Fresh apple and ginger compote. Ginger with lemon. Apple compote with tangerines and ginger

Burning ginger is an oriental spice and a remedy for raising immunity. The root helps the body cope with frequent colds. The plant is consumed both fresh and pickled. Ginger drinks are also famous for their usefulness. Compotes are excellent for diets. It makes no sense to prepare it for the winter, because the product is sold in the store throughout the year. If you can't find fresh ginger, you can use dry ginger. They sell it in the spice section.

To diversify the taste, citruses, apples or mint leaves are added to it. Compote with ginger and lemon has a yellowish-beige tint, as in the photo. In hot summers, such a drink perfectly quenches thirst, replenishes the supply of strength and energy, and in winter it warms the body from the inside, boosts immunity and gives vigor.

Ginger and lemon compote recipe


Servings: - + 10

  • ginger root 1 PC.
  • lemon 2 pcs.
  • sugar 1 glass
  • water 2 l

per serving

Calories: 261 kcal

Proteins: 3.3 g

Fats: 2 g

Carbohydrates: 57.5 g

20 minutes. Video recipe Print

    Peel the root. Cut into thin slices with a sharp knife.

    Put the ginger into the pot. Fill with clean water and put on the stove. After boiling the compote, make the fire quieter and simmer for another 7 minutes.

    Wash the lemons, remove the pits and chop them randomly.

    Add lemon slices and sugar to the pan. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Switch off.

    Let stand and cool.

    Instead of sugar, you can sweeten with natural honey. Then the compote will bring more benefits and become a full-fledged source of nutrients and vitamins.

    Important: add honey when the drink is at room temperature. During cooking, all the useful substances in it are destroyed.

    Adding apples to a classic recipe

    In the traditional way of making compote, you can add notes of sweetness and fruit. A great friend of ginger and lemon is apples. Fruits are boiled in a saucepan along with the root. Then lemon is added to them. For a more spicy aroma, the housewives introduce a few grams of cinnamon into the drink.

    If you cook compote for weight loss, you can use sour lime instead of lemon. You will get an excellent fat-burning and thirst-quenching compote with a citrus aroma. In addition, along with apples, you can send fresh pears or a small handful of rose hips to the pan.

    The drink is served in a carafe, having previously dropped ice cubes into it, and garnished with an orange slice or a sprig of mint.

Healthy food should be complemented by the right drinks. In addition to priceless water, these are juices, fruit drinks, smoothies, teas and, of course, homemade compotes. They can be very diverse, but with the addition of spices they become unique in taste and degree of usefulness for the body.

Beneficial features

Ginger is added to the first, second courses and even desserts. Often it is put in compote. During heat treatment, it loses a minimum of useful substances and releases a lot of complex components. Ginger compote is quick and easy to cook. This spice is unique in that it is combined with most fruits and berries that are usually put in compote.

We are talking, of course, about fresh ginger root. It is he who gives the drink a subtle spicy note, a mixed lemon-sage aroma and great health benefits. Ginger must be thinly peeled and cut into rings of juicy pulp. For 1 liter of water, take about 2 cm of peeled root.

Ginger compote is rich in B and C vitamins, calcium, potassium, monosaccharides and organic acids. Due to the content of phytoncides in ginger, compote is stored for a long time without a refrigerator, without losing its freshness.

Of the most significant useful properties of compote, the following can be distinguished:

  • antioxidant;
  • antimicrobial;
  • warming;
  • tonic;
  • stimulating.

Ginger with rose hips - a good remedy for colds

This drink quenches thirst well, helps to cheer up, improves digestion, promotes weight loss. It is nutritionists who often recommend eating it while on a diet. It enriches the diet with useful substances, helps fight appetite, speeds up metabolism, promotes rapid recovery from colds and alleviates the condition during exhausting sports.

Compote with ginger can be drunk hot and cold. In the first case, it will help warm up, relax and prepare the digestive system for eating. When cold, it perfectly tones, quenches thirst, simply puts you on your feet when tired. Everyone chooses in what form this healthy and tasty drink should be consumed.

cooking recipes

Ginger goes well with citrus fruits, apples, cherries, rose hips, black currants, cinnamon and other ingredients. There are many recipes for making spicy compote, but they all come down to following a few simple rules.

