Complete system of combinations 5 out of 36. “Universal System” of Guessing Lottery Numbers. Description of complete and incomplete lottery systems

If you have ever bought one or more lottery tickets (we are talking about active numerical lotteries like Sportloto) and did not win anything on them, then you probably experienced a feeling of annoyance or disappointment, and even a small win was perceived in a completely different way. But you can always be guaranteed to receive this small win.

With a filthy sheep - at least a tuft of wool

What does that require? It is necessary that the system by which we play includes all the numbers. This is a prerequisite. The second condition is that the system must have guarantees. Such conditions for the game "Sportloto 5 out of 36" are satisfied by an incomplete system - it is guaranteed to catch all the deuces, but 66 combinations are too much.

Let's take a system (5 numbers per variation, 9 numbers per game, 5 combinations). It also guarantees guessing at least 2 numbers if they are among the 9 numbers selected for the game. But if the prize numbers do not fall into the system 9-ku, then such a system will not bring a win. In this case, the prize numbers will be among the remaining 27 numbers (36 - 9). If we divide the playing field into 4 parts and apply the “5/9/5” system to each of these parts, we will get one “5/36/20” system for 20 combinations. With this approach, one of the 4 subsystems will always be guaranteed to catch 2 numbers: in the worst case, 3 subsystems will catch 1 number and one - 2 numbers, in the best case, 3 subsystems will not catch a single number and all 5 prize numbers will be collected in 4 oh subsystem, although this does not guarantee winning the super prize, but the system with 66 numbers does not give such a guarantee.

We can improve our system. If we combine instead of four “5/9/5” systems, two systems and two -, then as a result we get a similar system, but with a large number of unique twos, threes and fours (we omit the calculations, those who doubt can check for themselves).

If you carefully look at the results of the combinatorial analysis of the obtained systems, you can see that they do not have guarantees. Yes, there is no guarantee that the systems catch all possible deuces out of 36 numbers, but we don’t need it, it is necessary that the systems catch at least one deuce out of 5 prize numbers, but there is such a guarantee! Of course, we are not talking about the profitability of these systems, they simply guarantee a consolation prize in the worst case scenario and do not exclude a super prize.

Since the systems cover the entire playing field, it is not necessary to choose numbers for them, but it is necessary to specify the substitution order. The simplest options: generate a sequence using a random number generator (RNG), or take any one, expanding its lines into one, where the first number will correspond to the first number of the system, and the last to the last. In the case of using RNG, it is necessary to ensure that the numbers in the sequence do not repeat.

k 2 3 4
System The number of combinations by k out of 36
(2 x 5/7/3 + 2 x 5/11/7) 152 188 100
(5/10/6 + 5/11/7 + 5/15/13) 205 252 130
(2 x 5/11/20 + 5/14/43) 201 694 406
(5/11/20 + 5/12/29 + 5/13/34) 199 671 414

Combining different systems in this way, you can get new systems with certain guarantees, for example: three systems will give the system "5/36/27", optimizing which, we get the system , but such a system catches triples better, and the subsystems from which it is built ( + + ), provide guarantees for guessing only 2 numbers, so it is advisable to combine three systems . The result will be a “5/36/87” system, but two system options will be more optimal: they, as can be seen from the formula, are more economical by 4 combinations. With the same system formula, these are different systems and they are obtained by combining different systems: (2 × +) and ( + + ) - the first catches more unique twos and triples, and the second - more fours. These are already systems for a more serious game, for example, in a syndicate of 3-5 players, they will catch triples well, and if they are lucky, they will catch 4 or 5 numbers (Jackpot). It should be noted that the currently known combinatorial system with the same number of numbers, guaranteeing 3 numbers, contains 821 combinations. 83 and 821 - is there a difference? Of course, miracles do not happen: a system of 821 combinations will catch all possible triples, and a system of 83 combinations will catch at least one, provided that 3 prize numbers are collected in one of the subsystems (it is possible that the prize numbers will be distributed among the subsystems in ratio 2+2+1).

Obviously, similar systems can be obtained for other lottery formulas:, etc. If you are playing with a "wait for the jackpot" strategy, then it would be a good idea to use such systems so that after each game you are guaranteed to return some amount of money.

The system is statistics.
If the system is right, you will never lose.
Jack London

Professional players know that the probability of becoming the owner of a big win in "Sportloto 5 out of 36" can be increased if you play according to the system or, as it is also called, the scheme.

