What is nougat? Recipe, composition, calorie content of nougat. Nougat. Useful properties, composition and calorie content What nougat is made of

An amazing delicacy called nougat came to consumers around the world from the mysterious East. But even in its original homeland, a sweet dessert is considered an exquisite delicacy. The main difference between nougat and other oriental sweets is that it contains a wide variety of nuts, the only exception is peanuts.

The classic recipe for nougat and the process of its preparation is simple and unpretentious. All you need to get an amazing dessert is to put whole or chopped nuts on a flat form with a side height of no more than 2 cm. After that, everything is poured with thick honey or sugar syrup. To achieve the desired consistency of the latter, nuts are usually added, ground almost to powder.

As soon as the nougat hardens enough, the layer is removed from the mold and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape. Then a small amount of flour is mixed with powdered sugar and sweet candies are thoroughly rolled in the resulting composition. An exquisite dessert is served to the table as an independent sweet dish, for example, with hot tea. Nougat can also act as an excellent ingredient for preparing unusual oriental dishes. For example, multilayer cakes, savory desserts, pastries and more. In the confectionery industry, nougat is often included in a variety of sweets, chocolate, cookies, bars and other products.

Real oriental nougat is distinguished by a rather modest set of products. Among them, roasted nuts of various types are necessarily present, for example, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews or walnuts, as well as natural honey and egg white.

Ready-made nougat can have varying degrees of density from very soft and tender to quite firm and thick. This factor is directly dependent on the composition of the feedstock. In addition to giving the nougat an additional aroma and taste, all kinds of additional ingredients are added to it, such as lemon zest or juice, vanilla, cinnamon, dried fruits and candied fruits, chocolate.

To date, there are two main types of oriental sweets - brown and white nougat. Caramelized sugar is used to make the first bole firm and crunchy. Whereas white nougat, which is light and airy, is prepared with the addition of egg whites.


Sweet nougat is characterized by a high calorie content, which makes the product especially relevant for people involved in active sports and physical labor. Depending on the composition, the calorie content of nougat can vary significantly, on average, this figure is at the level of 404 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties and composition

In addition to the nutritional value, nougat has great benefits for the human body, due to the variety of components provided for in the recipe. For example, nuts, which are part of sweets, have a beneficial effect on brain activity, and dried fruits and natural honey are generally a storehouse of useful substances and vitamins. In addition, in combination with glucose, nuts turn into the strongest aphrodisiac of natural origin, which has a positive effect on women's and men's health.

Chocolate especially enhances the benefits of nougat, which they began to add to its composition not so long ago. This component gives the oriental sweetness a very original touch and helps the body produce the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for the feeling of joy and happiness.

Dear readers, I welcome you to the site In My Home! Almost everyone has heard about nougat, but it can hardly be called a very common dessert. However, real sweet tooths, of course, are familiar with it, because it is difficult to imagine a dish sweeter than this delicacy.

And how many people know that nougat is not at all difficult to cook by yourself? This is what will be discussed in my article. But first, I propose to find out what nougat is, where it comes from, what it is made of and what varieties it has.

Nougat - what is it?

The name of this delicacy comes from the Latin “nux”, which means nut. No wonder, since nuts are one of the main ingredients of nougat, along with sugar and proteins.

The composition of the dessert often varies: honey is added instead of sugar, and the type of nut varies depending on the tradition of each individual locality - it can be either almonds or walnuts or hazelnuts.

The consistency of the delicacy also depends on the recipe. Nougat can be either soft, quickly melting in the mouth, or firm, with a viscous texture.

There is a white variety of this sweet and a dark one. A dark shade is given to it by sugar, brought to the state of caramel, and cocoa. White nougat owes its hue to beaten egg whites.

To give a variety of flavors, candied fruit, chocolate, cinnamon or vanilla are added to the sugar and protein mixture, and nougat is eaten as an independent dessert or added as a filling to sweets.

There are many legends around the origin of this dessert. The oldest recipes for white nougat were found in Baghdad, in books dating back to the 10th century. This delicacy is also mentioned in the ancient chronicles of Bukhara and Syria. From there, with trade caravans, it came to Europe.

Nowadays, this sweet is an important part of the European Christmas menu.

The most famous varieties of nougat

Each country carefully keeps its traditional secrets of cooking delicacies.


Spanish turron is made according to old recipes with roasted almonds, sugar, honey and egg white.


An Italian torrone is made with the same basic ingredients, plus vanilla or citrus flavor, and is often wrapped in two very thin sheets of rice paper.

