How to test burned alcohol. If you drink, then good alcohol. Basic rules for choosing strong drinks. How to distinguish ordinary alcohol from technical

No dubious shops and provincial stalls. Buy alcohol in retail chains that monitor reputation and carefully select suppliers. Roughly speaking, if there is an expired product on the shelves in a supermarket, then alcohol there must be chosen with particular captiousness.

Always when buying alcohol, you should be given a check, and ideally, ask for a passport, even if you don’t look like a schoolboy for a long time.


Very good stuff and not cheap. If you are offered aged French cognac for 800 rubles, then something is wrong. If you want to buy an expensive one, first look at how much it costs, compare prices on the Internet, do not run after a good price.

It is not interesting to fake very cheap alcohol of unpromoted brands; rather, it will initially be of poor quality. So take good drinks after checking the authenticity.


Branded alcohol is poured into special bottles with an unusual shape, edges on the neck, embossed inscriptions. If you want to buy alcohol of a particular well-known brand, try to find the manufacturer's website and evaluate how the bottle differs from any other.

Pay attention to:

  • Cover material. Made of plastic, metal or cork, with or without a wrapped lid, plain or embossed, flat or domed. The lid of good alcohol does not scroll, does not flow. On the caps of vodka bottles there is a number by which the bottle can be checked for authenticity on the manufacturer's website.
  • Neck shape. Long or short, with or without edges. A bottle with a dispenser is a sign that it was made at the factory, and not underground.
  • Bottle shape. Pay attention to the curves, the shoulders of the bottle, the topography of the bottom.
  • Relief inscriptions and images. On expensive alcohol, there are often inscriptions with the name of the drink, symbols of the trading house, and other designations. On fakes, these inscriptions are either not repeated at all, or not all are reproduced, or the place of application is confused.

Excise stamp

The excise stamp is printed on special paper with colored fibers, all numbers and codes on it are clear, clearly visible and readable. The stamp must be glued absolutely evenly.

Excise stamps must be checked by organizations that have a license to sell alcohol. For you and me, there is a service of the Unified Social Portal of the Alcohol Market.

Enter the numbers from the excise stamp and check if the brand of the product matches. The service works in test mode, that is, apparently, its data does not always correspond to reality. However, we tested five bottles produced and purchased from different places, and they all passed the test.


The label of quality alcohol is made on good paper, often with embossing or complex elements.

If you are looking for a specific brand, compare the order in which the information on the label should appear. On branded products, all labels repeat the pattern, and product names are accompanied by a registered trademark icon.

It is obligatory to indicate the address of the manufacturer (legal and place of production), composition, there must be links to regulatory documents.

Bottle content

It can help if you buy alcohol in a clear glass bottle and know what the desired drink looks like.

  • Cognac, if you turn the bottle upside down, leaves oily streaks on the glass. They are called cognac legs.
  • The same goes for good whisky. It must be remembered that whiskey is a transparent drink, sediment and flakes should not be there.
  • Vodka - only transparent, without sediment.

But by the appearance of the drink, one can only distinguish a completely artisanal fake.

Here we are only talking about fakes, but there is also just low-quality alcohol, for example, wine made from a mixture of alcohol with dyes and flavors. Only reading the label with the composition will help here, indicating the GOSTs according to which the alcohol is made. And your feelings. If you open a bottle and you think that something is wrong, do not finish drinking and do not check. Better to lose money than health.

The most effective way to protect against bad alcohol

They know how to fake everything, up to excise stamps. Therefore, the most effective way to protect against bad alcohol is to choose the place of purchase and alcohol, which you can check on the manufacturer's website.

How to recognize methyl alcohol

No way. Although there are recipes for the determination of methanol.

Dipping heated copper wire into alcohol, for example. Methanol, when reacting with copper, will release formaldehyde, you will feel a pungent odor. Ethanol doesn't behave like that. But ethanol will also smell, albeit not so vile. There is another option with igniting alcohol and revealing the shade of the flame (methanol burns greenish).

These methods work if you are comparing two pure types of alcohol. And methanol can be added to alcohol in different proportions, diluted and mixed with dyes, flavors and ethanol.

Symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning

At first, methanol poisoning does not differ from alcohol poisoning: dizziness, nausea, headache. Then there are warning signs:

  • Pain all over the body.
  • Loss of vision.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Cardiopalmus.

What to do to avoid poisoning with methanol

  1. Drink only alcohol from trusted places and only high quality.
  2. Never get drunk enough to miss the first signs of poisoning, that is, until you lose the ground under your feet and feel sick.
  3. With symptoms of poisoning, urgently call an ambulance and get to the doctors.
  4. Before the arrival of doctors, provide first aid when.

While regular ethanol helps slow down alcohol poisoning, don't self-medicate with alcohol.

The New Year holidays are approaching. According to an old Russian tradition, they cannot do without a festive feast. Smolensk residents are already preparing for the New Year and are stocking up on alcoholic beverages, the choice of which is very diverse today. But is the content hidden under a beautiful label and a well-known global brand really safe?

Recently, a wave of alcohol poisoning of elite brands has swept across the country, up to a fatal outcome.
What signs can you navigate when purchasing alcoholic beverages:

Check for the presence of a federal special (excise) stamp on the bottle.

Check the tightness of the bottle cap. It is necessary to check that the plug does not rotate.

Pay attention to the integrity and accuracy of the pasted label.

Pay attention to the too low price of alcoholic products.

Bottles of foreign production should contain information in Russian.

If you still have doubts about the authenticity of the alcohol you buy, then you need to pay attention to the following signs:

You need to pay attention to three things:

On a barcode;

to the qr code;

On a federal special (excise) stamp.

In the case of a barcode and a qr code, an ordinary cell phone will help, preferably with Internet access. In modern smartphones, it is possible to download applications that allow you to decrypt the data of these codes.

A barcode (barcode) is graphic information applied to the surface, marking or packaging of products, representing the possibility of reading it by technical means - a sequence of black and white stripes or other geometric shapes. It can encrypt information about the manufacturer, type of product, price. The information encrypted in the barcode must match the information stated on the label and product packaging. Verification takes a few seconds and may be one of the signs of a good quality product, which the buyer can focus on.

QR code (English quick response - quick response) - a kind of barcode (two-dimensional matrix barcode). The maximum number of characters that fit in one QR code: numbers - 7089.

In our case, the QR code is located on federal special (excise) stamps, and can encode the series and stamp number.

FEDERAL SPECIAL (EXCIS) STAMP - must be pasted on every bottle of alcoholic products (except beer and beer drinks) and even on those produced abroad.

When considering them, you need to focus on the following signs:

The information placed on the stamp must correspond to the information on the label (product name, product type, volume, strength, manufacturer);

The stamps are printed on self-adhesive paper;

The display of elements of copper holographic foil changes under the condition of changing the angle of view and illumination;

The structure of the paper should have a security thread and two types of microfibers (red and red-yellow);

The stamp number is well readable, with the same size of numbers, without shedding and displacement of the coloring matter;

All details of the brand must be printed clearly, small elements and microtexts are applied legibly.

Draw your attention to!

A chemical study of liquids in counterfeit alcoholic products shows that they may contain METHYL alcohol, ACETONE and other toxic substances, the use of which can lead to death.

In 2016, more than 9,000 Russians died from surrogate alcohol poisoning, and another 36,000 were poisoned. How not to fall into this sad statistics?

"Elite alcohol" at cheap prices via the Internet

At the end of 2015, there was a high-profile case - in Krasnoyarsk, 14 people died from poisoning with surrogate whiskey and about a hundred lost their health. They didn't drink cleansing liquids, bath lotions, and suspicious tinctures - they just bought a well-known brand of whiskey on the Internet. And some ended up in a hospital bed, and some in the morgue. By law, the remote sale of alcohol is prohibited, but on the Internet you can find dozens of sites selling alcohol. There, drinks supposedly from well-known manufacturers can be bought 5-10 times cheaper. But what is this “elite alcohol” made of and is it dangerous?

Nobody knows what's inside
Alcohol surrogates are called several types of alcohol-containing products: for example, they include medicines with ethyl alcohol in the composition (including the famous hawthorn tincture), household liquids, technical alcohols - butyl, methyl, ethylene glycol, etc.

The latter are the most dangerous. For example, ethylene glycol leads to kidney and liver failure, and methylene leads to blindness. The outcome may depend on the dose and on what exactly is mixed in a fake drink: for example, the presence of ethyl alcohol reduces the severity of poisoning - it partially neutralizes the effect of methyl alcohol.

Just 50-100 ml of liquid with methanol is enough to poison yourself to death.

Narcologists say that methyl alcohol tastes almost indistinguishable from ethyl alcohol. On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on how to determine the presence of technical alcohols in a drink with improvised means, but experts say that none can be called reliable. Without special analyzes, it is impossible to determine what the surrogate actually consists of.

Something went wrong: how not to miss the poisoning
It turns out that in the case of alcohol, the victim does not have a chance to suspect something was wrong in time. And the people around him, too, because outwardly, when poisoned, nothing strange or suspicious happens to him: he gets drunk, behaves and falls asleep, as usual. It just might not wake up. Or wakes up, and in good health, and then symptoms of poisoning suddenly begin - nausea, vomiting, headache, intense thirst, agitation, problems with breathing and vision. Unfortunately, in this case, not everyone goes to the doctor and can associate poor health with drinking alcohol the day before. Alas, death almost always happens before the victim of burned alcohol gets to the doctors.

The sooner a person who has been poisoned by a surrogate gets to the doctors and gets help, the more chances that he will not lose his health or even life. Unfortunately, both are quite real. Therefore, it is important to suspect something was wrong in time and call an ambulance.

What should alert
- Although poisoning by surrogates does not manifest itself in any way in the early stages, you can suspect something was wrong by the way intoxication comes and goes. If unusually slow, this should alert.

Too much sound sleep after drinking alcohol is a very alarming sign. Relatives of a person who has consumed alcohol should watch him during sleep.

You need to pay attention to any signs of poisoning 1-2 days after drinking alcohol - and go to the hospital immediately if this happens.

A particularly alarming symptom is any visual impairment (double vision, the picture is cloudy, flies flash, etc.).

How not to run into burnt alcohol
Not every counterfeit alcohol is a deadly drink.

It also includes quite high-quality, but illegally produced alcohol. According to various estimates, there are less than 5 percent of a truly dangerous surrogate on the alcohol market, and the risk of running into it, guided by common sense when choosing, is small. However, the advice to simply not drink what is not intended for this is, unfortunately, no guarantee that the deadly product will not fall into your hands.

Here are some tips to help reduce that risk.

1. Buy where it is legal to sell alcohol Do not buy alcohol in kiosks, or on the Internet, or in the market, or from your hands - selling alcohol anywhere else, except for shops and licensed catering, is prohibited.
For the purpose of self-defense, it makes sense to ask other people not to give strong alcohol and not to accept it as a gift - since there are known cases of fatal and severe poisoning with just such “presents”.

2. Choose Your Drinks Carefully
In terms of a surrogate, strong drinks are the most dangerous, and among them are combined ones: whiskey, cognac, rum, etc. In such it is easiest to “hide” dangerous alcohols and any additives in general. Therefore, if you choose complex drinks, you must be one hundred percent sure of their legality and quality. Any doubts - wrong color, strange smell, sediment, suspicious label or excise - should be interpreted in favor of not drinking, even if the place of purchase seems reliable.
You should also be careful when ordering strong alcohol in dubious cafes and restaurants where it is impossible to verify its origin.

3. Read what you buy
According to statistics, only 41 percent of alcohol consumers buy products from well-known manufacturers, paying attention to the brand, and 31 percent do not read labels at all. The former are incomparably less likely to run into a surrogate.

4. Check every bottle
Each legal bottle of alcohol in Russia must have a federal special stamp (if the product is domestic) or an excise stamp (if imported) which is the bearer of EGAIS information. You can check the brand for authenticity right in the store using a mobile device and a special Alco Anti-counterfeit application or on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website in the “Stamp Check” section.

Not surprisingly, the largest number of counterfeit products is among alcohol. There is always a demand for it, and many unscrupulous manufacturers seek to capitalize on someone else's good name. As a result, buyers end up in hospitals with food poisoning, etc. Yes, there are more or less high-quality fakes that are harmless to health and differ little from the original, but this is rare.

Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that every modern buyer should be able to distinguish high-quality alcohol from a fake. Remember that if a product is not bought, sooner or later it will cease to be produced. This also applies to fakes.

So how do you determine if you have real alcohol from the manufacturer? Pay attention to the following recommendations.


Unfortunately, you can be one hundred percent sure of the quality and authenticity of cognac only after you open it. Cognac labels are currently forged very professionally, so it is extremely difficult to distinguish the original from the label. But at the same time, the drink itself and its consistency can indicate a lot.

First you need to determine how thick the drink is. To do this, you need to turn the bottle upside down and see how the liquid behaves. If a large drop falls from the bottom, and the drink leaves traces of dripping on the walls of the bottle, then this can be considered one of the guarantees that the drink is really of high quality. This consistency of the drink indicates that the exposure of cognac is five years or more.

In the event that the bottle is completely filled with a drink, bubbles can help determine its quality. You also need to turn the bottle upside down to get your bearings on the bubbles. Ideally, there should be large bubbles first, and then small ones. This indicates that you have an original product of the required density. But remember that in any case, you will know one hundred percent that the cognac is original only after opening it.


The drink itself should be clear. A high level of transparency indicates that high-quality purified water was used in the production. If the drink is cloudy, you can be sure that you have a fake in front of you. Quite poor quality though.

In the same way as in the case of cognac, you can determine the quality of whiskey by the bubbles. Here they are quite large. In addition, the drink itself should also be thick enough and leave traces when it flows down the walls.

The drink itself should not give off alcohol. The flavor should be oaky or malty. And a truly high-quality whiskey leaves a long aftertaste. But, again, it is often possible to determine the quality and originality of a drink only after opening the bottle.


Counterfeits of wine are not so common. Mainly due to the fact that there are quite a few really well-known brands, and there is not much point in counterfeiting those products that are mass-produced. On quality wine there is a hologram on the label, as well as small-character markings. And these are quite effective ways to protect against counterfeiting. First of all, due to the fact that the technology for the production of labels with such elements is quite expensive.

Cork is an important element. It should not crumble and fall into the liquid. Please note that corks for expensive wines are made from a single piece of wood. For cheap wine, a stopper made from wood waste - crusts - is also suitable. The cork itself should not be plastic. If you see it, you can be almost one hundred percent sure that you have a low-quality fake. This product is best avoided.

For some of the more expensive varieties of wine, even an imprint is made with the year of production of the wine and the vineyard. The cork of a quality wine should smell like berries, but definitely not dampness or mold. If the smell bothers you, stop drinking this drink to avoid future health problems.


It is vodka that is the alcohol that is most often counterfeited. Not surprising, because there is always a demand for it, and counterfeiting a drink is quite simple. And fake vodka often turns out to be much more dangerous for the human body than fakes of other drinks. In some cases, fake products contain a lot of toxic fusel substances - oils.

In order to visually assess the quality of the drink, you need to turn the bottle over and look at the bottom. There should be absolutely no sediment at the bottom of the bottle, and the liquid itself should be absolutely transparent. If you see that the liquid is opaque, do not buy it.

As for the appearance of the bottle, today the excise stamp, hologram, and other elements of the label that are difficult to fake can serve as a guarantee of quality. And in order to assess the quality of the drink itself, without opening the bottle, you need to shake the vodka in a circular motion. This should cause bubbles to appear. If they are large, it means that the vodka is heavily diluted with water. Ideally, small bubbles should rise to the top.

Regardless of which alcohol you choose, the first thing you need to look at is the bottle, the label, and the presence of an excise stamp. Pay attention not only to the appearance of the label, but also to how evenly it is pasted. If you see that the label is applied at an angle, this can indicate that the alcohol is fake. In the original production, such defects are not allowed, and each individual bottle of alcohol looks identical to the rest. labels for vodka attached perfectly straight. Please note that in many expensive cognacs, the label itself feels like money to the touch. High-quality label material is one of the main guarantees that the drink itself is of high quality. The label should contain comprehensive information about the manufacturer and the product itself. This will allow you to better understand what kind of product is in front of you.

Remember that at present there are unimaginably many fakes of alcoholic products. And it largely depends on the buyer how much he succumbs to the risk of choosing unsuitable low-grade products. Therefore, the choice should be approached as carefully as possible, taking alcohol from trusted manufacturers and trusted points of sale. This is the only way to be sure of the quality of the selected product and its safety. Take care of your health and remember that almost anything can be faked today. Your task is to identify a fake and not buy it.

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  • Important Topics

    Olga Shemetova

    Only attentiveness when acquiring "fire water" will help save life and health.

    In Russia, along with the growth in the consumption of high-quality alcohol, the amount of counterfeit produced is also growing. A fake sometimes does not contain any poison, there is a completely normal alcoholic drink, but still very different in taste and recipe from the real one.

    When using a counterfeit, you need to be afraid, mainly, of allergic reactions that can be triggered by various impurities and chemical additives.

    To date, according to law enforcement officers, the largest production of counterfeit products is concentrated in the Moscow and Voronezh regions, as well as in the North Caucasus. Wholesalers of such goods, as a rule, do not particularly hide its origin. However, in retail sales, sellers try to hide the fact that products are counterfeit. Usually the terms "confiscation" and "Duty Free" serve as a cover. By law, the confiscated person has the right to sell only the Russian Federal Property Fund, and there are serious restrictions on the volume (displacement) for the purchase of goods in Duty Free. In some cases, it is possible to distinguish a fake only after the bottle is opened and the drink is tried. It is especially unpleasant and embarrassing if such alcohol was presented as a gift...

    But this is not the worst. It is dangerous that today the Russian market is saturated with a wide variety of types and varieties of strong drinks, which sometimes do not have a presentation at all and are not even a product. For example, not so long ago in Transbaikalia, in the village of Krasny Velikan, 16 people died, poisoned by methyl alcohol.

    How can an ordinary person who is neither a sommelier nor an expert distinguish genuine alcohol from fake? How to "weed out" dangerous bottles and other containers so as not to die after the first glass?

    We talked about this with one of the main experts in the production and sale of alcohol Mikhail Yurievich Smirnov.

    Russian vodka, black bread, herring...

    According to the expert, the price of fake vodka is seriously different from the real one, downwards. Today's average price for 0.5 liters is from 250 rubles in stores; in principle, it cannot be lower. Due to the high cost, the export of vodka to Russia from the countries of the former USSR, in particular, from Kazakhstan, has intensified. For example, the Russian regions bordering this country simply stopped buying domestic vodka - Kazakh vodka costs 100 rubles there. But since the excise tax on vodka alone is 140 rubles, it means that such vodka is sold in violation of the law. This is smuggling, but not counterfeit. Counterfeit - Russian vodka produced at factories "on the third shift". But neither smuggled nor counterfeit vodka will most likely poison you, although by purchasing such a product you still enter the risk zone.

    You can take comfort in the fact that today the production and sale of alcohol is tightly controlled, as a result of which many stores are afraid to take frankly fake vodka for sale. But counterfeit is taken for a sweet soul. Although branded, chain and specialized outlets tend not to take risks in order to maintain a license to sell alcohol, because it is expensive. As for the stalls on the roadside, this is “Russian roulette”, and the farther such a stall is from civilization, the greater the number of “cartridges” in its drum.

    And yet, most often, the people are poisoned not by a product that has any, but still a marketable appearance, but by frank chatter. How, then, to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol?

    Mikhail Yurievich says: “You need to have a piece of copper wire and a lighter with you. Heat the wire red hot and lower it into the liquid. There will be a specific smell. If it smells of acid, then it's ethanol, and if it smells of formaldehyde (the so-called "funeral parlor smell"), then you should never drink it!

    If you are a non-drinker, and suddenly swallowed methyl alcohol, then you have very little time left to save. You should urgently drink the same amount of ethyl alcohol! In chemistry, the antidote for methanol is ordinary methyl alcohol. So the wedge is knocked out by the wedge. Of course, taking methyl will still not remain without health consequences. ”

    Many people know that it often happens like this: they drank vodka of the same brand, but in the first bottle it turned out to be good, and in the second - not so much. It turns out that the reason for this may not be a fake at all, but ... the chemical process of glass leaching! When the alcohol mixture comes into contact with the glass, a reaction begins, leaching the remaining alkali from it into the drink. This does not make vodka poisonous, but the taste and smell deteriorate...

    According to the expert, now the main problem of the vodka market is that the price of vodka is so high, and the possibility of purchasing it is so limited that quality becomes inaccessible to the majority of buyers (in some regions it is simply impossible to buy factory vodka due to the lack of stores that have sales license). In other words, fighting alcoholism, the state, as usual, is fighting alcoholics, and this, as proven by experience, is pointless - up to 50% of the alcohol market is now the shadow market with super profits. Nobody controls what they sell there, and the state loses a lot of money.

    What to do when buying vodka

    1. View the label against the light. The factory machine sticks a label on the bottle, passing several strips of glue from the back. If the label is smeared with solid glue, this is one of the key signs of a fake.

    2. Run the bottom across the palm of your hand and notice if a round black mark remains. At the factory, the bottle rides on a rubber conveyor line. So that the rubber does not stick together, it is coated with a mixture of graphite and oil, and a mark remains on the bottle that has passed the tape.

    3. Shake the bottle and pay attention to the bubbles. If water is added there, the liquid will not be dense. Vodka is a mixture of water, alcohol and some substances added for flavor and density, in particular sugar. Therefore, a real drink gurgles a little, it is denser.

    4. Pay attention to the cork. Manufacturers, valuing their brand reputation, try to protect their corks by making them more complex. If the cork looks rustic, dangles, then it may be a fake. In addition, the factory cork should have a white backing inside.

    5. Do not take strong drinks in plastic containers. Plastic allows alcohol to pass through, it will simply evaporate from it. In addition, plastics give negative types of interaction with alcohol. You should not store vodka in plastic, but this does not mean that you cannot drink in nature from a plastic cup!

    Prayer for cognac

    There are a lot of fake expensive whiskeys, cognacs and absinthes on the Russian market at the moment. The calculation here is simple: it is much more profitable to produce one fake bottle of an expensive drink than 3 cases of vodka or wine. Profitable and not expensive! Counterfeit drinks may have a brownish tint, and besides, they may not be completely transparent or even have sediment. And yet, you most likely will not get poisoned with such a skate, although it will please you a little.

    How to identify quality cognac

    1. Real cognac does not have one predominant taste or aroma. These drinks are distillates, infused at different times using different technologies, so the real aroma is multi-layered, as well as the taste.

    2. You can determine the quality of cognac by the width of its drop and the “track” from it. In good cognac, the width of the drop and the track are approximately the same. If the drop is wider than the "path", then there is a lot of sugar, and it is unlikely that this is a quality drink.

    3. A good cognac should be transparent, in the original bottle, with a label evenly pasted. Some protective trademarks of the brand, special corks can also be used.

    Wine for joy is given to us!

    In the near future, the State Duma plans to discuss the legislative initiatives of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in connection with which it will be allowed ... no, not to advertise wine, but simply "to inform about the merits of wines made from grapes grown in Russia." After all, wine has healing properties, there is even such a thing as enotherapy - treatment with wine. The buyer should know one thing - real wine is never cheap, cannot, in principle, cost 70 or 100 rubles, because grapes are very difficult and costly to grow, harvest and process.

    What you need to know about the "drink of kings"

    1. Dry wines are not counterfeited - this is unprofitable. It's easier to take a cheap wine and just re-label a more expensive one. But they fake wine in which there are no grapes at all - a series of classic ports.

    2. Quality wines are sealed with corks. Or an imitation “under the bark of an oak”, but by no means white plastic!

    3. The average cost of a bottle of good wine is about 300 rubles. Cheaper wine is a fake at the production stage. It is made in violation of technology - it is diluted with water. Grapes are not there at all, because it is too expensive to add them for this kind of "producers".

    4. Buying wine in stalls is dangerous. This is a very fragile and capricious product - it cannot be stored "standing", in the sun, shifted or shaken, it will turn sour and deteriorate. In chain stores you can find, if not elite, but normal table wine.

    5. Do not be afraid of the term "wine drink". If grape spirit is poured into fortified wine, it is considered wine, and if extracted from grain or potatoes, then no. That's the whole difference. There are special wine production technologies that are more than 150 years old, based on fortification with grain alcohol, and the quality of the product does not suffer from this.

    If there was a sea of ​​beer

    As for the foamy drink loved by many Russians, Mikhail Smirnov says the following: “Not yet at once - there has never been a case that an underground brewery was covered somewhere. The production process is too long and complicated and expensive. But manufacturers often replace malt, that is, sprouted grain, with ordinary grain, where they add the necessary enzymes. As a result, they have the same thing - gluten, starch turn into sugar, which is needed for fermentation. Hops are also often replaced with hop preparations. This reduces the cost of the product. It is very difficult for brewers to achieve body, flavor, aroma, and head retention using unmalted grains and various enzymes and hop materials. As a result, we have products of good quality, but such beer sometimes quickly turns sour, there are other negative aspects.”

    Well, there is only one main advice and it is well known: take care of your health, choose exclusively high-quality drinks and consume them in moderation.

    Full interview with an expert Mikhail Yurievich Smirnov You can see