Lamber cheese natural or not. Cheese lamber composition on the label. About the Lamber brand

About the brand Lambert

Cheese under the brand name "Lamber" was introduced to the market in 2003 by Wimm-Bill-Dann. The manufacturer is the market leader in dairy products in Russia and the CIS countries.

The name "Lamber" sounds European in Russia and inspires confidence in the product among buyers.

"Lamber" is a universal cheese for every day for all family members. It is good both for sandwiches and as an ingredient for cooking various dishes - grated or melted.

Lamber is made from the milk of the Altai Territory, known for its high quality and environmental friendliness. The fat content of Lambert is 50%.

Delicate creamy taste of "Lambert" made an impression on consumers. Already in 2003, the brand received the title of "Brand of the Year". This inspired Wimm-Bill-Dann to develop the brand and a new type of product appeared on sale - "Lamber Creamy", with a fat content of 55% and a more delicate texture.

Vika (July 14, 2016)

Deterioration in quality and increase in price.
In addition to the fact that this cheese has risen sharply in price, now they add the food additive E252 (the use of the additive is categorically contraindicated for children) and annatto dye, which were not there before! I don't buy it anymore :(

Victor (December 30, 2015)

Taste quality of Lambert cheese
Today, before the New Year, I bought a piece of Lambert cheese in the city of Gatchina in the store "Like Cheese in Butter". I decided to have a cup of tea in the evening, made a cheese sandwich, well, I think now I will savor it. And the cheese is bitter, half a year ago I tried Lambert cheese for the first time, the taste was amazing. I called the store where I bought it, explained what the problem was, advised me to drive up to them in the morning, promised to replace it, it’s good that I kept the receipt.

Dmitry (October 30, 2015)

Lambert - excellent taste!
Yes, when it was...excellent taste....even before the sanctions, I preferred to buy Lambert when the store shelves were bursting with choice. And now ... there is only one name left .... tasteless! We don't need this cheese!

piece (October 12, 2014)

Oh yeah! lamber super


Delicious, but the price bites
We love this cheese, but the price has recently become high, so we buy this cheese less often now. Very tasty hot sandwiches with it, melts well when heated


Only he!
Cheese is above all praise for its quality and naturalness. "Lambert" is the gourmet's choice. With white wine or snacks, this is just a masterpiece! The price has a place to be slightly higher than cheap fakes!


And the price doesn't change.
Until this summer, the cheese tasted very good. Yes, and in appearance - very attractive. Unfortunately, today only the appearance remains of high quality. The cheese tasted like it had been changed. The taste is not stable, bitter. Feels a little too soft to the touch. Where is that delicious cheese that used to be? And the price is still high.


about the quality of the product
We got acquainted with this cheese recently, but fell in love with it immediately and are now looking for it.


best cheese
I ate different types of cheeses, but it was "Lamber" that I remember most of all, since its taste is delicate, creamy and it is suitable both for a sandwich and can be grated.

When writing a review, try to describe

Lambert is a fine, traditional-tasting cheese. Produced from selected milk of the Altai Territory, with a fat content of 55%. The cheese has a pleasant light yellow color, and throughout the mass contains evenly spaced holes.

The taste of Lambert cheese is very delicate, creamy, moderately salty. The consistency of the cheese is not very dense, but at the same time not soft.

The recipe for Lambert cheese was developed by European cheese makers, based on the time-tested recipes of Altai cheese makers. Modern Lambert cheese is produced in automated production under the constant supervision of specialists.

There are three varieties of Lambert cheeses in the line:

    Lamber "Classic" 50% fat

    Lamber "Creamy" 55% fat

    Lamber "Tilsiter" 45% fat.

Lambert cheese is perfect as an independent dish, and as a component of many recipes. Melted Lambert on pizza, and like a crust on a baked potato, it's just a magical taste experience.

I have been buying this cheese from Wimm-Bill-Dann for several years now. Lamber is sold in a 1 kg head, or packaged in vacuum-packed plates. Of the three types of cheese in my family, Lambert "Classic" is the favorite. Cream cheese seems too fatty, and Tilsiter, for an amateur.

