Bentonite for clarification of wine and mash. How to clarify house wine? Wine clarification at home Bentonite does not settle in wine

The good quality of the wine is judged by its pleasant taste and transparency with a rich color. Slight turbidity is a sign of the unsuitability of the drink for consumption or unnatural composition. Wine is a living substance in which biochemical processes take place even during storage. Therefore, an alcoholic product is not capable of being crystal clear indefinitely. But it can be improved by periodically carrying out pasting at home, i.e. clarification of wine.

The concept of wine clarification

Clarification, also known as fining and gluing, is the stage of winemaking that cloudy wine must go through. When pasting into the drink, various products are introduced that can cause the settling of dense particles. Interacting with wine, protein and tannin compounds seem to stick together the dregs and form flakes from the particles. In a few days, they sink to the bottom of the dishes along with the smallest grains. As a result, alcohol is clarified.

Is it possible to arrange self-clarification for homemade wine? Yes, and for starters, the bottle is corked and taken out to a warm room. The appearance of bubbles indicates insufficient maturity of the product and the need for re-fermentation. To do this, it is kept in warm conditions, bottling and storing. The drink will become transparent during ripening.

If the matured wine remains cloudy, it means that not all suspended particles have precipitated. Pasting for this reason is carried out forcibly using gelatin, eggs, bentonite or casein. It is important not to overdo it here, because an excess of clarifier spoils the wine even more, and a small amount of an auxiliary substance does not give any effect.

Gluing wine in different ways

There are many methods of pasting in winemaking, and we will not describe each option in detail. Let's dwell on the simplest ways to clarify wine that are available for doing at home. Experts recommend cleaning red wines with egg white, and white varieties with tannin or gelatin.

Recipe with bentonite

Bentonite is a white clay. In gluing wines, it is used due to the absorbent properties of the substance. It looks like a fine-grained powder. To purify wine, bentonite is used in a proportion of 3 g per 1 liter of alcohol.

How to glue wine with bentonite:

  1. Bentonite is soaked in water for 10-12 hours. The ratio of components is 1 part clay to 10 parts cold water.
  2. During the infusion, bentonite turns into lime. It is diluted with water to a liquid creamy consistency and injected into the wine in a thin stream.
  3. The updated product is removed from the thick after 5 to 7 days.

Quick milk dab

If clarification of grape wine with bentonite seems difficult, the procedure can be carried out using milk. The winemaker must take a fat-free cow product and add to a cloudy drink at the rate of 1 tsp. milk for 1 liter of wine. Hoppy can be drained from the sediment after 3 to 4 days.

Clarification of wine with tannin

It is good to tannin clean fruit wines, especially apple or pear wines. Tannin will add the missing astringency to the drinks and make them crystal clear. The substance is sold in a pharmacy.

To improve alcohol, tannin is diluted with water (5 g per 1 liter) and insisted. Then the solution is filtered and injected into cloudy wine, observing the proportion of 3 tbsp. l. infusion for every liter of intoxicating. Improved wine is removed from the sediment after a week.

Gelatin wine cleaning

It is customary to lighten plum and apple wines with gelatin. Previously, the product is soaked for a day in water (1.5 g per 10 l). The solution is poured into a bottle of wine and wait until the turbidity falls in flakes to the bottom. This happens in 2 weeks.

Like gelatin cleaning, the clarification of any wine is carried out using fish glue. Only the substance is taken in a different dosage - 0.2 - 0.5 g of fish glue is put on 10 liters of hoppy.

Egg variant

High-quality purification of red wines with a chicken egg occurs due to the interaction of protein with tannins, which abound in the composition of drinks. Consider how at home with the help of an egg you can clarify wine.

For 50 liters of hop products, you will need either 1 large or 2 medium-sized eggs. The protein is carefully separated from the yolk and whipped with a fork into foam, gradually adding boiled water (half a glass). The resulting mass is first combined with a small amount of wine. Then slowly pour the protein into the bottle. The contents of the jar are thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand for 2 weeks. A clear drink is drained from the sediment.

Outdoor wine clarification

You can clarify wine without the help of products and substances, since there are three more options for improving the drink:

  1. Filtration through a thin cloth or special paper. The procedure is not ideal because it does not eliminate small particles. Cloth and paper retain only large particles.
  2. Heat treatment of cloudy wine inhibits fermentation processes, which causes microorganisms to die and settle from the thick to the bottom. The intoxicating becomes light.
  3. Cryostabilization. In order for the particles that create turbidity to sink to the bottom, the wine is cooled to -2 or -5 ° C (table or non-fortified varieties). The drink is drained from the sediment and filtered cold.

