Do-it-yourself alambik from copper drawing. The scheme and history of the creation of the Shirant alambik. Choosing the thickness and size of the coil tube

And as is the case with any distiller, the alambic has several “models”, or rather, design and shape options. This article will be devoted to the types of alambiks.

General points

Keep alambik relies in dryness, well protected from dust. Before you start working with any of the options for a copper distiller, it must be properly prepared. To do this, a small amount of water is distilled in a brand new alambic, and if it just stood idle for a long time, then a mixture of water and rye flour is distilled in a ratio of 20/1. Then all parts of the apparatus (new or standing for a long time) are washed in a solution of citric acid. This will remove all oxides and foreign contaminants from the copper surface. For convenience and efficiency, you can use a brush.

Alambiks according to the type of production are divided into riveted and brazed. The use of staves is an ancient original method, this manufacturing technique gives the distiller a correspondingly noble appearance. However, it does not guarantee the absence of leaks. Soldering also provides tightness and allows the installation of additional elements.

Types of alambic in shape and design:

1. Classic alambik

Everything is simple with him: it consists of an alembic, a helmet with a “swan neck” and a cooler with a coil. It can be used to make homemade distillate one of a kind.

2. Arabic Alambik - Alquitar

A feature of its design is the vertical arrangement of all elements, including a refrigerator located above the helmet. Differs in compactness, it is often used for the production of essential oils.

3. Charente Alambique

Named for the location of use: in the French province of the same name, the famous cognac is produced in such alambicas. In such alambicas of significant volume, a second distillation is provided for it. The design of the Charente alambic is distinguished by the presence of an intermediate container between the cube and the cooler. It is intended for additional cooling or serves as a reservoir for raw materials.

4. Alambik with a column

A removable column is built in between the still and the helmet, playing the role of a flavoring chamber. Alcohol vapors here are saturated with essential oils and other aromatic components of the raw materials used (flower petals, berries, etc.). This design of alambika is used in perfumery production.

5. Portuguese Alambique

It is an analogue of an alambic with a column. But due to the larger volume of the evaporation chamber, it allows you to get a distillate of a higher strength.

6. Alambik with water seal

It has a special chute located between the walls of the distillation cube. Sometimes the design is supplemented with a rectification lens, which allows you to cut off the “head” fraction, and also helps to increase the strength of the product.

7. Alambik with distillation column

Allows you to get alcohol with a strength of up to 90 degrees. This is the same as in the case of a column moonshine with a reflux condenser: heavy fractions condense on the walls of the column and flow back into the cube.

8. Alambik in a water bath

Allows you to distill thick liquids, avoiding their burning. The heating of the cube in this case occurs due to the generated steam, i.e. the water in the "water bath" does not come into contact with the walls of the cube.

9. Whiskey alambic

Has an extended helmet. Due to this design, a more effective purification of alcohol vapors occurs, and the drink itself with a strength of up to 60 degrees is particularly soft. If you haven’t stocked up on a barrel for whiskey infusion, then it’s quite possible to make excellent homemade vodka, and then improve the drink according to.

More and more people prefer to produce alcohol on their own, especially since there are a huge number of recipes that allow you to create various drinks, including elite varieties - cognac, whiskey at home.

Naturally, for each type and variety, not only special ingredients and recipes are needed, but also appropriate equipment. Today we will talk about how to make copper - after all, it is a copper product that makes it possible to achieve the highest quality of alcohol.

Why moonshine is better than vodka?

At the very beginning of the article, we suggest talking about why you need to “drive” alcohol on your own at all, if the notorious, famous and sung in songs, stories and films, including American, Russian vodka is presented in abundance on store shelves!

Currently, vodka is produced under different brands and has a different price, depending on the quality and production features - that is, almost everyone can choose the brand that best suits their taste. However, not all so simple. Self-made alcohol, especially if copper equipment was used for these purposes, has several undeniable and clear advantages, including:

  • it is prepared exclusively from natural pure natural products;
  • variety of species - no matter what brand vodka is produced under, it remains vodka and nothing more, but a home-made product can be completely different, depending on what additives were used and what recipe it was prepared for;
  • price - in the end, the cost of vodka may seem even lower than the cost of the same volume of homemade drink. but, firstly, let's not forget about the price-quality ratio, and secondly, remember that you yourself can control how much you better cook.

