Recipe for canned cabbage soup for the winter. Recipes for preparing blanks for cabbage soup for the winter in jars. Harvesting for the winter for green cabbage soup from sorrel


  • fresh white cabbage - 1.5 kilograms;
  • sweet bell pepper - 600 grams;
  • coarse salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • onion - 600 grams;
  • vinegar 9% - 0.5 cups;
  • carrots - 600 grams;
  • granulated sugar - ½ cup;
  • refined vegetable oil - 100 milliliters;
  • red, ripe tomatoes - 600 grams.

How to cook:

Remove the top leaves from the cabbage head. Cut in half and chop with a knife or billhook.

Wash tomatoes and carrots. Dry the tomatoes and cut into small squares.

Peel the carrots and chop coarsely on a grater. Divide the paprika into two halves, cut out the seed nest and rinse. Remove excess water and cut into cubes. Remove the husk from the onion, rinse with a running stream and chop finely.

Place the vegetable platter in a convenient heat-resistant container, mix and simmer for about a quarter of an hour over low heat.

Then add oil and add salt and sugar.

Boil for 5-7 minutes, then pour in table vinegar and let the mixture boil.

Prepare the necessary glass containers. I prefer 0.25 liter jars to use the contents in one go. Wash them with baking soda and sterilize over steam or any other convenient method. Boil the lids for 4-5 minutes. Spread the hot vegetable mass in the prepared dishes and twist tightly.

Check for leaks and leave to cool. To prepare fragrant cabbage soup, cook a hearty meat broth with a bone, add finely chopped potatoes and lay out the finished vegetable mixture. Cut the greens, and serve a delicious meal to the table.

Shchi from fresh cabbage for the winter without bell pepper

To prepare fragrant cabbage soup, as a rule, you need at least two or even three hours. Sometimes you have to cook a light soup to save precious evening hours for communication with the family. Although this problem can be easily solved if you make the necessary blanks. It will take you only an hour to preserve cabbage soup from fresh cabbage. In winter, after you open a jar of canned semi-finished vegetables, it is enough to transfer the contents to a boiling broth and bring a delicious hot dish to readiness.


  • white cabbage - 750 grams;
  • coarse table salt - 7 grams;
  • onion - 170 grams;
  • garlic - ½ head;
  • carrots - 250 grams;
  • hot chili pepper - 1 pod;
  • refined vegetable oil - 10 milliliters;
  • tomatoes - 250 grams.

How to cook:

Place the garlic cloves on a cutting board before peeling and press firmly with the back of a knife. The husk can be easily removed, and cut into pieces. Free the red, hot chili from the seeds, chop and combine with the chopped garlic mass, which you put in the pan. Pour in the oil and quickly fry the spicy mixture.

Peel the onion and chop finely. Wash the carrots and remove a thin layer of skin with a vegetable peeler. Grate with a large grater. Add to fragrant mixture and sauté 7 minutes.

Wash ripe, hard tomatoes, remove the stalks and cut into small squares. Transfer the tomato slices to the pan or place the mass in a steel pan. Fry for 3 minutes.

Divide the cabbage forks into four parts and chop the required amount in the form of even chips. Combine with vegetables, salt the workpiece and gently mix the ingredients. Cover the container with a lid and simmer the vegetable mixture for 35 minutes over moderate heat.

Prepare the required number of jars. The most acceptable option is glass jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters. Wash them with soda and sterilize in the microwave or in the traditional way: over steam. Soak metal lids in boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Arrange the mass in prepared jars, cover with lids and place in a heat-resistant dish with hot water.

Sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up hot and leave to cool naturally. Store in a cold room.

