Rice with dried apricots. Delicious start to the day: recipes for porridges with spices Recipe for kutya with candied fruit in a slow cooker

Rice with dried apricots is a great dish for lunch at work, cooked in the morning and transferred to a food thermos. For some reason, it is believed that dishes with a sweet taste are always dessert. A dish that completes the meal, leaving pleasant memories and taste sensations.

However, in many world cuisines there are dishes in which the taste of meat or fish is combined with meat. For example, many Chinese dishes are an unimaginable combination of sour and sweet, sweet and spicy, etc. I read somewhere that such a range of combinations is due to the balancing of the properties of products from the point of view of Yin and Yang. This is beyond our understanding. However, without even going into mysticism and philosophy, we often cook a homemade version of gongbao - sugar at home.

Melt a piece of butter in a large saucepan. Once the butter is melted, throw the walnuts into the pan.

  • Add prepared dried fruits, all at once - raisins, dried apricots and candied fruits. Stirring, fry the fruit for another 4-5 minutes.

    Add prepared dried fruits, all at once - raisins, dried apricots and candied fruits

  • Add 1-2 tsp. brown sugar. Basically it is possible and usual. But not honey. It is believed that honey should not be subjected to heat treatment. Add a pinch of saffron, as well as vanilla and cinnamon to taste. Rice with dried apricots should be fragrant.

    Add 1-2 tsp. brown sugar, a pinch of saffron, vanilla and cinnamon to taste

  • Add 2 tbsp. l. hot water, after boiling, cover the saucepan with a lid and let it simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Add boiled rice. To stir thoroughly. Next is an important point: rice with dried apricots should be steamed for 10 minutes.

    Add boiled rice. To stir thoroughly

  • Cover rice with dried apricots in a saucepan and leave on low heat. In order for the moisture to actively “leave” the rice, it is better to make several indentations in the rice layer and the rice with dried apricots will turn out crumbly.

  • Rice porridge with nuts and dried fruits

    Products(for 1-2 servings):
    50 g rice flakes (which are boiled for 5 minutes; I have Clear Sunshine)
    100 ml milk (hot)
    30 g dried fruits (I have prunes and dried cherries)
    15 g nuts (I have hazelnuts and almonds)
    5 g (1 tsp) sugar
    A pinch of salt

    Put cereal, sugar, salt, chopped dried fruits and chopped nuts into a saucepan. Pour in milk and stir.
    Cook over low heat covered for 5 minutes.
    Remove from stove, stir. Close the lid, leave for 3 minutes. Submit.

    The porridge is very thick. You can add not 100, but 150 ml of milk. Or add 100, and before serving, pour a little milk over the porridge, you get porridge with liquid. Choose what you like best (thick porridge, medium-thick porridge or liquid).

    Rice porridge with apple and spices

    Products(for 2-3 servings):
    75 g (5 tablespoons) rice flakes
    100 ml (1/2 cup) milk
    100 ml (1/2 cup) water
    25g (1 heaping tbsp) brown sugar
    1 apple
    ½ tsp chopped spices (cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, allspice, nutmeg; listed in descending order of quantity)

    Combine cereal, milk, water and sugar in a saucepan. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Cover with lid, remove from stove.
    At this time, grate the apple (having previously peeled it from the skin and seeds), mix the spices (if there are whole ones, grind).
    Add an apple and spices to the porridge. Submit.

    Rice porridge with candied fruit

    Products(for 1-2 servings):
    50 g rice flakes
    150 ml milk
    5 g (1 tsp) sugar
    30 g candied fruits (I used pineapple, you can use any others)

    If you have large candied fruits, cut them.
    Put cereal, sugar, candied fruits in a saucepan. Pour in milk and stir.
    Put on the stove and bring to a boil.
    Cover with lid, remove from stove.
    Leave covered for 5 minutes for the flakes to swell. Serve.

    From this amount of ingredients, porridge and liquid are obtained. That is, the flakes do not absorb all the milk. If you want it to be thicker, i.e. milk in the form of a liquid was absent in the finished porridge, put about 60 g of flakes.

