The latte effect, or how to fulfill a dream in a crisis. Physicists have studied the layering of coffee and milk in a latte

latte effect- a financial idea showing that meager regular savings can form multimillion-dollar investment assets.

This concept was coined by economist David Bach.

Many people are sure that they do not have the funds to form a reserve and, moreover, investment capital. However, almost all of these people regularly make unnecessary expenses, such as buying expensive coffee from the coffee machines in their office.

Many office buildings in Krasnoyarsk have coffee machines where you can buy coffee, tea and chocolate of various types in a small cup. As of 2018, such a pleasure costs 30-40 rubles.

If a person refuses these optional expenses and will save 33 rubles daily, then in 1 month (30 days) he will accumulate 990 rubles. For convenience, we round this figure to 1 000 rubles.

A logical question arises: how can 1,000 rubles a month significantly improve the financial situation?

Let's consider the option of investing this money for a funded pension. Suppose that our hero started saving and investing money in a funded pension at the age of 20 and finished with retirement at 60. Total: 40 years small monthly investment.

With monthly transfers to a pension fund (non-state, of course) 1,000 ₽ per year, 12,000 ₽ comes out.

The average return on a good non-state pension fund is 10%.

Latte art: the art of delighting a guest

Latte art, cappuccino art, macchiato art - all these definitions mean the same thing: an easy way to surprise and delight a guest of a coffee shop or restaurant with a drawing on coffee.

Pitching - milk management

There are several techniques for creating a pattern on coffee foam. The base is pitching, which is also called the art of milk management. The barista injects milk into the espresso in a certain way with the help of a special pitcher, thereby forming the desired pattern. The quality of the image depends on the ability of the painter to control the hand. The difficulty of pitching lies in the fact that it is impossible to stop the flow of milk. It takes many baristas more than one month to fill their hand. Pitching allows you to create one of three classic patterns: rosette, heart or apple. Pitching masters complicate the task by combining 2 different patterns in one cup, for example, a rosette with a heart, or by placing 3 small patterns in one cup. The world record today is 7 rosettes in a 150 ml cup of cappuccino. The ability to draw blindly is considered aerobatics: the last world championship in latte art was won by Australian Scotty Kalagan, who designed 6 cups with an identical pattern, drawing behind his back.

There are several conditions for obtaining high-quality cappuccino with elements of latte art, - saysSergey Ryzhkov, Senior Training Manager, Coffee House. - So, first you need to whip the milk correctly: if you whip the foam poorly, the quality of the cappuccino will not meet the requirements for a drink. In no case should a wet pitcher be used, as water affects the structure of milk: the foam becomes loose and the pattern is fuzzy. The optimal volume of the pitcher for drawing in a standard cup (150 ml) -0.35 l . The correct model has an extended bottom, a narrowed top and a straight long narrow spout. The pitcher's handle must not slip in the hand. I recommend that the barista work with a thick stream of milk (otherwise the thickness of the foam decreases), keep the milk jug as close to the cup as possible and actively work with the hand when creating the pattern. To feel the pitcher well, the hand must be relaxed.

Etching - variety of drawings

The second technique - etching - is the simplest: the pattern is made on the surface of the cappuccino foam using any pointed object. Etching provides limitless possibilities for the realization of the creative ideas of the barista.

A barista can purchase a specialized metal etching tool, which is quite expensive, saysRoman Kantola, trainer-barista of the St. Petersburg Institute of Coffee and Tea . - Many people prefer to use simpler analogues: toothpicks, wooden sticks or skewers. If a wooden instrument is chosen, it must be thoroughly wiped after each use, as the cream clogs into the pores. You can also paint with a brush, although this option has obvious disadvantages: the brush must be thoroughly rinsed so that mold does not form on the fibers. In addition, during the creation of the picture, she tends to cling to the foam a little.

You can add colors to the coffee pattern using toppings: cinnamon, grated chocolate, caramel, fruit syrups, food colors. The theme of color drawing on coffee is constantly evolving. So, the Italian Massimo Venturo several years ago patented multi-colored dyes based on flower pollen.