The purest self-made moonshine is an exceptional basis for creating a variety of types of alcohol, from brandy and calvados to other elite varieties.

Equipment features and manufacturing secrets

Now it's time to talk about how to create a moonshine from copper pipes with your own hands. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, you just need to follow certain rules.

A self-made moonshine made from a copper pipe has a number of advantages and features. In particular, all processes, including chemical ones, occurring in it differ significantly from those that take place in other products.

The main alcohol product - high-quality alcoholic beverages (brandy, calvados, whiskey, cognac) - is made exclusively on copper devices. Copper absorbs all the sulfur compounds that appear in the mash during the fermentation process, but this is especially true for grain and fruit and berry brews.

If we talk about the most pronounced differences, then we should highlight a few of them:

  • high level of thermal conductivity - has a positive effect on the final quality of the product;
  • durability and reliability - a copper moonshine still, made by hand according to the drawings, is actually eternal, not wearing out;
  • richer taste - it has long been established that it is this metal that makes it possible to obtain a more delicate aroma and pleasant taste, which is due to special chemical processes that almost completely eliminate sulfur oxide and certain fatty acids;
  • faster exposure - the infusion time is reduced;
  • environmental friendliness - unlike aluminum products or models made of low-quality plastic, in this case there is no release of harmful, dangerous and absolutely useless compounds and substances that can change the taste and reduce the final strength;
  • presentable appearance - a hand-made copper coil for a moonshine still looks incredibly beautiful and atmospheric, fully in line with the process that you are performing.

Among the negative points, it is worth noting the relatively high final cost of such a model. However, it can be significantly reduced if copper tubes are used, and all other components are made of steel or plastic.

Over time, a thin oxide layer appears on the copper product. It does not have a noticeable effect on taste, but experts recommend getting rid of it in a timely manner, preventing a large increase. The best remedy for copper oxide is lemon juice or concentrated citric acid.

How to make a copper moonshine still

It is immediately necessary to understand that this is not a traditional moonshine still, about which we have written so much. This is a reinforcing column, where two streams interact simultaneously - liquid and gaseous.

Distillation - it is on this principle that the traditional moonshine still works - implies the separation of steam into steam itself and condensate, which flows down the coil and enters the receiving tank. This process is one-time within one distillation.

Rectification is a process that is different in nature, which ensures the constant interaction of both fractions - liquid and gaseous, due to which crystal purification and high (up to 960) strength of the drink occur. When the mash boils in the distillation cube, the steam tends up the column and condenses in the reflux condenser located at the top. Further, the condensate flows down, and a new portion of steam is already moving towards it. As a result, it turns out that at each stage of the column there is a constant interaction of both fractions.

The most optimal material for the manufacture of such a column is copper, which is absolutely safe for health even at high temperatures and is the least affected by alcohol. The main advantage of copper is that it absorbs all the sulfur-based compounds that inevitably appear as a result of mash fermentation. The smallest amount of sulfur in the production of mash based on sugar and water, the largest - on the basis of fruits and grains.

The height of the copper column is selected in such a way that in its upper part there is a temperature of 78 ° C - the boiling point of alcohol. In this case, only alcohol reaches the top, and ALL fusel oils whose boiling point is above 100 ° C settle in the evaporator.

To make copper moonshine stills with your own hands, it is recommended to additionally watch the corresponding video - so you can clearly appreciate all the nuances.

Before starting production, make an estimate so that you know exactly how much money you will have to spend on the purchase of copper sheets, tubes and special materials and tools.

First decide on the dimensions of the device - so you will not miscalculate the volume of consumables and estimates.

  • put a pattern on the copper sheet;
  • cut it out;
  • prepare the holes according to the drawing;
  • give the patterns the desired shape;
  • using a small tube, bend it into a serpentine.

Each connection in the column must go as deep as possible! There should not be a single place on the column with butt soldering - everything is exclusively on the fittings.

The assembly involves soldering - it must be of the highest quality in order to exclude even the slightest chance of skipping:

  • evaporation;
  • liquids.