    Rice porridge with coconut

    Products(for 1-2 servings):
    50 g rice flakes
    150 ml milk (hot)
    10 g coconut flakes
    2-5 tsp sugar (to your taste)
    A pinch of salt

    Place cereal, sugar, salt, and coconut into a saucepan. Mix. Pour in milk and stir.
    From 2 tsp. sugar, a neutral porridge is obtained, suitable for those who do not really like sweets, with 5 tsp. it turns out porridge for the strongest lovers of sweets. From 3 and 4 tsp. – intermediate and optimal options. I love with 4 tsp. Sahara. I have small hatches. Pay attention to the weight of sugar. One teaspoon contains 6 grams of sugar.
    Cook over low heat under the lid for 5 minutes (from the beginning of the boil), occasionally stirring the porridge.
    Remove from stove, stir. Close the lid, leave for 2 minutes. Submit.

    The porridge is thick. If desired, you can pour (or just sprinkle a little) porridge right before serving with a little warm milk, then mix. The porridge will become less thick.
    It turns out porridge with a pleasant coconut flavor.

    Traditional dishes over the years and even centuries of their existence quite often change or acquire a lot of all kinds of variations. An excellent example of such modernization is the classic Christmas dish - kutya with candied fruit.

    This sweet porridge has been cooked by chefs of different ages and generations for many years, but only this variation of the treat is distinguished by its incredible brightness and original taste.

    Kutia with candied fruits and nuts, a classic recipe


    • Wheat for kutia- 0.5 kg + -
    • Raisins - 150 g + -
    • - 4 tbsp. l. + -
    • Poppy confectionery- 1/2 tbsp. + -
    • Walnuts (kernels)- 1/2 tbsp. + -
    • Candied fruits - a handful + -
    • - pinch + -
    • — 200 ml + -

    How to cook delicious traditional kutya with candied fruits with your own hands

    Undoubtedly, kutia is a real decoration of the festive table for Christmas. This dish was prepared by our ancestors, and the tradition of cooking it is hidden deep in history. However, this does not mean at all that the recipe for this dessert should be strictly one and unchanged.

    In this recipe, we slightly modified the traditional method of preparing this sweet porridge and added candied fruits to the list of ingredients. Such a variation of the classic dish will not only diversify the festive menu, but also pleasantly surprise guests.

    1. Wheat, especially if it is unpolished, requires soaking. And therefore, a few hours before we start cooking, we fill it with water and set it to swell. If you plan to leave the cereal to soak overnight, then put the container with it in the refrigerator.
    2. When the wheat is infused, drain the remaining water and rinse it well with running water using a colander. Next, we shift the cereal into a deep container, pour in water and pour a small amount of salt. Stir, bring to a boil, then cover with a lid, reduce heat and simmer until tender.

    While our porridge is boiling, we are engaged in other ingredients

    • Raisins need to be sorted out, discarded spoiled berries and washed well.
    • Then we shift it into a deep bowl and fill it with well hot water for half an hour.
    • Pour milk into a small saucepan and pour poppy seeds there, wait until the milk boils, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 10 minutes.
    • Remove the saucepan from the heat, let the contents cool, and then grind the poppy seeds together with milk with a blender into a homogeneous mass.
    • We wash the walnuts (if it was not possible to find peeled ones, then first we clean them from the shell), put them on a dry, clean frying pan and dry them. After we clean from the skin or just chop finely with a knife.
    • Candied fruits, if they are large, cut into small cubes.

    Drain the water from the finished wheat, add honey to it and mix well until it is completely dissolved. Then we take the raisins out of the water and transfer them here, pour in the nuts, candied fruits and poppy mass - knead everything well.

    We let our kutia stand for a few minutes in order to soak in the aromas, and then serve it to the table.

    From above, such kutya can be decorated with the remnants of candied fruits. By the way, if you are interested in the question: do you need to soak them before adding them to porridge, then the answer is no. The fact is that such analogues of candied fruits, like prunes and dried apricots, are soaked in order to remove all the chemistry from them and make them a little softer.

    Candied fruits, on the other hand, are completely ready for use and are not processed with sulfuric smoke, like dried fruits, and therefore there is simply no need for soaking.

    Original kutya with candied rice

    Some gourmets, for a number of reasons, do not really like wheat, and therefore kutya does not seem to be the best dish for the festive table for them. In addition, if you want to cook this porridge not for Christmas, it is quite difficult to find a special cereal.

    In this case, a recipe will come to the rescue in which wheat is replaced with rice cereal. Everyone will definitely like this porridge, but picky little gourmets will especially appreciate it, because you just want to eat a bright delicacy.


    • Rice round or long grain - 250 g;
    • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Raisins - a handful;
    • Candied fruits - 50 g;
    • Pine nuts - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Salt - a pinch.

    How to make an unusual festive kutya with rice groats and candied fruits in steps

    1. Wash the rice thoroughly until the water is completely clear. While doing this, pour 3 cups of clean water into a saucepan, add salt and bring to a boil.
    2. Pour the washed cereal into a bowl, wait until the water begins to boil well again, and cover with a lid. We reduce the fire to a minimum and simmer the porridge for 20-30 minutes, until the water is almost completely absorbed.
    3. Remove from heat, add honey and mix well. If desired, you can also add a very small amount of vegetable oil.
    4. Pour boiling water over raisins and set aside for 10-15 minutes. Candied fruits are cut very finely.
    5. We sort out pine nuts, throwing out darkened and spoiled seeds. Slightly fry them in a dry frying pan, literally a minute.
    6. In slightly cooled rice, we fall asleep our candied fruits. We also drain the water from the raisins, wash them and also add to the porridge. We mix everything well.
    7. We shift the porridge into a large bowl, and sprinkle it with toasted pine nuts on top.

    We do not add nuts to the kutya itself, as this helps them to remain crispy and not lose their taste and aroma. By the way, if such kutia seems to you rather dry, then you can add, in addition to honey, 1-2 tablespoons of uzvar or compote.

    Recipe for kutya with candied fruit in a slow cooker


    • Wheat for kutya - 300 g;
    • Purified water - 500 ml;
    • Confectionery poppy - 100 g;
    • Walnuts (kernels) - 100 g;
    • Dried apples - 100 g;
    • Candied fruits - 100 g;
    • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • Salt is a pinch.

    How to quickly and easily cook kutya in a slow cooker with candied fruit at home

    1. Wheat groats are sorted, washed and filled with water. Leave it like this for a few hours. Then drain the excess, wash again and transfer to the multicooker bowl.
    2. Pour in water, add salt, select the “Rice / Cereals” mode and let the device work on its own.
    3. In parallel with this, we sort out dried apples, we also wash them, pour boiling water (a little more than a glass), cover the container with a lid and let stand while the cereal is cooked.
    4. We also need to pour poppy seeds with hot water, only they should be kept in it for 40 minutes to an hour. Then drain the water and grind the poppy seeds with a blender.
    5. When the readiness signal sounds, open the lid of the multicooker, mix the cereal and let it cool slightly.
    6. We dry the nuts in a pan and pour them to the wheat, we send the chopped poppy seeds there.
    7. We take out the soaked apples from the water (do not pour it out) and chop it very finely, we also chop candied fruits. Transfer to a multicooker bowl.
    8. We put honey in the water that remains after the apples, and mix until it is completely dissolved. Pour the grits with the resulting solution and mix everything thoroughly.
    9. We close the lid of the multicooker, let the kutya stand for a while, and then serve it to the Christmas or just a festive table.

    It should be remembered that such kutya with candied fruits, due to the latter, turns out to be quite sweet, and therefore the amount of honey in it should be regulated very carefully. In order not to spoil the treat, we recommend adding half the volume of honey first, and then, if necessary, put the rest.