Regardless of the clarification option chosen, the wine is additionally infused for 20-40 days. Long exposure is needed so that all microscopic particles that are invisible to the naked eye lie on the bottom.

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Before clarifying wine, you should know some nuances:

  • Firstly, if there is no experience in such things, then test 200-300 ml of the drink should be cleaned. So as not to spoil the rest of the wine.
  • Secondly, for fining wine, you need to use natural clarifying raw materials.
  • Thirdly, after clarification, fermentation processes can be observed. In this case, you need to reduce the temperature in the room where the wine is stored to 10˚C.

You also need to correctly calculate the dosage of absorbents so that they completely absorb particles of raw materials.


1. White clay - bentonite. Used as a powder with fine grains. Perfectly absorbs the causes of turbidity. Particularly suitable for grape wines. Clarification of 1 liter of wine with bentonite requires only 3 g of powder (for comparison: 20 g fits in 1 tablespoon). Pasting technology is as follows:

  • Bentonite for clarification of wine is poured with cool water in a ratio of 1:10, then infused for about 12 hours. For pasting 10 liters of an alcoholic drink, you need to prepare 30 g of white clay and 300 ml of water.
  • Bentonite hardens into lime. So the clay needs to be diluted with water and slowly poured into a container with wine.
  • After a week, removing the sediment, you can check the result.

2. Gelatin. Clarifying wine with gelatin is an easy way. It works great with all types of wines. Purification requires 1.5 g of gelatin per 10 liters of wine. Before use, gelatin must be soaked in water for 24 hours, then poured into wine. After a couple of weeks, the resulting drink can be drained from the sediment.

3. Protein of chicken eggs. Used to refine red wines. For 10 liters of alcohol you need 1-2 eggs. Warm water is mixed with egg white, and the mixture is whipped until foamy. It is better to use the mixer on high power. Then you need to pour a little wine into the rolls with water, mix and pour the resulting mixture into a container with the rest of the wine. The result will be obtained after 3 weeks.

4. Chitosan. It is obtained from the chitin of crustaceans. It is practically insoluble in water, but highly soluble in some acids. Dissolved chitosan is an excellent absorbent of fats, hydrocarbons and fat-soluble substances. One is rarely used. Usually, wine is first treated with chitosan, and then with Kizelsol - this is how the best effect is achieved.

5. Activated carbon. It is charcoal that is needed, since pharmacy charcoal is not very effective. In general, this method is rarely used. Usually - with a high content of fusel oils or an unpleasant odor. For 10 liters of alcohol, 3-4 g of powdered activated carbon is required. Mix well and infuse for 4 days, shaking from time to time.

6. Lightening with heat. The first step is a tight cork of wine bottles. Then you need to prepare a container of water, where the bottle will fall. Clarification occurs due to a slow increase in temperature to 50˚C. After that, you need to slowly cool the wine and let it stand for a week.

7. Cold. Low temperatures sink small particles to the bottom. To do this, 3 liters of wine are placed in the refrigerator or in the winter on the balcony for 24 hours. Then you need to quickly drain the wine until it warms up.

8. Tannin. It is a woody powder from the heart of oak, very effective for apple wines. The advantage of this method is that tannin gives a special astringency to the finished drink. First, wood powder must be mixed with water (200 ml of water per 1 g of powder). The mixture is infused, then strain through cheesecloth. For 1 liter of drink you need 6 tsp. soaked tannin. You can remove the wine from the sediment after a week.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to lighten fruit and berry wine, especially in non-professional home conditions, especially for beginners.

If the wine remains cloudy, then you can let it stand in a cool and dark place for another month - one and a half. Perhaps a precipitate will fall out, which is easy to get rid of.

The considered methods should be tried on small volumes of wine. If the pasting still failed, but the taste of the drink has not changed for the worse, then it can be. In the absence of a distiller, such wine can only be poured out and tried to cook again.

There are many recipes for making delicious homemade wine. But to get a great product, it is not enough just to combine the ingredients. It is important to follow the technology and follow all the necessary steps. Aged for the right time, the drink is often cloudy due to residual wort and yeast. To make it transparent, it is necessary to clarify the wine. There are several proven ways to do this.

