What to put in vinaigrette. How to cook a regular vinaigrette - recipe. How to cook vegetables for vinaigrette

Hello to all my subscribers! Spring is on the street and therefore today I decided to tell you about the well-known salad - vinaigrette. This miracle of vitamins dish, in my opinion, is best cooked in winter or spring. The recipe is very simple and for every budget.

In this post, I will show you the tastiest, easiest, best and most interesting options that you can easily cook at home. You will learn what this salad is made of, prepared, and how beautiful and festive it can be. It seems to be a simple appetizer, but it can be served on any holiday, for example, on February 23, March 8 or New Year. For a birthday, too, if it’s cool to decorate, it will look great, look further at the article and you will understand everything yourself.

Do you know that this dish is considered royal? It has long been in Rus' that this option was served on the royal table. It is interesting that in other countries it is called "Russian salad", probably because it contains ingredients that Russians certainly use in their diet. Vinaigrette is a traditional Russian Slavic dish, it is very healthy, contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

And more importantly, it is low-calorie and dietary. It is used by people in many cases for weight loss.

It is allowed to use nursing mothers, if it does not contain sauerkraut.

The composition of the Russian classic vinaigrette includes such vegetables: carrots, beets, potatoes (they must be boiled, peeled and cooled in advance), pickled cucumbers (I prefer sour, salty) and sauerkraut, white onions. The ingredients are taken in almost equal proportions. The only onion falls not as much as vegetables, to taste.

Filled with either oil, you can do it without oil. Many people use vinegar diluted with water instead of oil, and of course salt and pepper if desired. An interesting fact is that our ancestors added a boiled egg to this dish. For example, I have never done with an egg, I must try. And you did with the egg, what are your impressions, write in the comments.

My neighbor adds more herring, this ingredient spices up the salad and then sauerkraut should not be added.

Well, I still prefer the classic look the most. Although various kinds of experiments with different combinations of products, my household members always rate them with a bang!

Classic vinaigrette with peas

The traditional version, it is also royal, yes, exactly! Imagine, before this dish was served only to kings. It is now eaten by everyone.

What products should be used for this miracle according to GOST? Here are the ingredients on the list you should take:

We will need:

  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Green peas - jar
  • sauerkraut
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - for dressing
  • Onion - head
  • Salt - you can do without it

Cooking method:

1. Wash vegetables (carrots, potatoes, beets) and boil. Next, cool and clean the vegetables.

2. Cut the beets into cubes.

3. Add vegetable oil to the chopped beets, mix.

Important! How to make sure that vegetables are not painted? For this, vegetable oil is used, which you must first mix separately with beets.

4. Cut the potatoes into small cubes too.

Interesting! By the way, you can add fried carrots, not boiled ones.

6. Onion is also cut into cubes.

7. Then cut the pickled cucumbers into small cubes with a knife.

8. Add sauerkraut. Almost everything is ready!

Important! Can be cooked with fresh cabbage. What do you like to do the most?

9. Add canned peas. Salt to taste.

Important! What else, you can fill the vinaigrette, except for vegetable oil? You can make a French fill. 🙂 To do this, take olive oil (3 tablespoons) add vinegar (0.5 tablespoons) + half a teaspoon mustard to it, pepper and salt. Mix thoroughly. sauce is ready!

11. Well, that's all, our ordinary salad with cabbage is ready!

12. Before serving, it can be decorated. Show your imagination and ingenuity. Bon appetit!

Tell me, what do you eat this snack with? Write your reviews and comments. I suggest boiling pasta with cutlets, and you?

Cooking with potatoes, cucumber and sauerkraut

This dish is a very good appetizer to the table. According to gastroenterologists, this snack is recommended for people who are prone to constipation.

We will need:

  • Potato - 150 g
  • Beets - 150 g
  • Carrots - 150 g
  • Sauerkraut - 150 g
  • Pickled cucumber - 150 g
  • Greenery
  • Table vinegar, preferably 3% - 1 tsp
  • Mustard - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp
  • Pepper and salt

Cooking method:

1. Potatoes, beets and carrots need to be boiled and then cooled.

3. Add sauerkraut, if you have it with plushes, then chop it into strips.

4. Finely chop the greens and onions.

5. Take a cucumber and also cut it into cubes, then squeeze out excess moisture a little with your hands.

Interesting! Instead of pickled cucumber, you can make it with fresh. It will be very fragrant, and quite good.

6. Place the resulting ingredients in a bowl and mix everything. Leave some greens, it will be possible to decorate the salad on top.

7. In another bowl, mix together the mustard, vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

8. Fill the mixture of vegetables with this mixture. Decorate with greenery. Smile, you're done! Bon appetit!

Interesting! I know people who make this option for the winter in jars, but somehow I stick to boiling vegetables at any time and making it, as they say, from the heat, from the heat.

Salad with herring and mayonnaise

Yes, you read everything right with a herring, as if “under a fur coat” immediately probably an association - such an unusual option, but quite a lot of people like it. In addition, it is quite full and has a unique taste. Such a salad is very often popular on festive home tables.

We will need:

  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Salted herring - 1 pc.
  • Green canned peas - 1 can
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil or mayonnaise
  • Salt pepper

Cooking method:

1. Vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots) boil and cool, then peel.

2. Herring should be cut into fillet pieces, and then cut into cubes.

3. Vegetables, onion and pickled cucumber (you can use salted) also cut into cubes.

4. Combine carrots, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, fish, peas in a bowl and season these ingredients with vegetable oil (or mayonnaise, although this type is usually seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil). And then add beets. Thus, the salad will not be stained from beets.

5. Transfer the resulting dish to a beautiful serving dish. Salt and pepper to your liking. Putinto the refrigerator. Good luck with your cooking.

We have considered with you several options for this dish, I was interested in the question, what is the calorie content of this product?

calories With oil and potatoes estimated by nutritionists at 120 kcal per 100 grams, 50% calories contained in vegetable oil.

calories With oil and herring estimated by nutritionists at 119.1 kcal per 100 grams,

calories classical option estimated by nutritionists at 67 kcal per 100 grams,

Who is chasing calories, this is such a small hint for you.

