How to cook rice so that it is crumbly. How to cook round-grain crumbly rice for a side dish How to cook round-grain rice

When we hear about a product like rice, a delicious crumbly dish with numerous spices and herbs immediately comes to mind. But, unfortunately, not every housewife can boast of the ability to competently prepare this product. And from the desired crumbly refinement, an ugly porridge is obtained.

Despite the fact that it is pleasant, serving such a dish to the festive table is not the best option. Therefore, it is important to learn how to cook a product, taking into account not only taste, but also aesthetic appearance. You need to cook so that the cereal is crumbly, monitor how long the dish is on fire.

In principle, you can get well-cooked rice even in a saucepan, if you use the most suitable varieties for this. Especially popular is round-grain rice, which is popular in traditional dishes of the Far East. This is not surprising: it is used for making sushi, and also acts as a side dish for various dishes.

Cooking features

In order to cook crumbly rice and get a delicious dish, you will need to follow a special technology. After all, external parameters depend not so much on the type of product as on following the recipe.

Usually, it is problematic to cook round rice friable, so, on the contrary, it is used for making sushi and casseroles. But any hostess, with a little effort, will be able to get an original dish that will delight relatives, friends and guests.

It is possible to cook this product so correctly that you can easily take part in a culinary duel with the world's leading chefs. There are several rules that are taken into account in the process of cooking rice.

  • The main condition that is important to observe is related to the preparation of grain. It is necessary to wash the cereal several times. With this approach, you can remove unnecessary starch and say goodbye to the remnants of rice flour, which provides the final product with sticky properties. After washing the cereal to the end, you can count on the fact that after cooking you will get an original and beautiful dish.
  • Another condition is the features of the technology by which cereals need to be cooked. You should pour 200-400 grams of cereal into water that has already boiled: you should not immerse the product in a cold liquid, this will give it stickiness, which in our case is useless.
  • It is necessary to use vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, sesame) in the cooking process, adding it to the water. Either of these will increase the chance of the rice not sticking together.
  • It is important to choose the right dishes for cooking - you need to use a convenient wide pan with a thick bottom: the product is best in contact with water when using such a container.
  • In order to cook rice without the formation of white water, you must first create all the conditions for its transparency. Pour water into the selected dishes, and then heat to a boil and salt, add cereal and add oil.
  • After boiling, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to a minimum, and then do not mix: in this case, the grains will not stick together. After 15 minutes, you need to lift the lid and check the condition of the cereal: if it is soft, this indicates readiness.

In just a few steps, you can achieve the beauty and excellent taste characteristics of any rice dish.

Cooking in a multicooker

In order to cook delicious dishes, vegetable oil is used, the product itself, spices. The final product is crumbly, pleasant to taste. The ratio of liquid to rice by volume is considered unchanged, the proportions are approximately 3/1.

Also, for cooking cereals, instead of water, broth can be used on vegetables - onions, carrots, greens. After preparation, the broth must be carefully filtered.

After that, rice is taken and simply filled with water for 15 minutes. Then the liquid is decanted, and the product is poured into a sieve. Washed and dry grains are poured into the salted broth, the necessary mode is set in the slow cooker. After you hear a beep indicating the preparation of the dish, you must let the rice brew for 10 minutes, and then add spices and oil.

If you follow the cooking technology, you can get a delicious and healthy product that will surprise you with its beautiful appearance and help you create a beautiful table for both everyday dinners and festive events. Following the instructions, you will learn how to cook deliciously and be delighted with the resulting delicacy.

how to cook round grain rice cereal/water ratio? maybe some more advice and got a better answer

Answer from Larisa[guru]
if for a side dish, then it needs to be washed well in hot water, stirring a little
and then for 1 tbsp of rice 2 tbsp of water salt to taste and butter 2 tbsp

Answer from Vasily Ushakov[guru]
So as not to melt. Dip it for 3-5 seconds in boiling water before using.

Answer from Bride of the Executioner[guru]
Rinse well and cook 1:2.

Answer from Јinsha[guru]
Don't bother with proportions. Any rice is cooked in the same way - pour it into cold water (large volume), salt and cook to the desired state. Then drain through a colander, and that's it.

Answer from ?Nata? ????L.I?[guru]
it is better if there is broth, cook in broth

Answer from acoustic[guru]
for one volume of rice 1.5 volumes of water. you can use 2 for steamed. I don’t cook any cereals at all, I have a thermos.