The system is a set of combinations from a group of numbers selected by the player, which allows you to increase the total amount of winnings when one or more numbers from the group fall out.

In this section you can get acquainted with the most popular and interesting systems.

Please note that we do not claim that playing the system will definitely bring you a win, it can only increase your chances of getting the coveted cash prize.

How to play "Sportloto 5 out of 36" according to the system

To play according to the system, you need to go through a series of simple steps:

Step 1: Choose a few numbers that you think are more likely to come up in the upcoming draw.

Step 2: make several combinations of these numbers in accordance with the rules of the chosen system.

Step 3: make bets in "Sportloto 5 out of 36" on those combinations of numbers that were obtained during the use of the selected game system.

After you have made a bet, it remains to wait for the results of the "Sportloto 5 out of 36" drawing.

Benefits of system play

Here's what players say about the system game.

Firstly, the overall probability of winning in the system is much greater than for one ticket filling option - after all, the system contains several different, but at the same time interconnected combinations. And bets are placed on several combinations at once for one draw.

Secondly, with the same number of options, a good system provides a greater probability of winning than a random set of combinations. Judge for yourself: playing according to the system makes it possible to cover, within reasonable limits, a certain number of combinations made up of a group of numbers. At the same time, choosing combinations randomly, it is much more difficult to cover the possible options.

Thirdly, the use of an extended system in the game brings the possibility of winning much closer: the more numbers covered by the system, the more likely the chance of winning.

And finally, in case of success of one or several numbers, the system gives a large amount of winnings, since, as a rule, several combinations win at once.

Varieties of systems

There are a large number of classifications of systems according to a variety of criteria.

The following groups of systems are key:


    balanced systems: in them, the number of each ball is present in the same number of options

    unbalanced systems: different numbers are present in different numbers of options

If you consider some of the numbers participating in the system to be more successful and promising, it is better to use an unbalanced system that allows you to put exactly this most promising number in the place of the most frequently occurring one.

Thus, the most promising number will participate in the largest number of bets, and when guessing in this case, the unbalanced system will bring you the maximum win!


    complete systems: systems that include all possible options from a selected group of numbers

    incomplete (reduced) systems: systems that include some options from a selected group of numbers

An interesting variety of incomplete systems are systems with hard numbers. Their main difference is the use of several (usually from 1 to 3) constant numbers in all combinations of the system. This option should be used if you can determine the constant numbers that, in your opinion, have the maximum probability of falling out in the next draw.

It is believed that incomplete systems are more economical, require fewer combinations and are designed mainly for a large cumulative win in the lower winning groups (2, 3 and 4 numbers out of 5), while complete systems are aimed at winning not quantitatively, but qualitatively - using all kinds of combinations from the selected group of numbers, they increase the player's chances of owning the game's jackpot.

The main advantage of incomplete systems is the ability to combine a large number of numbers with a small number of combinations. Therefore, which system to choose - it's up to you!


The peculiarity of these systems is that the player chooses the numbers for making combinations not from one, but from several groups of numbers at once, the number of which is free. At the same time, some numbers can be included in several groups at the same time.

*Note: for example, first you selected a group of numbers that, in your opinion, may fall out first during the next draw, another group of numbers that may fall second, and so on, and then, choosing the favorite number in accordance with a certain system, For each group, you form the final combination, on which you place a bet on the Sports Betting terminal.


Systems based on the background of the game: or, as they are also called, favorite systems. The essence of these systems is the analysis of the results of all past draws of the game "Sportloto 5 out of 36" (by the way, you can download the results of the game draws here), on the basis of which all numbers can be arranged in ascending order of the number of times they became happy and fell out on the lottery machine.

*Note: There are 2 opposite tactics associated with these types of systems - betting on the most or least frequently drawn numbers. Some players confidently state that certain balls fall out more often than others, so you need to bet on “lucky” numbers, which are chosen by the lottery machine more often than others. But their opponents, who believe that it is necessary to bet on those numbers that have not yet fallen out, have no doubt that each number should have approximately the same number of total losses, so you need to bet on those numbers that have fallen out the least.

General rules of the system game

Out of 36 numbers, you choose any n that you decide to play, and assign a system number to each number.