Unusual appetizer with beans, apple and green peas

This type is very tasty, light and has an exquisite taste. Try it for sure. Your stomach will be very happy. 🙂 By the way, you can add canned mushrooms to this look, oddly enough, but it will be very tasty.

We will need:

  • Carrots, beets, potatoes - in equal proportions - 500 g
  • Green peas - 1 can
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Apples are not sweet, sour - 2 pcs.
  • Canned beans - 1 can (add beans if the salad is made without apples)
  • Green onions - a bunch
  • Lemon - lemon juice 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - for dressing on the eye

Cooking method:

1. Boil vegetables, cool, peel.

2. Cut all vegetables: carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, cucumber into cubes.

3. Finely chop the apples to make cubes. For decoration, you can make shavings from apples.

4. Skip step 3 if you are preparing a bean salad. Add beans to salad.

5. Chop green onions.

6. Add green peas. Salt.

7. Next, add lemon juice. Mix everything. Fill with vegetable oil. Please come to the table, everything is ready. But, if you have time, it is better to put the dish in the refrigerator and serve chilled. Decorate the dish with herbs or even a boiled egg. Bon appetit!

Aaaaaaaaa, you know, I wanted to finish writing this note, and then I remembered about another option. So what do we need?

Korean version with carrots

I love Korean carrots very much. I don't know how you can not love her. Once, while visiting my friend, I tried such a miracle with Korean carrots. I was amazed, surprised, impressed by this taste. Interesting, I thought. We must try to make such an option myself, well, we are preparing at home according to step-by-step recommendations.

We will need:

  • Boiled potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Boiled beets - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • Korean carrots - 350 g
  • Sour cream - 80 g
  • Black ground pepper, salt

Cooking method:

  1. Ready vegetables, peeled potatoes, beets, cut into cubes.

Important! Vegetables can not be boiled in water, but baked in the oven. It is much healthier and more vitamins will be preserved.

3. Add Korean carrots.

4. Mix everything.

5. Pepper, salt. Season with sour cream, mix everything well. An unusual appetizer is ready! Please come to the table. Literally in 5 minutes this vegetable dish is eaten. 😛 And what form do you use to decorate this salad? I take a special, round one, so that everything looks original and tasteful.Bon appetit!

In conclusion, I would also like to offer those who find it difficult to master the cooking technology, I advise you to watch this video from YouTube:

Tell us, what recipes do you use dear hostesses? What is your favorite recipe? In the next issue, expect variations without potatoes and without cabbage, as well as without beets or without cucumbers, I think that you can come up with a very interesting combination with other products.

P.S. Joke of the day: An ideal wife against an ideal husband: - Honey, go drink vodka! - I haven't cut the vinaigrette yet!

Everyone who is at least a little fond of cooking knows how to make a vinaigrette. It would seem - what could be easier: I took everything you need for a vinaigrette - vegetables, dressing, salt - and prepared a simple and nutritious dish. But no, each of the hostesses has her own secret of how to cook a special vinaigrette: the most delicious recipe is the one that all family members are delighted with. I bring to your attention a selection of the most interesting recipes for the famous salad. Shall we conjure in the kitchen to surprise loved ones with an unusual familiar dish?

Vinaigrette: benefits and harms

In cookbooks, the recipe for vegetable snacks appeared in the nineteenth century. But even today vegetable food is very popular in our country and the countries of the former USSR. Most likely, this popularity is due to the availability of ingredients, this was especially true during the period of stagnation, although, perhaps, the benefits of this snack dish also played a significant role.

Mainly, it is worth talking about the benefits and harms of vinaigrette, based on what is included in the vinaigrette from the products. And it's mostly vegetables. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, normalize digestion, help in the fight against excess weight, etc. Since the benefits of vegetables have long been proven, I would like to mention the possible harm.

Vinaigrette salad, the recipe of which includes sauerkraut, is not recommended for gastritis, stomach ulcers and colitis. The same applies to pickled cucumbers, which are often included in the classic vinaigrette. And the high sugar content of beets can exacerbate diabetes. It is not necessary to treat children under one year old with vinaigrette, as together vegetables can give an allergic effect. If you are allergic to any of the vegetable ingredients, they should be replaced with analogues: it is not so difficult, and it will eliminate the need to give up your favorite dish.

Another important point: in order not to get food poisoning, it is important to remember how much vinaigrette is stored in the refrigerator. Salad in oil is good for consumption during the day, and mayonnaise - about 4 hours!

How to make a vinaigrette? The usual recipe requires a minimum of products. What are the ingredients in the vinaigrette? The classic composition is:

  • boiled vegetables in uniform: carrots, beets, potatoes;
  • onion;
  • sauerkraut;
  • pickled or pickled cucumber;
  • salt and sugar;
  • vegetable oil.

Often, canned green peas, table or apple cider vinegar are added to the composition, and dressing oil is replaced with sauces (for example, mayonnaise). According to culinary historian William Pokhlebkin, the classic Russian version includes a chopped hard-boiled egg, as well as fried or boiled or poultry.

How much to cook beets for vinaigrette and other vegetables?

When cooking, the vitamins in vegetables are destroyed, therefore, in order to get the most healthy and healthy dish, it is worth remembering how much to cook vegetables for vinaigrette. The cooking time depends on the volume of vegetables and their size, the most important thing is not to boil the root vegetables!

How much to cook carrots for vinaigrette? The average cooking time is 20-30 minutes. Beetroot takes the longest to cook. How to quickly cook beets for vinaigrette? To do this, we put the root crops in boiling water: this will reduce the content of vitamins, but it will also reduce the cooking time. You can use the microwave: how to cook vegetables in the microwave for vinaigrette is often written in the recipe book that comes with the instructions for the kitchen appliance. For cooking, they take plastic or glass dishes, where the vegetables are ready for chopping into a salad in 20-25 minutes.

  • A little culinary secret: so that the beetroot does not “contaminate” the rest of the ingredients, and the salad is colorful, it is cut first and “oiled”, that is, it is first poured with oil.
    So, the ingredients are ready. How to make a vinaigrette? The best vinaigrette recipes are below.

Classic vinaigrette salad recipe: base

To make the "Classic Recipe" vinaigrette, a step-by-step recipe with a photo will come in handy.

