How to close apples for the winter. Apple blanks for the winter - recipes, a rich variety of variations: pickled apples, jam, jam, jam, mashed potatoes and compote. Jam in a slow cooker


Prepared apples cut into pieces 1.5-2 cm and covered with sugar. Leave them for an hour, stirring occasionally. When the juice appears, put on low heat and bring to a boil, stirring vigorously continuously so that the apples do not burn. Put the apples in prepared glass jars and roll up the lids, store anywhere.
For 1 kg of apples peeled from the core and skin - 150-200 g of sugar.

Peel and cut the apples into pieces, cover with sugar, put in an enamel pan and put in a not very hot oven. Pack baked apples in prepared glass jars and roll up. Sweet apple jam can be prepared without sugar.
For 1 kg of apples peeled from the core and skin - 100-150 g of sugar.

Cut apples into eight pieces and mix with sliced ​​lemons (with skin and seeds), add water to cover the fruit and cook until soft. Strain the juice and add sugar, cook over high heat until the syrup thickens (a drop of syrup on a saucer should not blur). 2-3 minutes before removing the jelly from the heat, add citric acid and, if desired, the core of a peeled dried walnut. Seal the jars with cellophane.
For 2 kg of apples - 2 lemons, for 1 liter of juice - 750 g of sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid, 50 g of walnut kernels.

Rinse the apples in cold water, remove the stalks, put in a copper basin or an enameled bowl, cover with sugar, pour water and put in a warm place. The next day, cook for 1.5-2 hours over low heat. To determine if the jam is ready, it should be on a saucer and divide the drop into two parts. If they merge slowly, the jam has succeeded.
For a glass of apples - a glass of sugar and 2-2.5 tbsp. spoons of water.

Select large, strong, intact apples, rinse with cold water, cut into several pieces, remove the stalk and seeds. You can peel the fruit and peel, but not necessarily. Carefully place the prepared apples in a sterilized dish, pour hot (90-95 ° C) syrup and sterilize. Sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters for 10 minutes, three-liter jars for 25 minutes. It must be borne in mind that more mature fruits need to be sterilized less, and less mature ones more. Add sugar to the syrup to taste.

Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan and heat. Sugar can be added to water in advance. While the water is heating to a boil, cut the apples in half and remove the core. When the water boils, take the cooked apples (about enough to make two or three cans) and, depending on the variety, put them in hot water or (for example, Antonovka) immediately pour hot water over. As soon as the skin on the fruit becomes yellowish, you need to quickly remove the apples from the pan, preferably with a fork, and immediately transfer them to prepared jars. When all the apples are laid out, pour jars with apples to the top with boiling water. Immediately roll them up with lids and put them upside down. Add cold water with sugar to the pan, prepare the second portion of apples and so on.

Cut apples and stew them in water with cloves until soft. Pass the mass through a sieve. Heat applesauce, add sugar, lemon pulp with juice and cook until it is completely dissolved. Cook everything over high heat. The jelly is ready when a drop of syrup sets quickly on a cold plate. Cool the jelly and place it in sterile jars.
For 600 g of puree - 400 g of sugar. For 1.5 kg of apples - 600 g of water, 10-12 pcs. cloves, juice and pulp of 0.5 lemon.

Wash and cut the apples, removing the core and seeds from them, put them in a saucepan and add a little water. Heating until softened, while hot, rub them through a sieve. Mix puree with sugar and cook, stirring all the time. To make the jam dense, you need to put less sugar by 100-200 g. You can store the jam in glass jars or in wooden boxes lined with parchment. On the cooled jam, if not stirred, a dense crust forms. It will protect the product from spoilage.
For 1 kg of apple puree - at least 800 g of sugar, and if the apples are sour, then more.

Cut the apples into pieces, add water and boil for 10-15 minutes, stirring continuously, then rub through a sieve. Boil the resulting puree until it thickens well, make sure that it does not burn. Then, in a warm form, decompose it into sterilized jars and, closing it with boiled lids, pasteurize at a temperature of 100 ° C half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter - 20, three-liter - 30. Apple jam can be stored for a year.
For 1 kg of apples - 200 g of water.

