How much do you need to soak raw milk mushrooms. Is it necessary to soak mushrooms? How to soak milk mushrooms before salting

Mushroom dishes, regardless of the origin of the main components, are classified as a high-risk group. But, if you know how to clean mushrooms and process after that, the potential danger will be minimized. To do everything right, you should familiarize yourself not only with universal recommendations, but also with specific aspects of working with components. Regardless of the type of product, manipulation will not take much time, and the benefits of it will be enormous.

Do mushrooms need to be peeled and how to do it right?

Some housewives think about whether it is necessary to clean mushrooms at all, especially those that are not collected in forests and fields, but are grown on special mushroom farms (champignons, chanterelles, oyster mushrooms). In the case of artificially grown products, it is really enough to thoroughly wash them in water. But only if there are no damages and problem areas on the surface of the legs and hats. In the case of wild mushrooms, preliminary mechanical processing is mandatory. And the more often it starts, the better.

If you want to do everything right, you should forever remember the following points:

  • Before cleaning mushrooms, they should be inspected and sorted according to the degree of contamination, type, size, quality.
  • It is strictly forbidden to delay the initial cleaning. This can lead to the onset of spoilage of mushrooms, and insects from one viewed worm fungus are able to move on to others. Ideally, freshly picked food should be cleaned as it is assembled and placed in the bucket.

Tip: Contrary to popular belief, farmed mushrooms are also prone to worm infestation. This can happen even if food storage rules are followed. Therefore, these recommendations should always be taken into account.

  • Dry cleaning is always the first step. Do not rush to soak the components, regardless of their type.
  • But after the first manipulations, it is recommended to soak the products for several minutes in cold salted water. This will get rid of undetected worms.

How to clean mushrooms depends largely on their size, quality and type. In some cases, confusion and improper processing of components can lead to a deterioration in the taste characteristics of the finished dish and even food poisoning.

How to properly clean butter, mushrooms and porcini mushrooms?

The principles of processing mushrooms are approximately the same, but there are still some nuances. Here are some tips for working with the most popular products:

  • How to clean oils. Many housewives are tempted to wash the mushrooms before cleaning. If this is done, it will become very difficult to work with them, they will constantly slip out of your hands. It is better to first remove the film from the surface of the cap (by the way, it does not leave false oil), cut off problem areas. Next, soak the products for half an hour in salted water and use as directed.

  • How to clean mushrooms. No complicated manipulations are needed here. It is enough to arm yourself with a toothbrush or a piece of cloth, with which we process the components, removing dirt and sand. If the product will not be sent for drying, cleaning can be carried out in lukewarm water.

  • How to clean porcini mushrooms. If there are traces of needles or dirt on the surface, they must be removed. We carefully scrape the leg with a knife, cut off the tip. When whites are being prepared for drying, washing in water is not used. Just wipe each element with a paper towel and send it to the oven. Soak porcini mushrooms intended for cooking for a quarter of an hour in salt water and wash with a soft sponge.

  • How to clean chanterelles. In the case of these mushrooms, which are undemanding to clean, it is enough to inspect the plates under the cap, they may hide dirt. After that, it will be correct to walk with a soft, damp sponge over the hat and soak the components in cool salted water for 10 minutes.

In addition to the above types of mushrooms, many others are also actively used. When working with them, you will also have to take into account some points.

  • Hanging. Before cleaning mushrooms of this type, they should be carefully examined. Most likely, cleaning as such is not even needed. The product will only need to be cultivated by removing dark parts or trimming jagged edges on hats.

  • Pretty clean mushrooms. If they are still young, then it is enough to wipe them with a damp soft sponge and trim the lower part of the leg a little.

  • The gray ripples covering their legs are necessarily removed from the boletus. If necessary, the cap is carefully processed.

  • Mushrooms usually do not differ in a strong degree of pollution. It is enough to rub them with a sponge, rinse under running water and cut the legs.

  • But mushrooms are an exception to all the rules.. First, they are soaked for a day in cold water, changing the water several times. Only after the main dirt has left, you can take the sponge and scrub the remaining problem areas.

Do not mess with mushrooms that have a dubious appearance. Even if they are processed correctly, you can not achieve the desired result. It is best to use only those components that are familiar, provided that their condition does not raise any questions.

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How to clean mushrooms?

In order to properly prepare any mushroom dish, you must first learn how to clean mushrooms. Indeed, their taste qualities depend on how thoroughly the mushrooms are cleaned.

Any mushrooms before cooking should be cleaned and rinsed several times under running water. Adhering leaves and coniferous needles are removed from them. If some animal has bitten off a mushroom, it is better to cut off the bite. It is also often found that worms live in the stem of the mushroom, and sometimes already in the hat. Then this part of the fruiting body is cut off. In addition, in order for such "residents" to leave their house, you can soak the mushrooms for 20-30 minutes in salt water.

How to clean champignon mushrooms

Champignons are one of the most common types of mushrooms, they can be purchased in supermarkets and markets. There are several opinions on how to clean these mushrooms:

Most cooks are limited only to washing mushrooms. If the mushrooms are not very soiled and not damaged, then a simple wash under cold water will be enough.

How to clean porcini mushrooms

Boletus or white mushroom, which is also called the king of mushrooms, is the most popular among gourmets. Experienced mushroom pickers claim that this variety of mushrooms is practically not needs special treatment before cooking. They believe that the leg on mushrooms does not need to be cut off, just like the peel from the hat. To separate the “excess”, you just need to wipe the leg and hat with a special brush, which can be purchased at a household goods store. If such a device is not available, a simple toothbrush with soft bristles will do.

The opinion of mushroom pickers regarding whether it is necessary to wash porcini mushrooms before cooking or not is also different.

The name of these mushrooms indicates that they can be eaten raw: at least those 7 species that are found on the territory of Russia. These are agaric mushrooms, their caps are covered with skins of various colors and shades. Moreover, if the color of this film is pale (gray-green, pale yellow), then it really can not be cleaned. This will not affect the taste of the mushroom in any way and will not harm the one who eats it.

When the skin on the cap is red or bright blue, it must be peeled and only then cooked mushrooms. As for the russula leg, the “skirt” is removed from it, and the “root” is cut off.

If the mushrooms are heavily contaminated or there is a suspicion that they could accumulate toxins, then the skin from the russula cap must be peeled off. If the skin is poorly cleaned, then the mushrooms can be soaked for a while. However, many do not peel the skin from the cap of the russula, believing that this way the mushrooms turn out tastier.

