How to neutralize the taste of red beets in wine. How to make beetroot wine at home using a simple recipe. Recipe for beetroot wine with citrus

As it turns out, you can prepare your favorite drinks not only from fruits (which are mostly seasonal), but also from vegetables. An example of such preparation is beetroot wine, moonshine is also made from a red root crop, such drinks taste quite original. How to make your favorite drink at home - we will tell in the article, backing up the recipes with the necessary culinary recommendations.

Despite the fact that the technology for making mash from beets, and then distilling it into moonshine, is similar to the technology for creating moonshine from other products, there are still some peculiarities in this difficult process. It is not so easy to make high-quality moonshine, so it is better to use not simple, but more time-consuming (multi-step) recipes for cooking.

Although they contain a lot of difficult actions, they are still able to create a natural (as clean as possible from harmful substances) high-grade product that will not immediately intoxicate and reduce the likelihood of a terrible morning hangover.

Moonshine from beets: a recipe with yeast


  • Water - 10-15 l;
  • Beets (sugar) - 5 kg;
  • Yeast (dry) - 50 g (or pressed - 250 g).

How to make homemade moonshine from beets

Stage I. Preparation of beetroot mash

  1. We wash the beets thoroughly under running water, peel them, cut them into medium-sized pieces.
  2. We twist the resulting beet slices in a meat grinder, or three of them on a grater.
  3. The mass that will turn out, together with the juice, is transferred to a large saucepan, stir it with 5-7 liters of cool water, then mix thoroughly.
  4. We put the container with the liquid on a small fire, bring it to a boil.
  5. Cook the mass for 60 minutes, then turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and leave it on the stove for 3-4 hours.
  6. When the boiled slurry has cooled down, we filter it through 3-4 layers of dense fabric, or ordinary gauze. The thick pulp that remains after straining should also be squeezed out. To do this, you can use a press or gauze.
  7. Pour the collected beetroot juice into a saucepan, cook it over moderate-medium heat until it thickens.
  8. Cool the resulting beetroot syrup to room temperature, then pour it into a fermentation container, dilute it halfway with water, and finally add yeast. According to the instructions on the package, we breed them in advance. Mix the whole mass well.

Keep in mind that you need to fill the container no more than 75%. It is important that there is room for carbon dioxide and foam.

  1. We install a water seal on the fermentation tank (its design does not matter), we take the beetroot mash to a warm (18-25 ° C) poorly lit (dark) place and keep it there for 6-11 days.
  2. At the end of fermentation, we drain the beetroot mash from the sediment, after which we fill the distillation cube with the resulting drink.

You can understand that fermentation is over by several signs:

  • the mash became unsweetened, moreover, it acquired a slight bitterness;
  • sediment appeared at the bottom of the container;
  • the water seal stopped gurgling.

Stage II. Distillation of mash into moonshine

  1. You can drive moonshine on any moonshine still, but it’s better if it’s still a steamer. It is recommended to put (to taste) orange peel and a few mint leaves in it, this will help reduce the not very pleasant beetroot smell.
  2. We dilute the distillate by half with water, purify it with coal, then distill again, separating the “tails” and “heads”.
  3. Moonshine, which you get, must be diluted with water. Add as much liquid as you want to get the strengths in your drink.

On average, according to the recipe, 1.3-1.8 liters of 40% moonshine of quite acceptable quality comes out. If you prepare moonshine from beets according to the usual recipe, then the drink will have a pronounced (even sharp) and not very pleasant beet smell.

In addition, a low-quality product quickly intoxicates and causes a severe hangover. According to the recipe we described above, the characteristic smell will be much softer, and the moonshine itself will be much cleaner.

Beetroot table wine


Based on 5 liters of wine

  • Refer to package instructions for the amount to prepare. + -
  • - 1.5 kg + -
  • - 5 g + -
  • - 1.1 kg + -
  • Orange - 3 pcs. + -
  • Carnation - 4 pcs. + -


Not only moonshine is made from a red root crop, a much more refined drink is also made from it, for example, dry table wine. The preparation of such a drink, like any other drink, has its own characteristics. We will consider them in a step-by-step recipe that each of you can master.

