What does adrenaline rush do? Energy drinks: benefit or harm

The frantic pace of modern life makes you spin, rush and adapt to a given rhythm. Increasingly, young people are resorting to the so-called "ambulance" - energy drinks, which in a matter of minutes give strength, invigorate, relieve fatigue and drowsiness. One of the most popular is the energy drink Adrenaline.

In the article, we will study its composition, consider the signs of poisoning and overdose with the product, and also try to understand what is the benefit and what is the harm of Adrenaline, what is its lethal dose.

The composition of the energy

The main active ingredients of the product are:

  1. Caffeine - this product is widely known for its invigorating and tonic effect. Thanks to the caffeine contained in coffee, in the morning we get cheerfulness and good mood. Adrenaline Energy Drink contains 30 milligrams of caffeine per 100 grams of product. That is, a jar of energy drinks 0.5 liters contains 150 milligrams of caffeine. The harmfulness of this substance has long been proven by scientists. Its negative effect is an increase in pressure, pulse rate, dehydration of the body. In addition, the substance contributes to the destruction of nerve cells. A lethal dose of caffeine is 10-15 grams.
  2. Taurine - an interesting fact is that in a half-liter jar of Adrenaline there are as many as a thousand milligrams of taurine, despite the fact that the human body is not able to absorb more than four hundred milligrams of the substance per day.
  3. The sports supplement carnitine is a rather controversial substance. Some believe that carnitine is an effective fat burner, since it takes an active part in the breakdown of fats and is present in the body normally, that is, in this way the product promotes weight loss. Other experts argue that with the help of carnitine, the body's fat reserves are burned only if we do not get enough energy from food. Otherwise, this substance breaks down only the fats contained in food, that is, we will absorb even more fat and not lose weight a bit. Contradictions also exist in how the substance acts on the cardiovascular system. Some researchers are inclined to believe that carnitine benefits our heart, makes it more resilient and protects during increased stress. The rest are sure that carnitine harms blood vessels.
  4. Ginseng and guarana extracts - cause increased heart rate and heart rate, increase blood pressure. You should be very careful with the use of these substances.
  5. A number of vitamins such as vitamin C, B8 (inositol), B6, B12, beta-carotene.
  6. Auxiliary components: sugar, water, acidity regulators, gas for saturation of drinks.

Signs of poisoning and overdose of a drink

Immediately after drinking the energy drink, there is a surge of strength, fatigue disappears, and the mood rises. But after a while, when the action of Adrenaline wears off, the energy doesn't just leave the person. He feels absolutely overwhelmed, devastated and squeezed out like a lemon.

During this period, you need to have a good rest, sleep as well as possible, move away from the action of artificial stimulants. But instead, many reach for another portion of an invigorating drink, which is the main danger: you can get Adrenaline poisoning.

If you exceed the daily dose of energy recommended for use, you can suffer from an overdose.

Signs of an adrenaline overdose:

  • the heart begins to beat faster;
  • the face turns red;
  • the hands are shaky;
  • pressure rises;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • body temperature is increased;
  • possible nausea, upset of the digestive tract;
  • insomnia and nervousness;
  • consciousness is confused, fainting may occur.

If you often abuse energy drinks, you can get serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Inevitably, a mental disorder in a person. There have been cases when people died from cardiac arrest after overdrinking an energy drink. The lethal dose for each is individual, in any case, you should not drink more than the recommended portion, namely 0.5 liters per day.

What to do?

If, after drinking an energy drink, a person complains of a deterioration in well-being, first aid is needed.

First of all, you need to get rid of the energy drink remaining in the stomach by washing it properly and causing vomiting. Next, you need to open the windows, letting fresh air into the room, and give the patient sorbents that will help remove toxic substances from the body. Also, drinking plenty of water is helpful.

If the case is serious, then you urgently need to call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital on your own, where he will be provided with qualified assistance. In some cases, when a person has serious health problems, even a relatively small amount of energy drinks drunk can be a lethal dose for him.

Video: the harm of energy drinks.

What is more - benefit or harm?

How bad is Adrenaline? How useful is it? Many mistakenly believe that the use of energy drinks helps to saturate the body with useful substances, “load” the necessary resources into it. In fact, under the influence of such a drink, our body in an accelerated mode spends all its reserves. They are not scooped from a drink can, but are taken from our own body.

