Recipe for Italian pizza in the oven at home. How to cook real Italian pizza at home. Secrets, life hacks, tips from the chef. Dough for Italian pizza like in a pizzeria

- This is, of course, the main ingredient of pizza. The rest of the ingredients differ depending on the type of pizza. Today pizza is one of the most popular dishes in the world.

How did pizza come about?

Similar dishes already existed among the ancient Greeks and Romans. They were dishes laid out on slices of bread. Bread with additions of meat, cheese, olives, vegetables, dairy products was included in rations for Roman legionnaires. It was the food of both patricians and plebeians.

Roman Mark Apicius in the 1st century BC wrote a book containing recipes for the "progenitors" of modern pizza. Olive oil, cheese, pieces of chicken meat, mint, nuts, garlic, pepper were placed on the dough in various combinations. The very word pizza close to words piazza (square) piatto (plate).

In 1522, tomatoes were brought to Europe, and in Italy they began to cook almost classic pizza.

In the 17th century, special people appeared who prepared pizza for the peasants. They are called pizzaiolo (pizzaiolo). One day in 1772, King Ferdinand I was walking incognito in Naples and got hungry. The monarch went to the establishment of the Neapolitan pizzaiola Antonio Testa. As the hunger quenched, the king admired the taste and variety of dishes more and more. Ferdinand I tried to introduce pizza into the royal kitchen, but the attempt was unsuccessful.

Some time passed, and another king, Ferdinand II, who also loved pizza, decided to change the attitude of the female part of the royal court to this dish. Ferdinand II convened the royal chefs for a secret meeting, at which the question of ennobling pizza was decided.

The main problem was that pizza dough kneaded with feet, and for a royal dish it was unacceptable!

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A secondary task was to find a suitable tool for eating pizza, so as not to grease the noble fingers. Gennaro Spadacchini was appointed responsible for solving the above tasks. Moreover, a limited time was allotted for solving problems, the Neapolitan nobleman had to be in time before the celebration of the queen's birthday.
Gennaro completed the assignment on time. The dough was now beaten with a human-shaped bronze pestle, and a four-pronged fork was used to eat pizza. On the day of the thirtieth birthday of Margherita of Savoy, a huge miracle pizza was placed on the festive table, prepared by the couple of palace cooks - Raffael Esposito and Rosina Brandi.

The pizza was named after the queen. From this day Pizza "Margherita" became a popular dish among the royal court.

Also, in the royal kitchen, they were allowed to cook "Marinara" and "Four Seasons". At the moment in Italy there are more than two thousand types of different pizzas. And it can be argued that it was Naples that gave the world such a miracle as pizza. In the 19th century, thanks to Italian immigrants, pizza came to America. After World War II, the pizza delivery service became widespread in the United States, and the food industry began to produce semi-finished pizzas.

Types of pizza, composition and recipes:

Depending on the size of the pizza, the amount of dough and filling changes, but the ratio of ingredients remains approximately the same. Ingredients of Margherita pizza: pizza dough, tomatoes, cheese (mozzarella), tomato paste, olive oil, dry basil, salt, pepper and fresh basil leaves.

The Four Seasons Pizza is the most popular pizza in the world.

What is known about the Four Seasons pizza (Quattro staggioni) is that it existed as far back as 1660. There was a chef living in Naples at that time who prepared delicious pizzas. One fine day, he had the idea to make a pizza with many different ingredients. The cook selected his favorite foods: tomatoes, seafood, ham and mushrooms.

However, the question arose: how to put all this variety on a layer of dough without making a vinaigrette out of pizza?

The culinary found a way out of this situation. He divided the circle of pizza into four sectors, each of which was covered with its toppings separately. The visitors of the pizzeria really liked the new dish. Such a work of culinary art must have a name.

The chef associated this pizza with the seasons, as a result, the pizza got the name "Four Seasons". The “winter” sector was occupied by champignons, “spring” was reserved for seafood, “summer” was given (Salame), “autumn” was occupied by tomatoes.

Pizza was poured with sauce on top, sprinkled with herbs and mozzarella. In our time, Four Seasons pizza is one of the most popular and is a sales leader. There are many options for filling combinations. In the traditional Four Seasons, three sectors (seasons) of the filling are occupied by seafood, and one by mushrooms. Ingredients: dough, mozzarella, tomatoes, salted mushrooms, boiled-frozen mussels, fresh or frozen shrimp in shell, olives, salted anchovy, parsley, garlic, orange, salt, sugar, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, fresh basil, parmesan .

