Georgia recipes. Georgian national cuisine. Hot Georgian dishes

National Georgian cuisine is unique and appreciated all over the world for its indescribable taste and aroma.

The contrast of spicy and spicy is the highlight of Georgian cuisine. Delicious, varied and hearty treats generously seasoned with spices and herbs, they carry the aroma of the sun and mountains.

You need to taste everything, but there are dishes, without feeling the taste of which you cannot understand the flavor of this hospitable country. These dishes include:

  • tomato cucumber salad with walnuts
  • khachapuri (cheese cake)
  • khinkali
  • soup kharcho
  • chakhokhbili (poultry stew)
  • lobio (bean dish)
  • shkmeruli (chicken in milk-garlic sauce)

The most popular Georgian dishes

In the western part of the country, in the Black Sea resorts, it is worth trying corn cakes and poultry dishes, and on the eastern side there are notes of Iranian cuisine - wheat bread and amazingly cooked lamb and beef. All of them are united by a unique cooking technology - a spit and an open fire.


The classic version of khachapuri is a pie with the famous suluguni cheese.

Cooking options:

  • juicy imeruli, cooked with an incredible amount of cheese;
  • svanuri- stuffed with meat
  • megruli- cheese filling inside and out;
  • boat-shaped khachapuri, in the center of which a raw egg is broken and baked.


Juicy, large dumplings are generously sprinkled with black pepper, they exude an incredible aroma and they must be eaten with your hands, so that the broth does not flow out. Khinkali are very satisfying and they are served as a main dish by the piece. 5-6 pieces are usually enough for one person.

As a filling for them, Georgians take two types of meat: beef and pork, and the meat should be chopped, not twisted. Be sure to add parsley and cilantro to the filling.


Satsivi is one of the most popular Georgian chicken dishes. It is usually served with a spicy sauce, which is made according to a special recipe. A distinctive feature of the sauce is that a large amount of walnuts is added to it. In fact, nuts are the main ingredient.

Satsivi is sometimes made from turkey or goose.


No soup in the world can be compared with Georgian kharcho. Moreover, the Georgians themselves claim that this soup absorbs the aromas and character of their nature, and therefore you can feel the true taste of the soup only in this country.

The soup is very tender and spicy.

Prepared from chicken meat, plus a large amount of seasonings.

For density, either rice or cornmeal is added.


Beans plus the cook's fantasy - that's what they say about lobio.

A spicy thick dish of legumes in which there are a lot of onions, garlic, carrots, peppers, herbs and many different spices.

Lobio is prepared in pots, served either with rice or as an independent dish without a side dish.

Beans are sometimes used red, but most often green string beans. Sometimes pomegranate seeds are added to lobio for piquancy.


Georgian cheese is no less popular than meat and wine. The king of all cheeses is suluguni.

The product is used both as an appetizer and as an addition to main dishes.

Almost all Georgian pastries are made with cheese. And sometimes cheese is simply fried and served as a main dish.

There are many recipes for its preparation, but the distinctive feature of suluguni is the sour-milk taste, which is very pronounced. They make it in the pitcher way. Much depends on the area in which the cheese is produced, the geographical factor affects the subtle nuances of taste. Mint is added to the Imeretian suluguni, which makes the taste of the product softer. Moreover, in the manufacture of this variety, the milk of several types of domestic animals is used. And then another finished product is kept in brine for several months.

The most spicy varieties of Suluguni are Kobi or Tushino cheeses.


The basis of chakhokhbili is tender pieces of chicken, which are first fried and then stewed with the addition of tomato sauce.

A lot of cilantro, parsley, basil, garlic and red pepper are necessarily added to the gravy. Onions are added at the very end, when the chakhokhbili is almost ready.

Ideal for rice.


Fans of vegetarian cuisine will be delighted with phali. The basis here is spinach leaves, asparagus, beet tops and cabbage. The vegetable mixture is seasoned with a sauce of herbs, onions and nuts.


Ajapsandali is also popular, it consists of the following ingredients: green beans, eggplant, tomatoes, sweet peppers, garlic, cilantro, basil, onions. Sometimes potatoes and hot peppers are added.


One of the most favorite Georgian dishes is chogi. In fact, this is a vegetable snack whose main ingredients are dried dogwood, baked beets and green onions. All components are prepared separately and then mixed. The taste is unusual, but pronounced.


This is the name of the well-known barbecue. In Georgia, it is made from beef.

To appreciate the taste of a real Caucasian barbecue, you should try all three types of mtsvadi.

The most common and delicious is made from basturma, beef, which is marinated in advance.

There is also shish kebab of ox tenderloin and lamb mtsvadi with eggplant.

Georgian cuisine sauces

Sour, spicy, tart - Georgian sauces are abundantly added to almost all dishes, they are even eaten simply with bread.

The main ones are adjika, satsebeli, tkemali, bazhi.

They are all prepared according to the same principle - fruit juice or puree is boiled down by half, then nuts, spices and garlic are added. Fruit juices give a piquant sourness, which should not be confused with vinegar, herbs give aroma.