Why is lighting necessary?

Usually, wine prepared at home should be carefully poured into containers so that the sediment remains at the bottom. But the remains of yeast, cream of tartar and other impurities can make it so cloudy that the use of special substances is necessary. They act as an adsorbent and remove all excess, making the liquid transparent. For professionals, this process is called "pasting".

In industrial production, such conditions are observed under which turbidity of the product and precipitation are excluded. Therefore, clarification of wine is not required there. But if you make wine yourself, then it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid filtration or clarification. Both of these processes "steal" the taste and aroma of the drink, but gluing is the most gentle.

If your homemade wines need to be refined, then you need to choose the right active ingredient. It is preferable to lighten whites with gelatin, reds with egg white, and sweets with tannin. It is important to strictly adhere to the proportions, otherwise the sediment will only increase and the liquid will become even more cloudy. Therefore, before you deal with large volumes, test on a small amount.

Lightening methods


A universal means of clarifying homemade wine is betonite. This substance is a grayish powder made from purified white clay. Concrete attracts unnecessary particles to itself and settles to the bottom with them. In addition to the fact that mechanical cleaning takes place, the drink receives protection from the development of harmful bacteria and increases its shelf life. In order to make the wine transparent, you need:

  • Calculate the amount of the required substance (3 g of bentonite per 1 liter of product);
  • Thoroughly mix the right amount of clay powder in water (1: 10) and leave for 10 hours. Then you need to dilute this mass with the same volume of liquid to get a creamy liquid mass;
  • Gently and gradually introduce this gruel into the wine, while stirring it well. We leave for a week;
  • In seven days, the sediment with bentonite will completely fall to the bottom of the container, and it will be possible to drain the clear drink.


Cleaning with gelatin is also effective. With its help, the wine becomes transparent and does not change its taste in any way. Pasting is carried out in the following way:

  • For a 10 liter bottle you need 2 grams. natural gelatin;
  • Pour the required amount of water (1: 10) and leave for a day. Then pour in the same volume of boiling water and move the mixture so that there are no lumps;
  • Slowly pour the composition into the wine, without ceasing to stir it;
  • Close the container and leave it for 21 days in a cool room. After the expiration date, simply drain the wine from the sediment.

Egg white

For cleaning red wine from grapes, plums, cherries at home, egg white is well suited. For a volume of 20-35 liters, it will be enough to separate the protein from the yolk of just one chicken egg. Beat it well until foamy and dilute it with a little water. Pour the resulting mixture into the wine, not forgetting to stir it well. After 2.5-3 weeks, a clear drink can be drained from the sediment.


For red sweet wines, the use of tannin is effective. You can buy this powder at a pharmacy. Dissolve 10 grams of the substance in 1.5-2 liters of distilled water, let the mixture settle and filter it. For every liter of homemade alcohol, you need an average of 6-7 tsp. solution. After mixing, you need to wait a week and drain the clear drink.


Some use clarification with milk. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of low-fat cow's milk for every liter of drink. Pour in the right amount, mix carefully and leave for 3-4 days, until a flake precipitates.

After you have carried out the gluing procedure, you need to leave the wine to age for another month. Purification by these methods does not give an absolute guarantee that the drink will become crystal clear. If you are not satisfied with one recipe, try using another one, having tested and adjusted the proportions on a small amount of the product in advance.

Winemaking at home is a rather complicated process, since there are a number of nuances here. However, clarification of wine deserves special attention. Of course, drinks made from individual berries and fruits can be clarified on their own, which means they do not need human intervention.

These wines include those made from:

  • raspberries;
  • chokeberry;
  • red currant;
  • cranberries.

However, for the full cleaning of most of the drinks (wine, juice, moonshine mash), human help is still required. The fact is that it is during clarification and filtration that unnecessary substances are removed from the wine, due to which it, in fact, is cloudy. After removing the sediment, we get a pure noble drink that has a really marketable appearance. There are many ways to perform this procedure - down to using a flannel bag or cardboard - but today we will look at clarification with bentonite. What is this mineral? How to use it? This is what we will try to figure out.

What is bentonite and how is it related to alcohol?