Features of cleaning other types of mushrooms

Before soaking milk mushrooms, they need to be cleaned and sorted by size. It is important, before soaking milk mushrooms before frying, to pre-cut the products. This will shorten the cooking time. But about how to soak milk mushrooms before pickling, you need to read especially carefully, since excess moisture that has stuck to the mushroom pulp will interfere with preservation. It also matters when choosing a method of preparing a variety of mushrooms. There are differences between how to soak black mushrooms and other varieties, as they all have different levels of bitterness. Learn how to soak white milk mushrooms and other varieties from this article.

How to soak heavily salted milk mushrooms from salt

Salted mushrooms or mushrooms that have a bitter taste are soaked to improve their palatability. Washed mushrooms are placed in cold water and usually soaked for 2-6 hours. Before soaking salted milk mushrooms, you need to prepare for the fact that the water is changed every hour so that unwanted substances dissolve faster. Dried mushrooms are soaked to restore moisture in them. The water in which they soaked is used for food. Many salted milk mushrooms have a bitter, pungent or unpleasant taste and smell. It is important to know how to soak salted milk mushrooms correctly and not spoil the product. Simple tips on how to soak heavily salted milk mushrooms can be found on this page.

These shortcomings are eliminated if the mushrooms are soaked in water for 2-3 days or boiled well. Mushrooms are put in a bowl and poured with cold salted water (1 liter of water per 5 kg of mushrooms). Cover with a napkin, then with a wooden circle, on top - a load. Dishes with soaked mushrooms are put in the cold, it is better to have a refrigerator so that they do not sour.

Depending on the variety of mushrooms, the soaking time is from 1 to 3 days.

Water is changed at least once a day. Sometimes it is better to replace soaking with scalding. Milk mushrooms, mushrooms (dry milk mushrooms) are dipped in boiling water and boiled for 5 to 30 minutes. Water after each cooking or scalding must be poured out. After cooking the mushrooms, the pan should be wiped well with dry salt, washed thoroughly and wiped dry. Before soaking milk mushrooms from salt, you need to measure exactly the amount that will be used to prepare the dish.

How to soak milk mushrooms before salting

Mushrooms salted in a cold way are especially tasty. But it is important to understand how to properly soak milk mushrooms before salting in this way, since mushrooms can be bitter. With this method, sorted mushrooms are thoroughly washed and soaked in cold, preferably running water. The term of soaking violins (felt milk mushroom), bitter mushrooms (bitter milk mushroom) - 3-4 days, milk mushrooms, podgruzdkov (dry milk mushroom) - 2-3 days. Salt and spices are placed in clean scalded barrels, at the bottom, and then mushrooms are laid in rows with hats down, sprinkled with salt and spices. The filled barrel is closed with a circle with oppression. After 2-3 days, when the mushrooms give juice and settle, the spices are removed, and the barrel is supplemented with a new batch of mushrooms in the same order until it is full. The excess brine that appears is drained, but the top layer of mushrooms should be under the brine.

How long to soak milk mushrooms before salting (with video)

You can find out in advance how long to soak milk mushrooms if you decide on the further method of processing them. Depending on the salting recipe, the period of soaking milk mushrooms also changes. In Belarusian:

  • before salting (and they are salted raw), white milk mushrooms, dry milk mushrooms, must be soaked in cold water for 2 days, changing it several times (then doused with boiling water).

In Vyatka:

  • milk mushrooms, podgrudki (dry milk mushrooms) are soaked for 5 days.

In Moscow:

  • mushrooms, podgruzdki soaked in slightly brackish water for 3 days.

The brine of salted milk mushrooms is slightly cloudy and viscous. The taste and smell are pleasant, characteristic of this type of mushrooms with the aroma of spices, without bitterness. The color is uniform, close to the natural color of this type of fresh mushrooms. The exception is black milk mushrooms, which change color significantly.

See how to soak milk mushrooms before salting in the video, which presents a variety of methods for this treatment.

Soaking milk mushrooms before salting

Soak white milk mushrooms for a day in cold salted water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). During the soaking of milk mushrooms before salting, change the water twice. Then wash the mushrooms and boil for 5 minutes. After cooking, let the mushrooms cool and put them in a bowl, sprinkling with salt at the rate of 45–50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms. Put blackcurrant leaves and spices on the bottom of the dish and on top of the mushrooms.

How to soak milk mushrooms for salting


  • 1 kg boiled mushrooms
  • 50 g salt
  • spices to taste.

Before soaking the milk mushrooms for salting, soak the mushrooms, cleared of earth, leaves and needles, for a day in salted water (30–35 g of salt per 1 liter of water), changing it twice.

Then wash them in running water, immerse in boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.

Drain in a colander and refrigerate.

Place in a container in layers, sprinkling with salt and shifting with spices, horseradish leaves and black currant.

Lay the leaves on top of the mushrooms as well.

Cover with gauze and put under light oppression so that in a day the mushrooms are immersed in brine.

If there is no dive, increase the load.

How to soak white milk mushrooms for pickling

Before you soak the mushrooms for salting, you need to prepare all the ingredients:

  • 1 bucket of white mushrooms
  • 1.5 cups of salt.

Before soaking white milk mushrooms, soak the washed mushrooms for 2 days in cold water, changing the water every day. Then put in rows in a wooden dish of non-resinous wood, sprinkling with salt. You can sprinkle them with chopped white onions.

How to soak milk mushrooms before salting in Altai


  • 10 kg mushrooms
  • 400 g salt
  • 35 g dill (greens)
  • 18 g horseradish (root)
  • 40 g garlic
  • 35-40 allspice peas
  • 10 bay leaves.

Before the milk mushrooms are properly soaked before salting, the mushrooms are sorted and cleaned, the stem is cut off and soaked in cold water for 2–3 days. Water is changed at least once a day. After soaking, they are thrown back onto a sieve and placed in a barrel, layered with spices and salt. Mushrooms are covered with a napkin, put a circle and a load. You can report the barrel with new mushrooms, since after salting their volume will decrease by about a third. A brine should appear above the circle. If the brine does not appear within two days, the load should be increased. 30–40 days after salting, Altai-style mushrooms are ready for use.

How to soak mushrooms


  • 1 bucket of milk mushrooms
  • 400 g salt
  • onion to taste

Before soaking milk mushrooms, they must be thoroughly washed, soaked for 2 days, changing the water every day. Put the prepared mushrooms in a container in layers, sprinkling with salt and chopped onion. Press on top with oppression and keep in a cool place for 1.5–2 months.

