Rules for using silicone baking molds. Silicone baking molds - how to use, how to bake and do you need to grease? First about the good

Most modern housewives use silicone molds. Often they are used for other purposes, shaping dishes or making soap. If your baked goods burned on the first use of such molds, then you will probably no longer bake in them. But do not rush to send the dishes to the far shelf. The site "" will tell you the rules for using silicone molds, using which you can pamper your home with delicious pastries.

Step 1. Before the first time, they must be washed in warm water with detergent. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water and pat dry or pat dry with paper towels. Excess moisture can ruin baked goods.

Step 2 If this is your first time baking cupcakes in pans, brush the inside with vegetable oil or cover with a thin layer of cooking spray. This step is only necessary for the first few times before baking.

Step 3 Do not place molds in a cold oven. It must be heated to the maximum temperature according to the recipe.

Step 4 Set the rack to a medium level, unless otherwise specified in the recipe.

Step 5 Prepare the dough for the cupcakes.

Step 6 On a table or any other flat surface, place a metal baking sheet for baking cupcakes. You can use any flat shape, as long as it is strictly horizontal. This is necessary for the same thickness of the dough in the forms.

Step 7 Place silicone molds inside each cell.

Step 8 Pour in the dough. If there is no special mark on the inside of the molds, then pour the mixture into 2/3 of the volume of the molds.

Step 9 Transfer the cupcakes to the oven and bake for the time indicated in the recipe. But if you are baking for the first time in silicone molds, then carefully check the readiness of the dish. Cupcakes can be baked earlier than in a regular dish.

Step 10 Check the readiness of cupcakes on the central forms. Pierce the dough with a match or toothpick. Their dry surface indicates a finished dish.

Step 11 When you are sure the cupcakes are completely baked, remove the baking sheet from the oven. Be careful when doing this, as the silicone is very hot, but it cools down quickly.

Step 12 Cupcakes should be immediately removed from silicone molds, because after they cool down, you will not be able to easily get pastries.

Step 13 When the molds are completely cool, wash them in soapy water, then rinse. The material of such dishes is very flexible, so you can turn them inside out for better cleaning.

Step 14 Dry the molds and stack them for easy storage. The next time you use it, simply rinse with warm water to remove dust.

If you use silicone molds correctly, you can bake an original and tasty dish. Bon appetit!

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Easy to store, easy to clean, easy to remove finished products, no need to worry about sticking - silicone molds meet all these requirements. An additional advantage is the relatively low price when compared with ceramics. However, this material also has disadvantages, which can only be avoided with the right choice and use.

How to use silicone baking mold

The convenience of this material conquered almost all housewives: silicone products can be stored very compactly, folded several times - this does not deform them. They are also easy to wash, no need to scrape anything. You can easily remove food by simply turning the “dishes” inside out, even if it is a fragile cake. Baking in a silicone mold is cooked faster than in a metal one: for comparison, a high sponge cake with a diameter of 25 cm is baked in 40 minutes against the usual hour. However, you need to use such kitchen utensils wisely - only then can it last for several (up to 5) years.

Basic rules:

  • Immediately after purchase, you need to clean the silicone mold well using a soft sponge and detergent: you need to get rid of the chemical composition on its surface.
  • After each use, inside and out, go through with paper towels or rinse it with clean water.
  • Never try to clean silicone with hard brushes - this will disrupt the structure of the wall coating.
  • Removing pastries from the mold is easy: pull the edges, slightly press on the bottom to push the food out. Some large pies need a spatula to help, but it should be a wooden or similar silicone one. No metal!
  • Do not place silicone on an open flame.
  • Do not store such dishes near piercing and cutting objects - holes and scratches on silicone appear quickly.

Do I need to grease before baking?

This material is very convenient for its non-stick feature, so you can bake in it completely without fat, which is ideal for diet recipes. However, the mold must be lubricated with oil the first time it is used in order to "activate" this property. Further, if the material is of high quality, it will perfectly maintain this state itself. The dough can burn to cheap silicone, which will require each time to cook with fats.

