The composition of soap bubbles at home is elastic. Secrets of making soap bubbles at home. How to check the solution for quality

In childhood, many had fun with one fun: they bought a bottle of solution and blew soap bubbles. These funny balloons were flying all over the place. It was an exciting activity, so interesting that we didn’t even notice how the bubble ended ... Let's discuss how to make soap bubbles at home.

It's time to remember the childhood fun and fully enjoy the soap balls. No need to rush to the toy store to buy a soap solution, it's easy to make it yourself at home. Basic components can be found in any home:

  • Glycerin or sugar.
  • Water.
  • Soap.

How to make your own soap solution at home

There are many recipes for making soap bubbles, which differ in composition and method of preparation. Choose the recipe, the ingredients of which you can easily find at home. Or prepare the components for a special soap solution in advance. I propose to see how to cook a classic version.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. If you cannot find a jar of glycerin at home, you will have to walk to the pharmacy.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a bar of laundry soap and rub it on a grater. Instead of a grater, you can use a knife, choose what is more convenient.
  2. Pour hot water over the soap and stir the solution with a spoon until the soap is completely dissolved. In the process, you can chuckle with villainous laughter.
  3. Do not bring the solution to a boil! The water should be hot, but not boiling!
  4. If a few bars of soap are left floating in the saucer, strain the solution through cheesecloth.
  5. Last step. Pour glycerin into the resulting liquid.

Do not forget to prepare a tool with which you will blow bubbles. A stick from under a store bottle of soap bubbles will do. Often at home they use a straw, which is also very convenient. And you can roll a circle of the desired diameter from the wire found in the garage. Now you are ready to blow bubbles of any size!

Video recipe

Solution for soap bubbles as a store

In addition to the classic method, there are many other recipes for making bubbles. Let's say you want to make a soapy solution, just like in the store. In this case, we will study the table with the composition for the manufacture of the store version.

It is better not to use tap water. It degrades the quality of the bubbles! Take the dishwashing detergent that you usually use.

As soon as you find corn syrup in the store, you can start making soap bubbles. Ready?


  1. Boil water and pour into a bowl.
  2. Pour dish liquid into a bowl and stir.
  3. Add corn syrup and mix well.

Ready. You are awesome. You can leave the solution for two to three hours to infuse, and then start having fun by encouraging friends to get involved.

Video tips

DIY soap bubbles with glycerin

Are you intrigued? Liked the idea and want to continue experimenting with bubbles? Well, the classic recipe is not the only one that uses glycerin.

laundry detergent recipe

I want to warn you, it can take several days to prepare a solution with washing powder. If you are ready to make sacrifices, read the instructions.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Warm up the water. Do not bring to a boil.
  2. Add laundry detergent and stir. The powder should completely dissolve.
  3. Pour glycerin and ammonia into the solution. Stir.
  4. Let it brew for at least two days. It is possible and more.
  5. Strain the solution through cheesecloth and place the container in the refrigerator overnight.

If you do everything right, the results will pleasantly surprise you.

Recipe for big bubbles

The method is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but the result will be more interesting, because the bubbles will come out more than one meter!

Take either distilled or boiled water. If you want to cook more liquid, just keep the proportions.

How to do:

  1. Dissolve the gelatin in a bowl of water, then strain the excess water through cheesecloth.
  2. Add sugar. It remains to melt everything. Do not heat the liquid to boiling point!
  3. Take the resulting liquid and add it to the prepared water.
  4. Add glycerin and dish detergent next. Stir the resulting solution. Be careful! The liquid must not foam.

Ready! Now you can please your loved ones with bubbles of a new scale!

Recipe for tenacious big bubbles

The second way is to make a liquid that will make meter-long bubbles.

Filtered or distilled water is fine. Use thicker dishwashing liquid. Use a lubricant without impurities, we just create a solution for bubbles.


  1. Mix all ingredients except water.
  2. Heat the water and pour into the solution.
  3. Mix thoroughly, but not too much. Foam should not appear on the surface of the liquid.

The solution is ready! So-called "especially tenacious" bubbles have turned out. They will not burst even after contact with water. I advise you to try them in action right now!

Homemade recipe without glycerin

If there is no glycerin at hand, it does not matter. The bubbles, of course, will not be as impressive, but they will inflate. And this is the main point.

Detergent option

The recipe is extremely simple and unpretentious.

Dishwasher detergent is not recommended!

Mix the ingredients well in the required quantity and you're done. You can blow bubbles.