When preparing a classic vinaigrette, we keep the composition approximately as follows (for 6 servings):

  • 4-5 medium potatoes, beets and carrots;
  • 5 medium pickled cucumbers;
  • large onion;
  • salt and vegetable oil to taste.

Boiled vegetables are chopped into small cubes, the same with onions and cucumbers.

All ingredients are mixed, salt is put to taste and seasoned with oil.

Vinaigrette: classic recipe with peas

And how to cook a vinaigrette with canned green peas? First you have to boil the vegetables and chop (this is the same as doing a regular one). And then - everything is simple: we open a jar of peas with a knife and add the contents to the previous composition of vegetables, after draining the juice from the jar. If you leave the juice, the salad will “float” and spoil faster!

Such a classic vinaigrette recipe with peas and cabbage may not contain cucumber: the taste does not suffer much.

Vinaigrette with fresh cucumber

An ordinary fresh cucumber will bring special freshness and unusual taste to the vinaigrette recipe. It's like in Olivier: someone loves with pickled cucumbers, and someone with fresh ones. True, you need to eat this dish sooner: a fresh vegetable gives juice, which does not have a very favorable effect on the shelf life of the boiled part of the salad.

Vinaigrette with sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a storehouse of vitamin C! Therefore, a classic vinaigrette recipe with sauerkraut is doubly useful. You need to cook it in the same way as usual, only at the end we add cabbage. Before preparing a vinaigrette with sauerkraut, it should be chopped if it was fermented with large straws. Too acidic - can be washed with cold water.

Vinaigrette with fresh cabbage

No sauerkraut? No problem! For those who cannot imagine without the cabbage method, the recipe without sauerkraut can be changed to fresh cabbage vinaigrette. For this “summer” version, cabbage should be shredded thinly - this will give it a spicy crunch. You can sprinkle it a little with vinegar or lemon juice before mixing the ingredients.

Vinaigrette with beans

If there is no green canned peas, but you really want to diversify the vinaigrette, the classic recipe with beans will come in handy. The taste of this does not deteriorate, and the benefits of digestion increase. There is a lot of protein in the beans, so the salad will become even more satisfying. The bean variant is good in the diet of vegetarians: it compensates for the protein deficiency.

How to quickly cook red beans

If you are going to cook a vinaigrette with beans and sauerkraut, so that the beans cook faster, use a little trick: soak the beans overnight in cold water, and in the morning drain the old water and boil until hot, boil until tender: cooking time will be reduced by almost three times!

Vinaigrette with mushrooms: recipe

With what just do not prepare this vegetable salad! Very tasty with mushrooms. You can use pickled mushrooms, or you can use fresh ones (champignons, mushrooms). Before making a vinaigrette, fresh mushrooms are fried in oil. Take this ingredient at the rate of 20-30 g per serving.

Vinaigrette with herring

If you like herring under a fur coat, then herring vinaigrette is a recipe that should also appeal to you. For its preparation, you need a fillet of lightly salted herring.

So the ingredients are:

  • potatoes - 4 tubers;
  • large beets;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • onion - 2 large;
  • herring fillet - 200 g.

After boiling and peeling, finely chop the vegetables. We cut onion into quarter-rings, a small cube - fish. Mix, salt and season with oil.


The herring version is best done without pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut: otherwise it can be very salty.

For a more harmonious taste, reduce the volume of beets and carrots, increasing the volume of potatoes and onions.

Vegetable vinaigrette with herbs

How to cook a delicious vinaigrette if the products at home are only the most ordinary? Yes, this salad is delicious without exotic additives: ordinary vegetables are all you need! We cut boiled potatoes, beets, carrots into small cubes, onions in quarter-rings. Is there a wild garlic? Add a few stems, chopped finely. Or maybe some dill? And he's good! The salad will become more fragrant with a sprig of cilantro or young garlic arrows. How to make a delicious vinaigrette with a minimum number of ingredients - fantasy and taste preferences will tell!

Vinaigrette with squid

If you love seafood, then you should not deprive yourself of the pleasure of enjoying them in the same favorite vegetable salad! How to cook vinaigrette - salad with squid?

  • potatoes - 2-4 tubers (we focus on size);
  • a couple of large beets;
  • 200 g squid;
  • garlic - a tooth;
  • bulb onion;
  • salt and black pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

Boil as usual in approximately equal amounts of potatoes, carrots and beets. We clean them and rub them on a large-mesh grater (or crumble into a small cube). Cut the squid boiled for 5-6 minutes into thin strips. Finely chop the onion and garlic and mix all the products, salt, pepper and season with oil.

Diet vinaigrette

Do you know how many calories are in a vinaigrette? If this is a classic composition, then in 100 g - only about 130 kcal. This is exactly the average calorie content of a vinaigrette with butter and potatoes. What if without them?

We remove the most high-calorie ingredient - potatoes, replacing it with zucchini (ideally raw, but if you don’t like it, the vegetable can be stewed) or sour apple. Vegetable sunflower oil is also not good! You can replace it with apple cider vinegar or linseed oil. We add delicious fat-burning vegetables at will: bell pepper, eggplant, celery - and here it is, a hearty and healthy dish for losing weight!

Diet vinaigrette for weight loss

No need to torment yourself in an effort to build hunger or poison yourself with pills. Nobody canceled vegetable diets! It's both healthy and delicious! Using a dietary vinaigrette, the recipe of which can be modified, on fasting days or during a diet, you can deal a serious blow to excess weight! On average, a dietary vinaigrette, the calorie content per 100 grams of which does not exceed 90-100 kcal, can be eaten up to 1 kg per day without worrying that it will be deposited in a fat fold. As tasty snacks, apples and citrus fruits, sour-milk products are allowed. At the same time, you need to drink more fluids: water, green and herbal teas, fruit drinks and compotes without sugar.

You can’t sit on this diet for more than 3 days! With dizziness, weakness, vomiting, the diet with vinaigrette should be stopped and consult a nutritionist!

Dressing for vinaigrette: classic and familiar option

Interestingly, the dish got its name from the dressing. According to legend, it came from the French, where their "vinaigrette" meant "sour wine" (vinegar). Interestingly, in France, this is the name of a vegetable salad sprinkled with vinegar.