There are a couple of nuances here:

  • It is desirable to lubricate with odorless vegetable oil - you should not use butter.
  • If you decide to clean the silicone molds in the dishwasher or use detergent, you will need to re-oil the inside of the silicone molds before baking again.

What to put in the oven

The fact that this material is very soft causes some difficulties when working with it. Housewives do not immediately understand how to put a silicone mold in the oven, and therefore they use it in the same way as a metal one. You should not do this: under each silicone dish you need a mandatory stand: a similar shape made of glass or ceramics, or a tray. This requirement is due to the ease of deformation of the bottom when placed on the grate. Additionally, there are a few more subtleties:

  • If you are about to bake a tall biscuit, pudding or cake, the heaviness of the large amount of dough can cause the mold to tilt and tip over. Place it in a deep frying pan, saucepan, etc. that matches its diameter.
  • Fill forms after they are placed on the stand, not before.
  • Keep in mind that in a gas oven, the silicone product should not come into contact with walls and open fire so that melting does not occur.

How to bake in a silicone mold in the oven

Cooking with such molds is no more difficult than with ceramic, glass or steel. Choose a suitable design - and even a quick biscuit will not have to be decorated. Follow the basic rules above, pour the dough, send it to the oven, microwave oven or slow cooker. Silicone baking utensils are versatile and easy to use, especially when you consider pro tips:

  • Before cooking in a mold, rinse it and wipe it dry: it accumulates dust and static well, wherever it is placed.
  • Due to the high thermal conductivity of silicone, dishes are baked very well, so the optimal temperature will have to be re-selected - it may be lower than usual.
  • If you have used a silicone mold for the first time, watch the dish carefully: you will not have to cook as long as you are used to - the time will be reduced by about 15-20%.
  • Check the manufacturer's data on the packaging: he can indicate at what temperatures a particular utensil should be used, and where.
  • Cool the pastry before you start taking it out.

Is baking silicone harmful?

Such a number of disputes regarding the safety of the material that comes into contact with food, neither steel, nor ceramics, nor Teflon, nor glass have seen. They talk about the dangers of baking silicone without stopping, each time putting forward new facts and hypotheses. However, where is the truth, and where is only an attempt to find a non-existent danger? Chemistry experts confirm that such products can adversely affect the body, but only if chosen and used incorrectly:

  • Trying to save money, some manufacturers put on the market molds made of "technical" silicone: a cheap material, often supplemented with low-quality dyes. As soon as they begin to heat up, harmful substances are released, which, together with the food inside the form, enter the human body.
  • Medical or "food" silicone does not pose such a danger, no matter what temperature effect it is exposed to. It is suitable for recipes for children's baking, and for cooking for a sensitive body - no harmful substances are released into the environment. However, in terms of safety, it still cannot be compared with ceramics or glass.

How to choose a silicone baking dish

The hostess, who decided to diversify her culinary set, but did not at all get acquainted with the approximate characteristics of the “new kitchen inhabitants”, will mainly make a choice according to external data. However, experts advise purchasing silicone molds for baking not only on the basis of overall attractiveness or compliance with sizes and volumes, but also taking into account some more important points:

  • It was specified above that the safe silicone product is made of medical material. This should be proved not by the manufacturer's words on the label, but by the presence of a quality certificate. Its number is entered in the "composition" column, and the seller, upon request, must hand over the paper to the consumer for review and confirmation of authenticity.
  • The easiest way to determine the quality of a silicone mold is to listen to the aroma that comes from it. The pungent smell of rubber, plastic and other caustic chemicals should alert you and dissuade you from buying.
  • If you purchased an odorless mold, but an unpleasant aroma went off when heated, do not send it to the oven anymore: use it to cool desserts or freeze ice.
  • An additional quality control method that gives a relatively reliable result: try bending the product before buying. There should not be a white mark at the fold.
  • If after conducting basic tests there are doubts, tend to buy a product of a neutral (light) shade: acid colors are obtained by caustic dyes that are harmful to the body.
  • The country of origin does not play a role, today both Belarus and the USA offer a good choice, but it is not recommended to order a whole heap from Aliexpress, where no one guarantees high-quality silicone.