Neapolitan pizza "Marinara"

Marinara, like Margherita, is considered a Neapolitan pizza. The word itself is translated as marine or sailor. However, this does not mean that pizza should be with seafood. Perhaps the pizza was named after the fishermen who used it almost every morning.

In fact, marinara is also a sauce made from tomato, onion, garlic and aromatic herbs.

This sauce, due to the preservative properties of the tomato, could be stored for a long time, which sailors could not help but take advantage of. Therefore, there is a hypothesis that the name of pizza is associated with this sauce. Ingredients: dough, tomatoes, olives, garlic, parmesan, salt, sugar, oregano, thyme, basil.
Today, pizza has spread all over the world. In different countries, people may prefer different ways of preparing this dish. The main differences are in the filling, for example, green peas are added to pizza in Brazil, eel in Japan, and coconuts in Costa Rica.

Even in Italy, there are differences between Neapolitan pizza and Roman pizza. The metropolitan pizza has a crispy base, while the Neapolitan pizza has a soft crumbly tortilla.

How to cook real Italian pizza?

So, we got to the most important thing: a recipe for how to cook a real Italian pizza.

In 2004, the recipe was published in the official newspaper of the Italian government.

According to this recipe, real pizza should be with a thin crust. When cooking, only mozzarella cheese and special varieties of tomatoes should be used. As additives, only basil, olive oil, oregano and garlic can be used.

If one of these rules was violated during manufacture, then the resulting product is not a real Italian pizza.

It is also worth mentioning that real pizza is cooked on coals in a real Italian oven, where the temperature is kept 485 degrees and pizza there baked in 2 minutes. However, today this rule is rarely followed.

Recipe and easy way to make margherita pizza

For a good pizza, you first need to make a good dough.

  1. We take yeast (7 gr.) And sugar (1 tablespoon), put them in a bowl and mix with water (4 tablespoons), leave for 15 minutes in a warm place. Mix flour (350 gr.) With salt (1 tablespoon) and make a hole in the center, add olive oil (1 tablespoon), yeast mixture and 170-180 gr. hot water (60 degrees C).
  2. Knead the dough with a wooden spoon.
  3. Next, put the dough on the table and knead with your hands for about 5 minutes.
  4. Then return the dough to the bowl, cover and leave for 30 minutes to double in size.
  5. While the dough is rising, you can work on the filling.
  6. In a large frying pan, put tomatoes (400 g canned in their own juice), garlic (2 crushed cloves), basil (2 tablespoons), olive oil (1 tablespoon), pepper and salt.
  7. The resulting sauce is stewed for 20 minutes until thickened, then tomato paste is added to it and the sauce cools.
  8. We knead the base that has come up to this with our hands for a couple more minutes and put it on a baking sheet.
  9. The dough is stretched by hand so that its thickness is no more than 6 mm, since it will still rise in the oven.
  10. The base is spread with sauce, sprinkled with mozzarella (100 gr.) And parmesan (grated 2 tablespoons), and placed in a preheated oven, where it is baked for 20-25 minutes at 200 degrees C.

Bon appetit!
And finally, we have prepared for you, dear readers, a video tutorial on cooking real pizza from an Italian chef.


Winter is approaching more and more confidently, so losing weight by summer is still irrelevant: on the contrary, having lost the opportunity to enjoy the abundance of fruits and berries, you should console yourself with something more serious. has launched a series of articles from an Italian trattoria chef well-known to Minskers La Scala Ignazio Rossa: the expert shares with us the original recipes of the most popular Italian dishes, and at the same time shows how to cook an authentic masterpiece on a simple stove and in a homemade saucepan. The first one was pasta. , the second , the third is the same . This time we are learning how to cook traditional pizza.

Pizza, without a doubt, is included in the list of must eat dishes and is a hallmark of culinary Italy along with pasta (its prototype appeared in Naples in the 16th century after the import of tomatoes to Europe, and a century later they settled there).special pizzaiolo people who knew how to cook it). The popularity of pizza, it seems, cannot subside: for example, guests of the familiar Minsk trattoria, it’s scary to imagine, eat almost 2.5 thousand pizzas a month.