The classic recipe requires a special dressing - not vegetable oil at all, as we are used to!

The sauce for the dish is done like this:

  • olive oil - 3 parts;
  • vinegar - 1 part;
  • pepper and salt - mix to taste. In this case, vinegar is often replaced with lemon juice. Then the juice and oil is taken in a ratio of 1:1.

No olive oil? Sunflower is also suitable, but it must be odorless!

Prepare a meal with mayonnaise, mustard sauce, sour cream. But, thinking about how to fill it, listen to your health. So, nutritionists advise for people with obesity or with problems of the cardiovascular system to fill the dish with linseed or corn oil. And unrefined olive oil is well suited for those who suffer from ailments in the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Here is a selection of dishes familiar to everyone turned out! Cook with pleasure, improvise, surprise your loved ones!


Vinaigrette salad is one of the most popular in our country, because the variety of ingredients allows you to create dishes for both vegetarians and lovers of seafood and fish. It is easy to prepare, tasty and very affordable.

Throughout its existence, the ingredients were a variety of products, ranging from vegetables, which completely filled the salad, and ending with fish products, which became a good addition.

After preparing the salad, dress it with olive oil, not sunflower oil, because it is more spicy and rich in healthy elements.

How to cook salad vinaigrette - 15 varieties

The classic vinaigrette is one of the most accessible recipes that has been familiar to everyone since childhood.

The right combination of all the ingredients will allow you to get a unique taste that everyone will like.


  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 4 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Beans - 1 bank
  • Sauerkraut - 100 g.
  • Olive or sunflower oil


Boil beets, potatoes, carrots, then cool the vegetables by pouring them with cold water. Peel the prepared vegetables and cut into cubes, do the same with cucumbers and onions.

Transfer the resulting mixture to a small salad bowl or saucepan, add sauerkraut and beans. Finally, salt the dish and season with oil. Optionally, you can decorate the salad with a sprig of greens.

This is one of the classic recipes that is suitable for those who do not really like onions. It is good because pickling onions, it becomes sweetish and gives spice to the dish.


  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 7 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Green peas - 1 bank
  • mayonnaise, vinegar


Boil the vegetables and let them cool. In the meantime, you can work on the onion, cut it into small cubes and, in a separate bowl, fill it with water diluted with vinegar so that the water completely covers the onion. Next, cut the boiled potatoes, carrots, beets and cucumbers into cubes. Place the workpiece in a salad bowl and add the onion, and then the peas. Stir, salt and season with oil.

Vinaigrette with fresh cucumbers is a salad that will be appreciated by those who do not like salted or pickled vegetables, but prefer only fresh ingredients. This dish can be prepared very easily and quickly.


  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Cauliflower - 250 gr.
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Canned peas - 200 g.
  • Greenery
  • Oil


Rinse all vegetables thoroughly, put them to cook until tender. Boil the cabbage in a separate bowl (cook for 10 minutes). Leave the cooked vegetables in cold water for a while.

Peel the prepared ingredients and cut into cubes, gradually adding cucumbers and an apple to them. Transfer the resulting workpiece to a wooden bowl and add canned peas and chopped greens. Next, salt the salad, season with oil, mix and let it brew in a cool place for about an hour.

This is an excellent recipe, which consists of the most affordable ingredients that can be found in any home, so that you don’t need to go to the store and buy something extra to prepare it.


  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Green onion - 1 bunch
  • Oil
  • Salt pepper


Bake beets, potatoes and carrots, cool and peel. Boiled vegetables, onions, and cucumbers cut into cubes. Mix everything in a salad bowl, salt and pepper. Refrigerate for 2 hours, before serving, season with oil and shape the dish with a ring.

How to make a traditional dish with a twist? To surprise guests, you can add herring to the recipe. The dish will turn out very satisfying and tasty. This is a great alternative to herring under a fur coat, the preparation of which takes a lot of time.


  • Herring - 200 g.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Green peas - 200 g.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Oil


Boil the vegetables, cool the finished products, then remove the skin from them.

Cut all vegetables into random cubes. Separately cut the herring, in a way convenient for you. Place the mixture in a suitable bowl and add the herring green peas. Salt the finished salad and season with oil. The resulting dish can be decorated with a sprig of greenery.

In order for the dish to acquire a rich raspberry color, mix everything thoroughly before dressing and leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

A very simple recipe that anyone can make. This is a wonderful homemade version of a traditional dish that the whole family will appreciate. Vinaigrette is very tasty and satisfying. The main thing is to keep the proportions right.


  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Peas - 1 bank
  • Cucumbers - 1 large and 8 gherkins
  • Oil, salt


In a pre-prepared salad bowl, cut potatoes, carrots and beets into cubes, pour peas with chopped cucumbers. Add the onion to the mixture. Mix all the ingredients, salt and season with oil. Refrigerate it and serve.

An unusual addition to the vinaigrette can be saury, which will bring a touch of piquancy to the classic salad. This dish will please any fish lover.


  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Saury - 200 g
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Canned corn - 1 can.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Oil


Boil the vegetables first, let them cool. Remove the skin from them, then remove the fish from the jar and clean it from the bones. Grind all the ingredients, turning them into small cubes. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl and add the corn. Salt the finished salad and season with oil.

This is almost a classic Vinaigrette, only in the form of a wreath. It is very relevant in winter, on New Year's Eve, when the whole family gathers at the table. The salad is very quick and easy to make.


  • Beets -3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 6 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Cabbage - 100 g.
  • Beans - 1 bank
  • Polka dots - jar
  • Greens, onion, pepper, salt
  • Oil


Boil the vegetables and cut them into small cubes. Do the same with cucumbers. Squeeze the cabbage and cut. Transfer everything to a suitable container, add onions, beans, herbs and peas. Stir and pepper, salt, season with oil.

Take a flat plate, put a forming ring in the center and form a wreath around it. Make beetroot roses and decorate with herbs.

This is a very tasty dish, which is most suitable for winter feasts, because summer squash preparations are completely infused and ready to eat. This dish is prepared in a hurry. Salad is perfect for celebrations and for a simple lunch.


