Chaman for barbecue. Chaman - description with a photo of the plant; its cultivation; composition and useful properties; use in cooking (basturma); seasoning recipe. Spice chaman - what is it

What to plant to make the barbecue tastier? The best herbs for the main summer meal.

Summer has come, the townspeople are slowly coming to their suburban areas to relax, breathe fresh air, enjoy the sun and greenery. And, of course, the main summer food is barbecue.

Even if you grow a variety of greens on your site, we suggest enriching its assortment and planting several types of herbs that will be useful to you when cooking meat on the grill. Of course, as they say, there are no comrades for taste and color, but it’s up to you to decide what and how much to sow.

You can make a separate bed for spicy herbs "barbecue". As a result, these herbs, of course, can be used in other dishes, but for meat they will be very useful. So, what do we sow on our spicy-fragrant garden bed?


Thyme is a perennial plant. We grow it through seedlings, since its seeds are small and, simply by sowing it in a garden, you can then not find them. There are different varieties - regular, lemon, even mint. Thyme is very fragrant and can be used in any marinades.

TARRagon or tarragon

And this is the progenitor of the well-known lemonade. Also a perennial, planting it once, you will provide yourself with this spicy grass for many years to come. Its narrow, light green leaves are not only a great base for homemade lemonade, they pair wonderfully with meat. In cultivation, it requires almost no care. Very tasty meat wrapped in tarragon leaves and foil, baked on charcoal.


This decorative, edible grass is part of everyone's favorite seasoning "hops-suneli", or more precisely, its seeds.

Its variety FENUNETIC BLUE , grows well in the south and in the middle lane, then emerges by self-sowing. Has a very pleasant aroma.


There are several types and varieties.

Burgundy regan has a strong tart aroma, red-burgundy-blue, almost black leaves. Sometimes, a couple of leaves are enough to add flavor and aroma to a sauce or salad.

Citric- a delicate, delicate aroma of lemon, mixed with the characteristic smell of basil, is very suitable not only for meat, but also for fish. A very tasty variety. It is grown only through seedlings, but then it grows and grows beautifully.

Caramel basil is a very delicate aroma, perfect for many dishes and meat.

Green basil - "clove aroma", excellent in any sauces, very good for meat, and also dries well and does not lose its smell. Combines well with other herbs.


This spicy herb is used not only as a good remedy for toothache, but also used in cooking. It can be brewed into tea, but in a mixture of herbs it is great in hot sauces. A beautiful type of sage is nutmeg. It has very tasty leaves.


Easy to grow, unpretentious, has a strong aroma. Just one small twig and your whole dish will smell like it.


Probably one of the most beloved herbs in Italian cuisine. Marjoram sprigs are tied around meat before baking, it is put in sauces and marinades. Marjoram is very appropriate on a plate with a mixture of herbs for barbecue.

Herbs such as HYSSOP, ORANGE, MELISSA or LEMON MINT , and PEPPERMINT . The latter is generally a beautiful and unpretentious plant that should be planted in any garden plot. Delicate, delicate aroma, can grow in partial shade, unpretentious care. And how indispensable mint is sometimes in cooking!

Herbs such as RUKKOLA-INDAU And SHEETS MUSTARD can be grown together with herbs, or simply separately, along with lettuce and parsley.

Arugula has a strong spicy smell, spicy-nutty taste. This wonderful grass has long been loved by many gardeners.

And without leafy mustard, many no longer imagine a summer garden. Indeed, it is both tasty and healthy. And there is no trouble with it: to sow and water, over the summer it gives several crops of excellent greenery.

LOFANT ANICE - spicy herb with mint and anise aroma. Very good in combination with cilantro and basil in tomato sauce for meat. Try it, you won't regret it!


Feathers, with the taste and smell of garlic, are only much more tender, there is no pronounced garlic sharpness. Perennial, absolutely unpretentious plant. It grows from a small bush into a whole plantation. Places for such a wonderful plant do not spare. Even children love him.

SAVORY , a stinging herb, can sometimes be used in place of pepper. But a little bit of such spiciness will not hurt the barbecue at all.

I highly recommend everyone to start a bed with herbs in their area. You can simply sow grasses under trees, many of them feel great in partial shade and shade. And you will always have a whole bunch of delicious and healthy herbs at hand!


Date: 14 05 2014


Barbecue marinades are often the subject of controversy at male friendly gatherings. Everyone defends the “correctness” of their favorite barbecue marinade. The only argument is usually the words: "Yes, I've been doing this for a hundred years ... it always turns out delicious." Well, that sounds pretty convincing! Based on “delicious” and today I will tell you about my tested barbecue marinades.