In Naples, there is the famous pizzeria Da Michele (the queue always stretches there from the street itself), says Ignazio.The menu in it includes only two items - "Marinara" and "Margarita".

The latter, by the way, appeared with the light hand of the local chef Raffaele Esposito: it was he who baked several options for the dish for the Queen of Savoy Margherita, and she liked the one that, in addition to the flatbread, included only mozzarella, tomato sauce and basil. This is how the most popular classic pizza named after her became known to the world.

- Pizza cannot have many ingredients: you should feel the taste of dough, tomatoes, cheese, and not a mix of various flavor flashes that drown out one another.

Also, the chef says, the ratio of dough to filling is important: neither more nor less than 1/1 (well, or close). Moreover, both the abundance of dough and its shortage are bad: under a too heavy “cap”, it simply will not bake properly.

Dough Ingredients:

*this amount is enough for 3 cakes

  • Drinking water (250 grams)

- Do not add tap water to the pizza dough: it has different hardness, which can be compensated by varying the amount of salt. Without knowing all the subtleties, just use drinking water.

  • Salt (11-12 grams)
  • Olive oil (15 grams)
  • Flour (400 grams; one with less gluten is suitable, for example, the familiar "Lida" of the highest grade)
  • Live or dry yeast (15 or 6 grams respectively)

Filling Ingredients:

  • Tomato sauce (110 grams)
  • Ham (40 grams)
  • Champignons (70 grams)
  • Mozzarella cheese (for pizza; 100 grams)
  • Oregano to taste
  • Olive oil


In the trattoria La Scala, pizza is baked for literally 3 minutes in a special oven at a temperature of almost 400°C. Maximum home oven280°C (in fact, says Ignazio, 220°C), so the dough in this case should be kneaded less denseadd less flour and check that after kneading it remains a little sticky. And, of course, hold on longer.

01 Preparing the pizza base.In the water, mix the salt well by hand, add olive oil, yeast (Ignazio added the prepared dough) and flour.

- Yeast should not experience large temperature changes, so before sending it to other ingredients, prepare it at room temperature, - Italian warns.- By the way, you can replace them with the most ordinary beer.

The finished dough must be placed in a plastic container (slightly sprinkled with flour: it will help it rise), and when it rises and falls, form several cakes, send them back and wait until it rises again, already twice as strong (and this is one of the key points in creating the perfect test). You can start cooking after 2 hours. By the way, in order to get a standard pizza with a diameter of 33 centimeters, one cake should weigh about 250 grams.

You can cook in the form or directly on the baking sheet; Both options are not lubricated with anything before baking: there is already olive oil in the dough. Roll out the pastry into a thin pizza base.

02 Fill with stuffing.Tomato sauce is the first to get on the base: it is made from tomatoes chopped in a blender in their own juice, olive oil and salt (to taste).

- The use of ketchups and sauces (not to mention mayonnaise) is an Americanization of pizza. Do not do it this way.

Hard mozzarella pizza is next.

For her fresh sliced ​​champignons and ham.

Finishing touchesoregano and a few drops of olive oil.

Pizza Recipes

55 minutes

270 kcal

5/5 (1)

I love pizza very much. But in none of the pizzerias of the city I could not find such a pizza, which I tried a few years ago in Italy. I was rescued by a friend who asked for a pizza dough recipe from an Italian chef. Now I will tell you how to make Italian pizza.

Dough for Italian pizza like in a pizzeria

We will need: wooden spoon, bowls, kitchen towel.


Cooking steps

Italian pizza dough recipe video

From this video you will learn the classic recipe for real Italian pizza dough. Take note - it is so profitable that you will probably use it more than once.

Italian pizza recipe at home

  • Cooking time: 105 minutes.
  • We will need: cling film, bowls, wooden spoon, rolling pin, silicone brush, baking dish.
  • Number of pizzas: 3.




Cooking steps

  1. First, let's prepare the yeast mixture. To do this, mix 100 milliliters of warm water, sugar and dry yeast. Stir vigorously to dissolve yeast and sugar.

  2. Sift the flour into a large bowl, make a well in the flour hill, pour in the yeast mixture and gently mix with the flour.

  3. Separately, mix the remaining warm water, salt and olive oil.

  4. Pour this mixture into flour and knead the dough with a wooden spoon.

  5. When it becomes difficult to mix the dough with a spoon, sprinkle the table with flour, transfer the dough from the bowl and knead it with your hands for 8 minutes.