Foam option

Another simple recipe for crafting soap solution at no extra cost. You will need:

We take the components, combine, mix - you're done! Blow bubbles and enjoy!

How to make soap bubbles that don't burst

If you're serious about the art of blowing bubbles, it's helpful to learn how to make the strongest bubbles that won't burst. For cooking you will need:

Ready? Great! Let's start making the solution.

Cooking method:

  1. Take soap and crumble into a cup.
  2. Add hot water. Stir until the soap is completely dissolved.
  3. We put sugar and glycerin in the solution. We stir to win.

A particularly strong solution is prepared and can be used. Experience in situations where ordinary bubbles immediately burst.

There are a huge number of tricks and life hacks that help in the preparation of soap solutions at home. The following tips will make the difficult task of cooking easier.

  1. If you put the solution in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, it will only benefit.
  2. Thanks to glycerin, the balloons are strong, but do not add too much, otherwise the bubbles will be difficult to blow.
  3. Use boiled or distilled water for soap purposes. Tap water is not good for blowing bubbles.
  4. The fewer additives, flavors and other dyes in the detergent, the better the bubbles will turn out.
  5. You need to inflate slowly and evenly so that the bubbles turn out beautiful and voluminous, and do not burst at the very beginning!
  6. A thin film should appear on the solution. If there are small bubbles on it, the solution is not of the best quality. Wait for them to disappear.
  7. You can dissolve food coloring in a soap solution and get funny multi-colored bubbles.

It is not necessary to run to the nearest store for soapy entertainment, it is enough to have soap, water and glycerin on hand. Bubbles are easy and without problems to make yourself. And if you connect children to this procedure, as in the preparation of slime, you will get a bright and unforgettable pastime.

Try, experiment! Add dyes to the foam, use flavors, encourage the family - do everything to get the most out of this unforgettable childhood game.

Today I was looking for the composition of soap bubbles on the Internet and came across an interesting, in my opinion, article. I bring to the attention of those who are ready to give the child the joy of a research experiment

Soap bubbles are a favorite pastime for children and even adults.

They soar in the air, shimmering with all rainbow colors, and always cause a smile.

A small jar of soap bubbles, now you can easily buy in the store. However, it ends quickly, and often they do not have a very good composition, and the expected fireworks of soap bubbles are limited to only a dozen small bubbles.

And this means that you probably, more than once, thought about how to make a solution for soap bubbles yourself. And even better, soap bubbles of large sizes are obtained from such a solution.

Many of us, as children, tried to blow big soap bubbles, experimenting endlessly with shampoos, powders and soaps. However, even in such a seemingly simple, soapy business, there are many tricks.

Of course, it all depends on the composition of the soap bubbles.

Walking through the vast expanses of the Internet, you can find a dozen recipes for large soap bubbles, but which one is better is very difficult to understand, so why should you try them all.

So, the experiment is testing the compositions of soap bubbles.

Compositions of large soap bubbles.

For this test, 10 recipes were selected.

In recipe formulations, the word "part" is used. "Part" is any volume, for example:
Composition No. 4:
16 parts water
3 parts detergent
1 part glycerin

So, it can be 16 tablespoons of water, 3 tablespoons of detergent, 1 spoon of glycerin or
160 ml water, 30 ml detergent, 10 ml glycerin...

Fairy is used as a detergent, it must be said that it is Fairy that gives the best result. So the ingredients are:

Composition 1.

50 grams of sugar
10 grams of boiling water
Got syrup.

Mix with detergent in the ratio of 20 syrup and 1 detergent.

Composition 2.

0.5 cup baby shampoo (I used Dragonfly shampoo)
1.5 cups distilled water
2 teaspoons sugar (no slide)

Mix and add the same amount of glycerin to the resulting mixture.

The word "the same" implies that you mixed all the components except glycerin, and you got a certain volume of solution, and that's exactly the same amount, then glycerin is added, the same amount as the volume obtained from the remaining components.

Composition 3.

200 ml baby shampoo (shampoo "Dragon" was used)
400 ml distilled water
3 tablespoons of glycerin


Composition 4.

16 parts water
3 parts detergent
1 part glycerin

Composition 5.

100 ml water
2 ml baby shampoo
10 ml. glycerine

Mix and add ammonia until transparent.

Composition 6.

4 parts distilled water
1 part detergent
1 part glycerin
0.1 part ammonia


Composition 7.

2 parts detergent
6 parts distilled water
1 part glycerin

Composition 8.