Shchi from the top green cabbage leaves for the winter

The most vivid memories from my distant childhood are vacations with my grandmother in the village. A real Russian stove, warm mounds and granny's green borscht. First we went to the garden and helped to cut hard cabbage leaves, and then we lay on the stove for a long time, inhaling the aroma of delicious brew. All vegetables were laid at the same time and such a dish was cooked for a long time. I have never eaten anything like this in the city. Fragrant broth with a slight sourness, small pieces of meat with a bone, almost boiled potatoes and a lot of dark cabbage. Now such leaves are thrown away, but in vain, because cabbage soup from the upper green leaves of cabbage is so tasty, you try it once, and you remember the taste for a long time. Ordinary white cabbage is not good here, only green kroshevo. Hard, large leaves are cut for him in September, chopped and put in a convenient container to last the whole winter.


  • upper, green cabbage leaves - 1 kilogram;
  • coarse table salt - 30 grams;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • water - ½ cup.

How to cook:

Trim the tough leaves from the cabbage heads. If it grows in your garden, then it’s even easier - cut off the lower leaves from each head of cabbage that do not cover the head of cabbage and a few large, only dark green ones that have already managed to cover the forks with the top ball.

Rinse with running water and shake off any water droplets. Next, take 3-4 sheets, stack one on top of the other and with a large, sharp knife, cut them first into strips, then across them into rhombuses. Next, chop the cabbage into small crumbs. My grandmother used a chaff, maybe someone has one.

Grind the green mass lightly with your hands and transfer to the prepared container. It can be a barrel, an enamel pan or the most common jar. Dissolve sugar and salt in chilled boiled water, pour over the cabbage crumbs and mix the mixture.

Cover with a plate and lid if using a jar. Keep the workpiece at a temperature of 21-24 degrees for 5 days. Every day, pierce the mass with a wooden stick to the very bottom to release carbon dioxide, which is formed as a result of the work of lactic acid bacteria.

After completing the salting process, place the container in the refrigerator or in the basement. Periodically replenish the lack of evaporated water. To prepare cabbage soup, take the right amount of cabbage with a clean spoon and rinse with running water. You need to cook cabbage soup for a long time, at least two hours on a very slow fire. The brew should languish, as in an oven, then it will turn out to be unusually tasty.

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The blank is useful when there is not much time to stand at the stove. It is enough to cook the broth on meat or poultry (or just boil water), add potatoes and the contents of a prudently rolled up jar. Everything, after 15-20 minutes, the fragrant first is ready.


Sour taste is the main gastronomic characteristic of cabbage soup. The ingredient that achieves this effect is cabbage. For winter preparations, fresh white cabbage is traditionally used. When choosing a product, you should be guided by three tips.

  1. Leaves . Should be dense and resilient, without spots, cracks and dark spots. If they are too thick at the base, the vegetable has accumulated a lot of nitrates.
  2. Ripeness. The head of cabbage during compression should not be deformed. If this happens, then the cabbage is not ripe and does not have sufficient juiciness and crunchiness.
  3. Weight . The optimal weight is at least 1 kg.

Carrots and onions are introduced into the twist. To enhance the taste and aroma, tomatoes, bell peppers, cereals, as well as garlic, herbs, laurel, pepper and other spices are added.

The bite (usually 9%) and refined (odorless) vegetable oil, salt and sugar act as preservatives.

In the second half of the 19th century, the English writer Lewis Carroll visited Russia and tried the national Russian dish - cabbage soup. He described the soup as "quite edible, though containing some sour ingredient".

To make the dish with a twist, it is prepared by adding both white and red cabbage. They are taken in equal proportions or the white head should be a little more. Here are two more tips from "experienced" hostesses.

  1. Sterilization. The jars in which the workpiece will be laid out must first be sterilized. Lids - douse with boiling water or boil for five to ten minutes.
  2. Acceleration . To make the process less time-consuming, it is recommended to use a special cabbage shredder or food processor.

If you don’t want to bother with sterilizing jars or adding vinegar to the workpiece, you can decompose it into bags or plastic containers and freeze.