Example: 6 number system - 4 combinations

1. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
2. 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 6
3. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6
4. 1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

Let's say the numbers you have chosen are: 04 -10 - 17 - 24 - 35 - 36. Now, instead of numbers, you should substitute the corresponding numbers into the system. In our example, the combinations will look like this:

1. 04 - 10 - 17 - 24 - 35
2. 04 - 10 - 17 - 35 - 36
3. 04 - 10 - 17 - 24 - 36
4. 04 - 17 - 24 - 35 - 36

In this system, winnings are possible:

    With 5 guessed numbers - 1 five (Jackpot "Sportloto 5 out of 36") and 3 fours (winning category - 4 numbers out of 5);

    With 4 guessed numbers - 4 fours and 2 triples (winning category - 3 numbers out of 5);

    With 3 guessed numbers - from 1 to 3 triples.

6 number system - 6 combinations (complete system)

This operation is performed by replacing the numbers in the standard system with selected numbers. Numbers of the standard system: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Favorite numbers are numbers that the player chooses on his own. The following combinations are possible in this system:

1. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
2. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
3. - 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
4. - 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
5. - 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
6. - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

We will show how this system works with an example. To begin with, randomly select any six numbers from 1 to 36. For example, we will take 12-16-19-27-32-36 - these are our favorite numbers. Substitute these numbers into the system and get the following combinations:

1. - 12 - 16 - 19 - 27 - 32
2. - 12 - 16 - 19 - 27 - 36
3. - 12 - 16 - 19 - 32 - 36
4. - 12 - 16 - 27 - 32 - 36
5. - 12 - 19 - 27 - 32 - 36
6. - 16 - 19 - 27 - 32 - 36

We make six bets with these combinations for one draw of "Sportloto 5 out of 36" with a total value of 15,000 rubles. It is believed that winnings are possible in this system: with 5 guessed numbers - 1 five (jackpot) and 5 fours (i.e. 5 times 4 matches each), with 4 guessed numbers - 2 fours (i.e. 2 times 4 matches) and 4 triples (i.e. 4 times 3 matches), with 3 guessed numbers - 3 triples (3 times 3 matches).

8 number system - 8 combinations (incomplete system)

1. 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 7
2. 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8
3. 1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 7
4. 1 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 7
5. 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 8
6. 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 8
7. 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8
8. 2 - 4 - 6 - 7 - 8

last known circulation #11366 dated 2019-12-17 18:00:00. Rooms: [

, +]. The sum of the numbers = 79.

Probability of winning in Gosloto 5 out of 36

This Histogram displays cold and hot combinations calculated on the basis of data obtained from the section. Only combinations for 1 playing field are examined, that is, without an additional ball. These combinations are obtained by a simple enumeration of 17 cold and hot balls, and automatic analysis on the history in 1000 circulations. This is just a small part of all the possible lottery combinations. For a general idea, let's say that the histogram of all possible combinations will look like a huge bell, with an average value corresponding to a total probability of winning 1 to 7.58 . Near 99% combinations will fall in the range from 6.58 to 8.58 WR. You and I see only the ones that interest us the most, small tails on the left and right.
Overall probability of winning for Gosloto "5 out of 36" is 1 to 7.58.
And here is one of the secrets of how to overtake probability theory - If you choose to play cold combination(wr>7.58), then sooner or later you will be able to overtake the mathematical probability of winning, since on a large number of trials the value "wr" will tend to value "overall probability of winning". True, it is impossible to predict exactly when this will happen, in a few runs, 100 runs, or 1,000,000 runs.

For lotteries 5 out of N numbers, 12 options out of 15 numbers

It increases the chances of becoming a lottery winner and makes your bets systemic, thus allowing you to get several winning options in one draw.
It has established itself as an effective means of obtaining a steady income.

It shows the most positive results in lotteries with a small range of numbers, such as Gosloto 5 out of 36, for example. The ability to choose numbers to generate variants (by frequency of occurrence or other criteria) is one of the advantages of this online program.

The "Fifteener" generator creates 12 variants of 5 numbers each, from any 15 non-repeating numbers in the range of the lottery you have chosen.
It is 5 numbers that is the most popular combination of world lotteries.

Remember! The larger the jackpot in the lottery, the more difficult it is to guess the winning option. A constant small income is much more profitable than unfulfilled dreams of a multi-million dollar win.

Information about lottery systems

There are two large groups of numerical systems: complete and incomplete.
They are divided into systems with or without a key number.

Full system (Full wheel) - all possible combinations of numbers given in the lottery. All combinations that can be added from lottery numbers will be a complete system. This system has a significant drawback - it is very expensive.

with key number- a system in which one number or several are repeated in each of the options. It can be either complete or incomplete. Gives great guarantees of winning, provided that the player guesses the key number.