For cupcakes

There are several varieties of such a product, depending on what the cook will bake:

  • A large cupcake tin can be used for cake if it looks like an upside down bucket, or for a tall ring biscuit if there is a rod in the center. It is predominantly trapezoidal, the lower diameter (bottom) is in the range of 10-17 cm. The price ranges from 150 to 900 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and size. You can buy good products of this type from Mayer & Bosh, Tescoma.
  • Small molds are designed for cupcakes and muffins, have a flat bottom and the same flat or corrugated walls, the diameter ranges from 5 to 8 cm. The height is up to 9 cm. The capacity mainly does not exceed 150 ml. The most inexpensive is a set of 3 pieces. from Mayer & Bosh for 160 rubles, or Khors (Russia) - for 215 rubles.

A muffin tin may look like a sheet with several (often an even number) cells that have a round base. This option is convenient in that the pastries will not turn over, because. all elements are connected. However, some housewives prefer single small products - this can be more economically profitable, because. you can buy any quantity, not 6, 8 or 12 pieces.

for cakes

There are 2 options here: some housewives prefer to use curly molds in the form of a heart, a star, a fish, etc. They are handy for small biscuit cakes that are cut and assembled after the base has cooled. For mousse desserts, professionals advise detachable options - such a silicone cake mold is completely identical to a metal one in appearance, but it is more convenient to use. The most successful options in these categories:

  • Among detachable ones, Lurch (from 1499 rubles) and Bradex (from 690 rubles) deserve attention. The price may vary depending on the size and the presence / absence of an additional non-stick layer.
  • Tescoma is the leader among curly ones, offering large beautiful products from 830 rubles, and Pyrex, which is in the same price range. In terms of quality, they are also on the same level.

For cookies

Making products from thin dough in such kitchen utensils is not practiced for reasons of speed, because. there are no special problems with baking them on a metal baking sheet. The silicone cookie cutter is mainly used with recipes where rolling is not required, i.e. for sumptuous treats. The same famous "madeleines" can only be made in special shell molds. Often, cooks prefer to use such dishes for curly gingerbread. Outwardly, it looks like cupcake baskets - also in the form of a sheet with several cells (6-12).

You can find interesting options at:

  • Silikomart. The manufacturer also offers beautiful stamps with which you can not only make thin cookies, but also chocolate decor, as in the photo of store-bought two-layer cookies. Cost - from 1190 rubles.
  • Best Home Kitchen. In addition to standard molds, you can find stamps with patterns at a budget price - from 130 rubles.

For baking bread

This design is a long rectangle that has a minimal difference between the bottom and top perimeter. The silicone bread container has absolutely even walls and bottom, although there are varieties with slight corrugation. These cookware are offered by the following manufacturers:

  • Mayer & Bosh - from 230 rubles;
  • Oursson - from 840 rubles;
  • Fissman - from 490 rubles.

There are also options for small (up to 20 cm in length) baguettes, mainly a sheet of 4-9 pieces. - such offers the Spanish brand Lekue. You can also order molds for buns (hemispheres) from him. The issue price is from 1850 to 2550 rubles. In the (official) online store, experts also advise you to look at portioned muffin tins: the quality of Lekue silicone products justifies the high price.

Rating of silicone baking molds

If you understand what delicacies you want to cook, but you are still lost in the variety of brands and prices, you cannot decide whose production is better - the USA or Austria, check out this rating of the best manufacturing companies:

  1. Marmiton. The brand's products are made in China, but the products are distinguished by a good price-quality ratio. Beautiful and comfortable curly silicone molds can be found in Moscow stores at prices ranging from 110 to 700 rubles.
  2. Atlantis. Little known but worthy Chinese brand. Forms can be heated up to 240 degrees. A characteristic difference is the bright colors of all products. Price - from 460 rubles.
  3. Tescoma. A well-known Czech company offering many silicone molds even for pizza and pies. The temperature maximum is 230 degrees. Cost - from 350 rubles.
  4. Oursson. This Swiss brand has a large number of sheets with molds for cookies and chocolates at a reasonable price: from 300 rubles.
  5. Fissman. The Danish manufacturer offers a wide range of beautiful molds for curly little cupcakes and children's casseroles. Cost - from 400 r.
  6. Lekue. Made in Spain, the price policy is high, but the silicone is of excellent quality. This brand is the only one that offers interesting shapes for baguettes, buns and bread. Issue price - from 1700 rubles.
  7. regent. The brand is supposedly from Italy, but the production is carried out in China. It cannot boast of a wide range, but there is plenty to choose from. There are even molds for pasta dishes (canelloni, lasagna, etc.). Cost - from 300 r.
  8. Taller. It mainly offers molds for muffins, bread, biscuits: the designs are simple, the price is low - from 300 rubles.
  9. Silikomart. Photos of products of this Italian company of the middle price category attract with a beautiful design: if you bake even the simplest biscuit in them, it will already look festive. The disadvantage is not a small price: find an option cheaper than 1200 rubles. fail.
  10. De Buyer. The last place is due to the high cost of products - from 4600 rubles. per sheet for 6-9 products. But there is no need to question the French quality: such silicone has a long service life.

Home baking is a sign of well-being in the family. Fresh muffins, baked by hand in a home oven from real products, can cheer you up and give you comfort. Silicone ones are of interest to almost every hostess who is fond of this type of cooking. Silicone products have come to our kitchens relatively recently.

Maybe it's better to continue cooking pastries the old fashioned way?

The older generation of housewives happens to be very biased towards such forms, showing distrust. They argue that solid Teflon or tin molds are much safer, but here is some kind of silicone and there is no guarantee that it will not melt in the oven. Yes, and many are simply more accustomed to using old and well-known baking tools. Another part of the housewives is sure that silicone baking molds are modern and safe products, and besides, they are also very convenient to use. Such housewives will not exchange these molds for other containers under any circumstances. There is also a third part, this category of lovers of pampering the family with delicious pastries is eyeing this product, wants to buy it, but they begin to be overcome by all sorts of doubts about the correctness of their intentions.

Truthful answers to questions about the use of silicone in baking

Are silicone bakeware harmful? What are they like? How to use these products at home? Let's start looking at these questions right now.

First about the good

  • Let's start with the fact that in the oven it turns out high and perfectly baked from the inside. This is partly, of course, due to the variety of designs of these devices, but partly due to the fact that when heated, silicone does not begin to brutally fry a cake or pie. Heat escapes inside, baking the cooked product.
  • There is a great opportunity to use such forms not only for baking, but they can also be adapted for freezing. In such dishes, jellied meat, various types of jelly, homemade ice cream are well obtained. Also, silicone baking molds can be placed in the oven directly from the refrigerator. The temperature corridor maintained by these products averages from -45 to +240 degrees.
  • You can bake not only in the oven, these forms will cope with their task of baking when using a microwave and a gas oven.
  • This material does not absorb odors at all. Meat and fish can be cooked in the same form in which you bake a cake.

And then again about the good

There are a lot of rumors and controversies about the harmfulness. In principle, the silicone molds themselves are not harmful. But again, it depends on the integrity of the manufacturer. If you purchase kits from a well-known and well-established brand, you will not be in trouble. Therefore, in order not to be disappointed in the quality and safety of silicone bakeware, beware of fakes that have always been and will always be. It is fakes that damage the reputation of bona fide manufacturing companies, and can also harm the health of consumers.

Forms are produced from . The special characteristics of this type of material prevent it from reacting with hot metal objects, heated oil, and dough. Even breast implants are made from such pure silicone. Therefore, it is absolutely not harmful. But let's return, perhaps, to the kitchen, to our pastries, or rather, silicone molds.

Let's start baking

So, we did not find anything terrible in silicone molds, which means it's time to start using this useful and safe device directly. Where should you start?

Before using a silicone baking dish, it must be thoroughly washed! Wash with dish detergent, preferably using a soft brush. In retail outlets, such forms in most cases are not supplied with a sterile packaging container. Therefore, during storage in the warehouse and during loading, and even while the product is just standing on the shelf in the store, contamination occurs.

Are silicone molds greased before baking?

