What is pu-erh in mandarin and how to brew it. What is pu-erh in mandarin and how to brew it. Is there any benefit in such tea

I am very balanced about various innovations in the tea theme. If there is something new, then I am in no hurry to try. I am more attracted to classic tastes, proven over the years, and even centuries. Dahongpao, Longjing, Tieguanyin are my classics.

But lately, here in China, I have come across “Pu-erh in Mandarin” more and more often. This is a relatively new type of tea, which began to be produced five years ago. Recently I tried Pu-erh in mandarin, and I liked it for its unusualness. (Photos are clickable).

The name "Pu-erh in tangerine" should be taken literally, because this is exactly Pu-erh in tangerine. In the manufacture of this tea, it is taken: unpressed young Shu Puer (15 grams) and a cheerful yellow mandarin (1 piece). Then a hat is cut off from the mandarin. Further, with a special tool, similar to a spoon, only with sharp edges, the pulp is taken out of the mandarin. And Puer is poured into an empty tangerine uniform. From above, it is covered with a hat and sent to the oven for several hours, where it dries and withers.

The result is an amazing product - Pu-erh tea with a pronounced mandarin flavor, with an unusual aftertaste and in an interesting package. All this is very different from the classic Pu-erh that we are used to. And that makes it even more interesting.

The aroma of Puer in mandarin can not be confused with anything. In dry form, you will feel a lot of mandarin and little pu-erh, but their proportions will equalize when you brew this tea. And both will be equal.

You can brew Pu-erh in mandarin either in a gaiwan, or in a teapot made of Yixing clay, or in a glass flask - it doesn’t matter. For one tea leaves you will need half a tangerine.

The main thing - when brewing, do not forget to put a little tangerine itself. To do this, pinch off a small piece of peel (it is important not to overdo it here - the piece should be really small) and put it in a gaiwan or teapot. And only after that pour boiling water.

We do not drink the first brew, but drain it. But all subsequent tea leaves will give you joy. Mandarin, honey, flowers, plums and apples - you will find many shades here.

Pu-erh in mandarin is an unusual, new tea that is becoming more and more popular in China. It is fun to brew and fun to drink. And, unlike many non-classical teas, everything here is only natural. Natural Pu-erh and natural mandarin. No artificial flavors.

This tea comes in packs of 8 in shrink wrap. Why 8? Because 8 is the luckiest number in China. The weight of one package is 150 grams.

Pu-erh in mandarin
To make pu-erh in mandarin, shu pu-erh is used, which is placed in the solar shell of a mandarin. In addition to the beautiful appearance, the drink turns out to be very unusual and tasty.
This type of tea is made during the harvest of tangerines, the manufacturing process is very laborious.

At first, tangerines are slightly dried forcibly, and then naturally. Its top is cut off, the pulp is removed, and undried black pu-erh is poured in its place. Not all tea passes the selection, but only the one whose smell and taste will be in harmony with the rich tangerine.
Tangerines are grown in Xinhui province, and not all of them are selected either. It is believed that due to their sweet and sour taste, the pu-erh flavor lasts longer.
The final stage of drying pu-erh takes place already in the tangerine. At the same time, tea leaves absorb its smell.

The brewing process is no different from other shu pu-erh. For brewing, you can use only tea leaves baked in tangerine or add a little more tangerine skin.
Water is used only purified at a temperature of 95 degrees. The first few times the water must be drained.
Brewing time depends on how strong you want to get the infusion. For those who try this tea for the first time, half a minute will be enough.
The peculiarity of this tea is that it does not contain any flavors. Such a bright aroma gives tangerine.

The benefits of pu-erh in mandarin

This drink is very beneficial for the body because:
1.is a good antioxidant;
2. improves well-being, especially with a hangover;
3. Brings blood pressure back to normal;
4. removes toxins and slags;
5.improves metabolism;
6. normalizes the work of the digestive tract.
However, pu-erh should not be considered as a medicine. It has such an effect only with regular and long-term use.

Hello dear lovers of Chinese tea and people who sympathize with them.

Today I want to talk about one tea that is very popular in China. But now he will also enjoy success in European society - that's another question.

The tea is sold in Chinese Tmall at a store selling old Shengs. The difference between Taobao and Tmall is that only “legal entities” in our understanding can trade on the latter, the number of fakes on Tmall is much less, and the quality of products is usually better.