The center of production of torrone is the city of Cremona in northern Italy, which annually hosts a famous holiday dedicated to this delicacy.

The Venetian city of Cologna Veneta is famous for the production of nougat, a special nut variety “mandorlato”, always based on honey, sugar, egg whites and almonds, which in Italian is called “mandorla”. It has a rich taste, and it takes some effort to take a bite.


Viennese nougat, Wiener Nougat, has been produced since the beginning of the 19th century. This is a variant that contains only sugar, cocoa butter and nuts, and is also very soft in texture. For the Austrian version of the dessert, hazelnuts are most often used.

What is useful nougat

Due to such indicators, nougat is often used as a source of additional energy by those who play a lot of sports or other physical activities. Naturally, this sweetness is to the liking of most children. As a consolation for their parents, one can remember that nuts, which are so abundant in nougat, contribute to the improvement of brain function.

If the delicacy contains honey and dried fruits, then they somewhat increase its beneficial properties. Although even in this case, you should not consider this dessert as a remedy and use it in large quantities. Due to the high sugar content, nougat is contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes.

How to make nougat yourself

And now let's see how to cook this ancient treat at home. I will focus on the most traditional options with step-by-step photos, and in a separate article we will post a nougat recipe.

Nougat with nuts and candied fruit

For cooking you will need:

  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 1 glass of boiled water;
  • 100 g of natural honey;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • 75 g nuts;
  • 50 g candied fruits.

Mix sugar with water and put the resulting mixture on a small fire. When sugar dissolves in water, add honey. Separately, beat the whites with a mixer and add the syrup of honey, sugar and water to them. Lightly fry the peeled and chopped nut kernels in a pan. Then add nuts with candied fruits to the protein mixture and mix thoroughly. Put the finished mass on a baking sheet and refrigerate.

The total calorie content of the dish per 100 g is 430 kcal. Proteins - 6.5 g, fats - 16.0 g, carbohydrates - 65.0 g.

For a better illustration, watch the video showing the process of making the dessert:

Dark chocolate nougat

This type of delicacy is suitable even for vegetarians, because there are no chicken eggs in this recipe. And due to chocolate, the taste of the dessert becomes more intense and interesting.

You will need:

  • 100 g of sugar;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 50 g of almonds;
  • 100 g dark chocolate.

Dilute sugar with water over low heat until syrupy. Roast the nuts a little. Dilute the dark chocolate to a liquid state using a water bath. Then mix all the ingredients, put on a baking sheet covered with parchment or foil, and refrigerate until completely solidified.

The total calorie content of the dish per 100 g is 490 kcal. Proteins - 9.5 g, fats - 32.0 g, carbohydrates - 40.0 g.

White chocolate nougat

White chocolate gives the dessert a unique taste and makes the delicacy even sweeter, so this type of nougat is sure to please real gourmets.

Take the following ingredients:

  • 100 g of sugar;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 50 g white chocolate;
  • 2 egg whites.

Dilute sugar with water over low heat until syrupy. Melt the white chocolate separately. Beat egg whites and mix all ingredients together. Then pour the resulting mass into the prepared baking sheet, which can be placed in the refrigerator or any other cool place so that the mixture hardens.

The total calorie content of the dish per 100 g is 490 kcal. Proteins - 9.5 g, fats - 30.0 g, carbohydrates - 50.0 g.

Chocolate coated cocoa nougat

Homemade cocoa dessert covered with chocolate icing is prepared as follows.

For the chocolate base you need:

  • 100 g of dark chocolate: it is better to choose varieties containing at least 80% cocoa;
  • 50 g butter.

For the top layer:

  • 400 ml 20% cream;
  • 5 tablespoons of peanut butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.

For glaze:

  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • 50 g butter.

Melt the chocolate with the butter and place in the refrigerator in a 20x10 cm mold. Heat the cream, add the peanut butter, butter, cocoa and sugar. Thoroughly mix all products together. When the mixture has cooled, put it on top of the already prepared chocolate mass and place the refrigerator again.

Prepare the chocolate and butter glaze, pour the nougat with it.

The total calorie content of the dish per 100 g is 450 kcal. Proteins - 6.5 g, fats - 20.0 g, carbohydrates - 76.0 g.

Peanut nougat

It is believed that in traditional nougat it is possible to use any nuts except peanuts. If you want to experiment in the kitchen, then we offer a recipe with this “forbidden” ingredient.

You will need:

  • 1.5 cups of peanuts;
  • 130 ml of water;
  • 350 g of sugar;
  • 120 g of honey;
  • 3 proteins;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice.