Small mushrooms with dill


  • 1 bucket of small mushrooms
  • 400 g salt
  • dill to taste

Select small milk mushrooms, rinse thoroughly, but do not soak. Dry on wire racks. Put the prepared mushrooms in large jars in layers, sprinkling with dill and salt. Top with salt, cover with cabbage leaves. Do not put pressure. Keep in a cool place for 1-1.5 months. Soak the mushrooms before eating.

Mushrooms with horseradish


  • 10 kg mushrooms
  • 400 g salt
  • garlic
  • horseradish root
  • dill
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice to taste

Peel the mushrooms, cut off the stems. Soak prepared mushrooms in cold water for 2-4 days. Change water at least once a day. Then throw the mushrooms into a colander, let the liquid drain. Put the mushrooms in a container in layers, sprinkling with salt, spices, chopped garlic, horseradish root and dill. Press down on top. If brine is not formed during the day, the load should be increased. After the mushrooms settle, add fresh ones to the container (after salting, the volume of mushrooms will decrease by about a third). Mushrooms will be ready to eat 20-25 days after laying the last batch.

Milk mushrooms spicy


  • 1 kg mushrooms
  • 50 g salt
  • Bay leaf
  • Dill seeds
  • black pepper to taste

Soak the milk mushrooms in cold water for 7-8 hours. Then rinse, put in another bowl, pour fresh water, add salt, bay leaf and cook for 15 minutes, removing the foam. Cool the milk mushrooms in brine and arrange in sterilized jars in layers, sprinkling with salt, dill seeds and pepper. Close the jars with a lid and store in a cellar or refrigerator. Mushrooms will be ready to eat in 10 days.

How to soak milk mushrooms after salting

If you know how to soak milk mushrooms after salting, then even in winter you can cook a lean pie with salted milk mushrooms.

For test:

  • 1.0–1.2 kg flour
  • 50 g yeast
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 1 glass of vegetable oil
  • salt.

For filling:

  • 1.0–1.3 kg salted milk mushrooms
  • 5-6 onions
  • 1 cup vegetable oil for frying mushrooms and onions
  • ground black pepper.

Knead the lean yeast dough and, covering with a napkin, put in a warm place for fermentation. Meanwhile, prepare the mushroom filling. Salted mushrooms (if they are over-salted, rinse lightly with water, squeeze) chop into slices in a wooden bowl or cut into noodles, fry well in vegetable oil. Separately fry the chopped onion. Mushrooms and onions combine, season strongly with pepper, if necessary - with salt. The filling should be spicy, spicy and have a pronounced taste and aroma of mushrooms, onions, peppers. Roll out the dough, wrap the mushroom filling in it, prick the surface with a fork so that steam comes out during baking, and grease the surface of the pie with strong tea, then bake until cooked at a temperature of 200 ° C. After baking, grease the pie with vegetable oil so that the crust is softer. This cake has its own characteristic “face”, it is extremely simple and very tasty. These pies are good for fasting days. They should be served with sour soup, mushroom soup, as an appetizer for vodka and on special occasions. They are delicious with strong tea.

How to soak dry mushrooms


  • 9-10 large dried mushrooms
  • 250 ml milk, 1 egg
  • 4–5 st. tablespoons of ground breadcrumbs
  • 3–4 tbsp. spoons of fat
  • pepper.

Before soaking dry milk mushrooms, rinse the mushrooms thoroughly and soak for 3-4 hours in milk mixed with water. Then boil in the same liquid. (The decoction is used to make a soup or sauce.) Sprinkle the mushrooms with seasonings, dip in a beaten egg, and then roll in ground breadcrumbs with salt and pepper. Fry the mushrooms on both sides in hot fat until golden brown. Serve with fried potatoes (or mashed potatoes), horseradish sauce and cucumber and tomato (or red pepper) salad.

Fresh or salted milk mushrooms fried in sour cream

For 1 serving:

  • milk mushrooms real or yellow, fresh or salted 5 - 6 pcs.
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter or olive oil
  • 1 st. a spoonful of wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • salt (for fresh mushrooms).

Dry prepared fresh or salted young milk mushrooms on a towel, roll in flour (fresh - salt), fry in preheated oil, pour sour cream, boil, remove from heat. Serve with boiled potatoes.

Salted mushrooms fried in vegetable oil with potatoes


  • 1 plate of salted mushrooms
  • 1 - 2 bulbs
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil

Soak salted mushrooms in water, then remove them with a slotted spoon and let the water drain; add the onion and fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan. Served with hot boiled potatoes.

Mushrooms stewed with potatoes


  • 400 g mushrooms
  • 4 - 5 potato tubers
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1 st. spoon of tomato puree
  • 2 tbsp. butter spoons
  • 1 bulb
  • pepper
  • bay leaf to taste
  • dill greens.

Mushrooms clean, rinse and for 5 - 6 minutes. drop into boiling water. Then put it in a colander and let the water drain. Cut the mushrooms into slices, put in a deep frying pan, pour over the sour cream. In the same pan, add tomato puree, salt, pepper, bay leaf. Put the pan on medium heat and simmer a little (7 - 10 minutes). Peel potatoes, wash, cut into slices, fry, mix with chopped fried onions and combine with mushrooms. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer until all products are cooked. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Pickled or salted mushrooms with vegetable oil and potatoes


  • 1 bowl pickled or salted mushrooms
  • 1 - 2 bulbs
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 kg of hot boiled potatoes.

Select mushrooms from the marinade, add finely chopped onion, mix and, pouring vegetable oil or sour cream, serve with hot potatoes. Salted mushrooms, if they are too salty, soak in cold boiled water, select with a slotted spoon and let the water drain; then add onions, vegetable oil and serve roasted or cold along with hot potatoes.