Answer from Tiana[guru]
pour washed rice with water to the height of the phalanx of the finger
cook until water is absorbed, turn off and leave covered for 15 minutes
and only then salt and mix

Answer from Galka Galkina[guru]
To measure rice and water, take an ordinary glass or cup.
In a deep frying pan or stainless steel saucepan, heat 3-4 tablespoons. l. rast. oils. pour 1 cup to the brim of dry sorted rice. Warm up stirring constantly. Pour 1 glass full to the brim of hot water and 1 glass not filled to the brim by 2 cm. We pour 1 hour. l. salt without a slide. Stir and reduce the fire to a minimum. We cover with a lid. Mix a couple of times. When almost all the water was absorbed and the rice began to swell. We rake it in a slide from the sides to the middle. We make “punctures” to the bottom with a skimmer handle. Turn off the fire and leave for 10 minutes.
Season with vegetable or butter if necessary. Or just mix until the grains are crumbly.

Answer from Olga Starannik[guru]
Why round grain rice? For porridge? Crumbly? For pudding? For sushi? What are you going to cook in - on the stove or in a slow cooker? Specify.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to cook round grain rice? cereal/water ratio? maybe some more advice

Rice is a very useful source of energy. It is not for nothing that it is popular in Asian countries, because it includes many minerals and nutrients. But for some reason, cooking delicious rice for some housewives turns out to be a big problem. We will now explain how to cook rice for a side dish step by step with a photo.

Many people think that this is an easy task for any hostess. But this is not what it seems at first glance. In fact, in order to cook perfect rice without becoming sticky, you need to know the characteristics of this cereal.
What is advised for preparing the perfect side dish and?

It is important to accurately identify proportions water for rice. Usually, it is advised to pour 1 glass of rice cereal with 2 glasses of water, but in practice this ratio does not make rice ideal. Practice has shown that it is necessary to pour a little more water than rice. For example, for 400 grams of rice, you need to take 600 ml of water.
It is also very important not to neglect washing the rice cereal under water until the water becomes clear. If this is not done, then you should not expect the rice structure to be perfect.

Another thing to keep in mind when cooking a side dish of rice is that you don’t need to stir it! Only then will it turn out not to be porridge, but grain to grain.
It is worth noting that a cauldron or a container with a thick layer is best suited for such a side dish. So that the cereal does not stick in this container, and after cooking it can brew and finally cook.

We suggest you cook a side dish of rice according to the following recipe: 200 rice, 250 grams of water, salt (quantity at your discretion).

  1. First you need to thoroughly rinse the rice grits so that all the gluten is gone.
  2. We spread the cereal in a container for cooking, salt and pour water.
  3. Cover the top with a lid and place on the stove. But when the water boils, we immediately reduce the power and start cooking for about 15 minutes.
  4. When the rice has absorbed all the liquid, remove it from the heat and cover with a warm towel or other warm cloth and leave for half an hour.
  5. After the side dish is finally ready, mix it and throw a piece of butter. This method is universal and its use is possible when boiling any of the varieties of rice.

When there is a slow cooker in the kitchen, it is even easier to make crumbly rice with this helper. Here is a way for housewives to cook a side dish of rice in a slow cooker in the piggy bank of recipes: rice cereal and water in proportions of 1 to 2, respectively, salt, butter.

Steamed rice is the same rice as regular rice, but it has been heat-treated and from this it has acquired an amber color. It is even easier to prepare such a side dish from it than from the usual one, which is why most housewives choose this particular type. Giving preference to this rice, you need to know that after heat treatment it loses about 20% of its useful characteristics.

Telling how to cook steamed rice.
To parboiled rice has become crumbly, as well as other types of rice, it should be washed and soaked for half an hour. Next, you need to drain the liquid, take a container with a thick layer, put the cereal there and pour it. The proportions are approximately 1 cup of cereal to 1.25 cups of water. Put the container on the stove, and as the water begins to boil, reduce the power to the smallest. Then salt and toss in a piece of butter to your taste. Now the rice should be cooked for half an hour until fully cooked.
If you cook steamed rice without soaking, then you need to boil water and only then add rice cereal there. The ratio of rice to water is 1.5 cups of cereal to 1 liter of water. You need to cook cereals for half an hour, while covering with a lid. And then remove from heat and wait 10 minutes for the rice to be completely cooked.

Round rice has its own characteristics. It contains more starch than other types of rice. Therefore, it is actively used in the preparation of rolls, cereals, casseroles and other dishes.

