a very aromatic drink that resembles an expensive strong liquor. Do not prepare a large dose at once, take a small amount of ingredients for testing.

  • Required:
    • chokeberry - 5 kg;
    • cinnamon - up to 10 g (be guided by your taste);
    • sugar - 3.5-4 kg;
    • vodka - 0.5 l.
  • Then follow the same pattern. The berries are only sorted out and crushed with your hands or a wooden crush until smooth.
  • Pour them into a saucepan and add sugar, as well as a pinch of cinnamon. Cover the puree with gauze or a light cloth and place the container in a dark and warm place.
  • The wort requires frequent and regular stirring, at least 2-3 times a day. After about 10 days, it will be possible to remove the pulp. You will understand this when the berries begin to float to the top and a foam appears, signaling the start of fermentation.
  • Next, grind everything through a colander or a large sieve. You can throw away the pulp, and pour the rowan juice into bottles or jars. Close with water seals or gloves and leave for 40 days. Pay attention to the bubbles, they will signal the completion of fermentation. If they do not appear, then the young wine can already be drained.
  • The wine is filtered through a thin tube, but not bottled. In a hotel container, vodka is also added to it and mixed well. Now you can bottle the alcoholic drink and cork it.
  • Such a product is stored in a cool place - a cellar, basement or refrigerator. Ready for use in 1-2 weeks, when it is a little infused. And even better if you wait 1-2 months.

Festive chokeberry wine recipe

True connoisseurs of wine, of course, will not call this drink wine. But still he will find many admirers. The drink is obtained with a soft, harmonious and velvety taste, as well as with a spicy aroma. By the way, you can experiment and add your favorite spices.

  • For 1 kg of chokeberry you will need:
    • sugar - 1 cup;
    • carnation - 2-3 inflorescences;
    • cinnamon - ¼ tsp;
    • vodka - 0.5 l;
    • water - 1 l.
  • The paradox of such a wine begins from the very beginning - the berries are sorted and washed under running water. Sprinkle them with sugar and let stand for 30 minutes.
  • Pour 0.5 liters of water and put the container on fire. Stirring constantly, cook for 30 minutes.

Important: In order for the berries to give the right amount of juice, they are pre-blanched. That is, pour boiled water and leave for half an hour. After filter and pour already cool water. This is the same liquid, only re-boiled and cooled to room temperature. Together with her, the berries are kneaded. This method can be used in the preparation of wine instead of fermentation.

  • Cool and squeeze the juice. Cake is subject to another cooking. Only this time the sugar is not thrown, but the remaining water and citric acid are added. Cook for no more than half an hour.
  • Mix everything, as in the preparation of wine, both juices in one container. Add vodka, stir and bottle.
  • This drink keeps well at room temperature. Also, it does not require insisting, so it is already ready for use.

Aronia wine with currant notes

Another recipe for wine that will not leave anyone indifferent. Its taste is full and fruity, so it will overshadow any alcoholic drinks at the festive table.

Important: According to this recipe, you can make wine from chokeberry with cherry and raspberry leaves. And you can make a composition out of them.

  • Based on 1 kg of chokeberry, you will need:
    • currant leaves - 100-200 g;
    • citric acid - at the tip of a knife;
    • raisins - 50 g;
    • sugar - 250 g;
    • water - 1 glass.
  • According to this recipe, the wine is also prepared in the usual way - the berries are sorted, not washed and kneaded to a puree state.
  • Mix all the ingredients in a container with a wide mouth, cover with gauze and send to ferment in a warm place. Please note that there should be no bright and direct sunlight. The first stage takes 7 days.
  • When a thick and lush foam forms, it is removed with a slotted spoon or the liquid is filtered through a sieve (do not take too fine).
  • Pour the juice into a bottle or jar and close the water seal. Leave the wine to ferment for about 40-45 days. If you see that it is still “playing”, that is, bubbles and foam form in it, leave it for another 10-15 days.
  • The liquid is filtered (watch out for sediment) and poured into decanters. The drink is transferred to storage in a cool place. There, young wine is aged for at least 2-3 months.

Note: If desired, the filtered liquid is diluted with another 0.5 l of vodka. Yes, the drink will eventually turn out to be stronger and it will not be quite the “correct” wine. But on the other hand, it will be possible to immediately use it, and it is not so fastidious in matters of storage.