In my opinion, it is best to use caramel or chocolate syrup: they have a dense texture and are highly elastic, says Roman Cantola. - Fruit syrups are more liquid and less elastic. When etching, they break through the foam, which means that the pattern is fuzzy and torn.

The third technique for creating a picture on coffee - multiart - is, in fact, a combination of etching and pitching. The classic pattern, obtained by pouring milk into espresso, is then refined or supplemented with a sharp instrument. For example, next to the rosette, you can write a short congratulation or wish.

A new coffee pattern is born on paper or already in the process of working with milk and espresso. Ideally, every barista who is serious about latte art should have their own set of drawings. Professionals draw new ideas by looking at professional websites, video courses, watching the work of colleagues at competitions.

A good barista should be a psychologist, so that when he sees a client, he will understand whether he needs to serve coffee with a pattern, and if so, with which one, Roman Cantola notes. - Otherwise, unpleasant incidents are possible. For example, in one St. Petersburg institution, such a case took place: a young man and a girl ordered cappuccino and espresso, while the waiter did not specify which drink to whom. The barista, deciding that, as usual, he was preparing a cappuccino for a girl, drew a few hearts. In fact, it was the order of her companion, and when they brought him coffee with a picture, it caused bewilderment.

In the establishments of the Coffee House network, we practice serving cappuccino with elements of latte art, - says Sergey Ryzhkov. - Each barista in the process of learning masters the technique of pitching and must be able to perform classic drawings: rosette, heart and apple. To control quality within the company, a competition for the best cappuccino is regularly held. The assessment of the drink is carried out both by representatives of the company's management and specially invited people. They pay attention to the pattern, the quality of the foam, the taste of the cappuccino. Each barista is evaluated at least 3 times to compare results. According to the results of the competition, a person can be demoted or promoted in a category.

Art or business?

In Russian coffee houses, serving coffee with a pattern can be seen infrequently. In those establishments where this is practiced, the artistic value of a cup of coffee, as a rule, does not increase its value. At the same time, in Europe, unlike Russia, they have already learned how to make money on latte art. For example, in Denmark there is a small coffee shop where connoisseurs of artistic creativity on coffee foam are ready to pay about 60 euros for a cup of cappuccino with a pattern.

The Russian client is not yet ready to overpay for latte art, Roman Kantola is sure. - The increase in the cost of coffee can be perceived negatively - as an unreasonable attempt to squeeze out extra money. At the same time, no one canceled the tip, especially when it comes to a contact bar, where the barista makes a drawing in front of the client. I think that when our client learns to appreciate the quality of coffee, and baristas with a name will come to them, as they already go to famous bartenders, restaurateurs will be able to earn more, including on the art of coffee drawing.

I am sure that you should not try to sell latte art, - says Sergey Ryzhkov. - If the guest, having paid extra money, does not receive a quality drawing, a conflict may arise. On the other hand, the customer has to pay for a quality and tasty cappuccino. As for latte art, this is art: you put a piece of your soul into every cup with a picture. If I come to work in a bad mood, the drawings, no matter how much I would like, will not work. At the same time, the psychological effect of latte art is important: it is like a complement, a gift to a guest. Therefore, I strongly advise you to introduce drawing on coffee, especially in the practice of single coffee shops.

It is difficult to find someone who would not be impressed by the carefree, secure life of a rentier - a person who receives income from interest on deposits. And if before the crisis, many managed to save at least something for the future, now financial problems do not allow monthly even a small amount to be invested in a bank deposit account.

Latte effect: are there any reserves?

Is it really so bad and there is no way to find reserves? It's time to remember the famous latte effect. This term characterizes the actions of people who are forced to save in times of economic hardship. Before the crisis in the United States, it was customary to drink a cup of latte with colleagues during lunch - its cost was $ 8. When the first wave of the economic crisis began in 2008, the incomes of the middle class fell sharply, many could no longer save. That's when the theory appeared, which later received the bright name "Latte Effect". In short, its essence is to optimize your costs by reducing unnecessary expenses - conditionally that very notorious cup of latte for $ 8.