  • Ginger must be finely peeled.
  • The root is first placed in the pan and boiled for several minutes to release the maximum benefit and taste from it.
  • After cooking and infusion, all ingredients are removed from the compote.
  • Sugar and honey can be added to this drink.

Ginger compote is prepared in only 10 minutes, half of which is spent on preparing the ingredients, and the second half on the cooking itself. Sugar or honey is added after infusion to the already cold liquid. Below are a few recipes that allow you to cook healthy and healthy compote at home.

Recipe for apples with ginger:

  1. For 2 liters of water, take 4-5 cm of root, 3 apples, half a lemon.
  2. Ginger is peeled and cut into thin circles, apples are cut into slices with skin and pits.
  3. The lemon is poured over with boiling water and cut into circles together with the zest.
  4. Put ginger in a saucepan, pour it with water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. Add apples and lemon, cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for 2 hours.
  7. Then the compote is filtered, poured into a decanter and consumed during the day warm or cold, with sugar, honey or dried fruits.

Such a compote is available for preparation all year round, since the ingredients present in its composition can be bought at any store every day of the year.

For compote, you can use both fresh and dried apples.

Rosehip recipe:

  1. Peeled ginger is cut into rings and boiled as in the first recipe for 5 minutes, avoiding a strong boil.
  2. During this time, 2 oranges are poured with boiling water, and the nose and tip are cut off from the rose hips.
  3. For 2 liters of water, take 3-4 cm of ginger, 2 oranges and a handful of fresh or dried rose hips.
  4. All together the ingredients are cooked for another 3-5 minutes and infused for 2 hours.

This is a good alternative to any cold tea or fruit drink. It contains a lot of vitamin C, natural phytoncides and anti-inflammatory components. To enhance the effect, honey is added to the compote.

To prepare compote, you can use the following combinations of ingredients:

  • berries and leaves of black currant, ginger;
  • ginger, cranberries, raspberries;
  • ginger, mint, cinnamon sticks;
  • ginger, orange, lemon.

So that the ginger does not seem too hot in the compote, you can first hold it in cold water for 1-2 hours or drain the water after boiling after 1-2 minutes and pour in a new one. This is not necessary, but is relevant for those who do not take spicy notes in the liquid or have individual contraindications for its use.

You can drink compote in between meals. If it is used as an additional means for weight loss, then it is drunk 30 minutes before meals in a warm form. So it will help reduce the amount of food eaten in the future, stimulate the production of digestive juice and help with the removal of excess fluid from the body.

Ginger compote is not considered an amateur drink. It is unusual, but does not cause negative sensations, but rather, on the contrary, surprise and delight. After all, one aroma, mixed with lemon spice and fruity notes, makes it desirable on the table of every person. It can also be given to children from 3 years old, 100 ml per day. This is one of the easiest ways to help your immune system get stronger.

A nice refreshing drink that is easy to prepare.

Everyone - even far from the kitchen (easy!) And even very busy (quick!) people.
On a budget? And here (not expensive!), Red strawberries will help out. What's more, this drink (3 ingredients + water) can be prepared without a prescription!

Fragrant, invigorating, warm or cold, homemade strawberry compote is a favorite drink of the summer season. Tasty and healthy!

They love strawberries, without even suspecting that they contain such a long list of useful substances, and vitamin C, and antioxidants ... Strawberries are good for the heart, for the eyes, improve digestion, prevent the occurrence of cancer cells ...
Everyone loves strawberries for their great taste and such a pleasant sweet aroma.
And whoever loves strawberry jam with tea in winter will like cool, light strawberry compote in hot summer.

For 4-6 servings.


400g strawberries (fresh or frozen)
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 piece of ginger root (2.5-3 cm long)
2.5 liters of cold water (for compote)
0.3 liters of water (for ginger)
4 teaspoons honey - to taste
1 lemon (squeeze juice) - optional
Ice cubes - 2 molds (or 4 pieces for 1 serving)

Ginger - known for its strong pleasant aroma, pungent taste and has long been used to make various drinks (like "Ginger Ale", for example).
Ginger contains natural sugars, essential oil; vitamins of group B, vitamins C, E; iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, etc.
Ginger is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, improves digestion, and prevents the occurrence of cancer.
Helps with nausea and seasickness.


Wash the lemon while waiting.
Wash strawberries. Cut off green stems. Cut large strawberries in half.
Wash the ginger root. Peel part of the root, cut off a piece of ginger 3 cm long, approximately. Cut it into 2-3 slices.
(Save the rest of the ginger root for another dish).


1. Pour water into a saucepan, put it on medium heat. Bring water to a boil.
2. Throw strawberries into the water. (If strawberries have been frozen, they do not need to be thawed, but thrown into boiling water when frozen).
3. Add sugar. Stir it until it dissolves.
4. When the water boils again, reduce the heat to below medium and cover the pot with a lid (leave a small gap for the steam to escape). Boil the compote for 10-12 minutes.
5. At this time, while the compote is being cooked, pour water into a small saucepan or ladle. Put it on medium heat. Throw the pieces of ginger root into the water.
Boil. Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
Turn off the fire. Cover the bowl with ginger broth. Leave on the stove until the strawberry compote is cooked.
6. The compote is already cooked - remove the lid and make sure that the compote is a beautiful pink color and has a pleasant sweet aroma. To taste. (If the strawberry compote turned out to be less sweet than expected, no need to add sugar. It is better to add honey to the finished compote).
7. Remove the pieces of ginger from the broth (they are no longer needed). Pour the ginger broth into a saucepan with strawberry compote. Stir. Leave the compote in the saucepan covered for 5-7 minutes so that the strawberry and ginger flavors blend. (The compote will become a darker, rich scarlet color).
8. Cut the lemon in half. Squeeze juice. Add lemon juice to compote.

Serve Strawberry Ginger Compote warm, chilled or cold (with ice).


If you serve strawberry compote warm, pour it into mugs or glasses made of thick glass (like hot cider or mulled wine).
And if you add a spoonful of honey and a pinch of cinnamon, you get a tasty and healthy home remedy for colds.

And cold compote (with ice) is best served in tall glasses, in glasses or transparent mugs.
Put ice cubes in glasses, fill them with compote. Add honey to taste.
The color of "Strawberry Compote with Ginger" is beautiful. Strawberries "paired" with ginger create a pleasant aroma - so that the compote looks and smells like an expensive drink.
And it deserves not only a worthy presentation, but also people's love.
…Dinner for two, a family reunion or a party with friends – this berry compote can please the crowd! You simply cannot do without such a delicious drink.
It remains only to calculate how many guests there will be and cook the required amount of compote. And a holiday on a warm summer evening will be wonderful ...

(Hint. If suddenly there is not much left - 1-2 glasses of compote (and there is no place in the refrigerator), - you do not need to pour it out, that is, throw it away - this is a good thing.
It is better to fill ice molds and freeze the compote.
Then pink strawberry ice can be added to a glass of water, or used to make fruit shakes or smoothies).

Once again about love...
It is known that ginger is highly valued in Japan, and in ancient times ginger was called an aphrodisiac.
and drinks with ginger are very popular in Southeast Asia.
The Chinese, for example, often carry ginger tea with them, in small thermoses, in winter and summer. And rightly so - after all, ginger promotes the release of saliva, that is, it facilitates swallowing, prevents thirst - and this is good for the throat.
... So, if you decide to express your thoughts to "exceptional someone", to confess your tender feelings - first drink a sip of a drink with ginger!
And the throat will not dry up from excitement, and the voice will sound clear and beautiful.
As you know, “Love will suddenly come…”. Good luck and reciprocity!

Bon appetit! Have a nice warm summer!


Ginger root has an unusual, spicy taste, making dishes and drinks with its use very popular. And thanks to their beneficial properties, they are not only tasty, but also very healthy, because ginger contains many vitamins, microelements that will help strengthen your health and just give you vigor and good mood!

Recipe for compote of ginger root, rose hips and apples


  • Water - 2.5 liters;
  • Apples - 3 pcs.
  • Dried rosehip - a handful;
  • Ginger root - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar to taste.


Remove the core from the apples, cut into slices. Bring water to a boil, add sugar, ginger root pieces, apple slices and rose hips. Let the drink boil a little. Leave the compote under the lid for 1-2 hours, so that it is infused. It is quite simple to prepare such a compote of rosehip ginger and apples, besides, the drink turns out to be very tasty!