Aronia wine with lemon zest

According to this recipe, you will get a fresh wine with a light citrus aftertaste. By the way, lemon complements the healing properties of mountain ash, so this drink will not only be tasty, but also insanely healthy. Especially, it will become an indispensable assistant to your immunity. Just do not forget that for preventive measures you need to drink wine in small doses.

  • Necessary:
    • chokeberry - 3 kg;
    • zest from 3 lemons;
    • sugar - 250-300 g (at the end, the sweetness of the wine is regulated);
    • water - 1 l.
  • The berries are sorted and cleaned of various debris. They are ground, mixed with half sugar and filled with water.
  • In a similar way, cover the container with a cloth and put the dishes in a dark place for fermentation. Again, this process will take 7-10 days. See that the berries rise and foam forms.
  • Strain the must from the pulp and mix with the remaining sugar. Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater or chop with a blender.

Note: Whole lemons can be used, just be prepared to add more sugar. Otherwise, the wine will come out too sour. Also, an unusual taste can be obtained by adding orange or tangerine peels along with lemon zest.

  • Re-place the container for fermentation in a warm place. Also for 1-1.5 weeks.
  • Grind through a sieve or filter through several layers of gauze. Pour into bottles or jars and put a water seal.
  • Young wine will be ready in 30-40 days. After this time, the drink is filtered and bottled. It will be ready for use after 2 months of aging. Please note that you need to store it in a cool place, the temperature of which is not higher than 15 ° C.

The lemon will lighten the color of the wine a little.

Thanks to apples, the natural acidity and astringency of mountain ash is smoothed out. Also, this drink stands out for its beautiful color and rich, but mild taste.

  • Take for cooking:
    • rowan - 2 kg;
    • apples - 2 kg;
    • sugar -2.5-4 kg (depending on the desired sweetness);
    • water, in fact.
  • The berries are sorted and crushed. Apples need to be peeled and core. Can be finely chopped or grated. Add to the berries and fall asleep all 1 kg of sugar.
  • Transfer the fruit mixture to special containers (bottles or ordinary three-liter jars) and fill with water. Do not forget that there should be a little less than half of the free space.
  • Wrap a medical glove with a pierced finger around the neck. Leave for 7 days in a warm place. Please note that once a day the contents must be thoroughly mixed so that oxygen evenly saturates the berries.
  • Add half more sugar, stir and cork everything back. Stand for a week, also shaking every day.
  • Add the rest of the sugar and now the wine is aging for 14 days. By this time it should ferment.
  • Now leave the wine alone for 30 days. During this period, the bottle does not need to be shaken and, preferably, less disturbed at all.
  • During this time, the young wine should have time to ferment. And now it can be filtered. Or just strain through several layers of cheesecloth, but be careful with the sediment. It doesn't need to be drained.
  • Pour into beautiful bottles and poison for storage. The wine according to this recipe is ready in a month. It should also be stored in a cool and dark place.

Quick wine from chokeberry and apple juice

According to this recipe, the wine is light and soft, and most importantly, it is insanely easy to prepare.

  • For 1 kg of rowan you need:
    • sugar - 1-2 kg;
    • apple juice - 6 liters.
  • Consider what variety of apples the juice is made from. It happens that it complements the missing sweetness, and sometimes it adds even more acidity. Therefore, adjust the amount of sugar at your discretion.
  • Berries are sorted, crushed and poured into juice. Add sugar to the liquid. Leave in a warm place for 4-5 days before fermentation begins. Don't forget to cover with gauze.
  • Without filtering, pour the contents into a bottle and put on a glove. Fix it well.
  • Leave the drink to ferment for 1-1.5 months. By the end of the process, the wine will brighten and the glove will fall off.
  • Now it's time to strain the wine and bottle it. Do not forget about the sediment, you can not touch it.
  • Young wine still requires two months of aging.

Aronia wine must be aged for at least 2 months

A few words about the secrets of proper storage

  • Aronia wine in glass bottles with peels or corks should be stored in a horizontal position. But the plastic container implies exposure in vertical placement. Although wine is more "friends" with glass, do not forget about it.
  • Its shelf life is up to 2-3 years. It all depends on the method of preparation and the berries themselves. But you can extend its shelf life with alcohol or vodka. Fortified drinks are stored much longer, but do not convey all the charm of homemade wine.
  • Also keep in mind that wine loves dark and cool rooms. The ideal option would be a cellar or basement.
  • Watch out for sediment! It must be drained periodically if long-term storage is foreseen. It is advisable to check the wine every 1-2 months.

Video: How to make homemade chokeberry wine?