If you want to prepare it so that it becomes crumbly, then you need to carefully remove excess starch under water and dry it before cooking. For drying, you can take a sieve, spread the cereal on it and dry it for an hour.

Now it will be possible to send the cereal to a pan or other container for cooking and pour water on top in a ratio of 1 to 1.5. For example, if you take 200 grams of rice, then you will need 300 ml of water. The fire during cooking should be made medium, and after boiling, reduce to a minimum. From now on, it usually takes about 15 minutes to cook the rice. Note that the pan must be covered with a lid. And you can’t stir the cereal, because this will provoke the production of excess starch, which will prevent you from achieving friability. When the rice has absorbed all the liquid, you can remove it from the stove, salt, put oil in it and leave to infuse until tender.

Can also be used for garnish round grain rice. To prepare it, pour water into a container and put it on the fire to warm up. Please note that for 100 grams of rice, 300 ml of water should be taken. While the water is heating, rinse it well. And then, when it comes to a boil, salt it and put the rice grits in a container. Then you can add a tablespoon of sunflower oil to the rice. Rice is usually fully cooked within 25 minutes.

Rice garnish can also be prepare in the oven. But with this method, the proportions of rice and water are already different. For 200 grams of rice, you need to take 100 grams of water. Put rice with water in a pot, season with spices and put in the oven. Cooking at a power of 180 degrees. In 20 minutes your side dish will be ready!

When cooking long grain rice in a saucepan it is required to prepare 200 grams of rice, 300 ml of water, a pinch of salt and butter or vegetable oil. Of the dishes, a saucepan with dense walls and a tightly covering lid is most suitable.

We begin to cook rice: you need to put it in a saucepan and rinse until the water stops becoming cloudy. After that, fill it with cold water so that the water level is 2 cm higher than the rice. If you are in doubt whether there is enough water, you can check its level with your thumb. Dip your finger into the water on the rice and see if it covers the phalanx halfway, then you did everything right.

Then lightly salt the rice. But if you're making it for a salad or as a side dish, don't forget the sauce, which also contains salt. The main thing is not to overdo it with salt. Now you need to cover the pan with a lid. This is very important, because a tightly closed lid helps to make the rice grains fragrant, and not to stick together.

Turn on the stove, set the fire to the highest possible and put the pan on it for 5 minutes. Now reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 more minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove, let the rice stay in it for another 5 minutes and then remove the lid. Add oil and cover again for 2-3 minutes. That's all!

If you have an electric stove, then it is better to cook rice on two burners. Set one to the highest power and the other to the lowest power. On the first cook for 5 minutes, and then rearrange the pan on a burner with low heat and cook for 15 minutes.

Long grain rice comes in a variety of colors, brown and white. The first contains more useful vitamins and minerals, but quickly deteriorates. It is prepared in the same way as ordinary rice, but after boiling it is cooked not for 15, but for 20 minutes. This type of rice does not require oil, because it is contained in the rice itself.

There are two varieties of white rice: jasmine and basmati. The first is very often used in the preparation of casseroles and puddings. The second is a very self-sufficient variety with a refined aroma, so it can be consumed as a separate dish.

Do you now understand how to cook rice for a side dish? Did step by step photo help? What kind of rice do you use ruby ​​or jasmine, what proportions do you follow? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

A versatile cereal that goes well with all vegetables, chicken and meat, crumbly and tender in structure. Contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

Groats can be of different types and shapes, differ in taste and content of nutrients. The method of preparing porridge depends on what type of cereal you want to cook.

Round grain

This form of cereal is most often used for pudding, casseroles and sushi. This variety is very sticky. Several rules are known on how to properly boil and get friable rice so that it does not stick together during cooking.

  1. Rinse the required amount of cereal thoroughly in water, which must be cold. Rinse should be 5-7 times.
  2. Calculation: for 100 g of cereal - 300 ml of liquid.
  3. To boil water.
  4. Add salt and seasonings.
  5. Pour rice into a bowl. Water at this time should be brought to a boil.
  6. Pour one tbsp. a spoonful of refined oil.
  7. Switch the burner to minimum and cook for 25 minutes without opening the lid. There is no need to stir during cooking.

Long grain

How to cook rice so that it is crumbly? It is recommended to use grains that have a long, elongated shape. Steamed rice, basmati and jasmine are good.


  • long grain rice - 300 g;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 600 ml.


