How to make papier mache out of flour. Making paste for papier-mâché. How to make papier mache flour paste

Greetings friends!

Today I will tell you a little about how and from what to make a paste for paper work. Let's look at a few recipes.

The first and probably most common is Flour paste .

From the name it is already clear that we need flour, cold water and boiling water, as well as a saucepan in which we will cook it. Pour a little cold water into the container and pour 4-5 tablespoons of flour, knead everything well. When the mass becomes homogeneous, without lumps, without stopping to interfere, we begin to pour in boiling water for about half a liter. At the same time, our paste becomes thick and the floury color disappears, the mass becomes transparent, as it were. If this does not happen, then we need to brew our glue over low heat, stirring constantly and not bringing to a boil. After cooling, a film may form on the surface, it is easy to remove it with a simple spoon.

You can dilute the flour in a cup and pour the mass into boiling water in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

The paste quickly deteriorates; when stored in a warm place, it can only be used for a day. In the refrigerator for a couple of days. I prefer to cook a new one every day.

The second recipe is Starch paste

The manufacturing principle is the same, only less starch is taken than flour. Take 3 teaspoons for half a liter of water. After cooking and cooling, it can no longer be diluted with water, so as not to lose its properties.

Starch paste is more capricious, in a warm place it can lose its properties after 5-6 hours.

Can do mixed flour and starch . For example, mix 2 teaspoons of starch and 2 tablespoons of flour with cold water and pour half a liter of boiling water.

The paste should be thick enough. Having worked and welded it a couple of times, you will understand what is more convenient for you and which option is right for you.

I always work with paste, firstly because children always help me, and it is absolutely safe for them. The second is because the surfaces of paper and paste crafts are easy to process.

Also, as glue for papier-mâché, you can use wallpaper glue and PVA glue or white glue.

Wallpaper glue is prepared according to the instructions, where you can also read how and how long it can be stored.

Be especially careful if you work with children!!! so that the glue does not get into the child's mouth or eyes!

If you are making papier-mâché with PVA, then be prepared for difficulties during surface treatment.

Good luck with your work!

Papier-mâché is one of the most popular trends in needlework. The necessary materials for such creativity are paper and paste. If everything is clear with the first component, then the second one will have to be prepared by ourselves. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy a paste for papier-mâché; you will not find this product on the shelves of hardware stores. More recently, in order to paste wallpaper on the walls, they prepared it on their own in their kitchens.


The positive features that papier-mâché paste has are:

  • absolute safety for the body;
  • it can be used on smooth and embossed surfaces;
  • it leaves no traces at all and can be easily removed if necessary.

There are several simple recipes for making papier-mâché paste.

Recipe number 1: the main component is flour

It is best to cook papier-mâché paste from wheat flour, which has a high percentage of gluten, which is very important in our case. Rye flour produces a stronger solution, but it is not recommended to use it for working with light materials, because ugly red marks may remain.

In order to prepare a paste for papier-mâché, the recipe will be as follows:

We take five parts of water, put on fire;

In one part of cold water, carefully stir ¼ of the flour, previously sifted through a sieve. Then pour the resulting mixture into heated water;

Cook, without bringing to a boil, for about three minutes;

When the mixture becomes similar to batter for pancakes - remove from heat;

After the glue has cooled, we filter it through cheesecloth.

If you have already thought, doing papier-mâché, how to make the paste thicker, just take other proportions: three parts water and one part flour.

Remember: for work, you need to use only a cold solution, usually salt, blue vitriol or bleach is added to it so that insects that are greedy for flour taste do not start in the craft. Store in the refrigerator for only two days, tightly closing the container with a lid.

Recipe #2: Potato Starch

Paste based on potato starch is transparent, it is great for light materials. We take starch (1 tablespoon) and dilute with water. After the mass becomes homogeneous, pour boiling water into it and stir constantly until it thickens.