Combine water, sugar and honey together, bring them over low heat until a syrup is formed. Beat egg whites until stiff and add lemon juice to it.

Peel the peanuts, chop and lightly fry. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, put the resulting mass into a mold or baking sheet, level and refrigerate until completely cooled.

The total calorie content of the dish per 100 g is 424 kcal. Proteins - 10.0 g, fats - 13.0 g, carbohydrates - 66.0 g.


So, we found out what kind of delicacy this is - nougat, and found out that it is not difficult to make it ourselves. If you can't live a day without dessert, then this dessert will definitely appeal to you. Well, if you prefer more dietary dishes, then nougat will help you in moments when you really want something sweet, because a small piece of this dish is enough to get the necessary dose of sugar.

Tell us in the comments if you like nougat, and if so, what kind of it do you prefer?

Nougat harm and benefit

The benefits and harms of nougat | World Without Harm

To begin with, a little background… Nougat came to the cuisines of European countries from the East and was classified as an exquisite oriental sweets. The main ingredient that distinguishes this dessert are nuts of various kinds (except for peanuts).


  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 130 g of honey;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 250 g chocolate.

The frozen nougat is cut into pieces, which are then glazed with melted chocolate and cooled. The output of the finished product according to the recipe is about 1 kg. Bon appetit! back to content

The benefits of nougat

Nougat is a high-calorie dish. It will be useful for those who are intensively engaged in physical labor, as well as for athletes. The benefit of nougat lies in the variety of products that make up the recipe. Nuts and sweets have always had a beneficial effect on brain activity, and dried fruits and honey added vitamins and a host of other useful substances to nougat. In addition, nuts, in combination with glucose, were considered a strong aphrodisiac, having a positive effect on both women and men.

Chocolate was added to nougat later, but it gave a special exquisite taste to this dessert, raising the mood and contributing to the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin. back to content

Harm nougat

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What is nougat - useful properties and harm, how to cook real oriental sweetness at home

Most of us cannot live without sweets, and oriental delicacies are in the first place for many sweet teeth, especially nougat. The treat has an unusual taste and amazing nutty aroma. It comes in two colors, different textures and flavors, so everyone has the opportunity to choose a treat to their taste. In Europe, nougat is often the main delicacy of the festive table for the Christmas holidays. Some housewives have long begun to make this oriental dessert on their own, pampering their household with an amazing dessert.

Sweet nougat is a confectionery product, which is a stretchy mass with a nutty taste and aroma. It can be of different consistency - from thick, viscous to airy, loose, light. Traditionally, sweetness has a nutty flavor, but it also happens with the addition of citrus peel, chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla and other additional components.

Nougat contains sugar or honey, roasted nuts (cashews, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts). Some types of dessert contain additional ingredients that give it amazing taste, aromatic notes. Depending on the composition, the consistency of the dessert also changes - from light, airy to firm. According to the color scheme, dark and light treats are distinguished. The first type is made from caramelized sugar, cocoa powder, nuts, it is soft, sometimes even crispy. The second type is also soft, made from egg whites. There are such famous varieties of nougat:

  1. Montelimar. Consists of lavender honey, sugar (powdered sugar), glucose syrup, roasted almonds and pistachios.
  2. Turron. A Spanish version of an oriental delicacy, it is white in color and contains more than 50% almonds.
  3. Turkish. One of the cheapest desserts, cut into small cubes, made from cheap products.

Calorie content and nutritional value

This product is considered high-calorie due to the content of a large amount of sugar. This is also one of the reasons why nougat is in high demand among athletes and the main reason why people with diabetes should not consume it. The average calorie content of the product is 400 kcal, it may vary depending on the composition of the ingredients. The nutritional value of sweets is as follows: proteins - 7.1 g, carbohydrates - 72.2 g, fats - 10.6 g.

The name of the product comes from the Latin "nux" - a nut and appeared about 6 centuries ago. The origin of the dessert is associated with the Middle East, with ancient Persia, where today (in modern Iran) they prepare a similar treat called gas. In Europe, disputes about the history of the origin of delicacies that are between Italy and France are still ongoing (nougat is a favorite treat for the Christmas holidays in Provence). The most plausible, beautiful and version was voiced by the Italians.

They claim that nougat became known on October 25, 1441, the day of the wedding of Bianchi Maria Visconti and Francesco Sforza. The court confectioner prepared for the newlyweds a cake with a tower - "Torrone", the structure of which was reinforced with a solid mass - nougat. Since then, one of the types of sweets has been called turon. Americans produce chocolate bars, which contain such a viscous confectionery mixture, but its composition is not even close to the classic recipe for an oriental dessert. In the modern world, the main production of nougat is concentrated in Spain and Belgium.