Peel apples of any degree of ripeness, cut into slices, put in a saucepan, add a little water to the bottom, cover and boil over low heat, then cool and wipe through a colander. Lubricate the surface of the kitchen board with a very thin layer of vegetable oil and rub it thoroughly with a dry gauze swab. Put applesauce on the board in an even layer (not thicker than 0.8 mm - otherwise it will dry for a long time) and put in the sun or a draft. On the second day, when the puree dries a little, the board can be placed at an angle.
After three days, pry off the dry marshmallow with a knife and remove it from the board. This "apple napkin" should then be hung on a rope for 2 days. For long-term storage, fold the marshmallow in a pile, sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar, roll tightly into a roll, put in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator.

Wash the apples, remove the core with seeds, cut into slices or circles, sprinkle with sugar and mix thoroughly, then lay in one layer on a baking sheet and put in a preheated oven (temperature 250 ° C). Do not stir the mass during heat treatment. After boiling, transfer it to dry, sterilized jars and roll up with sterile lids.

Cut the apples into slices, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 2-3 hours in an enamel pan with a thick bottom. When the juice stands out from the apples, put the pan on the fire and heat for 20 minutes. Rub the still hot apples through a sieve and again put on a small fire for additional cooking, while the lid of the pan does not need to be closed so that the moisture evaporates better. After 2-3 hours, when the mass will be easily separated from the spoon, pour it onto foil, greased with any oil, and leave to dry for 2-3 days. The thicker the layer of mass, the higher the quality of the roll. Remove the dried mass, thin and elastic, from the foil, sprinkle with sugar and roll into a roll. Cut the finished roll into pieces and put in boxes. You can store the roll at room temperature for many years - the roll does not lose its qualities.
For 1 kg of apples - 300 g of sugar.

Select ripe, healthy fruits of sweet and sour apples, rinse, peel (if the fruits are tender, then do not peel), cut into slices up to 2 cm thick, cutting out the core, put in jars, sprinkle with sugar, cover with tin lids and sterilize in boiling water. water half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter - 20-25. After that, the banks immediately roll up the lids.
For a half-liter jar - 200 g of sugar (if the fruits are sour, then up to 400 g), for a liter jar - up to 400 g.

Peel the apples and, cutting them into slices, put them in two-liter and one-liter jars. Put the jar on a towel or linen rag, pour boiling water (without sugar) to the very top and cover with a lid, leave for three minutes, then drain the water and pour boiling water again. After repeating the procedure three times, roll up the jar with a lid.
Please note: if there are several cans, you need to deal with each one separately, not allowing the water to cool.

This is a delicious spicy snack. In winter, it is used as a side dish for game, poultry, meat, and vegetable dishes. Marinades are prepared from different fruits, vegetables, mushrooms.
Fruits and containers are prepared, as for compote. Put apples in jars, pour marinade filling and warm liter jars in boiling water for 5 minutes and three-liter jars for 25-30 minutes, but the contents should not boil. After that, the jars are sealed for storage. Pasteurized marinades should be immediately cooled with water so that the fruits are not too soft or softened.
For marinade filling: for 1 liter of filling - 500 g of chilled boiled water, 200 g of sugar, 250 g of 9% vinegar, salt to taste, 50 grains of allspice, cloves, a piece of cinnamon.
For sour fruits, sugar is taken more than the norm by 120 g, and 120 g is subtracted from the liquid.

Sour and strong varieties are suitable for urination (but not soft and sweet). You can soak apples in small pre-steamed wooden barrels or in glass jars with a capacity of 3 to 10 liters. Line the bottom of the barrel with fresh, washed, scalded with boiling water and finely chopped rye straw. If there is no straw, you can use blackcurrant or cherry leaves. Healthy fruits with clean skin, thoroughly washed, lay out in rows, shifting them with straw or leaves. Close everything with leaves and pour brine. Put apples filled with brine for 8-10 days for fermentation (temperature 22-25 ° C).
As soon as the foam subsides and the bubbles stop rising, top up the jars with brine and roll up. Barrels (or cans) can be closed with cellophane soaked in vodka or alcohol so that it sticks tightly to the edges, and tied with twine. Store pickled apples in a place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature not higher than 15 ° C and not lower than - 6 ° C.
For brine: for 10 liters of water - 300 g of granulated sugar, 150 g of salt and malt wort. Prepare the wort as follows: stir 100 g of malt in 1 liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Leave for a day, strain and pour into the brine.
If there is no malt, you can take 100 g of rye flour or dry kvass.
Part of the granulated sugar, if desired, can be replaced with honey at the rate of 120 g of honey instead of 100 g of sugar.

