Mimosa step by step. Mimosa salad is a classic recipe: with canned food, with cheese, with rice - the most delicious cooking methods. How to make Mimosa salad in the form of a cake

“Mimosa” is a puff salad, the main ingredient of which is canned fish: tuna, mackerel, pink salmon, salmon, saury or sardines in oil. Traditionally, the dish is prepared for the New Year, March 8 and other holidays.

The classic Mimosa recipe, in addition to fish, includes only two types of boiled vegetables: potatoes and carrots. Initially, the choice of these products was explained by the fact that they are stored without problems almost until the end of winter. And later, the duet became traditional for fish salad. Onions were added to them, which made the dish more juicy and spicy. Another important component of the salad are boiled eggs. They play two roles at once, both taste and decorative. Proteins, chopped on a grater, are laid out as a layer, and egg yolks cover the salad on top, which makes the Mimosa salad look like the flower of the same name. All layers are smeared with mayonnaise - this, of course, is Provence, which you can buy ready-made, with the highest fat content, or you can make homemade mayonnaise with your own hands.

There is nothing complicated in cooking. Well, so that you don’t have any questions at all, in what order to lay out the layers and how to cook the “correct”, classic Mimosa salad, a recipe with step-by-step photos will help you. You can spread the layers on one large dish or in portions, in glasses or small dinner plates. I chose the last option, from the indicated amount of ingredients I got 2 servings, approximately 300 grams each.


  • carrot 1 pc.
  • potatoes 4 pcs.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • canned fish 1 can (200 g)
  • chicken eggs 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise 6 tbsp. l.
  • salt 1 tbsp.
  • greenery for decoration

How to make mimosa salad

Salad with the flower name "Mimosa" occupies a leading position among the favorite salads of our housewives. It mainly serves as a decoration for the festive table and is prepared not only in everyday life, but also on special days.

This salad appeared in the 60-70s of the last century.

Its popularity can be explained by the availability and cheapness of the products from which it is prepared.

After all, no matter what the times, hard or full of abundance of food, our people love to eat tasty and satisfying and surprise guests at the feast with their culinary talents.

To make it, you do not need to be a chef, but, like in any other dish, Mimosa salad has some subtleties and nuances that must be taken into account when cooking it.

The salad consists of layers that need to be smeared with mayonnaise, except for the last one - the top one. For this purpose, you need to use only high-fat, thick mayonnaise, otherwise the Mimosa salad will lose its taste. Diet mayonnaise in this case is contraindicated.

Of course, it is better to choose mayonnaise that is close to natural, without any E-additives. This advice applies to other dishes besides salads. Their taste directly depends on the products from which it is prepared.

Homemade mayonnaise is not comparable to store-bought mayonnaise. Its preparation will not take much time and will not hit your pocket, and the taste of the dish prepared with it is soft, pleasant, and reveals all the flavor notes.

All homemade mayonnaises are made from available products: eggs, vegetable oil, lemon juice (can be replaced with a pinch of citric acid or vinegar), spices, you can add mustard, garlic and other ingredients. With a mixer, or better with a blender, mix everything until smooth - and you can start preparing your favorite salads.

Products that make up any Mimosa salad:

  • one can of canned fish (for this, canned mackerel is mainly taken);
  • boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • boiled carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • hard-boiled eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • one head of onion is enough (bulb or red, it is better to pickle it in advance in vinegar + salt + sugar);
  • mayonnaise;
  • spices (salt, pepper);
  • greens (green onion, dill, parsley).

By the way, the classic Mimosa salad is made up of these products. Depending on the recipe, others may be added to these ingredients.

An important point in cooking is the preparation of products for him. All vegetables, eggs and other ingredients should be rubbed only on a fine grater.

Otherwise, the taste of Mimosa salad will not be so bright and saturated, small pieces reveal the whole range of flavors. In addition, for some people, large pieces are not only unusual, they are unacceptable.

One of the important factors in the preparation of Mimosa salad is the correct alternation of its layers. Recipes in which fish is the first layer are not entirely correct.

Such recipes are suitable for those who want to make the whole process faster and easier, forgetting about taste. In addition, the fish may leak a little (if you used the canned fish dish in bad faith).

So, let's take the Mimosa salad as a basis, a classic recipe with step-by-step cooking photos. For the first layer, you need to lay grated potatoes, without pressing it, but making it airy. You do not need to use the whole potato, you still need it - only a part of it so that the fish does not lie on the salad bowl.

The second layer is laid fish. It needs special attention. In the case of canned food, it is necessary to drain the oily bowl, remove all the bones from the fish and mash the remaining flesh with a fork (it is better to do this in a separate bowl).

Someone prefers to marinate it in advance, some simply scald it with boiling water. In any case, before that, it must be finely chopped, and then pour a little canned oil over the layer (if any).

Spread the remaining chopped potatoes on top of the onion layer. After it comes the turn of carrots. Having laid it evenly, you can move on to the eggs. Divide boiled eggs into whites and yolks. We lay the protein layer first, the second will be from the yolk.

All layers in the salad should be greased with mayonnaise and a little salted. From above, Mimosa salad can be decorated as you like: use greens, eggs, carrots.