By bentonite is meant a clay material belonging to the montmorillonite group and characterized by environmental friendliness and safety. One of the main features of the mineral is that when interacting with water, it tends to swell. Moreover, thanks to bentonite, sedimentation of turbid impurities is accelerated, microorganisms are removed, oxidative enzymes are adsorbed, the concentration of proteins decreases, and so on. It turns out that the mineral is associated with alcohol and winemaking, in particular, precisely because of its distinctive features.

Note! It is for this reason that bentonite for clarification of mash and wine has become increasingly popular in recent years. Let's try to get acquainted with this mineral in more detail.

The main deposits of wine bentonite

So, we found out that with the help of bentonite clays, the must or the wine itself is clarified; moreover, the mineral is used to stabilize wines in relation to protein haze (we will talk about the latter a little later). For the most part, the mineral is mined in the Transcaucasus, but more specifically, experienced winemakers recommend using bentonites from the deposits below.

  1. Azerbaijan: Khurlala, Gekmala, Dash-Sakhalin, Khanlar.
  2. Moldova: Tiraspol.
  3. Georgia: Ascanian.
  4. Ukraine: Pyzhevskoe, Gorbskoe, Kurtsevskoe.
  5. Russia: Khakassia.
  6. Uzbekistan: Akzamar.

Bentonite deposit - Republic of Khakassia, 10th Khutor.

It is worth noting that the mineral that goes for the suspension must be dry without fail. It should also be stored in a dry place, more precisely, in special boxes or craft bags.

What are the differences between wine bentonite?

The scope of application of bentonite is unusually wide. In the food industry, for example, where the mineral is also known as food additive E558, it is used in the production of brine and animal feed. It is also actively used in hydraulic engineering, agriculture, steel and oil refining industries.

Ordinary bentonite lefton right.

As for specifically wine bentonite, its main difference from the usual one is the increased requirement for the chemical composition. Wine bentonite must comply with the requirements of OST 18-49-71.

You can buy real Wine Bentonite from our partner –

The Bentovin company is the official representative of the only company in Russia that produces wine bentonite - Bentonite of Khakassia.

What makes drinks cloudy and why should they be clarified?

Natural rainfall is not the only reason why wine becomes cloudy. The fact is that another almost imperceptible "dregs" remains in the waste: protein mass (remains of dead yeast), yeast waste, cream of tartar, etc.. That is why the drink before bottling - regardless of the specific variety - is recommended to be clarified, or, in the language of professionals, to paste over. Let us immediately state that clarification is not the same as filtering. Various flannel or paper filters are used for filtration, but because of this, the quality of the drink deteriorates, it loses its strength and exhales. Therefore, clarification is always preferable.

As you know, the production of wine begins with the pulp. For its manufacture, it is necessary to take only fresh berries (necessarily dust-free), but in fact, unpeeled specimens, i.e., with third-party inclusions, can also get there due to indiscretion. As a result, due to such impurities, the final drink can become cloudy. Let's move on to the second reason. In the production process, the berries must be properly crushed - not large, but not small. Tellingly, the fruit seeds cannot be crushed, otherwise their particles will float in the alcohol in suspension. When the pulp stops fermenting, it must be passed through gauze to get the must. In principle, this is the first filtration of wine, but if this procedure is done inaccurately, then again, suspensions will appear in the drink.

Note! Earlier we already mentioned the tartar. Who does not know, this is an acidic salt that forms on the walls of containers during the winemaking process. This salt includes potassium tartrate and potassium hydrogen tartrate.

By the way, exactly tartaric acid is produced from tartar, it is also used in cooking as a baking powder. This stone may precipitate in case of:

  • lowering the temperature (the optimal indicator is 20 degrees Celsius);
  • mechanical impact;
  • increase in alcohol content.

And when this happens, its compounds drag along the coloring matter, yeast residues, iron salts and other impurities found in the drink. And if the wine is of low strength, then the risk of formation of a cloudy product increases significantly. The problem can be solved by adding sugar - this will lead to the activation of the enzymatic reaction, increasing the strength and quality. And the suspensions themselves in this case will not form so intensively.

How does bentonite work?

When used for wine or mash, this mineral increases the intensity of sedimentation of cloudy particles, eliminates microorganisms, absorbs oxidizing enzymes, and significantly reduces the amount of protein and other third-party substances. It is mainly used for clarification of wines. The clarification process is based on a tandem of two processes - adsorption and flocculation cloudy particles; the stabilization process consists in the adsorption of protein impurities, polysaccharides, condensed phenols and other compounds that, in the case of prolonged storage, react with each other and precipitate.