Grate sour forest and fallen apples on a grater with large holes, immediately mix with sugar, put in half-liter jars, cover them with boiled lids and sterilize. When heated, the sugar in the jars dissolves and the amount of mass decreases, so the apples must be reported to the "shoulders".
Sterilize the jars at a low boil for 20 minutes, then cork them and leave in the same water until it cools. Serve shredded apples with puddings, cottage cheese casseroles, pancakes and pancakes.
For 1 kg of apples - 100 g of sugar.

Well-washed, cut into halves or quarters of apples without cores and stalks, put in a saucepan, on the bottom of which a little water is poured, slowly boil for a couple under a lid until they become soft, then rub through a sieve and bring to a boil again. Pour the finished puree into well-washed and boiled bottles (pour up to half the neck) and boil for 15-20 minutes in a saucepan with water on crosswise placed planks. Take them out of the water, tar the necks of the bottles, previously wiped dry with a paper towel, cover with a circle of strong cloth, boiled, ironed and moistened with alcohol, glue tightly, tie with twine and pour the entire circle and edges of the neck with tar. Kissels and sauces are prepared from mashed potatoes for sweet, meat and lean dishes.
When cooking for 1 kg of puree, you can add 150-200 g of sugar.

Sour apples, cut into slices, and pumpkin, cut into pieces, steam in a steamer or juicer for 10-15 minutes until soft. When hot, rub through a colander or sieve, add zest or sugar to taste. Warm the puree with stirring to 90 ° C and spread it hot in half-liter jars. Pasteurize for 10-12 minutes at 90°C.
1 kg of apples, 1 kg of pumpkin, 1 teaspoon of lemon or orange peel, sugar to taste.

Peel the apples from the skin and core and cut into chips on a grater. Place the shavings immediately in jars, compact. Add sugar to the jar. Sterilize in boiling water: half-liter jars - 20 minutes, liter - 30 minutes. Apple chips are used for puff pastries.
On a liter jar of chips, you can add 50-100 g of sugar.

Prepare a syrup from apple juice or water and sugar, dip sliced ​​apples into it, boil for 1-2 minutes, then remove the apples from the syrup with a slotted spoon or a spoon with holes and put them in a scalded three-liter jar. Pour the voids between the apples with boiling syrup to the top edge of the jar, cover with a boiled lid and roll up. Apples retain their flavor and are good not only in a pie, but also on their own, with milk, cream and sour cream.
For 2.5 kg of apples - 2 liters of apple juice or water, 500 g of sugar.

Little sugar is needed, the cooking method is quick and easy. Cut the peeled apples into slices, put in a saucepan, cover with sugar, put on a slow fire, heat to about 85 ° C, stirring constantly, hold for another 5 minutes and put in hot sterile jars, filling them to the very brim. Banks immediately roll up and turn upside down. The resulting jam-type mass is very good for pies, pancakes, fritters, and just for tea.
For 1 kg of apples - depending on the sweetness of the fruit, 100-200 g of sugar.

Boil applesauce (see preparation above), with the only difference being that for 1 kg of apples, better than Antonovka, you need to take more sugar. After that, boil the puree until it thickens, stirring all the time so as not to burn. To check the readiness of marmalade, you need to smear the mass with a thin layer on a saucer and draw a furrow with a spoon. If it doesn't close, the marmalade is ready. Fill the steamed and dried jars with hot marmalade. When it cools down, put a circle of cellophane or parchment paper soaked in alcohol on it.
For 1 kg of apples - 500-600 g of sugar.

Wash the apples, remove the core with seeds, cut into small pieces, mix with granulated sugar, lay in a thick layer on a baking sheet. Do not add water. Place the tray in the hot oven. After boiling, lower the temperature in the oven. To prevent the mass from burning, periodically stir it with a spoon or spatula and cook until the mass becomes elastic and does not stick to the spoon. This usually takes 20 minutes after boiling.
Put the boiled mass on a sheet of foil or on a cold baking sheet sprinkled with granulated sugar, dry it at room temperature, sprinkle with granulated sugar and store in ordinary cardboard candy boxes in a cool, dry place.
For 1 kg of apples - 200 g of sugar.