The Steiner system is a mathematical model in which the number of matches (L) is always equal to one. It is interesting from the point of view of combinatorics, but it is not recommended to use such systems in games.

incomplete system(Abbreviated wheel) - these are several combinations of numbers that together provide a guaranteed win in a certain category of prizes under given conditions.
An incomplete system is designated by the letter "C", from the English word "Covering", which means "covering".

Covering (coverage) - the coincidence of a certain number of numbers provided by the system under certain conditions.
Coverage is the guarantees that the system has. It is one of the main properties of the system.
Such systems are also called coating systems.

Cover system consisting of 10 options for a 6 out of N lottery and guaranteeing a "triple" with 3 guessed numbers out of 10,
has the following form: С(10,6,3,3,10 ).
The coverage in such a system is a guaranteed “three” with 3 guessed numbers out of 10 in one of 10 options.

Traditionally, the following symbols are used in systems: C, S, v, k, t, m, L, b.
Each character stands for a number, which in turn represents a specific system parameter.
The symbols mean the following parameters:

C - Covering. Coating system;

S - Steiner. Steiner system;

V is the number of numbers included in the system;

K - the number of numbers in the combination;

T - guaranteed number of numbers, which must match during the draw;

M is the required match among the selected numbers;

L is the guaranteed number of combinations that have a match;

B is the number of combinations in the system;

In symbolic form, the system looks like this: C(v,k,t,m,L,b).
C(31,6,2,2,1,31) means:

The system includes v = 31 numbers,
Each combination of the system consists of k = 6 numbers,
In L = 1 combinations, at least t = 2 numbers are guaranteed to match if any m = 2 numbers are guessed;
The system consists of b = 31 combinations.

To determine the probability of winning when playing with several options,
it is necessary to divide the total number of combinations in a particular lottery by the number of selected options.

  • Option 1 - the probability is: 1 to 20.358.520
  • Option 2 - the probability is: 2 to 20.358.520 or 1 to 10.179.260
  • Option 3 - the probability is: 3 to 20.358.520 or 1 to 6.786.173
  • Option 4 - the probability is: 4 to 20.358.520 or 1 to 5.089.630
  • Option 5 - the probability is: 5 to 20.358.520 or 1 to 4.071.704
The probability of winning increases dramatically when choosing the second option.
That is, when buying a second ticket (option), the probability of winning increases by 50%.
Further, with an increase in the number of combinations, the probability of winning increases, but not so seriously.
In the lottery 5 out of 36
PROBABLE NUMBER OF WINS of each class, of all possible combinations,
is determined taking into account the probability coefficient of each win:

Winning for 5 matching numbers: (5x4x3x2x1) / (1x2x3x4x5) = 1 win
Winnings for matching 4 numbers: [(5x4x3x2) / (1x2x3x4)] x (31/1) = 155 wins
Winnings for matching 3 numbers: [(5x4x3) / (1x2x3)] x [(31x30)/(1x2)] = 4.650 wins
Winnings for matching 2 numbers: [(5x4) / (1x2)] x [(31x30x29)/(1x2x3)] = 44.950 wins

is determined by the ratio of the probable number of wins to the total number of combinations:

Winning for 5 matching numbers: 376.992 / 1 = 1 out of 376.992 combinations
Winning for 4 correct numbers: 376.992 / 155 = 1 in 2.432 combinations
Winning for 3 guessed numbers: 376.992 / 4650 = 1 out of 81 combinations
Winning for 2 guessed numbers: 376.992 / 44950 = 1 for 8 combinations

No system can guarantee a win in every draw, but it can reduce financial costs by increasing the chances of winning when several conditions are met.
Each system has a certain guarantee, which depends on the number of numbers included in the system, as well as on the number of combinations of the system itself.
The more numbers in the lottery range are included in the system and the number of combinations in such a system is less and the minimum winning guarantees are higher, the better it is.

Controversial issues.

Some lottery participants claim:
If you purchase 10 lottery options, with a probability of winning 1 to 10.000.000
then the chance of winning will be 10/10.000.000 or 1 to 1.000.000.
However, their opponents claim that the chance will be 10.000.000 - 10 or 10 to 9.999.990.
The difference in error between the statements, some players are talking about the probability of winning, while others are talking about the chance of winning it.
But it should be noted that "chance" and "probability" are not the same thing and mathematically they are not equal to each other.