The composition of the cheese, of course, contains a variety of preservatives, dyes, and many other not entirely useful chemical additives. Such is our life that everything that is tasty is not entirely safe. I believe that if you use this or that product in moderation, there will be no harm.

When guests arrive, Lambert cheese slices fly away instantly. In cutting, the cheese is especially good, it does not crumble, the pieces are even and neat.

Attention all vegetarians! Cheese Lambert contains rennet - absolutely non-vegetarian product. Be careful if the product's ethics come first for you.

I have complete confidence in Wimm-Bill-Dann and enjoy buying their products, including Lambert cheese. I have never come across a product of poor quality. Cheese is always delicious, fresh and fragrant. My little son eats classic Lambert cheese with great pleasure. Sometimes, to improve his appetite, I rub cheese on his potatoes, pasta, and even dumplings. My dog ​​regularly gets small pieces of cheese as a reward and she absolutely loves the taste!

Although I sometimes experiment with other cheeses, I always return to my favorite cheese Lambert!

Video review


Rumors of numerous fakes were greatly exaggerated.

The cheese epic in Russia has been going on for more than a month. No sooner had we mourned the Italian “Parmesan” that died untimely in the stormy sea of ​​sanctions, when a new disaster struck. Not so long ago, the Rosselkhoznadzor stated that most of the domestic cheese that has recently appeared on store shelves is.

What happens, it is better to forget about cheese in general? Or are officials cheating? Do domestic cheeses differ from imported ones, and if so, how? And do the control authorities, and with them the media, exaggerate the scale of the tragedy? To find out, "MK" decided to hand over several types of cheese to the laboratory.

Don't expect good things for 300 rubles

For research, I bought two samples of domestic and imported cheese. The first popular variety "Lamber", a semi-hard cheese, was packed under vacuum in a polymer film. On the pack are TU, the manufacturer, located at the state farm. Lenin of the Moscow region. The production date is July 15 of this year, the packaging date is October 21, and the expiration date is until January 13, 2016. The mass fraction of fat in the dry matter of cheese was 50%. The price per kilogram is about 700 rubles. The second type of cheese - hard, "Parmesan", - I bought already by weight. The cost is almost twice as high - 1300 rubles per 1 kg. According to the label that the store put on the packaged products, my cheese was brought from Argentina. In addition, the date of packaging of the product was indicated - October 28 and the expiration date - 12 hours. But, as we understand, the date of manufacture and packaging are two different things. Therefore, the exact date of production of cheese remained unknown. The mass fraction of fat in "Parmesan" was 43%.

I handed over the cheeses for research to the laboratory, where they checked their fatty acid composition. According to the test protocols, in both samples, the content of saturated and unsaturated acids does not exceed the norm. In particular, the content of palmitic acid in Lambert is 28.7%. The norm for this type of cheese is from 22 to 33%. In the Argentine "Parmesan", the content of this acid is slightly lower - 28% with the same standards. “How is it,” the reader will be surprised, “after all, there should not be vegetable traces in cheese at all?” In fact of the matter! Palmitic, like other types of acids, can and should be present in cheese. And this does not mean at all that our favorite delicacy is "infected" with palm oil. Now, if the content of palmitic acid exceeds the norm, this is a reason to sound the alarm. But not in the case of our expertise.

How to distinguish cheese that contains vegetable fats from those that do not? Visually, this is almost impossible to do. The only advice that experts give is to carefully read the information on the packaging and choose a more expensive product.

- First of all, the name “cheese” should be written on the package. If there is an inscription “cheese product”, it means that it may contain vegetable fats,” says Olga Andreeva, an expert in certification of milk and dairy products. - You should also study the composition. Usually cheese contains normalized milk, sourdough, salt and milk-clotting preparations. If vegetable fats were used in the production, then the manufacturer should indicate this in a good way.

Alas, it is not worth focusing on the expiration date. Recall that in April we handed over three samples of cottage cheese for examination, and vegetable fats were found in one of them. So, in principle, cheese has a rather long shelf life, especially for hard cheeses with a high heating temperature. Therefore, this indicator in this case is not a primary indicator of quality. At the same time, according to Olga Georgievna, buyers should pay attention to where the dairy product is in stores.