Today's tea is not typical for Russia. This is Shu Pu-erh in green tangerine.

Previously, I had a chance to try both white tea in citrus, and Shu Puer baked in grapefruit, and Shu Puer Gunting in orange tangerine. I can't say that I liked everything. Today's tea is a continuation of experiments.

Tea isn't cheap. Supplied in a large iron can with a cardboard shell. Additionally packed inside in a plastic bag, and tightly tied. As compensation for the high cost, you can take the included liter teapot made of heat-resistant glass.

There are about 50 balls in a jar, about 3 cm in diameter. Each is packed in cotton paper, with a branded sticker. Inside is a brown-green mandarin, densely packed with tea. Lid included. Weight - about 10 grams.

In China, this tea is called Ganpu. The name is formed, if I correctly understood the Chinese explainer, from two hieroglyphic words. “Gan” is a pure clear taste, and Pu is the initial syllable of the word puer. Something like "Taste of Puer". Tea is incredibly popular in China. There are a lot of filling options - Puer, and White tea, and with the addition of chrysanthemum flowers. Large tangerines, grapefruits, small tangerines, lemons, in general, a large range of citrus fruits can be used as a shell. All this is dried, fried, baked, and even lightly smoked.

Even before unwrapping the tea, it is clear that it has a strong citrus aroma. And in the total mass, a kind of “shock wave” is obtained, which blocks all other flavors for a while.

Although I want to note that a separate ball, which has lain for some time, does not smell so much anymore.

With cooking in China, they don’t bother much. They just throw a whole tangerine with tea inside into the teapot, and start pouring water on it until it is able to give off some kind of taste. Or until their bellies burst.

Something like this I decided to do and I - to brew tea entirely. I take out the kettle, pour it with boiling water a couple of times to steam the tangerine peel, and pour it in for insisting. Freshly boiled water is used.

Even at the washing stage, a very peculiar and specific aroma appears in the air. According to his belonging, my opinions and my friends differ greatly. It reminds me of the scent of geraniums during the period of rapid flowering. Someone smells of kirsa.

After waiting a minute and a half, I drain the first strait. Yes, short brews are clearly not for this tea. For a minute and a half, he did not really gain any color or taste. And only the aroma clogs all the senses.

If you read the reviews about this tea, then for the most part they are puppy-enthusiastic. Everyone praises the taste, but does not write anything about its components. And only occasionally there are perplexed comments, they say, the taste is strange and incomprehensible. You need to get used to it. Yes, indeed, in gastronomic terms, in our opinion, the Chinese are recognized perverts. What is the ballut worth.

Same with this tea. The taste is very unique. Green citrus gives an unusual citrus aroma. It has something of a lime in it. And the same component in taste. In fact, there was an extraction of substances from the peel of citrus. And in it, apart from essential oils, there is nothing tasty.

I fill it a second time, and wait about three minutes. I merge. As they say, "everyone is the same in the arena." Apart from the sugary citrus taste and geranium-like aroma, there is nothing, no taste, no color.

I decide to carefully split the shell. This is not easy to do - it is very strong and thick. I refill the water and...
And the tea inside the tangerine began to “work”. A barely noticeable earthiness of Shu Puer appeared on the palate. But citrus still scores everything, although not as actively. The color becomes darker and richer.

The fourth strait is already getting dark, but the taste is not yet fully gaining. Mandarin is still strongly felt, both in aroma and taste, turning into a sour aftertaste.

Some kind of harmony of tastes appears around the fifth strait. But the flavor range is faded and inexpressive. Of the characteristic notes of Shu Puer, only the earthy taste and aroma can be noted.

You can continue to spill tea for a long time. Thanks to the citrus, it has a high resistance to spills. But a small amount of Shu Pu-erh does not fully reveal its taste.

All in all, I was disappointed with the tea. Especially if you compare the taste with the price of tea.

Later, I tried to brew this tea in the usual manner, breaking the fruit and pouring out the contents. But I can't say that I liked the taste. Perhaps I initially had a prejudiced attitude towards this type of tea. This happened due to the fact that the description indicates that the tea is made from raw materials from the Bohai zone. And I have only one association with this type of tea: Bohai raw materials are often used in the manufacture of fakes and low-grade Pu-erhs.