How to make nougat at home

It is quite possible to prepare nougat yourself at home using popular recipes of the world famous dessert. The main thing is to stock up on the necessary products and clearly follow the step-by-step instructions. This is a great way to enjoy a delicious oriental treat and surprise guests by serving it with tea. Try to experiment by creating such an unusual confectionery masterpiece in your own kitchen.

Food preparation

An important point in the process of preparing oriental sweets is the preparation of the necessary products:

  1. A prerequisite - the nuts must be roasted in a dry frying pan for about 10 minutes to make them soft and acquire additional flavor.
  2. Honey should be taken only liquid, fresh - candied, the old one will not work. It is also heated for the softness of the nougat.
  3. During the cooking of sugar syrup, the sand must first be dissolved, and then put the saucepan on the stove. This technique will prevent the crystallization of the product; for this, lemon juice is also added to the mass. After boiling, the syrup must not be stirred, it must be left to heat up to 1480 (determined by a temperature probe).

nougat recipe

There are several ways to prepare delicious aromatic oriental nougat. For each recipe, the dessert is obtained with a different taste, unique aroma and texture. Treat yourself and your family members to an amazing treat, but be aware of the harmful effects of a large number of sweets on the body. Do not forget about the high calorie content in treats and keep in mind that the calorie content of recipes is indicated per 100 g of the finished product.

Caramel with nuts

  • Time: 14 hours.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 390 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Nougat with caramel flavor and nuts is prepared very simply and quickly, but you will get a delicious treat not only for daily tea drinking, but also for the festive table. Such oriental sweetness is not even ashamed to be presented as a gift, if cut into portioned pieces, strips and packed in parchment. Fill your everyday life with unique flavors with this exquisite culinary masterpiece.


  • egg white - 2 pcs.;
  • almonds (roasted) - 1 tbsp.;
  • honey - 2/3 st.;
  • dried apricots (chopped) - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • zest of 0.5 lemon.

Cooking method:

  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Place a container of honey in a water bath to melt
  3. Beat the whites with a mixer (whisk) until stable peaks, combine with honey. Knead until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The result is a mass of caramel hue.
  4. Continue to cook and stir for another 45 minutes, during which time the mass will brighten.
  5. Pour in the rest of the ingredients, continue to keep in a water bath until the mixture becomes almost white.
  6. Put on a baking sheet, cover with a layer of baking paper, leave to cool overnight.
  7. Cut into strips, wrap with parchment, store in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!

With peanuts

  • Time: 10 o'clock.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 305 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The traditional nougat recipe uses nuts such as cashews, almonds or hazelnuts for the layer, but modern chefs often add peanuts. Such an ingredient does not spoil the taste of the delicacy at all, but makes it unlike other sweet options. A prerequisite for such a recipe is the boiling of sugar syrup to a hard ball test.


  • water - 125 ml;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • honey - 120 g;
  • egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • roasted peanuts - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. From sugar, water, honey, cook a thick syrup.
  2. Whip the whites with a blender until thick, pour in the lemon juice.
  3. Continuing to beat, add the syrup.
  4. Then pour in the nuts, mix, put on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
  5. Leave for 6 hours in the room, then put in the refrigerator for final solidification.

Recipe without honey

  • Time: 2 hours.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 450 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty: easy.

You can make delicious nougat with a beautiful caramel color without honey, using only sugar. It turns out a treat no worse than the traditional one, it is even used to prepare various desserts. In addition to nuts, you can put dried fruits, candied fruits, chocolate chips, etc. in the filling. Cut the resulting knitting at your discretion - squares, stripes or in the shape of sweets.


  • roasted almonds - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs (squirrels) - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - ½ st.;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • vanilla stick - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine granulated sugar with water, throw in a vanilla stick, put on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  2. Increase the heat and cook until the temperature of the liquid reaches 1500. We take out the vanilla stick, it has already given up its flavor and added a brownish color to the syrup.
  3. We beat the whites. Without stopping the process, pour the syrup in a thin stream.
  4. Add oil, acid, almonds, knead thoroughly.
  5. We distribute the mass into forms, leave to harden for an hour. We take out, randomly cut.


  • Time: 2.5 hours.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 555 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you have already tried ordinary nougat once, then you should definitely treat yourself to this kind of sweetness. The traditional treat is similar to its chocolate relative only in consistency, its taste is very different from what we are used to - it is more intense, rich. Such a confectionery product will especially appeal to children and lovers of chocolate sweets.