Chance is the ratio of the probability that an event will occur to the probability that the event will not occur.
Probability is the probability that one or more events will occur divided by the number of possible outcomes.


The game cube (dice) has six sides, each of which has its own number from 1 to 6.
Probability dropout of any face will be 1/6.
Chance that the selected face will fall out will be 1/5, that is, 1 chance "for" and 5 "against" the loss.

Game die contains 3 even and 3 odd numbers (2,4,6 and 1,3,5)
Probability that an even number 3/6 or 0.5 will fall out.
Chance this event will be 3/3 or 1/1, in other words 1 chance for and 1 against.

In relation to the described controversial statement,
Probability win by ten options will be 10:10.000.000
Chances there will be only 10 wins and 9.999.990 chances not to win. Those. 10 for and 9.999.990 against.

CHANCES can be translated into PROBABILITY.
If the chance is 10:9.999.990 then the probability of this event will be:
10 + 9.999.990 = 10.000.000
10/10.000.000 = 0,000001
The percentage probability will be: 100 0.000001= 0.0001%

The probability of winning when playing with 10 options will be 0.0001% versus 0.00001% when playing with one option.
If the probability is denoted as X, then the chance will be equal to X / (1-X).
If the probability of winning is 0.7, then the chance of this happening is 0.7/(1-0.7) = 2.33.

Lottery draw with variants generated by the Fifteener generator.


15 numbers selected in order: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

The generator created 12 variants of numbers from this selected range:

The prices of services for the sale of lottery tickets are indicated - Lottoland and Stoloto

The result of the lottery draw: 03, 04, 09, 12, 14.

Coincidence of the drawn numbers with the selected ones:

  • 3 numbers per option: 3
  • 2 numbers in options: 4, 5, 9, 12
  • 1 number in options: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11

The winnings in the draw will be:

*PB,LS,ES,MB - extra ball.

Let's sum up.

Small prizes were won, but they also returned the money spent on tickets to us and even gave us a small income.
For example, in the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery, 960 rubles were spent for 12 options, and 1,120 rubles were received.

Net income of 160 rubles, and these are two free options in the next draw :-)

In American and European lotteries, the prize payouts are many times larger, but it is much more difficult to guess the coincidence of 3 numbers in them due to the increase in the total number of lottery options (see the calculation formula).

Pay attention to the difference in the price of the option and the amount of payments for 3 guessed numbers, in Gosloto 5 out of 36 this difference is tenfold!

The result of applying the system:

You are guaranteed to win if five draw numbers fall within the range of numbers you have chosen.

If four numbers match, the probability of winning the draw is approximately 70%.

If three numbers match, the probability of winning the draw is less than 50%. .

In the Gosloto lottery (5 out of 36 + 1 out of 4)

In the EuroMillions lottery (5 out of 50 + 2 out of 12)
the number of combinations is:

In the MegaMillions lottery (5 out of 70 + 1 out of 25)
the number of combinations is:

In the PowerBall lottery (5 out of 69 + 1 out of 26)
the number of combinations is:

Probability of winning in a numerical lottery.

Number of guessed balls Probability of guessing the number of balls

If you fill in 100 combinations, then on average, guessing will be 12 (11.9) "twos" and 1 (1.2) "threes" and most likely not a single "four" and not a single "five". But, if you play 100 combinations for 100 draws (that is, a total of 10,000 combinations), then the average statistical guessing will be: 1192 "twos", 123 "triples" and as many as 4 "fours". It is possible to guess the "five" with a probability of 2% (1 chance out of 50).

The fallout of four "fours" in these 100 runs may be distributed evenly (one "four" for every 25 runs), it may be that all the "fours" will fall out in the first runs or, vice versa, the last ones, it may turn out that not a single " four” and the probability of this event is not so small.

Let's supplement the table with one more column, with the average number of combinations that need to be filled in order to guess the given number of balls 1 time. If you play with one combination, then this number shows how many runs, on average, you can guess a given number of balls.

Example: to guess the "four" you need to cross out 2432.2 combinations. If you play in each draw with only one combination, then the “three” will be guessed on average after 81 runs.

Lottery table 5 of 36

Number of guessed balls

Probability of guessing

number of combinations


Added 2 more rows to the table (0 and 1). They show that with a probability of 45% not a single ball will match and with a probability of 41.7% the guess will be exactly 1 ball.

Lottery table 6 of 45

Number of guessed balls

Probability of guessing

number of combinations


Lottery table 7 of 49

Number of guessed balls

Probability of guessing

number of combinations


More accurately obtained values ​​should be expected on a large number of draws or when playing with a large number of combinations.