So, the ideal option would be to use silver or lead for soldering, but the first would be preferable, since it guarantees greater tightness, more resistant to temperature extremes. Although it should be noted that silver is a more expensive material for soldering than lead.

Great importance is given to the diameter of the tube coming out of the distillation cube. The minimum allowable diameter should be 8-10 mm. Anything less is extremely dangerous to life and health.

Currently, a huge number of copper moonshine stills are on the market, where the tube diameter is up to 5 mm. The danger of such a pipe lies in the fact that any mote can clog it, and even more so when it comes to grain or fruit and berry mash. A stone, grain, lumps that fall into the tube instantly clog it. Considering that the pressure in the cube is approaching 200 Pa, with a clogged tube, this means a 100% explosion.

Principle of operation

The copper moonshine is a distillation column of a simplified design, which allows you to quickly get the desired drink.

The base is a reinforcing column with a special nozzle, which is connected to the distillation cube, and from where the process of vaporization begins. Next comes a miniature refrigerator (reflux condenser), turning into a swivel elbow. The copper moonshine is completed by a direct-flow refrigerator, made parallel to the reinforcing column. Water is supplied into it from below, cools the coil, through the jacket it simultaneously enters the jacket of the mini-refrigerator (reflux condenser), where, connecting with water, it exits the direct-flow.

When the mash boils, steam begins to be released, passes into a strengthening column and into a dephlegmator. Cooling due to the action of water, it breaks up into 3 fractions - water, alcohol and fusel oils. The condensate flows down the phlegm (flat spiral wire or balls in the reinforcing column) and interacts with the steam that continues to flow from the still. As a result of such condensation, the heaviest fractions (fusel oils) settle on the phlegm, the water flows back into the evaporator, and the alcohol, having recondensed, rises up into the rotary knee. It is here that a high-quality product is obtained in one distillation!

In its pure form, this drink is not suitable for consumption. 960 is a substance that is detrimental to life and health, which must be diluted to an acceptable 38-400.


A do-it-yourself copper moonshine still is an example of a distillation column (see). The main advantage is the high quality of the resulting alcohol. Copper allows you to effectively eliminate harmful impurities that have accumulated in the mash during the fermentation process, and the design of the column allows you to get pure alcohol in just one distillation.

A little about cleaning

When using a traditional moonshine still, it is impossible to obtain such pure alcohol as in a copper column. The main problem is residual fusel oils, which can significantly worsen the quality of the product and provoke a severe hangover.

In order to obtain a perfectly pure product, free of impurities and fusel oils, it is necessary to clean it as best as possible. For these purposes, activated carbon is ideal, which is used in water filters and gas masks.

A good choice would be coal, which is being developed for use in the related industry of home brewing and distillation. Three brands stand out:

  • OU-A;

Its price is relatively low, especially since you do not have to spend money on buying a filter, because it is easy to make it yourself.

How a filter is made

The process of creating a filter involves the following steps:

  • take an ordinary one and a half liter plastic bottle;
  • cut off the bottom;
  • make a small hole or even several in the lid;
  • screw on the cover;
  • turn the bottle upside down;
  • put cotton wool in the neck, a layer of gauze, then a layer of activated carbon and another layer of gauze;
  • pour the finished product through the resulting design, which will ensure the cleaning of the product.

Traditionally, in our country, alcoholic beverages are made at home using moonshine. However, not so long ago, very interesting products appeared on sale, which are also excellent for this purpose. They are made of copper and are called alambiks. In this regard, many fans of the distillation of homemade alcoholic beverages have a question: "Alambik or moonshine - which is better?"

Features of the design of the moonshine still

The classical equipment for the distillation of alcohol used in Russia consists of:

    A distillation cube in which raw materials are heated.

    Sealed lid with thermometer.

    Steam tube.

    Coil tubes.

    Refrigerator filled with water. A coil passes through this container.

    Containers for collecting the final product.

Sometimes the apparatus is supplemented with a distillation column. With its use, you can get very clean moonshine, devoid of any smell. As a filler in a distillation column, metal shavings are usually used. Heavy fractions of steam settle in this device.

Alambika design features

So, alambik or moonshine - which is better? To answer this question for yourself, you should also learn about the design features of the copper version. In fact, alambic is the same distillation cube. The design of the classic model includes:

    distillation cube;

    a helmet in the form of an onion;

    steam tube;

    coil in the refrigerator.