  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Pickled zucchini - 150 gr.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Oil


Rinse and boil all vegetables thoroughly, let them cool. While they are cooling, prepare the rest of the ingredients, dice the onion and zucchini, chop the garlic and put everything in a salad bowl. Grind the cooled vegetables and add to the resulting mixture.

Mix the resulting dish, salt and season with oil, let the salad cool. Top with fresh herbs.

This is a great recipe that is suitable for the summer-autumn period, when vegetables ripen and give all their vitamins. This salad is good for a simple lunch and for a festive table.


  • Cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • Peas - 1 bank
  • Sauerkraut - 200 gr.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Oil, salt


Wash and dry vegetables, wrap in foil and bake. Prepare a container for salad, start cutting baked vegetables, cabbage and cucumbers into it. Next, add the peas and mix, season with oil, salt and mix again.

To make the dish colorful, you need to cut the beetroot into cubes and season it with oil, add it to the finished dish at the end.

This is a great option for the New Year's table, which will appeal to everyone invited. It is prepared quickly and consists of available ingredients. This is a very simple and unusual recipe that everyone will appreciate.


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Soaked apples - 2 pcs.
  • Leaf salad
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Oil


Boil the vegetables, cool (you can do this at night, and collect the salad in the morning) and cut into cubes. Cut cucumbers and apples and mix with vegetables. Pour everything into a salad bowl and add onion and lettuce there, mix it all up and add oil, do not forget to salt. Refrigerate before serving and garnish with herbs.

A traditional and tasty salad that everyone will like. He will remind everyone of the summer spent in the village.


  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 6 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 2 pcs.
  • Beets - 3 pcs.
  • Pickled cabbage - 350 g.
  • Peas - 350 g.
  • Oil
  • Salt pepper


Boil potatoes, beets and carrots. Let them cool and then start cutting. Transfer the prepared ingredients to a pre-prepared container and start adding chopped onions, apples, cabbage and salt the dish. Then add cucumbers and peas. Stir, pepper and oil the salad. Let it brew for 2 hours.

This is a great diet salad that will fit well into the summer menu. This dish will be appreciated by weight watchers and seafood lovers. Squids not only decorate dishes, but also make it unique.


  • Canned squids - 200 g.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Beets - 3 pcs.
  • Carrot - 3 pcs.
  • Oil, salt
  • Onions, greens


Boil the vegetables, cool them and cut into slices or cubes. Transfer the prepared ingredients to a suitable bowl, adding chopped squid, cucumbers, onions and herbs to them. Mix the resulting salad and season with salt. Refrigerate for 2 hours and drizzle with olive oil before serving.

Vinaigrette with beans is a great addition to any table. This dish is sure to please the family because it is unusual and very tasty.


  • Sauerkraut - 100 gr.
  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • White beans - 250 g.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Oil, salt


Boil carrots, potatoes and beets, cool and peel them. Cut everything into small cubes, including cabbage, onions and cucumbers. Take a bowl and transfer all the ingredients, add the beans at the end. Mix the finished dish, salt and add oil.

Vinaigrette - mushroom meadow

A great option is to add mushrooms to a classic vinaigrette. It's very unique and fresh. Fans of mushrooms will like this dish, as well as combining them with vegetables will make the dish dietary.


  • Mushrooms - 250 g.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Canned peas - 160 g.
  • Oil, salt, mustard


Boil, cool and clean all vegetables. Cut all the ingredients into small, arbitrary cubes, gradually adding mushrooms and peas. Transfer the mixture to a medium sized saucepan and stir. Salt and refrigerate for an hour. When serving, season with a sauce that is very easy to prepare, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of oil and mustard.

To add piquancy and sophistication to the dish, it is advised to season the vinaigrette not just with oil, but with homemade mustard sauce.

The vinaigrette.

Today, vinaigrette is considered the most traditional salad in Russia and not only. But most importantly, this delicious winter dish is becoming even more popular every year.
It is mainly prepared for any festive feast, such as New Year, birthdays and other celebrations. But there are also vinaigrette lovers who cook it on ordinary days.

History of vinaigrette

Abroad, they believe that the vinaigrette is of Russian origin, although no one can specifically confirm this. If you believe the historical books of England, (approximately the 19th century), at that time there was a certain Swedish salad with beets and herring, which looked like a vinaigrette of our time, or rather "".
In addition to the two most important components, there are also ingredients from vegetables, potatoes, apples, boiled chicken eggs (protein). Sour cream, vinegar, olive oil, yolk rubbed through a grater are used as dressings. This salad was liked by Russian culinary specialists. Since then, some changes and additions have begun to be made to the vinaigrette. Accordingly, the vinaigrette has acquired a wider name, it is made with sauerkraut, cranberries and pickled cucumbers are added.

The benefits of vinaigrette

The secrets and beneficial properties of the salad are hidden in its rich vegetable composition:
Beetroot contains minerals that help regulate metabolism and reduce body fat. Potatoes are a source of vitamin C, which strengthens the body's defenses and improves immunity. Carrots contain vitamins of category D, B, C, E, and there are also a lot of microelements. Orange vegetables are considered an excellent antioxidant, help to remove toxins and strengthen the body. Pickles help improve digestion, contain a lot of fiber and iodine; In sauerkraut there is a huge amount of vitamin C, as well as A, B, E and K, it has antibacterial and restorative properties, restores metabolism. Onion, in addition to the record number of vitamins C and B, contains the necessary trace elements such as zinc, iodine, iron, fluorine and manganese. Due to the low nutritional value of lettuce, nutritionists advise those who want to lose some extra pounds to fall in love with it with all their hearts. Filling with vegetable oil and spices will undoubtedly help to make a chair, cope with the "piquant" problem - constipation.

Calorie vinaigrette

There are a lot of options for the Vinaigrette salad, which is why, undoubtedly, it is quite difficult to calculate its value in calories. In the traditional own vegetable variation, the appetizer contains chopped beets, potatoes, carrots, pickles, sauerkraut and canned green peas, we take sunflower oil as a dressing. In 100 grams of vinaigrette there are only 95 kilocalories. This is perhaps surprisingly not much, with more than a third of which being oil filling. When modifying a traditional recipe, consider the value of the ingredients you will be using.