  • Satsebeli

Satsebeli is based on chicken broth, fruits and nuts, unripe grape juice, saffron, cilantro, pepper, garlic. Serve it both hot and cold, the sauce is perfect for chicken.

  • Tkemali

Plums, herbs and garlic are the basis of tkemali sauce, which is very good with fish and meat.

  • Adjika

Adjika is one of the most spicy and spicy spices in Georgian cuisine. It is prepared from herbs, salt, garlic and red pepper. It is curious that the red color of the sauce was obtained not due to tomatoes, but due to pepper. Tomatoes are not included in adjika.

  • Bazhi

The most democratic of this list is baji nut sauce, which is suitable for all dishes.


Of course, one cannot fail to pay tribute to Georgian desserts. They are always based on fruits, nuts, berries, natural juices and honey.

  • churchkhela

Churchkhela occupies the first place among them. In Georgia, they prefer the classic recipe - nuts, strung on a string and covered with thick grape juice. The secrets of a real churchkhela are passed down from generation to generation.

  • Gozinaki

An incredibly delicious dessert is also gozinaki made from nuts and honey, which are included in the list of national Georgian cuisine.

Georgia is multifaceted and hospitable. In its sunny villages pierced by the mountain wind, it is best to taste the wines produced by local winemakers. Until now, the Alazani Valley and Ambrolauri are famous for their famous brands of white and red wine.

It is unlikely that there will be a person, at least once, who has not heard about the Georgian national cuisine. Moreover, it is simply impossible to miss this amazing food. Having visited this country, it will be very difficult to try all the delicious dishes of Georgia, since their number is simply huge. In pursuit of tasting dishes, then you will have to spend your free time for a couple of months in the gym, as it will be simply impossible to stop. Caucasian cuisine is usually rich in herbs, nuts, spices and succulent meat cooked in various ways.

History of Georgian cuisine

There is an old legend. On the day of the creation of the world, God created various peoples and called them together to distribute the land. All peoples came, only Georgians were absent. He also distributed lands, but the Georgians never showed up. Then he decided to see what they were doing. And he saw that they drank wine all day long and ate various dishes and blessed him for these gifts. God liked this very much, and he gave the inhabitants of Georgia the land that he kept for himself. And the soils of this land were so fertile that very tasty apples, pears, grapes, pomegranates, peaches and many types of herbs later grew on it. It is these fruits and herbs that are now an indispensable part of the southern cuisine.

Georgian dishes

Everyone knows Georgian famous dishes that are found at every step. These are khachapuri, khinkali, lobio, chakhokhbili. As well as kharcho soup, tkemali and satsebeli sauces. Each dish has its own history and unique recipe. Not only second and first courses, but also pastries, dozens of types of sauces, cheeses and famous sweet desserts have become widespread. A wide range of Caucasian food is presented by cafes and restaurants. And if you are afraid to try Caucasian delicacies because of their sharpness and spice, then ask the chef to make them not so spicy. Chefs in good establishments always meet the needs of the client, and Georgian dishes can be served according to your preferences.

Features of national cuisine

Georgian cuisine has its own characteristics, like the cuisine of any other country. Fertile lands and warm and gentle sun make the harvest rich, and pastures full of juicy grass for livestock. The main difference between Georgian dishes is the perfect combination of meat, vegetables and a certain amount of spices and spices.

Also, unusual sauces are often used for cooking, the main composition of which is homemade vegetables and herbs. Sometimes sauces are prepared even from fruits: grapes, plums, cherry plums and even pomegranates. Spicy herbs are added to spice up and improve the taste.

Georgian cuisine recipes

Everyone can cook the most delicious dishes of Georgian cuisine. To do this, use the Internet to search. It will not be difficult to find Georgian cuisine recipes with photos at home. Any search engine will give you thousands of delicious recipes to choose from. Photos of finished dishes will give you an idea of ​​how the dish will look after cooking in the kitchen, and whether your family and friends will like the look. This is true in the case of baking. After all, not only the names and taste attract this or that pastry. It is very important how enticing and desirable the food looks in order to try it.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the culinary dishes of Georgian traditional cuisine, which look very temptingly tasty in the photo.

  • Bread shotis puri - cooked in large long ovens - tone, which are placed directly on the floor. Bread is eaten quickly because of its airiness and taste. It is prepared in the form of a cake about 30 cm long. It is especially tasty when served hot with cheese sprinkled on it.
  • - a classic bread cake made from dough with cheese inside, it is baked in almost every home.
  • Megrelian khachapuri - the difference is that the top of the cake is also sprinkled with cheese.
  • - the most delicious and appetizing look. The dough is prepared in the form of an open small boat, inside which is placed a piece of butter, cheese and an egg.
  • Penovani are the most popular khachapuri in Russia. They are a puff pastry with cheese inside.
  • Lobiani is a flour puff cake, the layers of which are smeared with cheese and butter. Very appetizing and hearty southern dish.
  • Kubdari is a delicious and hearty pie with meat or minced meat. And also traditional spicy spices and herbs are added in large quantities.