And it is best to use your imagination, then everything will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful. For saturation of taste and impregnation of each layer, "Mimosa" should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours.

Mimosa salad recipe with canned fish and cheese

Classic Mimosa salad differs from this only in the absence of cheese in it. Cheese in the salad plays an important role, gives it tenderness and adds interesting flavor notes.

Vegetables, except for onions, and eggs for salad are pre-boiled and cleaned. Separate the whites from the yolks. We remove canned fish from oil and bones, knead with a fork until the consistency of a fine slurry.

It is necessary to lay out the layers of products, grated on a fine grater, in such proportions and sequence, spreading them all with mayonnaise (300 g): 2-3 potatoes, 1 can of canned fish (you can take any: sardine saury, pink salmon), a layer of the remaining potatoes, one small onion, 2 carrots, 3 egg whites, 200 g cheese, 3 egg yolks.

Mayonnaise does not need to be smeared on top.

After preparing the salad, you need to hold it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Mimosa salad with canned saury, cheese and butter

This version of the salad is the cheapest and easiest to prepare, as it includes a minimum of products. It was this "Mimosa" that became the original, and the classic salad recipe appeared only in the nineties of the last century.

First you need to prepare the products. Hard boil 5 eggs, cool, peel and separate into whites and yolks. Drain the liquid from one can of canned saury, remove the bones and mash with a fork. Peel and finely chop one onion. Grate one hundred grams of cheese and proteins separately on a coarse grater, yolks on a fine grater or mash them with a fork to a porridge-like consistency.

Alternating layers is also different from other recipes. So, the first layer is to put proteins. Grated cheese comes second. Next, put the canned fish. Put the finely chopped onion in the next layer. We take a large grater and rub hard butter (80 g). The preparation is completed by a layer of crushed yolks.

All layers, except for the last one, are greased with mayonnaise (150 g) and salted in the process. Before use, let the salad brew in a cool place for at least 2 hours.

Mimosa salad with melted cheese

Not quite the usual, but quite tasty version of the salad with melted cheese. All the ingredients play well with each other and are combined, and the melted cheese gives Mimosa tenderness.

Cooking begins with boiling vegetables (a couple of potatoes and one carrot), two eggs. Peel and finely grate all products, boiled vegetables, eggs, one processed cheese (whites separately from yolks). Remove the bones from the sardines, having previously drained all unnecessary liquid from the jar (you need 1 pc. for the salad), and mash them with a fork.

After preparing the ingredients, we take up the formation of the salad. We lay the chopped potatoes in the first layer, grease with mayonnaise (for the recipe, you can take 220 g, with high fat content), then fish.

Grated proteins and processed cheese are next. Gently level the layers without pressing them. We rub a frozen piece of butter on top, 5 g is enough. Next, carrots, do not forget to spread each layer with mayonnaise and add some salt. The last yolk layer, on top of it you can decorate with greens.

Lettuce needs time, at least 2 hours, to soak in a cold place. After that, the Mimosa salad with processed cheese is ready to eat.

Mimosa salad classic with rice

First of all, when cooking, you need to boil, then cool half a glass of rice. You also need to hard boil 6 eggs and 4 medium carrots. Peel them and rub them finely, dividing the eggs into yolks and whites.

Grate a small piece of hard cheese, approximately 200 g, through a fine grater.

Cut two medium onions into cubes and scald with boiling water. Mash one or two cans of canned fish (tuna, saury, pink salmon, sardine, salmon) with a fork until a homogeneous mass is obtained, draining the oil from it and removing the bones.

Now let's deal with the distribution of lettuce layers. Laying in turn, do not forget about mayonnaise, coat each layer with salt and salt. We lay our products in layers: rice, grated hard cheese, chopped proteins, fish, onions, grated carrots, egg yolks.

Mimosa salad with canned salmon and apple

Apple and salmon in a salad give it an interesting multifaceted taste. The apple flavor also adds freshness. To make the salad more unusual, with mayonnaise, you can use sour cream, two tablespoons are enough.

You need to start cooking by boiling a couple of potatoes and 5 eggs. After cooling the eggs, peel and chop on a fine grater, grate the yolks from the proteins separately. Scald two heads of red onion with boiling water, finely chop.

Apples are better to take sweet and sour varieties, Antonovka and Simirenko are ideal, wash, peel and grate, 3 pieces are enough. Mash one can of canned salmon with a fork.

From these products you need to make a layered Mimosa salad. Lay potatoes in the initial layer, then egg whites, then a thin layer of onions, apples, salmon and chopped yolks are the final. Each layer must be smeared with mayonnaise, 200 g is enough, and salt them to taste.

Mimosa salad with boiled salmon

This version of "Mimosa" is interesting in that it does not take canned fish, as we are used to, but boiled.

So, you need to start cooking fish. Boil 200 g salmon fillet with salt. Separate the flesh of the fish from excess bones and mash with a fork. You also need to cook 4 chicken eggs and one medium carrot. Finely rub them and about 200 g of cheese, egg yolks separately from proteins. Chop a small bunch of green onions.