The vinaigrette

A popular and well-known vinaigrette recipe. The salad contains potatoes, beets, onions, cucumbers, sauerkraut. The preparation of vinaigrette is quite fast if you prepare all the components in advance.

Required products:

  • Beets - 150 gr.
  • Potato - 320 gr.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 300 gr.
  • Sauerkraut - 300 gr.
  • Bulb 140 - 150 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - as a dressing.

How to make a vinaigrette

We thoroughly wash the potatoes with beets, start cooking. When everything is cooked until cooked, remove the pan from the stove (we cook the vegetables separately) and leave to cool. We clean the chilled potatoes with beets, cut into small cubes (or into thin, medium-sized slices). We cut the pickles into small cubes, then squeeze them a little. Cut the onion into small cubes too. When the cucumbers are large enough, you can peel the skin, remove the seeds. Cut large pieces of sauerkraut into small pieces. Rinse very sour cabbage with cold water and squeeze. We mix all the components in a small bowl, add a little salt, season with vegetable oil. Vinaigrette is served garnished with herbs.

Vinaigrette classic - step by step recipe with photo

In order to prepare a vegetable vinaigrette salad, there are no particular difficulties. Most importantly, it is necessary to adhere to certain ratios of the ingredients that you use.


  • sauerkraut - 0.5 kg;
  • beets - 3 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 6 tbsp;
  • half a can of canned peas;
  • 3 cucumbers (pickled or salted);
  • a teaspoon of table (3%) vinegar;
  • salt and pepper according to taste.

How to make classic vinaigrette

Rinse the potatoes and beets, boil the whole in a separate bowl, cool, peel, cut into small cubes.

Peel the onion, chop into small pieces, cut the cucumbers into strips. Put together all the cooked ingredients and sauerkraut in one dish.

For dressing, mix vinegar and oil in a bowl, salt and pepper to taste.

Add canned peas to our vegetables, stir everything carefully, pour over with a fragrant vinegar composition. To decorate the vinaigrette, it is allowed to use greens cut into small pieces.

It is not recommended to cook a lot of vinaigrette, since the products included in its composition very soon lose their own taste and nutritional properties. If you want the vinaigrette recipe to acquire a unique image, then we take a glass, put it in the center of the dishes prepared for these purposes. Spread the ingredients around the glass vessel, then carefully remove it from the resulting vegetable wreath. We decorate the appetizer with greens, sprigs of dill or parsley, and also figures cut from carrots, beets or boiled eggs. Applying culinary fiction to decorate your favorite dish in the most unusual and unique way is only welcome!

Vinaigrette with fish

Quite unusual, and at the same time indescribably appetizing vinaigrette recipe. As part of the recipe, in addition to vegetables, there are mushrooms with fish. A similar salad is dressed with 2 different sauces; you can see the methods for making sauces in the recipe itself.

Required products:

For the vinaigrette:

  • Fish - one kg.
  • Beets - four medium-sized pieces.
  • Potatoes - four pieces.
  • Pickled cucumbers - three pieces.
  • Fresh cucumbers - three pieces.
  • Pickled mushrooms - one hundred grams (you can mushrooms or champignons);
  • Maslinov - one hundred grams;
  • White wine drink.

For sauce #1 (hot sauce recipe):

  • Mustard - two teaspoons .;
  • Sugar - two teaspoons.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Olive oil (allowed to change to corn) - 150 grams;
  • Acetic acid to taste.

For sauce No 2 ("Provencal"):

  • Olive (corn) oil - four hundred grams;
  • Yolks - two pieces;
  • Sugar one tbsp. l.;
  • Mustard - taste;
  • Acetic acid - to taste;
  • Lemon juice - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Chopped green parsley - one tsp

How to make fish vinaigrette

We remove the skin from the fillet part of the fish and select the bones, cut the fillet into thin, only wide pieces (the knife must be held in an inclined state). The loin is cut, always from the head. We take a prepared baking dish, grease it in oil, put pieces of fish in it. Roll all the pieces a little in salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and white wine. Set the fish to bake in the oven at low flame until cooked through. Cool the finished fish. Next, boil the potatoes with beets, cool, peel, cut into circles of the same size, and then cut each circle into longish strips. Cut fresh with pickled cucumbers literally in the same way, having previously cleaned the skin from them. We spread these components in a dish, season with spicy sauce No 1.

Sauce No 1: We grind the ingredients from mustard, salt, sugar into a homogeneous mass, evenly pouring in the oil, continuing to mix. Add a little vinegar to taste.

Sauce No 2: We grind the ingredients from the yolks, granulated sugar, salt, mustard, pepper. Evenly pour in vegetable oil, then add lemon juice with acetic acid according to your taste. Add greens, stir well.

Place the ingredients mixed with the spicy sauce on a plate, anoint them with a fat layer of sauce No 2 (“Provencal”), lay the baked fish, mushrooms with olives on top, anoint them again with “Provencal” so that the components are not visible in any way. Sprinkle the dish with finely chopped herbs, and determine the vinaigrette in a cold place to infuse.

Vinaigrette with seaweed

An insanely nutritious and appetizing vinaigrette recipe, due to the fact that seaweed is present in the salad, it is also considered useful. This salad recipe is best for lunch or dinner.

Required products:

  • Pickled seaweed - 150 g;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 3 beets;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • Green onion, as well as an ordinary onion - 100 g;
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • Pepper - to taste.

How to make seaweed vinaigrette

My potatoes, beets and carrots are well washed, boiled so that everything is ready, let the vegetables cool, peel, cut into thin slices. My cucumbers and cut in the same way. Peel the onion, cut into small pieces. Put boiled ingredients, onion and seaweed in a salad bowl. We fill the salad with vegetable oil, add sugar, salt and pepper, mix everything as it should. Sprinkle the finished dish with rings of onion greens.

Vinaigrette from squid

This vinaigrette recipe is definitely suitable for a festive table. In addition to vegetables, squids are added to the salad. Because of this, the taste of vinaigrette is nutritious, satisfying and tasty.

Required products:

  • Squids - 3 carcasses;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 beets;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 1 pc.;
  • Bulb - 2 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • A little black ground pepper;
  • Dill greens.