600 ml. hot water
300 ml glycerine
20 drops of ammonia
50 grams of powder detergent

Mix, insist 2-3 days, filter and refrigerate for another day.
(the condition for which it is required that the agent be infused was not met in the experiment)

Composition 9.

1 liter of distilled water
150 ml glycerine
300-400 ml baby shampoo

Composition 10.

1 part dish liquid
5 parts polyvinyl alcohol
7 parts water
0.4 parts glycerin

Some compositions at first glance are the same, but in such a delicate matter as a soap bubble, proportions can play a decisive role.

Stage 1.

For this experiment, the following substances were needed:
(all of them together or separately are the components of 10 recipes selected for the test)

- Distilled water
- Dishwashing liquid
- Baby shampoo
- Washing powder
- Glycerin
- ammonia
- Polyvinyl alcohol
- Sugar
- Kettle (boiling water)


Various measuring containers

For convenience, we number the cups.
And of course, each of them relies on a tube for inflating bubbles, previously cut at the end.

(Such tubes are not suitable for blowing large soap bubbles, but for these small experiments, just right)

Stage 2.

We prepare 10 soap solutions. Recipes selected from the internet.

The compositions of 10 soap bubble recipes are carefully observed, however, their proportions are preliminarily reduced, according to the capacity of a glass of 300 ml.

Stage 3.

Testing compositions of soap bubbles.

Test 1

Poke with soapy finger.

Everything in the same World Wide Web writes that to check the quality of the composition of soap bubbles, it must be pierced with a finger, after wetting it with the same soap solution, and if the bubble does not burst, then the composition is considered good.

However, all 10 soap formulations passed this test perfectly.

Test 2

For the lifetime of a soap bubble.

This test turned out to be the most interesting.

10 bubbles were blown out of 10 formulations.

Time has gone.

The bubbles from the 5th and 6th compositions were the first to give up, after a while the bubbles of the 8th, 9th, 10th and 3rd compositions burst. Then the 4th and 7th squads held out for a long time, but their bubbles also burst.

And now the real fight was formed between the 1st and 2nd teams.

After 30 minutes, it began to seem that these bubbles would last forever.

However, on the 35th minute, the 1st squad was blown away. That's right, pissed off! Because this bubble did not burst, but deflated for several seconds like an old balloon, eventually leaving not soapy water on the table, but a completely solid film.

And all this is because sugar was present in this composition in considerable proportions (read the recipes for the compositions on another page of the site).

The last bubble, composition number 2, lasted much longer than the others, as much as 50 minutes!
I must say that it also contained some sugar.

The conclusion is simple, sugar contributes to the durability of soap bubbles.

See table for more details

composition number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time 30 min.50 min.5 minutes.10 min.1 min.1 min.15 minutes.3 min.4 min.3 min.

We continue the experiments, because we want to know if the durability of the bubble is the main factor in obtaining large soap bubbles.

Test 3.

We blow bubbles.

As already mentioned, for blowing large soap bubbles, there are various special devices. But for the initial experiment, we take an ordinary cocktail straw cut at the end.

For each composition, several attempts are made to inflate the largest possible bubble. And I must say that many compositions showed very good results. It is also interesting that, for example, from composition No. 1, which lasted 30 minutes in the previous test, almost the smallest bubbles were obtained. And this means that the lifetime of the bubble is not the most important thing.

Here is the final table of the resulting bubble sizes.

As you can see in this test, soap bubbles of compositions win: 2,7,8 They are followed by compositions: 3 and 4.

Test 4

Ten out of ten.

This is a test of how easy it is to blow bubbles out of these soap formulations.

From each composition, 10 bubbles were inflated in a row. Of course, both in this and in the previous test, there is a moment of the human factor, but we by no means claim any scientific character of our study.

Here is the final table of the test.

Where the first number means how many of the 10 bubbles inflated and did not burst.
The second line is how many of the inflated bubbles were small.
The third line is how many large bubbles turned out.

Perhaps, it is possible to distinguish the compositions: 2, 4 and 7.

Test 5

We called this test "matryoshka".

One of the simplest, but very effective tricks with soap bubbles, is blowing bubbles one inside the other. Which, in our opinion, is very reminiscent of a nesting doll.

We moisten the surface abundantly with a soapy composition, then the tube is dipped into the soapy solution and bubbles are inflated one by one in the other (the tube must also be moistened with a solution along the entire length of the tube lowered into the bubble).

Here's roughly what happens.

In this test, the compositions of soap bubbles were rated: excellent, good, satisfactory, bad.

