Pancake flour recipe. Recipe for milk pancakes based on pancake flour. Review: Pancake flour Skyfood “Pyshechka” - Excellent flour, pancake recipe

Manufacturers of various types of flour have long been pampering hostesses with a ready-made dry mix for making delicious homemade pancakes. Ready-made pancake flour is really a great way to quickly make a hearty meal or snack for the household. But, even with pancake flour, you need to know how to properly make dough out of it so that the finished delicious pastries in the pan do not disappoint you. And so, pancakes made from pancake flour with milk will come out not only delicious, but also with holes, if you use this simple recipe with step-by-step photos taken.


  • cow's milk (warm) - 300 ml;
  • pancake flour - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 15 gr;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • pan oil.

How to make pancakes with pancake flour

From the bowls you have, we choose the container in which it will be handy for you to mix the ingredients for the pancake dough. So, we drive one chicken egg (in size - standard) into a bowl. We throw a pinch of salt and sugar in the right amount to it.

Pour the ingredients with warm milk. Thoroughly mix the products with a whisk.

The flour, previously sifted, is thrown into the resulting mixture in small portions and immediately mixed.

The dough from pancake flour came out without lumps, homogeneous. Let's give him a little time.

Lubricate the surface of the crepe pan in the usual way.

Attention! Stir the pancake dough periodically, because the flour begins to settle over time.

Serve ready-made hearty pancake flour to the table hot.

As an addition to baking, you can use sour cream, jam, jams, butter.

    Sift flour and salt into a bowl, holding the sieve higher so that the flour is “ventilated”. Make a well in the middle, beat the eggs into it and stir, collecting flour from the edges to the center.

    Combine milk with water and sugar. While continuing to stir, gradually add the liquid to the flour. Stir until all lumps disappear and the dough resembles liquid sour cream in consistency. Beat the dough with a whisk or mixer.

    Leave this mixture to stand for at least 30 minutes, and preferably overnight, so that the flour is completely swollen.

    After that, pour in the vegetable oil and beat again so that until foam from the bubbles, if you like perforated pancakes, you can add a tablespoon of mineral water with gas.

    Heat the pan strongly, if the stove is electric / glass-ceramic, then after heating, set the temperature to about 1.5 divisions out of 3, the gas needs to be adjusted. Pancakes should not immediately burn, the temperature should be such that it gives you the opportunity to spread the dough over the entire surface and that one side takes 30-40 seconds to fry.

    If the pan is not Teflon-pancake, take a small piece of butter with a napkin, grease the entire surface of the pan with it.

    Pour about 1/3 of a ladle of dough into the pan, if the diameter of the pan is 18 cm, if more, then proportionally. Raise it over the heat and make a quick circular motion so that the dough is distributed over the entire surface of the pan.

Let's get acquainted with the recipe for baking from store-bought pancake flour. We can say that this product greatly facilitates the process of making pancakes. After all, it is no longer necessary to select the proportions of laying the ingredients for the dough, just pour liquid into the loose mixture to your taste. Pancakes made from pancake flour with milk are a simple and quick option for home baking. But you need to know about some of the nuances in working with such flour.

On sale there is such a pancake flour, in which you do not need to add anything at all - no more ingredients in addition. It already has sugar, dried egg powder, salt, powdered milk or cream, starch and, of course, baking soda with citric acid. For this option, you only need a little water and a few minutes to knead a homogeneous mass. And you will have a ready-made pancake dough of excellent quality. It remains only to bake pancakes in a pan. This option saves not only time for kneading, but also money.

We use Skyfood "Pyshechka" pancake flour, which contains: premium wheat flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, egg powder and citric acid. To quickly prepare pancakes from this flour, you can simply dilute the pancake flour with warm milk. For 500 grams of pancake mixture, you will need about 700 ml of milk for making thin pancakes and 600 ml for making thicker pancakes. But still, such pancakes seem a little bland to me, and I add an egg and a little sugar.


  • Pancake flour - 600 g;
  • Milk - 750 ml;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Lean oil - 1-2 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


Take a bowl to mix the ingredients.

Crack an egg into it. Add some sugar, but keep in mind that the sugar is already in the mixture, so don't add too much.

Beat the mixture with a whisk, a regular fork or a blender. The latter option will speed up the test preparation process.

You can also choose not to add sugar at all and go straight to the second step.

Pour in slightly warmed milk, you can heat it to a temperature of 36-38 degrees, so it will “make friends” with flour faster.

If desired, instead of milk, it is permissible to take liquid kefir, whey from the curd mass, mineral or ordinary boiled water.