Bentonite, on the other hand, "clings" all these substances and captures to the bottom. But, which is typical, oxidases remain active, therefore, if the sediment is clouded, then the mineral remains, together with the enzymes “attached” to them, will rise to the surface layers, react with air, and the wort will again begin to absorb oxygen. In other words, immediately after clarification, you must immediately remove the wine from the sediment.

Note! Concrete for wine is especially important during the years of intensive decay of grapes, when the must contains a large amount of oxidases.

Instructions for the use of wine bentonite from our partner – bentovin.en

So, the unique properties of the mineral, combined with its harmlessness and neutrality, made it an ideal candidate for our case. In addition to high-quality raw materials and yeast, when preparing mash, competent clarification should also be carried out. And the use of bentonite for these purposes will not only save time, but also give the drink a pleasant look, as well as improve the quality of its composition. Although the method has a drawback: at the end of the process, up to 10 percent of the product can be lost in the sediment.

Having familiarized with the theoretical material, you can proceed directly to practice. You should start with the preparation of the mineral itself.

Stage number 1. We prepare bentonite

Immediately make a reservation that there is simply no ideal recipe in this case. You can successfully use bentonite for wine 20 times in the proportion of 3 grams / 1 liter, but the 21st time the mineral may not work and its amount will have to be increased. Therefore, before starting the process, it is possible to make a trial clarification of a small volume of wort. Although often 2-3 grams / 1 liter is enough.

If the volumes exceed 20 liters, then increase the amount of bentonite by about one and a half times. Having decided on this, pour the required amount of bentonite with hot water until a 20% aqueous solution is obtained and mix it thoroughly. After 30 minutes, re-stir and leave the solution to swell for several hours. The result should be a kind of gel. If the proportions are observed correctly, then the consistency will resemble heavy cream.

Video - Experiments with bentonite concentration

Stage number 2. We prepare the wort

We continue to talk about how cleaning is done. Remember the main thing: if the yeast "works", then the precipitate will not fall out! The simplest and fastest method of preparing unfermented wort is heating to 50 degrees, at which the yeast will simply die. However, if everything was cooked correctly, then the yeast should fall into suspended animation when the sugar runs out, precipitating as a result.

The temperature should be room temperature. And perhaps most importantly: before clarification, drain the fermented liquid from the yeast sediment.

Stage number 3. We perform clarification

Upon completion of the preparatory measures, pour the concrete suspension into the wort and mix everything thoroughly. If the volumes are large (more than 20 liters), then during the first 24 hours, mixing should be carried out 2-3 times. After that, the wort should remain for a day at room temperature.

It is also worth noting that clarification is often of two types.

  1. Slow, smooth– within 24 hours.
  2. Rapid(precipitate falls, but the turbidity does not disappear - everything looks the same), followed by daily sedimentation of suspended matter.

If there is time, shake the container again after a day and leave it for the same amount of time. Then drain the contents from the sediment. That's all, for a more detailed acquaintance with the issue, we recommend that you watch the thematic video below. Good luck!

Video - The use of wine bentonite

The material is provided by the site A unique store of rare items for home brewing.


BENTONITE is an aluminosilicate with a swellable crystal lattice, the basis of which is montmorillonite. It does not adversely affect the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of processed drinks.


Clarification and stabilization of grape and fruit juices;

Wort processing for the purpose of its clarification, removal of proteins, oxidizing enzymes;

Processing of grape and fruit wine materials for the purpose of its clarification and stabilization.


BENTONITE is used both independently and with the use of other auxiliary substances used in processing to clarify and stabilize wine materials.

DOSES OF BENTONITE are chosen in laboratory conditions according to the results of trial processing.


In the laboratory, in a concentration of 5 to 20% (as is customary at a particular winery). Weigh 20g. bentonite, placed in a 250 ml conical flask, pour tap water up to 200 ml (in the case of preparing a 10% suspension) and heated on an electric stove at a moderate heating rate with continuous stirring up to 50-60 0C, then add 1 g, pre-weighed, calcined (Na2CO3), soda and with stirring, heat to a boil, set aside the flask for 2-3 minutes, bring to a boil again and set aside. After natural cooling, the suspension is ready for use. Instead of an electric stove, heating can also be carried out in a water bath, while the suspension does not have to be constantly stirred to avoid burning it, but can be stirred periodically, while the heating temperature of the suspension is brought to 95-100 0C and kept for 15-20 minutes.