Wash the apples, remove the core with seeds, cut into slices or circles, sprinkle with sugar, mix, put in an enameled pan, cover with a clean cloth, set oppression and hold until the juice is released. Drain the resulting juice, spread the slices on a baking sheet and place in the oven for drying. The oven must be heated to 65°C. Transfer the dried apple slices to dry glass jars or linen bags. Store them in a dry place at room temperature. Separated apple juice can be used to make compotes, or preserved by boiling beforehand. Boiling pour the juice into jars and roll up the lids. Dried apples can be served with tea, used as a filling for pies or cooked from them compote.
For 1 kg of apple mass - 100 g of sugar.

Apple Spas - behind. You can also think about harvesting apples for the winter. Moreover, it is not only their great diversity that consoles. After all, you can cook a lot of all sorts of goodies, no matter how they say that it is difficult and not very tasty. You just need to know the secrets!

Citizens do not always have the opportunity to store fresh fruit at home. Therefore, the majority seeks to conserve using different approaches. After all, a lot has been said and written about the benefits of apples.

Even kids know that an apple is useful. Alas, they are not always happy to see him. And all because of the unsuccessful first acquaintance with these most useful fruits of all. Whether a sour apple caught a tooth. Whether kompotik turned out to be tart. Or thickened. But the situation can still be corrected by cooking delicious compotes, purees, jellies, jams and other goodies for the winter.

The ideal option is frozen apples. The first and, probably, the most important thing is that in this form the most vitamins are preserved, etc. Second, it is very easy to do. Sorted, washed and wiped with a towel, they are cut into pieces of the desired format (thin, quarters, etc.), placed in a bag (then let the air out) or a container and sent to the freezer. Fortunately, modern refrigerators are equipped with capacious refrigerating chambers with dry freezing. In winter, this cut will only have to be thawed at room temperature and consumed as you like. We cook mousses, compotes, make syrups, sauces, bake pies, rolls, casseroles, mashed potatoes and a lot of other goodies.

How to dry apples at home - we make dried blanks correctly

They also retain maximum usefulness and taste with this type of preparation. Usually, sour and sour-sweet apples such as Antonovka, Borovinka, Alesya, etc. are chosen for these purposes. Do not be too lazy to cut 10 kg of fruits (where would you store them in such quantities!), And you will get a little more than a kilogram in dried form. Even if you don’t have a dacha (and in the dacha everything is dried under a canopy in a ventilated place), it doesn’t matter - apples can be prepared in the oven or in a special dryer. We will sort out the fruits, wash them, clean them of seeds and cores. We cut both circles and slices 1 cm thick. Take a knife from stainless steel, so the fruits will not oxidize very much. Yes, they can be blanched in saline, but that's another process. Having laid out the apples in one layer, we will dry them in the oven (heated to 50 degrees) with the door open. We mix constantly. After an hour, heat the oven to 70 degrees. And in the end - up to 80. That is, 5-6 hours will be spent on work. The right look is like the apples in this photo. And it is better to store dried in glass jars, no more than a year.

How to cook apple compote for the winter - the best apple compote recipes

If there is not enough space in the refrigerator, let's cook with apples! Fragrant and healthy, in winter they will be a salvation.

Recipe 1 . First, boil the syrup - put sugar to taste, depending on the variety and on which compotes you like best. We cut the fruits peeled from seeds into several parts - the format is at your discretion. We will send them to sterilized glass jars and immediately fill them with boiling syrup. We cover the jars with lids and sterilize them: half-liter - 10 minutes, three-liter - 25 minutes. It must be remembered that the sterilization time for more ripe fruits is reduced.

Recipe 2 . We heat 3 liters of water, put sugar (to taste) and heat it up. In the meantime, we will process the apples - cut the peeled ones into halves. Let's put them in a bowl. As soon as the skin turns yellow, we take out the apples and send them to the banks. Then pour boiling water with sugar to the top. Rolled up, putting the banks upside down.