  6. Put the finished dough in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave warm for 70 minutes.

  7. For the filling, cut mushrooms, mozzarella and salami into thin slices.

  8. While we form the pizza, turn on the oven to the maximum and leave to warm up.
  9. We divide the dough into three parts, roll out one part into a thin circle with a rolling pin.

  10. Lubricate the pizza form with olive oil, sprinkle with flour and lay out the cake.

  11. We coat the cake with olive oil on top, then grease with tomato juice, sprinkle with oregano and add some salt.

  12. Next, lay out the layers of sausage, mushrooms and cheese.

  13. We put the form with pizza in the oven and bake for 9 minutes.

Italian pizza video recipe

In this video you can see the whole process of cooking delicious Italian pizza.

Italian thin crust pizza recipe

  • Cooking time: 75 minutes.
  • We will need: sieve, bowls, blender, cling film, oven grate, parchment.
  • Number of pizzas: 4.



Tomato sauce


Cooking steps

  1. Mix warm water with yeast and stir until the yeast is completely dissolved.

  2. Sift the flour, add salt, olive oil and yeast mixture to it. We begin to knead the dough with a spoon.

  3. As soon as it becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, sprinkle the table with flour, spread the dough and knead with your hands.

  4. We divide the finished dough into four parts, form balls and put them on a plate sprinkled with flour. Cover the dough with cling film and put in heat for 50 minutes.

  5. While the dough is rising, we will prepare the tomato sauce and filling. For the filling, cut the sausage into thin slices, and grate the mozzarella.
  6. For the tomato sauce, blend the tomatoes in a blender. Pour salt, basil, pour in olive oil and mix.

  7. When the dough fits well, sprinkle the table with flour, lay out one ball and stretch it with your hands into a cake 2 mm thick.

  8. Lubricate the edges of the cake with olive oil, then grease the cake with tomato sauce, sprinkle with grated mozzarella, lay out the sausage slices and sprinkle some more cheese on top.

  9. We heat the oven to 220 degrees, transfer the pizza to parchment and put it on the oven grate. We send the pizza to the oven for 9 minutes.

  10. Thin crust pizza video recipe

    In this video you will see how to make Italian pizza on a thin crust with toppings.

  • To lubricate pizza, you can use not only tomato sauce, but also bechamel sauce.
  • Filling for Italian pizza you can choose according to your taste.
  • If you want the cheese on the pizza not to brown, brush the crust with the sauce first and place in the oven for 4 minutes. Then you can lay out the filling and send the pizza to the oven for another five minutes.

You can cook for work or a picnic. You can put various toppings in the middle of this closed pizza. If you are tired of meat pizzas, then I recommend trying it. It is very easy to prepare. I sometimes cook for breakfast. Its preparation does not take much time. If you have a slow cooker, then be sure to try to do it. It turns out more airy and soft than in the oven.

Friends, have you tried to cook Italian pizza with your own hands at home? Share your successes in the comments.

Making dough is a real torture for me. Well, I don’t get along with him, especially with yeast, so the most ideal dough recipe for me is the simplest. Especially for pizza, which is so loved by children. I suggest you try it in action, more precisely - when baking. A minimum of ingredients, the most thin rolling and cutting of all sorts of goodies - the pizza will turn out perfect!

To create a pizza, I will use smoked bacon, fresh mushrooms, hard cheese, tomatoes and olives, and also grease the base with mayonnaise. You can choose and purchase any other toppings to your liking.

If olive oil is not available, feel free to replace it with sunflower, corn, etc., even melted lard or butter, but remember that such a base will no longer be lean.

So, to prepare the classic thin dough for thin Italian pizza, you need to prepare the products according to the list.

Sift wheat flour into a deep salad bowl, pour in water, olive oil and add salt.

Knead a tight dough, knead it into a ball, cover with cling film and leave for 15 minutes.

After that, roll it into a thin, thin layer. Rectangular or round - as you wish. Put in a greased form.

Lubricate with mayonnaise. Lay out slices of bacon and fresh champignons, tomatoes. Sprinkle with finely grated hard cheese and garnish with olives or black olives. Let's send the pizza to the preheated oven for 25 minutes at 180C.

