How to make jelly flowers. Jelly flower. Master class. Subtleties of cooking. Jelly cake "Marquetry"

Jelly cake 3D flowers in jelly (master class).

basic tools (depending on the type of flower, they vary):
teaspoons of various shapes and sizes, medical syringes (by the number of colors), knives with blades of various widths, food coloring, gelatin, milk, water, a clean, damp cloth, a mold for jelly
spoons are used for petal flowers, knives for chrysanthemum type flowers. in the photo already tinted jelly

to begin with, we make a transparent jelly on water (add sugar and citric acid), leave to solidify in a mold overnight.

then soak the gelatin according to the instructions and dissolve in a water bath. mix with milk. divide into several parts (according to the number of colors) and add dyes (I tinted in 3 colors, as you can see in the top photo)
BUT! My first honey agaric was a failure as the tinted jelly petals weren't clearly visible in the clear jelly because they were also clear! And this time I have already added milk to the tinted jellies for haze and opacity.

we collect in the syringe tinted jelly of the desired color
and then it all depends on the type of flower.
if it is a chrysanthemum, then use a knife as a form for the petals
carefully pierce the transparent jelly, and using a syringe, pour the tinted jelly into this cut.

Immediately wipe the paint that has come to the surface with a damp cloth dipped in ice water.

Petal flowers are made with a spoon. depending on the location of the spoon, the flower itself also changes.
we make the middle of the flower with several injections of a syringe in yellow (if the middle is large, like that of daisies or sunflowers, then first draw a circle with a needle. Then fill this circle with injections.)

make petals with a spoon
make leaves with a spoon of a different shape

let it harden a little and fill it with milk jelly of any color (I chose the wrong one). fruit purees can be added to this milk jelly.
the best background is white or light green.
carefully fill all the petals and leaves with colored jelly, otherwise the flower will look as if torn.
excess paint must be washed off immediately, otherwise the paint will be absorbed and distort the drawing.

today we will tell you about how to make 3D jelly at home and from the most common and widely available items.

First of all, I would like to say that 3d jelly and in particular and actually look very nice and unusual. A 3D flower in jelly can be a great option for you if you plan to give someone an original and pleasant surprise.

Also these beautiful and unusual flowers can be used as a decoration for a festive table or as a very unusual dessert that will not leave guests unimpressed.

flower 3d

And the best part is at a cost. 3d flowers very attractive. Especially if you decide to make them yourself. In total, you will only need to spend money on a jelly mold, gelatin, food coloring, syringes and tools for creating flowers. Plastic spoons, knives and straws of different diameters and sizes are perfect as tools. Of course, you can buy a special set for 3D flowers in jelly. but in order to get an amazing result, this is not at all necessary. It is much more important to fill your hand and adapt to the intricacies of working with multi-colored liquid jelly.

jelly with flowers inside. Japanese jelly flowers. Flowers in jelly recipe. Japanese sweets jelly flowers. How to make flowers in jelly.

3D Jelly Flowers: Tools

3d flowers in jelly master class. Flowers in jelly photo.
  • Tea and plastic spoons.
  • Medical syringes: for each color, a separate syringe.
  • Plastic and kitchen knives with blades of various shapes, lengths and widths.
  • Food dyes.
  • Gelatin.
  • Food coloring or berry juices.
  • Water.
  • Milk.
  • Clean rag.
  • Jelly mold.

  1. We make the base - a transparent jelly with sugar and citric acid. A transparent jelly base is made on water and should solidify properly in a mold.
  2. The second part of the jelly is soaked according to the instructions, dissolved in a water bath and mixed with milk. Next, pour milk jelly into separate containers and add dyes. Milk really needs to be added to tinted jelly so that the color is more intense and brighter. Also, milk makes the jelly opaque and matte - this allows it to contrast with the transparent base jelly.
  3. We collect the tinted jelly in syringes and begin to work. In order to create a chrysanthemum, we only need a syringe or an acute-angled straw. For flowers with wide petals, spoons and straws with extensions along the edges are suitable.