Such mouth-watering recipes of Georgian cuisine, especially if there are detailed photos, can be prepared by any housewife at home. It is convenient that the ingredients for cooking are very affordable and simple, purchased at any store.

Caucasian cuisine menu

The Georgian menu is very diverse. Meat, of which there is a lot, perfectly complements fresh and stewed vegetables. This tandem does not load the stomach as much as if you had to eat meat separately. Vegetable fiber promotes digestion and good bowel function. In addition to the main dishes, the menu of Georgian cuisine also includes sweet desserts, which are already loved by many fans of Caucasian food.

Georgian snickers or. Very tasty and hearty dessert. Walnuts, hazelnuts or dried fruits are threaded and poured with sweet syrup. The syrup is made from grape juice - badagi. The result is a long, slightly viscous candy.

The Georgian cuisine menu offers hundreds of dishes for every sophisticated gourmet. Everyone will find their favorite food in this variety.

Simple and delicious recipes

There are many different recipes on the internet. Including simple and delicious Georgian dishes with photos. A little patience and you will have tempting-smelling meatballs or poultry stew on your table. We suggest trying to cook a traditional Georgian dish called Kharcho. This hearty soup will please the meat lover and diversify your dining table. It is made with rice and fresh beef, nuts, lots of herbs and fresh vegetables. But the main highlight of this dish is its unique dressing. This puree made from tkemali gives the soup a special piquancy and brightness. It is served as the first and second course, as it is very thick, rich and satisfying.

Kharcho recipe from Georgian chefs

For cooking you will need:

  • beef tenderloin or ham - 400 gr.,
  • carrots, bell peppers and tomatoes - 2 pcs.,
  • potatoes - 3 pieces,
  • rice - 1 cup
  • onion 2-3 heads,
  • vegetable oil,
  • tkemali puree,
  • walnuts 100 gr.,
  • spices,
  • salt.

We cut and fry the meat in vegetable oil in a frying pan or saucepan. Then every 5 minutes we add alternately: onions, carrots, tomatoes, peppers. We stir constantly. Then reduce the heat and add rice, potatoes and water. Cook rice and potatoes until tender. Season tkemali puree, nuts, herbs, salt and leave for another 5-7 minutes. And now the fragrant Kharcho soup is ready. This is how a simple and tasty dish is prepared using recipes with photos. Try to include this almost festive dish in your menu and your loved ones will thank you.

First Georgian dishes

In addition to the popular Kharcho soup, other recipes for the first course of Georgian cuisine are also in demand. Recipes that are becoming more popular in Russia every year. These are the famous and famous Khashi and Chikhirtma. Try adding these soups to your menu or diet.

Chikhirtma is a light but very hearty soup. It is made from chicken meat, corn flour, eggs, spices and herbs. This soup is surprising in that it does not contain vegetable grounds and does not use potatoes or cereals. The soup is thickened directly with flour, and eggs are added. And so that they do not curl up and crumble, they are acidified with fresh lemon juice. For gourmets who are tired of heavy and fatty borscht, this soup can arrange a real holiday.

The main features of Hashi soup are in the very type of soup, which looks like diluted jelly. This, in fact, is a kind of broth that is cooked for about 9 hours from a beef leg. Usually, it is seasoned with fragrant garlic and fresh herbs. A lot of Georgians use it as a hangover remedy after long feasts. Sometimes some vegetables are added to the soup for taste, red pepper or pickles.

The first dishes of Georgian cuisine are served with herbs or sour cream. Or add chopped and fried eggplant. There are many options for diversifying delicious and healthy soups.

Second courses of Georgian cuisine

Which Georgian does not like meat. The most famous Georgian dishes are prepared using meat. You can look at any Georgian table - it is literally bursting with meat snacks and dishes. The history of Georgian cuisine has more than one millennium, and some main courses have become traditional not only in the Caucasus, but already throughout the mainland.

We list the second dishes that are familiar to Georgians:

So quickly and without using expensive products, an almost festive second course of Georgian cuisine is prepared.

“For the piquancy of satsivi, you can add homemade pickles: tomatoes, lecho or marinades.

Hot Georgian dishes

In a cold long winter, you always want something meaty and indispensable hot. Georgian cuisine is replete with such recipes. On them you can set the table for the holiday. And you can cook for every day and your food will become more diverse.

  • description of cooking according to the advice of Georgian chefs:
    • we cut the chicken, wash and dry it,
    • after browning in a pan on both sides, without oil,
    • cut the onion and pepper into strips,
    • fry the onion and lightly simmer the pepper, add everything to the meat,
    • remove the skin from the tomato, cut and add to the meat,
    • simmer covered for 35-45 minutes
    • add herbs and seasonings, salt and leave for another 5 minutes.
    • chakhokhbili ready

    Chakhokhbili is served with beans, boiled potatoes or rice.

    “To thicken chakhokhbili, add flour sauce made from flour and sunflower oil”

    The best Georgian hot dishes are widely used in Russian cuisines. In addition to chakhokhbili, housewives prefer to cook many more dishes. And unusual chakapuli, and a very high-calorie borano, and mtsvadi - a kind of barbecue.