Now we take our ingredients and stack them, spreading with mayonnaise, adding salt. Layers should be alternated as follows: squirrels, salmon, onions, hard cheese, egg yolks. You can decorate "Mimosa" with the remaining greenery. Before use, for a couple of hours, the salad should “rest” in the refrigerator.

You can cook mimosa at home in one of several ways, with the addition of different ingredients, but the mimosa salad recipe with canned food is especially popular. The main components, except for fish, are vegetables or rice, onions, eggs. Traditional dressing - salad mayonnaise with high fat content. Some recipes use butter, melted cheese, apples.

Mimosa is a multi-layer salad with canned fish. Delicious and nutritious. A frequent guest at festive feasts, it is popular in everyday lunches and dinners due to the simple cooking process.

The mimosa salad got its beautiful name due to the top layer. Traditionally - from the yolk grated or crushed on the surface of the lettuce, which is associated with a delicate spring flower.

Salad was very popular during the Soviet Union. Now housewives often prepare a tasty, nutritious dish that can be beautifully decorated and served on the festive table, like Olivier salad.

On the choice of mayonnaise

The best solution for mimosa salad is thick high-fat mayonnaise. Lightweight, low-calorie cold sauces are healthier, but they do not allow the taste of the salad to fully open up.

How to make layers in mimosa

3 basic rules

  • Potatoes or rice (depending on the recipe) - the basis.

This is a classic version of a salad base ("cushion") for other ingredients, especially canned fish.

  • Mashed with a fork canned with onions are added after a layer of potatoes (rice).

Place the remaining layers in the mimosa as you like, for example, divide the grated potatoes into 2 parts and add an additional potato layer to the salad.

  • The traditional top is finely grated egg yolk without mayonnaise mesh with fresh herb decorations (green onions, parsley, dill, etc.).

When layering mimosa, try to evenly distribute the products over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dish. Pay attention to grated carrots and potatoes. Sprinkle the ingredients carefully, avoiding the formation of lumps.

Mimosa salad - a classic recipe with canned food


Servings: 6

  • potato 3 pcs
  • carrot 3 pcs
  • egg 3 pcs
  • white onion 1 PC
  • canned pink salmon 200 g
  • ground black pepper taste
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • greenery for decoration

per serving

Calories: 272 kcal

Proteins: 7.4 g

Fats: 24.8 g

Carbohydrates: 4.9 g

45 min. Video recipe Print

    Preparing salad ingredients. I boil vegetables and hard boiled eggs. I fill it with cold water for easy cleaning. I put it on a separate plate.

    I clean the onion from the husk. I wash and cut finely.

    I rub peeled vegetables and eggs on a grater of medium fraction. I am translating for individual dishes.

    I take a large and beautiful salad bowl. I lay out the crushed components in layers. The first layer of mimosa salad (base) is potato. I don't ram the vegetable. Spread out half of the grated ingredient evenly. I squeeze the mayonnaise on top and distribute it over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe salad bowl.

    For the second layer of salad I use canned pink salmon. I open the jar and drain the liquid. I spread the fish on a plate and soften with a fork. I put it in a salad bowl on top of the potatoes. If desired, I add mayonnaise dressing.

    I put onions. If it is too bitter and vigorous, I put less, having previously doused with boiling water.

    Next in mimosa is the second part of grated potatoes, followed by carrots. Between the vegetables I make a small mayonnaise "pillow".

    At the end, I add a grated egg to the salad. White first, yolk on top.

    Decorate with chopped herbs. The classic mimosa salad is ready to serve. The salad will be a great addition to the New Year's table, along with Olivier, crab, Caesar and classic Greek salad.

Add ground black pepper between layers.

Unusual recipe with canned tomatoes

Using sprats in tomato sauce is an interesting and bold move in making mimosa salad. The dish has an unusual taste, but it turns out no less nutritious.


  • Potato - 3 tubers,
  • Onion - 1 head,
  • Carrots - 2 things,
  • Egg - 6 pieces,
  • Sprat in tomato sauce - 200 g,
  • Mayonnaise (cold sauce) - to taste.


  1. Cook eggs and vegetables in separate pots. Carrots and potatoes can be pre-peeled for convenience. Boil the eggs after boiling for 5-8 minutes.
  2. I dip the boiled eggs in cold water. I clean, separate the whites from the yolks. I prefer using egg yolks for garnishing. Add protein as desired.
  3. I clean and finely chop the onion.
  4. I take out a sprat in a tomato from a jar. Transfer to a separate bowl, add chopped onion.
  5. I spread the salad in layers in a large and deep plate. I make a small potato "pillow".
  6. Then I spread a mixture of fish, tomato sauce from a jar and onions. Drizzle mimosa salad with mayonnaise.
  7. I make the next layer again from potatoes grated on a coarse grater. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
  8. I add the grated protein, followed by the yolk.
  9. To decorate the salad, I add sprigs of fresh parsley on top.

Bon appetit!

Mimosa salad with mackerel and cheese

The classic version of mimosa salad with canned food. Grated cheese is used for piquancy and special taste.


  • Canned mackerel - 250 g,
  • Potato - 3 tubers,
  • Onion - 1 head,
  • Carrots - 2 things,
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces,
  • Hard cheese - 150 g,
  • Mayonnaise (cold sauce) - 70 ml,
  • Greens for decoration (parsley) - 3 sprigs.