Indirectly, this confirms the sleeping sheet. The assumption of Gunting Puer inside is shattered with a bang against the harsh reality. Let me remind you that Gong Ting is made from selected buds of tea bushes that grow in the Chinese province of Yunnan. And here it's all mixed up. Branches, small torn leaf. Kidneys? Are they really here? In general, I'm not sure.

In conclusion, I want to say my traditional phrase: “Felt-tip pens are different in taste and color.” If this tea disappointed me, it is not certain that it will have the same effect on you. But given the small sample of my friends and acquaintances, I can add that only one person out of more than a dozen was interested in tea.

I don’t enter into discussions with or without, I answer substantive questions in the comments.

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Pu-erh in mandarin is an unusual phenomenon in the tea industry. It combines ancient Chinese traditions and the search for a new taste, astringency, light bitterness of pu-erh, bright aroma and sweetness of the usual citrus.

The name of the tea "Pu-erh in Mandarin" should be taken literally: the leaves of one of the best varieties of Chinese Pu-erh tea are rammed into a mandarin peel. A yellow-brown dried tangerine container with bitter-citrus notes, filled with elite tea leaves, will captivate a hot drink lover with its unusual appearance and wonderful aroma.

Where and how is it produced

Pu-erh in mandarin does not yet have a century-old history - it is relatively new, but very popular tea in China. It is made in the Chinese province of Xinhai when tangerines ripen. Tea growers say that the aroma of local citrus fruits is most harmoniously combined with pu-erh tea.

The production process of pu-erh in mandarin is interesting:

  • harvested citrus fruits are dried;
  • the top is cut off from each fruit;
  • a pointed spatula scrapes off the sweet juicy pulp;
  • 15-25 grams of non-young Shu tea is placed in a prepared citrus container;
  • the top of the fruit is covered with a previously cut "lid";
  • place ready-made tea tangerines in an oven for several hours (depending on the size and weight of the filled citrus fruits) or dry under the scorching sun for 5-7 days.

The output is amazing tangerine-tea "bombs". Each is wrapped in a separate package that does not let the aroma through.

INTERESTING: Pu-erh tea for mandarin is used not completely dried, because it absorbs citrus essential oils better.

Taste characteristics

When dry, pu-erh in mandarin has a bright citrus smell with a slight woody note. Then it seems that when brewing, it will suppress the amazing taste of tea.

But during the preparation of a hot drink, a balancing of tastes occurs: the aroma of mandarin goes out and becomes equal to the aroma of Chinese tea.

After brewing, pu-erh in mandarin acquires a taste of Gan - sweetness and a pleasant aftertaste. In fact, this is a mirage formed from the influence of bitter tea on human taste buds.

Tea has an amazing property: a light fruity-citrus sourness and a persistent smell of essential oils are preserved not only during tea drinking, but also remain in porcelain tea utensils for a long time.

Is there any benefit to this tea?

The beneficial properties of mandarin and pu-erh tea have been known for a long time and are used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. Forming a tea-citrus pair, this drink doubles its healing properties.

Dry mandarin peel is used to treat a number of diseases:

  • reduces puffiness;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • helps to remove sputum from the lungs during a cold - has an expectorant effect;
  • fights diarrhea
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system: soothes, relieves tension and anxiety.

Pu-erh tea is considered medicinal in China, because it is able to remove toxins and regulate the body's metabolism, normalize blood pressure and gastrointestinal tract activity.

In a pair, mandarin and pu-erh acquire new medicinal properties:

  • improve the condition of the oral cavity: teeth, gums, tongue, fight caries;
  • rejuvenate the body;
  • have an antioxidant effect;
  • improve the functioning of the visual organs;
  • strengthen the capillary and venous system.

The overall effect on the body of this tea is characterized as warming and relaxing.

Are there any contraindications

Despite the many healing properties, pu-erh in mandarin has contraindications for use:

  • it should not be consumed on an empty stomach, as it causes heartburn due to the high acid content of citrus;
  • tea in mandarin has a large amount of tonic substances, therefore it increases blood pressure and contributes to the appearance of insomnia;
  • pu-erh in mandarin, having a diuretic effect, can cause the movement of kidney stones, because of this it is contraindicated in urolithiasis;
  • it should not be used by the driver during a long trip, since the effect of this tea on the nervous system is akin to a narcotic one.

IMPORTANT: Pu-erh in mandarin is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 12 years old.