Cooking apple jam Five-minute - a quick recipe for the winter

  • Apples - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 300 gr.

We will cover the pieces (1.5-2 cm) without core and seeds with sugar and set aside - they will release juice within an hour if we mix everything regularly. After the appearance of juice, send the pan to the stove. Cook over low heat until boiling, not allowing the apples to burn, and then bring to readiness on a small fire for 5 minutes. We make sure that the apples boil evenly. We put it in boiling form in prepared jars and, having rolled up the lids, send it for storage.

Recipe for jam from apples at home for the winter

Spread on a roll, in a pie or a roll, it will always be appropriate! Just enough to apply a little patience and in winter you will always have the aroma of apples!

Jam with sugar . Apples (1-1.5 kg.) Peeled from the core and seeds will be sent to the pan. Fill them with water (to just cover), we will heat until they become soft. We need to pass them through a sieve while still hot.

Rub apples through a sieve

Then, mixing this mass with sugar (800-900 gr.), Cook, stirring endlessly and avoiding burning! Cook until jam becomes thick. We close it in jars or other dishes, laying it out with parchment. The crust that appears on the jam will prevent it from spoiling. But let's not forget to put more sugar on sour apples.

Jam without sugar . Actions are similar. Similarly, cut apples (1 kg.) Into pieces, fill with water (200 gr.), Boil for a quarter of an hour, stirring all the time. After that, we also wipe it with a sieve and boil the resulting mass so that it thickens well. Let's spread the jam hot in clean jars and pasteurize, covering them with sterile lids, for 15 minutes - half a liter, 20 - liter and half an hour - three liter.

Apple jelly for the winter for the whole family!

To make jelly somewhat different from, say, mashed potatoes, add a lemon to it (half without zest). Well, for now, we’ll cut the peeled fruits, and soak in water, adding 10 cloves to it. Cook until soft, then rub through a sieve in the same way. Put sugar (400 g per 600 g of the finished mass), lemon pulp with juice into the heated puree and let it boil until the sugar dissolves. We cook on a big fire. We stir all the time. This is what the finished jelly looks like - it does not stretch, but with a spoon. We decompose the cooled mass into sterile jars.

Recipe for sugar-coated apples for the winter

Rinse and peel sweet and sour fruits (the skin can not be removed from ripe tender fruits). Cut into slices (2 cm thick), send to jars and sprinkle with sugar, cover with lids. The mass is sterilized in a pot of boiling water: a quarter of an hour - half-liter jars, 20-25 minutes. - litre. And then we roll up the lids. How much sugar to put? Depends on the volume of the jar: 200 gr. will go to half a liter (400 is possible, if sour apples) and up to 400 - per liter. By the way, apples can be closed without sugar - just pour them three times with boiling water in a bottle, and then twist.

Making apple puree for the winter - a recipe for making apple puree

This can be done from sour varieties. Steam the pieces until they soften. Wipe well, put sugar to taste (about a hundred grams per liter jar of mass). We heat the mass to a boil and decompose immediately into jars. Pasteurize for 10-12 minutes in boiling water. You can add pumpkin, citrus zest, etc. to the puree.

Apples in own juice - sharing!

Usually I cook them from those fruits that I sorted after the main preservation. I cut a kilogram of peeled fruits and immediately sprinkle with sugar (half a kilogram). When the juice goes, I boil it and immediately send it to sterile jars. I sterilize, covering with lids for about 20 minutes, twist it with a key and leave it in the same water until it cools.

What else can be made from apples?

Many things! Let's say pasta. You can't even put sugar in it! Pickled apples will also be good in winter - this is an excellent snack for meat, vegetables, game, etc. Pickled apples are no less healthy, tasty and appropriate. It is also added to sauerkraut during fermentation. From the pieces, a chic preparation for pies is obtained. Marmalade, cooked in the oven or in a saucepan, is uniquely delicious. In a word, choose and prepare!

The secret is that apples, like pears, in any form, when cooking jams, mashed potatoes, etc., like to burn. To avoid this, you need to cook on low heat and with regular stirring.