Masha has been dreaming of a vacation in Montenegro for several years, but every time when the time for a legal vacation comes, she does not pack her bags to go to the country of her dreams, but moves to her mother's dacha. Why does the dream remain unfulfilled? Because she does not know how or does not want to save regularly. The girl lives today and now, not thinking about what will happen tomorrow. This is also a position worthy of respect. As well as the choice of those who apply the latte effect to achieve the realization of their desire, for which he cannot find money due to limited budgets.

Let's see what the latte effect is. Roughly speaking, this is the rejection of some daily, not too necessary expenses. For example, you are used to dropping into a cafe every day after work with an employee and drinking a cup of coffee. Or go to a beauty salon every week and get a manicure - after all, you work for people, and you need to make your hands look well-groomed. But objectively, it is quite possible to save on these expenses. Nothing will happen if you exchange a few words with a friend not in a cafe, but after walking to the subway on foot. In the case of manicure - learn how to do it yourself.

And what is the benefit of giving up pleasure?

Let's do some simple arithmetic. A cup of espresso (60 ml) in a mid-range Moscow cafe costs 180 rubles. Regular classic manicure - 600 rubles.

It turns out that at least 900 rubles are spent on coffee every week, plus 600 rubles for a manicure, the total amount is 1,500 rubles a week. A month is 6,000 rubles, for a year - 72,000 rubles. The saved money is quite enough to make Masha's dream come true - to rest for a week in Montenegro. And for this you just need to give up a cup of coffee and a visit to the manicurist. Agree that for the sake of a dream, you can easily put up with such sacrifices and at the same time not feel deprived at all. And how many of these unnecessary expenses do you make daily? Just count - chocolates and ice cream, travel by transport of two stops, which can be easily walked.

And if this money is not spent on buying things and traveling, but is it profitable to invest at interest? In this case, the profit increases even more. The main thing is to find a bank or other financial institution that will offer decent interest. Now interest rates in banks on deposit accounts, unfortunately, are not very impressive. But in any case, it is better to get at least a small, but income, than to save money under the mattress while waiting for X hour.

Everyone decides for himself how he feels more comfortable: to continue to shed tears for unfulfilled dreams, or to refuse a cup of coffee for the sake of their realization.

Many eyes are on how they can improve their financial situation and compensate for losses during the crisis by saving on small things. Which, if you count, turn out to be not trifles at all, and quite a round amount accumulates in a month (especially if in the prices of Moscow coffee houses, and if there is a habit of not looking at these prices), which could be disposed of in a more sensible way. Message is transparent, and quite consistent with the current crisis worldview.

And what surprised me was that for me the "cappuccino factor" is completely the opposite, that I have completely different, directly opposite logic and values ​​behind them. I only call it for myself "the latte factor". Latte is somehow closer to me, there is more foam :) Its effect is very persistent. I haven't been to work for nine months now. To be honest, during pregnancy it was scary to think about it, it seemed that I would climb the wall from sitting at home, on the eve of the birth I was still working, but it turned out that this could be quite harmonious and entertaining. That is, many other, non-working, but no less exciting processes are found that occupy you without a trace. And perhaps I miss only two things. One of them is the feeling that what you are doing makes sense. (And the crisis is felt at least by the fact that those business tasks that I solved are simply not there now). And the second is the same cup of latte with colleagues in the morning, in a cafe on the first floor of the business center. Not earlier than in the morning, somewhere between eleven and twelve, the mail was already sorted out, urgent matters were done and calls were made, the Central Control was distributed. Before the bustle of lunch, the cafe is still quiet, and if you're lucky, the sun, thinned by curtains, falls on the tables. It is important to be in time before twelve, while the special offer "breakfast" is valid. Special price for coffee and everything you want in the morning: super-diet oatmeal porridge with cinnamon, moderate diet, very homemade cheesecakes with sour cream, or not the healthiest, but very tasty freshly baked mini croissants with jam.