- Sometimes during promotions in supermarkets they like to put heads of cheese right in the middle of the hall. It’s wrong, it’s better not to take such cheese, ”she explained. - Cheese should be stored at a temperature of +2 to +8 degrees, which ensures its safety and eliminates the formation of mold.

But what is really worth paying attention to is the price. The cost of good cheese, according to experts, cannot be less than 600-700 rubles per kilogram.

— To get 1 kilogram of cheese, I need to use 10 liters of milk. One liter of whole milk from a cow costs at least 30 rubles. Already it turns out 300 rubles, - says a farmer from the Moscow region, Ilya Kutarin. - Plus, you need to buy sourdough, rennet, there will be labor costs. So if you see cheese in a store for 300 rubles per 1 kg, most likely it contains palm oil or some vegetable fats.

Now, due to sanctions, rare cheese from the West will reach. Most often on the shelves of the capital's stores you can see huge heads from Argentina and Switzerland. Cheese from is presented in abundance.

According to Andreeva, earlier cheeses from different countries were brought to their laboratory for research -,. And all of them have proven themselves very well - not a single sample was rejected for fatty acid composition. Also quite good quality and Belarusian cheese. In the same cheese as such is not produced. Capital enterprises only buy raw materials and pack them. The reason for this is simple: there are no farms in Moscow, so there is simply nowhere to produce milk.

Another question that is now tormenting many is: what kind of cheese to take - large companies or, conversely, smaller ones positioning their products as farm products?

According to Andreeva, it is still better to take products from large manufacturers. This applies not only to cheese, but to all milk: cottage cheese, milk, and so on. Thus, you will insure yourself against unexpected consequences.

The other day, for example, the Office for the Moscow Region reported that cases of brucellosis in goats and sheep in subsidiary farms were registered in the Ramensky, Stupinsky, Lyubertsy and Noginsk districts. Three cases of human infection have been identified. Therefore, the population was advised not to buy goat's milk and cottage cheese from farmers near Moscow.

To buy or not to buy is a personal matter, of course, for everyone. As, for example, Ilya Kutarin assures, their animals are absolutely healthy. And he himself, his wife and a small child eat only their products. Therefore, in this case, only one thing can be advised: take these products from trusted farmers whom you know personally. Do not be too lazy to go to their farm, see live where their goats, sheep and cows grow and what they eat.

The most salty - "Parmesan"

Cheese itself is a useful product only in moderation. It has a high cholesterol content - about 100 milligrams per 100 grams, so nutritionists recommend eating no more than 30 grams of cheese per day and no more than 3-4 times a week. Some cheeses contain a daily allowance of salt, so if you eat them often, you can easily get an excess of cholesterol and sodium in the body.

Nevertheless, cheese is not as fatty a product as it might seem.

- When selling on the packaging, they indicate the percentage of fat in dry matter - 45-50%, but in fact in the cheese itself, taking into account water, 25-30%, which is much less. But, nevertheless, patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, obesity and overweight are recommended to use dietary types of cheese, where the fat content is less than 17%. 25-30% fat with weight loss is a lot, - explained nutritionist Natalya Pavlyuk.

In addition, cheese has a lot of protein, which is easily digestible, as well as amino acids. For example, some varieties contain histidine, an acid that promotes immunity, growth, and tissue repair. At the same time, according to the nutritionist, histidine is involved in allergic reactions. Therefore, doctors do not recommend allergy sufferers to eat a lot of cheese.

But experts generally advise not to buy processed cheese and cheese curds. According to them, they make such cheese, in fact, from low-quality raw materials - in particular cheese, which has come to an end of its expiration date. It is very low in protein and high in cholesterol. Among processed cheeses, the percentage of fakes is also high.