    Georgian snacks

    Culinary is also rich in various snacks. They are prepared from products that they grow themselves: vegetables, legumes, spices, nuts and dairy products.

    Popular snacks:

    Another popular Georgian delicacy is called Kaimagi. It resembles yogurt or sour cream, has a peculiar, very bright and rich taste. Made from dairy products and served with tortillas and cheese. This dish is not only tasty, but also healthy.

    One of the most common snacks -. They are prepared from vegetables of a huge number of herbs and a dozen seasonings. Very often fresh tomatoes, bean pods and crispy green peppers are used.

    Now it is difficult to find an original recipe from Georgian chefs, since they have all undergone numerous changes. Everyone changes the recipe in the direction of their taste preferences. If you want to try real Georgian food, then be sure to visit this wonderful country. There you will not be able to try every national dish, but you will definitely taste the most popular ones. It is better to try traditional dishes in their homeland and where it is prepared, following the original recipe.

    If it is not possible for you to visit Georgia, then look for a real Georgian restaurant or cafe in your city. Be sure to make sure that the dishes are prepared according to original recipes, and that they are prepared by Georgians. Only in this way you will truly enjoy the whole exquisite range of tastes of the original Georgian cuisine.

    Apart from this or that, each country is famous for its special, a cuisine unlike any other, which she is proud of, appreciates, loves and would not exchange for anything in the world. So here it is Georgian cuisine is a symbiosis of goodies: successfully combined meat and vegetables, seasoned with a huge amount of variety of spices.

    And what are here appetizing and satisfying flour products and sweets, and sauces, and cheeses! In general, we will not torment you for a long time and will try not only to unite, but also to describe everything the most delicious national dishes Georgian cuisine.

    Georgian cuisine dishes

    Just to Georgia it's impossible not to fall in love. Everyone who comes here once wants to visit this place at least once more. hospitable and tasty country. Men will be delighted meat dishes, and women and children will appreciate the rich selection Georgian sweets. And even if you are hardened vegetarian, dishes from various vegetables will undoubtedly fall in love with you rich taste and unusual presentation.

    “Here you can safely forget about your diet and just enjoy delicious food,” our new colorful acquaintance about. It is difficult to imagine a better statement about the cuisine of this country. After all, almost all tourists cannot refuse such delicious meals and put on a few extra pounds.


    Snacks in Georgia are presented a wide selection of dishes. This includes variety of vegetable salads or plants with seasonings, both raw, stewed, boiled, fried and baked, as well as salted and even pickled. By choosing a certain sauce for them, you can try to create your unique snack right on the spot (if you prefer to cook and eat at home).

    most popular enjoy the following dishes:

    • Badrijani(fried eggplants with nuts) - in Georgia, a lot of goodies are cooked with eggplants. They can be pre-fried, and then rolled up, stuffed with walnuts; cook stew in combination with other vegetables or serve in fried and stewed form. Fans of blue ones will definitely like any of the listed options for dishes.

      Frankly speaking, we did not like the fried eggplants. Maybe they were not cooked very well, or we expected too much from this dish.

    • Lobio(beans) - is a fairly popular product in Georgia. Various variations of dishes are possible from all types of beans that grow in the country. But the most popular is the dish of the same name - lobio, cooked in a small clay pot. The composition of this dish, in addition to beans, necessarily includes dry red pepper and herbs.
    • pkhali- in fact, this is an appetizer of boiled vegetables, spices and herbs, decorated with pomegranate seeds. Most often made on the basis of spinach or eggplant.
    • Kaimagi- a prototype of sour cream familiar to us, but with its bright taste and consistency close to thick cream. It is made from dairy products and is not only tasty, but also healthy food. Georgians themselves use kaimagi with cornmeal cakes and cheese.
    • Pickles- decoration of any Georgian table. They are prepared from almost any available vegetables and even from plant inflorescences (for jonjoli they use the buds of the Colchis cleaver, a small tree that grows only in the Caucasus, collected in the spring). Pickles from bean pods, green pepper and tomato are especially held in high esteem.
    • Mushrooms on ketsi- champignons fried in a special clay pan seasoned with pepper. The dish is brought in the same vessel in which it is cooked. In addition to mushrooms, the menu usually also includes suluguni cheese on ketsi.
    • Kuchmachi- a tasty, albeit rather spicy offal dish. The most commonly used chicken heart and liver, but sometimes veal. Garnished with pomegranate seeds and fried onions.

    First meal

    According to the choice of first courses in Georgia, travelers will have, though small, but very tasty variety. Even though in each region the soup is prepared and served a little differently, we are sure that everyone will choose the most worthy option for themselves.

    By the way, in the first dishes do not add vegetables, so you can not look for the usual potatoes or carrots. Soup still works thick, but by adding eggs or flour-based sauces to it. The first course is served hot.

    • Chikhirtma A hearty soup usually made from chicken meat, cornmeal, eggs, herbs and spices. Eggs in the dish dissolve completely without curdling due to their oxidation with a small amount of citric acid.
    • Kharcho- a thick beef soup with rice, spices, herbs, garlic and tkemali (dried plums). Sometimes kharcho is made from pork or lamb, but beef is still considered traditional meat. Often the soup is served very spicy.
    • Khashi- a rich soup, in texture reminiscent of diluted jelly. Cooked for quite a long time (about 8 hours) from beef leg and offal. Khashi served with garlic and herbs. Favorite hangover cure.