As you can see, structurally, the alambik is practically no different from the moonshine still. Often, in addition to it, a special column is purchased, installed between the helmet and the alembic. Unlike distillation, it is used to give moonshine a certain smell and taste. To do this, various natural ingredients are poured into it. Alambik with a column can be used not only for making moonshine, but also for obtaining essential oils. This is how in ancient times they used alambik (or moonshine for an alchemist). They learned how to get alcohol with its use a little later.

Essential oils are prepared in alambika using a rather simple technology. It is not mash, but water that is poured into the distillation tank. At the same time, flower petals are poured into the column, for example. Passing inside it, the steam simply captures aromatic compounds. Very often, alambicas are also used to make cognacs and other expensive alcoholic beverages.

Types of alambiks

The model described above is the classic, most popular alambik moonshine still. Its device is really simple. However, today on sale you can find slightly different varieties of this equipment. Alambikas exist:

    Designed for the production of whiskey. A feature of such devices is a helmet made in the form of an onion. With their use, you can drive moonshine with a strength of up to 70 gr.

    Charente. Used to distill cognac. A special container is additionally included in the design of this apparatus. With the use of such alambicas, almost continuous distillation can be carried out.

There are also alambiks with distillation columns, water seals, in a water bath, etc.

Alambik or moonshine - which is better in this or that case?

What is the best device to buy for making alcoholic beverages at home? In this case, it all depends on the purpose for which it is supposed to use the device.

Since alambiks are made of copper, their price is much higher than for conventional moonshine stills. The first type of distillation devices costs about 12-25 thousand rubles. can be purchased for 3-10 thousand. Thus, the high cost can be attributed to the minuses of alambiks. Their advantage is that:

    Moonshine expelled with their use is better. The copper from which they are made absorbs many harmful substances during the distillation process. In addition, even in the absence of a column, some of them settle in the helmet.

    With the use of alambik, you can cook not only moonshine, but also liquors, wine, etc.

    Thus, in the event that you only need the unit for making moonshine, it is better to purchase an inexpensive regular stainless steel model. But at the same time, you should definitely pay attention to the quality of the material used for manufacturing. Stainless steel should be food, and even better, medical. With the use of such moonshine stills, it is possible to drive a drink, in quality inferior to that made with the help of alambika, only slightly.

    If it is supposed to make not only moonshine, but also other, more complex drinks, of course, you should pay attention to alambik (or

    The best models of moonshine stills and reviews about them

    Most often in our country they buy equipment of this type of brand:



Judging by customer reviews, using the latter, you can drive a very good moonshine, almost devoid of any smell. Also, the advantages of "Gorilychi" include ease of use and low cost.

Apparatus "Magarych" lovers of distillation of homemade alcoholic beverages are also considered very reliable. The advantage of these models is also considered excellent build quality and attractive appearance. Such a device can serve for a very long time, as it is made of thick steel. The simplicity of design and the absence of unnecessary details are also considered by many to be a plus for models of this brand.

Alambik moonshine still: consumer reviews

The best equipment of this type is considered to be made in Portugal and Spain. It is about these models that there are the most good reviews. Alambiques are usually made by hand in these countries and are not cheap. Their assembly is carried out according to technologies developed in ancient times. Copper for the manufacture of such alambiks is used only the highest quality. Enterprises specializing in its production carefully monitor this.

Too inexpensive devices of this variety, many consumers are not advised to purchase. The fact is that often these are ordinary fakes made of stainless steel, only decorated with copper. Consequently, the moonshine expelled in them is absolutely no different from that prepared in a traditional apparatus.

Where can I buy?

Many users are interested in where you can buy such an interesting moonshine still. Barrels and alambicas, as well as ordinary stainless steel models, are often sold in specialized departments of household appliances shopping centers. This equipment can also be purchased online. A barrel should be bought for storage, for example, cognac made with the help of alambic.