The pizza turns out juicy, and the base is crispy around the edges and soft in the middle. Decorate the toasted pizza with herbs and serve it to the table.

Well, be sure to bookmark the recipe for the classic dough for thin Italian pizza. Just don't forget to let the dough "rest" for 15 minutes after kneading!

After that, I was sure that it was impossible to do something like this at home. It's not worth even trying. But suddenly? And I decided to try anyway. I re-read a mountain of articles, recipes and began to experiment.

And you know what? You can cook excellent Neapolitan pizza at home! Yes, it will not smell like a stove, and “exactly the same as in Naples” will not. Still, she'll be great. Even better than many local pizzerias.

But first you need to understand the nuances. So, what ingredients make up the perfect pizza?

Temperature. Pizza is a creation of fire. According to the official recipe of Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (Real Neapolitan Pizza Association), the pizza must be baked in a wood-fired oven at 485°C. In normal household conditions, we need at least 250°C - this is the maximum temperature of most ovens. The higher, the better. Therefore, before baking pizza, we thoroughly heat the oven (along with the baking sheet) at the maximum temperature for at least half an hour.

Baking time. In the oven, pizza is baked in a couple of minutes. In a conventional oven, this time will have to be increased to 6-8 minutes (depending on the size of the pizza). And not a minute longer. Recipes with a 20-minute pizza baking cause me a real heartbreak:) Because this is no longer a pizza, but a tortilla with an overcooked filling. The whole essence of pizza is in a soft elastic dough and a juicy filling, the moisture from which has not had time to evaporate.

Baking surface.Now it is clear that by the time of baking the baking sheet should be hot. As soon as the pizza touches him, she immediately same should start getting ready.Every second counts.If you put the pizza in the oven on a cold baking sheet - that's allgone. While the baking sheet with the dough warms up, the filling will already evaporate and dry out.Therefore, we preheat the baking sheet in advance with the oven.(Of course, the ideal would be to use pizza/bread stone for the most even heating of the doughand the formation of a thin crispy crust. But this is idealwell andA well-heated pan also works well).

Flour. The dough for Neapolitan pizza has a very characteristic crumb structure: elastic, “chewing”, porous like bread and fragrant. All these properties are affected by the quantity and quality of gluten, which is released from wheat protein during kneading. It helps the dough to create an extensible framework that holds carbon dioxide bubbles, so that after baking an elastic, airy, elastic crumb is obtained. The higher the protein content in the flour, the “stronger” it is, the more porous and elastic the dough will be.

For a proper pizza dough, you need flour with a protein content of at least 12 g per 100 g. For example, in ordinary (Ukrainian, Russian) premium flour, there is only 9% protein. In addition, the moisture content of our flour is much lower (more flour is needed for the same amount of water), which also does not improve the structure of the dough. Working with him is not very convenient, because. the dough is not elastic and easily torn, and the crumb is finely porous and crumbling.

And here is a visual difference (on the left - pizza from medium strength flour, 12 g of protein, on the right - from weak flour, 9 g of protein)

The structure of the dough after proofing (above - medium-strength flour, below - weak flour):

How to choose the right flour? Should it be Italian? Not necessary. It just needs to be flour from soft wheat varieties, finely ground, with a protein content of at least 12 g per 100 g. Domestic flour marked “for baking bread”, for example, may be suitable - its protein content is higher. Let's look at the composition. Well, if you choose from Italian flour, then it should be “typo 00” (fine grinding) with the percentage of protein indicated above. There are already ready-made mixes, on which it is written: “for pizza”. Over time, you can start experimenting, trying to mix different types of flour (for example, weak Ukrainian flour can be “strengthened” with flour with a high protein content). For example, my favorite pizza is made from strong flour (14 g protein) manitoba for long proofing, it is used for baking bread, croissants, etc. The dough from it turns out to be very fragrant and indescribably “chewing”, like Meller caramels :)

Proofing time. During the proofing of the dough, a fermentation process takes place, which forms the taste and aroma. Roughly speaking, the longer the dough rests, the tastier and more aromatic the pizza will be :) This process can take from 3 to 12 hours. For myself, I determined that four hours is quite enough, but if it is possible to leave longer, the better. The dough is still the main element of pizza, and it should be tasty enough so that it would not be a shame to serve pizza even with salt and olive oil alone.