The effect of drinking as an energy drink - is it true

The Chinese call pu-erh in mandarin the drink of youth, because only at this age a person has good physical and energy capabilities to solve life's problems.

In fact, this tea energizes and tones, therefore it is in demand by people involved in mental and physical labor. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire consider it a natural energy source, along with ginseng.

INTERESTING: The effect of pu-erh in mandarin is compared with alcohol intoxication, so in China this drink is very popular among young people.

How to brew pu-erh in mandarin

Brewing pu-erh in mandarin is a pleasure for true connoisseurs of tea and the tea ceremony.

In this video, Denis Shumakov will share a recipe for brewing Chinese pu-erh tea in mandarin.

There are several types of brewing it, but the most common is the Chinese way of "Ping cha":

  1. The kettle is rinsed with boiling water to warm the walls.
  2. 2-3 teaspoons of dry tea are poured into it and a small pile of dried tangerine is placed (it should be broken off from the tangerine container).
  3. Everything is filled with hot water (its temperature should not exceed 95 degrees). After a few minutes, the water drains - it washes away the dust from the tea.
  4. The contents of the kettle are poured a second time with hot water at the same temperature, infused from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. The duration of infusion depends on the desired strength of the drink.

Pu-erh in mandarin is brewed whole.

The ceremony will be even more interesting, as it will be possible to observe how the tangerine changes color and increases in size under the influence of high temperature.

The ceremony is held as follows:

  1. A tangerine with the “lid” removed is placed in a heated teapot.
  2. Hot water (90-95 degrees) is poured into the teapot - it should completely cover the tangerine and tea in it. After a few seconds, the water drains.
  3. This procedure is repeated 2 times.
  4. After the tea dust is washed off, you can proceed to the sacrament of brewing pu-erh in mandarin: it is poured with hot water and infused for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Tea in mandarin can be brewed several times - the time of infusion depends on the strength of the drink.

The second method of brewing tea reveals more deeply the relationship between fruit and pu-erh flavors.

Milk, cream, lemon and sugar are not added to Puer in Mandarin tea - they change its taste and aroma. Brewed dark cherry tea with citrus and woody notes is self-sufficient.

Where to buy and how much

Pu-erh in mandarin can be purchased in specialized tea and coffee stores or in online stores: COFFEE-CONTACT, Blak-Grin, Best Tea and others.

It has a relatively low price: for one tangerine weighing 20-25 g, you will have to pay from 140 to 250 rubles. Usually this tea is sold in 3, 5, 10 pieces in a large package.

Is it possible to make pu-erh in mandarin at home

It is impossible to make real pu-erh in mandarin on your own, because you need a variety of citrus fruits used to make this tea, specific natural conditions and top-quality pu-erh tea.

But lovers of this drink still offer recipes for making pu-erh in mandarin at home:

Recipe #1

Take Chinese tea of ​​the highest quality, after sprinkling it with water, mix with mandarin peels and dry in the sun for 3 days.

Recipe #2

Remove the pulp from tangerines with thick skins (you can use clementines), put good Chinese tea there, close the lids and take them out to the balcony or garden under the scorching sun. Dried for 7 days. To prevent tea from getting dusty or flies spoiling it, tangerines are covered with gauze.

Recipe number 3 - quick

Shredded dried mandarin peels are mixed with high-quality tea and brewed with hot water.

The recipes are not perfect, but they allow you to at least remotely feel the aroma of real pu-erh in mandarin.

The name should be taken literally - this is really real Shu Pu-erh tea in a "uniform" made of tangerine peel, which has absorbed the essential oils of citrus fruit. The drink is absolutely natural, it has a rich taste and aroma. This tea is worth buying for its many useful properties: it burns fats, has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, improves mood, and energizes. It is believed that Pu-erh is a good remedy for preventing the formation of malignant and benign tumors.

How to brew

Pu-erh is brewed at a temperature of 95–98 C°. Put 4 g of tea in 150 ml of water, the first infusion is infused for several seconds, the subsequent infusion time should be increased by 15-20 seconds. Tea can be brewed 5-6 times. When brewing, it is recommended to break the crust and put it in a teapot along with tea.


Mandarin Pu-erh contains natural antioxidants, vitamins E and C, polyphenols, gallic acid.


There are no special contraindications for the use of the drink. However, due to the invigorating effect, it is worth using it with caution before bedtime.