  1. We thoroughly wash the unpeeled root crops in water and, together with the skin, cut them into 5-millimeter circles. Pour the product into a bowl.
  2. Fill the cut with 2.5 liters of water.
  3. We put the pan with the contents on a slow fire, cook until the roots are completely softened.
  4. We take out the boiled beets from hot water, and filter the resulting broth.
  5. Add orange zest, citric acid, cloves, sugar to the must.
  6. We put the product on fire again, now we cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. During the cooking process, the wort must be stirred.
  7. We cool the broth obtained after cooking, pour it into a plastic bucket.
  8. We add diluted yeast to the wort, cover the container with a lid, leave it warm for 3 days. Stir the mixture once every day.
  9. After 3 days, we decant the wort into a glass container, pour cold clean water (previously boiled) into it.
  10. We close the glass bottle with a cork with a drain tube.

The fermentation time of the drink is 3 weeks. After this time, beetroot wine can be consumed. The finished wine should be a rich red color with a pleasant, not pungent smell.

Secrets of Successful Homemade Spirits

  1. To start the fermentation process in wine, you can use not only yeast. Often, a special starter made from raisins, grapes or homemade apples is used to start fermentation. If, even after adding yeast, the fermentation process has not begun, add a pre-prepared sourdough from the above fruits to the drink.
  2. It is necessary to use medium-sized (medium-sized) root crops with a uniform dark shade for making homemade wine from beets. Before cooking, they must be freed from problematic parts and rot. Even the slightest spoiled piece will harm the taste of the whole drink.
  3. If you want to give your wine an original taste, add prunes to its composition. For a variety of taste, ginger is also used; it, like prunes, makes the wine more refined.

Here, perhaps, are all the secrets of how to make moonshine and your favorite wine from beets at home. Of course, beetroot drinks differ from wines made from other vegetables and fruits in their peculiar taste, and this is their main uniqueness. Also, the advantage of the beet variety is that it allows you to make drinks at any time of the year, and not depend on the seasonal ripening of the main ingredients. Good luck with your cooking - and let every sip please with its taste.

Bon appetit!

Agree that most of you consider homemade wine a drink exclusively from fruits or berries. However, knowledgeable and resourceful winemakers have managed to develop an amazing beetroot alcoholic drink, which has an excellent taste, intoxicating aroma and an unusually rich dark violet color. The technology for making beetroot wine is slightly different from the usual winemaking methods, but along with this, it is quite simple and understandable.

Believe me, following exactly the recommendations described, you will prepare such an alcoholic drink with your own hands that will pleasantly surprise not only you, but also everyone who just sips it with its peculiar taste. To make a high-quality drink, it is necessary to use mature root crops of medium size, which have a uniform bright purple color. To give alcohol an exquisite taste, we will use high-quality prunes. These two components will allow you to enjoy a truly unusual elite drink, which is ideal for improving your appetite.