  • refined granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • almonds - 100 g;
  • chocolate - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook syrup (thick) from granulated sugar.
  2. Pour boiling water over almonds, leave for 10 minutes. Then drain the water, cool the nuts. Remove the husk, grind in a blender (leave a few pieces whole), fry until golden brown in a pan.
  3. Chocolate must be melted in a water bath. If you want to get a bitter aftertaste, take a black bar with a maximum cocoa content.
  4. Combine all the ingredients together, add a handful of whole nuts, mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour into a mold, put in the freezer until completely solidified.


  • Time: 4 hours 45 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 214 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Almost all nougat is very sweet, even too much. Not everyone likes this, so some pastry chefs add dried cherries or lemon zest, which give the treat a piquant sourness. Raisins help to further enrich the taste of an oriental confection; take dried fruits made from sour grape varieties if you want to further dilute the sweetness of the product.


  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • juice from 2 lemons;
  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • raisins - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • walnut - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • zest from 2 lemons;
  • water - 2/3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the nuts, detail, rinse the raisins thoroughly.
  2. Dissolve sugar in water, put on fire, let it boil. Turn the fire down and cook until it thickens. Then mix with lemon juice.
  3. Whisk the egg white until fluffy, pour into the syrup. Add raisins, nuts, zest, mix.
  4. Sprinkle the working surface of the table with flour, lay out the cooled nougat, roll out, leave for 4 hours. Cut into bite-sized pieces.

With candied fruit

  • Time: 2 days 45 minutes.
  • Servings: 12 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 359 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty: easy.

It turns out very tasty nougat stuffed with several types of nuts, and if you add candied fruits, then the treat will acquire not only additional taste, but also a beautiful marble pattern. Such an unusual delicacy will immediately attract the attention of children who love everything bright, unusual. With a clear implementation of all sequential actions, you will be able to make a real work of culinary art.


  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • honey - 200 g;
  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • hazelnuts, almonds (fried) - 240 g;
  • candied fruits - 120 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve granulated sugar in water, boil, cook for about 3 minutes until thickened.
  2. Add honey, cook for another 5 minutes.
  3. Whip the egg whites into a strong thick foam, pour into the sugar-honey syrup.
  4. Pour nuts, candied fruits, mix thoroughly.
  5. Line the bottom and sides of the baking sheet with parchment, grease with vegetable oil, pour a thick mass, refrigerate for 2 days.

Creamy nougat

  • Time: 0.5 hours.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 683 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Sometimes nougat is used in the process of making cakes (Snickers), so it is prepared in the form of a cream. Such a mass is prepared quickly, simply, and is suitable not only for confectionery. Spread a creamy treat on waffle cakes or a bun - why not breakfast for a schoolboy? In addition, it is an excellent energy boost for the whole day and an excellent resource for activating brain activity.


  • chocolate - 60 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • almonds, walnuts, forest (fried) - 1 handful.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the oil beforehand so that it becomes soft.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, chop the nuts.
  3. Mix all ingredients, chill. Can be used as a glaze for baking.

The benefits and harms of oriental sweets

Nougat is not only a tasty treat, but also healthy. These properties are due to the components that make up:

  1. Nuts - activate brain activity.
  2. Protein is responsible for the proper development and growth of the body.
  3. Honey - contains fruit acids, mineral salts, healing essential oils, useful amino acids, vitamins.
  4. Chocolate - promotes the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness).
  5. Carbohydrates are a source of energy.

Such a number of useful qualities is not an excuse for daily consumption of sweets in large quantities. If you do not follow the measure, you can cause such harm to the body:

  1. Destruction of tooth enamel, violation of the acid-base balance due to the high content of sugar, lactic acid.
  2. An excess of carbohydrates can lead to obesity.
  3. Excessive consumption of sweets provokes the appearance of acne, diathesis in children, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, and diabetes.



Nougat 23.03.2016 13:14


An amazing delicacy called nougat came to consumers around the world from the mysterious East. But even in its original homeland, a sweet dessert is considered an exquisite delicacy. The main difference between nougat and other oriental sweets is that it contains a wide variety of nuts, the only exception is peanuts.

The classic recipe for nougat and the process of its preparation is simple and unpretentious. All you need to get an amazing dessert is to put whole or chopped nuts on a flat form with a side height of no more than 2 cm. After that, everything is poured with thick honey or sugar syrup. To achieve the desired consistency of the latter, nuts are usually added, ground almost to powder.