4 recipes

All vegetables must be washed and dried before canning. Process the main ingredients like this:

  • cabbage - chop into narrow strips;
  • carrots - free from the skin and chop on a coarse grater;
  • onion - peel, cut into half rings, feathers or small cubes.


Peculiarities . The amount of spices and herbs can be changed at your discretion. However, vinegar and oil must be taken as much as indicated in the recipe, otherwise the workpiece will quickly deteriorate. Preservation should be stored in a cool place.


  • cabbage - 1 kg;
  • carrots and onions - 0.5 kg each;
  • fresh tomatoes - 300 g;
  • vinegar and oil - 50 ml each;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • parsley and dill - in a bunch;
  • allspice - eight to ten peas;
  • sugar - one and a half tablespoons;
  • salt - a tablespoon.


  1. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, mix with chopped onions, cabbage and carrots.
  2. Add water.
  3. Boil, add oil, sugar, salt and pepper.
  4. Keep on low heat for ten minutes.
  5. Remove from stove, pour in vinegar.
  6. Distribute the hot billet among the banks, roll up.

Sauerkraut can be used instead of fresh cabbage in recipes. Then the dish will turn out even more sour.

With bell pepper

Peculiarities . This recipe is especially popular in the southern regions of Russia. To make the workpiece bright and beautiful, it is better to take peppers of different colors. To improve the taste and enhance the color, you can add a glass of tomato sauce or tomato paste, diluted with water to the consistency of ketchup. The ingredient is mixed with cabbage along with vegetable frying.


  • cabbage - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • onion, bell pepper, carrot - 300 g each;
  • oil - 70 ml;
  • sugar - three tablespoons;
  • salt - one and a half tablespoons;
  • vinegar 70% - a tablespoon.


  1. Heat 2/3 of the oil in a frying pan, sauté the onion until translucent.
  2. Add carrots, cover, reduce heat to low. Simmer, stirring, seven minutes.
  3. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into cubes. Remove the seeds from the pepper and chop into strips.
  4. Add vegetables to the skillet for the onion-carrot fry. Simmer under the lid for another five minutes.
  5. Pour the remaining oil into a clean saucepan and immerse the chopped cabbage in a bowl. Stir in hot vegetables.
  6. Add sugar and salt, boil and cook for five minutes. One or two minutes before readiness, pour in the vinegar.
  7. Divide the thick mass into jars. Evenly pour the juice remaining in the pan into the containers.

without vinegar

Peculiarities . Preparations with vinegar are contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. Shchi can be closed without this component, but to increase the shelf life of preservation, it will be necessary to stew vegetables for a long time and sterilize jars filled with blanks.


  • cabbage - 1.5 kg;
  • tomatoes and carrots - 0.5 kg each;
  • onion - 350 g;
  • garlic - one head;
  • hot red pepper - one pod;
  • oil - 20 ml;
  • salt - 15 g.


  1. Crush the garlic with a press. Free the pepper from seeds and chop into rings. Fry together in oil for two to three minutes.
  2. Add chopped onion, fry for another five to seven minutes.
  3. Introduce chopped carrots, continue sautéing for another five minutes.
  4. Add diced tomatoes, fry for a minute.
  5. Stir in chopped cabbage and salt. Close the lid. Simmer for 35 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  6. Pack the hot blank in jars, sterilize, roll up.

Preservation will turn out to be more satisfying if you add 300 g of barley boiled until half cooked to the vegetable mass along with cabbage. To make the cereal cook faster, it is recommended to soak it overnight in clean water. Beans are used in the same way.

Gray cabbage soup

Peculiarities . This recipe uses the top, green leaves of white cabbage. They are usually not eaten due to their toughness. But for soup, they are finely chopped with a cut (a special semicircular knife), so this workpiece is also called crumbling.


  • green leaves of white cabbage - 5 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • rye flour and salt - 100 g each.