Manufacturing process

  1. First of all, let's prepare the wine starter. To do this, put pre-chopped raisins in a liter jar and add 40-50 g of sugar there.
  2. Fill the mass with water so that the dried fruits are completely covered with liquid.
  3. We cover the neck of the jar with a gauze cloth to avoid insects and dust and leave the mixture until it ferments. In general, it will take about 3-4 days.
  4. Wash the beets thoroughly with a washcloth, after which we cut the root crop together with the peel into thin circles. In no case do not peel the peel, as it is the owner of many useful substances, and your future wine will not only be tasty, but also healthy.
  5. We put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces in an enamel pan and fill them with water.
  6. Bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat to low, close the pan with a lid and cook the root crop for an hour and a half.
  7. Cool the broth naturally to a warm state.
  8. We filter the liquid through a fine sieve, on top of which we lay out a multilayer gauze. We squeeze the pulp of the root crop well and throw it away - we will no longer need it.
  9. In the filtered beetroot juice, add half a kilogram of granulated sugar, unwashed prunes and wine raisin sourdough.
  10. Thoroughly stir the wort until the maximum dissolution of the crystals of the sweet component.
  11. We cover the pan with a gauze cloth and infuse the wort for about 2-3 days in a dark room at a temperature of 19 to 29 degrees.
  12. As soon as the first signs of fermentation become noticeable, pour the wort into a fermentation tank without filtering. We fill the vessel by no more than 70-75%, otherwise normal fermentation will not work.
  13. We install a water seal on the neck of the vessel or pull on a medical glove with a small hole made in one of the fingers.
  14. We return the wort to its original place and, after two days, we add a second portion of granulated sugar in the amount of half a kilogram. To do this, drain about 200-300 ml of liquid and dilute the right amount of sugar in it. Then pour the resulting syrup back into the vessel and install the shutter in place.
  15. After another four days, add the remaining sugar, exactly following the technology described above.
  16. After active fermentation is completed, when the liquid becomes lighter, a noticeable precipitate will fall, and the water seal will stop emitting carbon dioxide, carefully drain the liquid from the sediment using a short hose or a long tube.
  17. We filter the fermented beetroot wine twice, using a gauze and cotton filter.
  18. We taste the young product and, if necessary, add sugar to enhance the sweetness or fix it with strong alcohol in an amount of 3-15% of the volume of wine. As strong alcohol, I advise you to use good vodka or medical alcohol.
  19. Pour the purified wine into a glass vessel, filling it to the top in order to protect yourself from any contact with oxygen.
  20. We place homemade alcohol in a cool place where the temperature ranges from 5 to 15 degrees.
  21. We allow the young wine to reach its maturation for 2.5-3 months.
  22. Before direct bottling of the finished alcohol into bottles for storage, it must be filtered again.
  23. We store wine in a cool place such as a cellar or refrigerator. The maximum shelf life without loss of taste and aroma is two and a half years. The strength of the finished product varies from 9 to 12 turns.

Recipe for beetroot wine with citrus

The presented version of beetroot wine is often used by those who want to taste a wonderful drink after a month and a half of aging. This recipe uses wine yeast, which can be purchased ready-made or you can make your own raisin starter according to the method described above. The addition of citrus fruits to the classic composition diversifies the palette of taste qualities of home-made alcohol and makes it softer, richer, and also gives the drink a long, viscous aftertaste and a complex spicy aroma.

List of Required Components

Manufacturing process

  1. Thoroughly wash the root crops with a hard washcloth, after which we cut them together with the peel into circles 5-7 mm thick.
  2. We put the chopped beets in an enamel pan and fill it with two liters of water.
  3. Cook the root crop over low heat under a closed lid for 1.5-2 hours until the fruit is noticeably soft.
  4. We thoroughly filter the beetroot broth, while carefully squeezing the pulp of the root crop.
  5. Add sugar to the filtered juice and boil the liquid over low heat until the crystals of the latter are completely dissolved.
  6. Let the syrup cool naturally to 23-25 ​​degrees.
  7. In a separate bowl, dilute the yeast in a small amount of water according to the instructions on the package.
  8. Pour the yeast mixture into the cooled syrup.
  9. We cover the container with a gauze cloth and leave the mass in a warm room for three days. Stir the wort daily with clean hands or a wooden spatula.
  10. Pour the fermented mixture into a fermentation container and add the remaining water and spices there.
  11. Citrus fruits are cut into small pieces along with the zest and pour them into a vessel with the rest of the ingredients.
  12. We tightly install a water seal or a medical glove with a small hole in one of the fingers.
  13. We leave the must to ferment for 25-30 days in a dark room with a temperature of at least 23 degrees.
  14. Carefully pour the fermented mass into a clean bowl, while trying not to stir up the sediment.
  15. We subject the liquid to double filtration using a gauze and cotton filter.
  16. We pour the finished product into bottles, filling them to the very neck.
  17. We seal the containers hermetically and send them to a cool place with a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees.
  18. We are waiting for the final maturation of homemade wine, which usually lasts from 1.5 to 2 months.
  19. Before direct tasting, if necessary, we filter the alcohol through gauze folded in 3-4 layers.