Soaking milk mushrooms before pickling

Almost all varieties of mushrooms are marinated: white, dry, black mushrooms. Before marinating, mushrooms are sorted, washed thoroughly. If heavily soiled mushrooms should be soaked for 3-4 hours in a 3% saline solution. Pickled mushrooms boiled in water or in their own juice. Mushrooms taste better and are well preserved if they are pickled by type, but in one dish you can pickle different mushrooms or several types of mushrooms with the same taste. Mushrooms must be clean, whole. The pulp is dense, elastic. If the mushrooms are collected in very dry weather, more water is poured. When the water boils, lay the prepared mushrooms and cook over low heat. The foam is removed with a slotted spoon. Cooking time depends on the type, size and age of mushrooms. Cooking is completed 20 minutes after the secondary boil. When the marinade brightens, the release of foam stops, the mushrooms gather in the middle of the boiler and settle to the bottom, cooking is stopped. 3-5 minutes before this, spices are put in the mushrooms:

  • salt, vinegar essence
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice (peas)
  • cloves and cinnamon

Rapid cooling improves the quality of the mushrooms. The cooled mushrooms are poured into the prepared container and corked.

You can see in detail how to soak mushrooms in the video, which shows the entire technological process of preparing raw materials.

Washing dishes is not fun for everyone, especially after having guests and not having a dishwasher. Therefore, we offer you a methodology that has been worked out over the years.

First of all, do not put off washing dishes for a long time, it will dry out and ruin your mood even more.
So, we clean the rest of the food in the trash can. First, we select the plates after hot and snacks, put them in a pile in the sink. From above we put deep plates from under the first. In general, the principle is this: the fatter the plate, the lower it should be so that more detergent flows onto the lower plates during the washing process.

Turn on the water, take a sponge, pour dishwashing detergent on the sponge. While this procedure is in progress, the water flows onto the upper plates, partially onto the lower ones, the dishes begin to soak and receive small doses of detergent. We turn off the water, the process of saving water has begun.

Let's start washing. We wash the plates with a soapy sponge from the inside and outside. Without rinsing, we put the soap plates edgewise between the walls of the sink and the stack until we fill them, or until the detergent on the sponge runs out.

Turn on the water and rinse the soap dishes individually with clean water. Hooray! The first batch is washed. We repeat this technique until the last 6-7 plates remain in the sink. Now in the sink, in the side gaps between the stack of dishes and the walls of the sink, you can put tablespoons, soaking forks and wash the remaining plates.
The plates are washed, the water is turned off. Wet forks and spoons were left in the sink. It is better not to put knives in the sink for safety reasons.

We collect in the left hand 8 - 9 spoons, forks - exactly as much as it will be convenient for you to hold in your hand between your thumb and forefinger. We take a sponge with detergent. With the right hand, we begin to wash the cutlery, starting with the sharp part and ending with the handle. Soap utensils should remain in your left hand, you simply put washed spoons and forks between your index and middle fingers, thus separating unwashed and washed utensils.

You can put the washed utensils between your middle and ring fingers, as it is more convenient for you, the main thing is not to put the soap utensils back into the sink, otherwise you will lose time and pace in work when additionally picking up spoons and forks from the bottom of the sink. As soon as the devices in the left hand are completely soaped, put the sponge aside and turn on the water.

We thoroughly wash the appliances, shifting from the left hand to the right, turn off the water, take a towel and wipe the appliances. At the same time, wiped spoons and forks should be immediately discarded directly from the towel into the compartments of the dish drawer.
In this case, you do not waste time on constantly shifting and sorting out the cutlery during the washing process and, having picked up 10 dirty spoons and forks, you put them in their place already clean. So, in portions convenient for you, you finish everything.

For pedants, there are options to wash an even number of devices, for example, seven pieces, or divide according to their intended purpose: separately forks, spoons, distributing spatulas and spoons. The main thing is that it gives, if possible, some interest and variety in the work. Before washing the last batch of spoons and forks, knives can be loaded into the sink.

If washing appliances is mastered, then you can also wash knives, but you should not take more than 3-4 knives at a time, it is better to protect your hands from cuts. In conclusion, wash the sink and drain with cleaning products, prepare it and yourself for new exploits.

Cleaning mushrooms differs from each other depending on the type and variety of mushrooms, so some mushrooms just need to be washed under water and cleaned of forest debris, while another mushroom must be thoroughly and complexly cleaned. Remember, only a properly cleaned mushroom will give you true culinary pleasure. We recommend that you read


HOW TO CLEAN MUSHROOMS IN THE FOREST: Before putting a cut mushroom in a basket, it must be cleaned of forest debris, twigs, leaves, etc. If the mushroom has worms and insects, clean it of them by cutting off the wormy or eaten part of the mushroom. We recommend that you do the rest of the cleaning and processing of mushrooms at home or on a halt, because, otherwise, you will not have time at all to search for and collect mushrooms.

HOW TO CLEAN MUSHROOMS AT HOME: Once you have brought the collected mushrooms home, they must be carefully placed in lightly salted water, otherwise they will quickly turn black and begin to rot. On average, mushrooms begin to spoil 6 hours after picking. Before you start cleaning the mushrooms, sort them by type and check again for wormy places in the mushrooms. As soon as the mushrooms are ready, everything is laid out, start cleaning the mushrooms, each type of mushroom is cleaned in its own way, read about it below. After the mushrooms are cleaned, they must be thoroughly washed. We recommend that you read


HOW TO CLEAN WHITE MUSHROOMS? Cleaning porcini mushrooms is the easiest cleaning of all mushrooms. To clean it, you need to lightly rub the mushroom cap with a stiff brush, after which the mushroom is washed under running water.

HOW TO CLEAN OIL MUSHROOMS? Oily mushrooms are cleaned by removing the skin from their caps, for which the mushrooms are placed in boiling water for 20 seconds, or the mushroom caps are poured over with boiling water, after which the cleaning process is faster and easier.

HOW TO CLEAN MUSHROOM MUSHROOMS? Mushrooms are usually not cleaned, except that they are cleaned of forest debris and that's it. Although, if you want, you can remove the skirt from the mushroom with a sharp knife, so they will get a more beautiful look. We recommend that you read

HOW TO CLEAN CHANTERELLA MUSHROOMS? Chanterelles, like honey mushrooms, are not cleaned, i.e. they do not remove any skin and parts of the fungus. To prepare chanterelles, it is enough to rinse them under water from the remnants of forest debris.

HOW TO CLEAN MUSHROOM MUSHROOM? Before cleaning, the milk mushrooms should be soaked in cold water for exactly a day, after which the mushrooms should be carefully cleaned with a knife or a stiff brush until white. Rotten places of mushrooms must be cut off.

HOW TO CLEAN BIRCH MUSHROOMS? First of all, the boletus must be divided into two parts, into a leg and a hat. As soon as the mushroom is divided into two parts, the skin is carefully removed from the mushroom stem with a sharp knife, but the cap of the mushroom is just washed.