Is it possible to make an alambic with your own hands

To make such a device yourself is not too simple. However, with a strong desire, everything is possible. Sheet copper and a minimum of skills in soldering it is all that is needed to assemble such equipment as an alambic moonshine with your own hands. Reviews about equipment of this type made by Russian craftsmen are often no worse than about Portuguese and Italian ones. But only if high-quality material and expensive solder with the addition of silver were used during its assembly. The very same technology for making alambic looks like this:

    Cutting is done beforehand. Of course, it will be problematic to make a spherical distillation vessel. But it is quite possible to give it a cylindrical shape with a smoothed contour of the top and bottom.

    Soldering is in progress.

    The finished device is cleaned to a shine.

Thus, asking the question: "Alambik or moonshine - which is better?", You should first of all be guided by the purpose for which the equipment is required. The first variety is worth buying for those who want to try their hand at making different types of alcoholic beverages. If you need ordinary moonshine, it is still better to purchase a simple stainless steel model.

Translated from Arabic, its beautiful, intriguing name al-ambik means just an alembic and completely determines its purpose. There is another version: this is the ancient Greek definition of a vase, which is very similar to the alambic - "ambix".

The history of its appearance goes back into the depths of centuries. Even the Greek philosopher Zosimus in the ΙΙΙ century was lucky to find drawings of alambic on the ancient walls of Egyptian temples. But since the ancient Greeks preferred mostly low-alcohol ambrosia from alcoholic beverages, the miracle device was used exclusively for distilling resins, obtaining essential oils, essences.

Originally created for the manufacture of medicines, alambik, once in Europe, turned into the main apparatus for the production of perfumes. And only in the XVΙ century people came up with, distilling sour wine, the main use today is the distillation of alcohol. Around the same time, until then, Rus', unspoiled by strong alcohol, learned from its western neighbors the wiring and, naturally, invented its own alambic - a moonshine still.

In 1831, Aeneasa Coffey invented the continuous distillation alambik, which still produces vodka, gin, whiskey and other good quality spirits.

Having adopted the thousand-year experience of their ancestors, modern masters still manufacture devices for distillation using technologies proven over the centuries. Their main raw material is copper. Only some parts that are not in contact with the distilled food product are allowed to be machined from stainless food steel. All elements are connected using high-temperature soldering, which guarantees a long service life.

The device consists of:

  • helmet - "bulbs";
  • distillation cube;
  • condenser;
  • steam tube.

Today, the main producers of copper moonshine stills are Portugal and Spain.

Alambika types

Alambique portuguese- this is one of the most ancient inventions of mankind for the distillation of liquid. As a rule, it is made of copper by hand by forging. Each Portuguese master tries to make his work exclusive by applying his own ornaments, oriental patterns, on the walls of the cube, by which the creator of the masterpiece is easily identified. By and large, the Portuguese Alambique is called so because it is made in Portugal. Moreover, it can be of different types and different design features.

This is a moonshine from France, the province of Charente. With its help, the primary distillation of wine is made into a product with a strength of 30 o, and then a secondary distillation into raw cognac alcohol of 70 o strength. It is clogged in oak barrels for a period of 3 to 200 years to get a wonderful cognac "Hennessy", known throughout the world. Design features that distinguish the device.

  1. Economizer. It consists of a container of wine through which a coil passes. From its lower part, a tube for supplying heated wine to the distillation cube departs.
  2. Furnace-furnace. Initially, it was heated with wood, now gas is used.
  3. Cap and "swan neck". In essence and principle of operation, they are an air dephlegmator that extinguishes foam and increases the concentration of steam.

It is interesting that in Rus' in the 17th century such a moonshine was made, which, like two drops of water, looks like a Charente alabamik, only the curved tube “swan neck” was called “goose” in it.

- a high-class professional apparatus for the distillation and production of whiskey, as well as other high-grade noble drinks with a strength of up to 70 o. Like all the previously described alambiks, the whiskey is made of forged copper that absorbs harmful substances and has a high thermal conductivity, equipped with a thermometer and a safety valve. Another difference from other models is the shape of the cap (helmet) in the form of an onion, rising high vertically.

Alambik with a column is designed for distillation of aromatic alcohol. Various organic substances are placed in the column, which give their esters to the distilled product. In addition, the same device can be used to obtain cosmetic hydrolates or essential oils.