Have you ever wondered “why marinate barbecue”? Do you really need a marinade for barbecue? Consider the common statement: "A marinade is needed to tenderize the kebab meat." There is some truth in this.

The fact is that the marinade, even during many hours of marinating, only slightly penetrates deep into the meat for barbecue - only a few millimeters. Therefore, the marinade cannot soften the connective tissue (collagen) that is inside the cuts of meat. Only the surface softens, but it seems to us that the whole piece of meat becomes softer from pickling - after all, biting into it becomes really a little easier!

If the marinade does not have any significant effect on the softness of the kebab, why is the meat still marinated?

Consider for this the components of marinades:

1. Spices, fresh and dried herbs, wines, garlic, onions give the kebab a certain aroma and taste. They do not affect the softness of the meat!

2. Fats (vegetable oil) are used to dissolve aromatic substances found in spices and herbs. Thus, they mainly serve to ensure that aromatic substances get to the surface and a little bit - deep into the meat for barbecue. Marinade fats will not soften tough meat!

3. Barbecue marinades usually contain acids. They are found in fruit and berry juices (apple, lemon, orange, cranberry, pomegranate), tomato juice, wine, wine and balsamic vinegar, lactic acid products. Acids somewhat destroy the connective tissue on the surface of the meat, by doing this they also facilitate the penetration of aromatic substances a little into the thickness of the meat for barbecue.

4. Salt mainly serves to enhance and improve the taste of meat.

I also want to add that the widespread use of onions in barbecue marinades is due to its excellent compatibility with any meat and fish. In addition, the sugar contained in the onion caramelizes during this time, which gives the meat a beautiful crust.

How to prepare onions in barbecue marinade

In order for the onion to have the desired effect in the marinade, it must release the juice. To do this, you can simply chop the onion thinly, salt and mash with your hands, grate on a coarse grater (or pass through a meat grinder) and squeeze out the juice.

Without belittling the importance of the marinade for the taste and aroma of the barbecue, in conclusion of my “cleverness”, I want to say that the consistency and juiciness of the barbecue to a greater extent depend (in my humble opinion) on the quality of the meat, the ability to cook it and a good barbecue.

To ensure a deeper penetration of the marinade into the thickness of the meat, the marinated kebab is often massaged with the hands several times during exposure. In this case, the pieces are well compressed, released and mixed, repeating the procedure many times.

We will take as a condition that our barbecue is “correct”, the meat is of excellent quality and we know how to cook it well. Therefore, we will focus on what it can be marinated in.

Marinades for barbecue recipes

Sour-milk marinade for barbecue (for any meat and poultry)


We will need:

1 liter of any quality fermented milk drink (natural yogurt, kefir, curdled milk, ayran, matsun, matsoni)

Red hot pepper (fresh)

Most often, I make such a marinade from homemade yogurt.

About the greens for such a marinade. My favorite for lamb skewers is savory, thyme, purple basil, rosemary, a little bit of mint. You can take a mixture, or you can take some separate grass. For chicken - garlic arrows, green basil, cilantro. For pork - basil (purple, green). For shish kebab from offal (kidneys, liver) - marjoram. For fish - dill, thyme. Onions are often added to sour-milk marinades.

Separate conversation - about spices. I prefer to add the bare minimum - just a little black pepper and the occasional ground fenugreek (my personal preference).

Mix the fermented milk product with chopped pepper, herbs, salt. The marinade is ready. I prefer not to finely chop the spicy herbs for marinating the kebab, but put them in sprigs, crushing the leaves with my hands.

Marinade for barbecue from homemade tomato juice (for pork, lamb, beef)


We will need:


green cilantro

We prepare juice from tomatoes in any way.

For such purposes, it is best to take juicy, rather than fleshy tomatoes. Basically, any is fine. Salt the juice, put the crushed garlic, cilantro, prepared onion.

White wine marinade (for chicken, turkey, fish skewers)


White wine 1 liter

thyme or savory

We mix all the ingredients. You can add onions, a little wine vinegar and ground white pepper to the base.

Marinade from sherry, madeira, marsala (for shish kebab from beef, lamb, game)


Wine 800 ml

Sherry vinegar 200 ml

We mix the products and marinate the barbecue. Sherry vinegar can be replaced with good wine vinegar (3-6%). In the marinade for game (wild boar, roe deer), add a few crushed juniper berries.