Helpful information

  • Especially interesting and extraordinary home-made alcoholic drinks include “thorn wine”. Plum-like fruits will add a special charm to the drink in the form of an interesting interweaving of light sourness and astringency, which is difficult to achieve with other components.
  • “Blueberry wine” also has its own taste with special shades and certainly deserves your attention. The drink is prepared simply and does not require constant monitoring.
  • Any currant culinary masterpieces always amaze with their peculiar taste. If you haven’t bothered to taste “blackcurrant wine” yet, then you really don’t know what the noble taste of a real homemade drink is, worthy of taking pride of place on the royal table.
  • On the road, I want to offer for your study interesting and informative subtleties and nuances that accompany the process of making "fruit wine".

As you can see, a plentiful autumn beet harvest can bring joy to your home not only in the form of traditional culinary dishes, but also become an incentive to awaken your imagination in making fine wine with excellent taste.

Tell us about your victories, if any, and share new ideas by detailing each step of the recipe. Good luck in your endeavors and bold experiments in winemaking!

Not many lovers of home winemaking will come up with the idea of ​​making wine from vegetables. If you still decide to try to make such a drink at home, then I must say that you are a real connoisseur and master of making wine. Alcoholic beverages based on vegetable crops are not very common. There are several reasons for this.

vegetable fantasies

In order to prepare vegetable wines, it is necessary to have a sufficiently large crop of these crops. After all, carrots and beets are grown for cooking. It happens that it is not possible to eat all the root crops stored for the winter. This is how beetroot wine and carrot wine appeared on our table.

There are several recipes for these drinks. Both on the basis of raw juice and infusion on boiled vegetables. Here already everyone is determined with priorities himself. Raw juices ferment faster, give a higher degree. Based on boiled root crops, drinks are obtained with a more delicate taste.

Wines from root vegetables have a rich color due to the high content of natural carotenoids, especially in carrots.

Beetroot gives the drink a maroon color, which is difficult to achieve when making wine, even from grapes.

Everyone knows the beneficial properties of beets and carrots: they contain vitamins, trace elements, minerals, antioxidants, natural carcinogens. Pectic substances of root vegetables help the body fight toxins. Carrot's natural carotene pigments make our skin soft and silky. Beetroot antioxidants remove excess fluid from the body, have a choleretic effect.

Features of beetroot wine

I must say that since vegetables are still not the main raw material for making wine, they do not contain natural fermentation catalysts. Therefore, the preparation of wines necessarily requires making them additionally. At the same time, only yeast is used, no other stimulants are suitable. The content of tannins and antimicrobial substances in the original product is too high.

Before you start making wine from beets, the raw materials must be carefully processed. Since beets and carrots are root crops, it means that, first of all, they need to be thoroughly washed from the ground. First, the vegetables are soaked in cold water, then washed with running water using a brush, then scalded with boiling water. If you neglect the thoroughness of processing, then you can bring earthen mold into the wine and all efforts will be in vain. Before preparing a drink from boiled vegetables, they are cut into pieces along with the peel, without peeling.

If the preparation of wine will be from juice, then after processing fresh vegetables, it must be squeezed out on a juicer. Then you should clean the root crops from the top crust.

Recipe with Lemon and Orange

Required for cooking:

How to prepare wine:

According to the same recipe, you can make carrot wine, you can mix these vegetables in equal proportions or to taste. The result will be good.

The wine is rich, deep color with aromas of spices, with a taste of citrus. Great for making punch or mulled wine.


A generous autumn harvest of carrots and beets can bring joy not only from the preparation of traditional dishes, but also become an incentive for the manifestation of imagination in the preparation of wines and various alcoholic beverages based on them.

Step 1: prepare the beets.

Wash the beets thoroughly, but do not peel them, cut the root vegetables into medium-sized pieces. Look carefully, the vegetables must be healthy, and all traces of rot removed.

Put the beets in a saucepan and cover with boiling water. Add coarsely chopped ginger root. Cover everything and let stand for 4 days.

Step 2: decanting the hood.