The form is lubricated only before the initial departure to the oven. But you need to lubricate very carefully, using only vegetable oil. The best thing is to pour oil into the bottom of the mold so that the fold from the bottom to the walls certainly does not remain dry and does not cause inconvenience in the future. If the form contains complex artistic elements (rose, fish), you need to very carefully smear all the notches with a brush. Next, the molds should stand for 10 to 20 minutes for absorption. Now drain the excess oil and you can fill our molds with dough.

How to use silicone baking molds so that they last you a long time? First of all, you need to remember some features that exist during the operation of products:

  • The material is very flexible, so it is advisable to put the molds on a hard surface, and then fill them with dough. For these purposes, you can adapt a regular enameled or tin baking sheet.
  • Never cut a dish cooked in a mold directly in the same container! You will easily damage the silicone mold with a knife. For the same reason, don't pick at pastries with a fork.
  • To easily remove the cake from the mold, the finished product must be removed from the oven, placed on a hard surface and left for five or ten minutes. After the set time has passed, the cake will easily move away from the bottom and walls of the mold.
  • Be careful that your favorite silicone baking dish does not end up in the oven at a critical temperature for dishes! When the plus temperature reaches more than 250 degrees, your form will turn into ... no, not even a pumpkin, but smelly burnt lumps of melted silicone and dough.
  • Products made of silicone are baked with lightning speed. Due to the fact that no preheating is required and the temperature immediately affects the dough, the usual cooking time may be reduced. Keep an eye on baking, especially at first, until you get used to it.
  • When, when trying to place the mold in the oven, you suddenly find that you slightly miscalculated the height of the product, you can simply take scissors and cut off the sides of the product to a suitable level.

Silicone cookware is easy to care for and store, makes life easier for a modern housewife, allows you to experiment and create traditional dishes.
Forms for baking and cooking
In silicone utensils, you can cook a variety of dishes in any ovens, microwave ovens, convection ovens.

Dishes prepared in silicone molds are distinguished by excellent taste. Unlike metal forms, silicone, being an inert material, does not interact with products, both when heated and when frozen.

Silicone baking molds are indispensable for preparing low-calorie dishes. Due to the non-stick properties of the material, very little oil is needed to lubricate the pan, and only during the first baking.

Any dish cooked in a silicone mold can be easily removed while maintaining the desired shape.

Forms for baking will take up a minimum of space in the kitchen. They can be rolled up and put away in a closet, and the next time they are used, the shape will take on its original form.

Cooking various dishes in silicone molds does not require special knowledge from the hostess. You can bake not only pies and muffins in them, but also cook baked fish or stew, make jelly, pudding or jelly.

Recommendations for use:
First use: wash the mold with warm water, grease with oil.
In the process of cooking, use a kitchen tool (knife, spatula) made of wood, plastic or silicone.
Before filling, place the silicone mold on the base - a baking sheet, a wire rack or a microwave oven circle. Move the filled form only on the stand.
Before removing the cake from the silicone mold, let it cool slightly, carefully bend the edges of the mold.
After use, wash the mold using dishwashing gels.
If you wash your baking dish in the dishwasher, you will need to re-oil before baking the next time you use it.

Precautionary measures:

do not place the silicone mold on an open fire, directly on a gas or electric burner,

do not clean the silicone baking dish with scratching abrasive products,

do not use sharp kitchen tools.

Silicone molds for ice

Silicone does not lose elasticity at negative temperatures (down to -60°C), therefore, unlike ice made in a plastic mold, ready-made ice cubes are easily removed from the silicone mold and do not crumble.

You do not need a sharp tool to extract food ice, even a child can handle it. Ice cubes are perfectly shaped.

With silicone molds for ice, it's easy to fantasize and come up with new recipes. In the molds, you can freeze juice or make mini portions of ice cream, jelly or other dessert. Ice cubes with berries or fruit slices frozen inside look especially impressive. By freezing the infusion of herbs, you can use it for cosmetic purposes.

Recommendations for the use of silicone molds:
Wash the ice tray with warm water before first use.
Fill the silicone mold with liquid and place in the freezer on a flat surface.
To remove the finished ice, just press your finger on the cell, and the ice "jumps out" into the prepared glass.
For long-term storage, cover with food ice film.