  1. During cooking, rice expands in volume. For a family of four, it is enough to cook 250 - 300 g of cereal.
  2. Rinse the cereal for a long time, the liquid should become transparent. You will need to change the water up to 10 times. Wash in cold water.
  3. Before starting cooking, accurately measure the water rate. For 300 g of rice add 600 ml of water. If you use more or less cereal, then the liquid should be added twice the weight of the cereal.
  4. Boil water. Pour clean rice into a bowl.
  5. Turn on the fire to the maximum so that the liquid boils quickly.
  6. Boil seven minutes.
  7. Turn on the burner to a minimum, close the lid and simmer the rice for 15 minutes. During cooking, do not stir the product and lift the lid.
  8. After the specified time, turn off the fire. Add oil. Leave to soak for 20 minutes. Rice will be dry, white, crumbly.

wild brown

This variety is popular in the East. It does not have a very beautiful appearance compared to white rice, but it surpasses it in the content of vitamins and minerals. If you regularly eat wild rice, the body's metabolic process will return to normal.

How to boil fluffy brown rice?


  • salt;
  • water - 750 ml;
  • wild rice brown - 300 g.


  1. Rinse the grains many times. The dirt and dust collected during growth, collection and transportation will be removed. Rinse so many times that the water remains completely clear.
  2. Scald with boiling water, rinse immediately.
  3. Transfer the grains to a tall container. Pour in a large amount of water. Leave for seven hours.
  4. Transfer the prepared grains to a saucepan, preferably with thick walls. Fill with cold water.
  5. Turn on the fire, cook for eight minutes. The lid must be closed.
  6. Switch the burner to a minimum and cook for half an hour without opening the lid.
  7. Turn off the fire, leave for 15 minutes. At this time, all the remaining liquid will be absorbed, the grains will become crumbly.

wild black

Due to its cost, this variety is not as common as white rice. It has an unusual taste - slightly sweet, exotic, somewhat reminiscent of nutty. On sale, it is most often sold in a package along with white or brown rice.


  • water - 6 tbsp.;
  • salt;
  • rice - 2 tbsp.


  1. To preserve the vitamins included in the composition, fill the rice with water for 12 hours. At this time, the cereal will soften and cook well.
  2. Drain the water.
  3. Pour cold water, preferably in an enamel bowl.
  4. Pour salt.
  5. Boil.
  6. Pour rice into water, cover with a lid.
  7. Switch fire to minimum.
  8. Cook for about 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  9. In the finished state, rice greatly changes its size, increases four times. If properly prepared, then this variety always turns out crumbly and retains all the useful qualities.

Friable rice for a side dish - recipes

Perfectly cooked rice grains are not obtained by every housewife. This happens due to improper preparation of cereal and the addition of a large amount of liquid for cooking. Also, the state of the finished dish depends on the container in which the cereal is prepared.

In a pot of water

Rice triples in size during cooking. Therefore, you should calculate the volume and take the pan of the required size.


  • mole - 0.5 tsp;
  • rice - 300 g;
  • water - 300 ml.


  1. Place the rice in a sieve and rinse with cold water.
  2. Pour water into a container, place rice. If the water remains clear, you can start cooking. If the liquid is cloudy, then the starch from the surface of the grains is not completely washed off and it is worth rinsing it under water again. The main rule: in order for the rice to be friable, it is necessary to rinse it perfectly clean.
  3. For cooking, you need a pan with a thick bottom.
  4. Pour rice into the water.
  5. Place on high heat and season with salt.
  6. Boil.
  7. Switch the fire mode to minimum, close the lid and simmer for 20 minutes. During the cooking process, do not stir and do not open the lid, otherwise the rice will not turn out crumbly.
  8. Turn off the fire and leave covered for 15 minutes.

In a slow cooker

A very convenient, quick way to cook rice, which retains all the vitamins and prevents the dish from burning, is to cook grains in a slow cooker.


  • salt;
  • sunflower oil;
  • water.


  1. Rinse the grains well, changing the liquid until the water becomes clear. If they are washed poorly, then the starch remaining on their surface will stick the grains together during the cooking process.
  2. It is necessary to choose the right amount of water for cooking. For round rice, the ratio of cereals to water is one to one. If rice is long-grain or steamed, then water should be added twice as much as the volume of cereals.
  3. In order for the cereal to cook evenly, not stick together and remain juicy, you need to fill it only with boiling water.
  4. Before adding liquid to rice, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil.
  5. Put the prepared rice into the bowl of the multicooker and pour boiling water with the addition of oil.
  6. Add salt.
  7. Put the device on the "Buckwheat" mode. In half an hour the dish will be ready.