How to make squid vinaigrette

Peel off the film from the squid, put it in boiling water, add salt, boil for 3 minutes. Cool the seafood, cut into thin strips across the fibers. Boil potatoes, beets with carrots, cool, peel, cut into small pieces. My cucumber cut into small pieces. We cut the onion into small pieces. We put all the ingredients in a large bowl, add salt, pepper and season with vegetable oil. Mix all the products well, decorate the prepared salad with dill.

Vinaigrette with beans

The beans that are part of this vinaigrette contribute to the palatability, making it nutritious and delicious in its own way. Vegetarians will especially like the recipe, for them beans are an excellent source of protein.

Required products:

  • One small beet;
  • two potatoes;
  • Pickled cucumbers - two pieces;
  • Eighty grams of pickled mushrooms (champignons are suitable) - 80 g;
  • One hundred grams of beans;
  • One bulb;
  • Salt and black pepper - to your taste;
  • Table vinegar (3%);
  • vegetable oil.

How to make bean vinaigrette

We wash the potatoes with beets well, boil them until they are completely cooked. Then - cool, peel, cut into small cubes. Boil the ingredients separately. If necessary, they can be baked in the oven. We soak the beans in advance in the evening before making the vinaigrette (it is important that the beans are soaked all night). Then - boil the beans to be ready. Remove the skin from large cucumbers, cut into small cubes. Chop the onion into small pieces. We put all the components in a salad bowl, beans with champignons, add salt and pepper. We make the dressing: shake the oil and acetic acid in a covered bowl and season the salad with the mixture. Vinaigrette should not be sour. It is permissible to combine different ratios of oil and vinegar: when you want the most mild flavor, you should add more oil, the largest addition of vinegar makes the vinaigrette the most sour.

Vinaigrette with herring

Some people call this vinaigrette recipe " German". This salad recipe has good reviews among many housewives who, with great desire, make vinaigrette with herring on holidays and beyond.

Required products:

  • Two hundred grams of salted herring (loin)
  • Two potatoes.
  • Medium-sized beets - two pieces.
  • Carrots - two pieces.
  • The bulb is one piece.
  • Pickled cucumbers - two pieces.
  • One jar of green peas.
  • Vinegar 3% - two tablespoons.
  • Vegetable oil - two tablespoons.

How to make herring vinaigrette

Potatoes, beets, carrots are washed under cold water, boiled, cooled, peeled, cut into medium-sized cubes. Cucumbers are also cut into cubes. We chop the onion into small pieces. Cut the fillet part of the herring into small pieces. Drain excess liquid from the can of peas. In a separate dish, prepare the dressing: mix vinegar and oil, salt, pepper, add sugar and stir properly. We spread potatoes, carrots, beets, peas, onions, fish and cucumbers in a salad bowl. Dress the salad with the prepared mixture of oil and vinegar and stir well all the ingredients. Salad can be decorated with thin onion rings.

Vinaigrette with meat and egg

The difference between such a vinaigrette and the traditional version is the presence of meat and eggs in the salad. But still, these 2 components replace the taste of salad, you don’t even recognize it right away. The resulting salad is considered insanely nutritious, appetizing and high-calorie.

Required products:

  • Three hundred and fifty gr / stew.
  • Six pcs/potatoes.
  • Three pieces/salted cucumbers.
  • One piece / beet.
  • Two pcs/chicken eggs.
  • One bunch / green onion.
  • One tsp / mustard.
  • Salt and pepper to your taste.
  • Half a glass of mayonnaise.
  • One tbsp table vinegar.
  • Dill greens.

How to make a vinaigrette with meat and eggs

Boil potatoes with beets, cool, peel. Cut potatoes into thin slices. Peel cucumbers, cut into thin slices. Boil the egg to make it cool, cool in cold water. Cut the meat into small pieces. We put the meat, potatoes, cucumbers in a dish, add mayonnaise for dressing, add pepper, salt, mustard with vinegar, mix thoroughly. We spread the salad with a slide in a salad bowl, decorate the top of the salad with slices of eggs and boiled beets, sprinkle with small rings of onion greens.

for a traditional vinaigrette recipe, you need to use onions, and a little more than the rest of the ingredients, and smaller carrots. If you don’t want the onion to feel stronger in the dish, but not to give off bitterness, you need to chop the onion, then pour boiling water (this way the excessive bitter taste will come off, and the salad will be the softest);

so that the beetroot juice does not color the rest of the components, it must be boiled in a separate bowl. Carrots and potatoes are allowed to boil together;

so that the beets do not color the ingredients in the salad bowl, they are cut first of all, mixed with vegetable oil;

salad, which contains pickles, long-term storage is not recommended because it will be perishable (such a salad should be eaten almost a day in advance, further storage of the salad is considered unsafe)

it is recommended not to use fodder beets for the manufacture of vinaigrette. Vegetables must be sweet, clear reddish in color. When the beets come across a little sweet, granulated sugar undoubtedly helps to relieve the situation in this case.

When boiled ingredients are cooled under cold water, they will be very easy to peel. It is imperative to know that all products are not boiled, peeled, they retain all the useful qualities and taste.

The taste of a salad largely depends not only on the properties of the ingredients, but also on the method of how to cut it. It is said that the salad comes out more appetizing when the vegetables are cut into small pieces. The most important thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the salad will be similar to vegetable gruel;

If you want the salad to become even more appetizing, we recommend that you infuse the salad for a couple of hours in a cold place. The ingredients will be saturated with dressing and juice, respectively, the vinaigrette will be juicier and tastier;

In order to avoid quick spoilage of the dish, it is necessary to cut only cooled, chilled foods, souring occurs from warm ones!

the salad will not be very “wet” if the sauerkraut and chopped cucumbers are squeezed out a little, after which you can add to the remaining ingredients;

Preparing ingredients in a double boiler will undoubtedly help to preserve the desired characteristics of vegetables and vitamins. The taste of the salad in this case will change significantly - it becomes the most elegant, fresh and appetizing.

In the middle of the last century, not a single festive feast was complete without a vinaigrette. Gradually, this salad was replaced by other exotic snacks.