HOW TO CLEAN BOLETE MUSHROOMS? It is necessary to clean the boletus mushroom in the same way as the boletus, for this it is necessary to divide the mushroom into two parts, then rinse the cap and remove the skin from the stem of the mushroom.

HOW TO CLEAN MUSHROOMS? Since champignons absorb moisture very strongly, so that they do not get wet, they should not be soaked in water, and it is not even recommended to rinse under running water. To clean the champignon, it is necessary to cut off the skin from its cap, for this, remove the skin from the edge to the middle with a knife and do this until the hat is completely peeled. We recommend that you read

In the summer, warm rains come, which leads to the lush growth of mushrooms. Therefore, real mushroom hunters spend all day in the forest, returning home with real wealth. But for mushrooms to become real winter wealth, you need to work hard on them.

Namely, mushrooms must be carefully sorted out from twigs, grass and other debris, cleaned, properly soaked, boiled and salted. Hard work, but worth it. Since milk mushrooms are harvested in the summer, we will talk about these mushrooms.


  • Milk mushrooms;
  • Drinking water;
  • Salt;
  • The bucket is large;
  • The toothbrush is new.

Cooking method:

  1. Mushrooms must be cleaned of grass and debris.
  2. Then we clean the mushrooms with a knife, that is, we need to remove various damaged places.
  3. Next, put the milk mushrooms in a large bucket and fill with cold water. Soak the mushrooms in this way for 2 hours. After this time, you will see that the dirt on the mushrooms is well soaked and therefore now it will be easy to wash it off.
  4. We spread the mushrooms in a large basin and fill it with new water.
  5. Thoroughly wash the mushrooms from dirt. Change the water until it becomes clear.
  6. Then you need to use a knife to clean the mushrooms from the top film. We pay special attention to the deepening in the middle of the cap. Dirt accumulates there. Sand and dirt accumulate between the plates on the inside of the mushrooms. We clean them with a toothbrush.
  7. Large mushrooms need to be cut into several parts. This will make it easier to clean them up.
  8. Then each mushroom must be placed under running water and with a toothbrush we wash the sand between the plates.
  9. After that, put the washed mushrooms in a clean large basin. We spread the milk mushrooms only half of the container. If all the mushrooms do not fit, take another basin.
  10. Then the milk mushrooms need to be filled with very cold water. Well water is best suited for this. We change the water in the mushrooms every 4 hours. This must be done so that the mushrooms do not sour.
  11. After you change the water for the fifth time, add salt to this filling in proportion to 2 liters of water, one tablespoon of salt. Soak mushrooms in saline for two days in a cool place. We change the saline solution twice a day. After that, the mushrooms are ready for further cooking.

Many housewives choose milk mushrooms for harvesting mushrooms for the winter, and this is not at all surprising, since these mushrooms really turn out to be very tasty.

In general, few people know that a mushroom is not quite an edible mushroom. That is, it can easily be called edible, but only after it has undergone the necessary processing. But on the other hand, milk mushrooms are very convenient to collect, there is absolutely nothing complicated about this, since such mushrooms usually grow in fairly large groups.

Previously, milk mushrooms were cooked in barrels - these mushrooms were salted for the winter in this way. But today there are other recipes for blanks that we have no right to refuse, especially if you are an avid mushroom picker. And since you like to pick mushrooms, it is not surprising that you will also have to learn how to cook them.

In fact, the main feature of these mushrooms is that they contain milk, a kind of bitter juice, which we must definitely get rid of before we start cooking from this type of mushroom, and even more so put them on the table. First, the mushrooms for this are cleaned of forest debris, branches and needles, and then they need to be soaked for quite a long time. After the milk mushrooms need to be washed until white.

Why is soaking so important?

The fact is that milk mushrooms contain substances that are quite easy to poison, that is, real toxins. So that these toxins do not get into our body, you need to thoroughly wash the milk mushrooms, put them in a container, pour them gently with very cold water and then make sure that the mushrooms are completely covered with water. Of course, the mushrooms themselves will definitely float, so it's better to take a large lid from an enamel pan and put them on top. It is best if you soak the milk mushrooms for as long as possible - two days. In order for the mushrooms not to deteriorate during this time, and the water in them does not bloom, it is necessary to change it as often as possible. Then you need to wash the milk mushrooms, which you soaked for the right amount of time, several times in running water. Only after that can we say that these mushrooms are completely ready for seaming and the risk of getting some kind of poisoning is simply minimal.

1. Milk mushrooms salted for the winter. simple recipe without spices.

In order to cook milk mushrooms according to this old and simple recipe, you need to take:

  • - Coarse salt, you can use ordinary - 250 grams;
  • - Milk mushrooms - 5 kilograms of soaked mushrooms;

The milk mushrooms you have collected must first be cleaned well, and all places that seem suspicious to you must be removed. Wormy areas need to be cut off, and also do not leave those places in which there are punctures from the needles. After that, you need to cut off each mushroom and a little lower part from the stem. Then be sure to rinse the milk mushrooms, while changing the water several times. After that, transfer them to an enameled bucket without chips or a large basin, fill with water, slightly open the top with a not too heavy oppression so that all milk mushrooms are constantly in the water. Change water often. After a night in the water, the mushrooms will begin to foam. Immediately drain the water, rinse the mushrooms a couple of times, pour new water again.
In general, milk mushrooms can be soaked for two to five days, less is not desirable, otherwise toxic substances will remain in the mushrooms, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

After such a soaking, the mushrooms will lose quite a lot in volume, since their juice will be washed out. Once you have discovered. that the pulp of the mushroom is no longer bitter, the milk mushrooms are completely ready for salting. Before you start cooking mushrooms, they need to be cut into several pieces. After these pieces are laid out in a large enameled basin. They put a layer of mushrooms tightly - sprinkled everything with salt, and repeat the same thing again until you lay out all the mushrooms you have.

After you need to put a large flat lid on top, install oppression on it. Mushrooms should stand like this for three days, and every day you should knead them several times. When the time comes, arrange the mushrooms in sterilized jars. Mushrooms need to be applied very tightly, as they will be stored without marinade. Therefore, after each layer, it will be necessary to compact the mushrooms tightly enough. Close everything with plastic lids, put in the refrigerator, let it stand for 2 months. Once this time has elapsed, the mushrooms will be completely ready to eat.