  1. I put potatoes and carrots to boil. In another bowl, I boil hard-boiled eggs.
  2. While the food is being prepared, I am doing onions. I clear the husk. I cut into small cubes. With a pronounced bitter taste, I scald the onion with boiling water.
  3. Holding the cooked vegetables, drain the boiling water. I pour cold water, leave it for a few minutes to simplify the cleaning process.
  4. I clean my eggs. I separate the whites from the yolks. I rub on a grater with a fine fraction (separately) and transfer to different plates.
  5. I rub the cheese on a large grater.
  6. I take out canned mackerel from a jar, knead it with a fork.
  7. I decorate the salad beautifully with the help of a large metal mold. The base is made from potatoes. I'm leveling. I add cold mayonnaise, followed by finely chopped onions.
  8. Once again I don’t grease with mayonnaise, canned food is already very fatty.
  9. From above I make a “cap” of egg white. Lubricate with cold sauce.
  10. I rub the peeled carrots on a fine grater. I add to salad. Distribute by area. I add mayonnaise.
  11. For a beautiful design of mimosa, I make the top layer of grated egg yolks. I stick sprigs of fresh herbs. I prefer parsley.
  12. So that the salad is soaked, I put it in the refrigerator for two hours.

Video recipe

Eat for health!

Simple mimosa with cheese and butter

An interesting version of the salad without the classic vegetable ingredients (potatoes, onions and carrots). The main emphasis in this mimosa recipe is on the combination of cheese and butter. It's very easy to prepare and incredibly delicious.


  • Hard cheese - 100 g,
  • Chicken egg - 6 pieces,
  • Canned pink salmon - 1 can,
  • Butter (pre-frozen in the freezer) - 100 g (for a grater),
  • Mayonnaise (cold sauce) - 100 g,
  • Dill - to taste.


  1. I boil eggs. I clean, separate the whites from the yolks. I rub the proteins on a grater with a large fraction, the yolks - on a small one.
  2. I clean the onion and cut it finely.
  3. I open a can of food. I drain the excess liquid, spread the fish. I remove the bones, grind with a fork, turning into a homogeneous mixture. I add a beam. I mix.
  4. I take out a piece of butter from the freezer. Finely chop with a knife or rub on a grater. I do the same with cheese.
  5. I turn to the assembly and design of the salad.
  6. I put in the whites first. I add cold sauce. Cheese is next on the list. I'm making mayonnaise again. The third layer I put the fish with onions (half of the total volume). I add a little mayonnaise.
  7. I spread the chopped butter, followed by the fish-onion mixture with mayonnaise. The final touch is crushed yolks with decorations from sprigs of fresh dill.
  8. I put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that the mimosa is soaked. After the specified time, I take out the salad and serve it on the table.

How to cook mimosa salad with saury


  • Potatoes - 3 pieces of medium size,
  • Carrots - 2 pieces,
  • Melted cheese - 2 pieces,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Chicken egg - 4 pieces,
  • Saira - 1 bank,
  • Table 9% vinegar - 2 large spoons,
  • Mayonnaise, salt - to taste,
  • Greens - for decoration.

Use a fork to test doneness of vegetables. Calculating the exact cooking time is quite difficult. The specific value depends on the variety and size of tubers.


  1. Thoroughly my potatoes with carrots. I spread it in a saucepan, pour cold water. I cook until done.
  2. I pour the boiled vegetables with cold water to cool faster.
  3. I put the eggs in a bowl of cold water. I add 2 tablespoons of salt and pour in a little bit of 9% vinegar. After boiling, cook for 7-9 minutes. I transfer to cold water.
  4. I clean the onion from the husk and peel. I rinse under running water. I put it on a cutting board. I chop into small and thin particles. I transfer it to a deep bowl.
  5. I open cans. I remove excess liquid and remove the bones that can spoil the impression of the salad. I spread saury to the chopped onion. I mix with a fork while chopping the fish.
  6. I grate vegetables. I spread it out in separate bowls. I separate products of animal origin. Protein and yolk rub separately from each other.
  7. I remove the foil from the processed cheeses. I grind.
  8. I form a mimosa salad in layers, “collect” the prepared ingredients.
  9. I take a deep round dish. I put the potatoes, distribute them on a plate. I add mayonnaise. A little salt (optional). Next comes saury with an onion. Next - layers of processed cheese and proteins. I add mayonnaise.
  10. At the final stage, I put grated carrots in the salad. I sprinkle yolks on top. I do not make the upper mayonnaise net.
  11. I tightly close the prepared mimosa salad with polyethylene cling film. I put it in the fridge for 2 hours.

How to make mimosa with sardines in tomato sauce


  • Potatoes - 4 things,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Egg - 4 things,
  • Sardine in tomato sauce - 250 g,
  • Carrots - 1 root vegetable,
  • Mayonnaise, green onion feathers - to taste.