Today, housewives have a lot of interesting kitchen appliances at their disposal. There are several dozens of molds for roasting meat, fish and baking confectionery products alone. The latest novelty, which is popular, are silicone molds. What are these products? How to use them correctly? Experienced chefs will tell you about all the nuances.

Terms of use

Silicone molds, which we see in the photo, are convenient and practical. They can be stored, folded, straightened, in any convenient for the hostess. It is also very easy to wash the products after use. Food does not stick to the silicone surface, it is not necessary to scrape off the remains of the mold after removing the baking. Reviews of cooks claim that any food is cooked faster in silicone dishes than in metal.

But in order for the forms to last for a long time, you must follow the rules of use:

  • After purchase, before the first use, silicone molds must be thoroughly washed.
  • After each use, the containers are rinsed with warm water.
  • Do not clean the silicone surface with hard brushes. This will damage the integrity of the product.
  • Removing pastries is easy, you need to turn the bowl over and lightly press the containers on them. Large pies are removed using silicone or wooden spatulas.
  • Any containers made of silicone should not be placed on fire.
  • Such dishes should not be stored near sharp, metal utensils.

Whether to use fats

Every housewife knows that before laying the dough in a regular tin form, it is greased. The advantage of silicone is its non-stick property. Due to this, the silicone surface can not be lubricated with oil. Experienced cooks advise doing this once, before the first use.

Further, a non-stick film is retained on the silicone, which prevents the dough from sticking to the surface. However, if the material is cheap, the mold will have to be lubricated regularly, before each use. Cooks advise lubricating silicone molds with vegetable oil, not using butter.

We use the substrate

To bake cupcakes in silicone molds in a gas or electric oven, you need to know a few recipes and secrets. The first difficulty arises when loading molds filled with dough into the oven. Since silicone is a soft material, you need to put substrates under the molds. It can be a ceramic or glass tray. Baking in soft forms is not placed on the grate in the oven.

In addition, there are a few more secrets:

  • If you plan to bake a large cake or pudding according to a special recipe in a silicone mold, it is better to place the container in a deep frying pan or saucepan. This will prevent tipping of the soft container and accidental spillage of the dough.
  • It is better to fill the forms with dough after placing them on the stand.
  • To avoid melting silicone in a gas oven, contact of the soft surface with hot oven walls should be avoided.

The nuances of baking

Baking waffles or muffins in silicone molds is no more difficult than in the usual metal containers. Having chosen the appropriate recipe, you should prepare the dough, pour it into a silicone bowl and send it to the oven. Moreover, it can be a gas, electric oven, microwave oven, multicooker. To prevent pastries from burning, remember that any confectionery in soft molds is cooked faster than in metal ones. This is due to the high thermal conductivity of silicone.

It is recommended to read the instructions for use from the manufacturer before use. As a rule, this document indicates the time and temperature recommended for a particular dish. Before removing the finished dish from the silicone bowl, it must be cooled.

About security

Today there is a lot of controversy about the safety of silicone cookware. Many believe that this chemical compound, when heated, releases substances hazardous to human health. However, experts in the chemical industry argue that harm from silicone utensils is possible only if used improperly.

Don't buy cheap ones. In pursuit of making big profits, manufacturers save on raw materials by using low-quality, technical silicone and synthetic dyes for the production of molds. To avoid poisoning, it is better to purchase dishes made of food or medical silicone. This is a safe product that is used to make the children's tableware shown in the photo.

In order not to miscalculate the choice of silicone molds, it is enough to smell the products. Quality material should not exude sharp, unpleasant rubber odors. If the containers are made from safe raw materials, muffins, waffles according to any recipes will turn out tasty and healthy.

The secrets of using soft containers and recipes for cupcakes in silicone molds can be found in the video.


Can I bake cupcakes and waffles in silicone molds? Certainly you can. According to the chefs, this is a safe material that allows you to create delicious and healthy pastries. Having learned to use this dish once, the hostess will no longer want to return to metal molds. High-quality silicone is characterized by high thermal conductivity, non-stick properties and ease of use.