About the amount of milk. Very often, the proportions of liquid to flour are written on pancake flour. Usually, less liquid is added to this flour than regular flour, as it includes other additives.

Mix the mass with a whisk. If using a blender or mixer, turn on the first speed, otherwise the mixture will splatter in all directions.

Sift all the flour and pour into the liquid part in portions.

Stir well. The mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps of unmixed flour. Now, if desired, you can add a little vegetable oil to the dough, just a couple of tablespoons. But this is optional.

If it seems to you that the dough from pancake flour is thick, then you can add more milk. But do not rush to do this, first bake one pancake, and then add flour if anything.

Now get on with the pan. Warm it up over moderate heat. Lubricate with vegetable oil. Optionally, you can lubricate with any fat. Even a piece of salted lard or butter. Pour some watery batter onto the hot surface. Spread it evenly with circular movements of the pan or a special wooden stick.

When the underside is golden, flip the pancake over to the other side. On average, one pancake takes about 2-3 minutes. And when the pan warms up well, the time will decrease to 1 minute. For the second and subsequent pancakes, you no longer need to coat the pan, they will not burn anyway.

Thus, bake all the pancakes. The thickness of the products will depend on the amount of flour used. In this case, they are thin. If you take more flour and make a thick dough, the pancakes will come out thick.

Tips for the hostess

  • The same recipe is suitable for making pancakes or pancakes with baking.
  • For sweet pancakes, it is not necessary to have sugar or honey in the pantry. A little fruit jam or jam will make pancake dough sweeter and more flavorful. And the baking itself will come out more original and more interesting to taste.
  • In addition to pancakes, pancake flour can be used to make batter for meat, vegetables or fish.

Recipes for delicious pancakes

Quick pancakes from pancake flour: cook according to the recipe with step-by-step photos and detailed video tips! Learn how to quickly, literally from a minimum of products, make delicious pancakes based on pancake flour and water. Check out our simple recipe and see how easy this dish is to prepare! Suitable for a variety of toppings!

25 pieces

50 minutes

189.7 kcal

5/5 (1)

Pancakes are a kind of lifesaver for experienced and not very experienced housewives. After all, with very simple skills, you can quickly prepare a delicious breakfast or dinner. And if you show imagination, then from ordinary pancakes you can build a culinary masterpiece, filling them with all kinds of fillings, or even make a pancake cake or pie.

To help cooks, there is a special, so-called pancake flour on sale, which allows you to make dough very quickly and make pancakes easily, even if there is absolutely nothing in the refrigerator. The composition usually also includes sugar, citric acid, milk powder, salt, egg powder, baking powder. I always keep a bag of such ready-made pancake flour in stock, for example, Pyshechka. Believe me, it helps a lot sometimes. I want to offer a universal recipe, after reading which you will understand how easy it is to make dough with your own hands and bake pancakes from pancake flour.

Recipe for pancakes from pancake flour on the water

Kitchen appliances and inventory: scales, whisk or mixer, sieve, frying pan.


If desired, the dough can also be prepared with milk. The recipe for pancakes made from pancake flour in milk is no different from the recipe with water, except for the liquid used. But they differ somewhat in taste, so everyone must decide for himself whether to make dough for pancakes from pancake flour in milk or water.

How to make pancakes with pancake flour

  1. Pour 0.5 kg of flour into a container, after sifting it through a sieve.

  2. Gradually, in portions, add 0.8-0.9 liters of warm water, kneading with a whisk or mixer until smooth. Add 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, stir.

  3. Lubricate the pan once with vegetable oil, spread the dough and, tilting the pan, let it spread evenly along the bottom. Literally a minute later, as soon as the dough is browned, turn the pancake over to the other side. Thus, we overcook all the pancakes.

What to serve pancakes with

It’s easier than making dough for pancakes from such flour, you can’t think of anything. And you can serve them as time and available products allow.

You can just put a stack of steaming pancakes on the table, and to them - sour cream, jam, honey, whatever. And you can, for example, grease with butter, sprinkle with sugar and roll into tubes. Or put the filling, both sweet and diner, and wrap it in an envelope. It all depends on your imagination.

Recipe video for thin pancake flour pancakes

In the video you can see in detail how to prepare the dough and bake pancakes from pancake flour.

Pancake flour is plain wheat or other flour with various additives. As the name implies, it is used to make pancakes, as well as pancakes and other products made from batter in butter. Before you cook pancakes from pancake flour, you need to understand all the features of this product.