In production, in the form of a 20% aqueous suspension. The required amount of bentonite is poured with cold water to obtain a suspension of the required concentration. Mix, add 5% soda ash (Na2CO3) to the mass of air-dry bentonite (for 20 kg of bentonite 1 kg of soda ash), heat with stirring to 95 - 100 0С. After cooling, the suspension is ready for use.

It is possible to prepare the suspension at a lower temperature, but in this case the preparation time is increased. The higher the temperature of the suspension, the faster it cooks.

It is possible to prepare a suspension in two stages: by heating to 50 0C and after 15 hours of reheating to 70-80 0C.

If it is impossible to heat the suspension during its preparation, bentonite can be added to hot (90-95 0C) water with stirring, after obtaining a uniform suspension, add soda ash. After subsequent stirring for 15-20 minutes and cooling, the suspension is ready for use.

It is also possible to prepare a slurry without heating by adding the required amount of water and then adding soda ash. In this case, the suspension must be periodically mixed 4-5 times a day in a bentonite cooker. To speed up the process of preparing the suspension, it can be more intensively mixed (by circulation “towards itself”) with a piston pump with a nozzle narrowed on the discharge hose, or intensively mixed in another way. Depending on the intensity of mixing, the time for preparing the suspension without heating it can range from 10 minutes to 36-48 hours.


1. Possibility of reducing the amount of adhesive deposits in case of processing:

Easy-to-glue wine materials, by adding a smaller amount (3%) of soda ash.

Must in the production of white dry and champagne wine materials by eliminating the addition of soda ash in the preparation of a suspension of bentonite or when it is added no more than 2% This results in a denser sediment, proteins are removed and the yield of the clarified part of the must increases by 15-20%. When using well-swelling bentonites, a reduction in the volume of precipitation cannot be achieved.

2. More convenient preparation and use in production, since a 20% bentonite suspension is quite mobile and easily mixes with wine without forming lumps, increasing the degree of clarification and stabilization of products at lower doses than well-swelling bentonites.

3. Lower cost and smaller doses with similar or better technological performance, which increases the economic efficiency of the proposed bentonite by 2-4 times.

4. The possibility of using, if necessary, (for example, to reduce the dilution of sugar conditions) a more concentrated suspension of bentonite.

5. Consultation of the supplier on all issues related to the use of the supplied bentonite, up to comparative tests in the laboratory, and, if necessary, in production conditions.


BENTONNITE IS SUPPLIED in polypropylene bags and must be stored in a dry, odorless room.


Bentonite is produced according to TU U “Bentonite for the wine industry,” which takes into account all the basic requirements for the quality of bentonite, including hygienic ones. Its quality is controlled by the manufacturer and supplier.

All indicators that affect the quality of wines - chemical resistance, organoleptic, fining ability have been studied in laboratory and production conditions and have been used for a long time at wineries in the manufacture of fruit, grape and champagne wines.

Bentonite chemically binds with soda ash and does not reduce the titratable acidity of wines.

Soda ash does not add calcium to wine because its formula is Na2CO3.

The proposed bentonite, taking into account all indicators, surpasses the bentonites available on the market. The origin and preparation technology of some imported bentonites is unknown. It is possible that they have additives that are incompatible with food.

Perlite filter powder.

A domestic perlite filter powder and a technology for its application on domestic and imported filters are proposed.

Filter powders have many advantages over filter sheets:

Lower cost (two or more times);

Possibility of high-quality filtering of almost any wine;

Possibility of adjusting the quality of clarification in the filtration process;

The use of not only special expensive filters for filtration purposes, but also the use of filter presses made in anti-corrosion design, designed for filtering yeast and thick sediments. By installing belting fabric in these filters and using centrifugal pumps available at wineries, it is possible to filter wine materials with high productivity. Filter washing can be organized without unclamping the filter plates. In this case, the subsequent filtration cycle is carried out after 30-40 minutes.

With proper use of filter powders, they can be used in all operations that require filtration, except for the supply of wines for bottling;

Use in filtering wort, yeast and sticky sediments.

Perlite filter powders produced in Ukraine are quite competitive. When choosing the best brand can significantly reduce costs for the filtration process .