Excellent received: 3 and 7 compositions.
Good: 2 and 6 compositions.
Satisfactory: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 compositions.
Bad: composition number 1.

Test 6

And finally, the last test was carried out on a large long bubble.

In order to make such soap bubbles, a little skill is already needed, again, measuring such a bubble is quite difficult, so we divided the results of this test into just two results, or such a bubble turned out well or badly.

Good: Lineups 2,3,4,6,7,8,10
Bad: Lineups 1,5,9

That, perhaps, is all.

Summary table of testing compositions of soap bubbles.

composition number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
pierce + + + + + + + + + +
Bubble life time 30 min.50 min.5 minutes.10 min.1 min.1 min.15 minutes.3 min.4 min.3 min.
The average size 5-6 cm10-15 cm7-10 cm7-10 cm5-6 cm7-8 cm15-18 cm7-12 cm7-12 cm5-7 cm
Maximum resulting size 8 cm25 cm15 cm15 cm8 cm12 cm25 cm20 cm20 cm12 cm
Out of ten it turned out 9/10 8/10 7/10 9/10 6/10 6/10 5/10 7/10 8/10 8/10
Of these small9 2 4 5 6 4 0 5 4 5
Of which large0 6 3 4 0 2 5 2 4 3
Matryoshka test BadlyFineGreatSatisfiedSatisfiedFineGreatSatisfiedSatisfiedSatisfied
big long bubble BadlyFineFineFineBadlyFineFineFineBadlyFine

According to the experiments, the victory is awarded to soap composition No. 7, and solution No. 2 practically shares the first place with it.

All other compositions showed not the best results.

Once again, this study of the composition of soap bubbles has nothing to do with professional scientific experiments. Everything was done, only for the purpose of trying to understand the proposed recipes available on the Internet. (The conditions of recipe No. 8 were not exactly met.)

And most importantly, all over the world, a lot of enthusiasts, lovers and artists of soap shows set records for the size and durability of soap bubbles.
However, it is in the power of each of us to create our own perfect composition for soap bubbles, thanks to which you will not only get a lot of pleasure and delight your friends, but perhaps even set a new world record.

Today, as promised, we are giving out the secrets and recipes for “non-bursting” bubbles. The secret ingredient for a quality solution is ordinary. So, we present to your attention the recipe for soap bubbles with glycerin. , recipes that have stood the test of time.

Recipes for "reliable" soap bubbles

Recipe 1

  • 600 ml of distilled water;
  • 200 ml of detergent "Ferry";
  • 100 ml of glycerin.

Recipe 2

  • 1 liter of distilled water;
  • a little baking powder for the dough;
  • 25 ml;
  • 2 spoons of sugar;
  • 200-300 ml Fairy detergent.

Recipe 3

  • 800 ml of distilled water;
  • 200 ml of dishwashing detergent;
  • 100 ml of glycerin;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 50 gr gelatin.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak gelatin in water and leave to swell.
  2. Strain and drain off excess water.
  3. Add sugar to warm gelatin.
  4. Dilute the resulting mixture with a small amount of distilled water.
  5. Mix all other ingredients and stir.

Recipe 4

  • 600 ml boiled water (hot);
  • 300 ml;
  • 20 drops of ammonia;
  • 50 gr of any detergent (powder).

Cooking method:

  1. We mix all the ingredients and insist 2-3 days.
  2. The solution is filtered and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Bubbles made in this way are strong and large.

Recipe 5

  • 800 ml distilled water (hot);
  • 200 ml thick dishwashing detergent;
  • 100 ml of lubricant gel without impurities;
  • 100 ml of glycerin.

A few secrets of making bubbles

Secret 1

You need to use soft water for the solution. Hard water contains a lot of salts. As a result, bubbles are fragile and short-lived. To eliminate this drawback, you can boil the water and let it settle, and it is best to use distilled water.

Secret 2

Use warm water for the solution. In such water, all ingredients dissolve faster.

Secret 3

Dishwasher detergent is not suitable.

Secret 4

The bubble "lives" while it is wet, so glycerin or sugar with gelatin is added to the solution. So the soap film does not dry longer.

Secret 5

Foam is the main enemy of soap bubbles! It is necessary to prevent the appearance of foam on the surface of the solution, so you need to mix it with care.

Secret 6

To increase the strength of the bubbles, glycerin (or sugar) is added to the composition.

Secret 7

After preparing the solution, we check its quality. To do this, blow out the bubble and touch it with a finger, previously dipped in soapy water. If the bubble does not burst, then we have prepared the correct solution. Bubbles will be the most durable and will even withstand contact with water.