A distillation apparatus, a type of alambika, designed for the distillation of noble alcohol, flavored and improved, as well as aromatic components of various cosmetics. It would seem that everything is the same, but there is a significant difference - the alquitara has a vertical arrangement of nodes, which, in turn, are connected using silver-based solders with a small (0.05%) lead content. With the help of the Alcitara apparatus, it is possible to obtain a product much stronger (up to 60 o) from one distillation than with ordinary alambika. Alquitara works with a capacity of approximately 3 liters per hour

Differences between alambika and moonshine still

The design of these two devices is fundamentally no different. There is a difference only in the details, which in some way affect the process.

Node nameAlcohol mashineAlambik
alembicThe shape can be both cylindrical and rectangular. Sometimes aluminum cans, glass bottles are adapted for it. The material is also used varied: glass, aluminum, food grade stainless steel. An outlet valve is attached to the bottom of the cube.Made from pure copper by hand forging. It has the shape of a round decanter, vase or ball with a neck. As a rule, it has no additional details, except for two handles.
LidAn important part of the apparatus, in which a thermometer is built in to monitor the degree of heating of the mash, is a safety valve that relieves excess pressure in the cube. The lid is hermetically fixed by a locking mechanism on the cube.The bulb lid or cap fits snugly into the socket of the cube. There is no rigid fixation, therefore, with excessive pressure, the lid simply rises and depressurizes the device. As a rule, no additional devices are used.
Steam tubeFits tightly into the lid. Can be made from different materials."Goose", "Swan neck" or just a pipe - these are the characteristic features of various types of alabama. In the apparatus of the alquitar, it is not at all.
CoilA spiral tube passing through a "cooler" in which condensation occurs.

There are designs in which the cooling tube, on the contrary, passes through heated steam.

FridgeIt is a container with cold water.Similarly
Container for collecting the received productNot included, any vessel.Not included, any vessel.

The biggest difference is the material used. Since complex chemical reactions take place inside the container, the material from which the container itself is made is of great importance in the process of distilling a liquid. If in a conventional moonshine still the manufacturer, using glass, aluminum or stainless steel, achieves a neutral reaction of the walls of the cube and positions the containers as harmless to humans, then in the story with the oriental "Aladdin's lamp" the opposite is true. Here the copper from which it is made reacts with the contents of the dishes, which is very welcome, and precipitates sulfur oxide. The liquid is absorbed by reacting with the metal, while the taste of the product becomes many times better, more pleasant.

Another big difference between the devices is their cost. It is easy to guess that exclusive hand-made copper alambiks are valued an order of magnitude higher than ordinary moonshine stills used by Russians.

But the magic "Aladdin's lamp" has an additional bonus. If an ordinary moonshine still is taken out of the pantry only for the duration of work, and the rest of the time it is hidden from prying eyes, then on the contrary, the alambic is put on public display as a beautiful work of art. Its graceful forms, curves, engraving ornaments, copper shades give an oriental flavor to any interior.

What's better?

Having listed all the main characteristics, we can conclude that it is better for the successful production of home-made alcohol, alambique or moonshine. Each of them is good in its own way, and each of the distillers determines the pros and cons, based on what he wants to get at the output, essential oil, calvados, brandy, cognac or strong Russian moonshine.

Recently, the traditions of home-brewing are beginning to be actively revived. You can also prepare elite whiskey, Calvados or absinthe in an ordinary kitchen. The main thing is that a novice winemaker should have a high-quality moonshine and enough information about its use.

Among the devices for obtaining high-quality drinks, perhaps, one can single out a copper Portuguese alambik. In this exotic-looking distiller, ancient traditions and modern technologies are optimally combined. Such an apparatus is a copper distillation cube with a vapor tube connected to a cooler. By distillation, you can get any alcoholic beverage, even absinthe and rare armagnac.

There are many types of alambiks: standard, whiskey, for making whiskey and cognac, etc. Currently, such copper distillation stills are produced by the Portuguese company Al-Ambig, whose craftsmen use certified materials and a centuries-old distiller manufacturing method. The process of making alambika is quite laborious and requires special knowledge.

But even despite this, many winemakers and moonshiners believe that the production of copper alambik is possible outside of specialized production.

Here the question arises: how to make an alambik with your own hands, what is needed for this and is it profitable at all, because now it is not difficult to buy a Portuguese copper distiller?