When working with such a paste, there are some warnings:

If the solution turned out to be very thick, it can no longer be diluted with either hot or cold water - from this it will lose its qualities;

Do not add dry starch to the finished mixture;

Do not boil or overheat such a solution;

Cook it in small portions, because it loses its sticky qualities very quickly.

This paste is also prepared on the basis of potato starch: pour it on a baking sheet and heat it in the oven to 400 degrees Celsius. We get translucent brown spools. Let them cool, and then grind in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder (10 grams) is diluted with cold water (25 ml). In order to improve the stickiness of the solution, add three grams of sugar to it and mix thoroughly.

Recipe number 4: sham

This recipe has come down to us from the theatrical workshops of our grandmothers. He will tell papier-mâché lovers how to make the paste stronger and more resistant.

1. In a metal can, soak for 8 hours a tablespoon of wood glue, previously crushed with a hammer.

2. After the mixture swells, put it in a water bath and heat until the first signs of boiling.

3. We take a metal dish, pour water into it (1 cup) and heat it over a fire. Then mix with hot wood glue.

4. Dilute the flour (3 tablespoons) with ice water, and then pour it into the hot mixture in a small stream, constantly stirring with a wooden spoon. We shoot again until the first signs of boiling. Be sure to chill before using.

In order to increase the strength of the prepared paste, use the popular PVA glue. For papier-mâché crafts, ordinary gelatin is often used. To prepare it, follow the instructions on the package exactly.

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Chewed paper - this is how the name of the well-known technique for making papier-mâché crafts is translated from French.

Accessibility and versatility have made this type of creativity one of the most popular in the world. From papier-mâché, you can make dolls, Christmas decorations, all kinds of dummies, decorative dishes, jewelry, theater props and other original products.

The most widespread is the classic papier-mâché technique, which involves sequentially gluing several layers of small pieces of paper soaked in glue onto a pre-prepared model.

When the product is completely dry, it is removed from the mold and decorated with any available materials - paints, varnishes, applications, etc.

There is another technology by which products are formed from liquid paper pulp. As an adhesive base in both cases, one of the compositions below can be used.

Paste for papier-mâché from plain flour- the most affordable of all options, for its preparation you do not need to buy anything extra, since the necessary ingredients are likely to be found in every home.

To cook papier-mache glue from flour, it is enough to have on hand:

  • comfortable deep bowl;
  • one glass of flour;
  • 3 cups of hot water;
  • some salt;
  • sieve, fork, spoon;
  • pot.

Recipe for making papier-mâché flour glue very simple:

  1. Sift the flour into a deep bowl, gradually pour one glass of warm water into the container, stirring continuously until the small lumps are completely dissolved.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of fine salt to the future paste, mix again and add two more glasses of hot water.
  3. We mix everything until a homogeneous mass is formed, pour into a saucepan and put on low heat, not forgetting to stir constantly.
  4. Cook the paste for 10 minutes, remove from the stove, cool. Ready!


Please note: It is recommended to store flour paste in glassware in the refrigerator for no more than three days, so you should not prepare a large amount of glue at once.

Starch papier-mâché paste - Another option for homemade glue for making paper crafts.

For this recipe you will need:

  • one spoon of potato starch;
  • water;
  • whisk;
  • container for preparing and storing the finished paste.


  1. Starch is mixed with a small amount of water at room temperature (3-4 tablespoons) to get a homogeneous "milk" without lumps.
  2. A glass of boiling water is gradually poured into the starch base, continuously stirring with a whisk.
  3. The paste will thicken literally before our eyes, so the consistency can be adjusted by the amount of boiling water added.
  4. If necessary, papier-mâché starch paste can be boiled a little to make it thicker.
  5. When the glue has cooled, you can immediately get to work.

PVA-based papier-mâché glue - the fastest way to prepare the adhesive base for papier-mâché. All that is needed for this is to mix ordinary stationery PVA with water in equal proportions.

An example of use - we make the basis for papier mache Christmas balls from paper and glue

Consider the principle of working with glue using the example of making a base for Christmas tree balls from PVA, water and toilet paper.

Making the basis for Christmas decorations using papier-mâché technology from paper and PVA glue is as easy as shelling pears, for this:

  1. Pour water into the pan, add PVA glue and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous composition is formed without lumps;
  2. Fill the container with small pieces of toilet paper, leave to swell for a while;
  3. Thoroughly knead the resulting mass;
  4. We form balls from dry toilet paper, moisten them with water;
  5. From above we cover the base of future toys with a layer of papier-mâché, roll up even balls, leave to dry;
  6. We make loops from paper clips, insert them into balls, fix them with superglue.

The basis for Christmas decorations is ready! It remains only to color them and hang them on the New Year's beauty.


Papier-mâché is a popular trend in needlework. To create all kinds of crafts, only two components are required: paper and. You will have to cook it yourself, since there is no special glue for papier-mâché on sale. The composition is made simply and quickly, it costs a penny.

papier mache and glue

Small toys and large sculptures are created using the papier-mâché technique. In any case, the adhesive mixture must meet all the requirements: strength, ease of use and safety. Homemade glue is made in no time, it only takes water and flour (starch).

Benefits of a handmade paste:

  1. This is an environmentally friendly product. It is safe for children, and they are the ones who most often work with paper.
  2. It's inexpensive. All components (and there are only two of them) are in every home.
  3. It is easy to prepare, even a schoolboy can handle it.
  4. Surfaces are easy to process, both embossed and smooth.
  5. Easily removed if needed.
  6. Flour glue leaves no residue.

There are several options for making a paste with your own hands. It is worth trying each of the proposed options to find exactly yours.

Recipe flour-based paste:

  1. Pour some cold water into a non-stick container.
  2. Add 4-5 tbsp. low-grade wheat or rye flour.
  3. Knead a homogeneous mass.
  4. Without ceasing to stir, pour in about 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  5. It remains to boil the glue to a transparent state. This is done over low heat. As soon as the mass begins to bubble, it must be removed from the heat and cooled.

Advice! Boil the paste in small portions, as it does not keep for long. Shelf life at room temperature - 1 day, in the refrigerator - 2-3 days.

Another option is classic. glue out starch:

  1. 3 tsp Dilute dry matter with 0.5 l of water, knead until smooth without lumps.
  2. Put the container on a slow fire and bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Cool and use as directed.

Paste for papier mache from starch is stored less than flour. At room temperature, it will spoil in 5-6 hours.

The third option is to cook a mixed composition:

  1. 2 tsp combine flour with the same amount of starch.
  2. Dilute with cold water until gruel, then dilute with 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  3. Bring to transparency over low heat.

When working with paper, you need to take into account all the properties of the adhesive mixture. What is interesting home paste? Recommendations for its preparation and interesting facts:

  1. There is more gluten in wheat flour, so it is better to cook a paste from it.
  2. Glue based on rye flour is stronger, but they are not recommended to process light details, as the composition can color them in a red tint.
  3. Starch is taken from both potato and corn.
  4. To remove lumps in the finished mixture, it must be filtered through several layers of gauze.
  5. PVA glue is also used to work with papier-mâché, but it is not as safe as paste.
  6. To make the adhesive thicker, less water is added to the bulk product. And if it's too thick, add more liquid.
  7. Paste was previously used for wallpapering as an economical and safe alternative to industrial adhesives. To improve the adhesive properties, it was added

What is a paste everyone knows since childhood. In labor classes in kindergarten, everyone made crafts, gluing their parts with this tool, with its help they used to glue wallpaper. For certain reasons, its popularity does not fall in our time, so almost everyone knows how to cook a paste.

Clayster and its history

The similarity of the paste has been in use since time immemorial - since the Neolithic era. People of that time crushed the bones of mammoths to a state similar to flour, mixed with water and thus obtained a sticky mass. Sometimes, for a stronger effect, animal tendons were also added to this mixture.

In later times, the inhabitants of the seaside territories boiled fish bladders and scales, resulting in a substance capable of holding shards, bark, etc. together.

But the most ancient, primitive version is more similar to the modern paste, which is known to everyone now, because at its core, the paste is the glue made from flour (or starch) and water.

For what purposes is it used

Flour paste has been and remains popular to this day, because the scope of its application is quite wide and many people know how to cook paste. It is used in children's creativity when gluing paper, dry leaves and seeds, for making papier-mâché, as well as in construction when gluing wallpaper. For any of these needs, a paste can be prepared very quickly. The question of how to make a paste at home in a short time you will see in the video recipe below.

Nowadays, you can buy almost any glue in the store, there is no shortage of it. But many in the old fashioned way still use the paste. And there are a number of explanations for this:

  • does not contain toxins (prepared from natural products);
  • safe for children;
  • making flour paste is cheap and takes little time;
  • holds wallpaper well on walls previously painted with enamel paint or drying oil, as well as on a primer;
  • durable;
  • flour and water paste does not leave stains;
  • any suitable consistency can be prepared;
  • wallpaper pasted on such flour glue is very easy to remove from the wall by wetting them with warm water.

Based on this, many have practically no doubts about how to replace wallpaper glue, because there is only one minus against such a number of pluses: powdery glue is unsuitable for wallpapering in wet rooms due to the lack of water resistance.

To enhance adhesion to the surface, experts advise adding wood glue or PVA to the wallpaper flour glue. It is important to consider that the use of wood glue is only possible when working with dark colors, as it leaves stains. Light wallpaper can be glued with the addition of PVA.

When pasting walls, be sure to use only a cooled paste, otherwise you can ruin the wallpaper.

Flour glue is also popular in needlework, namely in papier-mâché. And the paste for it is prepared using a different technology. See the recipe below.

It is not worth storing the adhesive mass for longer than a day: it loses its qualities, becomes watery. It “works” as much as possible for the first 40 minutes after cooking, so it is advisable to make a flour paste immediately before pasting. But you can extend the shelf life of this glue: adding a small amount of carbolic acid (25 g per 10 liters of glue) will make it possible to use it for a longer time.

Step by step recipes

Before you start gluing the wallpaper, some still have a question: in what dishes to cook the paste? An enameled basin or bucket, as well as a galvanized bowl, are ideal for this. Otherwise, how to cook a flour paste does not cause any special difficulties for anyone. There are many cooking methods, but any flour paste recipe can be used with equal success. This process is always simple and fast, and the result will certainly please.

To make the glue better, it is advisable to use wholemeal flour instead of the highest grade when preparing it, since coarse flour is more sticky.

For wallpaper

So, how to cook a paste:

The consistency should be similar to liquid dough and be absolutely homogeneous. It must be remembered that after cooking, when cooling, the mass will thicken a little more, so it is very important not to overdo it with flour. Otherwise, you will have to reheat the substance, add warm water to it in order to dilute the excessive density.

After preparation, the paste must be filtered through gauze, even in the absence of visible lumps, so that unnecessary clots do not get into the working mass.

Before sticking, you need to coat the walls with hot paste, and the wallpaper itself with cold paste.

For papier-mâché

Papier-mâché paste is prepared in almost the same way, with the only difference being that it should be more liquid than for wallpaper. The ratio of flour and water here will be 1/5.

During cooling, a dense film may begin to form on the surface of the substance, which will need to be removed.

How to make papier-mâché paste is easy to understand, just try to do it once, and everything will be immediately clear.

A paste of flour and water (whether it is for wallpaper or crafts, it doesn’t matter) is good to cook in a water bath: this way bubbles will not appear on the surface.

The easiest recipe

The recipe for the simplest and fastest recipe you can see in the video:

Following all these simple rules, you can make sure that making a wonderful adhesive from flour and water is very simple, and if you own this simple technology, you can save a lot on buying store-bought glue.