  1. I cook vegetables until tender. In a separate bowl, bring the eggs to a boil. I boil for 7-9 minutes.
  2. I peel cooked and cooled vegetables.
  3. I take out a large flat dish. I take the shape of a heart. I put it on a plate.
  4. Using a vegetable peeler, I chop potatoes. I'm making mayonnaise.
  5. I open a can of canned sardines. I remove a small amount of liquid with a tablespoon. I grind the rest with the fish. I put it in a salad. Distribute evenly.
  6. Finely chop the onion, spread the sardines on top.
  7. Carrots are next in line in mimosa. I grind like potatoes, using a convenient vegetable grinder. Don't forget the mayonnaise.
  8. I crumble the yolk. Then I spread the chopped protein. Top the salad with mayonnaise.
  9. I decorate mimosa with green onion feathers.

Cooking video

Recipe with apple, tuna and potatoes

Tuna is an incredibly healthy and nutritious fish with a minimum fat content and a large amount of protein. The use of apple in mimosa brings a touch of originality to the well-recognized taste and makes it possible to “crunch” on the salad.


  • Potato - 3 medium-sized tubers,
  • Egg - 4 things,
  • Carrots - 2 pieces,
  • Onion - 1 head,
  • Tuna (canned) - 200 g,
  • Apples - 2 pieces,
  • Mayonnaise - 6 large spoons,
  • Salt - to taste.


  1. I boil vegetables in uniform. At the same time, I put the eggs on the other burner to cook. Pour boiled salad ingredients with cold water.
  2. While the mimosa ingredients are cooling, peel and finely chop the onion. If the vegetable is very bitter, additionally pour over boiling water.
  3. I clean the cooled ingredients. I get a handy vegetable peeler.

Helpful advice. Do not use a blender to grind vegetables, otherwise you will get gruel, and not finely and evenly grated ingredients.

  1. I grind vegetables (large fraction), eggs, after separating the proteins from the yolks (small fraction).

Helpful advice. I rub the apple last so that it does not turn black.

  1. I turn to the formation of mimosa. Each of the layers of lettuce, except for the yolk top, is smeared with mayonnaise. First up is potatoes. I evenly distribute the crushed product over the dish. I avoid large lumps.
  2. The next layer is canned tuna. A very important addition to the fish will be a finely chopped onion.
  3. I spread the squirrels, followed by carrots (salt if desired). Finally it's time for the apples! Be sure to peel the fruit. Grate on a large grater.
  4. At the final stage of mimosa formation, I add the yolk. Beautifully decorate the top of the salad.

Cooking mimosa with saury and rice


  • Canned saury (in oil) - 1 can,
  • Carrots - 4 medium-sized root vegetables,
  • Egg - 5 pieces,
  • Rice - 100 g,
  • Mayonnaise - 300 g,
  • Green onion - 1 bunch,
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.


  1. Preparing the vegetables for the salad. I put it in a deep saucepan. I put it on the stove.
  2. I'm going to cook the eggs. I wash the rice with running water. I transfer it to a bowl. I fill it with water so that the product hides by 4-5 cm. I set the temperature of the burner to the maximum. After boiling water, I reduce the fire to a value close to the minimum. Cook for 14-18 minutes without lifting the lid. I turn off the stove. Let the rice rest for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Peel boiled eggs. I separate the whites from the yolks. I rub the squirrels on a grater with a large fraction (for the yolks, a fine one is suitable).
  4. I open saury. I drain the excess liquid. I take the fish out of the can. I knead with a fork, picking out the bones along the way.
  5. Wash green onions thoroughly. I discuss. I chop finely.
  6. I take a large dish (baking dish). I post boiled rice. Distribute in an even layer. I make a neat mayonnaise net.
  7. Then I put the fish mass from saury in the salad.
  8. For each subsequent layer of mimosa, I make a mayonnaise net. The order is as follows: green onion (for piquancy and a harmonious addition to fish), eggs, carrots.
  9. I leave the yolks for the top of the salad, the traditional decoration of the dish. It is not necessary to make a mayonnaise net.
  10. For a rich and pronounced taste, I recommend covering the mimosa with cling film and sending it to the refrigerator for two to three hours.

Calorie salad with different ingredients

The energy value of mimosa salad depends on the fat content of mayonnaise and canned fish. In one case, the hostess can use a low-calorie cold sauce along with tuna in its own juice, containing a minimum amount of fat. In another situation - high-calorie salad mayonnaise and saury in oil.

Due to the difference in the composition of the salad, the ingredients used and their ratio, the calorie value varies.

Therefore, mimosa contains both 160-190 kilocalories (in “lightweight” recipes) and 240-280 kcal per 100 g of product.

Prepare mimosa salad at home with pleasure according to one of the recipes presented. If desired, change the ratio of ingredients, use other canned fish (for example, take a sprat in a tomato for a change). Treat yourself and loved ones with a delicious salad that will be an excellent decoration for the festive New Year's table. Good luck!

Mimosa enjoyed wide popularity during the Soviet era. Experienced housewives transferred the recipe to modern life. The name of the salad was due to the top layer of egg yolk, which is associated with spring inflorescences. The dish is served not only to the festive, but also to the everyday table. In terms of demand and universal love, mimosa can compete with the famous Olivier. Consider the most delicious recipes in order.

Mimosa salad: cooking rules

Regardless of the recipe, there is a certain sequence of laying out the layers.