So, the MK experiment is over. What are the conclusions? The hysteria around palm oil in cheese is a little overblown. In fact, it's all about the price. The cheaper the product, the lower the quality. And this story is not only about cheese. Well, it is impossible to buy good natural cheese for 300-400 rubles per kilogram. So if you want to eat right, save money. No, take what you can afford. The only thing is that it is still necessary for the manufacturer to honestly indicate the ingredients in the composition of his product on the packaging.

How to distinguish high-quality cheese from low-quality?

Pay attention to the taste of cheese and its color. The taste should not be bitter. Cheese should not smell like ammonia - this smell occurs during the process of decay. It is clear that each type of cheese has its own flavor. For example, in Lambert it is slightly sour, in Maasdam it is spicy and slightly sweet. But most importantly, it should be clean and pleasant. The color of the cheese should be uniform, without spots. Nutritionists do not advise taking cheese that is too bright orange, since in addition to beta-carotene, there may also be a dye.

The holes in the cheese should be uniform. Closer to the crust, their number decreases, but the size should be maintained. If they become smaller around the edges, this is not good. If the holes merge into paths, it is also better not to take such cheese.

When cutting, the cheese should not crumble. If you try to bend a block of cheese, it should not break. In addition, the cheese must be elastic, when pressed on it, there should not be dents, there should not be any liquid secretions.

Unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes add starch to cheese to increase the volume of the product. It is easy to check this - it is worth dropping iodine on a piece. If it turns blue, then there is starch in the cheese. Also, good quality hard cheese, according to the nutritionist, cannot be rolled into a ball - it will crumble anyway.

How to make cheese at home

Recipe from cheese maker Ilya Kutarin

To make cheese at home, you will need the following ingredients: 5 liters of milk (natural cow) and 1/4 tsp. liquid rennet (dissolve in 50 ml of cold water).

Pour milk into a saucepan, bring to a temperature of 35 ° C. Add rennet previously dissolved in water and mix well for 30 seconds. Cover the pot with a lid or towel and let it sit for 30-40 minutes. Check for clot formation. A clean separation of the clot from the serum should be achieved. If it hasn't already, leave it for a few more minutes. Cut the clot into cubes with a side of 3 cm. Leave for 10 minutes to settle the clot. Transfer the entire clot to a colander. After 3 hours, carefully turn the cheese over and leave overnight.

Rub the cheese with salt (not iodized). Cheese is ready!

For reference

Cheese "Emmental", 100 g

Contains 28 g of fat, 28 g of protein.

It contains the amino acid tryptophan, which in the process of synthesis is converted into serotonin - the hormone of happiness, as well as vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, 50% of the daily sodium (salt) - 700 mg.

Cheese "Cheddar", 100 g

Contains 23.5 g of protein, 31 g of fat.

Rich in tryptophan and histidine, a lot of vitamin A, group B, calcium, sodium.

Cream cheese, 100 g

Rich in fats but very low in protein. There are also few amino acids, calcium and vitamins.

Cheese "Russian", 100 g

Contains 23 g of protein, 30 g of fat.

Rich in vitamins A, B12, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc.

Contains 88 mg of cholesterol.

Cheese "Adyghe", 100 g

Contains 20 g fat, 20 g protein.

A lot of vitamins A, PP (neocin), calcium 52% of the daily requirement, a lot of sodium (1/5 of a teaspoon of salt), phosphorus. 54 mg cholesterol.

Mozzarella cheese, 100 g

Contains 22 g of fat, 22 g of protein.

It contains a lot of tryptophan, vitamin A, group B, calcium, selenium.

79 mg cholesterol.

Cheese "Gouda", 100 g

Contains 27 g of fat, 25 g of protein.

The amino acid composition is balanced, there is little vitamin A, but a lot of B12, calcium. Sodium is twice as much as in Adyghe cheese.

114 mg cholesterol.

Parmesan cheese, 100 g

Contains 26 g of fat, 36 g of protein.

The amino acid composition is balanced. There is vitamin A, group B, PP, a lot of selenium and zinc. The leader in the amount of calcium - 1184 mg, and sodium - 1602 mg - this is four times more than in Adyghe cheese (a teaspoon of salt).

68 mg cholesterol.