Marinade for red wine barbecue (for beef, lamb, game, pork)


Wine 1 liter

purple basil greens

We prepare the marinade from the indicated products. You can add onion, a little bay leaf, black pepper to the base.

Marinade for kebab with lemon juice (for chicken, turkey, fish)


Lemons 2 pieces

Olive oil 200 ml

thyme, green basil

Squeezing juice from lemons

mix with olive or any other high-quality vegetable oil, put greens, salt and marinate the kebab. It is highly desirable to add onions so that the lemon taste is somehow balanced. But again, this is my personal opinion.

Marinade for pomegranate juice barbecue (for lamb, pork)


Grenades 3 pieces

Olive oil 150 ml

Onion 2-3 heads

green cilantro, basil

Squeeze the juice from pomegranate seeds, mix with olive oil, prepared onions, salt, herbs. The marinade is ready.

The barbecue marinade should favorably emphasize the taste and aroma of meat without drowning it out. Knowing why, in principle, you need a marinade, you can experiment with its various components. And what are your favorite barbecue marinades, my dear readers?

I recently remembered a song from my favorite movie. I never thought that ... thunder would break out again over the world and the sky would burst into flames ...


3 kg. pork meat (I have a neck),

2 tbsp. l. seasonings for meat

2, 5 -3 art. l. salt,

2 curly tomatoes,

1 large head of onion.

Good day, my dear readers!

You can also cook very tasty in the oven. So choose and enjoy!

And I promised to tell you about the celebration of May 9 in our family this year. All the same, we went to Novosibirsk for the parade. We managed to see military equipment, combat aircraft and helicopters. Managed to show it to my son. My aunt and uncle participated in the Immortal Regiment campaign. Tens of thousands of people took to the main street of the city to honor the memory and pay tribute to all those who fought for our Motherland. We did not wait for the end of the passage of the Immortal Regiment, Seva began to feel sleepy. So many emotions in half a day!

We also saw such a fighting girlfriend) somehow caught the kids for a photo.

There were fireworks in the evening. Our fighter's schedule got a little off, but he had impressions!! Everyone was very pleased and still remember.

I would like to know your favorite barbecue marinade recipes. Your experience and advice would be very useful to blog readers and to me personally)

Armenian kebab recipe

To prepare a delicious Armenian barbecue you will need:

  • meat (pork, beef, it is better to use lamb);
  • bulb onions;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • fenugreek;
  • greenery.

Cooking process

So, let's find out how to cook Armenian barbecue. First you need to choose good meat, which must be fresh so that the taste is on top. The meat must be cut into pieces (the size of the pieces will depend on your brazier), but it is better not to make too huge pieces so that the kebab can fry quickly and remain juicy.

Onion cut into rings and now you can learn how to barbecue. There is nothing complicated and everyone can do it themselves. After the meat and onions are chopped, we proceed to prepare the marinade for the future barbecue at home. I would like to note right away that for this it is necessary to use glassware to prevent changes in taste. You can also marinate meat in ceramic dishes, but if this container is not available, use enameled.

We place the chopped pieces in a glass container, take the onion rings in our hands and knead them with our hands, thereby breaking them and squeezing the juice out of them. Throw the onion into the dish and mix well with your hands.

Then we cut the greens (parsley, green onions) and add them to the meat, before rubbing them in our hands with the required amount of salt.

We take ground black pepper and sprinkle the prepared. Do not forget that pepper must be added to taste and proceed to add the most important ingredient - fenugreek. In Armenian, it sounds like a chaman. We add it to the meat no more than a teaspoon, this amount will be enough to make the aroma go crazy.

Once again, mix the meat with all the ingredients with your hands and leave the dishes with the marinade to infuse in the shade for 30-40 minutes. It’s not worth leaving for a long time, and now let’s find out how to fry an Armenian barbecue.

After the meat has been saturated with all the spices, it is necessary to proceed to the most important part of the preparation - fry it on the grill. We put the pieces on skewers, and send them to hot coals. Remember that shish kebab is best grilled not on red coals, but on slightly burnt ones.

The temperature from such coals is excellent, it turns out excellent and, and not burnt or dried out. During frying, do not forget to turn the skewers every 50-60 seconds so that the kebab is fried evenly and juicy.

In order to make the dish especially amazing, during frying, use a cardboard box or an ordinary newspaper, with which you wave it over the grill, this will contribute to better cooking and the smoke from the coals will better soak the meat and make it especially tasty.

We wish you all bon appetit and a pleasant weekend.