Create several different sets of options (numbers in order, even, odd, often dropped, generated, etc.)
Numbers can be divided into groups. For example, 36 lottery numbers can be divided into 3 groups. These are numbers from 1 to 12, from 12 to 24 and from 24 to 36. When choosing most of the numbers in one group (the probability of winning within a group is higher than for all 36 lottery numbers), add numbers from other groups. Check out the results of past lottery draws - online ARCHIVE
You can use an analytical program or a form of online analysis of circulations of a statistical service "Analysisloto"
Wait for the lottery draw and check the results. You can choose the most suitable options for yourself.
Thus, save your money and gain experience in filling out tickets. Try this for different lotteries.

1. Make sure that the Lottery is state-owned, that the government monitors the additional security of its conduct.
2. The game does not use computer numbers. You must be sure that the numbers are real balls.
3. The process of drawing numbers is continuous. From start to finish without interruption of the broadcast.
4. Don't play when you feel like it. You need to stick to a schedule (once a week, twice a month...)
5. Don't play 7-ball games, but 6-ball games only if you have no other choice. Lottery with 5 balls is better.
6. Do not participate in lotteries with a lot of numbers. The smaller the lottery range, the greater the chances of winning.
7. Do not play if the draws are played more than 2 times a week. The game becomes very expensive and the winnings decrease.
8. Do not participate in the lottery on popular days. You will have to share your winnings with dozens of other players.
9. Fill in a sufficient number of options. One or two options are not enough to win.
It is better to play 12 variations once a month than 1 variation per draw.
10. Don't change your number combinations. Stick to the selected numbers in each game. Don't think other numbers will be better.
11. Use a system that works to complete options. You can't beat a proven system.
12. Keep track of the frequency of numbers in all draws. Some numbers come up unusually often.
13. Don't miss your chosen draws. According to statistics, the winners in any lottery play all the time until they win.
14. Don't give up too quickly. Breakthrough in the lottery, as in life, comes just when everything seems to be completely gloomy.
15. Don't think about the money you lost when buying tickets. Paying for tickets is a necessary requirement of the lottery.
Everything will be returned upon receipt of the winnings.
Note: Decide on the amount you are willing to spend, and possibly lose. The probability of losing is always there and it is quite large. You will not be disappointed only if you are ready for any outcome.
16. Don't assume you know everything, little known information can improve your chances of winning.
17. In order not to lose your winnings:
Make a photocopy of your tickets and put them in a safe place.
Write your name or your ID number on each winning ticket.
When giving a lottery ticket as a gift, make sure the recipient is over the age of 18 to receive the winnings.
In the game with a syndicate, require a document signed by the group members, with the amount that each participant invested and your prize share in case of winning the lottery draw.

“Universal System”

Lottery Number Guessing

Many are wondering if there is a “universal system” for guessing lottery numbers, with which one could regularly win?
No, such a system does not exist.

As in any lottery, success is determined by one of the elements of probability theory - the random factor. The result of the draw depends entirely on the actions of the lottery machine. Randomly mixing the balls without any human intervention, the lottery drum produces such incredible combinations that it is simply impossible to come up with. Sometimes the lottery drum will throw out several numbers in a row, and sometimes, on the contrary, it will scatter numbers throughout the playing field of the ticket. Therefore, winning is possible both in the game according to the system, and in the unsystematic game.

However, only constant participation in the lottery from circulation to circulation with a small number of tickets, and not at all a “universal system”, allows you to become the owner of a win.

What are the advantages of playing according to the system over the unsystematic game?

To accurately guess 6 numbers in the lottery "6 out of 45", "6 out of 49" and 5 numbers in the lottery "5 out of 36", "5 out of 40" you need to fill in 8.145.060, 13.983.816 and 376.992, 658.008 combinations, respectively, which is almost impossible for one participant in the lottery, and for the whole team. Playing according to the system makes it possible to cover, within reasonable limits, a certain number of combinations made up of a group of numbers.

The system brings the possibility of winning closer: the more numbers covered by the system, the more likely the chance of winning.

And finally, in case of guessing, the system gives a large amount of winnings, since, as a rule, several combinations win.

How is the system played?

Let's show this on the example of the system "7 numbers - 7 combinations" for the lottery "6 out of 45", "6 out of 49".