Therefore, within a few hours after drinking the product, there is no trace of the former cheerfulness. A person is overcome by terrible fatigue, complete apathy appears, nervous overexcitation makes itself felt.

An overdose of an energy drink occurs when it is used in an amount of more than two jars of 250 ml per day. At the same time, there is a big load on the heart, blood pressure rises, sugar levels increase.

At the moment, the lethal dose of energy drinks for the average consumer has not been established. Some can drink more than twenty jars and not even feel the effects, however, there are cases when the use of a large amount of energy was fatal.

In addition, with the regular action of the components of the drink, as a rule, existing problems with the liver, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and nervous system are exacerbated.

The body is depleted from the frequent use of caffeine.

In addition, the drink contains substances that are very harmful to the digestive tract. With frequent use, diseases such as gastritis or ulcers are possible.

It is important to understand that a single use in reasonable doses of Adrenaline energy in extreme situations, of course, can help out a lot, giving strength and vigor at the right time. If, after taking a drink, you recover properly, relax and sleep, then there will be no harm to a young healthy body.

But if you regularly take Adrenaline, health problems will immediately appear, and existing ones will get much worse. So, it is much more harmful than useful.

Here we can say that any drug / drink, even vitamins, is not consumed on an empty stomach, so here you just need to make a digression, what not to use on an empty stomach. and now, according to the composition, which is therefore not mentioned here, we take black adrenaline, the one in the picture:
1) D-ribose - is a carbohydrate naturally present in the human body, which is vital for the synthesis of ATP - the main energy molecule of the cell. After intense training and stress, the level of ATP in cells decreases significantly. The additional use of ribose significantly helps to restore the concentration of ATP in the heart muscle and skeletal muscles and, accordingly, the energy reserves lost during hard physical work and intense training. An additional intake of ribose can also be useful in ischemic conditions, when oxygen supply to tissues is reduced.
2) L-Carnitine (Latin levocarnitinum, English levocarnitine, also l-carnitine, levocarnitine, vitamin BT, vitamin B11) is an amino acid, a natural substance related to B vitamins. Unlike vitamins, carnitine is synthesized in the body, so it called a vitamin-like substance.
In the human body, it is present in the tissues of striated muscles and the liver. It is a factor in metabolic processes that maintain the activity of coenzyme A (CoA).
In medicine, it is used to correct metabolic processes. It has anabolic, antihypoxic and antithyroid effects, activates fat metabolism, stimulates regeneration, increases appetite.
3) Guarana - too extensive articles to rewrite or take from the wiki ... if you need to find out for yourself what kind of plant it is ..
4) Ginseng - I think everyone knows what it is and many drank ginseng tinctures at one time and everyone seems to be alive and well ...
5) B group vitamins - no comment.
6) Taurine - Taurine takes part in lipid metabolism, improves energy and metabolic processes, is part of bile acids (taurocholic, taurodeoxycholic), which contribute to the emulsification of fats in the intestine. In the central nervous system, it acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter and has some anticonvulsant activity. Contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye in diseases of a dystrophic nature.
In the form of eye drops, taurine is used for dystrophic lesions of the retina, including hereditary tapetoretinal degeneration, corneal dystrophy, senile, diabetic, traumatic and radiation cataracts, and corneal injuries.
Inside, it is used for cardiovascular insufficiency, for poisoning with cardiac glycosides and for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Taurine is often introduced into the composition of complex drugs. It is the main active ingredient in the preparations "Dibikor", "Taufon", "Ergotex".

Energy stimulating drinks have been in demand at all times: in the Middle East - coffee, in China, India - tea, in America - mate, in Africa - cola nuts, in the Far East - lemongrass, ginseng, aralia. Stronger drinks in Asia - ephedra, in South America - coca.

Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz, after a visit to Asia, came up with the idea to create a drink that would compete with Pepsi. And then the inspiring "Red Bull" appeared on the market. Companies producing similar products responded by releasing their own variants: the fiery "Burn", the drink "Adrenaline Rush" and others.

Today, energy drinks with various flavors are very popular in all countries. Wide production started in 1984, and now they are available in any bar, club, on the territory of the sports ground.