Beautiful multi-colored balls are a childhood memory, loved by both kids and adults. Probably everyone has seen how much joy bright and beautiful bubbles bring to kids. Give your child the opportunity to shoot these transparent, unsteady, but such wonderful balls, and instantly the most boring atmosphere is filled with a fairy tale. They bring joy and make the mood playful. Soap bubbles without glycerin are also prepared at home. Knowledge of technology and a little bit of work, and your child will be able to have fun, launching all sorts of shades into the sky.

How to cook

The quality of the balls, their durability is influenced by several factors: water, detergent, the presence of auxiliary components.

  1. To prepare good soap bubbles without glycerin, it is recommended to use boiled water.
  2. The detergent should be natural without additives.
  3. Glycerin is needed to obtain a solution of the desired density. Soap bubbles can be made without glycerin. In this case, take sugar.

For babies, the mixture is not thick, it is easier to blow it out. Older children prefer a thicker solution, as it produces persistent, long-lived balls. The finished mixture is recommended to withstand for 12 hours. It is desirable to arrange a performance on a quiet, fine day, when you can admire the colorful soap balls to your heart's content.

Soap bubbles at home without glycerin - it's easy! Take shampoo or detergent, pour in water and add sugar, mix well. Instead of shampoo, you can use laundry soap. To better dissolve it, the mixture is heated.

There is another, more complex recipe: in three glasses of hot water, dissolve 2 tbsp. spoons of any powder. To this mixture add ordinary ammonia (no more than 20 drops). They also make colored large soap bubbles without glycerin. If you pour a little dye into the prepared solution, you get colorful balls that will give children and adults a lot of fun.

Soap bubbles are considered summer entertainment, but in winter, transparent balls take on a fabulously beautiful look. If the mixture is prepared without glycerin, then the frosty air will paint the bubbles with intricate patterns, similar to the drawings on the windows on frosty days. Therefore, you should not wait for the arrival of sunny summer, you can give children a fairy tale on cold winter days. This action will be no less beautiful than on a bright summer day.

Good day to all the guests who decided to look "at the light"!
The sun is warming, the birds are singing, the first dandelions have appeared, the days are getting brighter and longer, and the mood is quite summery. It's time to get ready for summer fun. Today you will learn how to make a composition for soap bubbles, what is the best way to blow them out and what wonderful games you can come up with with your children. Everyone associates a happy time with childhood, reckless joy and irrepressible fun.

And what could be more beautiful, brighter and happier than blowing soap bubbles? There is no such person who would not do this at least once in his life. And if we blown rainbow balls from a straw or a dandelion stem, and the foam was made from laundry soap, now the industry has put this business on stream, using the latest inventions of chemistry. But is the new always better than the old?

Who first decided to blow transparent bubbles is not known for certain. But the iridescent foam left after washing or bathing apparently fascinated more than one person. It is known that in ancient manuscripts and rock carvings there are drawings showing the process of blowing balls with a tube. A special mortar was first made in England in the middle of the nineteenth century and gradually became very popular.

The magical activity was enjoyed not only by children, but also by adults. Now soap bubbles are an affordable toy, an exciting business for joint leisure or a holiday, as well as an enchanting show. The masters have created real art out of a simple hobby and arrange a truly bewitching spectacle on large stages.

Soap Solution Secrets

Currently, soap bubbles can be distinguished:

  • industrial production
  • home made.

In the store, you can choose from a small bottle of soap solution, or a large one to last the whole performance. Special surfactants are added to the composition of the soap bubble liquid at the factory, which make the film strong, iridescent and light. But it should be remembered that such solutions are not safe; if they get on the mucous membrane of the eye, they can cause a serious chemical burn. Therefore, when playing with industrial bubbles, you need to be careful.


It is much easier, cheaper and safer to make a solution with your own hands. In addition, knowing the recipe, you can always organize games with soap bubbles for children wherever you are: at home or in the country.

The recipe for the soap composition is simple, because abundant foam is obtained by mixing water and any detergent. You can use regular baby shampoo, bath foam or shower gel. Mix them with water in a ratio of two to one. This is the easiest way. Such bubbles are blown easily, but quickly burst.

It is better to take boiled water, because the more impurities it contains, the worse it is. This is especially true for water with increased hardness, it will have to be boiled a couple of times. After such treatment, all salts fall to the bottom in the form of a precipitate, and the liquid becomes soft and suitable for creativity.