2. Salted milk mushrooms for the winter.

For this recipe, you will need to take the following products:

  • - Black milk mushrooms - 1 kilogram;
  • - Dill umbrellas - 5 pieces;
  • - Vegetable oil;
  • - Garlic - 5 large cloves;
  • — Water;
  • - Sea salt, but not iodized - 2 tablespoons with a slide.

To begin with, put water on fire, let everything boil, and then pour quite a bit of vegetable oil into it. Milk mushrooms that have already undergone the necessary processing, which we talked about above, must be placed in water. Let everything cook in this form for about 8 minutes, and then put the milk mushrooms on a colander. In this case, the water should completely drain from the mushrooms.

Put the mushrooms in an enamel bowl, mix them with salt and dill umbrellas, with very finely chopped garlic. Set aside the 5 cm long dill stalks, we will still need them, but a little later. Next, you need to put oppression on the mushrooms from above so that they fit snugly against each other. The oppression can be removed after 12 hours, but only in order to thoroughly mix the contents of the container. After oppression, you need to return to the place for another 12 hours. Then you need to spread the milk mushrooms into jars, press them down a little and fix them with dense dill stems laid out crosswise.

Mushrooms, as they are ready, in jars need to be filled with brine, which will turn out in the process of insisting milk mushrooms under oppression. After that, put the mushrooms in the refrigerator for a month under nylon lids.
You can try them no earlier than 30 days.

3. Milk mushrooms salted with cabbage leaves for the winter.

This is a rather old recipe, familiar to our grandmothers.

In order to cook mushrooms on it, you need to take the following products:

  • - Milk mushrooms - 5 kilograms of mushrooms;
  • - Horseradish root fresh small size - 1 piece;
  • - Coarse salt, but always without the addition of iodine - 1 cup;
  • - Garlic - one head of winter variety;
  • - Currant fresh leaves without damage - 20 pcs;
  • - Cherry leaves without damage - 20 pieces;
  • - Fresh dill - one bunch;
  • - 8 cabbage leaves.

First you need to sort out all the milk mushrooms and clean them, then you need to soak them in water, which you have already salted a little - about 5 tablespoons of salt were added to 10 liters of water. After that, the mushrooms again need to be filled with water, this time for 5 hours. Then you need to thoroughly wash all the prepared greens, wash and clean the horseradish root. Garlic needs to be peeled, disassembled into separate cloves. After that, you need to cut each garlic clove lengthwise into two halves. Horseradish root should be cut into very thin plates.

Next, wash the cabbage leaves thoroughly in cold water, tear them into two large pieces each. Then you need to take a container, preferably a plastic basin, and put everything that you have prepared into it. A layer of mushrooms should be laid out in two rows, followed by spices with salt and cabbage leaves. Then mushrooms again and so on until the very end, until everything is laid out. After that, take a flat lid and put everything under pressure.
At room temperature, mushrooms in this form should stand for about two days, maybe a little less. During this time, you need to mix milk mushrooms at least 4 times. After that, you need to lay out the milk mushrooms quite tightly in prepared dry sterilized glass jars. Do not forget to water the milk mushrooms with the juice that stood out from them while the mushrooms were infused.
Mushrooms close with plastic lids, store in the refrigerator. Such mushrooms are served on the table after two months.

4. Salted milk mushrooms for the winter with the addition of onions.

For this recipe you need the following products:

  • - A bucket of fresh milk mushrooms for 10 liters;
  • - Onion;
  • - Salt - 1.5 cups coarse salt.

Prepare mushrooms for salting as described above. After the mushrooms, if they are not too large, you need to put them in the basin as a whole, if the mushrooms are large - cut, sprinkling each of the layers with salt and onion, cut into rings or half rings. After that, you need to store milk mushrooms under oppression for a whole month in a cool place, and then put them in jars, dry and sterilized, and put them in the refrigerator.

5. Salted milk mushrooms in oak leaves.

In order to cook milk mushrooms with oak leaves, you need to take the following products and spices:

  • - Milk mushrooms - one kilogram;
  • - Salt - 3 tablespoons without top;
  • - Garlic - 5 cloves;
  • - Dill with an umbrella - a bunch;
  • - Oak leaves - 3-4 small leaves without damage;
  • - Cherry leaves - 3 pieces;
  • - Horseradish leaf - 1 piece;
  • - Black pepper - 6 pieces.

First, the mushrooms must be prepared for salting according to the method indicated at the beginning of the article.

Water for salting mushrooms should be taken salted, pour 10 liters of water and dissolve 5 tablespoons of salt. Water is changed three times every day, but salt is added only the very first time.

After that, you need to cut off part of the legs from the mushrooms, and wash the mushrooms themselves well. Then you should cut the largest mushrooms into several pieces, and the small ones can be salted whole.

Next, you need to take the garlic and peel it, into the container in which you will put the mushrooms for pickling, you need to send horseradish leaves. Mushrooms should be put with caps down, and so a couple of layers. After that, you need to salt each layer of mushrooms, put cherry leaves, as well as oak, garlic and dill between each layer of mushrooms. The topmost layer is covered with a clean linen napkin or gauze, oppression is placed on top. Then you need to put a very heavy load so that everything fits as tightly as possible to each other. If the brine is not enough. then the load must be even heavier.
Mushrooms stand like this for about a month, and then they are laid out in jars and put in the refrigerator.

Salting and pickling milk mushrooms in the winter: many simple and understandable recipes. Delicious recipes for salting and pickling milk mushrooms.

Autumn is a magical time with a lot of gifts, one of which is mushrooms. No matter how the industrial cultivation of mushrooms develops, they cannot be compared with delicious and fragrant mushrooms collected in the vastness of our multifaceted homeland. This article is about harvesting milk mushrooms in the winter. Whether you are a young housewife or have been closing mushrooms for many years in the winter, we guarantee that you will definitely pick up an interesting new recipe in this article.

Milk mushrooms are disliked by young housewives, as there is a lot of work with them, and they also need to be soaked from bitterness. But we will tell you how to process a large number of mushrooms in a short time and do it at minimal cost. There are two ways to prepare, we recommend that you try both options and use the one that suits you.

To begin with, be sure to sort through the mushrooms, fold elastic and fresh ones, but spoiled, rotten and wormy ones should be discarded immediately. There is an opinion that they can be cut off and put into action. Yes, you can, but not during winter sunsets. It is better to cook circumcised immediately to the table.

Now you wash each mushroom under running water, washing away dirt and sand, and send the milk mushrooms to a pot or bucket in which you will soak.

For two days, change the water 3 times a day to fresh, then rinse the mushrooms again and you can proceed to conservation.

The second method says that after sorting the mushrooms, immediately send them to soak for 2 hours, and then rinse under running water and send them to soak for two days.

Important: milk mushrooms are often confused with poisonous mushrooms, so if you are new to picking mushrooms, go picking mushrooms with an experienced mushroom picker. If there was at least one poisonous mushroom in the basket, the entire basket must be thrown away! Remember - life is more precious than any delicacy, it is not worth risking it.

Cleaning the mushrooms is the next important step after soaking. Remember that mushrooms are difficult for the stomach to digest and any improper handling can lead to a hospital bed. Therefore, it is important to carefully work out each mushroom.

Soaking milk mushrooms is different ... sometimes it is!

Cleaning milk mushrooms is simple - a stiff brush and running water to rinse the brush. We clean both hats and legs. A toothbrush or the hard side of a washcloth is perfect for the job, take something that you don’t mind throwing away after use. The peeled mushroom is completely white. In addition, do not forget to first remove the mucus from the black mushrooms, and then clean them to white.

But if you have dried milk mushrooms prepared, it is enough to soak them for 30 minutes before cooking, and you do not need to clean them additionally!

Important: after soaking, remove one mushroom, break off and try a piece, if it is not bitter, you can proceed to the next step.

How and how long to cook milk mushrooms before salting?

Despite the fact that almost all recipes begin with boiling brine and then boiling mushrooms in them, for safety, it is recommended to lower any wild mushrooms after cleaning into boiling water and cook for 15 to 30 minutes. For mushrooms after soaking, 15 minutes will be enough.

Brine recipe for milk mushrooms per 1 liter of water

The classic recipe for preparing mushrooms for salting says: per liter of water you need 2 tablespoons without a slide of salt, and 3 peas of allspice and black pepper, for those who love savory tastes, you can add dried natural seasonings which include dried vegetables, roots, herbs.

After the brine has boiled in the pan, you can lower the milk mushrooms.

According to this recipe, you can cook salted mushrooms both for the winter and a week later. This recipe is also considered an express method. We need dishes with holes in the bottom, a medium saucepan with a juice evaporator or any other with a bottom - a colander is especially suitable.

We take the mushrooms, wash them, clean them, boil them for 10 minutes (pre-boiling to remove harmful substances from the mushroom), put them in a saucepan with holes on the bottom, put a plate on top and bend to squeeze out the excess liquid. Please note - the storage location is a cellar or a refrigerator.

We take out the mushrooms and lay out the first layer - sprinkle with salt and so on layer by layer until the container is completely filled. Add spices to each layer, if desired. We put oppression on top and send it back to a cool place for another three days.

After that, we shift the milk mushrooms into jars and close them under a nylon lid, store them in a refrigerator or a cold cellar.

Salting white and black milk mushrooms for the winter in a cold way: a step by step recipe

A cold recipe is appreciated for its simplicity, but at the same time you need to spend more time, albeit passive, but somewhere in your kitchen there will be a container with mushrooms.

  • Milk mushrooms are cleaned, washed, cleaned, soaked, boiled as usual for 15 minutes;
  • Cut into pieces or slices, depending on how you like more;
  • We fill it with water and put it under oppression in a cellar or a cold place for a week;
  • We change the water once a day, a total of 7 times a week;
  • Drain the water and re-examine the mushrooms, where the damaged ones are discarded or cut off;
  • Now we put one layer of mushrooms into the dishes, salt, the next layer and salt again. To the top. We put the oppression and turn it over once a day, not forgetting to return the oppression to its place. At this time, the mushrooms release juice and are actively salted in a cool place;
  • On the third day, we sterilize the jars and put milk mushrooms in them, close them in any way, you can even under plastic and put them in the cellar.

This method will take much less time, but you will have to work harder than with cold salting. So, wash and sort the mushrooms, peel and soak, and then put them in an enameled pan or basin and cook for 30 minutes. We take out the mushrooms and lay them out on a large dish in one layer.

Prepare the brine: per liter of water 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, a mixture of peppers, herbs to taste. Water boils and boils for 2-3 minutes.

We add the cooled milk mushrooms from the tray to the brine (so that they have time to cool), we send the horseradish root and a clove of garlic there for piquancy.

We discard in a colander and put under oppression in an enamel pan. The extracted juice from the mushrooms should cover the top layer of mushrooms by 1 cm, but if there is not enough juice, add a brine with milk mushrooms. In this form, we put it in the refrigerator after cooling, or we take it to the basement. It remains not to forget about them in a month, because they will need to be removed from the pan and moved to the banks.

Often, having gone to collect milk mushrooms, we return at the same time with other mushrooms. In this recipe, we propose to pickle volnushki and milk mushrooms together and treat the family to a delicious assortment.

Mushrooms must be re-sorted, removing previously damaged mushrooms, then cleaned and washed. Pour cold water over and leave to soak from bitterness for three days, not forgetting to change the water every day.

Then we wash it under running water and put a layer in an enameled pan, sprinkle it evenly with salt and chopped seasonings: horseradish roots, parsley, parsnip, ground pepper mixture, dried parsley and dill. Apply another layer and sprinkle again, and so on layer by layer. After laying the last layer, sprinkle with salt and spices, lay the plate so that it completely covers the mushrooms, but does not come into contact with the pan (with a gap of 3-5 mm). We install oppression and leave it like that for a month. Additionally, you can lay mushrooms with oak, cherry and currant leaves. The effect is obtained as from a barrel.

After a month, remove the mushrooms and put them in jars, as the brine (juice) will gradually evaporate and they will dry out.

Milk mushrooms with mushrooms complement each other and form a delicious ensemble. As usual, the mushrooms must be washed, cleaned, soaked and large mushrooms cut into two parts. The most delicious assorted cut into slices. After that, the mushrooms are thrown into a colander to drain the juice from them.

In the meantime, prepare the brine in the usual way, but with leaves and roots of horseradish, parsley, parsnip root, a mixture of pepper and oak leaves.

After the brine boils, we throw mushrooms into it and cook for 20 minutes so that the brine smolders, and does not boil. We discard the mushrooms in a colander for a few minutes and transfer to sterile jars. Roll up and send in a blanket to cool completely.

We put in the cellar or refrigerator for the whole winter.