The composition of the drink

"Adrenali Rush" is a combination of tonic components: stimulants, vitamins, flavors, dyes. The opinions of experts about the benefits of energy drinks are different. Some treat them like soda, others warn of addiction, addiction and harm.

Drink "Adrenaline Rush" contains sucrose, glucose (a substance formed during the breakdown of starches and disaccharides). In all energy drinks there is a well-known psychostimulant - caffeine, relieving fatigue, speeding up the pulse and performance. The stimulant has a limit of excess and is valid for only three hours, but is excreted much longer.

The main ingredients in the composition of the drink "Adrenaline Rush":

  • caffeine - the basis of energy, providing a tonic and invigorating effect;
  • mate - an analogue of caffeine, only its effectiveness is lower;
  • L-carnitine, glucuronolactone, available in ordinary food, in energy drinks exceed the limit of the norm several times;
  • melatonin - present in the body, responsible for sleep and wakefulness;
  • ginseng, guarana - natural are useful in microdoses, and in the volumes offered in the drink, they have an unpredictable effect;
  • theobromine - a tonic, a stimulant present in chocolate, is toxic in its natural form, but undergoes special processing for energy drinks;
  • taurine - an amino acid that activates the nervous system involved in metabolism;
  • inositol - variety alcohol;
  • phenylalanine - flavor additive;
  • vitamin B - useful, available in other products;
  • vitamin D - synthesized in the body on its own;
  • sucrose, glucose - suppliers of universal energy for the body;
  • preservatives, flavors, regulators are integral components of any modern product.

Operating principle

Drink "Adrenaline Rush" was created to stimulate the nervous system, reduce fatigue, activate mental activity, but only for a period of 6 to 8 hours. The main tonic effect is caused by amino acids and caffeine, which can be achieved with the use of natural remedies. Each individually of the ingredients of the drink is useful, but in the aggregate and in the proposed dosage, their effect is questionable.

An analysis of the components shows that the contents of energy drinks do not have outstanding properties. The principle of the drink is to squeeze the forces out of the body for a limited time, after which they will need to be restored. A glass of natural stimulant drink brings the same effect, except for the influence of chemical additives. Therefore, weighing the harm and benefits of the Adrenaline drink, we can come to the conclusion that it has nothing to do with a healthy lifestyle.

Facts for

According to some buyers, if you need to cheer up, an energy drink will be a lifesaver.

Isotonics, unlike energy tonics, are suitable for people involved in sports.

A carbonated drink accelerates the action of the active substances in it compared to a regular one.

They differ in composition: some contain more caffeine and are suitable for people of a nocturnal lifestyle, others have more carbohydrates, so they are chosen by athletes and workaholics.

Convenient packaging allows you to use energy tonic on the go and in any circumstances.

Side effects

Regular use of the Adrenaline Rush drink has a direct impact on a person's sleep: stable insomnia develops, and the sleep that comes is pathological. Nightmares may occur, external stimuli are strongly influenced, and waking up brings a feeling of fatigue.

The mood under the influence of the drink changes towards instability: suspiciousness, irritability, aggressiveness, excessive anger appear. The surrounding reality seems colorless to a person, loses its meaning.

Damage at the organic level should include sinus tachycardia, interruptions in the work of the heart, increased pressure, and indigestion.


If the intervals between energy drinks are reduced, there is a risk of overdose. Its symptoms: nervousness, insomnia, heart rhythm disturbance.

If the intake of caffeine in the body does not stop, the consequences are: pain in the abdomen and muscles, destruction of the central nervous system. Caffeine in an amount of 10 to 15 g, corresponding to 150 is lethal.

Drink harm

With regular use of the Adrenaline Rush drink, the harm from it is obvious and is observed in the following:

  • increased risk of diabetes;
  • violation of the functions of the central nervous system, mental abnormalities;
  • depression, apathy, overexcitation, insomnia;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, heartburn);
  • failure in the activity of the heart;
  • increased likelihood of developing gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • decreased libido;
  • risk of anaphylaxis, epilepsy, thrombosis;
  • decrease in working capacity, cognitive abilities;
  • high calorie content, which contributes to weight gain.

Fatal cases are known: in 2001 in Sweden, when mixing an energy tonic with vodka; in 2000, when an athlete used three cans of energy tonic at the same time.