  1. Cut out thick veins from cabbage leaves and chop into crumbs using a cut. (You can use a food processor: chop the ingredient and then chop with a knife attachment).
  2. Put in an enameled barrel or wooden tub. (Wash the bowl first with soda and scald with boiling water).
  3. Mix with flour and salt, pour boiling water.
  4. Cover with gauze, wrap in a warm blanket and leave overnight.
  5. The next day, remove the blanket and leave the gauze to protect the workpiece from dust and dirt.
  6. Leave to wander for five days, every day piercing the mass with a wooden stick to release gases.
  7. Follow the foam that has formed on the surface of the workpiece. As soon as it disappears, the cabbage is ready.
  8. Put a wooden board on top, set oppression, scoop out the brine.
  9. Packed into banks. Put in a cellar or refrigerator for storage. Or put into bags and freeze. Do not roll up.

To make the preparation more tasty, green leaves are used mixed with light green and white. You can add chopped carrots. Such cabbage soup in some regions of Russia is called green.

How to use

Canned dressing is good with boiled potatoes, meat and chicken dishes. You can even just spread it on bread. The preparation of the soup is carried out in three stages.

  1. Bouillon. Pour 300-400 g of meat on the bone with water. Boil for five to seven minutes, drain the water. Rinse the meat and pour 4-5 liters of clean water. Boil, cook for at least two hours. Five minutes before the end, add salt, peppercorns, fragrant herbs and roots, laurel to taste. Take the spices out of the bowl. Also take out the meat, cut into strips or cubes and reintroduce into the broth.
  2. Potato . Chop three or four tubers into large cubes, put in a saucepan, cook until cooked for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Refueling. Add 300-400 g of canned cabbage soup to the soup. Boil five to seven minutes. Turn off the heat, cover the pot with a lid and leave for ten minutes.

If you are cooking gray (green) cabbage soup, add fried onion-carrot to the broth along with the dressing. Or these vegetables can be added raw along with potatoes. It is customary to throw the whole potato into such a soup, and after boiling it, chop it with a crush right in the pan.

Experienced housewives assure that cabbage soup on meat broth becomes tastier a day after cooking. The soup can be served with sour cream and fresh herbs.

Shchi is one of the most popular first courses. Previously, cabbage soup was cooked seasonally, in summer with fresh cabbage, in winter with sauerkraut. Today, conditions have changed, fresh cabbage can be bought at any time, so choosing a recipe is a matter of taste. But, despite the abundance of vegetables in the winter, it makes sense to prepare cabbage soup for the winter in jars. Firstly, vegetables are cheaper during the ripening season, and secondly, ground vegetables are much tastier than those sold in supermarkets in winter.

The main component of the preparation is white cabbage. The preparation of this vegetable consists in cleaning it from the top sheets and cutting it into thin strips, the same as you cut when cooking ordinary soup.

  • The composition of the workpiece always includes onions and. The onion will need to be finely chopped, and the carrots will need to be grated.
  • Another essential ingredient is tomatoes. Most often, fresh fruits are used, but if they are not at hand, you can use tomato paste.
  • Other additives are optional. Bulgarian pepper, celery root, fresh herbs are often added to this preparation.

Interesting facts: cabbage soup is one of the most popular dishes of Russian cuisine. There are several varieties of this dish - gray (from green cabbage leaves), lazy (from coarsely chopped vegetables), prefabricated or rich (with several types of meat), daily (cooked using a very complex technology).

Classic cabbage soup recipe for the winter in jars with fresh cabbage

The classic recipe for fresh cabbage soup for the winter involves frying some vegetables in oil.

  • 3.5 kg of cabbage;
  • 2 kg of carrots;
  • 1.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 250 ml refined oil;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 90 gr. salt;
  • 30 ml of vinegar essence (70%);

We clean the onions and carrots, wash the vegetables. Cut the onion into small cubes or thin half rings. Carrots are easiest to grate, but you can also cut them into thin sticks by hand.