Layer 1- boiled grated potatoes are laid out at the bottom of the dishes (in some recipes it may be absent). At the same time, the base does not need to be rammed, try to maintain a porous and airy texture. Lubricate the potatoes with high-fat mayonnaise sauce.

Layer 2- followed by canned fish. First, remove all the bones, then mash the saury or pink salmon with a fork. The type of canned food is chosen at the discretion of the hostess.

Layer 3 Now it's time to lay out the onions. Chop it into rings or half rings, soak in table 6% vinegar for 5-7 minutes. Such a move will help eliminate bitterness. Wring out, place on top of canned fish and grease with fat mayonnaise.

Layer 4- you need to lay out boiled potatoes again, grated on a coarse grater. Try to adhere to the rule of airiness, the vegetable should not be rammed. Spread the layer with mayonnaise.

Layer 6- now you need to grate the boiled egg whites, then place them on top of the carrots. The product must be compacted so that the salad does not crumble in the future. Lubricate this layer with mayonnaise.

layer 7- at the final stage, grate the egg yolks or crush them with a fork. Mix with grated hard cheese (optional) and finely chopped herbs. Lay on top of the total mass and decorate the sides.

Mimosa traditional recipe

  • butter (solid, frozen) - 90 gr.
  • onion - 110 gr.
  • high-fat mayonnaise (from 65%) - 185 ml.
  • egg - 5 pcs.
  • potatoes - 3 tubers
  • canned saury, salmon or tuna - 1 pack
  • hard cheese (for example, "Dutch") - 160 gr.
  • dill - 30 gr.
  1. Boil chicken eggs, then cool each of them, peel. Separate the yolks from the whites, grate the latter. Break the yolks into crumbs with a fork.
  2. Remove the shell from the onion, cut into half rings. Now soak in vinegar solution or dip in boiling water to remove bitterness.
  3. Wash the green dill, leave a few branches for decoration, chop the rest. Grate the hard cheese using the fine section tool.
  4. Uncork the container with canned food, drain the oily liquid. Remove the bones from the fish, mash the flesh with a fork. Boil and peel the potatoes, grate them after cooling.
  5. Start sorting lettuce. Put potatoes on the bottom of a transparent salad bowl, do not press the contents. Lubricate the layer with mayonnaise, lay out the mashed fish.
  6. Now season the composition with chopped onions, again pour the sauce. Make a potato layer by seasoning it with mayonnaise. Now place the grated squirrels and chopped greens.
  7. Next, you need to divide the entire volume of the yolks into 2 parts, one of which is mixed with cheese. Pour this mixture over the egg whites. Pour with mayonnaise, place the grated butter.
  8. Now decorate the salad with the second half of the yolks, lightly tamping. Garnish the dish with dill or parsley sprigs. Place in refrigerator for 30-45 minutes. After this time, start tasting.

Mimosa with melted cheese

  • fish-based canned food (any) - 280-300 gr.
  • hard cheese (preferably Cheddar) - 120 gr.
  • greenfinch (any) - in fact
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • turnip onion - 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise sauce from 67% fat - 210 gr.
  • processed cheese (frozen) - 100 gr.
  1. First, wash the potato tubers, boil them until fully cooked and let cool. Then remove the uniform, grate the vegetable on a medium-grained grater.
  2. Remove the husk from the onion, cut it into half rings. Mix hot water with salt, dip the onion into this solution. Insist for a quarter of an hour so that all the bitterness is gone. Then press.
  3. Open the can, drain the oil, if any, or juice. Remove the bones from the fish so that they do not interrupt the taste of the finished dish. Mash the pulp with a fork.
  4. Prepare a transparent or translucent salad bowl so that the layers are clearly visible. Put grated processed cheese on the bottom, brush this layer with mayonnaise sauce.
  5. Now make a fish row, then an onion row. Season again with mayonnaise. On the way, a layer of grated potatoes, similarly filled with sauce.
  6. The final stage has come. Grate Cheddar or any other hard cheese. Decorate the entire contents of the salad bowl with it. Sprinkle some chopped dill on top. Leave in the cold for 25 minutes.

Mimosa with carrots

  • potatoes - 270 gr.
  • onion - 60 gr.
  • carrots - 120 gr.
  • fatty mayonnaise sauce - 40 gr.
  • canned saury or tuna - 250 gr.
  • egg - 5-6 pcs.
  • table vinegar - 10 ml.
  • beet sugar - 20 gr.
  1. Rinse the potato tubers, wash them and boil them. Do the same with carrots. Remove the skin from the vegetables, cool, then grate on a medium-grained grater.
  2. Now boil the eggs, let them cool down. Onions get rid of the husks, chop into thin half-rings. Mix granulated sugar with vinegar and water. Soak the onion in this mixture for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the oily liquid from the canned food, free the saury from the bones and mash. Send to a salad bowl, then pour with mayonnaise and smooth the layer with a spoon.
  4. Separate the squirrels from the yolks, grate the latter or chop finely. Put the saury on top. Brush again with sauce. Now the turn of the grated carrots has come, it is laid out on the eggs.
  5. After re-dressing the salad with mayonnaise, put the onion squeezed out of the water, grated potatoes. Cover with sauce, crumble the yolks rubbed through a sieve on top.