So, pancake flour is made in such a way that it only requires the addition of a liquid base to get the finished dough. It can be milk, water, whey or kefir. Pancake flour usually contains egg powder, salt, sugar and baking powder. Moreover, all these components are included in certain proportions, so you only need to add the portion of liquid indicated on the package to get a high-quality balanced pancake dough. The recipe for pancakes on pancake flour is the easiest, because you just need to pour in the liquid, knead the dough and bake the pancakes.

Undoubtedly, pancakes with milk turn out to be more juicy, because they not only have an appetizing ruddy crust, but also a rich milky taste. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of special pancake flour;
  • 220 milliliters of milk;
  • one egg;
  • a little salt if desired;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (you can not add, especially if you plan to stuff pancakes with unsweetened filling).

Cooking such pancakes on pancake flour is also the easiest. They may be thin depending on the amount of flour added, and you can also make them fluffier by adding more flour.

So, we make pancakes from pancake flour in milk as follows:

  1. In a large bowl, mix one egg, at the end of beating, add salt, sugar and dilute with slightly warmed milk (its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees).
  2. Pancake flour, like any other, must be sifted before adding to the dough. Thus, sift the flour and pour it in parts into the resulting dough. Stir until smooth, you can use a mixer for this purpose.
  3. The dough should come out not too dense, but not too liquid. Cover it with foil and let it "rest" for about 20 minutes.
  4. Now grease the pan with fat, for example, refined vegetable oil, heat for several minutes over low heat. Bake pancakes for two minutes or less depending on thickness on each side.

The dough during the frying process must be periodically mixed so that it becomes a homogeneous consistency. Pancakes are served with any fillings of your choice; in terms of structure, color and aroma, they are no different from those cooked with ordinary white flour.

On the water

Water pancakes are the most budget option, because if you have special pancake flour, you only have to add water and optionally a few more components to get pancakes of acceptable taste. In addition, pancakes on the water are suitable for fasting, if you do not add eggs and other animal products to the dough.

Prepare these foods:

  • a full glass of pancake flour with a small slide;
  • 1-3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of ordinary or mineral water with gas;
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt to taste;
  • To make pancakes more fluffy, you can add half a teaspoon of soda.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Sift pancake flour into a large bowl. Make a well in the center and pour in pure boiled or carbonated mineral water in a stream, stirring the mixture periodically. Your task is to knead the dough strongly so that not a single flour lump remains.
  2. Now soda, if you decide to add it, extinguish with a few drops of vinegar and pour into the mixture. Now add granulated sugar and a little salt and mix well again.
  3. At the end of the process, pour in refined sunflower or other oil and finally knead the liquid pancake dough, similar in consistency to low-fat sour cream.
  4. Then we do everything as usual - we oil the pan, heat it up, pour a small portion of the dough into the center and distribute it over the frying surface. Fry on each side until golden. If you have a good frying pan, you do not need to use additional oil for greasing, since it is already in the dough.

You can serve such pancakes by first greasing them with soft butter, as well as with sour cream or honey.

On kefir

Kefir is a fertile basis for baking, including pancakes. Firstly, it gives the dough density, and secondly, it has a rich milky flavor and a characteristic sourness. Depending on the fat content of kefir, you may need more or less flour. The fattest kefir makes the dough very thick, so it is recommended to dilute it with water or milk.

So, for pancakes made from pancake flour on kefir, you will need the following ingredients:

  • one and a half tablespoons of sugar;
  • 50 grams of butter and a couple of tablespoons of odorless vegetable oil;
  • 200 grams of pancake flour;
  • 3/4 cup of water;
  • 2 cups of kefir;
  • 2–3 eggs;
  • Optionally, you can add flavorings, for example, a bag of vanillin.

We prepare such pancakes as follows;

  1. Sift the flour immediately into a dry deep bowl. When all the flour is sifted, collect it in a high hill, make a small depression at the very top.
  2. Crack the eggs into this well and mix thoroughly with the flour.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix and beat kefir with sugar and slightly warmed water. Pour this liquid mixture in a thin stream into the egg-flour mass.
  4. Beat the dough well with a mixer and leave it to infuse for about 15 minutes.
  5. After this time, add vegetable oil and mix thoroughly again. Now you can start frying pancakes.
  6. To do this, grease the pan with oil or lard, calcine over medium heat and fry each pancake on both sides until a light ruddy shade.

Such pancakes are good on their own, but to make them even tastier, spread each with butter, jam, marmalade or serve with honey, sour cream, fruit and berry sauce.