I'm not very good with mental arithmetic, but such arithmetic - multiplying the cost of one breakfast by the number of breakfasts in a month - is accessible even to me. And it seems to be on the surface. Do not forget to add the cost of lunch to the cost of breakfast - if possible, also in a cafe, and not in an office canteen. Yes, the difference with the dining room is about twice. Of course, we did and discussed all these arithmetic operations in our heads - and we came to the conclusion that it is more valuable for us to have this opportunity in the middle of the working day to really stop and enjoy. From the food, from the fact that you are sitting in a beautiful place, that you don’t have to run anywhere. From being able to switch.

Because you still have to run, as usual deadlines burned yesterday, meetings outside the office, and then there is not enough time either for breakfast, or even for a canteen lunch (and if you leave me in the dining room alone with a plate, I will swallow food in minutes for three, the childish habit of eternal haste from an ordinary school to a musical one). And when a client needs something urgently (and for some reason, if they need something, it is always urgent), they will find us on mobile phones too. But when there is still time, you want to spend this hour so that it stays. Not somewhere out there, the accumulated effect of the money saved at the end of the month. And now, rejoicing at the carefree girlish conversations, meetings with colleagues with whom I don’t meet on projects, but I’m glad to see “just like that”, wild laughter caused by the presence of some colleagues’ sense of humor, “bordering on light porn” (c)

Yes, it's probably an extra hundred or so dollars a month. But as long as this money is there and it is not the last, for me it is not a waste, it is an investment. The foam of days turns into foam from your favorite latte, and every time when the coffee is drunk, and it still remains at the bottom and can be scooped out with a long spoon, I remember winter Venice, photographs from which I then had to remove the brightness, such was the sun, frozen we, with a vaporetto, went straight to the first cafe we ​​came across, where there was such a latte macciatto.

Now at home I have a wonderful cappuccino beater from Ikea, which is able to reproduce Italian milk foam from Agu-mama milk :) no worse than they can do in different coffee houses. But when it turns out, I still spend-invest time and money in this foam, just for the opportunity to stop, a fleeting moment of my personal Italy, a small dolce vita. And that's why I'm very happy when I see posts in the morning olga_mukhortova under the tag. Very close, and reminds that there is no limit to perfection. It would be great to learn how to make such hearts from coffee foam on top. Yes, and do you know that biscotti (dry macaroons with coffee) can be made at home?

So that this post does not look like an excuse for coffee addiction :) I want to say that tea latte- no less tasty thing, but instead of coffee you need black tea with spices. The tea should turn out spicy, with a pronounced taste, so you can safely add everything that is in the house - cinnamon, a little ginger, cloves, anise, cardamom. There is even black pepper in the special tea from Starbucks. And then just the same: warm the milk (namely milk, not cream! For convenience, you can warm it in the microwave immediately in the right cup), then beat it into a thick foam, and pour the already brewed tea on top.

And in that very book about happiness there is a whole chapter about the fact that in order to increase the level of happiness, the ability to appreciate the moment, to notice the good, living the details, admiring them, at the moment when they occur and after, remembering, helps a lot. But a curious fact: it is not worth remembering too often. They conducted an experiment in which participants were asked to remember good things - and it turned out that people who were asked to do this only once a week had a noticeable increase in happiness than those who did it three times a week. So it's good that at work we never managed to have breakfast in a cafe every day. And somehow intuitively it has long been established that homemade latte is arranged only on weekends, at a measured late breakfast, with cheesecakes or something else tasty. To create a feeling of a holiday, but what is even more valuable - its expectation, anticipation.

It was recently reported in the news that Starbucks (Starbucks - SBUX) is about to close over 600 cafes due to a phenomenon called the Latte Effect. This concept mainly characterizes the actions of people in an economically difficult period of time, when money is running out, and you have to deny yourself such pleasures as coffee, manicure and hair care. And although some people may have these problems, I personally do not consider myself in this part of the population at this time. And all this because I have already limited myself in all these things for many years, and difficult economic times will not affect me in this regard.