Unfortunately, according to modern research, the Adrenaline Rush energy drink, like others like it, is highly addictive. And for some people, this addiction is equated to alcohol or drugs.

In Norway, Denmark, France, drinks are available only in pharmacies and are considered dietary supplements. In Russia, the presence of more than two tonic components in the product is prohibited, and mandatory indications of restrictions on the bank have been introduced. Adrenaline is not allowed to be sold at school.

First aid

In case of an overdose of energy drinks, you must immediately call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, you need to give the victim 2 liters of warm water and provoke vomiting, and then give him 12 tablets of activated charcoal. To neutralize the effects of caffeine, you should drink green tea or milk. Foods enriched with magnesium (avocado, cabbage) will benefit.

In the hospital, the victim will do a gastric lavage and put a dropper. The goal of treatment is detoxification and unloading of the nervous system.


It is contraindicated to mix the energy drink with coffee, since consequences that are devastating to the body are not excluded.

Energy drinks are absolutely contraindicated for teenagers and people over 50, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases.

Diseases in which the Adrenaline Rush drink is harmful:

  • thrombophilia;
  • kidney disease;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • glaucoma;
  • violation of the blood circulation of the brain;
  • CNS diseases.

In countries-consumers of the drink, there is no propaganda about its harm, and the norm is not regulated by anything. It should be noted that in Europe and the USA the number of drinks significantly exceeds that in the CIS. The consumer should remember that the drink is not a source of strength - on the contrary, it depletes the body, provoking uneven energy production, for which one will have to pay sooner or later.

Energy drinks have long been part of our lives, they help the body stay afloat, despite fatigue and the need for sleep. One of the most popular energy drinks is Adrenaline Rush. Let's see how harmful the use of energy drinks is, using the example of Adrenaline Rush.

Composition Adrenaline Rush

At the heart of any energy drink are tonics. In fact, they are in almost every product, but in small doses they are not harmful. At Adrenaline Rush we have them in abundance. In addition, the caffeine content in this drink is 30 mg per 100 grams. This means that a 0.5 can contains about 150 mg of caffeine.

This energy drink contains Taurine. One can of 0.5 contains more than 1000 mg of taurine. By the way, the body is able to absorb no more than 400 mg per day. Naturally, there will be no overdose, since the body will not absorb more than necessary. However, this is not very good.

The next interesting ingredient is carnitine. Damages the vascular system. Moreover, it weakens drugs aimed at treating heart disease.

Benefits of using Adrenalin Rush:

  • Gives energy and banishes sleep
  • Does not contain alcohol, which means it can help out on a night trip

Cons of using Adrenalin Rush:

  • Frequent use leads to chronic diseases
  • Contains large doses of caffeine and taurine, which is not very good.

Adrenaline Rush in other countries

In many European countries, this drink is sold only in pharmacies. And this is not a proof of harmlessness, most likely just an attempt to control the amount consumed. Indeed, in small doses, Adrenaline Rush is not so dangerous. The daily norm is 250 milliliters. However, daily use causes serious damage to the body.

Verdict: Is Adrenaline Rush Harmful?

A definite answer cannot be given. If you use this energy drink only in emergency situations, nothing terrible will happen. However, people with heart disease should treat this drink with caution.

In short: Energy drinks can make you feel better after a hangover: invigorate, relieve swelling, reduce intoxication, support the heart muscle. It is contraindicated to drink at elevated pressure, and also to exceed the doses recommended by the manufacturer.

What energy drinks have an anti-hangover effect?

Popular energy drinks can be a good hangover choice. We have studied the composition of several of them and can recommend:

  • Adrenaline Rush- it has an advantage over the others due to the content of ribose, ginseng, potassium phosphate, and inositol;
  • Red Bull(but not Red Bull Sugarfree) - also contains inositol.

To understand if a particular drink helps, compare its composition with the list below.

Don't take hangover energy drinks if your blood pressure is more than 10% of your normal blood pressure.

Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for limiting the dose of the drink. As a rule, daily excess doses of the drink leads to addiction. One-time, to relieve a hangover, a healthy person will need an average of two cans of 0.25 liters with an interval of one hour.

Composition of energy drinks. What can work for a hangover

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