But now more and more housewives are preparing it. Advantages of vinaigrette over other salads:

  • Vinaigrette is a healthy snack. Even those vegetables that are used boiled, for this salad, they undergo minimal heat treatment in order to maintain their appearance.
  • It can be prepared from any available vegetables. Their number is not standardized.
  • You can always substitute one ingredient for another.
  • Vinaigrette is seasoned with both vegetable oil and mayonnaise (sour cream).
  • In addition to vegetables, meat, fish, and various seafood are put in this appetizer.

But in order for the vinaigrette to turn out really tasty and not deteriorate after a few hours, you need to know the features of processing each vegetable separately.

Subtleties of cooking

  • The main place in the vinaigrette is occupied by potatoes. So that it does not fall apart in the salad, you need to choose the least starchy variety. If you got crumbly potatoes, then put more salt in the water during cooking. She won't let the potatoes boil.
  • Boil potatoes for vinaigrette "in uniform". Therefore, the tubers must be whole, with no signs of spoilage. Wash them thoroughly before cooking.
  • Peel potatoes only after they have cooled completely. So that the skin is removed easily, pour cold water over the tubers immediately after cooking.
  • Do not keep boiled potatoes in water. This makes it watery and tasteless.
  • Boil the beets for vinaigrette in their skins too. Carrots need to be peeled first. It would be useful to recall that each vegetable is cooked in a separate pan. So that they do not lose color during heat treatment, dip them in cold water immediately after cooking, and then cool in the refrigerator.
  • Vegetables cut for vinaigrette should be the same shape to give the appetizer an attractive look.
  • Squeeze the sauerkraut well before adding it to the vinaigrette. If it is acidic, then rinse in cold water.
  • Canned beans should also be washed well before being put into a salad so that the viscous liquid in the jar does not spoil its appearance.
  • Beetroot strongly stains all vegetables burgundy. Immediately after cutting, mix it in a separate bowl with vegetable oil and only then combine with the rest of the ingredients. The oily film on the beetroot slices will prevent the vegetables from all becoming the same color.
  • Season the vinaigrette no earlier than half an hour before serving.

Vinaigrette with beans


  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • beans - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • pickled cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • sauerkraut - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves (optional);
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • unrefined sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Rinse beans, soak in cold water for 10-12 hours.
  • Pour in plenty of water and cook without salt for 1.5 hours. Salt for ten minutes before the end of cooking. Drain the water and put the beans in a colander. Rinse and leave to drain and cool completely.
  • Boil potatoes, beets "in uniform". Cool and peel off the skin. Cut into cubes.
  • Peel the carrots, wash and boil. Cool down.
  • Finely chop the onion, carrot and cucumber.
  • Squeeze out excess brine from sauerkraut.
  • Chop garlic and herbs.
  • Put the beets in a bowl, mix with oil. Add the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything.

Vinaigrette summer


  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • apples - 0.5 pcs.;
  • refined sunflower oil - 50 g;
  • lemon - 1/4 pc.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash the potatoes and beets and boil them “in their uniforms”. Cool and cut into thin slices.
  • Peel the carrots, wash and cut into slices. Place in a small saucepan. Add one tablespoon of water and sunflower oil. Close the lid. Leave until soft. Cool down.
  • Wash cucumbers, tomatoes and apples, pour over with boiling water. Cut into equal thin slices.
  • Place all vegetables in a bowl.
  • In a separate bowl, mix sugar, lemon juice, salt and sour cream. Pour in the vinaigrette and mix gently.

Vinaigrette with herring


  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • spicy salted or salted herring - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • vinegar, black pepper and salt - to taste;
  • strong tea;
  • unrefined sunflower oil - 50 g.

Cooking method

  • Clean the herring. Pour strong cold tea and soak for 30-60 minutes. Separate the fillet from the bones, cut into pieces.
  • Boil potatoes and beets in their skins. Cool, remove the peel, cut into cubes.
  • Peel the carrots, wash and boil them too. Cut like you would other vegetables.
  • Finely chop cucumbers and onions.
  • Place all ingredients in a bowl. Season with vegetable oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Stir.

Vinaigrette with squid


  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • squid - 3 carcasses;
  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • pickled cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper and salt - to taste;
  • dill greens.

Cooking method

  • Boil potatoes and beets "in uniform". Peel the carrots and boil them too. Cool the vegetables, peel the beets and potatoes. Cut into cubes.
  • Clean the squids from the film and entrails. Boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool down. Cut into strips across the grain.
  • Finely chop the onion and cucumber.
  • Place all ingredients in a bowl. Season the vinaigrette with oil, salt and pepper. Stir. Sprinkle with chopped dill.

Vinaigrette puff


  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • boiled meat - 200 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Boil beets and carrots. Cool down. Grate on a medium grater.
  • Cut boiled meat into small pieces.
  • Hard boil the eggs, peel them, chop them with a fork.
  • Finely chop the onion, salt it and mix.
  • Take a glass salad bowl and start laying out all the ingredients one by one in it. Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise. Decorate the top of the vinaigrette with herbs.

Vinaigrette with eggs and mustard (fish)


  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • herring - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 50 g;
  • mustard - 2 tsp;
  • capers - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper and vinegar - to taste;
  • any greenery.

Cooking method

  • Cook potatoes "in uniform". Remove and clean. Cut into slices.
  • Gut the herring. Separate the fillet from the bones. Cut the pulp into pieces.
  • Finely chop the onion.
  • Hard boil the eggs. Clear. Separate the yolks from the whites.
  • Squirrels chop with a knife.
  • Prepare your dressing. Put the yolks in a cup, pour in the vegetable oil and mustard. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon. Add capers, vinegar, salt and pepper.
  • Place potatoes, fish, onions and squirrels in a bowl. Pour in the dressing. Mix everything and sprinkle with herbs.

Vinaigrette with corn


  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • canned corn - 100 g;
  • pickled cucumbers - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 50 g;
  • vinegar 3 percent - 4 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Boil potatoes, beets and carrots. Cool down. Cut into cubes.
  • Chop cucumbers and onions.
  • Open a can of corn. Drain the liquid.
  • Place vegetables in a bowl. Add corn.
  • Season with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Stir.
  • Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

Note to the owner

Vinaigrette is a tasty and healthy dish, but it quickly deteriorates, so it cannot be prepared for future use. It should be done as much as you can eat during the day. Stale vinaigrette can cause severe intestinal upset.