    Second courses (main)

    Because Georgia is basically "meat country", fish dishes are not often found in restaurants and cannot be attributed to the national cuisine.

    Let's list main or second dishes, familiar to Georgians:

    • Ojakhuri- potatoes cooked and served on a ketsi (frying pan) with meat, herbs and spices. Very beautiful, tasty and hearty dish.
    • Khinkali- the most famous dish in the world. Outwardly and to taste they resemble huge dumplings with a tail, sprinkled with black pepper. The filling is the most diverse: from meat to vegetable. They eat khinkali with their hands, holding the tail. First, they bite and drink the juice, and then directly proceed to the meal.
    • Borano- a very high-calorie dish consisting of Adjarian cheese, butter, corn flour and eggs. It has an unusual taste.
    • Mtsvadi(barbecue) - prepared from various types of meat. Usually tenderloin is not pre-soaked.
    • Satsivi- chicken stew in tandem with walnuts, sauce and spices.
    • chicken tobacco- chicken cooked under oppression (tapaka). Served with garlic and spices.
    • Chakhokhbili- stewed meat stew. Most often prepared from pieces of chicken with garlic, herbs and seasonings.
    • Ostry or chashushuli - a veal or beef dish. Prepared with tomatoes, herbs and garlic. Often very sharp.
    • Kupaty- delicious sausages, essentially reminiscent of our usual homemade sausage. First they are boiled (literally 1 minute), and then fried in a pan or coals.
    • Chanakhi- a hearty dish consisting of stewed meat with vegetables. It is prepared in a clay pot.
    • Chakapuli- young meat stewed in spices and herbs. Lamb is usually used.
    • Chkmeruli- tender chicken with creamy garlic sauce, cooked on ketsi.
    • Gomi- delicious corn porridge of a homogeneous consistency with melted suluguni cheese.
    • Fried trout in pomegranate sauce- the sourness of the sauce gives a piquant taste to this dish.


    Sauces in Georgia are very tasty and interesting. They like to add in many dishes for saturation. And many tourists, having tasted and fallen in love with a certain sauce, even go home with a bottle of newly made goodies.

    Main of them:

    • Bage- the king of all sauces. It is the bage that is served on the festive tables by the Georgians, bringing it to the consistency of sour cream. Prepare the sauce from a mixture of walnuts, spices and garlic. Ideal for meat and fish dishes.
    • Adjika A very spicy sauce that uses red peppers, spices and garlic. The composition of the real Georgian adjika never included tomatoes.
    • Tkemali A sour and spicy sauce that goes well with just about anything. It is prepared from plums of the same name tkemali (cherry plum), various spices, herbs and garlic.
    • Satsebeli- a delicious sweet and sour sauce, reminiscent of the usual ketchup. It consists of: tomatoes, sweet peppers and spices. Suitable for almost all dishes, especially meat and fish.

    Flour dishes (baking)

    Many tourists have Georgia is associated with barbecue, spicy spices, various sauces, wine. And only when you get here, you understand - real queen country is rightfully bakery. Delicious and fragrant khachapuri, hearty bread, pies with a variety of fillings ... All this becomes integral part Georgia, winning the worldwide love of travelers.

    As one Georgian told us, a family of 4 people can eat 5 or even 6 such shotis puri (bread) per day.

    Most Popular flour dishes:

    • Shotis puri(bread) - very tasty, eaten quickly and imperceptibly. Sold in the form of a long flat cake with a round "pancake" in the center. It is baked in special large outdoor ovens - tone. The most appetizing in the form of heat with the addition of cheese.
    • Mchadi- small unleavened cakes made from cornmeal. The locals love to eat them with cheese.
    • Imeritinsky khachapuri- a round pancake with cheese inside.
    • Megrelian khachapuri- differs from Imeritinsky by the presence of cheese on top of the cake.
    • Adjarian khachapuri- the most beautiful and appetizing. Served in the form of an open boat, with cheese, egg and a piece of butter inside.
    • Khachapuri on a spit- khachapuri with cheese, which is cooked and served on a skewer.
    • Royal khachapuri- a huge khachapuri with cheese, not only inside, but also outside.
    • Penovani- the most popular type of khachapuri. It looks and tastes like a cheese puff.
    • Achma- hearty dish. In fact - the same puff, but made from boiled layers of dough, which are smeared with butter and cheese.
    • Lobiani- baked bean pie. Usually quite spicy.
    • Kubdari- a pie with meat, with the addition of hot spices.
    • Gurian pies- an unusual dish resembling a bagel. An egg and cheese are placed inside.

    Read our separate article.