  • boiled chicken egg - 4-5 pcs.
  • canned liver (preferably cod) - 1 pack
  • red onion (large) - 50 gr.
  • fresh greenfinch - in fact
  • boiled potatoes - 3 tubers
  • fatty mayonnaise sauce - 145 ml.
  • hard cheese - 110 gr.
  1. First you need to remove the husk from the red onion, then cut the vegetable into rings. To eliminate possible bitterness, dip the onion in boiling water for 15 minutes or soak in vinegar.
  2. Open a jar of cod liver, drain off excess liquid. Transfer contents to a separate bowl and mash with a fork. Prepare a few bowls for other ingredients.
  3. Grate the boiled egg whites in one bowl, place the yolks mashed with a fork in the second. Fill the third with grated hard cheese, the fourth with grated potatoes.
  4. Now rinse the greens. The volume is chosen according to personal preferences. Chop the dill and parsley, leaving a few branches for garnish.
  5. Now choose a salad bowl of the right size, start creating the dish. Put the potatoes on the bottom, filled with mayonnaise. Then place the grated cheese, liver. Cover lightly with sauce again.
  6. Send the chopped proteins to the dish. Lightly grease with mayonnaise. Decorate the finished salad with crushed yolks and put in the refrigerator. After about half an hour, start your meal.

Mimosa with smoked fish and apples

  • apples (sweet and sour variety) - 50-60 gr.
  • pink salmon (hot smoked) - 330 gr.
  • egg - 6 pcs.
  • potato tuber - 2 pcs.
  • white onion - 60 gr.
  • mayonnaise - 250 gr.
  1. Rinse the potatoes to remove dirt. Boil, cool and remove the uniform. Grate the tubers on a grater with medium holes.
  2. Now boil the eggs. After cooling, separate the yolk from the protein. Grate or chop the last one. Mash the yolks in a convenient way.
  3. Peel the onion and cut it into thin rings (you can use half rings). Mix boiling water with salt, soak the onion in this solution for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Process the smoked pink salmon. From it you need to select the bones, and disassemble the pulp with fibers or grate. Proceed to the formation of layers of lettuce.
  5. Take a clear glass container. Place ½ of the grated potato on the bottom, season with mayonnaise. Then lay out ½ of the entire volume of pink salmon and chopped onion. Top with sauce again.
  6. Place a portion of the grated egg white and the rest of the potatoes on top of the sauce. Next - the second half of pink salmon. Now remove the skin from the apple, start rubbing it directly on the fish.
  7. Lubricate the entire salad with mayonnaise sauce, then lay out the rest of the proteins and chopped yolks. Send the mimosa to the refrigerator for half an hour to an hour, serve after cooling.

Mimosa in lavash

  • cheese "Gouda" or "Russian" - 180 gr.
  • canned sardine or saury - 300 gr.
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • sour cream with a fat content of 25% - 125 gr.
  • Armenian lavash - 3 pcs.
  • dill - 25-30 gr.
  • green onion - 30 gr.
  • mayonnaise with a fat content of 30-50% - 140 ml.
  1. First, prepare the mimosa sauce. To do this, combine sour cream with mayonnaise, leave in the refrigerator until use. Boil chicken eggs, let them cool and grate.
  2. Rinse the green onion, chop. Chop the dill in the same way. Now spread the pita bread on the table, grease with the prepared sauce.
  3. Combine chopped eggs with two types of greens, put this mixture on top of the sour cream-mayonnaise mixture. Pour out the liquid from the canned food, remove the bones from the fish. Chop the pulp with a fork.
  4. Now place the sardine or saury on the second pita bread smeared with sauce. Put this pita bread on the first one, spread the third one on top. Put the sauce on the bread base, put the grated cheese. Now start rolling.
  5. Turn the top and bottom edges inward so that the filling does not fall out. Start rolling the pita bread into a roll, holding it with your fingers. When you get the "sausage", wrap it in foil.
  6. Leave the soaking dish in the refrigerator. For this, 3-5 hours of exposure is enough. Before serving, chop the roll with a sharp knife, serve, decorating with sprigs of greenery.

  • cheese "Gouda" or "Peshekhonsky" - 160 gr.
  • fresh egg - 5 pcs.
  • steamed rice - 180-200 gr.
  • freshly ground black pepper - 3 pinches
  • mayonnaise 67% fat - 180 gr.
  • canned salmon - 1 can
  • butter - 90 gr.
  • salt - to taste
  • white or red onion - 90 gr.
  1. Put the butter in the freezer ahead of time to harden it. Hard boil an egg, separate the whites from the yolks. Finely grind each component of the egg with a sieve or chop.
  2. Boil the steamed rice according to package instructions. Drain in a colander to dry, leave for 10 minutes. After this time, add to the side dish 20 gr. grated butter and 20 gr. mayonnaise sauce.
  3. Add salt and ground pepper, mix the ingredients until smooth. Free red or white onions from the husk, soak in vinegar, then grate on a grater with large holes.
  4. Chop the cheese. Remove canned fish from oil or juice, rub with a fork. Start laying the ingredients in the salad bowl in layers. First comes 1/3 of the fish, then the whole volume of rice, then cheese.
  5. The listed components are poured over with mayonnaise, after which they are covered with mashed protein, the remaining fish and grated onions. Brush the salad again with dressing.
  6. Now divide the available number of yolks into 2 parts. Put the first one on top of the mayonnaise layer. Cover with butter passed through a grater. Once again, decorate the salad with yolks, leave in the cold for a third of an hour.