Very soon, blanks from apples for the winter, for pies, jam, jams and marmalade will go. The berry season has departed, the moving of fruits from branches to houses, to balconies, to banks, cellars begins. It is good when there is an opportunity to store fresh apples for a long time. You go down to the basement in winter, and there is an apple smell, your head is spinning, you will definitely grab a few juicy, ripe ones and then you inhale the aroma of the sun and summer for a long time, pressing a ruddy fruit to your cheek. Store-bought ones don’t smell like that and don’t splash juice, they are tasteless, some kind of cotton. Therefore, we try to preserve this summer miracle, our homemade antonovka, white pours and peppins, in all sorts of accessible and sometimes inaccessible ways.

  • 1 Apple blanks for the winter, the best recipes
    • 1.1 Apple jam
    • 1.2 Apples in syrup
    • 1.3 Apple jam
    • 1.4 Pickled apples
    • 1.5 Soaked apples
    • 1.6 Homemade apple juice for the winter
    • 1.7 Homemade apple marshmallow

Apple blanks for the winter, the best recipes

Apple jam

Apple jam boiled in slices.


Apples 1 kg;

Sugar 1 kg.

Preparation: My apples, cut in half and cut out the core. Then we cut them into slices, as for drying. We put in a pan in layers, a layer of apple slices, a layer of sugar and so on. We cover the pan with a lid and leave to stand for a day so that the apples release their juice. Then we pour everything into a bowl for cooking, we do it carefully so that the slices do not break. Turn on the burner and bring the apples to a boil.

Let it simmer on low heat for no more than 5 minutes. Then leave to cool completely. We put the cooled apples on the stove again and repeat the whole process, only it is necessary to boil for 10 minutes. Let the jam cool down again. For the third time, bring to a boil and boil for as long as necessary. 5 minutes is enough to make the jam an amber-light color. 30 minutes to get a thick and dark jam.

Immediately lay out the jam in sterile jars and store at home.

Quick jam "Apple spas"


Apples 3 kg;

Sugar 2 kg;

Lemon 12 pieces.

Preparation: Wash the apples, cut out the middle and cut into 8 pieces. Pour in sugar and let it brew at a temperature of +18 degrees. Stir a few times to distribute the sugar evenly. After a day, put on fire, add lemon juice and boil for 7 to 10 minutes. The jam is ready, it remains to decompose into jars and lower it into the cellar.

Dessert apple jam.


Apples 1.5 kg;

Sugar 0.8 kg

Water 14 cups;

Cinnamon 1 stick.

Preparation: Wash the apples, peel and cut out the middle. Cut into small pieces, you can cubes. Pour out the water at the bottom of the pan and pour the chopped apples, put the cinnamon there and pour 600 grams of sugar. We put on a strong fire. So cook for 5 minutes, stirring all the time, until the syrup appears. Then reduce the heat and cook for another three minutes.

Remove the jam from the heat and wait until it cools down. Then again put on a slow temperature, add the remaining sugar and cook until tender. After spreading the jam in jars.

apples in syrup

Antonovka in sugar syrup.


Antonovka 3 pcs;

Sugar 150 gr;

Water 150 ml.

Preparation: We prepare sugar syrup, for this we pour sugar into a saucepan and pour water, put on fire. While the syrup boils, wash the apples and cut into 6 or 8 pieces. We lower the slices into the boiled syrup and cover with a lid. We cook 10 minutes. We shift the hot apples into a sterile jar and pour the syrup on top. You can store it at home in a closet or in the refrigerator.

Jam from apples

Easy recipe for apple jam.


Sweet apples 2 kg;

Sugar 1.5 kg.

Preparation: Wash apples, peel the skin and cores and cut into small pieces. We fill the pieces with two glasses of sugar and leave overnight to get the juice.

We put the pan with apples on the stove over medium heat, pour out the remaining sugar and let it boil. Then reduce the heat and cook for 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir so that the jam does not burn. Then we remove the jam from the fire, cover with a lid and send it to the oven for three hours. Sometimes you need to look under the lid and watch the jam.

A classic recipe for apple jam, a blank for pies.


Sour apples 2.5 kg;

Sugar 1.5 kg.

Preparation: Apples are peeled and seeds are cut, cut into slices and laid out on a baking sheet, put it in the oven, heated to 170 degrees, until they become soft. We take out the softened apple slices, crush them with a fork and rub through a sieve.