    Cheese in the country quite a bit of, and the most varied. All of them differ in taste, texture and cooking process. To the most popular worth considering:

    • Imeretinsky- it is customary to cook khachapuri from it. Delicious on its own or in a variety of dishes. Refers to slightly salted species.
    • Suluguni- salty cheese, which is considered pickled. It has a few eyes and an elastic consistency.
    • Nadugi- cottage cheese mass with an incredibly delicate creamy taste. Often served in a thin suluguni envelope.


    How not to remember Georgian desserts? Even those who are not very fond of sweets will find here something to pamper and surprise themselves.

    • churchkhela- walnuts or hazelnuts strung on a thread, generously doused with a mixture cooked from grapes, sugar, wheat and corn flour. There are different types and colors depending on the grape variety. Always a very tasty, sweet and unusual dessert.
    • Gozinaki(kozinaki) - pieces of walnuts fried in honey.
    • Pelamushi- made from grape juice and cornmeal. Serve chilled and sprinkled with nuts.
    • Baklava- a complex and painstaking dessert. Prepared from thin layers of dough, which are smeared with sweet syrup and nuts.
    • Nazuki- big delicious bread with honey and raisins.
    • Tklapi- sweet and sour dessert, in fact - marshmallow, which is dried in the sun.

    If you are afraid to go to because of the specific sharpness and spice of the dishes, we assure you: here you can find perfectly normal food(In extreme cases, make your own). In addition, cafes and restaurants often listen to the wishes of customers, make food less spicy or do not throw any seasonings. In popular tourist places, they obviously cook what travelers are more accustomed to ( without spiciness and fat). By the way, a huge amount of greenery in almost any dish - this is the norm for Georgia.

    Trying all the national dishes of the country, at one time visiting it, is quite difficult and almost unrealistic. Don't order too many dishes if there are only two of you. After all, portions in Georgia are really huge.

    We advise you to pay attention, first of all, on flour. Of the brightest that we tried, we will separately highlight adjarian khachapuri. It's easy and delicious can serve as breakfast for two. Worth the pleasure 6 lari GEORGIAN LAR RATE:
    6 lari = 1.99 euros;
    6 lari = 2.28 dollars;
    6 lari = 151.32 rubles;
    6 lari = 63.84 hryvnia;
    6 lari = 5.1 Belarusian rubles.
    . We tried the most delicious Adjarian khachapuri in Batumi, in the restaurants "Retro" and "Cerodena".

    And this is how the most expensive kebab in Georgia looked like for us. Not only did he have to wait a very long time, he was also tough and burnt.

    If you came to Georgia to enjoy local barbecue you will most likely be upset. Due to the fact that meat is usually not pre-soaked, it turns out dry and a little hard.

    We tried many different kebabs, and concluded for ourselves - the most delicious turned out to be pork from the cafe "Dukansky Caucasus" on the highway to Passanauri (on). If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to go on an excursion, try pork kebab in Batumi at the Sachashnike restaurant or in Tbilisi at the Mravalzhamieri restaurant.

    Of the soups, the most delicious was chicken(chihirtma). At first, however, it was a little strange and unusual to eat soup without vegetables. The most delicious chikhirtma was served in 5 lari GEORGIAN LAR RATE:
    5 lari = 1.66 euros;
    5 lari = 1.9 dollars;
    5 lari = 126.1 rubles;
    5 lari = 53.2 hryvnia;
    5 lari = 4.25 Belarusian rubles.
    Rates and prices may not be accurate.. Huge portion enough for two. It is best to try chikhirtma in the Tbilisi restaurants "Mravalzhamieri" or "Maspindzelo", and in Batumi in the restaurant "Bremen".

    Khinkali frankly speaking to us didn't like. Either we didn’t eat them there (not in the “khinkal houses”), or this dish simply wasn’t ours. By the way, despite the fact that khinkali are considered large dumplings, in any cafe or restaurant you can choose them with: vegetable, cheese, cottage cheese, potato, etc. fillings. Their cost starts from 0.45 GEL GEORGIAN LAR RATE:
    0.45 lari = 0.15 euro;
    0.45 lari = 0.17 dollars;
    0.45 lari = 11.35 rubles;
    0.45 lari = 4.79 hryvnia;
    0.45 lari = 0.38 Belarusian rubles.
    Rates and prices may not be accurate. per piece, but less than 5 orders are usually not accepted. If you want to try really tasty khinkali - go to. Almost the only place where we ate normal meat khinkali is the village of Pasanauri.

    But what we really liked was this ojahuri. We ordered it often and in different places. He was almost everywhere perfectly delicious, with juicy pieces of meat. Serving prices start at 7 lari GEORGIAN LAR RATE:
    7 lari = 2.32 euros;
    7 lari = 2.66 dollars;
    7 lari = 176.54 rubles;
    7 lari = 74.48 hryvnia;
    7 lari = 5.95 Belarusian rubles.
    Rates and prices may not be accurate..

    Imeretian cheese, as we noticed, are very fond of not only tourists, but also the Georgians themselves. We recommend that you try it too. Personally, we took this cheese and it turned out to be quite salty. As the owner of the apartment in which we lived later said, in fact, it can be different. We treated ourselves to almost unsalted Imereti cheese at her place.