Rice is one of the favorite lunch options for children and adults. And this is not surprising, because it goes well with any seafood, vegetables, meat, chicken, fish dishes. It is very important to properly cook the cereal so that it does not boil soft and does not turn into porridge. This hostess will help tips on how to cook rice so that it is crumbly.

First of all, the characteristics of cooking rice depend on its variety. For example, the most difficult thing to keep crumbly round-grain. But, if you try, even this variety can be turned into an appetizing delicate side dish.

Round grain

Round-grain rice softens quickly, as it contains a lot of starch.

It is ideal for cooking cereals and casseroles. If you need to turn such rice into a crumbly side dish, then you need to cook it in a special way.

  1. The cereal is thoroughly washed with running cold water, poured into a saucepan with plenty of boiling water (there should be 4 times more liquid than cereals).
  2. It is very important to cover the container tightly with a lid. If the latter does not fit too tightly to the pan, then you should use the load.
  3. First, rice is cooked for 3 minutes on high heat, then 6 minutes on medium and another 3 minutes on minimum.

The total cooking time of cereals does not depend on its quantity. As soon as the specified time has elapsed, the pan is removed from the heat and does not open for another 10 minutes. After that, you can add salt, seasonings, as well as any oil to the rice for a side dish.

long grain rice

In rice grains of this type, the length exceeds 5.5 mm. Its main feature is that the grains retain their shape well during heat treatment and do not stick together. Therefore, it is not difficult to cook such friable rice. All the main secrets of this process are published below.

  1. 350 g of rice is poured into a bowl and filled with water. After thorough mixing, the liquid is drained and a new one is recruited. Washing is repeated until the water from the container comes out completely transparent.
  2. The cereal is poured with clean water so that the liquid is approximately 2 cm above the grains.
  3. Rice is salted. If it becomes only part of a complex side dish, then you need to remember that salt will be added to other ingredients, sauce, gravy, etc.
  4. Groats are cooked exactly 5 minutes after boiling water at maximum power.
  5. Then another 15 minutes on low heat.
  6. After turning off the burner, the rice should be infused for some more time. After 5-7 minutes, you need to add 1 tablespoon to it. vegetable oil and mix thoroughly.

After a couple of minutes, you can serve a treat to the table. You can cook rice in this way in dishes made of any material.

wild brown

Many housewives in the process of cooking wild brown rice face some difficulties and generally refuse to use this tasty and very healthy product. In fact, it is not difficult to cook such cereals, you just need to know some tricks.

Before cooking, the rice variety in question is always soaked in water. To do this, it is completely covered with cold water and left overnight. Then you can proceed directly to cooking the product.

  1. Rice after soaking is washed 2-3 times under cold running water. In the process, you need to thoroughly rub the cereal with your hands to remove the starchy component from its surface and prevent the rice from sticking together.
  2. Liquid is added to the rice pot in a ratio of 1 to 2. By the way, instead of water, you can take vegetable or meat broth. Even cooked from a cube will do.
  3. As soon as the liquid boils, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and the product is cooked under the lid for 35 minutes. The rice should absorb all the water. It is important to carefully monitor the time so that the future side dish does not burn.
  4. When the stove is turned off, the pan with cereal should be left for another 5-7 minutes. In this case, the rice should not be mixed.

Before serving, oil and any other additions are added to the dish. Also, crumbly rice must be thoroughly mixed so that the grains are separated from each other.

wild black

Black wild rice is easy to cook. It contains a huge amount of useful substances. When cooked, the cereal acquires a pleasant nutty flavor.

It is only called black, but can have a shade up to dark purple.

Such a product will be an excellent side dish for any meat or fish dish. For 1 st. rice you need to take 2 times more water and a pinch of salt.

  1. The groats are thoroughly washed with warm water 2-3 times. This will prevent it from sticking together in the future. It is most convenient to wash rice by pouring it into a deep container and draining the water as soon as the grains sink to the bottom.
  2. The product is poured with water and brought to a boil. After that, the fire is reduced to a minimum, the pan is closed with a lid and the rice is cooked for about half an hour until water is absorbed into it.
  3. After turning off the burner, the dish must be infused for at least 15 minutes without stirring.
  4. Before serving, rice can be salted to taste and add your favorite seasonings.