Flowers in jelly video

Flowers in jelly master class video

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I stumbled upon this delicious way to decorate jelly and desserts by accident. I really want to try!

basic tools (depending on the type of flower, they vary):
teaspoons of various shapes and sizes, medical syringes (by the number of colors), knives with blades of various widths, food coloring, gelatin, milk, water, a clean, damp cloth, a mold for jelly
spoons are used for petal flowers, knives for chrysanthemum type flowers. in the photo already tinted jelly

to begin with, we make a transparent jelly on water (add sugar and citric acid), leave to solidify in a mold overnight.

then soak the gelatin according to the instructions and dissolve in a water bath. mix with milk. divide into several parts (according to the number of colors) and add dyes (I tinted in 3 colors, as you can see in the top photo)
BUT! My first honey agaric was a failure as the tinted jelly petals weren't clearly visible in the clear jelly because they were also clear! And this time I have already added milk to the tinted jellies for haze and opacity.

we collect tinted jelly of the required color into the syringe
and then it all depends on the type of flower.
if it is a chrysanthemum, then use a knife as a form for the petals
carefully pierce the transparent jelly, and using a syringe, pour the tinted jelly into this cut. We immediately wipe the paint that has come to the surface with a damp cloth dipped in ice water. petal flowers are made with a spoon. depending on the location of the spoon, the flower itself also changes.
we make the middle of the flower with several injections of a syringe in yellow (if the middle is large, like that of daisies or sunflowers, then first draw a circle with a needle. Then fill this circle with injections.)

make petals with a spoon
make leaves with a spoon of a different shape

let it harden a little and fill it with milk jelly of any color (I chose the wrong one). fruit purees can be added to this milk jelly.
the best background is white or light green.
carefully fill all the petals and leaves with colored jelly, otherwise the flower will look as if torn.
excess paint must be washed off immediately, otherwise the paint will be absorbed and distort the drawing.

Each of the housewives sometimes wants to surprise their loved ones, relatives and friends. This can be done with the help of original and skillful recipes, unusual overseas products, or simply thanks to interesting novelties in the culinary world. Today we have prepared an amazing dessert for you - 3D flowers in jelly. Believe me, no one will ever guess how exactly you did it. The secret lies in simplicity, because everything simple is ingenious!

Transparent jelly with voluminous flowers inside is nothing but a delicious dessert for any holiday. You do not need to force guests to eat fresh flowers, frozen or candied, everything is much more interesting. To prepare this wonderful dessert, we need only a couple of simple ingredients and a lot of imagination.

The first thing you need to decide when planning to cook 3d flowers in jelly is the type of flowers and their colors. After all, they can be pink, and blue, and yellow, and purple, and any others. It depends on the color which dye we will use. The type and number of tools with which we will work depends on the chosen form. So, the easiest way is just to use a syringe. Let's consider it in more detail.


Let's prepare a magnificent jelly dessert with a red "aster" in the middle. For this we need the following ingredients:

  • 25 gr. gelatin;
  • Vanilla sugar;
  • Sugar, 2 tablespoons
  • 1 glass of water;
  • A little lemon juice;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • Beet juice 0.5 cups;
  • Orange juice 0.5 cups;
  • Spinach juice (can be replaced with green jelly, but will not be as impressive).


  • Deep round plate (small salad bowl);
  • Syringes by the number of shades;
  • plastic spoon;

Let's start cooking. First you need to prepare the jelly in which we will place the aster. We prepare jelly in the standard way: dissolve gelatin in water, add a little sugar and lemon juice for taste and set to solidify in a salad bowl, which has the shape of a hemisphere. Next, you need to soak the gelatin, and meanwhile put the milk on the fire, add sugar and vanilla, dissolve them thoroughly and bring this consistency to a boil.

Be careful not to run away! After the milk has cooled slightly, we gradually introduce gelatin into it, which is already swollen, and stir until completely dissolved. We divide the resulting mixture into 3 parts, adding our dye to each - orange juice, beetroot, spinach.

In the already prepared jelly, we will “inject” our flower with a syringe. First you need to make the middle. It will be orange in color, we take a mixture with orange juice, draw it into a syringe and inject it into jelly. Forming "acupuncture" the middle of the flower. The petals will appear in the same way, we collect a mixture with beetroot juice (red) in another syringe and form the petals. Introducing the mixture with a syringe in a circle, we form many petals of different lengths. The needle can be stretched slightly to form a larger petal. Remove the excess mass that comes to the surface with a plastic spoon dipped in water. The final touch is the green petals, which we make in the same way using the green mixture. After that, remove the excess from the surface of the jelly with a spoon, soak with a paper towel and put in the refrigerator for half an hour. And voila, you can serve it on the table and surprise your relatives!

If you need to prepare flowers with wide petals, then you need to use a spoon or knife. To do this, we carefully insert a knife into the jelly and pour the jelly along the inside with a syringe. Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for making flowers in jelly

This extraordinary dish appeared a few years ago and immediately became a real hit. They admired him, presented him as a gift, and tried to find out from the craftswomen all the subtleties of cooking. Now every housewife can prepare a luxurious flower in jelly. This does not require special skills, it is enough to follow a step-by-step master class.