    We definitely recommend trying churchkhela(from 2 lari GEORGIAN LAR RATE:
    2 lari = 0.66 euros;
    2 lari = 0.76 dollars;
    2 lari = 50.44 rubles;
    2 lari = 21.28 hryvnia;
    2 lari = 1.7 Belarusian rubles.
    Rates and prices may not be accurate.). This unusual delicacy is absolutely does not look like to something that can sometimes be found on the shelves of stores in post-Soviet countries. Churchkhela in Georgia popular dessert, which is eaten by both adults and children. The most delicious is sold in Batumi in a specialized store, "Badagi". In addition to churchkhela, there are beautiful ones that are well suited as a present.

    And finally: if you want to taste real Georgian food, look for places visited by Georgians themselves.

    No, friends, we are not turning into a culinary site. The thing is that when talking about Georgia, it is simply impossible to bypass the topic of food or touch it superficially: the food here is so amazing that it is worth coming here just to eat.

    This is another article about Georgian cuisine, this time - as many as 30 dishes that you must try. Read, take note and be sure to come try.

    1. Puri

    No wonder they say that bread is the head of everything. Georgian cuisine begins with bread, bread is special here and is one of the main components of the diet. Puri is the most recognizable pastry in Georgia due to its shape - this bread cannot be confused with anything.

    Georgians bake bread in traditional clay ovens called tone. The fire burns at the bottom of the oven and heats its walls, on which the Georgian baker “slaps” the cakes so that they are attached and baked in a vertical state.

    2. Khachapuri

    Georgian cheese bread or tortilla with cheese is another important part of Georgian cuisine. There are several versions of khachapuri preparation, which depend on the region. Everything you need to try:

    Imeretinsky - round with cheese inside.

    Megrelian - similar to Imereti, but contains cheese and butter not only inside, but also outside.

    Adjarian - boat-shaped khachapuri containing cheese, egg and butter.

    Khachapuri on a skewer - cheese and dough are wound on a skewer and cooked on a barbecue.

    3. Science

    - This is Georgian spicy bread, which can be tasted far from everywhere. It is also baked in tone, but is interesting in that it has the aroma of cloves, cinnamon and contains raisins. This pastry is typical for the city of Surami. There are many small roadside bakeries where you can buy science hot right out of the oven.

    4. Chvishtari

    Chvishtari are Georgian cornbread. They come from Svaneti. Inside chvishtari - cheese, served with sauce.

    5. Suluguni

    Georgian cheese similar in texture to mozzarella. It is salty, viscous, divided into "strings". It is eaten just like that or added to various dishes (for example, khachapuri).

    6. Nadugi

    This is an original Georgian appetizer, consisting of fresh cottage cheese with a delicate creamy taste, wrapped in thin suluguni cheese.

    7. Jonjoli

    A traditional Georgian appetizer, plain in appearance, but very interesting in taste. These are pickled flowers. Slightly reminiscent of sauerkraut and salted olives.

    8. Salad

    The word "salad" in the menu of Georgian cafes often refers to a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes. Additional ingredients and dressing may vary by establishment. The photo shows a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with onions and walnuts. It also turns out very tasty with Kakhetian oil.

    9. Georgian chicken salad

    Another salad that often appears on the menu of most establishments is listed as qatmis salati. It is a simple chicken salad with onions, mayonnaise and spices.

    10. Olivier or Russian potato salad

    Olivier is considered a traditional dish of Russian cuisine here. This salad is quite popular, it is served almost everywhere. But this is not quite familiar to us Olivier. Here it is cooked without sausage. And often confused with vinaigrette - ask the waiter what exactly is called Olivier in the institution.

    11. Badrijani

    One of the most favorite snacks of tourists is eggplant rolls. The filling can be very varied, but always contains cheese and walnuts.

    12. Phali

    Pkhali is an original appetizer in the form of flatbreads, the main ingredient can be almost any vegetable or herb, the most popular are beets and spinach. It is served as a side dish for meat dishes, as an independent dish, as an appetizer.

    13. Dolma

    This is an appetizer in the form of a rice-meat mass wrapped in a cabbage or grape leaf. In Georgia, it is traditionally served with yoghurt garlic sauce. Strictly speaking, this is a dish of Armenian cuisine, but in Georgia they love dolma and know how to cook it.

    14. Khinkali

    This is boiled meat in dough, reminiscent of dumplings. You need to eat only with your hands, holding them by the ponytails. In each region, they are prepared differently and with different fillings. In Tbilisi, we recommend trying the city recipe with meat and herbs. If you are traveling along the Georgian military road, stop in the village of Pasanauri. It is considered the birthplace of khinkali and here they are excellent.

    15. Chikhirtma

    Unusual chicken soup, which includes meat, herbs, egg, flour and vinegar. From the habit it may seem a little sour due to vinegar, but in general the taste of the broth is rich and harmonious. If you went too far with wine yesterday, chikhirtma will be your salvation.

    16. Mtsvadi

    Served with plum sauce tkemali or tomato satsebeli. As a rule, the meat is cooked without marinade at all, but generously flavored with onions and pomegranate seeds.