To make strong bubbles that won't burst quickly, add a few drops of glycerin to the solution. It can be freely bought at the pharmacy.

For example: take twenty ml of water for one hundred milliliters of liquid soap, mix well, let it stand so that the foam settles (we don’t need it). Then pour in 10 drops of glycerin. Such rainbow balls are quite strong.

A strong film can be obtained without glycerin, the recipe for such bubbles, in addition to soap, includes sugar syrup. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to two glasses of warm water, mix well until dissolved and pour in half a glass of any detergent.

If there is nothing suitable at hand, ordinary soap, even household soap, is enough. You need to grate it on a fine grater, pour hot water and let it brew, stirring until smooth. It is desirable to insist at least 8 hours, after which glycerin or sugar can be added.

You can follow simple recipes with your child, because the young “chemist” will definitely like the miraculous transformation of a cloudy liquid into an airy, sparkling miracle. And if you add a few drops of food coloring, you get multi-colored shiny balls.


Store bottles have a special loop for blowing. At home, they use various improvised means: cocktail tubes, a ballpoint pen case, wire loops. Even a cut plastic bottle will do. The tube can be rolled up from cardboard or several layers of paper, however, it will have to be changed more often, as the paper soaks in water.

All these devices are called rackets, professionals use up to ten different rackets during the show: in the form of a circle, a heart, a triangle and other shapes. You can make a soap bubble racket with your own hands from ordinary wire, preferably with a vinyl coating, or wrap it well with threads.

Games and entertainment

Soap bubbles will be a great addition to a child's birthday, they will create an atmosphere of celebration, lightness and ease. You can offer children different games. For example:

  1. Give the kids multi-colored cups with a solution and cocktail tubes, ask them to blow through it into a glass. A cap of foam will rise. You can even compete, who has the highest foam or more will come out of the cup.
  2. When blowing bubbles, ask the children to blow on them, the one whose balloon will fly farther from the breath and not burst will win.
  3. Pour the liquid on the table and blow a slide right on it. Whoever has a higher number or a higher slide will win.
  4. If you want to make a real soap show, then the recipe for soap bubbles will need to be more complicated. Take fifty grams of gelatin and soak in a little water. After it swells, heat in the microwave until dissolved, add fifty grams of sugar, eight hundred milliliters of distilled water and two hundred milliliters of liquid detergent. Mix well and let stand until there is no foam. This recipe is perfect for blowing giant soap bubbles.
  5. To please the kids, pour the resulting liquid into a basin or tray, dip an ordinary hoop into it and lift it up - a strong sparkling film will stretch behind it. By swinging the hoop and releasing huge balls, you will be able to organize a whole performance. Such bubbles can be easily held in your hands, especially if you pre-wet your palms with a soapy composition.
  6. Although the foam extravaganza is considered a summer entertainment, it is just as exciting to do it in winter. In the cold, magic bubbles freeze and become like glass. You don't have to be in the room to see it. They will lie and shimmer for a long time if they are carefully lowered into soft snow.


Getting carried away with a child with an airy foam activity or arranging a festive performance, not forgetting about safety. What troubles can lie in wait for you:

  • allergic reactions;
  • poisoning when taking the solution inside;
  • eye contact.

All products used to prepare the composition: shower gels, shampoo or dishwashing liquid contain fragrances, dyes and other chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction. It is advisable to choose a children's series, hypoallergenic, without dyes and strong odors.

Children over three years old can play with soap bubbles by blowing them on their own. On one condition - the baby understands exactly what needs to be done and does not draw the solution into himself through the straw. Do not panic if, nevertheless, the child swallowed soap bubbles. It is necessary to wash the stomach with plenty of water and induce an emetic reaction. Additionally, give defoamers (espumizan) and sorbents (for example, activated carbon). The former will destroy the resulting foam, and the latter will help remove all harmful substances from the body.

If soap bubbles get into your child's eyes, rinse them with plenty of water. In no case should you rub with your hands or with a dry cloth. Drop a solution of sodium sulfacyl or sofradex. You can lay hydrocortisone eye ointment behind the eyelid.

In any case, if a trouble occurs, be sure to consult a doctor. Timely provided qualified assistance will relieve the consequences and preserve the health of your crumbs.

We hope that what we have told today will be useful to you in organizing home holidays or just spending your leisure time with your children. And summer, sun and games with flying magic balls will give you a feeling of boundless happiness. Subscribe, share with friends and visit again. You are always welcome here.