7 numbers in this system are arranged in 7 combinations so that none of them repeats:

1 combination - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
2 combination.-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
3 combination - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
4 combination - 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
5 combination - 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
6 combination - 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
7 combination-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

From 45 (49) lottery numbers, choose any 7 numbers you like

For example: No. 4, No. 11, No. 21, No. 33, No. 37, No. 40 and No. 45. And substitute their numbers instead of system numbers:

4, 11, 21, 33, 37, 40
4, 11, 21, 33, 37, 45
4, 11, 21, 33, 40, 45
4, 11, 21, 37, 40, 45
4, 11, 33, 37, 40, 45
4, 21, 33, 37, 40, 45
11, 21, 33, 37, 40, 45

Now we check: any 6 numbers from numbers The selected 7 numbers are necessarily available among the combinations of the system.

The advantage of the system is that when guessing 6 numbers, it is possible to win not only for these 6 numbers, but also six wins for 5 numbers. Consequently, not one, but several lottery tickets win at once.

The system “7 numbers - 7 combinations” given in the example is called a complete system, since it contains all possible combinations with the given seven numbers and provides the highest performance - six with six guessed numbers. A feature of complete systems is that the payoffs of each winning group are precisely determined and calculated according to the appropriate formulas.

In addition to complete systems, there are also incomplete or reduced systems. They are based on the principle of the possibility of winning in the lower winning groups (for 3 and 4 numbers for lotteries with a numerical formula of 5 numbers out of n; for 4 and 5 numbers for lotteries with a numerical formula of 6 numbers out of n) when guessing a certain number of numbers, and therefore are more economical and require less numbers combinations.

For example, the incomplete system "7 numbers - 5 combinations" for the lottery "6 out of 45", "6 out of 49" gives winnings for 4 guessed numbers, but no longer guarantees winnings for 6 numbers, like the complete system "7 numbers - 7 combinations" :

1 combination - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
2 combination - 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
3 combination - 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
4 combination - 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
5 combination - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

There are a large number of incomplete systems in all types of lotteries. It is advisable to use them for individual participation in the lottery, as they make it possible to combine a large number of numbers with a small number of combinations.

A variety of incomplete systems are systems with hard (constant) numbers. They are made up of a certain number of hard (permanent) numbers. Usually, 1, 2 or 3 permanent numbers are taken for such systems, since with a larger content of permanent numbers, the efficiency of the system decreases.

For example: the system "7 numbers - 4 combinations" with three permanent (solid) numbers looks like this:

1 combination - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
2 combination - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
3 combination - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
4 combination - 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7

1. System "4 + 1".

Four numbers are crossed out in all combinations of the system in the same way. The role of the fifth number is alternately played by the remaining thirty-two numbers.

There are 32 combinations in total in the complete system.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1, 2, 3, 4, 6
1, 2, 3, 4, 7

Complete system features:

a) if 2 numbers are guessed by the constant, basic part, the winnings will be: 3 triples;

b) if 3 numbers are guessed by the constant, basic part, the winnings will be: 2 fours and 30 triples;

c) if 4 numbers are guessed by the constant, basic part, the winnings will be: 1 five and 31 four.

2. System "3 + 2".

Three numbers are selected, which are crossed out in the same way in all combinations. The remaining two numbers change in combinations. To do this, a complete system of pairs is compiled from the remaining 33 numbers.

There are 528 combinations in total in the complete system.

1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

2. 1, 2, 3,4, 6

3. - – - – –

4. - – - – –

527. 1, 2, 3, 34, 36

528. 1, 2, 3, 35, 36

Complete system features:

a) if 1 number is guessed by the permanent, basic part, the winnings will be: 6 triples;

b) if 2 numbers are guessed by the constant, basic part, the winnings will be: 3 fours and 90 triples;

c) if 3 numbers are guessed by the constant, basic part, the winnings will be: 1 five, 62 fours and 465 triples.

An incomplete system of seventeen combinations makes it possible to use all additional thirty-three numbers.

To compile pairs of numbers, you can use the "Statistics of paired numbers" (the most frequently playing pairs), where each number corresponds to a pair of numbers.

3. System "8 + X".

The base part of the system consists of eight fixed numbers. An additional variable number "X" within a single system is also a permanent number.

It is supposed to use several such systems in one run, differing from each other only by the number "X".

There are two ways to win in one system.

Option I. The winning numbers are completely included in the eight base numbers. The system will provide:

With 3 guessed numbers - 1 three;

With 4 guessed numbers - 4 triples or 1 four;

With 5 guessed numbers - 1 four and 6 triples.