    17. Fried potatoes

    A classic side dish that can be ordered everywhere is fried potatoes served with tkemali sauce.

    18. Lobio

    A dish of beans with onions and herbs. Depending on the institution, it may differ slightly both in composition and in consistency. Served most often in a small clay pot. Try drowning a pod of hot pepper in a pot and popping lobio along with mchadi (corn tortilla).

    19. Chashushuli

    A traditional Georgian dish is veal stewed with onions and peppers.

    20. Chakapuli

    Again, meat stewed with herbs and spices. Lamb is used as meat, sour plums, cilantro, tarragon, white wine are used as additives.

    21. Kharcho

    Traditional Georgian first course with beef, can be served with or without rice. There are also vegetarian versions of kharcho with eggplant, zucchini, walnuts. Be careful - kharcho is always a very spicy dish.

    22. Trout in pomegranate sauce

    Trout is fried whole until crispy, served in sweet or salty pomegranate sauce.

    23. Matsoni

    This is Georgian yogurt. It has a pleasant delicate taste, served at room temperature. Also widely used in sauces and dressings.

    24. Churchkhela

    This is a dessert in the form of a string of nuts in thick caramelized grape syrup. It is sold on every corner, but do not buy churchkhela on the street - there it has dried up, absorbed all the delights of road dust. Buy in stores. The correct churchkhela is not hard, but stretchy, like nougat.

    25. Chiri

    Chiri is dried persimmon. Such a delicacy can be found in the same shops where they sell churchkhela. Sliced ​​persimmons are strung on threads and hung until completely dry for several weeks.

    26. Borjomi

    This is a popular mineral water not only in Georgia, but also far beyond its borders, which is extracted from the source of the same name. You can buy it in any store and cafe, as well as drink directly from the source if you find yourself in Borjomi.

    27. Lemonade

    If Georgians do not drink Borjomi, wine or beer, then they drink lemonade. There are many variations of lemonade here, it can be different in taste and color.

    28. Waters of Lagidze

    This is sparkling water with syrups that awakens warm nostalgia in tourists. There are many flavors: cherry, cream, lemon, pear, tarragon, grapes, vanilla and even chocolate.

    29. Traditional wine

    Namely, made in kvevri (large clay jugs buried in the ground) according to the traditional recipe, as the ancestors did eight thousand years ago. You will not taste such wine in any other country in the world, so take a moment - taste Georgian wines and take them home.

    30. Chacha

    Traditional grape vodka, which is made from the remains of wine materials. Try chacha if you like hard liquor. The main thing is to calculate your strength and do not interfere with other alcohol.

    This list is far from complete, there are many more delicious dishes in Georgian cuisine. When you find yourself in Georgia, eat everything and more - it is better to gain a couple of extra pounds than to regret the missed opportunity to know one of the most amazing cuisines in the world.

    By Katherine Belarmino and Romeo Belarmino.

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    Fish dishes occupy a huge niche in the gastronomic world. Fish is used in the preparation of a large number of tasty and healthy dishes: first of all, independent second, then - soups and meatballs, snacks, pastries, salads and even dumplings. Depending on whether the fish is oceanic, marine or freshwater, fish dishes differ in shades of tastes and smells. You can cook it in different ways: fry in a pan, boil, bake in the oven, grill, salt or eat raw. Minced meat is rolled from fish and put into pies and casseroles as a filling. Asian cuisine is famous for its fish dishes, especially fish salads, which often feature raw fish. Marinated in vinegar and spices, it becomes tender and pleasant to eat. In addition, such fish is easily digestible and suitable for those who count calories. A great culinary skill is the ability to fry a marine life with a crispy crust: it does not take much time to bring the fish to readiness, and high temperature is necessary for the formation of the crust, so only those who often experiment with types of fish cooking can achieve the perfect balance. Prepare easily tasty carpaccio and timbale from fish, namely salmon, salmon and tuna, herring is the key ingredient of the most popular New Year's salad, and, for example, pollock in batter remains equally tasty both hot and already cooled down.

    Georgian cuisine is one of the richest cuisines in the world. Despite the influence of European traditions and the traditions of the peoples of the Middle East, it is incredibly original, and many dishes in it are unique. In Georgian cuisine, meat and vegetables are especially tasty. For example, the national Georgian spicy soup kharcho has long been cooked in many countries, and according to the recipes on the website, it is easy to cook it at home using beef broth, rice and, if desired, walnuts. The cuisine of western Georgia is famous for homemade cornmeal and chumiza cakes, which are equally well suited to soups, main courses and snacks. Along with beef, lamb and poultry are eaten here. The country is famous for its dishes of beans, young nettles, spinach leaves and beets. An important place in Georgian cuisine is occupied by sauces and seasonings. The most famous of them are satsivi, satsebeli and tkemali. Georgia is also known for its sweets. For example, a dish of pelamushi, gozinakami and churchkhela, which is traditionally eaten with strong alcohol.

    Search for recipes by selecting a dish category, subcategory, cuisine or menu. And in additional filters, you can search by the desired (or unnecessary) ingredient: just start writing its name and the site will select the appropriate one.