Chaman- a herbaceous plant, a representative of the legume family. This herb is also known under the names of shambhala, fenugurek, fenugreek. Scientists call India, Pakistan the birthplace of the plant. The word "chaman" is also used to denote a spice with a tart taste and a specific smell.

Chaman is an essential ingredient for making basturma.

The plant was well known to the ancient Egyptians. Scientists have found references to the fact that it was used in mummification. In Europe, it was known primarily as a medicinal plant.

Chaman is also called a mixture of spices that are used to prepare basturma and other dishes. The spice got its name from the name of the main ingredient, because chaman in Armenian means “blue fenugreek”.

How to cook chaman for basturma? To prepare this seasoning, add 900 g of ground chaman to warm boiled water and mix. Next, the mixture is left to cool and 900 g of ground pepper (1: 1 chili and paprika), 450 g of crushed garlic, 2 tsp are added. ground black pepper, allspice, as well as cumin. The mixture is thoroughly stirred to the consistency of a paste.

What can replace chaman? If you do not have the most important ingredient, the housewives claim that it can be replaced with suneli hop seasoning, which is sold in any supermarket.


Growing a chaman is not that difficult. It belongs to precocious, drought-resistant and cold-resistant plants. The grass grows well on fertile soils, does not tolerate very acidic soils. In order to increase the productivity of the chaman, it is enough to add a little lime to the soil. The plant should be grown in places hidden from the wind, well refreshed by the sun. It propagates with the help of seeds, which are sown in spring directly into the ground. They germinate at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, for optimal growth, the temperature should be 20-25 degrees above zero.

After the first shoots have risen, it is necessary to deal with their thinning. Chaman blooms in June, but its fruits ripen in early autumn. The plant needs watering, especially until it sets fruit, then watering can be stopped. A very important place in the cultivation of chaman is the protection of the plant from weeds. When weeds appear, they must be removed, as they will impair the growth and development of the chaman.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of chaman have long been known to folk medicine. The strong smell of the herb is due to the presence of coumarin. Plant seeds are rich in protein (up to 30%), as well as fatty oil (up to 6%), mucus, vitamin PP, essential oils, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins.

In Indian medicine, chaman is known as a lactation enhancer. In addition, the plant stimulates the digestive system, and also helps the heart. In diabetes, it is taken in order to control blood sugar levels. It is used externally for wounds. Widely used in cosmetology for skin and hair care.

Application in cooking

In cooking, chaman has found application as a seasoning that gives dishes a special aroma and taste. As a spice, both seeds and greens of this plant are used.

Chaman is included in such well-known seasonings as curry, various Indian massals, suneli hops.

Chaman is especially popular in the countries of the East, as well as in India, where it is called Shambhala. Ground chaman resembles coarse flour, with the difference that it is slightly beige in color.

Chaman is considered a classic spice for flavoring different types of cheese, such as green cheese. In Indian cuisine, the mature seeds of the plant are used. In America, it is used to flavor rum. The roasted seeds are used to make a coffee substitute. The aroma of these seeds is sweetish, to many it resembles the smell of burnt sugar. When added to food, chaman adds a nutty aroma and flavor to dishes, so it can easily replace hazelnuts in some recipes. Seeds are recommended to be added in small quantities so as not to spoil the taste of the whole dish.

The most famous dish with chaman is basturma. It is dried meat, beef with spices. This dish is very popular in Armenia, Egypt. Beef tenderloin according to an ancient recipe is cut into 2 pieces, washed. Sea salt is mixed with sugar and the meat is rolled in this mixture on all sides. The meat is left to rest for 5-7 hours. A plate of meat is placed in the refrigerator overnight, and then left for 12 hours. Then the meat should be washed from salt and allowed to dry. When the beef dries, it is covered with a cloth and put under pressure to remove moisture from the tenderloin: this way it will become more elastic. Next, prepare the chaman seasoning and coat the tenderloin on all sides with the resulting mass. After 2-3 hours, the sidebar is smeared again with a sauce prepared on the basis of chaman. After that, the meat is left to hang in the open air for 2 weeks.

Serve ready-made basturma, cutting the meat into thin slices. The serving is usually accompanied by cilantro and/or basil greens.

Chaman is considered a very famous seasoning, which is used alone or mixed with other spices and spices.

It is indispensable in the Eastern culinary tradition, where chaman ("blue fenugreek") is used quite often, especially when preparing the traditional dried meat dish, basturma, which we have already described above.

Chaman not only favorably emphasizes the taste of the dish, but also has many useful properties.

Using this seasoning will help make the dish tasty and healthy.