Option II. One of the winning numbers is additional, and the rest are part of the eight base numbers. The system will provide:

With 3 guessed numbers - 3 triplets;

With 4 guessed numbers - 1 four and 6 triples;

With 5 guessed numbers - 4 fours and 6 threes or 1 five and 12 threes.

– 1, 2, 3, 7, X
– 1, 2, 4, 6, X
– 1, 2, 5, 8, X
– 1, 3, 4, 8, X
– 1, 3, 5, 6, X
– 1, 4, 5, 7, X
– 1, 6, 7, 8, X
– 2, 3, 4, 5, X
– 2, 3, 6, 8, X
– 2, 4, 7, 8, X
– 2, 5, 6, 7, X
– 3, 4, 6, 7, X
– 3, 5, 7, 8, X
– 4, 5, 6, 8, X

This system is ideal for raising the bet.

A full bet equal to twenty-eight systems gives winnings:

with two numbers guessed by the base part - 9 triples;

with three - 2 fours and 38 triples;

with four - from 4 fours and 114 threes to 1 five, 27 fours, and 12 threes;

with five numbers guessed by the base part - 28 fours and 168 threes.

The variant of the game by the system "8 + X" is allowed, where "X" are arbitrary numbers in all combinations.
LOTTERY SYSTEMS "6 numbers out of N"

1. System "5 + 1".

Five numbers are crossed out in all combinations of the system in the same way. The role of the sixth number is alternately played by the remaining forty numbers.

There are 40 combinations in total in the complete system.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8

Complete system features:

a) if 3 numbers are guessed by the permanent part: 3 fours and 37 threes;

b) if 4 numbers are guessed by the permanent part: 2 fives and 38 fours;

c) if 5 numbers are guessed by the permanent part: 1 six and 39 fives

2. System "4+2".

Four numbers are selected, which are crossed out in all combinations of the system in the same way. The remaining two numbers change in combinations. For this, a complete system of pairs is compiled from the remaining 41 numbers.

In total, there are 820 combinations in the complete system.

1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

3. - – - – –

4. - – - – –

819. 1, 2, 3, 4, 43, 45

820. 1, 2, 3, 4, 44, 45

Complete system features:

a) if 2 numbers are guessed by the permanent part, it is guessed: 6 fours;

b) if 3 numbers are guessed by the constant part, it is guessed: 3 fives and 114 fours;

c) if 4 numbers are guessed by the constant part, it is guessed: 1 six, 78 fives and 741 fours.

Total: the system allows you to receive one or another win in 44.98% of cases.

3. System "8 + X + Y".

The base part of the system consists of eight fixed numbers. Variable numbers "X" and "Y" within one single system are also permanent numbers.

It is supposed to use several such systems in one run, differing from each other only by the numbers "X" and "Y".

In one system, there are three possible winnings.

Option I The winning numbers are fully included in the eight base numbers. The system provides:

With 4 guessed numbers - 1 four or no win;

With 5 guessed numbers - 1 four;

With 6 guessed numbers - 3 fours.

Option II. One of the winning numbers is among the additional numbers, and the rest are included in the basic numbers. The system provides:

With 4 guessed numbers - 1 four;

With 5 guessed numbers - 4 fours or 1 five;

With 6 guessed numbers - 1 five and 6 fours.

Option III. The two winning numbers are additional numbers, while the rest are included in the base numbers. The system provides:

With 4 guessed numbers - 3 fours;

With 5 guessed numbers - 1 five, 6 fours;

With 6 guessed numbers - 4 fives and 6 fours or 1 six and 12 fours.

– 1, 2, 3, 7, X, Y
– 1, 2, 4, 6, X, Y
– 1, 2, 5, 8, X, Y
– 1, 3, 4, 8, X, Y
– 1, 3, 5, 6, X, Y
– 1, 4, 5, 7, X, Y
– 1, 6, 7, 8, X, Y
– 2, 3, 4, 5, X, Y
– 2, 3, 6, 8, X, Y
– 2, 4, 7, 8, X, Y
– 2, 5, 6, 7, X, Y
– 3, 4, 6, 7, X, Y
– 3, 5, 7, 8, X, Y
– 4, 5, 6, 8, X, Y

This system is ideal for raising the bet. Full rate in "6 out of 45" (Gosloto, etc.); equals 666, in "6 out of 49" - 820, and in "6 out of 56" - 1176 systems.