Semi-hard Lamber cheese is made from natural milk in Altai. It is distinguished by a soft creamy taste, delicate texture and pronounced aroma. And his unusual feature is the original form of release, for which he was nicknamed the "barrel". Cheese is sold only whole and tightly packed due to the natural composition. It will not work to store Lambert cheese outdoors for a long time, and it is eaten quickly, because it is very tasty.


Lambert cheese is produced in the original round form. PepsiCo has a patent for its use. The product is packaged in a special colored food film: it protects the cheese from excess moisture and exposure to ultraviolet rays, and also gives the consumer information about the product. The whole cheese head weighs 1 kilogram.

The cheese has a light yellow color and a pronounced pleasant aroma. On the section of the product, a large number of eyes-holes is noticeable - this indicates that its maturation took place under the influence of natural bacteria. So the cheese tastes good.


The first trial brewing of the product took place on August 20, 2003, and it was launched on an industrial scale in September of the same year. The manufacturer of Lambert cheese is the Rubtsovsk Dairy Plant, located in the Altai Territory. In 2001, Wimm-Bill-Dann became the owner of the production of whey and other products.

Later, the production facilities were resold. Today, the brand, production and company belong to the American concern PepsiCo.


  • Pasteurized cow's milk
  • Bacterial concentrate of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria CHOOZIT
  • Milk-clotting enzyme preparation of animal origin CLERICI
  • Calcium chloride E509
  • Food salt
  • Natural food coloring E160b

The main component of the composition is natural normalized cow's milk. It is processed with the addition of a milk-clotting enzyme preparation of microbial origin and a bacterial concentrate of thermophilic and mesophilic bacteria.

The product contains a lot of useful substances, for example, calcium, vitamin C, pantothenic acid.

A cheese head contains 3,650 calories. There are 365 calories per 100 grams of product. Cheese will not work to lose weight, but it perfectly satisfies hunger.

Semi-hard Labmer cheese is added to salads and second courses, served as an appetizer. Connoisseurs of premium products combine it with wine. The taste of the product also harmonizes well with any other foods and drinks. Cheese melts well, forming a stretchy crust, so it is also used in baking.

The main distinguishing features of the semi-hard Lambert cheese are a soft, but pronounced creamy taste and natural composition. Today Labmer is a great combination of high quality and pleasant taste.

Beneficial features:

  • improves the condition of nails, hair, teeth;
  • increases tissue elasticity;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • improves the functioning of the immune system.

Lamber cheese: packaging and price

Order "Lambert cheese semi-hard barrel" in Moscow hypermarkets

The traditional Lambert cheese, which appeared on the Russian market in 2003, is made from cow's milk of the Altai Territory, unique in its qualities.

This cheese belongs to semi-hard rennet cheese varieties. It has a light yellow color and a unique pronounced creamy taste, aroma and very delicate texture. A large number of small eyes-holes are rather randomly distributed over the cheese mass.

The manufacturer is the company. Wimm-Bill-Dann, Russia. This company is currently owned by the American firm PepsiCo. It should be noted that the plant for the production of Lamber cheese is located in the Altai Territory.

An important feature of "Lambert" is the original round shape, the patent for the production technology of which is held by PepsiCo. Packing - 1.15 kg.

The calorie content of Lambert cheese is 377 kcal per 100 g of product, the mass fraction of fat in dry matter is 50%. There is such a variety of cheese as "Creamy", with m.d.zh. 55%.

In the composition of Lambert cheese:

  • pasteurized cow's milk
  • bacterial concentrate of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria CHOOZIT
  • milk-clotting enzyme preparation of animal origin CLERICI
  • edible salt
  • natural food coloring E160b
  • preservative potassium nitrate

Useful properties of Lambert cheese

Like any cheese, Lambert contains a huge amount of calcium, which means it improves the condition of teeth, hair, nails and bones.

There are no carbohydrates in Lambert cheese, a quarter of the protein content, the rest belongs to fats. This rennet cheese is very rich in phosphorus. It contains vitamins such as: vitamin A, E, vitamin D, PP, vitamin C, B1, B2, B12, as well as pantothenic acid.