As soon as the nougat hardens enough, the layer is removed from the mold and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape. Then a small amount of flour is mixed with powdered sugar and sweet candies are thoroughly rolled in the resulting composition. An exquisite dessert is served to the table as an independent sweet dish, for example, with hot tea. Nougat can also act as an excellent ingredient for preparing unusual oriental dishes. For example, multilayer cakes, savory desserts, pastries and more. In the confectionery industry, nougat is often included in a variety of sweets, chocolate, cookies, bars and other products.

Real oriental nougat is distinguished by a rather modest set of products. Among them, roasted nuts of various types are necessarily present, for example, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews or walnuts, as well as natural honey and egg white.

Ready-made nougat can have varying degrees of density from very soft and tender to quite firm and thick. This factor is directly dependent on the composition of the feedstock. In addition to giving the nougat an additional aroma and taste, all kinds of additional ingredients are added to it, such as lemon zest or juice, vanilla, cinnamon, dried fruits and candied fruits, chocolate.

To date, there are two main types of oriental sweets - brown and white nougat. Caramelized sugar is used to make the first bole firm and crunchy. Whereas white nougat, which is light and airy, is prepared with the addition of egg whites.

Composition of nougat

The composition of nougat must necessarily contain the following ingredients: natural honey, egg white and nuts. Roasted almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts are mainly used as the last component, but in no case peanuts.

The consistency of the finished product can vary greatly - from tender and light to thick and firm. It directly depends on the composition of the nougat. In addition, lemon peel, cinnamon, vanilla, candied fruits, dried fruits or chocolate are often added to give the product additional aromatic and flavoring shades during manufacture.

Currently, two main varieties of nougat can be distinguished - brown and white. Brown nougat (harder and crunchier) is made from caramelized sugar, while white nougat, which is lighter and airier, uses egg whites.


Sweet nougat is characterized by a high calorie content, which makes the product especially relevant for people involved in active sports and physical labor. Depending on the composition, the calorie content of nougat can vary significantly, on average, this figure is at the level of 404 kcal per 100 g.

The energy value of the Nougat product (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

  • Proteins: 7.1 g (~28 kcal)
  • Fat: 10.6g (~95kcal)
  • Carbohydrates: 72.2 g (~289 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 7%|24%|71%

Useful properties and composition

In addition to the nutritional value, nougat has great benefits for the human body, due to the variety of components provided for in the recipe. For example, nuts, which are part of sweets, have a beneficial effect on brain activity, and dried fruits and natural honey are generally a storehouse of useful substances and vitamins. In addition, in combination with glucose, nuts turn into the strongest aphrodisiac of natural origin, which has a positive effect on women's and men's health.

Chocolate especially enhances the benefits of nougat, which they began to add to its composition not so long ago. This component gives the oriental sweetness a very original touch and helps the body produce the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for the feeling of joy and happiness.

Harm nougat

The harm from this dessert depends on the amount eaten and how favorably you react to the products that make up the recipe (for example, honey, nuts and citrus fruits). It is clear that people with high blood sugar should stop eating nougat. Those who want to lose weight should also not get carried away with this dessert. However, from time to time, everyone can arrange a sweet life for themselves and try the delicacy that the eastern rulers admired.

Healthy nougat recipes at home

The simplest traditional nougat recipe is as follows. Whole or crushed nuts are laid out in a form with a thickness of about 1 - 2 cm, then poured with honey or thick sugar syrup. If the delicacy turned out to be too soft, finely crushed nuts are added. To taste, nougat can be flavored with lemon juice, cinnamon, vanilla. After hardening, the product is cut into small pieces or various figures are formed and rolled in powdered sugar, sometimes mixed with flour. To prevent the nougat from sticking, the form is covered with oiled paper or cling film.

Often, culinary specialists, when making nougat, put candied fruits or dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes, etc.) into the mixture, flavored with rum or cognac.

The following nougat recipe is worthy of the padishah's cuisine, although any housewife can make a delicacy according to this recipe.


  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 130 g of honey;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 300 g roasted almonds or hazelnuts;
  • 250 g chocolate.

First you need to prepare the syrup. To do this, mix honey, sugar and water (50 g), boil for about 10 minutes. Readiness can be checked by dropping the mixture on a saucer. The boiled syrup will harden into a uniform soft ball, and will not spread like a drop.

While the syrup is cooking, whip the egg whites with a blender. Then hot syrup is poured into them (without ceasing to beat). When the mass thickens, nuts are added to it. Then the nougat is spread on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment and placed in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

The frozen nougat is cut into pieces, which are then glazed with melted chocolate and cooled. The output of the finished product according to the recipe is about 1 kg. Bon appetit!