Mimosa with salmon and pink salmon

  • greens - optional
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 120 gr.
  • potatoes - 130 gr.
  • canned salmon - 150 gr.
  • pink salmon in its juice - 160 gr.
  • mayonnaise - 175 ml.
  1. Boil potato tubers, let them cool. Peel the tubers from the uniform, grate on a coarse grater. Boil the carrots, after cooling, cool it, chop with a grater.
  2. Separate boiled eggs into yolks and whites. Grind the second with a knife, wipe the first with a sieve. Dip onions in boiling water and leave for 15 minutes to eliminate bitterness.
  3. Uncork a can of canned food. Pour the liquid from both containers, mash the fish with a fork. The components are ready for packaging, prepare a salad bowl.
  4. First put the salmon on the bottom, then the pink salmon and onion rings. Spread the ingredients with mayonnaise, then crumble the potatoes and salt.
  5. Season the salad again with mayonnaise, add carrots and sauce. Crumble the squirrels with herbs inside, cover with mayonnaise. Top the salad with egg yolks and cheese (optional).

Fish salad according to the classical technology does not involve the addition of exotic fruits. Mimosa is prepared with canned fish, onions, herbs, egg yolk, cheese. Many housewives prefer to supply the dish with apples or rice, enhancing the aftertaste.

Video: how to make mimosa salad

Do you want to cook the most delicious Mimosa salad for your family and get a thousand thanks in your address? Then by all means you should purchase all the products for our delicious salad. Moreover, there is a reason: spring is on the street, the sun is shining, and the name of the spring salad is “Mimosa”. After all, it really looks like a delicate spring flower - mimosa: and just as delicate in taste. And yet, I will tell you one secret: we will prepare a salad according to a new recipe, with fish and cheese. Of course, there are many variants of this salad, but as for me, this one is the most delicious. Salad "Mimosa" will certainly please you personally and your family. After all, the most important thing for a woman is her family. Well, if you serve this salad to guests at the festive table, do not hesitate: you will tell the recipe to everyone who tastes it. Shall we go to the kitchen?


  • 1 can of canned sardines in oil
  • 200 grams of hard cheese;
  • 2 pieces of carrots;
  • 3-4 pieces of potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • mayonnaise.

The most delicious Mimosa salad. Step by step recipe

  1. Mash canned fish with a fork. Remove all bones and existing fins. Do not drain the oil from it: then the salad will turn out juicy. If someone likes the salad drier, the oil can be drained.
  2. Advice. For the Mimosa salad, be sure to buy a can of sardines in oil. With the addition of oil, canned food is also suitable, but unlike the first, they will be much drier. And one more thing: be sure to pay attention to the city in which canned food was made. The plant must be located on the territory near the sea. Then you will know with confidence that the fish was canned fresh, not frozen.
  3. So: the first layer of salad is fish.
  4. Boil the potatoes for our delicious canned salad in advance. It is best to do this in uniform: then it will not be watery. Peel cold potatoes and grate on a coarse grater.
  5. And be sure to salt the potatoes during cooking: it will be tastier and will not boil during heat treatment.
  6. Cover the first fish layer with potatoes. Spread mayonnaise generously on top of the salad.
  7. Onion cut into thin strips. Put on mayonnaise. For those who do not really like spicy onions with bitterness, I just recommend pouring boiling water over it. It will take you a little time, and the taste of the onion will not be so bitter.
  8. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, after boiling it for salad. You can cook it with potatoes, or separately. When it is ready, fill it with cold water and let it cool. Grated carrots are evenly distributed over the surface of the onion. Top with mayonnaise, not forgetting to coat the sides of the salad.
  9. Cheese is our fifth layer in the salad. It, like other vegetables, will be grated on a coarse grater. Top with mayonnaise. We coat them on all sides so that the Mimosa is juicy and tasty.
  10. Boil the eggs, be sure to fill them with cold water so that you can easily separate them from the shell. Cleaned, cut in half and separated the whites from the yolks. The squirrels were immediately grated. And remember that we rub all the products for this salad exclusively on a coarse grater.
  11. One little tip: for Mimosa salad, it is best to use homemade eggs - they have a very beautiful bright yellow yolk.
  12. Our salad is ready, it remains only to sprinkle it with crumbled or finely grated yolk on top.
  13. It is advisable to let the salad soak for several hours: then it will become even tastier. To do this, just put it in the refrigerator.

Such a salad recipe with cheese and canned food should definitely be in your piggy bank: simple and tasty, it looks very nice on the table - besides, it is easy to prepare. And the ingredients included in its composition are so satisfying that a salad can replace a full dinner. The team of the site "I love to cook" wishes you a bon appetit!