Most people think that a copper moonshine distiller is expensive and it is more profitable to make an alambik yourself. By the way, the price of this copper apparatus corresponds to the quality and long-term manufacturing process of the alambik. Portuguese craftsmen make alambicas only by hand, using silver-based solders for joining, so the copper distiller has a price commensurate with labor and quality.

On forums and websites for professional winemakers, there are a huge number of articles and reviews about homemade alambicas. There are even attempts to make a distiller from stainless steel. Yes, such a device will look like a real Portuguese alambik, but do not forget that the highlight of the distiller is in the material from which it is made.

Copper has a large number of useful qualities. Firstly, it absorbs sulfur oxide that is formed during the fermentation process, secondly, it reduces bacterial contamination, and thirdly, it has excellent heat transfer. Stainless steel, alas, does not have such qualities.

It is important to know that the leading cognac and wine houses of the world use exactly copper alambicas to prepare such legendary drinks as Remy Martin, Courvoisier and others.

But there are craftsmen who undertake to make an alambik from copper. To make a Portuguese distiller at home, you will need: copper sheets, tools for work (hammer, scissors, etc.), silver solders and a soldering iron.

1) First, calculate the size of the future distiller. It consists of an understanding of what volume you need a cube and its proportional relationship with the rest of the parts;

2) Create a drawing, according to which metal blanks will later be made. Amateur craftsmen advise taking copper with a reference thickness of 1 mm, as the Portuguese do, but, unfortunately, such metal is the most difficult to process in domestic production. Those who made the alambik on their own note that it is extremely difficult and difficult to work with copper. It is also important to understand that the metal that can be bought on the non-ferrous metal market or from resellers will not be of high quality.

3) Make a drawing.

As you can see in the drawing, the design of the alambic consists of several parts and you will have to tinker with them to correctly position them on the so-called pattern. Do not forget to leave allowances for the seams on the workpieces, this is extremely important.

4) Cut out the alambika blanks with a grinder or a circular saw;

5) With the help of a hammer, mallet, metal shears and other tools, copper blanks for the distillation cube and cooler are processed;

6) From a pipe of a suitable size, make a spiral for the cooler;

7) Gather all the parts together and carefully solder;

8) Finish the seams with silver solder. Some craftsmen use lead as solder when making their own alambik. In fact, this is a violation of the rules for the manufacturing process of a copper distiller. Moreover, lead is not as wear-resistant as silver, and it can adversely affect the quality of the finished product.

9) Clean the finished distiller to a shine.

It is important to understand that you will only get an approximate copy of the famous Portuguese copper still. Alambik is also famous for its original appearance, but it is almost impossible to achieve an ideal design by making alambik in a workshop or at home. Masters in Portugal process copper for a distiller for a very long time and painstakingly, having undergone special training before that.

Do-it-yourself alambik, of course, will not fully meet all the necessary parameters. The Portuguese in production carefully check every detail and every soldering area before sending distillers to customers. Also, for better water resistance, the seams are coated with a special solution of linseed oil.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out why it is worth buying a copper distiller from a certified dealer, and not making an alambic yourself.

As mentioned above, the material from which the master made the apparatus is important. Copper has excellent performance - it absorbs harmful substances, and also quickly cools and heats up. Firstly, all Portuguese distillers have a 2-year warranty, and in the event of a breakdown or malfunction, you can contact the manufacturer, who is obliged to exchange or repair the product.

Moreover, in the event of a breakdown, you will have to spend time repairing it. When an amateur says: “I will make an alambik myself,” he must understand that he is taking on a great responsibility.

Also, no one can be sure that a home-made copper moonshine will produce alcohol with the right taste and a suitable strength. The finished product will not be desulfurized with copper, hence additional purification will be required. Do I need to spend my time and energy in order to first make the device, and then try to competently overtake the mash on it?

Now there is a huge selection of different alambiks that meet all the needs of buyers. In addition to elite models of distillers, such as the Charente, there are classic alambicas, which make it easy to get high-quality alcohol, and they will pleasantly please you with their price.

No wonder they say, a miser pays twice. It is better to spend money on a quality thing once and enjoy the distillation process and, most importantly, be sure of the result, than to experiment and try to make an alambik yourself.