Oriental sweet - nougat

learning to select and store products

An oriental sweet, nougat refers to oriental sweets that have been known to man since ancient times. It is distributed on all continents. Now there are many recipes for its preparation.

The world of healthy products - learning to choose and store products

Oriental sweetness, nougat is a confectionery product in the form of a sweet viscous mass with a nutty aroma and characteristic taste. The word "nougat" in Latin "nux" means nut, which is the main ingredient of this dessert.

Nougat is a delicious oriental dessert, it can be white or dark (more often brown). Traditionally, nougat is made from sugar or honey and nuts. Today, nougat is used not only as an independent dessert, but it is also often used as a filling for cakes, wafers, chocolate bars and sweets.

What is useful nougat?

The composition of oriental sweets, especially white ones, does not contain harmful ingredients, it contains mainly protein, which is necessary for the growth and development of children, because they are the main consumers of these products.

Honey, from which nougat is made, is also rich in various trace elements and vitamins that have healing powers.

Due to the large amount of carbohydrates, oriental sweetness is a wonderful source of energy and good mood, which is so necessary for each of us.

What harm can cause excessive consumption of nougat?

Excessive and frequent use of nougat can adversely affect health and the first blow is taken by the teeth, which may develop caries because of this.

Excess sweet can provoke obesity, as well as cause dysbacteriosis.

A constant carbohydrate load on the pancreas forces you to work hard, which, in the end, leads to pancreatitis and diabetes.

What you need to know when using nougat?

Oriental sweet nougat is a high-calorie product, almost 500 kcal per 100 g, it also contains 66% carbohydrates and almost 30% fat.

Carbohydrates obtained from nougat are instantly absorbed in our intestines, which leads to a rapid increase in glucose and the release of insulin into the blood, after which the glucose level drops sharply and there is a sharp feeling of hunger.

How to use oriental sweetness - nougat

Due to the high calorie content of the product, adults can eat no more than 20-30 gr. per day, or completely exclude it from the diet, if there is a predisposition to obesity. There are no special restrictions for children, they can safely use this dessert, but even here a measure is needed.

When choosing an oriental sweet on store shelves, be aware that it can be of two types: white and brown. White nougat is made by whipping egg white and honey, it is light and soft, and more healthy.

Whereas brown nougat is made with lots of caramelized sugar, so it's firmer and crunchier on the teeth.

When choosing an oriental sweet, carefully inspect its packaging, it must be airtight, and the nougat sticks are intact, without any breaks or cracks.

The sticky surface of nougat is a clear sign of a violation of its manufacturing technology and you should not buy such products, there is nothing good in it.

If the crust of oriental sweetness is hard, then the expiration date of this product is already in the past.

How to store

It is best to store the nougat in the refrigerator so that it does not melt. In its original packaging, nougat is stored until the end of the shelf life indicated on the package. The product with opened retail packaging can be stored for no more than a month.

From this article, you learned how oriental sweetness - nougat is useful and harmful, but whether to include it in your diet or not, everyone decides for himself.

Good luck and useful shopping!

A viscous sweet mass, fragrantly smelling of nuts, originally from Southern Europe. Its closest relatives are considered to be Spanish turron and Persian gas. However, true nougat has its own selective aristocratic character: not every nut and variety of honey is suitable for the production of this dessert. It is rather troublesome to cook nougat at home, although it is quick, but the result exceeds any expectations, captivating with taste and aroma.

What is nougat

Nougat (from French Nougat) - a French dessert based on honey or sugar, nuts and egg white, is a steep viscous sweet mass. The word "nougat" comes from the Latin "nux" - a nut. To prepare classic nougat, almonds, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts or walnuts are used, but not peanuts. The consistency of the dessert can vary greatly - from light and airy to firm and steep, depending on the amount and quality of the input.

Natural flavors are often added to nougat - lemon zest, chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, dried fruits and candied fruits. Most often, two types of nougat are prepared - white and brown. The white contains beaten egg white and is lighter in texture, while the brown is made with caramelized sugar and is crunchier and firmer. Nougat is used as an independent dessert, and as fillings for sweets, chocolate bars, waffles, cakes and other confectionery.

The history of the origin of nougat

The modern look of the dessert has European roots, although there are suggestions that it comes from the Middle East. Southern Europe recognized nougat as early as the 15th century, and this delicacy still takes its place of honor on the Christmas table.