We clean the milk mushrooms, wash them and set them to soak for two days, send the russula to the cellar for these two days, wash them the same way on the third day and put them all together for a day to soak. Rinse under running water on the fourth day, and pour into boiling brine prepared according to a standard recipe. Boil for 25 minutes and pour hot with a small amount of brine into sterile jars. Roll up and wrap in a blanket for 3-4 hours until completely cooled, rearrange in a cold cellar.

Feature: when sorting mushrooms, lay them out into three parts, according to size. Salt also separately. Whole small mushrooms on the festive table, cut medium mushrooms in half for salads, chop large mushrooms into slices for pies and other pastries.

Poplar, aspen and spruce milk mushrooms are distinguished by their neutral taste and less bitterness. For their salting, it is best to use the hot method, and also add garlic or pepper to the salting for spiciness and piquancy.

So, after you brought the milk mushrooms home, immediately fill them with water and only then go for an hour to rest from the road. After an hour, wash and clean the milk mushrooms, remove the sticky part of the cap and rinse again with running water. If necessary, cut and discard all damaged ones.

Fill with cold water and put in a cool place for two days, since they are less bitter, they can be soaked a little less.

On the third day we put the brine on the stove, and while it boils, we wash the mushrooms again. We send mushrooms to the boiling brine and cook in it for 20 minutes. In the meantime, sterilize jars and lids. Pour the mushrooms with a small amount of brine and roll up. We put in a warm place to cool completely and hide in the cellar.

The yellow milk mushroom goes closer to late autumn, when the rest of the milk mushrooms are already moving away. The fruit is fleshy, juicy and with excellent taste. It is absolutely not suitable for cold salting.

Upon arrival home, they must immediately be filled with cold water, if there is ice, you can add some ice to the water. So the yellow mushroom will open in a special way. After 30-40 minutes, it can be sorted, washed, cleaned and refilled with cold or ice water and sent to a cellar or other cold place for three days.

Remove, rinse, pour boiling brine and cook for 30 minutes so that the brine smolders and does not boil. Pour into jars and order. Put in the cellar.

But that's not all! Close a few jars with lids, but not with plastic, and refrigerate for 3 days. After this time, you can enjoy salted yellow milk mushrooms.

Despite the fact that the pickling process is more harmful than salting, and it appeared not so long ago, at present, most people are accustomed to pickled mushrooms and prefer pickling. Recall that pickles can be given to children as soon as you transfer them to adult food, but with marinades it is better to wait until 6-7 years.

Preparation for pickling is exactly the same as for salting, so let's go straight to the recipe.

Pour the already soaked milk mushrooms with water and cook for 15 minutes. Drain the water and discard in a colander.

We prepare the brine: for 1 kg of mushrooms we need 1 liter of water, 6 tbsp. spoons of vinegar 9%, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and the same amount of sugar. Thanks to sugar, milk mushrooms are crispy and tender. We cook the brine with all the ingredients except vinegar.

We fall asleep in the boiling brine of milk mushrooms and cook for 15 minutes, removing the foam. Pour milk mushrooms with a small amount of brine into a sterile jar, pour in vinegar and immediately roll up the lid. We put the bottom down and wrap the banks. We store in the pantry, a cool room is no longer so important when there is vinegar in the rolls.

The cooking process is identical, but the brine is a little different, we will describe it. For brine, we need: for 1 kg of milk mushrooms, we need 1 liter of water, 7 tbsp. spoons of vinegar 9%, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, peppercorns, bay leaf, 2 cloves of garlic and a currant leaf per liter jar.

We cook the brine without vinegar, when we pour milk mushrooms into the jar, we send 2 cloves of garlic, a spice leaf and a few peppercorns to each liter jar. Pour vinegar and roll up.

Preparation for seaming mushrooms in the usual way.

For 4 kg of peeled mushrooms, we need:

  • 5 liters of water
  • A spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • 6 large onions;
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 10 assorted peppercorns;
  • 100 gr. Sahara
  • 100 gr. salt
  • 100 gr. vinegar 9%
  • 750 ml tomato paste

We chop the mushrooms into slices or cubes and send them to boiling water. Remove foam and cook for 15 minutes. Drain in a colander and let the water drain.

In parallel, put a frying pan on the stove, pour a spoonful of oil and send the onion rings to fry until it becomes slightly golden, add sugar and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

We add mushrooms to the onion, and if there is no large frying pan, we transfer it to a roaster or a pan with a thick bottom and continue to fry, add spices.

After 10 minutes of frying the mushrooms, add the tomato paste and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes.

Add vinegar, mix and turn off the closet. We lay out in sterile jars and roll up. We wrap it in a blanket, let it cool and put it in the cellar.

Video: Quick salting of milk mushrooms in a hot way

We pre-wash, clean and soak the milk mushrooms for three days. After that, wash it under running water and put it in a saucepan with the caps up, each layer is sprinkled with salt at the rate of 30 g per 1 kg of soaked mushrooms.

Periodically (every 2-3 layers) we lay spices: sheets of laurel, oak, cherry, currant, ground pepper, grated dry roots and herbs.

Having added up to a third, pour in so that the top layer of mineral sparkling water does not cover, and continue to spread until the pan is 2/3 full, pour mineral water again, and fill it completely. Pour water again so that the last 2 layers are not covered with water.

We put a plate and oppress it on top, wait an hour, if water and juice do not cover the edges of the plate, and, accordingly, the top layer of mushrooms, add a little more mineral water to cover.

After a week, you can serve it on the table, the total storage time in the cellar or refrigerator is no more than 60 days. After 20 days, transfer to jars and cover with lids so that the brine does not evaporate.

For salting, it is recommended to choose young elastic mushrooms. If, when soaked in non-salty water, the breast has darkened significantly, it means that it is old and not suitable for salting. But darkening during salting is a natural process of some types of milk mushrooms. If you want to get light milk mushrooms, we recommend pickling.

Of course, in most cases we pickle and salt in the winter, but you want to immediately taste mushroom delicacies, especially in a large family circle, which most often gathers in summer and early autumn. Salted milk mushrooms can be tasted a week after hot salting, and a month after cold, pickled ones can be opened after 3-5 days.

How to store salted milk mushrooms after salting?

After the milk mushrooms are completely salted, they must be transferred to glass jars and corked with metal or plastic lids. The essence of further storage is to prevent the liquid from evaporating from the mushrooms.

Video: Milk mushrooms delicious salting recipe

Video: Recipe for salted canned mushrooms for the winter without botulism