Edible bouquets

Every self-respecting hostess always tries to surprise her guests. Delicious 3D flowers in jelly look completely natural and cause a lot of admiring exclamations. Surprisingly beautiful bouquets, located on a plate, seem to be a real work of art, difficult to perform. Let this remain a little secret of every craftswoman, but all their preparation actually takes no more than twenty minutes.

Let's prepare the "canvas"

By it we will mean the base, transparent and rather dense, in the center of which the flower will form in the future.

  • It is advisable to cook it in a transparent container (glass, plastic), through which the flower in jelly will be clearly visible.
  • For the density of the consistency, it is necessary to observe the proportions - for 200 milliliters of water, 10 grams of dry gelatin.
  • A clear transparent "canvas" can be painted in different shades to your taste, but many prefer to leave it in its original form to facilitate subsequent work.
  • In order for the base to be tasty, but not cloudy, sugar (40-50 grams) and a teaspoon of lemon juice are added to it.
  • Pour the gelatin with the required amount of water, let it swell.
  • Heat the mass, dissolve sugar in it, add lemon juice, you do not need to boil, it is enough to warm up to eighty degrees.
  • Let the "canvas" cool a little and send it to the refrigerator.

base for petals

It is better to color a flower in jelly with natural juices (beetroot, carrot, spinach juice), and for a density of consistency, ordinary milk is added to them. Without it, thin delicate petals will not be so graphic, but several important aspects should be considered here:

  1. Milk does not like acids, and when interacting with it, it quickly curdles, so it is better not to use orange, cherry, lemon and other strongly acidic juices in this situation.
  2. The consistency should be as concentrated as possible, so it is better to prepare the dyes (squeeze the juice) yourself. So 3D flowers in jelly will look especially rich, and the dessert will become extremely useful.
  3. We continue to observe the proportions (10 g / 200 ml), fill the gelatin with water, let it swell, and heat the milk well separately, it is not recommended to boil it.
  4. Combine milk with swollen gelatin and juice, in the total ratio of liquid should be no more than two hundred milligrams, with strong dilution, the petals may harden poorly and not hold their shape.

Bouquet formation

All the necessary components are prepared. You can turn on your imagination and create luxurious, fresh flowers in jelly. Let's start the master class with the preparation of the necessary equipment and all the ingredients. We will need:

  1. The basis is a pre-prepared transparent canvas in a glass container.
  2. Tools - an ordinary medical syringe with a thin needle (a ten-cube one is convenient here), a medium-sized knife, several spoons with pointed ends for ease of insertion into jelly.
  3. Glasses with a multi-colored base for the petals. Red, lilac, orange is the flower itself in jelly. We form leaves with green shades, giving the finished composition even more naturalness.

Master Class

To create a flower in jelly in the form of a live chrysanthemum that has just blossomed, we need yellow and red colors.

  • We fill the syringe with a yellow tint and at an angle of ninety degrees we introduce it into the base, gradually releasing the liquid as the needle is pulled out. Droplets that appear on the surface should be carefully removed with a paper towel.
  • We will need 10-15 such yellow stamens (the middle part of the flower), here it is important not to move the needle inside the “canvas” so that the strip is perfectly even.
  • You can start creating petals. We fill the syringe with red and introduce it into the base at an angle of forty-five degrees. Gradually press the piston, making horizontal movements with the needle and forming a petal of the desired size.
  • The transparency of the container allows you to monitor all ongoing manipulations. To make the jelly with flowers inside really voluminous, keep the distance between the petals, visually evaluating the result and, if necessary, filling the remaining gaps.
  • Now we are changing the technology a little, we need a spoon and a green tint. We proceed to the design of chrysanthemum leaves. We introduce the spoon at the same angle with the convex side up, along its upper edge, trying not to violate the integrity of the base, lower the needle and fill the entire slot with green.

Basic subtleties

By changing the technology and using additional devices, in this way you can create whole bouquets.

  • A spoon is used to form rounded rose petals.
  • To make the petals sharp, lower a thin, flat knife blade into the base.
  • The flower will look brighter if the upper part (its substrate) is filled with white (milk jelly).

It remains to remove the resulting masterpiece from the container, holding it in warm water, and turn it over onto a dish. An almost living 3D flower is ready, you can surprise your guests.