A couple of years ago, when our country's economy was strong and people seemed to be spending money like crazy, my husband and I seriously thought about paying off all our debts. While paying off these debts, we decided that additional expenses (such as coffee or hair) should become more of a luxury for us than a common thing. When we paid off all our debts, we decided to continue to live in the same spirit, that is, to spend less than we earn. This helped us accumulate savings and start investing. After paying all the bills, we had free $1000 and we decided to put it aside instead of spending it.

Of course, in this position, each of us could afford to buy coffee every day, I could get manicures and pedicures every week if I wanted to, but it all seemed like a waste of money to me. I knew that I could get a pedicure 1 or 2 times a year by a professional, and the rest of the time I could maintain it on my own. We also had a coffee maker so we could make our own latte (cheaper than $4 a cup), and the thought of having to pay for a manicure when the polish peeled off in a couple of days just seemed crazy to me. I even decided to stop dyeing and highlighting my hair because I liked my natural color. By giving up just that, we saved $60 every 2 months (not to mention the time I saved).

As a young family, we started saving money for our first home, because it makes more sense to put extra money into a savings or retirement account than to spend it on something that eventually peels off, tarnishes, or is used up in less than a minute (usually I drink coffee quickly). Also, don't underestimate the power of compound interest if you're also starting to invest early. Plus, I don't even miss all those frills.

So, the time has come for a difficult economic situation, prices are rising, incomes are standing still, interest on deposits is falling. Personally, I did not feel this blow, because I had savings for contingencies made earlier. Also, I didn't have to give up "luxuries" because I never really prioritized these things and didn't spend a lot of money on them. In fact, companies today are so in need of new customers that it is not a problem to find discounts and discounts on all sorts of small "excesses".

I believe that people have started saving now, when it would have been wise to do so years earlier, thereby collecting a considerable reserve fund. For those who have enough money to live comfortably and save for retirement at the same time, keep up the good work. But for those people who constantly struggle with paying bills and paying off debts, as well as those who can’t find enough money to save money (this applies especially to young people who are just starting an independent life), it would not hurt to apply the “Effect Latte" in your financial life. Below are a few simple suggestions to help you make this happen in your financial life. You may have heard of this before, but I think it's worth repeating.

Coffee: Try to sleep enough time, this will free you from the need for caffeine or make your own coffee at home.

Mani Pedi: I usually get a pedicure at the beginning of the summer and then maintain it myself. You can find a pedicure set in various stores. Basically, this is a container where you can steam your legs (you can use a regular basin for this), a nail file, scissors and polishing for nails. Such sets are also available for manicure.

Hair: Try to keep your natural hair color and see if you can stand or maybe even love it. If you can't, then buy paint in the store, it will be much cheaper than going to the salon. Men can try cutting their hair with a clipper. My husband bought one and now he can cut his own hair. Since he was in the army, he used to wear a short haircut, now it helps us save a lot of money.

Car wash: Wash it yourself. It's obvious, but if you really don't have the time, then hire the neighbor's kid for a small fee. It will cost you less.

Bottled water: Any water filter will make it no worse than store-bought.

Additional cable service: having fewer channels and skipping movies from those channels will really free you up more time for other activities like your family or washing your car!

Additional services by mobile phone: I know how good it is to have the Internet on my mobile phone wherever I am, but you have to pay for it. For example, I can pay $20 to be able to access the Internet the same second I want, or I can save that amount by waiting until I get home. Not having patience can be costly.

These are just a few suggestions on how to save money on such little things. It is clear that there are many more such ways, and they depend on the specific situations of each person individually. But if you find that there is not much money and it is not easy to save it, try to save on some things and save money for savings. If you're serious about saving that much to save more, then you might not have to join the rest of the population in The Latte Effect and treat yourself to one cup of coffee a week.