Put the mashed puree into a saucepan, add sugar and cook over high heat until tender, stirring constantly. When the jam darkens and lags behind the walls of the pan, then it is ready. We lay it out cooled in sterile jars.

Quick apple jam.


Sweet apples 1 kg;

Water 1 glass;

Sugar 400 gr.

Preparation: Peel the apples and take out the middle, cut into pieces, put in a saucepan. We put the pan on the fire, pour water and simmer for 20 minutes.

When the apples are well softened, rub them into a puree. We put on a gentle fire and fall asleep sugar. Cook constantly stirring the jam so that it does not burn. Each variety of apples takes its own time to thicken. When the jam is ready, let it cool and put it in jars.

pickled apples

Spicy Pickled Apples


Apples 1 kg;

Sugar 0.6 kg;

Apple cider vinegar 3 cups;

Cinnamon 2 sticks;

Ginger 1 tbsp. spoon;

Carnation 5 heads;

Preparation: We select the smallest, strongest and ripe apples, wash them well. Pour apple cider vinegar into the pan and pour out the sugar, put everything on the stove and heat until the sugar dissolves, put the apples in the same place.

Add all the spices to the pan and set to medium temperature, cook until the apples are soft, you can check with a toothpick. After that, put the apples in sterile jars and pour the marinade up to the neck. Immediately roll up the lids and let cool. You can store pickled apples in the cellar or basement, in a month they will be ready.

Recipe for delicious pickled apples.


Wine vinegar 350 ml;

Water 300 ml;

Maple syrup 170 ml;

Spices cinnamon, star anise, cloves to taste;

Apples 1.5 kg.

Preparation: Pour vinegar and water into the pan, put the spices, pour the syrup and let it simmer for about 5 minutes. Cut the apples into circles, about a centimeter thick and put them in the marinade. We leave to cook until the apples become soft, then immediately put them in jars and pour the marinade to the top.

Video recipe for apple blanks

soaked apples

Soaked apples with honey.


Cherry, mint and currant leaves

Water 10 liters

Salt 150 gr

Rye flour 200 gr.

Preparation: At the bottom of the tub or pan, lay out a layer of currant leaves, then 2 layers of apples, a layer of cherry leaves, 2 layers of apples, a layer of mint and a layer of apples on top. We put currant and mint leaves, twigs and cherry leaves on top and cover with a wooden circle, put a load on top.

We heat the water a little and dissolve all the ingredients in it, let it cool and pour it under oppression. It must be constantly under water. In a month and a half, the apples will be ready. you need to keep them in a cool room.

Recipe for pickled apples with cabbage.


Apples medium 3 kg

Cabbage 2 fork

Carrot 3 pcs.

Salt 3 tbsp. spoons

Sugar 2 tbsp. spoons

Preparation: Finely chop the cabbage, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, mix everything and add sugar and salt. Rub the chopped vegetables with your hands until the juice stands out. Put a thin layer of cabbage on the bottom of the container, then apples. Shift in such a way that the entire space is filled. The top layer should be from cabbage.

Tamp everything well and pour cabbage juice on top, cover with cabbage leaves and put oppression. Let the container stand at room temperature for two weeks, then it must be lowered into the cellar.

Homemade apple juice for the winter

Instant Apple Juice.


Sugar at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter jar.

Preparation: Wash apples, sort, cut off spoiled ones, cut out the middle and cut into pieces. Pass through a juicer and pour into a saucepan. We put the pan on a slow fire and heat it so that the foam rises, remove it with a slotted spoon. (on this foam you can make dough for delicious shortcakes).

We distinguish juice in jars, on the bottom of which we pour sugar, if liter jars, then one tablespoon, if two-liter, then two. We cover with sterile lids and lower them up to the shoulders into a pot of boiling water. We sterilize for 10 and 20 minutes, respectively.

Apple-carrot juice.


Apples 10 kg

Carrot 2.5 kg

Preparation: Peel apples and carrots and cut into pieces. Pass through a juicer. So that the foam does not get into the juice, we filter it through gauze folded four times. Now the juice should be allowed to boil for 10 minutes and immediately rolled up hot in sterile jars.