Ginger and apple compote recipe



Rinse the ginger root thoroughly, peel and cut into thin slices using a special cutting board. Then peel the apples, divide them into slices and remove the core. Remove the peel from the lemon and chop on a grater or with a knife. Place apples, zest, ginger root, honey and cinnamon in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Then pour sugar into the container and continue cooking. Keep the drink on fire for about 3-5 minutes and turn it off. Compote of ginger and apples is ready. Strain it through a sieve and you can serve. You can drink it both hot and cold. In summer it is used as a tonic, and in winter as a tonic.

Lemon ginger compote recipe


  • ginger root;
  • 3 lemons;
  • 3 l. water
  • 200 g sugar
  • a handful of wild rose.


Cut clean lemons into circles about 0.5 cm thick, remove the seeds if possible. Rinse the ginger root thoroughly, peel and chop into even small pieces. Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. Add lemon, rosehip, to the container. Boil the drink for a few minutes and turn it off. Then let it brew under a closed lid for 1-2 hours. Refreshing drink with citrus aroma is ready. It is simply indispensable in hot summer weather, and it is also used by overweight people.

Recipe for hot ginger and currant compote


  • 1 ginger root;
  • 300 g of blackcurrant;
  • frozen berries;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • sugar to taste;
  • ½ lemon.

To prepare such a drink, you can use any frozen berries, also determine the amount yourself. Wash the lemon and ginger. Then cut the lemon into slices, and the ginger root into thin strips. Add water to a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Dip frozen berries, currants, ginger and lemon into boiling water. After that, the pan must be removed from the heat and covered with a lid. The prepared compote needs to stand for about an hour in order to infuse. Add sugar to taste, when the drink is almost cool, mix thoroughly.

This drink is served hot or warm.

Recipe for rhubarb compote with ginger and lemon


  • 300 g rhubarb;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 cm ginger root;
  • Sugar to taste;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

To prepare this drink, first you need to rinse and cut into pieces the rhubarb. Ginger also wash, peel and grate on a fine grater. Pour water into the pan and boil it, then add the rhubarb and boil it for about 5 minutes. Then put the ginger and lemon in the container, let it boil for a minute and turn it off. The drink should stand for another 5 minutes under the lid. You just have to wait until it cools down and strain it.

Rhubarb ginger drink is ready! It is recommended to drink such a drink chilled, it will perfectly refresh in hot weather, and the sour spicy taste will help quench your thirst.

And now we offer you a recipe of amazingly delicious compote of ginger, cherries, cloves and cinnamon, which will not only refresh in the summer, but you can also cook such ginger compote for the winter.


  • 500 g cherries per 3 l jar
  • 5-7 cm fresh ginger root
  • 2 pcs. carnations
  • cinnamon stick

For syrup:

  • 400-500 g of sugar per liter of water.


Sort the cherries, rinse and dry on a towel.

Put cherries in sterilized jars, pour boiling water over them, cover with lids for 5-7 minutes. Drain the water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add sugar at the rate of 400-500 g (or to taste) per liter of water. Bring the drink to a boil again and boil it for 4-5 minutes. Fill the jars with hot syrup, add a piece of ginger root, a cinnamon stick, 2 pcs. cloves in each jar and seal tightly. Then turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool completely. Store this drink in a dark, cool place. Bon appetit!

And finally, I would like to offer you a recipe for a very tasty and refreshing drink - compote of ginger root and melon.


  • melon;
  • 1 st. brown sugar;
  • zest of one lemon and juice;
  • 4 cm ginger root.


The ginger root must be peeled and cut into thin strips, and the zest should be removed from the lemon. Then cook from the 1st l. water and 1 tbsp. boil sugar syrup. Bring the drink to a boil, remove from heat, then add all the remaining ingredients. Compote should be infused for at least 2-3 hours, then strain. Cut the pulp of the melon into small cubes, put it in a container and pour over the syrup. Everything, the drink is ready, it remains only to wait until it cools down and can be served on the table.

The fashion for ginger and lemon for weight loss came to us from the USA, and not from China, as the advertisement claims. There, in fact, it appeared as a way to attract customers to health food stores, where organic ginger was sold. A drink with this spicy root, as well as "natural" lemon and honey, has become a kind of way to lure the fattest nation in the world anywhere except supermarkets with discounted prices and not the healthiest products. Housewife magazines such as OK and Hello published articles about miracle ginger, and it was all presented as "news from the life of Hollywood stars." In fact, the ginger drink has a much more ancient history, and a completely different set of useful qualities.