Filling. 1) Pizza only spends a few minutes in the oven. Therefore, if the filling needs heat treatment (raw meat, mushrooms, tough vegetables, etc.), we do this in advance. Meat should be already cooked, mushrooms fried, etc. 2) By the time of baking, we prepare and cut everything. So that the filling remains only to be thrown onto the formed base - and immediately into the oven. The filling on the raw dough should spend a few seconds - otherwise the dough may become “sticky”. 3) Do not be greedy and do not pile on a mountain of filling :) We distribute it evenly over the base in one layer. If there is too much filling, neither she nor the dough will have time to cook.

Parchment. We prepare baking parchment in advance and sprinkle it with cornmeal - pizza dough is very sticky, only hard coarse flour will help here. We transfer the formed base to parchment with flour - and only then lay out the filling. An attempt to transfer the base with the filling to the oven without parchment will most likely end in an accident :)

Phew, now you can go directly to the recipe. It's downright simple :)


250 g fine flour, at least 12 g of protein per 100 g (however, you can cook with regular flour - it will still be good, but it will need a little more)
10 g fresh yeast (3 times less dry)
160 ml warm clean water (filtered or boiled)
1/3 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
Cornmeal for dusting
A few tablespoons of tomato sauce (passata from fresh tomatoes, from tomatoes in their own juice, ready-made from a can, etc.)
100-130 g mozzarella
Olive oil
Or any other filling of your choice

Exit: 2 small pizzas with a diameter of about 25-30 cm


1. Grind the yeast, mix with sugar. Fill with warm (human body temperature) water, stir until dissolved. We sift the flour. Pour the liquid with yeast into the flour, mix.

2. Add salt. And we begin to knead with a mixer with dough attachments or a food processor - the first 3-4 minutes at a low speed, then increase the speed and knead for another minute 5 (if by hand - only 12-15 minutes) until the dough starts to come together.

If ordinary, weak, flour is used, it will have to be added, because. the dough will be sticky. Add half a tablespoon at a time, stirring after each addition. We stop when the dough stops spreading and gathers in a lump (in total, 3-5 tablespoons may be needed, it is important not to overdo it).

The dough will remain slightly sticky - this is normal. Lubricate a spacious dish with vegetable oil, form a ball from the dough, dust with flour and transfer to a bowl. Cover with cling film and leave in a warm place to stand for at least 4 hours (in a cool, increase the proofing time).

3. Half an hour before the end of the proofing, preheat the oven with a baking sheet at maximum temperature. With hands lubricated in vegetable oil, take the dough out of the bowl. Lightly crush. The dough is soft, elastic and elastic.

4. Divide into two equal parts and form balls from them. Look how it stretches :) Put the first ball on a work surface sprinkled with flour (or even better flour + a little cornmeal, so it will be easier to wipe off the rest of the dough later :). With the palm of our hand we make such a recess.

5. Now we begin to stretch the dough from the center to the edges and form the basis for the pizza, trying not to put pressure on the sides. We use the second palm as a limiter, moving it along the circumference of the base so that the shape does not spread and remains more or less rounded. Periodically turn the dough over and stretch on the other side.

Like this

6. The base can be lifted and it will stretch due to its own weight. If the dough does not stretch well (this sometimes happens), it is enough to leave it to rest for 10-15 minutes so that the gluten “relaxes” and start again.

7. In general, we stretch as much as we can, leaving only the ring of sides thick :) The base should be thin enough, in the center - no more than 3 mm, and then about 5 mm. If a hole has formed somewhere due to excessive zeal - it's okay, we'll close it with a piece of dough.

Put the formed base on parchment for baking sprinkled with cornmeal. Spread the tomato sauce evenly, drizzle with olive oil, you can add dried basil and / or oregano. Throw in the chopped mozzarella. Again, drizzle with olive oil. Only good! The more oil, the tastier and juicier :)

8. And immediately send it to the preheated oven for 6 minutes. Don't let the pale sides confuse you - the dough will be ready. Cut and eat immediately, rumbling.

The whole procedure, except for the proofing time of the dough, takes 20-25 minutes: 10 minutes for kneading and 10 minutes for forming the base.

The dough after proofing and forming balls can be wrapped in cling film, frozen and used as needed. Freezing-defrosting does not affect the taste and consistency of the dough, but it is brutally convenient :) It remains only to pull the dough out of the freezer in advance, form the base, sketch out the fillings - and you're done.