Pantothenic acid, which is found in Lambert cheese, promotes the functioning of the immune system, improves the condition of muscle tissue, increases stress resistance, helps the adrenal glands, and is involved in the reactions of fats and carbohydrates.

And vitamin C has a powerful antioxidant effect, improves the strength of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, favorably affects the state of connective tissue, increases the body's susceptibility to various diseases, promotes the speedy healing of wounds and skin ulcers.

Thanks to the rich content of vitamins, the product helps the body grow and develop, improves brain function and restores strength after heavy physical and mental stress.

Cheese Lambert in cooking

Lambert cheese, like all hard cheeses, is widely used in cooking, combined with many dishes. Included is on our website.

The cheese is quite rustic for a cheese plate, because it has a not too pronounced aftertaste, but it is quite possible to eat it in its pure form.

This semi-hard cheese is perfect for making sandwiches, baking a variety of pastries such as casseroles, adding to soups and sauces, pouring over spaghetti and other pasta, slicing or grating into salads.

About the brand Lambert

Cheese under the brand name "Lamber" was introduced to the market in 2003 by Wimm-Bill-Dann. The manufacturer is the market leader in dairy products in Russia and the CIS countries.

The name "Lamber" sounds European in Russia and inspires confidence in the product among buyers.

"Lamber" is a universal cheese for every day for all family members. It is good both for sandwiches and as an ingredient for cooking various dishes - grated or melted.

Lamber is made from the milk of the Altai Territory, known for its high quality and environmental friendliness. The fat content of Lambert is 50%.

Delicate creamy taste of "Lambert" made an impression on consumers. Already in 2003, the brand received the title of "Brand of the Year". This inspired Wimm-Bill-Dann to develop the brand and a new type of product appeared on sale - "Lamber Creamy", with a fat content of 55% and a more delicate texture.

Vika (July 14, 2016)

Deterioration in quality and increase in price.
In addition to the fact that this cheese has risen sharply in price, now they add the food additive E252 (the use of the additive is categorically contraindicated for children) and annatto dye, which were not there before! I don't buy it anymore :(

Victor (December 30, 2015)

Taste quality of Lambert cheese
Today, before the New Year, I bought a piece of Lambert cheese in the city of Gatchina in the store "Like Cheese in Butter". I decided to have a cup of tea in the evening, made a cheese sandwich, well, I think now I will savor it. And the cheese is bitter, half a year ago I tried Lambert cheese for the first time, the taste was amazing. I called the store where I bought it, explained what the problem was, advised me to drive up to them in the morning, promised to replace it, it’s good that I kept the receipt.

Dmitry (October 30, 2015)

Lambert - excellent taste!
Yes, when it was...excellent taste....even before the sanctions, I preferred to buy Lambert when the store shelves were bursting with choice. And now ... there is only one name left .... tasteless! We don't need this cheese!

piece (October 12, 2014)

Oh yeah! lamber super

Delicious, but the price bites
We love this cheese, but the price has recently become high, so we buy this cheese less often now. Very tasty hot sandwiches with it, melts well when heated


Only he!
Cheese is above all praise for its quality and naturalness. "Lambert" is the gourmet's choice. With white wine or snacks, this is just a masterpiece! The price has a place to be slightly higher than cheap fakes!


And the price doesn't change.
Until this summer, the cheese tasted very good. Yes, and in appearance - very attractive. Unfortunately, today only the appearance remains of high quality. The cheese tasted like it had been changed. The taste is not stable, bitter. Feels a little too soft to the touch. Where is that delicious cheese that used to be? And the price is still high.


about the quality of the product
We got acquainted with this cheese recently, but fell in love with it immediately and are now looking for it.


114 mg cholesterol.

Parmesan cheese, 100 g

Contains 26 g of fat, 36 g of protein.

The amino acid composition is balanced. There is vitamin A, group B, PP, a lot of selenium and zinc. The leader in the amount of calcium - 1184 mg, and sodium - 1602 mg - this is four times more than in Adyghe cheese (a teaspoon of salt).

68 mg cholesterol.