Shred the cabbage into thin strips. Tomatoes are peeled. To remove the skin without loss, it is necessary to scald the tomatoes with boiling water, after making a shallow incision on each fruit. We stand the tomatoes in hot water for one minute, then pour cold water over them. After that, remove the skin, it will be separated very easily. Peeled tomatoes can be cut into small cubes or chopped in a blender to a puree state, as you like.

  • 1 kg of cabbage;
  • 500 gr. tomatoes;
  • 300 gr. carrots;
  • 300 gr. bell pepper;
  • 300 gr. onion;
  • 60 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 30 gr. salt;
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 20 ml of vinegar essence (70%).

Let's prepare all the vegetables for cooking cabbage soup. Shred the cabbage into thin strips. Tomatoes are peeled. To make this easy and simple, you need to scald the tomatoes with boiling water. Tomatoes can be chopped in a blender or passed through a meat grinder, you can simply grate or cut into small cubes.

We clean the carrots and onions, free the bell pepper from the stalk and seeds. We cut the onion into thin quarters of rings, grate the carrots, and chop the pepper into small strips.

Pour half a serving of vegetable oil into a cauldron or thick-walled pan. Fry the onion on it. As soon as the onion becomes translucent, add carrots and bell peppers to it. We continue to fry the vegetables, stirring occasionally. Add cabbage and chopped tomatoes, mix vegetables and simmer them over low heat. Extinguishing will continue for 40 minutes.

In our area in October, here and there, the sound of a chopper is heard: people are chopping cabbage soup. This is a whole ritual, a certain stage, ending the garden season and starting a new one - a long cold winter.

Green cabbage soup, and they also say about them: gray, pickled or just winter, are not loved by everyone. Many have never even heard of this dish. But if anyone has tried them, they will never forget the taste. I offer you a recipe for harvesting shanits, and later green cabbage soup from it.

We will need:

    Rinse thoroughly.

    We put them in a pile and chop with a chopper or pass them into a combine. Since I used a combine, I show this process. First - in the shredder.

    Then grind with a knife for a few seconds.

    Add some white cabbage. We take the loosest heads of cabbage. They are also with greens, for cabbage soup - that's it.

    Covering light green leaves are also well suited here. Let's add them too.

    When all the leaves are chopped, three carrots on a grater and add it to the chopped green leaves. We also add salt there.

    During fermentation, cabbage soup must be crushed with clean hands or pierced with a wooden stick.

    After two or three days, we take them out to the cold. Shchi is stored in the cellar (in jars or in the same container where it was fermented, under oppression), in the refrigerator or in the freezer, arranged in bags into portions. It should be noted that when frozen, cabbage soup does not lose its qualities.

    From such sauerkraut we will cook rich cabbage soup tomorrow.

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I want to offer you to prepare a delicious dressing for cabbage soup for the winter. This setup will save you a lot of time. It is enough just to boil the potatoes in the broth, add the prepared dressing for cabbage soup and a hearty, fragrant first course is ready. In addition, this blank is good in itself. It can also be served as a snack, a side dish for meat dishes, and even used as a filling for pies and pies.


To prepare dressing for cabbage soup for the winter you will need:

white cabbage - 1.5 kg;

onion - 500 g;

carrots - 500 g;

tomatoes - 800 g;

sugar - 75 g;

salt - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;

vegetable oil - 75 ml;

vinegar - 75 ml;

bay leaf - 1 pc. to the bank;

black and allspice - 2 pcs. to the bank.

Cooking steps

Cut the tomatoes crosswise, scald with boiling water, remove the skin.

Peel the onion, chop as desired.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until half cooked, then add the carrots and fry the vegetables together over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes.

Wash jars thoroughly and sterilize. At the bottom of each jar put a bay leaf, peas of black and allspice.

From the indicated amount of products, I got 4 jars of 700 ml of the most delicious dressing for cabbage soup for the winter.

Bon appetit!