It is important not to forget that black wild groats can ruin ceramic or enamel dishes, so it is best to cook them in glass. You can also use a container that is dark on the inside.

Loose rice for garnish - recipes

As noted above, crumbly rice is an ideal side dish for any meat, poultry or fish. It is nutritious, tasty and healthy. Various seasonings and other additives will improve the taste of rice. For example, to make it more spicy or even sweetish.

In a pot of water

Most often, housewives cook any sort of cereal under discussion in a pot on the water. A very tasty oriental dish. For such a treat, in addition to rice (250 g), you need to take: 5 g each of turmeric and ground red pepper, a pinch of nutmeg and the same amount of granulated garlic, oil.

  1. The required amount of grain is poured into a cauldron or any other dishes with thick walls.
  2. Rice are poured with boiling water and left for 10-12 minutes. The water, which will turn white, must be drained and the cereal washed, rubbing it with your hands until the liquid is completely transparent.
  3. Rice in the selected container is again filled with water. A layer of liquid should be a couple of centimeters above the grains.
  4. It remains to add all the seasonings to the container, salt to taste and send it to cook on a slow fire for 25 minutes. Lid does not open during cooking.

Another interesting recipe allows you to turn rice into a complete meal for dinner. It is perfect for Lent. To prepare such a treat for cereals (130 g), add: 70 g of canned sweet corn, a couple of garlic cloves, 1 pc. onions and carrots, as well as 160 g of broccoli and young zucchini, salt, oil. Vegetables are well fried in oil, salted and mixed with rice boiled according to the method described above. Together, the ingredients are cooked in the pan for another 5-7 minutes.

In a slow cooker

With the help of a slow cooker, you can greatly simplify your task of preparing a crumbly tender side dish. The device must have the "Porridge" mode. For such a dish, you need to take: 220 g of rice and 2.5 times more broth from vegetables or meat, a clove of garlic, 40 ml. olive oil, a pinch of salt. How to cook rice in a slow cooker is described in detail below.

  1. Groats are soaked in ice water in the evening. In the morning, immediately before cooking, it is thoroughly washed under running water, and then transferred to the multicooker bowl. Rice is poured with broth and salted.
  2. Garlic is pressed into the whole grain. You don't even have to peel it off.
  3. In the "Kasha" program, the dish is cooked for 30 minutes. Some multicookers even have a special “Rice” mode. It remains only to set the right time in it.
  4. After a corresponding signal, the cover of the device opens. The garlic is extracted and discarded, olive oil is added to the grits, and it is thoroughly mixed.

Rice can be served with a spicy garlic sauce based on yogurt or mayonnaise. Suitable for such a side dish and traditional tar-tar with pickled cucumbers.

In a double boiler

The steamer is also used to prepare a delicious crumbly side dish - rice.

For satiety, you can add ham (220 g) and hard cheese (220 g) to it. In addition, you will need to take: 280 g of steamed rice, 2.5 times more than any liquid (water or broth), half a white onion, salt, butter (preferably butter).

  1. Since steamed rice is used for cooking, it is not necessary to pre-soak and wash it. You can immediately send the product to the cereal bowl by adding salt and butter. The latter can be replaced with olive or walnut oil.
  2. Groats are poured with boiling water and cooked for 20 minutes.
  3. While the rice is cooking, you can make a dressing for it.
  4. Diced ham is fried in butter with chopped white onion in any convenient way. The cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater.
  5. Rice can be served as a side dish in a variety of ways. And you can decorate the finished dish with herbs, nuts, fresh and pickled vegetables.

  • If you want a portion of rice to look no worse than in a restaurant, you need to give it an original shape. For example, pour the still warm ready-made cereal into a round or oval bowl, tamp it well, and then turn it over onto a plate. A leaf of parsley is laid on top, next to it is meat or fish. To form a beautiful portion, you can even take an ordinary whiskey glass. It will allow you to create a high, even slide of boiled cereals on a plate.
  • Rice can simply be poured onto a plate in a slide and poured with gravy or sauce. For example, fry a handful of flour in butter, pour it with heavy cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, granulated garlic and simmer until the mass becomes homogeneous. Rice goes well with all kinds of sauces based on dairy products, tomato paste and vegetable puree.
  • Immediately before serving, cooked cereals can be laid out in a greased foil or baking dish. Top - add meat, vegetables, any sauces, grated cheese. Such a rice casserole can be served directly in foil in portions.