Can ginger with lemon for weight loss burn fat

Unlucky lovers of a lot and tasty food hunt for "compote" from ginger for one reason - almost every thematic blog pours a "song" about the fact that ginger is a thermogenic and burns fat.

A thermogenic is a substance that can raise body temperature and increase calorie expenditure. Something like “no diet and exercise” is usually screwed in here, but this is not entirely true. Even the strongest thermogenic mixtures with caffeine, ephedra and HEGT raise the temperature by no more than a few tenths of a degree, which increases calorie consumption by no more than 2-4%. Similar studies for ginger with lemon, by the way, have not yet been conducted. But the mild thermogenic effect of gingerol is a fact. And now to the notorious percentages - even if we take the most “promoted” metabolism and a person with a basal metabolism of 1600 kcal, the indicated percentages will increase the daily consumption by no more than tens of calories. Which will happily return to your diet with a spoonful of healthy organic honey, because you season your miracle drink with it.

Conclusion: relying on thermogenic fat burners, at least if we are not talking about a strict pre-competitive diet of an athlete-bodybuilder, is not particularly worth it. It will not be possible to create a deficit with them. Then why do we need a ginger drink with lemon.

Ginger with lemon for weight loss as a source of antioxidants

Standard drink recipe:

  • 50 g of grated root, juice of 1 lemon, 1.5 liters of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of honey, insist in a thermos, take 150 ml before meals.

In the notorious Chinese medicine, by the way, it is taken as a folk remedy for colds and to strengthen the immune system. Ginger is considered a warming product, and properties are prescribed for it to "distill" excess fluid and mucus from the body. The latter, in the terminology of traditional medicine, are the cause of colds. Classical medicine, on the other hand, sees other reasons - weakened immunity and exposure to the corresponding viruses. By the way, doctors with a diploma also do not think that the drink is useless - you can drink it in autumn and spring, because it really has immunomodulatory properties.

In the beauty industry, a completely different legend is common. Allegedly, vitamin C from lemon is the strongest antioxidant that can affect the rate of fat burning. In principle, there are several studies demonstrating in practice that athletes whose diet is rich in vitamin C have better anabolic processes and faster fat oxidation. But it is worth emphasizing that ordinary consumers of compotes for weight loss to athletes, approximately, like to the moon - not the level of physical activity, and a very mediocre rate of metabolic processes. And with discipline, athletes usually have a completely different relationship.

On “just overweight women,” the antioxidant properties of ginger drink have not been tested. And no one knows exactly how much and how exactly the drink affects the rate of lipolysis, even if it is running in the body.

How Ginger and Lemon Actually Works for Weight Loss

Everything written below applies to people without allergies to citrus fruits, gingerol and honey. But it doesn't apply to them either. Some have an individual reaction to the drink, and it, on the contrary to the expected effect, increases appetite.

A hot drink with a burning, and at the same time, fresh taste simply "stuns" the taste buds. And the light sweetness of honey does not allow you to want some more biscuits and jams. You drink a cup and your sugar cravings are satisfied. In addition, the blood sugar level is slightly elevated, due to the same honey. As a result, you sit down to dinner without much feeling of hunger, and you can calmly chew your dietary chicken breasts with broccoli without looking back at your comrades with potatoes and meat at the next table. By the way, about the diet. If you precede a cup of tea with eating starchy foods, or sweets containing a lot of simple carbohydrates, acid reflux and pain in the gastrointestinal tract may occur even in a healthy person. True, “educating” yourself in such ways is a bit “harsh”, right?

That's the whole secret of ginger "compote" or "tea". By the way, if you add various ingredients such as green tea, hibiscus, rose hips, maple syrup and other things to it, it will not get better or worse in terms of weight loss. It just takes on a different flavor.

By the way, the development of latent intolerance to the miracle drink is also possible after some time of systematic drinking. This may be due to the fact that you, for example, have gastritis, but you do not know about it. Any discomfort such as heartburn, therefore, should be a reason to stop the drug, and a reason to see a doctor. Well, the banal allergy caused by an “overdose” of citrus in the diet seems to have obvious reasons - lemon, grapefruit, suites, what else do weight loss lovers eat with food?

As for the numerous dietary supplements with ginger and lemon, the result of their use will depend on the conscientiousness of the manufacturer, the individual tolerance of the product, and your honesty with yourself. You still have to follow the diet, and the skin with muscles themselves does not tighten from ginger either.

Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova.