How to measure 1 gram of powder. How to measure grams without weights: types of products, various measurement methods, the use of improvised means, folk methods and practical advice. How many mg in a teaspoon

Usually the question of how many drops in 1 ml arises for those who are prescribed to take a certain medicine in milliliters, while there is no corresponding dispenser in the package. But for different solutions, the number of drops may vary, it will depend on the composition of the liquid, its density, on the acting external forces and on the diameter of the tube from which they drip. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally how many drops in ml.

Back in the days of the Soviet Union, a table was created that indicated the number of drops for various liquids, including medicinal solutions. So, if there are only 20 drops in 1 ml, then in the same volume of wormwood tincture - 56, and medical ether - 87. One drop of ordinary water is about 0.03-0.05 ml, an alcohol-containing solution - 0.02 ml.

If the medicine does not come with a measuring cup or pipette indicating the number of ml of the purchased medicine, these data are not indicated in the instructions for the drug, then it is best to measure the required amount with a regular syringe. When you need to measure more than 1 ml, you can use a regular 2 or 5 cc syringe, and for measuring a smaller volume or need to find out exactly how many drops in 1 ml, it is better to take an insulin syringe that has a volume of 1 ml, with clearly marked decimal divisions .

If you need to drink a certain number of drops, and there is no drop dispenser or pipette included with the medicine, you can simply draw 1 ml of the solution into the insulin syringe and measure how many drops are in 1 ml. Based on the data obtained, you can already find out how many tenths of a ml you need to draw into the syringe in order to get the right number of drops. For example, you need to take 15 drops of a certain medicine. Having collected 1 ml without a needle, carefully scoop out its contents, while counting the number of drops. Let's say that you got 50 drops for this volume of medicine. By drawing up a simple proportion:

50 drops - 1 ml;

15 drops - x ml,

We get 15k * 1ml / 50k = 0.3 ml. This means that in order to get 15 drops, you need to draw 0.3 ml of the solution into the syringe, but before the first dose, it is better to separately count how many drops you get from the volume you have dialed. You may have made a mistake when calculating how many drops are in 1 ml. This method of calculation is suitable for any type of liquid, it can be used to measure any number of drops, regardless of how many of them fit in one milliliter. This method is very convenient, for the next dose of the medicine you do not have to count the drops again, just draw the required volume into the syringe and drink it.

It is also quite convenient to give water to small children in this way: it is better for them to insert the syringe directly into their mouth, directing the flow of liquid not into the throat, but over the cheek. So the baby will not be able to spit out the medicine and will not choke. If the dosage of the drug is more than 5 ml, then it is more convenient to use not a syringe, but cutlery for its use. So, in a regular teaspoon is placed 5 ml of liquid, and in a dining room - 15.

If necessary, translation, how much in 1 gr. ml, it should be borne in mind that the weight will depend on the density of the substance. So, 1 gram of water corresponds to one milliliter of it, but 1 ml of alcohol is 0.88 grams.

How can you measure 1 gram without scales at home? and got the best answer

Answer from Engineer[guru]
The teacher answered correctly. A long (the longer, the more accurate) light ruler will help you.
Using coins as weights, you can measure almost any weight.
For example, your gram (with an accuracy of 0.1 grams) as the difference between 1 and 2 kopeck coins will be (they should lie at opposite ends of the ruler).
If it is necessary to increase the accuracy, then at one end of the ruler we put 3 one-kopeck coins, at the other 2-kopeck and 50-kopeck coins (issued before 2006). The difference is exactly one gram.
Put the coins on the very kai of the ruler, so that almost half hangs down.
Coin weight here
1 kopeck - 1.5 g
2 kopecks - 2.6 g
10 kopecks - 1.95 g (1.85 since 2006)
50 kopecks - 2.9 g (2.75 since 2006)
1 ruble - 3.25 g
2 rubles - 5.1 g
5 rubles - 6.45 g

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How can I measure 1 gram without scales at home?

Answer from Yergey Nikitin[active]
You can do without weights only when you know the volume and density

Answer from Reader.[guru]
Previously, a "one kopeck" coin weighed exactly one gram, a ruler in half and a coin on one side, and your object on the other, I weighed the photo reagents like that.

Answer from Kimbot[master]
You take 1 milliliter of water with a syringe, drip it onto a pan scale and weigh it.

Answer from Denis petrov[guru]

Answer from Nikolay Trofimov[newbie]
You take a pack of pills, they say how many milligrams each pill. For example, 20 tablets of 50 milligrams (0.05 g) will weigh 1 gram, of course, without packaging. You can take a gold ring whose weight is indicated in the passport, then by proportion in the lengths of the arms of the rocker, you can choose the required weight.

Hey, what a topic! I won't pass by.

The problem raised by Tatyana is really urgent. Electronic kitchen scales do not show tenths of grams, between adjacent values ​​of 1 and 2 grams the difference in weight is 100%.

A couple more ways to measure a small amount of dry fertilizer.

Volumetric weighing

With all the variety of thimbles, the average volume of a thimble has not changed for centuries - about 2 milliliters:

Measuring the volume of a thimble

If you have some kind of non-standard thimble, then:

  • set to zero
  • pour 10 thimbles into a cup
  • Divide the scale reading by 10 to get the volume of the thimble (1 milliliter of water = 1 gram of water).

If the household does not have scales, pour your thimble into a jar of 100 or 500 grams. And divide the volume by the number of thimble servings used. So get the volume of a non-standard thimble.

Or, with a used syringe, draw in the water that fits into the thimble - the divisions on the syringe will show how much it contains.

Theoretical justification of volumetric weighing

It must be noted that not every fertilizer has the equality of 1 milliliter of volume to one gram of weight. Therefore, Tatyana indicated fertilizers for which this equality is observed.

Often fertilizers have a lower density than water. But for violets, some lack of fertilizer is not critical, especially considering the recommendations for violets to dilute standard fertilizers by half. Therefore, the volumetric measurement of fertilizers is quite appropriate in the care of violets, even if the density of the fertilizer is unknown.

After using the thimble, be sure to rinse it, fertilizer dust may not be the best reagent for your finger.

Pirate method for determining small quantities

Lay out the contents of the fertilizer sachet on paper. The weight is written on the package. By eye, move part of the fertilizer to the side so that fertilizer remains in a large pile by one of the powers of two (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, ... grams).

Divide a large pile in half. Divide each half in half. Divide the quarters in half too. Eights, too, in half. At some point, you will get many, many small piles of fertilizer, each of which will contain about 1 gram. Pack each pile in a small paper bag and use as needed for the health of your violets.

In the same way, you can measure, for example, 1/8 gram from 1 gram of potent fertilizers.

Option. If you have a large bag of fertilizer and have a kitchen scale, you can measure, for example, 16 grams and pack it in the suggested way.

Historical digression

In countries where there were many pirates at one time, the joke is still in vogue:

Question: How many pirates can be on a pirate ship?

Answer: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, ... Otherwise, you will have to shoot off the extra ones during a fair division of the booty.

Jokes, jokes, but the pirates perfectly divided the booty into any equal number of parts, and everyone considered the division fair.

For this, there was a special way of sharing, which was called pirate. In its simplest form (2 pirates), one pirate divides the booty as he sees fit into 2 equal parts. And the other chooses the part that seems to him more. There are no questions about fairness on either side.

For a larger number of people, the division is carried out according to a similar scheme in several stages - first large groups of pirates divide the booty, then inside the group the pirates are divided into small groups and continue to divide small piles among themselves, and so on until the entire large pile of loot is divided among many pairs of pirates. Given that the life of a pirate was short, everyone was in sight, and during the capture of ships, pirates often saved each other's lives, they often trusted their pirate friends to share / choose their share, more familiar with the value of the loot in the colonial markets.

In English-speaking countries, the medieval "pirate" is still one of the most beloved masquerade images for children:

Measurement of small amounts of liquid fertilizers

I will add that it is still possible to conveniently measure liquid fertilizers from bottles with a syringe.

A pipette can measure a very small amount of fertilizer. Not sure how much one drop from your pipette weighs?

  • put an empty cup on the kitchen scale
  • set to zero
  • pour 100 drops into a cup
  • Divide the scale reading by 100 to get the volume of the droplet (1 milliliter of water = 1 gram of water).

Similarly, you can measure how much a drop from a jar of Corvalol weighs and use it as a container for storing liquid fertilizer.

The size of droplets from different pipettes and different jars is highly dependent on their parameters, so it is better not to use the data obtained for one pipette or jar for others.