Homemade apple marshmallow

Pastila from apples with bananas.


Apples 300 gr

Bananas 1 pc.

Preparation: Wash apples and cut out the middle, no need to remove the peel. Peel the banana and cut into pieces. Blend everything in a blender until smooth.

We spread the resulting puree on the trays of the electric dryer greased with vegetable oil and turn it on for 12 hours. We take out the pallets, remove the finished marshmallow and roll it into tubes.

And finally, a video on how to dry apples in the oven.

Of course, it is better to consume natural apples fresh, but if there is no cellar where they can be stored until spring, various delicious apple preparations for the winter come to the aid of housewives. I dedicate this collection of recipes to all the sweet tooth, because most of the presented recipes contain sugar.

Jam, jam, mashed potatoes, ketchup, compote ... and this is not all that can be made from apples.

For preparations, it is best to use summer (White pouring, Antonovka, Glory to the winner), or autumn varieties of apples (Makintosh, Spartak, Pepinka), which are fully ripe and have absorbed all the summer sun.

But if you can’t buy these, nothing bad will happen and the preparations from winter varieties of apples will also turn out delicious.

Dear friends, if you have your favorite and proven recipes for apple blanks, please share in the comments. You can also take a picture of your apple blanks for the winter and attach the photo to the form with comments.

Apple and plum jam

Moderately gelled, picturesquely ruby, with delicate sourness. Assorted apple and plum jam can be a versatile addition to biscuits, bagels, cheeses, cottage cheese and pancakes. Are you intrigued? Then welcome to my kitchen, where I will tell you in detail how to cook apple and plum jam. Recipe with photo.

Apple jam slices "Amber"

Apple jam slices according to this recipe are not only appetizing, but also very bright. Apple slices acquire an amber hue due to a special method of preparation. Such amber apple jam will decorate any family tea party, and can also serve as an excellent sweet gift for the New Year and Christmas holidays. See recipe with photo.

Apple pie preparation

Preparing the filling for apple pies for the winter can save a lot of time when preparing pastries: all you need to do is worry about the dough, and the apples are ready - both peeled and cut! If I’m interested in you, then I’m happy to invite you to my kitchen - I’ll show you how to harvest apples for the winter for pies. Delete the recipe from the photo.

Apple and chokeberry jam

Sweet, with a slight sourness and a characteristic taste of chokeberry (aronia), jam is a real find in the winter, when our body more than ever needs powerful support with vitamins and microelements. Thanks to the chokeberry, this jam turns out to be mega-healing, has a rich color and is great for home tea drinking. See how to cook.

Apple compote for the winter with rose hips and lemon (recipe without sterilization)

Who said that the harvesting season is summer and the beginning of autumn? Even in October-November, you can do home canning and do it quite successfully. For example, at this time I close a very tasty and healthy compote of apples and rose hips. Its recipe is very simple, and compote is always very popular in the winter season. See the recipe.

Apples in grape syrup

At first glance, apple desserts: preserves, jams, marmalade may seem too simple and not very interesting. But this recipe won my heart once and for all. And although the ingredients for it, again, the most banal are needed - apples and grapes, unusual cooking more than pays for it. How to cook apples in grape syrup, see.

If you like classic and proven apple preparations for the winter, then you will 100% love this recipe! How to cook jam from apples for the winter "Soviet" (recipe with step by step photos), I wrote.

Apple jam with lemon wedges

Recipe for apple jam with lemon slices, you can see.

Apple jam for the winter with chocolate "Sweet Tooth Dream"

The recipe for apple jam for the winter with Chocolate "Sweet Tooth Dream", you can see.

Apple compote for the winter with orange (without sterilization)

A very tasty compote for the winter is obtained from apples - moderately sweet, it is usually liked by both adults and children. I also often cook it, but I have one “secret” - I add a few circles of orange to the company with apples. It would seem that this is such a trifle, but it is thanks to it that the usual taste of apple compote begins to play with new colors. Recipe with photo.

Apple jam with cinnamon "Christmas"

You can see how to make Christmas apple jam with cinnamon.

Apple jam with orange "Orange mood"

With the recipe for apple jam with orange "Orange Mood", you can find.

Pear-apple jam with orange "Fruit mix"