There is a beautiful Italian legend about the origin of the nougat recipe, where the exact date is October 25, 1441. It was on this day that the wedding of Francesco Sforza and Bianchi Maria Visconti was scheduled. As a dowry, the father of the bride put up the whole city of Cremona. The court confectioner made a cake with a tower that bore the name of Torrone. In order for the tower to keep its shape, the ingenious chef came up with a solid composition, the same nougat, later named “torron” or “turon” after the tower. The French dispute the primacy in the dessert recipe, but they never showed their beautiful legend to the world.

The French nougat has many eastern relatives, for example, the Iranian dessert gas is very similar to its European "girlfriend". In Spain and Italy, nougat is produced under the name "turron", in the USA it is part of the famous "Mars" and "Nuts" bars, although in these chocolates the nougat recipe is very far from the classics, since it includes gelatin, peanuts and corn syrup. Russian nougat - toffee nougat, in Soviet stores they sold large unevenly cut pieces of dessert with nuts wrapped in plain parchment. Today, such a delicacy cannot be found in Russia.

homemade nougat recipe

There are many recipes for sweet nougat in the world, each country has its own unique one, the secrets of which are strictly protected from strangers. The simplest recipe is as follows: bring a glass of sugar and half a glass of water to a boil, add 150 grams of light honey. Beat two fresh chicken proteins to a lush foam and, continuing to beat, gradually pour in hot sweet syrup. Then three cups of peeled, chopped and roasted walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts are mixed in.

Spread the finished mass on a sheet of oiled parchment, on a baking sheet. Cover with another sheet and leave to cool completely. The finished nougat is cut with a wet knife into even pieces, sprinkled with powdered sugar and served. Spectacular dessert serving: hot nougat is laid out in shortbread baskets or salad bowls, topped with whipped cream and treated like small cakes.

On a note

Sugar and honey for nougat should be boiled for ten minutes over high heat. Beat egg whites to white peaks, adding a pinch of salt for a better process. Pouring hot syrup is a whole art, it is better if someone helps at this stage, since the whipping process cannot be stopped. Nuts do not need to be ground “to dust”, the pieces look especially impressive in the finished dessert.

Beautiful and tasty nougat can be obtained by introducing into it different varieties of nuts and pieces of steamed dried fruits: dried cherries, prunes, candied fruits from lemons and oranges.

This is interesting

The largest nougat in the world was made by confectioners in Peru: the length of the tile was 161 meters. To do this, a team of culinary experts gathered in the capital of the country, Lima, where a delicious exhibit was first created within three days, then a record was set, and a sweet delicacy was distributed to all those present.

Zhanna Pyatirikova

To begin with, a little background… Nougat came to the cuisines of European countries from the East and was classified as an exquisite oriental sweets. The main ingredient that distinguishes this dessert are nuts of various types (except).

Healthy nougat recipes at home

The simplest traditional nougat recipe is as follows. Whole or crushed nuts are laid out in a form with a thickness of about 1 - 2 cm, then poured with honey or thick sugar syrup. If the delicacy turned out to be too soft, finely crushed nuts are added. To taste, nougat can be flavored with lemon juice, cinnamon, vanilla. After hardening, the product is cut into small pieces or various figures are formed and rolled in powdered sugar, sometimes mixed with flour. To prevent the nougat from sticking, the form is covered with oiled paper or cling film.

Often, culinary specialists, when making nougat, put candied fruits or dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes, etc.) into the mixture, flavored with rum or cognac.

Next nougat recipe worthy of the padishah's cuisine, although any housewife can make a delicacy according to this recipe.


  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 130 g of honey;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 300 g roasted almonds or hazelnuts;
  • 250 g chocolate.

First you need to prepare the syrup. To do this, mix, sugar and water (50 g), boil for about 10 minutes. Readiness can be checked by dropping the mixture on a saucer. The boiled syrup will harden into a uniform soft ball, and will not spread like a drop.

While the syrup is cooking, whip the egg whites with a blender. Then hot syrup is poured into them (without ceasing to beat). When the mass thickens, nuts are added to it. Then the nougat is spread on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment and placed in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

The frozen nougat is cut into pieces, which are then glazed with melted chocolate and cooled. The output of the finished product according to the recipe is about 1 kg. Bon appetit!

The benefits of nougat

Nougat is a high-calorie dish. It will be useful for those who are intensively engaged in physical labor, as well as for athletes. The benefit of nougat lies in the variety of products that make up the recipe. Nuts and sweets have always had a beneficial effect on brain activity, and dried fruits and honey added vitamins and a host of other useful substances to nougat. In addition, nuts in combination with glucose were considered strong, having a positive effect on both women and men.

Chocolate was added to nougat later, but it gave a special exquisite taste to this dessert, raising mood and contributing to the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin.