What is brunch in a restaurant. Brunch - what is it in a restaurant. What kind of alcohol is appropriate for brunch

It includes a tradition common in Europe for a long time to dine in a restaurant on weekends. Brunch is a late breakfast. There was this word from and "lunch". However, this is actually a full Sunday lunch.

Brunch - what is this tradition, what is its history? The idea belongs to Oxford students. It began in the eighties of the nineteenth century. In those days, brunch was held only in prestigious hotels and restaurants. Such meals spoke of an undoubted mark of the institution's quality.

Family brunches are a great Sunday getaway idea. You can meet friends or business partners there.

Branch - what does this concept mean? For housewives, this tradition is a great Sunday gastronomic scenario. In the restaurant you can have a great rest after everyday kitchen chores. You can meet here with your loved one. Undoubtedly, this is a wonderful start and a great continuation of the weekend.

Brunches are organized, as a rule, on the basis of the "all inclusive" principle. This allows you to enjoy delicacies in any quantity for a fixed fee. The main principle of such a dinner is its slowness, because it is designed for several hours. That is why, when answering the question of what brunch is, one can characterize a Sunday visit to a restaurant as an ideal pastime. During family dinners, restaurants offer gastronomic master classes from their chefs to the attention of visitors.

Children's brunches are accompanied by specially prepared programs designed for little gourmets. In addition, special dishes and clowns are waiting for the kids. They arrange brunches on weekends during the daytime hours (from 13 to 16-30).

Currently, brunches are especially popular in the USA. For a typical American family, such a Sunday pastime is an invariable ritual. The brunch city is called New York. Residents of this metropolis willingly leave their homes on weekends to treat themselves, their family and friends to sandwiches or sweets. Eggs Benedict is the most popular American brunch dish. This classic dish has over a century of history. Canadian bacon and English muffin and poached eggs are used as ingredients in its preparation.

Recently, Chinese restaurants have been gaining more and more popularity. In them, brunch is a tea ceremony with a treat of light dishes, which include vegetables, rice, seafood, etc.

There are brunches for special occasions. Restaurants and hotels in many countries around the world serve a special treat on big holidays. These include Easter, Mother's Day, and Valentine's Day.

After a light morning breakfast, it will be nice to go to a cozy restaurant with the whole family. Such weekend dinners are also gaining popularity in Russia. To attract visitors, the establishments arrange entertainment programs and dance shows. There are also themed brunches. They can be fish, Italian, Asian, etc. However, it is worth remembering that the main thing in brunches is not food. The main thing in them is communication with loved ones and the opportunity to enjoy Sunday rest.

In the modern world, meals are not limited to breakfast, lunch and dinner. The variety of feasts is amazing, and sometimes it is quite difficult to figure out what this or that option is. This is especially true for those cases when you are invited somewhere, but you cannot imagine not only how you want to look, but also what they will serve there. In today's article, we will tell you what a lunch actually is and how to distinguish it from the popular brunch.


Lunch is traditionally called a second breakfast. As a rule, it is held between 12 and 13 hours of the day. For lunch, a regular table is set, it is possible to use cloth napkins and an elegant tablecloth, vases with fresh flowers, as well as candles or fruits, if lunch is held at your home.

As for serving dishes, it is possible to change two or three varieties. Usually these are light salads, soup in a miniature cup, spaghetti and seafood dishes are also allowed. One of the features of the lunch is the abundance of pastries, such as croissants or biscuits. From drinks, light dry wine is acceptable, but iced tea is more often served.

business lunch

A business lunch is somewhat different from a regular one. Usually it provides for a preliminary invitation by phone. As a rule, the lunch itself takes place in a small restaurant or cafe and involves a fairly casual dress code. Of course, this does not mean that you can come to it in a T-shirt and ripped jeans, but a discreet dress or a shirt with trousers will be more than appropriate. Regarding payment, the one who invites usually pays.

Business lunch includes three courses: appetizer, main course and dessert. Serving is quite simple: forks for appetizers, a fork and knife for the main course, and a spoon for dessert. All this is located along the edges of the plate, a pie plate for bread is placed a little higher on the left. Depending on the choice of drinks, a glass of water, as well as a glass of wine and a cup of tea or coffee, can stand above the plate on the right.


The main difference between brunch and lunch is in the atmosphere of the event, as well as time. Brunch is the meal that takes place between breakfast and lunch, around 11 am. Most often, brunch involves informal friendly communication, so it is often held on Sundays. It can be just a meeting of friends with families, or it can be a corporate party at the head, involving the presence of wives / husbands and children. The atmosphere is most often laid-back, and picnics are often arranged.

From food, various types of pastries are most preferable, as well as grilled vegetables or fish. Desserts and fresh fruits will be appropriate. There is no change of dishes, since the brunch is a large buffet, which each guest can come up to and take what he wants. It is important to ensure that you have enough soft drinks in advance, as well as low-alcohol drinks with ice if you intend to serve them.

Such serving is done not only to create a friendly atmosphere, but also so that the hostess of the house is relieved of the duties of a waitress and can have a good time with the guests. So, if you are planning to organize a small brunch this coming weekend, be guided by the fact that organizational moments should be minimal. The main thing is a good mood.

The basic rules that combine lunch and brunch include light food, casual conversation, as well as a short duration of time. Keep in mind that lunch and even Sunday brunch - This is not a dinner party, so you should not stretch them out for the whole day. Of course, you can make a brunch that smoothly flows into lunch and dinner, but do not forget to warn the guests about this - they may have other plans for the evening.

Brunch is a mixture of brunch and lunch, a good tradition that came to us from England. It is practiced most often on weekends, especially on Sundays, approximately from 11:00 to 16:00.

Why not breakfast?

Brunch differs from breakfast in at least three ways. Firstly, the brunch diet is more varied and denser: in addition to scrambled eggs, cereals and muesli, fried meat, smoked fish, grilled vegetables, pies, rolls and soups can be on the table. Secondly, during brunch it is customary to invigorate not only with tea and coffee, an inspiring glass of sparkling or spritzer is appropriate, it is allowed to start the day even with Bloody Mary. The third and most pleasant difference is that brunch is important in the company. This is a special ceremony - to get enough sleep and get together with family or friends at a common table, eat slowly, discuss everyday life, drink for the important.

The tricky word "Branch" was coined in the 1880s by Lewis Carroll. The writer, mathematician and logician, professor at Oxford University one day convinced the rector that the curriculum lacks a casual breakfast-lunch, during which students and teachers could communicate in an informal setting. Carroll suggested calling such a meal brunch (breakfast + lunch) - the rector approved, the Oxford Dictionary later recorded.

At the end of the 19th century, student boat regattas spread the newfound Oxford tradition to other universities in the country (for a long time the word brunch was considered student slang). The "Gold Rush" took English brunches to Alaska, and from there to other American states (brunches in the USA have become a habit - many mistakenly consider this tradition to be American). Outside the English-speaking world, brunches emerged after the First World War. Russia, of course, reached only in the nineties.

Just in 1992, the first St. Petersburg brunch was served in the restaurant "Europe". In addition to the European standard, we have chosen 7 more cute and tasty brunches at a fixed price. And as a bonus - 4 interesting offers for the weekend morning, but already on the a la carte system.

The best brunches on the restaurant trail are definitely at Rubinstein. Yesterday's party-goers, freelance artists from the nearest loft apartments, all the young and creative are pulled up here by the middle of the day. For a thousand rubles you get a good company and a buffet served. The assortment is charming in its simplicity: traditional pancakes and syrniki, lightly salted tomatoes and daily cucumbers, homemade boiled pork, fresh strawberries, grapes and berry cake. Every month, a seasonal dish is served for brunch - now a whole bowl of fried smelt is put on the table. Prosecco for parents, tea and coffee for drivers, cocoa for children are included in the price. The last argument in favor of Rubinstein is that the cutest terrace is already working on the sidewalk at the cafe.


Ceremonial Russian brunch at Chaliapin

On weekdays, the entire Smolny dine in Chaliapin, and on Sundays officials return here without ties, but with their wives, children and mothers. Visiting Fyodor Ivanovich from 11:00 to 15:00, the starched samobranka abounds with pancakes and pies, good cheesecakes and nuts with condensed milk “as before”, spinach omelettes and branded carrot cutlets, profiteroles and locally produced chocolates. A separate table is laid for children: with sausages in dough, mini-kebabs, chocolate balls and cereals. Do not lean on the buffet - by order, the chefs will cook hot: scrambled eggs, porridge, dumplings with cherries or cottage cheese. An exemplary Russian brunch will be accompanied by sparkling or nostalgic compote "School" made from dried fruits, but tea and coffee will have to be paid separately.


Meat brunch at BeefZavod

No one imagined that a brutal restaurant would support the cute idea of ​​​​family brunches. Even more so, no one thought that in factory interiors, among hanging ripening cow carcasses and a hefty flaming grill oven, you can start the day so mentally. The brunch here is truly one of the best in town. 2500 rubles is a ticket to the table, which is bursting with snacks, cheeses, vegetables and fruits. Obviously, a real celebration of life awaits meat lovers: appreciate home-made prosciutto and Doktorskaya according to GOST of the thirties of the last century, remember the taste of Tuscan salsicchi, try beef heart skewers and burgers with dry-aged cutlets. Fans of fish are not deprived - let's go, please, to slightly salted salmon, smoked omul, grilled shrimp, wheat "nests" with red caviar. While you are sipping your sparkling wine, the butcher will roast an ox thigh for everyone.


Il pranzo della domenica in Percorso

Percorso chef Valerio Andrisani claims that no respectable family in Italy ignores the tradition of Sunday dinners. Such Il pranzo della domenica (literally "late lunch", which, in fact, does not really correspond to the topic), he shifted to St. Petersburg realities. On Sundays, Valerio prepares four courses of dishes for the guests of the restaurant, all of the highest standard. First, a dozen Italian appetizers appear on each table, then the turn of pastas and risotto comes, for the main course it is offered to choose a meat, fish or vegetarian dish, and the final chord is six mini-desserts. And that is not all. If you choose Brunch for 4500, you will be served unlimited non-alcoholic drinks, including cocktails. For 5500 they will constantly add wine, beer, vodka. For 6500 plus the above, you get as many servings of elegant Bellini as you like - a mix of sparkling wine and peach puree.

4500-6500 depending on the choice of drinks

Sundays, from 12:30 to 16:30


Brunch legend in Europe

According to our calculations, for the first time a Petersburger was fed a brunch in the restaurant at the Grand Hotel Europe (in the spring of 1992 it cost $25). A quarter of a century has passed since then, a lot of water and champagne have flown under the bridge, and how many pancakes with caviar have been fed to presidents, senators and Hollywood stars, you can’t count. For the sake of a luxurious brunch in Europe, you can even buy a new dress or iron the arrows on your trousers. A 30-meter corridor of cold cuts and fish of low, strong, medium, any saltiness, a dozen varieties of cheese and a salad bar, oysters and sushi, tropical fruits and a parade of confectionery. Specially trained people fry shrimp, bake ribs, bake pancakes, crush orange juices and uncork elegant French cremants one by one. Jazz traditionally sounds from the stage, and children have fun in the playroom under the supervision of a nanny, teenagers can play x-box.

According to the Restorating call center, the vast majority of brunch reservations are made by ladies. It's just that not all men know that brunches can be masculine, nutty and with beer to boot. Just the kind of morning they preach in a Texas mitbar Smoke BBQ (Sat-Sun, from 10:00 to 16:00) and in a beer-sausage "Stuffing & Barrel" (Sat-Sun, from 12:00 to 16:00). In the establishment on Rubinshtein, we advise you to take a huge fried egg of 4 eggs with sausages, brisket and baked vegetables (450 rubles), stew with barbecue meat (390 rubles) will help save your hangover souls. In the establishment on Belinsky Street, we like “Double for Breakfast” the most - these are two sausages to choose from in the company of french fries and red cabbage (390 rubles).

“What is the concept of brunch?” my sister asked me, with whom we went to the Ararat Park Hyatt on Sunday for this “breakfast + lunch”. The question took me by surprise.

In theory, of course, I know what brunch is.

But what is its essence? Who invented it? Why do self-respecting hotels offer Sunday brunches, and for many they have even become a “calling card”? And who is brunch for?

After thinking about it, I made an assumption based on the personal experience of a person who likes to sleep a lot on the weekend: when you wake up at 2 o'clock in commercials, it seems to be too late to have breakfast. Although it’s a pity not to have breakfast - once you wake up, then it’s morning.

Branch solved this dilemma - in the person of either the British or the Americans - opinions differ on this matter (yes, I decided to study the issue). In any case, the term appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Most likely in England. Like, why not make life easier for Saturday night owls by serving food around noon instead of the usual early breakfast? This will add happiness to mankind, the British reasonably considered.

“Brunch is a time of joy, fellowship and exchange of energy.
It improves mood, gives a sense of satisfaction with oneself
and those around, erases worries and destroys cobwebs,
who have entangled you for a week,

so the writer Guy Beringer wrote about brunch in 1895, and he is credited with the authorship of the concept.

“Brunch takes place in a relaxed atmosphere with the motto “Relax, you’re not at work,” as Wikipedia says (stingy compared to cobwebs).

In addition to the relaxed atmosphere, getting rid of worries and other advantages of Sunday brunches, this is a great gift. And, in my opinion, original, especially for men.

In addition to Moscow, I remember two more brunches - in St. Petersburg and Miami. I will tell you more about these three places.

Time - from 12.00 to 16.00.

You need to book a table in advance - there are many people who want to. Three types of brunches are offered - with wine, sparkling wine and champagne (accordingly, with wine is the cheapest).

fusion kitchen. We liked fresh fish, spinach salad with walnuts and panna cotta with raspberries the most.

The service is excellent. As for the liberated atmosphere, I'm not sure - the audience is still very respectable. However, this did not stop us from dumping MyKi and Key-to-Ki decorations on the table, sticking earrings into the cake, and pouring liquid chocolate on the bracelets - we got great photos for social networks. So we ate deliciously, and rested, and worked.

Belmond Grand Hotel Europe, St. Petersburg,
restaurant "Europe"

Time - from 13.00 to 16.30, reservation is needed - Petersburgers love brunches in Europe.

Sunday brunches have been served at Europa Restaurant for over 20 years. Here I practically felt the atmosphere with my hands: a hall under the vaults of the last century, which has seen so many interesting people, survived so many eras; celebrities sitting at their tables at ease, confident that no one will disturb them - the hotel management carefully protects the peace of their guests; the head waiter of the "old school", who personally welcomes visitors - it is clear that they are regulars here; live jazz.

There is such an abundance on the menu that it is not just breakfast + lunch, but also + afternoon tea and dinner. The highlight of the serving is an indispensable appetizer with caviar. Pay attention to the "magic" cart with twelve types of caviar (!). Hot is chosen a la carte, and the menu includes favorite dishes from all the restaurants of the hotel.

At the display window with desserts, I, a sweet tooth, got lost in society. It was impossible to choose. At the time of my visit there was no game of petanque during brunch. There is a reason to return - I have never played petanque.

Time - from 10.00 to 16.00.

Reservations are required - The Biltmore Brunch is in the top of all restaurant ratings in South Florida, so it can not hold popularity.

In general, Miamians love Sunday brunches. And everyone with whom I discussed this topic unanimously agreed: brunch at Biltmore is the best. “The only castle in Miami,” is the affectionate name given to the hotel building by the locals. It reminded us more of Stalinist architecture - externally, but inside - especially in the courtyard where brunch is held - one can feel the colonial style.

Sitting at a wrought-iron table next to the fountain, we ordered a Bellini and didn’t go to the buffet for a long time - we didn’t even want to get up. Dasha Kokeeva (born July 23, 1980, Budapest) is a journalist by education, worked in fashion PR for many years. Now he is a co-owner of the jewelry brand MyKi. She believes that success comes to those who do what they love.

Brunch at the American restaurant Saxon + Parole will take you on a gastronomic journey through New York. The menu has a special section dedicated to brunches. The chef suggests starting with oysters and then focusing on one of the themed sets. You can choose, for example, a combination of eggs Benedict and poached, ham and pancakes with parmesan (490 rubles). Focus on a couple of burgers plus a sandwich, hit desserts right away, or turn breakfast into lunch by ordering a steak (1690 rubles).

Brunch is served on weekends from 11:00 to 16:00.

per. Spiridonievsky, 12/9


If you immediately want meat for a brunch, come to Yuzhane. Each Sunday brunch has its own theme that brings together items on the menu. Usually it is an appetizer, a salad bar, soup, main course, dessert and a few additional options (for example, oysters or sea urchins) - about 40 items in total. Moreover, especially for brunch, the chef develops a menu with new dishes that are not and will not be in the main. Everything works according to the buffet system, that is, you can go to the buffet table as many times as you want, plus order something from the additional menu. The price may vary, but on average about 2500 rubles. There is also a special offer for alcoholic drinks. By the way, this is a good option for families with children under 12 years old - breakfast is free for them, and an animator works in the restaurant.

Brunch is served on Sundays from 12:00 to 17:00. Tables are best booked in advance.

Ave. Academician Sakharova, 10


Møs is a stylish Nordic restaurant. The menu is full of Scandinavian hits, from popular smorrebrods to Norwegian crab soup and Danish caramel buns. The brunches are different every week, the full list of dishes is published on the Facebook or Instagram page closer to the weekend. During brunch, the main menu of the restaurant is not available. There is no fixed price for admission, each dish is paid separately, which means that you will pay only for what you try.

Brunch is served on Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 to 16:00. Tables are best booked in advance.

st. Trubetskaya, 10


New York brunch at the Fahrenheit restaurant promises to turn into a luxurious breakfast-lunch in the spirit of Manhattan's bohemian quarters. Prices are fixed: 1990 rubles for an unlimited number of dishes from the main menu, and another 1550 rubles, if with cocktails (also without restrictions), or 450 rubles for one cocktail. In addition to the standard brunch menu featuring eggs, salads, pasta, granola and other delights, there are also occasional themed brunches. For example, seasonal strawberry or truffle. Sounds like the start of a great weekend.

Brunch is served on weekends from 12:00 to 19:00. Cocktails as brunch at the same time, and on weekdays from 12:00 to 16:00

blvd. Tverskoy, 26


Wine for breakfast at a special price is the basis of the brunch philosophy at Mangnum Wine Bar. For drinks, of course, you can take oatmeal with fresh berries, potato pancakes and sweet waffles, but everyone understands that food is not the main thing. From drinks, prosecco, franciacorta or champagne are available at prices ranging from 190 to 490 rubles per glass.

Brunch is served on weekends from 12:00 to 18:00.

st. Lesnaya, d. 5b

The famous burger place has developed a special menu for brunches. You can order a signature brunch from Korner - fried eggs, baked sweet potato, pastrami sandwich and avocado (540 rubles). Also on the menu are pancakes with salmon (450 rubles), branded pancakes with ricotta (390 rubles), vanilla syrniki (390 rubles), oatmeal with berries (350 rubles) and Champion's Breakfast with avocado and salmon (580 rubles).

Brunch is served on weekends and public holidays from 10:00 to 16:00.

st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 76


The plan is this: come on Sunday, pay 900 rubles for "all inclusive" and, if desired, 250 for a glass of prosecco. Then you can enjoy a long breakfast. There are salads, omelettes, cereals, pastries, juicy fresh juices, egg pancakes and much more to choose from.

Brunch is served on Sundays from 12:00 to 16:00.

st. Spiridonovka, 24/1

DIDI 18+

The restaurant of Tbilisi cuisine on Tverskoy Boulevard is decorated in a country style and invites you to leisurely Saturday brunches. The menu includes a special set from the chef: appetizer, salad, main course and dessert. The cost is 2300 rubles. The atmosphere here is cheerful: largely due to the fact that homemade wine is poured without restrictions.

Brunch is served on Saturdays from 12:00 to 17:00.

blvd. Tverskoy, 14, building 4

If you're crazy about cheese, stop by for brunch at one of Moscow's cheesiest places. 2100 rubles - and all dishes from the menu marked with an asterisk are at your disposal, without restrictions. And this, for example, cheese khachapuri, grilled eggplant stracciatella, camembert risotto, truffle burrata and other cheese treasures. The brunch comes with a glass of sparkling wine. Children under 7 years old can enjoy a free brunch and run to play with the animator.

Brunch is served on Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 to 18:00

st. Lesnaya, 9 (BC "White Gardens")

Brunches at the House of Cultures are not only a gastronomic phenomenon, but also educational and entertaining. The special menu, which is different each time depending on the invited guest, usually has five or six items. And each of them reflects the interests of the participants. So, for example, at the brunch of the Pushkin Museum they offered to try the Matisse cocktail, and at the brunch dedicated to pan-Asian dishes, there were video games and neon everywhere. The House of Cultures publishes announcements of upcoming brunches on Facebook, but tickets still need to be snatched.

Brunches are held on weekends from 12:00 to 18:00.

st. Sretenka, 25


If you've been on a diet all week, but want to loosen up a little on the weekend without too much impact on your waist, you're in the KM20. Healthy lifestyle brunches are arranged here, but they turn a blind eye to the number of calories: for example, you can treat yourself to pancakes with ricotta and coffee caramel (500 rubles), brioche with curd cheese and blueberries (400 rubles), and also Mimosa and Bloody Mary".