Through dense gauze, folded several times, pass the beet extract. Squeeze out the beets.
Measure the amount of liquid.

Step 3: leave the wine to ferment.

Pour the beet extract into a container suitable for wine fermentation, add sugar, yeast and squeeze the juice from the lemon. Close the bottle with a water seal or fasten a medical glove with a pierced finger to the neck. Put the wine in a warm (18-24 degrees) and dark place for fermentation.
When the water seal stops gurgling or the surgical glove drops down, stir the wine and let it stand for more. 3 days.
The fermented drink then needs to be filtered, poured into a clean jar / barrel and left to ripen for 8-9 months in a cool place. All the same in the dark.
The beetroot wine can then be bottled for storage and tasted.

Step 4: serve beetroot wine.

Beetroot wine is best served before dinner to increase appetite. You can also present a drink as an original gift. Vegetable wine does not taste the same as fruit wine, and this is its highlight.
Bon appetit!

If the wine ferments for a long time, pour it into a clean container, removing the sediment.

Watch the temperature in the room in which the wine roams, there should not be strong fluctuations. For example, between day and night temperatures.

For most people, the production and production of homemade wine is primarily associated with the use of fruits and vegetables. Such wines have a pleasant aroma and taste, and are also very popular not only among professional gourmets, but also among ordinary lovers.

But not only fruits, but also vegetables can act as the main ingredients in the production of homemade wine. One of these vegetables is ordinary beets, from which many home craftsmen have learned to make high-quality and tasty wine, which, moreover, has high healing characteristics and properties. Although the recipe for making such wine is somewhat different from the usual standard technology, the result is a drink that will impress any connoisseur of quality alcohol.

What does a home winemaker need who has never tried to make wine from beetroot? How much does the technology of its preparation differ from the standard one and is it too complicated?

Beetroot Wine Recipe - An Original Recipe Made from Available Ingredients

In order to make quality wine from beets, experts advise using medium-sized root vegetables that have a uniform color. Before using them as a component in the preparation of wine, it is important to carefully review them for the presence of spoiled places that must be removed, otherwise the wine will be hopelessly spoiled.

To implement the beetroot wine recipe to life, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Red beets - 2 kg;
  • Drinking purified water - 4 l;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • Raisins - 150 g;
  • Prunes - 200 g.

One of the main processes of making wine from beets is the start of fermentation. Often wild yeast is used for this, but in the case of beets, a raisin-based sourdough is made.

The technology for making wine from beets includes the following sequence of actions:

  • Beets are thoroughly washed and cut into small slices, without peeling it;
  • The slices are put in a saucepan, poured with drinking water and brought to a boil together;
  • After the water boils, the pan is covered with a lid and the beets are boiled for 90 minutes over low heat, after which the broth is cooled to room temperature and filtered through gauze folded in several layers, and the pulp is discarded;
  • 0.5 kg of granulated sugar, sourdough raisins and prunes are added to the resulting broth, after which everything is thoroughly mixed until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  • The neck of the container is tied up with gauze and placed in a warm, dark place for a period of 2-3 days;
  • After the appearance of signs of fermentation in the form of foam, hissing and a slight sour smell, the wort is poured into a fermentation container, on the neck of which a water seal is installed, which can be replaced with a rubber glove with a pierced hole in one of the fingers;
  • The container is stored in a warm dark place, and after 2 days another 0.5 kg of granulated sugar is added to the wort;
  • After 4 days, the procedure for adding sugar is repeated again;
  • After active fermentation is over, the young wine is drained from the sediment through a thin tube so as not to stir it up;
  • After tasting, sugar is optionally added to the drink to increase sweetness or a strong alcoholic drink to fix;
  • The wine is poured into a storage container, filling it to the very top to avoid contact with oxygen;
  • The container is placed in a cool dark place for a period of 2-3 months, during which the drink is infused and acquires a persistent taste;
  • Before bottling the wine, it is once again drained from the sediment and stored in hermetically sealed containers.

The shelf life of such wine is up to 2 years, and the fortress is from 10 to 12%.